The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 26, 1898, Image 5

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rmoAV fl it fflllt i" 4 n IM** .*l4*, % vVMMb Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, GIOROIA M ttM M PLat'lPt'# Js« »**#• ruin# tAwn at* •••**• * ,II:| -""" 1 . mscrpss - -— -— -— WufT'jrr Si IMOO ft ftfftMMl pZZ l m Ci.*s£* |m |MHi MNMII II CM* AO. ftmm FW Hurt ri Mk* »(s*•*• # *#» r«Mi« 80W8808 00<0*4 MBMMft F#' l # ®# IBBoror4 rof<*sofl to got fcof •**• fSt lid • l)ldltB| is S®# SI 537 R»memb#rtha train leave* for Atlanta at 7:00 A. M. Sept. sth Two days in Atlanta all daylUrht, at $1.05, by Tuggle & Hol lingsworth. IH HI IN'S NEW BANK. An OW Augusts Boy on the Board of IM factor*. f>„l,l, n (}, Atsg. M, —The •torkbold* am of th* n»» U>nk m * yr*i*-rday for (hr piirprw of alrwtlag offr r» and »»- landing to anrh othrr hnalarna as da* wacdrd >nnnit?’r nttmtloa. Pranidrnt. II H. Smith: via* prr>*id*-ot, T. W. aerbult; maturr F. H. Roh*r- H T Simth. II A Knight Or A T. Summer**, Jttdg" Ira S. Wrapper. W. K. Stsatsftlr and F. G. Corker a or# flfrira tflrerior*. It will lia a *t»la hank, chartadad a* thr Lanr n» B inking compnuy, with a capital of $26 00»>. The n'.v hank will oermy handnoma qua-; >r» in lh« l.*ltch-*n,bb* building on the comer of Ja< kron and Jefaraon at reel* and will lie open for bn sines* fk iohor I. The strckholder* an to h* rongratn tated upon the el :< tlon of such an ehl« rerps of «Hirers end dirc' lors. I nth r the |r guidance and direcUon the Interrsl of the atorkboldera end the depositors will feel secure with their money In their hands. CIOAR TOBACCO VI TiITON. It Has Been Pronounced of High Quality by Experts. Tifton. Go.. Aug. 26.—Th" rain con tinue. Every days has its shower. Ju»t enough to interfere with making bay oml picking cotton. The hay crop la very heavy. A heavy crop of corn has matured. Some of our farmers planted mill crops of tobacco this year (the cigar leaf variety) and experts pro nounce it very fine. Mr. M. F. Meyers carried a sample to his old home. (Greenville, Ohio.) where cigar leaf Is one of the staple crops and he writes that It is attracting much attention and it is said to be betterthau any they can raise in that sectlonn. Mr. C. M. Muslin, of .dtr.cie, Ind., Is here prospectln and s eras much pleased and thinks of moving to this section. Misses Kathrine Tift and Sara B. Perry of this place will give a recital at Albany tonight and one at Cordelc tomorrow night. The recital fit Albany ■will 1* under the auspices of the Array and Navy League of that place and at Cordele under the auspices of the Par lor Quartette. Thsae young ladles ar" gifted elocutionists and Atoany and Cordele people will have a rare treat. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY BABY PINS J RINGS, PINS FINE GARTER BUCKLES, GOLD HAIR PINS Wm. Schweigert & Co. Jewelers. fine garter buckles, gold hat pins FINE CLOCKS, WREATH PINS, OARTER AND BUCKLES Hot 9* MANN IN MAIIOKI. M# Hit#* fmm* % ♦ijiMi A#Hhr* Ml' AfrtMfcM* | frttita t lull no tj# btc*a§ttt t*» nm» « fCvert**** hr rtnil4 Kivr •' ,ht \wmtn urifiM of T*» uni*# | j rr%.!y oo4#r hi* «>*• flw fMR. tt«x Pwwltry isis.og pwrt > ulsrly of I ,j IM g* md a hmt' or taro of mil* tol # _n . , , - m.fiiilll BIiSSIV I t—. . , _ | tl , rtc, ion st 6 cents s pound. He . .j, j,., ioinruvcmenls in Sutler 'making and explained the operation -nuch to the Mtonlshment of hit benr i He said Ihst South Carol na made hut one per cent of the butter used tn this ! ataie. white New York made niao pev I mot of Ihe boiler made throughout ! : pe ounsry He mentioned that the ! > k .1 of sweef potatoes upon an st re I of these land* pr perl;' manured tas j used Ui be done b the old planters who thoroughly cow penned