The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 26, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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FRIDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL tt'tWlt MMttl NTY*M I* 'i ll* 1* H~i Awh J#**« TM« •KMT GftADft* OF IftHngi Ci#m J#IMDO Ce C) A*, h ,n. t„ *ft»*viNyi.j if, rat >«wi m mcm. . ~,»_ _— - * *im# mi fRuMNMI m«m» * *# a (to* PIMMIM M» §M) * "WW V - r *»»• CITY ICE COMPANY. WAMTW* nn CMUMHM> Anw M*t »«»«>< MW*. •*. wtm) Bsw t g&Atmmf’t » muff R |® lir-M-IMB- ait y||| I fi.rwMf 1 »** j M* IM* •#» •#* »•• *Rtt§t*R I ftftMl WIN •* W* l ®* l * *** ■Rffcf *»f P Kirt ' RMS•# #R**i#«R *** •"W» RR** IlkA 4*' f *.# Bt* •ImmNnaa (pNpvFIM INNnhmmi |mh imrshf Iff mmmnyl tM» Imp Pm §•» It, »* • ??* * ■ *'< * * t ’>mF*4 !>•# fMMF somm* MM man •Rppt? iMuMti li lit |.. ; I* &*•*»«. *l* iaUiMt ** &** • MW M ••* NW to «*fn On. 4» * | || «M*t to* too Mill. *•*. um*4 «* •» Inc to MtMii to ■*••• *• T**to, I* *lw< fe atom to •*•*• to fc*» wM ttot tot twM I#*** 1 son fe** tototo, 004 naff- Wto ,h# **lMw M* MM to* imwwwn **»»•» t«» Wt»» MW MM WttW MW pfito. •* •fe# «WM Ml Ml MW «* (M MW* to* to *W« M* to"** M Mwwi |hm WAII* nt ***<•• DM M lilw Ml wl •* • ’W t *tow* |lgM liW On Me MlkWI «M MSI M aWMe >M< *M to«ffr*ff Me tn MM m 4 4»to Me I*® Mfcf BUM **»» |M Ml ttnirt Me tomfenMTs MM** *• MW lto». M IMf AM Ml Irw* tot iMt. mI iWnM* ewM mi iw* gn. 4 mi* <4 IM Mile mm. Am Mmmi WDMMW Ito mi *4 sets nrtVs tomfc re »*4nn»*4 le rlw* hta eAtMrw. M» M* *MMt *» *»• re- MeMl *• glee iMw wp e*4 ***M Ml Vi IM MM e*e IMw TMref'«r* Hewwa* Mooghi mil Ip rw»«» h*» iNM CoM Mm mI tletner repewwlM Dmiwit ew! CM. W M WetWr r*e lewelMl Meermae Ml atdw m »<*' |ml *pc r rl>~r tmt M Nmim* oee * Iwrtif Ml h*d Ml* Me elh hi***ll lorrur Orl«*rr J. B. F. MeilMw* *l - Mr eel In. t. !. Amirtl l« re t*i« tM rVlllrw. After IM ran* erne peer MW el lee Met Ml efennk band*. •«l the |itl«e tall them that be hoped (be • ten II be pml frteode asmootino scrape. A Negro Bap Kwalvea a Painful v. ound la (be Leg. ip arena. A C.. Aug. A jro«n« negro bog about II few* °f *l* named U'.llie l«avt», tabu I nee about two mitre out of lbe dtp. erne abut In the right thigh by aa unknown parly or pwitien luring the latter par* of laet • smk. Nothing wns known of thta nf fnlr ttottl raeently. when the fnther of hie hoy made known the fart (o the autboritlaa. It appeara from the boy'a •lory that three young white men who were total ttranger* to him were an ting down on the aide of the road tbat he had to travel, and aa ha ap proached the plare where tbry were alt ting he heard one of them remark: “There cornea a negro boy: let’a shoot b—l out of him," He became very tourb frightened but continued on bia way. Whrn he came to a plare oppo site the men he wa* about to run and aa he did ao he was shot, the ball tak ing effect la the upper part of the thlgb causing a very painful but not tltogetbrr serious wotmd. Thl* story of the boy’s I* dlaoredlt »d by some, who believe that while kandllng a pistol he accidentally (hot blmarir and then made up the story of being shot by three men In order to es cape punishment from hla father. rnKB pit-ut. Bend yotir address to H. R. Itucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King* New 1.1 fe Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Theae pills are easy in action and are particularly effective In the eure of Constipation and Blch Headache. For Malaria and Diver troubles they have lien proved Invaluable. They are luaianteed to tie perfeotly free from •very deleterious substance and to he purely vegetable. They do not weaken py their action, but by tttvlna lime to the atomaoh and bowels greatly Invigo rate the system. Ttegular slxe 2d cents imt box. Sold by Howard & Wlllet. druggists. THE BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION. here Was a l arge Attendance for the Closing Exerctaes. Denver, Aug. 25.—The closing session f the twenty-fourth annual eonven ion of the American Bankers Associa te* opened with a full attendance, the lection of officers being the program. VlHlam L. Royal, of Richmond, Vn„ ■sad a paper on "The Need of Banking /"acUitles In Rural Districts.” W. 3. Vcod, of the National Bank of Com nerce, Kansas City, condemned the doas advanced in Mr. Roynll’e address, ji the Kant commerce had led to the rstabHslim?nt of hanks of a largo cap ital wht' • in the Went smaller eom nerre had been satisfied with smaller batiks, fa the West hanks were too plentiful. The competition has been excessive that the banking business css not profitable. