The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1898, Image 8

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YHUftftDAV Sensational? Well, Yes! Cuttorn##* are dally profiting by our naw acbadula of ra* ducad price*. August la in Ita rantth* it will aoon bog in to wana. Autumn coma* on apaca. Tha baat mathoda appaal to uft. Thay tuggaat gatting rid of all Sum mar stocks. That*a Just what wa ara doing. Lucky for you; lucky for us. You aacura bargains; wo sacuro bare countars and empty shelvos. The bene fit la entirely mutual* WHITES AND NEGROES ON CARS Law is Till Vfsrjiti* *( Ilf Hsm m BiUntl*. Pul M MlMf #«*• hi «*• Mr« *4 M Atlanta. The MMpptn tai’ w*i| M •»*>.. a to itml el tk* towdjHam and ruda htkaviu# el Ik# negom* ‘» ,k “ electric *4 ret* t cnee, Mute Ik* ?ui|hd Hill ItM dan Ike TYalk mug« Imm lum amt at Camp Tk* Harald ikia nw»fß.a« la ream ■Mlaa aallfc ao Atlaala gealleawiß a>. atX'Ord tb# fart and wa* aurprlacd Is laara tkat tberr mm a law oa lit Mai tor book* inttraiai tkw carry ibk ul white aad boloretl pa*a*ug*r* <>» eltr- 1 - aad other alrrat cars, aa wall m aaa ratlotail train* A prialb.*it lawyer waa area aad pottn*d out tb* •■tkj win a found ia tka law* of ine-fl pa* l IST. »l* : -And all roadortora of dua>m> clw trie aad atmot cars aba't be required and ara hereby taporrrwl to aaann an [I a ail a m -~I to aaatano tbarara under thrlr rbarge ao aa to separate the t*hlt«> Mi colored rare* aa much a* practicable and all conductor! of dummy. electee and street car# arc hereby Inrcatrd with pollen power* to carry out the provisions of thla art." Tha Atlanta gantlanan went on to atair that the qpnductor# of the street car* up In the Oat* City mad* It a point to observe the lan and aa II •sent* If la not generally known the Information la hereby given tor tbe benefit of Col. Dyer'* motornua and conductor*. 501 .Dll:K FROM SANTIAOO. He Came Through Augusta tin Houtc to Savannah Today. A colored soldier whose name could not be learned, but who ha* *c«n ser vice tn Cuba, arrived here on the Southern train thla morning and left on ihe Central for Eavrnnah. H* had been sick, it was learned. The Herald man hunted tbe atek aoldler up, but h ' wo* not at tlie depot, having gone out Into town somewhere. He wa* among the number who ar- Hved at New York a few day* ago. ••A Northern Heart.*' Capt. Geo. H. Howard corralled a Jtiraty-looklng squud of ihe First Maine regiment yesterday near hi* etore and Invited them In to partake of refreahments. After the boy* hod smiled nnd Rene on to the depot, one especially tired locklnng soldier boy strolled In, explained that he had- un fortunately been with his rompnnlons. vaa broke and would very much ’o beve something before Having. The captain anid he was a soldier Jlmself and knew what It was, and the Vne trooper was accommodated. The Maine Infantryman wiped Ills lips, »lretched out his hand and said: “Cap, » want to shake the hand of one Southern man with a Northern heart!" Henry North Out Today. Henry North Is out for ihe first time today since his recent Illness of about jt month. He looks somewhat pale »nd peaked, a little thin and gaunt, says he Is a trifle weak end doesn't care about running around the block for a few days yet. but he Is the same '•Sunshine" as of yore. Rhodes Property Sold. It is learned that the corner occupied by Messrs A. B. Saxon 4i Bro., belong ing to tbe Rhodes estate, was pur ihas.ed yesterday by Moses Mnrphey, be price, so it is said, being SII,OOO. Lloyd Lyons improving. Col. Dyer received a telegram from MaJ.rVry. of McPherson Barracks, this morning saying that Lloyd Lyon pass ed a good night and thpt now there was a strong chance for hi a recovery. •* * .