Ibelr pota io gtouni )Is about 4«hi liuahela. He told of one er. lot«J farmnr in the meel i ok who said he had made '.UO bushels to the acre with ground not to thor ough!'’ manured; had sold *7 bushels at 4<) cents a bushel; had plenty for I hi* family use; had trade enough ha ! *on for his family l had made all hit can syrup and tome sugar, and was! I ind of coffee, and now talked of gulng: to Cuba to plant coffee. “Stay at home, | and work as hard as you would have ,o work in Cuba cr anywhere else, and jtMs generous soil will support any in [ durtrioua man *rd his family better ‘ than caiigrut ug.'' At the close of his address a vote of thanks was moved I t>y the Itev. P. P. Watson, who also promised to send to the free reading room conducted by the Rev. Watson, bulletins of interest to crop raisers. I This reading room, called the Julia Watson library, in memory of Rev. Watson's mother, has about 400 vol umes of excellent literature. The la dles of the Women's Christian Temper ance Union presented It with an out fit of books and periodicals. COMPLETE TAX RETURNS. The Total Ce.rtase For the State Is *7.753..?76- The complete tax returns foi* IS9R. with the exception of Bartow county, which is estimated at $3,000,000 shows that the aggregate value of the taxable property of all the counties In the state has decreased from the total of taxable property of last year $7,753,376. The aggregate value of taxable prop erty in Georgia for 1896 was $369,991,- 423; for 1897 $370,034,912, and for 1898 $362,281,536. While many of the counties have decreased in taxable values for 1898, some of them have very greatly increased. In Richmond county the returns have decrennerl from $22,433,175 in 1897 to $22,- 129,840 in 1898. OASTOUtA. Bear, the j 9 K ' ni) You Have Always Bought AUGUSTABOIS 11 HUNTSVILLE I r* t ii* |$ §9 I I^*4s imoptu tlsi Mtww t>wt«4 By l*wu» Uttb 441 AlmWg MM taws. Dfi-'t 9 ®M* kr * ***f| ••• » mm Ml ' s’« *‘f #l'" t "»r 1* . f fin kitrtitn ihnti. bom up I^B* iionHhn A|Bf tbHf 1411*11* h ftT tilt* ptm bad ton* eft* lid drt*d lb* hru»b |arbor iumM •» p#n(rv sod kllrbrn «M»m*» ifQi» tourM • liflbd mairti to tb«* ! Irsrw wad twig* sod soon the wh. 1« abetter would hsve burned but Col Girard came down snd ordered us to were cog. rned. we fared better ibt* day than on Ihe day of the movement from Palmetto Reach In Cwmp Roger*, for we gig dinner of hard Is k and canned "Sso isgo mule,** instead of br ing without altogether, and we bad ice I water to Ibr forenoon. ! About $ c a.ock we marched out from I camp to the F. C. 4 P depot In Ybor city, following Ihe most clr<ulto<ia route that could be devised by Ihe man who plsnoed H. A good maoy m*ti • II out along the road unable to stand the heavy load. d*ep sand and burning ,un. We reached th*' Ue|K»l a out ussß and stacked aims end made ready to he comlortable while wnitiug for the train. About 8 o’clock the line was formed for supper and marched up to the shed, where etch roan was Issued two hard lack* and a cup of c >ffee. Percy Waller* gave a young tndy u hard tack, while we v«cre stopped In j Atlanta, and explained to her thai each 'man rir ived one a day—he eels it for 'breakfast, drinks water for ditin-'r and swells pp for supper. It Is a well known fact to soldiers that one hard tack will swell as large as the brim of a campaign hat, if enough water is furnished it. Then the long wait for the trains began In earnest. The few watches seemed almost to stand still; the mos quitos flew in doudsffl the ground was covered with a small stickly burr which the shifting engines and the hope that the order would soon come to board the train, tha night was swel tering. and altogether It was a miser able time. About 10 o'clock the first, section left with the First battalion and officers, but it <vas 3 o'clock on the morning of Friday when the Second battalion moved and all the next day we travelled north as fast as the loco motive could run; so fast that wc pass ed the First battalion early in the af ternoon, and took the lead In the thousand mile rac\ and held it to the end. All day long, with few pauses and short, through almost endless for ests of pines, over a level country with out the slightest elevation, through dense swamps and wide marshes, past lakes and over rivers, by palms shoot ins up into the air and palmettos ly ing close to the earlb. through vast turpentine farms with the white scars at the foot of the trees, looking like headstones to graves, stopping only for food and drink, coal and water, until, late In the afternoon, the sun lo>v in' the west, with a about from the men on board, the good train swung across St. Mary's river and we were again in Georgia. Everything, to the naiive Georgian's eye, was different. The trees, the water, the earth, all were of Georgia. Every house, every hog, cow, every man, woman and child, was given a rousing cheer as we nftssed, and when the train stopped about three miies from the river many of the men got down and walked on Georgia soil, after three months absence, almost an age. And then the journey was re sumed. and at daybreak Saturday morning we were in .Macon, where Jossey, Clancey and Hall got leave to stay and visit relatives and friends, on condition that they take one of the sections behind us. A good many la dies were out to se us pass, early as it SILVER SHIRT WRIST SETS DIAMONDS *rJH2U AUUUBTA H2EBALD. **** •** •* *•! *"* *•* "B 1 1? ** [bib- »s♦< MM* «■•s •*»* 4M •• MMs* b» Mtß 44 •* MS fib'll *♦ **» fb [sNlsb fsWts p*w* MWM SWM t*MN*Mllk $H RMM N •** it* * |H» tbltSiJ >t'« I»■>»»* •s«**• LwMbf fbM INftpls Abbs* tbwt bbb # . tatiai .is r mi* In half an hour l» hand tha Third, and eight hours be hind the second, although the second battalion left Tampa urarly six hours i behind the First. About ncofl. In mart hlng or ritr. th" regiment moved from lue town ' about a ml f and a half to the ramp ground many dropping out overcome 1 Tbrro has !>een uo rain here for some 11 in * • mm| tb** dual fi.*m the red clay read wan stifling, sometime* so h*ory I that It »ns imronslh'* to ratrh the hr gth for twenty-five yards. The ramp is out to what » cvick rgo *a* a pra fteld. This field lias hern mowed and harrowed, with the rrault tha*. it I* irovcrcd an Inch do ;> with red dust, which Is blown over everylh-og by the lightest brew. The beat Is much grentor here thun nt Tampa, nod there I* no shade whatever, exi *pl on (he mountain shies, half a mile sway, un less the shadows of the tool* are counted, snd the tents are still holler than the op"n nlr. The wnlcr la splca d'd and need* no lee. It Is so eeol. but the camp site, tak'o altogether, Is rath er a disappointment, but If certain plans of the Huntsville people are cur ried through It will be more than satis factory. CHARLES GREENWOOD HENSON. Edgefield Notes. Special to The Herald. Edgefield, S. C., Aug. 26.—Mr. James Hunter, of Augusta, la visiting at. the home of Mrs. F. W. Pickens, Edge wood. After a pleasant sojourn In Western North Carolina. Mrs. W. W. Adams is agoln at home. Mr. J. M. Cobb left on Wednesday for western North Carolina to take a much tred.eil rest before proceeding North on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Norris are the happy possessors of a fine son. Among the visitors in Edgefield on Tuesday were Henatcr Hen Tillman and his brother, Hon. George Tillman. Mieses Minna and Anna Bee are vis iting friends at Winter Seat. Mr. Charles H. Fisher went to Col umbia in Tut day, thence to Charlotte on a business (rip and returned to Edgefield on