—....- »■ Mr. T. J. Sheron has returned to Uie city. MIS» OOUU) ftIVCS Ik* kwuy kin ||« S #w, Ml *•***< * Fat tk* .tddbn N«i \at% 4«m# Slk Al il* *• 1 Aim m I *.M* *I Ww*-m t Wftf Hr!kit J# ' mm. M 4 ■» W lf»t4>y «i tin Wt#4«r*f Ih*9#l H »** ■ (kal m«» H»Jf* OmM km 4 %*mmmm 4 ilmi •mkk'MMloci for tli# ftilrf rmrii m*»w ! f iq prwfftnwk, Tli# WMMff ## 111 to# mn! in |w»* lw* i ** wfifliK for ill# cs«hchh, kal! pt Hr.pYll.' tk# MH #1 tfaftlftil'# Iktat Mm Onak} hm* hr# a a •»t»a#r j of ll* UK* j<M jnkfl •t#C# It Vtt f(». ,8f I, ' 3 it#** fvK'tgii If mm a#*Sriiif 41* ! r#HOf paifii Ik thla cipa* tty »h*; 111 prwld«4 It lh* MHißff t»#*4 f 4M#-! if. nwtmg If* Ihr Ilwar* t 4 Hr* 11*1*4 f Manila Waivorik, it# 4 ran«r gtaa* J r » I Tl># liitvf Im Rf»w #*r*Mt*l»## ll*ail• ■ qti*rt*t* at Mcniaak Nat **4 4lf#m all ihr r*!t#f work of (ht UMiriiMoa | tb#r* Whm tl# anriHf (ora*d tt*at'*#r o» I tn lh# catrp at Moatank Point Ml# j Uowld wa* one of tke ftrat to go there jto ftbd out the seeds of tbe men • (the hue made two visit* to the ramp | an far aad after each visit ha* per ’ aoaatly'superintended the purchasing nt the suppltea requited. Two weeha ago It waa announced that ah# bail given IK* l tn the fund of the aaaocl*- tion. and aeveral rantrlbutsona had been made by her previoua to that. In addition to thla aaalatgnce. Mia* Could, with *»m« of tbe trtber mem bers of the aworlatlon. ha* visited several of tbe boapdal ships and of fered lo‘supply anything that waa needed. In several cases the offer waa accepted and supplies were pur chased by her. On her visile to Camp WikJfr Miss Gould has gone all .»*er tbe ramp, aa It waa her deeire to rotne In close contact with the men and learn their needs In detail. U Wa* the ohservatlcna thus made thaf led Mia* Gould to make the gif! of A2.Y000 which waa announced yeaterdag, PROSPERITY IN SAVANNAH. Business /Ten Generally Take a Hope ful View of the Situation. Savmnah. Oa.. Aug. J5 —The eetnta- Unn of hostilities ia looked upon an rn indication of a coming revival In tr. de in duvannah. Huslneae men and bauk otficcr* give out encouraging re port*. Cotton factories state that their country customer* send In excellent re ports cf a revival In trade in the In terior. The railroad* having head quarter* In Savannah are counting on a big business this winter. Tbp Cen tral railway has Just eomplelede SOO n «v freight cars and the Plant Rail way system recently gave an order for several ne«’ locomotives All the In dustries adjacent to Savannah are working on full time. The railroads of Ihe South have just ended a prosperous year. The annual report of the Centra! of Georgia will be Issued soon, find a dividend will he declared larger than any slnre the reorgaglzatlon of the road. KISSED AS HOBSON WAS. Tarrytown Belles Salute a Returning Soldier. Tarrytown. N. Y.. Aug. 25.—Brandt H. Engelkc, of the Sevcnty-tifth regi ment, Is home ou a furlough. While walking on Washington street he met Mrs. David MeHavey, who was so pleased to se him that she threw her arms around him and hugged and klsa ed him. Meeting her friend, Miss Bes sie Tompkins, later, she told her how she had greeted Engelke. Miss Tomp kins is one of Tarryiown’s belles. She said she would do the same thing. She met Engelke this afternoon on Main street, and. going up to him, gave him a good Hduerze and kissed him square ly on the lips. NOT FOUND Yt T. The Police Have Not Located Jim Bush. The poliee have not yet located Jitn Bush, who is wanted for the nmrner of Mary Newman, who died ai the Lamor hospital yesterday. TBD AUQUBTA MUBALD. THEY HAVE I 10MORROW NIGH! ICMC •«* III* HkgflßWk ■ * t*k PNH M I Albs twvMee tk #*e edt gke V wWob * AWerw* *—> ♦w» tIkMM »* l«*w ~t.M hot to ktwpwwk fern Tmpwa 1 They r-iMit f #M ft I llm t #i4 V*f! #H4 *4 IWi* | HUHt ftMMWMWI M*'* ( IIMT il(k f W* •*** < !" 9 | —l>Mi! TW •#• 4P#f» •*•< *ft *f Tli# MNNW *4* '*4 I#* mm* ***** ***** 111 mm 4 Cm € mm* Cm** I Yiffvll mm 4 CkvtM. M«r* mt A *4p*#t* t*rm** #4 k*fc»i*. 4*4 Cmp j* Jt I. f rn, * ft 4w* Y t ■%,* f • ft; I if j- MR I* 1 fc|##* ##4 ##HM • I®# mt mr***99* w w l (v# Im# m#»* ®r 4ml!l* •**# *•** im a slattip The order* did tint come for the hnya ‘to go karh tn tar to they kept hard jot It. telling tke fellow* of (he todure. meat* of rrmp life In tint# of peace. They gala*4 four or «vr men aad I the** af'.l annnmpnwy the rwrrnltlag •qrad hark tn camp tomorrow. From what cap be learned Ihe pro* j perta are that Ihe Bee* nd Georgia i will be aatoag the last regiment* mu*- | t»r*d out of arrelce For thoae who ! d«elr* to apend a few week* la camp. i probably nor*, they will do well lo join the above regiment It la not too ' late to sign an eallatmrat blank. CONGRESSMAN TOI.BFRT HERE M« W 111 Be Nominated Foe Hi* Fourth Term Tuesday Congressman W, J. Talbert of llm Second Houth Carolina district «ai in Augusta today. lie Is ret timing to bis home at Parksvllle. after spending some time in the i amps tan. Col. Talbert baa no opposition and on Tuesday nest he will be chosen without opposition fur his fourth term as representative from hit congres sional district. This naturally apenks very highly for the esteem in which he is held by hta constituents. He aald the great trouble with congress was that too many representatives lived In Wash ington without ever taking occasion to go home and mingle with the people they were tntpp ted to represent. For his part he always made It a point to mingle with them aa ofien as possible whether he had opposition or nut. Col. Talbert would not ven, lire an opinion as to who would be elected In the South Carolina primary next Tues day. The candidate* wore so numer ous and the Issues so complicated that It was almost Impossible to make a rational prediction. FESTIVAL THIS EVENING. Augusta Relief League Will Raise Money For w orthy Cause. The Augnsta Relief League will tills evening give a festival on lower Broad street between Linroln and Houston street. The proceeds of the festival will go towards the fund for the Red Cross hospital at Jacksonville. The money will be invested In cordials for the sick soldiers. The proceeds of the Igst festival given by th" Relief League went, towards buying sheets and pi** lowcases to be used in tbc hospital. The cause Is a noble one that the League Is working for, and all should attend the festival this evening. Help the good work along. THEY TOOK FORTY KEYS. Four Boys Steal Keys From Locks on