Thursday morning. Mr. William Law, of Augusta, came up on last Saturday for a rest and when he returned on Monday Mrs. Law and little son, who had been visiting Mrs. Julian Holstein, accompanied him. Miss Tonsy Butler, who has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. Janies W. Thomp son. in Atlanta, for some weeks, re turned home on Saturday night. Dr. Press DeVere spent Saturday In Augusta. Mr. C. E. May and Mr. ePalt have gone to New Y6rk on business. Mr. F. W. P. Butler will return from Rock Hill on Saturday. Mrs. Walter Hill has her sisters. Misses Cleo and Lucretia Brunson, with her. The continued illness of Col. Cand ler's son has made It necessary for the Democratic candidate to cancel several appointments-The young patient is im proving. however, and the colonel will probably be able to lake the stump by the first of the month. THE CAMPAIGN ENDS TOMORROW I Tfc* kfg*k»t» rtrMftt* M t *•’ mmw I ftsd 4 v wtsisMWl nrgMSHs i turn IBs S *-i t* -X * ***** AT* ‘ tr‘*»j» t-tj, H 4* , A*RO H gsr.¥fo|af« ! 4A| %s%■*• m*mm “'Ttflt? 11 *»• Ini** • 110 ®tip| -ofjgMMi 00. i 4 ~ 0f lH||d j j H «l#» «**«!• |oUa|tEP»iW(| 4fi|li |*f 0 i « 000 t'f it'irmiiri 0I 90m #•*** 00 : :' «00 M#1011®! ORPOI || O<HO #Ol |OO ; ! 0* lit 000 ||p* lOMOO tin t #«*•#» 000 Hi fNoll i [ *» |9|* |OM» mm «|0 004 MH#I ol'o| l| To. OMO#% ■!** \ t«490001 mmrn*** l A 4N«4 Ho* I o*oo oN#*BMl4i*i <’oop# (l td •**lßo* I rni.»nwtrj sß m 0««« BM»t<ol***o 10 *o* «l# I - *M if f n“ *IOO 101*4 ho|l*Hno 10 | : ilm» al*wi * >ii <4 f|*| ft ■<! t»*'f It 000 - 4 00f*#<00*0# 1001 10# o#oß f#44* I I J T| m rnn® 0 ill *t*t! 10# 001 va«.rt<o*H**» nr»? Ll, o|Bioollt A f, Gb. t*s * ! . . . .y va. H<» t* |ov o*o# Wfl j _a _ ■iM'-i" ijtl 1 i rtiiif il I***- <oo** ■ i*t*lhMMrf CrtbmelsAYvite Jem* W. W ilMicc and W Hurd Evans »UI mfl, ihe ,(,(«.I and mnJttrt th'-ra 1 i f*™ * _ . ..-., 1r tt*wis. ' II 11 . , < apdtdateS -i "h* 'm s departure t>«t the ett- , . Mi i d(- ( . d,-termini d Art I I ,y himself Had every t*‘«r» tbl* I'tUrrM meeting will b* , held in Ciitumtd* *t Abe /sir ’•"u' Vm*' time*and ihey will doubtless l„ „ Is- dlmptmlnted in Ihe IrxM Tbl* i !," l u*pr'.’i’«Mv'l. n !.dev*ry effort t“ put (hl-kc.. for "".shin, touche. I The program of *. ee. he* I* arrsnsed from .toy lo day by the candidates. : T morrow the foll-.wln* will l»- ih* la. l.ediil. Gubernatorial candidate*, nt-j (i fiey general, c.molroller general. 1 1 atlroad -si in ra. Secretary of ■ tilt* Adiutnn( > n**rAl. •u|*#rln(*nill#nt ; .Hltn atlon and mngrras. Th - can li dntea for governor will b In- allowed j fl 'icon mlnules, w hlle the !>al»nce . f the .andldalea -111 have five mlnut s. To Increase Capital Stock. The stor-khcld ta of lh* tlrnnby mill* have derided to mi. use Ihclr capital >i,,k from It J# th# llilontlcn lo have all the machinery in th«* mill running hy Januaty. T( «* canarlty of Hi'* mill Ir b# * n * creased from 18.000 spindles to 57.000 sj indies and from s<»i I'.om* l" looms, thus over i.vbllng Its output, whlle th- only addition to the operat ,nlf exepnscs will lie the cost of the additional machinery and employment j of the nceessary operative* to run If. The building Is all there and the gone ini expenses are already provided for. The officers of the mill csllmate that hereafter the mill will consume an nually about 9,000 bales of cotton, as against 3,000 now. ■ I A Good Joke. “No. ■Captain, I shall have to turn you down.’* "What!" The chaplain of the second regiment, Rev. P. A. Murray, was sad. very sad. Ever since his appointment in June he had been In camp hard at work, doing all In his power to v.ln souls for Christ. He had become one of the most popular men In the regiment. Everybody liked him, and he loved ihe soldier boys. Now, to be thrown out on account of physical defects was too bad, was crushing to him. Yet, after a thor ough examination by the surgeons he was thrown out. As has been said, Mr. Murray Is very popular at Camp Lee; everybody finds it easy to get on with tiim, and on ac count of his good nature Major Wan narnalter and his assistant surgeons, along with mustering officer, Capt. Ful ler, decided to piny a. Joke on him. Dr. Wannamaker had almost completed the examination of Mr. Murray when he placed his right ear over the latter's heart. He listened to the rythmical beats of that organ, then changed ears. He backed oft a short distance, then again proceeded with the examination. "Captain,” he finally said, "you suf fer from rheumatism” "No, sir, f do not,” earn,- the prompt reoly. Dr. Griffith was called in and after an examination pronounced it a rheu matic heart. Dr. Poore concurred with the other physicians. Th ■ three with drew fora consultation, as Capt. Mur ray thought, but it was simply in order to give vent to their pent up laughter. Upon returning they found Capt. Mur ray in a brown study. "Captain, I shall have to turn you down.” Saturday • Bargains |S|H|OIEIS 100 pairs M»n‘* Fin* Kid 8ho#», *ll kMKI, popular Style*, for - - -08 c 210 pair* L*dl**‘ Fin* Oxford* ffnin* at half prlc*. for - - - -00 c 300 pair* Children'* BUpp*r*. *it*t 0 to ll* for • • • • 80c AtHulherin’s 846 Broad street. I Ton» » r*»*r4 r**«*s4 o#*f» 00# 0 ?o#l# 8000* ! [ rim *ol 00 (i4lf*f. 0* lit Mwrwy, I mm 004* }0 • j Ms 3008700 * 1700*1(1 ll* 04*0111*4 1 I Ika| 0n 000 MOV o—7*4. $ ator tto> Race*. 1 00 g*i*Nijtirtr TV lafewsf Ity #oooloßoo* ( *®fc» • 111 he MtT n4tr«lr4 far 108# ■ r*-»r t»f Wilt tVdrmaA. W Hr#4 *n6 !<Ho*r mrh ri4#r* It Is M 4 t*r Do You Want to Save Money n IF SO Buy Your GROCERIES of Wicker & Pilcher. Arbuckle's Coffee IO cents. I 5 Cakes "Harris” Soap for 25 cents. 8 Cakes Circus Soap for 25 cents. Choice Country Butter 20 cents. Fox River Butter 25 cents. Best Java and Mocha Coffee 25 cents. Good Second Patent Flour 35c sack. $2.75 barrel. Best Second Patent Flour 45c sack. $3.50 barrel. Good First Patent Flour 65c sack, $5.00 barrel. Our stock is complete and Prices Much Lower than others. Wicker & Pilclier, Wreckers of Higb Prices 954 BROAD STREET. Strowger 'Phone 199 - - - - Bell Phon* 171 I I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.* TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, .... GEORGIA HDEfID- Frogs, Snakes, Fish, Hogs, Dogs, Cows, filth from any thing that can be backed off into the river—and this is what you get when you drink River and Branch Waters. Now is the tijne you want Five gallons for SI.OO Lithia Gingerale 7?c dozen Lithia Brew 7Vc dozen Liihia Carbonated Water 7?e dozen Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Sc per bottle on ice at SHEWMAKES. HARRIS LITHIA WATER AUGUSTas lOPO Thitiim B—l 0s is o*l *<4Boßo 1 1«« *of*9 |os r00f»0| 108 s f+m* «0 S#* | f it*#* sf OH| 00« 0f <>*BBB#oBB 0000 tin rsoo 00# *fr*a#r4 N l»#t twill [ > 0 oi* 0 «f* as f«4B**«Sv s First, < 0r- 00<f mu fm osfw ori»*toNS4- H|S 4l»(|Hrf 80|l» OfOOL ■> 4 « nit H*,’t mil#, s<ooßß. F»U*lll US# 811#. 01008 4sr rosmp|* AOISOIO |jf| 01401 Soßot 010# o*f t*<oo a AflffS bf 80s 00 ft -# «4 INtlflo O#S »40 0008 o|f 0 ft0)8 00 10# f H 0 I. roffßßS4q «otls sits—oßlo4 10 rr*#s> s *<BsH lr*#* tl# |SOOOS tb# l‘ni«>B 4#f*>*< » ptrikalaM >uM mm b# nMAIivM Isat Blsbt An to<|ossi o ill Is o#l<B till# m *r» mm * n r > TO SECURE A SUIT OF CHOTHING at a price that will surprise you when you see the quality, style and finish of the clothing that we are selling this week in our big reduction sale. We have cut our prices down to the bottom on both Boys’ and Men's Clothing, irrespective of cost, that leaves no doubt as to quick selling. HARRIS LITHIA WATER