Greene Street Houses. They stole forty keys. That is what four young boys did a day or so ago. The key belonged to some locks on half-finished houses on Oreene street. The boys took the keys in a spirit of mischief, us there was to steal after they had obtained mePhs of en trance to the houses. The keys be longed to Yale locks, forty locks. All have been recovered. Nothing lias been done with the boys übsbt the matter. riust be Something. Minnie —What a monotonous time those poor heathen oWuPen who wear almost no clothes must have. Mamie —I wonder what they find to worry over? —Indianapolis Journal. OEMLf WORK OF IHE DRUG llllwi *|» Miffliir. tM if I I (ft m4m ftl 4# | Mi Mil in >i 9444# t*4 Hi# 4# 1*1441 da. fsrlktrfm! |t !| |k# |m#4 • M %£w(4iw*. «, f # C #4 IlfcP f<M444 mmKmm* *** YMli WATIIR WOWKSk I *tHwat*d (• H# Coaapietad at or* k t Aw at- A |l#n*4 Imp# 4 • m* *"4 < #' jpi iiT4HT WliMlftpWl f»#BWNI*44 4|»f4» t iOM* <4l IW# 4##! PilWwlfllm *! W*H Im fs r*4 9441 f ’**4lrwr? t «4 lot Uh rni|iM Hm al **• « j , i ...a aa tditi?’■»»! ft V lt*k* mim\4 b* 4®4 Itt mfb \ T%#t4 **f mmmr ** * nut* j toy IP tilt ln*l#ll4U*i4 of thm mmrbin ! rry. IH# ■MMHrtArt»r#i* nmy 4ot hmw* . It ready alikoogh they have pmmi*cd | K witlvei, to he on hand oHh the j TM Herald predicta that a year | I brace. Aagvstana who have berom* by 'lung years of oaag# w* trwtlnnr) In tba reddish muddy «uld. will wonder ' when seeing the elegy water gushing jfrnm their hyrtarata sod faueela. bow j they ever stood tt so long PERSONAL. Mrs, G. H. Fuller of Osltwill* !• . la the city. Mr*. Maggls Dugas haa returned from Atlanta. Mrs W H. Siulb of Macon ia vtaltlng ■ frtono* In the city. Mias Sallis Oaater of tirotetown . Wfa in town vest onlay , gi ■ T. W. ("oakery returned from TTtllulah Falls this miming Mr. John K. Holden, an aittirney at ("rawfoi dvllle. (ia.. is in (he city to day. Mrs. Z. McCoid and Mr. C. Z. Mc- Cord have returned from Marietta. I (ia. Ml** Virginia Lowe and Miss Joaie j Map are spending a few day* at Salu- , da. N, C. Mr. H C. Knox of the Chattanooga. Rome and Southern railroad la at the Arlington. Mr. Oeorge Bosmnn. shipper for Mesar*. Cochran & Co., returned from the north yesterday. Mrs J. H. Jones will leave salur 'day so a two weeks" visit to Mrs. J. L. Turner in Macon. Mr. Felix Luck has returned from a visit to his fi.mily, who are summer ing ut Wayoesvllle, N. c. Mr. Wallace Palmer Is ovor from Macon today greeting his old friends. He etnas' to Macon Rnlght. The friends of Mrs. Catherine Speth will regret to hear (ji>sU she is quite; sick at her home on lower Greene street. Miss Maud.ce Wimberly, anti attrac-j tive ycung lady of Castle Keep, sear Greens Cut, Ga.. is visiting her s sior. Mrs. Robt. L. Oak mill). Mr. Fred Cody, who has been in business in Augusta, is on a visit home. Fred has been sick and co tines home bn recuperate his health, and we think he will soon he all right again, after breathing the pure air of McDuf fie.—Thomson Enterprise. Miss Maude Peeples left today for her home near Seotin. S. C. Miss Pee ples has been takings t horough business course at Osborne's College, and has. during her stay in Augusta, made many friends who will always be de lighted to welcome her In their midst. Mr. J. B. Tutt, the well known real estate agent, today completed the sales of two pieces of real estate In the ower portion of the city. The prop erty No. 341 Walker (greet, owned ami recently occupied by Mr. L. C. Hayne. was purchased by Mr.' D. Langley, nml a pierce of Ellis street iioperty. No. B*l, was sold to Mr. W. if Miller. * UnfortuMfc. Spanish Grandee —11*1 people will de mand titr account sonic clay, 1 fear, j Sec->TUt~Gra ndee—WßSt shall we d<»* All thejxorld knows are no bonier I keepcrrA— Cincinnati Hnquirer. ~’-H TAILOR WAS FOUHD GUILTY Tit lylft f mi! !iqi4ftti ItftftftfM" fti pi napik A 444#Mi#N49 t <#9M 1*44 41444 4p# Mftlli<> Nit- ll# Halt ##• t» ; “#Ml'f49 s&*** j CONOR!> KtNAI cI»N'*NTION ft YTHI Or Held Hers aw th« I die* nth of September. , The meeting of the Tenth district - j rg»mm ■nr of ill* diaiornUlc fmHf *** lhl * ***.*' «b« i‘Q#rt kottMi Tlit cnmni.u** w*i j 4tr*4 a uamimmUum too**ot»«o •« I mftrl || A wyMti * Jlf* RIBIKV i#> 4CIM I fvUtfwiiti fr||| bt pppointtd from 1 ffrk of tht (tuiiMM 14 l4t dltiflft (of | ; | v run v< it' üB. Tht roqil4t of tkt bhHidc wmm a* ■ I follow*' Tht i (Mom* it# *m» eallti to onW; Iby C. M Oohto. K*q . a* *rt rtUrf. I4#j I chairman ht n# abtrnl- I’pon mot too of Hoykla Wright , Rsq representing N. A. Crawford nf | | Lincoln county, by progy. C. Heory j I C'.ihrn was called to the chair. Kvery county was represented ! 1 pi* son or by proxy except Glascock . Ibitaty. On iD'.tlon, Wm E Keener. repre-| nerning N. A. Smith of Wllk.naon. wa* elected aecreTary. The following resolution introduced | by Mr W J. Heggie of Columbia I Wbunty. was unanimously adopted: lh' It Resolved. That a convent 100 be' held by the dem i rntle party at the i Tenth Cocgtess.onal d:«.rlet nt thei court house on the 15th of September. | In the city of Augusta, at 12 m.. f>r the purpose of nominating a candidate j for congrea*. and tbe tratutaclon of mieh other businea* a* the welfare of the party may suggest. There being no further bu*lne*« Ihe committee adjourned. MRS JNO ’i. SULLIVAN Died at Her Home. 14,0 Rroad, at 1:30 This Afternoon Many friends will be grieved to hear of the death of Mrs. John R. Sullivan, which occurcd at half past two o’clock this morning at her residence, No. 1440 Broad street. Mrs. Sullivan had only been sick Im# day* with a severe attack of gastritis. Every possible nttea'imi was given to 1 her by her oevoted family, but medical I skill could avail nothing and the end 1 came peacefully this morning. Mrs. Sullivan was the wife Of Mr. John R. Sullivan, bookkeeper of tbe Riverside Mills, and a sister of Mr. J. J. Davis. The funeral occur tomorrow morning from St. Patrick's church. The following gentlemen tire requested to act as pallbearers: Messrs. F. J. Rcelett, 0. J. O'Hara. W. L. Brennan. \V. J. Prkall. J. P. Walsh. P. J. Calla han, James Dever and M. J. Walsh. AN OLD SION. That Has For Years Been Covered Brought to View. An' old Augusta landmark has re cently been unveiled in a signboard over Macaulay * Co.'s dry goods store. The sign bears Ihe name of "Gray, Mulla.'ky & C 0.," and there are possi bly not more than a dozen or so resi dents who cau take their minds back to the ante helium days when this firm did the leading ! <try goods business of the city. The sign has for yen is occupied its oid place over the store, but was up to a few days ago covered by a mcne recent one. In making some recent improvements this was shown up and come like a forgotten 'face from a long-buried past. WE MAKE TMIS SUGGESTION. I * vsaw pt #mm§ U> 4m • Hlkr HmdMtf (#1 ra|Mh#iM* M m Hfkpw Am# 4- I Drup m • f»*ui «Ml •* *•# uutt m **n4 4 HUM Ik *OO tv** i k« «*«■ Kelp mhi take MMaMffilifWh' (tfj sen# < et«lb«uwt tmd |MM** kwt(l»f Ik fM ym (Kg Kelp vtwi tseed Then tad ta# IHI IHe pffcf# H* v*Hpt vtm I Wrkfll Tl# fk4»f4 *m lw (4 ft#M I i\ii(|ii>Tu SilijilM 'J" BMkdkifari €* uiV^ WmmSrnm* %##*. " v * NEARLY a nil I KMN ti* gad T*tal •• tyytafdsNm* msd CaSimts law Iks tewtsk ITsirti :ngtint 4«g XI. ■*• Tk* » 4« r w* j «f t |ir 1 -it sr wrw eVvert. a«c.j 4# I* Mi I# 4* f*#* fk* T #~-l •* *4* I «m# *t *m* *#44lM«l «4 <MI# # M 4« - 94# «|*,f«arv |w t rti i .m ' * (*mci * # > yr |#| iriMt mi #■ **#mi9# ##4 !» *(•♦•* - Immi ft**# Imm#i v#m44M9444 99m* 14* *# ■■#'9 my-mn -*| tetf 94# |**9 : * »**" f% f q f T f Cbm'-m *«4|. Hi 4 C ] «f#9*#f# Ml# 4 <"*4*4 fNß>94'49 4' ##4 A rnmmm** 1 * mt t 44 »>'*:.•■ #iMHM ff**4 iol«l U» 4# 441 2SI «tY T4# «Mltur# HSUf*: *lW* $23 143 2*l eipuam m. ii mmrm mi tv It wa ■ ft ifMH Nr. ifWwt •• •*. tiintM. tkdakw. k«t«ht it*#. |3tJitm«. mtiitkry kr*w*'«y.‘ e»v»i. iMisstuk pom.*-*, mm rn toil* t s *<% :i #9* #44 212, •#* pwwgkw V mn. •Mt.TTtJM; gafw j relhuMooa apponprtathm*. »«Sk»m;l i*r»*nil aPPcoprtaHnW* (JIT.kkSSS* Grant i til of appropriatUm* Of tkt* amnuat |Mt *-*.* »J 7 3* te tn •nthenac' to la entered Into for tha coast rwcf ton of new ban leak ip* and otkec naval veaaei*. five gc-e dry r-rjeg*) aad varloo* public work* reqa-rlag /a-' late approprtattoaa by rwngraw* of 14.- 1 ! ' The total anmber of new ok 1 or* aad i rmpluymaatv wwlfinllf aaibnrlaed , amount to MIM3 at a cm of 15301.- ' ! ttl, of which aumhev 374 10k »« • coal of 143.340 *M ore foe the military oa ! tabllahmeat. and 35144 at a coat of 3* 544.10. for tbe naval eatabllah j»ent t»B account of war. Adding other war int r—ars of clerical force ill aeveral of the executive depar mrnta. and deduc ing tbe oßlcee and ejaplo-'oeni* aboHrhrd. 243 In number, at an annual rest of S2M.SM. the net rears I • ahow# no anbmaptia! change tn the number us olflrea and employmcnta prov ded fir the fiscal rear IS3* The num ber of salaries and c-:mpen**t ion* in .-ttmeol le 204. of which I 7» are for the military eeiabliahment. and tl for the diplomatic and consular service. The total reduced Is 5. A romiiar!#or» of the total appropriations for 1599. ex cluding ihe car ar-r>rr.p''alien *e: for IR9S. shows an Increaae for 1889 of $2,- 438.608. PRINCE OF WALES’ INJU IES. He Will Not Be Able to W’alk Un aided I or W eeks. London. Aug 2£. The l-ancet. re-j ferring to the recent, injury to thej Prime of Walts' i nee. die-outage* the {car that the prince will be perma nently lame, anti say*: "The preseal condition of the prince* knee argu e well for the future mobility of the joint. The royal yacht Osborne lefi Cowes today for a channel tr.p, dur-, ing >vh!eh sbe will vlsi. several towns •where the ttoctois propose carriage ex ercise. Four sa'lo.s have been drilled carefully ft* bearers to carry his royal hlghnees ashore without jarring him. It will be a month before the prince! eiU b« walk. Then h';S Unen ‘ will be fitted with ft check flint, by which flexion will be exactly con'roll-, ed. and a spring apparatus will tier- j form the function of the extensor. | With the leg thus equipped, short ex-1 curs.ons will be made on crutches, but j it will he many weeks before his royal j highness will walk unaided. SHERMAN NOT A CANDIDATE. The Story of His tlubernr.V> ial Aspi rations Discredited Columbus, 0., Aug. 25. Former Secretary of State John Sherman was here for a few hoars yesterday. He .left for Washington. Mr. Sherman j said ho expected to spend the coming: full and wintea in the capital. Thej republican editors who were here paid) him adcall. The statement that he wotittl think of running for governor tvas not taken seriously by those who were told of ii. The general idea among the wjliticiaas here is that if there is anything ia it. it is on a par with the effort of Bill Cantllar oft Mans-tic.ld to use Sherman’s name as jtj congressional candidate this spring, merely as a ruse to prevent’ the nomi nation of Congressman W. S. Kerr of the 14th district. i aucw as CONDITIONS OF THE MARKETS. laUM SUII lfrrHkPa Will* *kftt lltlim t (UL Tke /TaaMtolWW tk beot tlrM I *t:meted at v««e ag .n>Hl*a liwaket*. i Tetegrwat from Wiaatp»« elate that Of •< »at •■•«»*> *a I , ~|4, we-a her thee, aad a re*b*p tttbar ii a* have been aitbotsl a **- Tl 4, p-iy, , r . n bttwrc* iarae aad -u, a.miMv ('irttnm revert* *'’f tka | -,_ |, - . haom vccvu* lam t.i lea . vmar Alt»*t Tam tersov lam last : Vcat and tklmtsit tn Great Britain _ f n«wt*. Mim iwvan to . nti- Th." f , Jlmine quota!»«na. lh- ebidaf s'ectal »ire* of* Paine. Murphy * Co.l CHICAGO HtOVillbKl WHEAT— o**ea. Oaae. 1 a u *u*t .. .. «Mk „ «** *^l • fh.RN-, Hep-ember »H J9H Deyewiher - **H * Hcplemt-W I»K I Mi POKK- Heptember » « *■** * « LARI*— Heptember ~ A W —• Ortutier S.l* RIBB Hi'iilcmlier * 12 B.IT j f*ctuber .. 5 12 1.17 NEW YORK COTTON. January .. .. I d 1 W Fchruaiy .. 6.*» March .. US S it Msy * .. .. S "I S.if September S.SI J.t> October S K Ui NafmiMr .. .. .. *. S ir December .. .. .. .. 5.12 S.St Tone—fisteady. Middling—s 3-4. NEW YORK STOCKS. Rubber .. .. .. .... .. R'« 4514 B. R T. .. ..♦ «>s **% Metnt nllian IST W* Sugar .. .. .. .. ~ «, lllk 11- * Tobacco 1404 144 A. M. S '.. .. 10W 14*4 jC. B Q 1171* IIS Chicago Ua* 105 inr.v j. c ;..... .... S 3 Louisville & Nashville .. 58*4 69(4 Manhattan .. .. 95 *7 Omaha K 5 - tin ton Pncifli .. .. .. .. .. -9 1* 29(4 I R»ck Island *.. ntSVt 195*4 ! St. Paul .. tin, nr 2 It. G ...’. .. I|(4 I**4 S It. tj. . .. v 3.V-* Western Union .. .. V *44» 94V» LIVERPOOL* COTTON. ‘January and February 3.97(11 S OS 09 ■February and March .. 3.97 PS 2.99 March and April . .. .. 3.98 99 3.10 j April anil May 3.10 3.10 11 May and June 3.10 3.11 13 July and Aug. .. .. .. .1.13 3.14 Aug. rind Sept. .. .. .. 3.12 3.13 Sept, and Oct 3.09 08 3.10 I Oct. and Nov 3.0 SO7 3.09 Nov. and Dec 3.07 3.0 R 09 Dec. and Jan 3.07 3.0 S 09 • AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling in Augusta today 5N Sales in Augusta today 55 Receipts In Augusta today 11* Receipts to date in Augusta .. 376918 Stock on hand In Augusta 3494 PORT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 1898 Galveston 449 1639 14^8 New Orleans .. .. 74 1132 178 Mobile 4 - 5 14 Savannah 147 143 : Charleston 6 ' Norfolk ..‘2 8 151 Philadelphia .... S 9 Boston .. 24 48 TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION for sale—two mui/es, vtwo . hor**s apd one Ipdy’s 'Canojiy top j Viupsiy and harness. Apptv to |T. L. f Fuller & CVv. AU£ ——r- ' - : WANTED—A FIRST CLASS NURSE with good reference. 846 Greene St. | Aug 25