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. rail on me. l ean save you money. Bow ls J. Schaut, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. A I* A JAM A PAR At* AA tx» A»» tMarnffml n FwM»a< twl»— ■ FMAMiiS tM AAMIff *.wha t A*v 4gf * '-*■ # R ®tf ±m** RDMMti *♦ iWf SFM» Riftf- mi H A<MMNV w:* m fjf ff mi fjjßglr it nrmt ' tIF* m f# IFmb ♦ f%• »»(*•*» mm % nwk#A* % RMMnMF #4 f*n ifiigY * '»♦•*• ijMMRR VR y *«MfMY lIHR ***mm Ml fT*Rt **t <V|,, i ; matl»R ii)lVrw*M~ <MHI t# fHNI ItMF; pRR.|r Ml (fc» •tun s \ ' I* lykM Ijgigrß •( • * caff «*t I Im» ||F*HNMS4 nunrrTmf irri r i»«R»R*r *4 r mmrn mi Ft* i tlßff* <«R m.fg—-frtif* rmfi lßfß** Rf <H*R* ' MMff »ll i.firii frimpr «f tlmihr Rltr* | Ipfvli.Rfi Ml tfcrlf i mil*nli f* * 99 in |wf|ir ii'M. lIMU IhM rlrrftir •HI lIRV* R 4»tirn lit momrj rm rRI*R*R ; itnßftiFf TW iln Rir aUt« tMt (In MMtR imiv*4 in Ri ••• RmrRRnM or mmmmt mi m A ntH «rtl*r RfwvWifß lIIRI Mr RMI%; m|>iff |»at furfitilM !*> Iln tfc«ofNl fMivßj rr •«*«!» Mr irifffmfl hf tl* msr§mmt9 I NIOIT2 ACCIDENT. By Wkkk a Vattrs* Britfga Was Put (o a T**l. PVnh the Philadelphia Preas Sows years ago the New Haws Railway owpsttf abasAsug the ht*- torte wnngen btldgr which sup parted Ha atrataa aa It ccaaaed the H*a«- tonic river and replaced it hy nn lc*»n structure, which waa reported at the lime to b* owe of the flaeet Illustra tions of the advance made Mt railway bridge construction After two oe three year* the acrutlnoua eye of the care fut expert wu put ui**»n the bridge and it wae discovered Done too nooa that The structure waa seriously defective, and tbat had Ita use been continued much longer It might have collapsed. It was abandoned and one of the later Inventions In atoet and wrought Iron bridges waa placed over the river The bridge bad In the middle one of the longest draws In New England. It waa said, when it waa completed, that thta bridge would ptoliaMy last for fifty years, perhaps for a hundred. Bast night an unexpected teat of Ita strength and durability was made. It resulted In nn accident, unique tn all railway records. It blocked ao thor oughly aa a bombardment would have done the paaaage of twins between New York and N*w Haven and points Hast, and It caused much Indignation and some profanity on the part of those who were planning to take spe cial train* for the college boat race on the Thame* river. While passing over the bridge a fast freight train, or a part of It. sudden ly collapsed. The engine and some of the cars went over safely, but a long train of freight cars, heavily laden with merchandise of all kinds, went tiumplng over the rails, crashing ags- Inst the girders of the beams, and wore not stayed until they had tn a mass of seemingly Inextricable con fusion thoroughly chocked up the bridge. They had pounded upon the draw, causing tt to bend a little, but not to bveak. The amaxtaig thing about this accident is that the bridge stood the pounding without the least sign of yielding. It resisted the combined weight of suddenly delivered blows weighing hundreds of tons as perfect ly as though It had been a mountain of granite. Trains were delayed far many hours: the wreckers were at legst three hours In determining how best to attack the wreck, but the bridge, w ith the exception of the trend ing of home of the rods, was appar ently uninjured by the catastrophe. There has been some doubt as to the strength and permanence of some of these comparatively light steel struc tures, especially those which are divi ded bv lengthy draws. But this test of last Ulghtj-eveals the supremacy of the modem American bridge builder and the thoroughness with which he has solved the problems which were at one time among the most serious which railway constructors were com pelled to consider. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain's ("olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my hands, just at a time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies. to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones. Oglesby. Os, For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co.. C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Huntington Not Shot. Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 25.—The report 'that Collis P. Huntington, the railway magnate, was shot at Citmp Plneknot, in the Adirondacks, is not true. Some people are always up and doing other people , THBJ AUGUSTA ao t-«M» fckl* XhflOTA. j f%a MffM* m BRMBnM A<»» "i »ass«n j »a»a<ff R» <*Rm nuMai **• . ... flteß f~ff Mgat'f * (Murat' • 1 mmt - Y R#RR * R#R I tike t—as <«nn«MMta4) A»»» ifi* <<«m4 i «f p*• to mma aa bbo ■Mt*** at - BH|tf fjetiVFtßi mm 4 mmHMRF'N-Rf •tfMu’v* *«* * «4RRfR«MRMMI Mk F* RUM tM tIMHIR : null tRp tNiR*-' mem§ •IrwRF ifhß*. iM UR,. Rw* l4r> MRYiMHiIIRM R- ■ VIRIMR «R 4 Mil Us» f«M* mi A* RR§ »!o| rbf m*m Rll MR RMRItIMM tf* ypr*rM| MHH rr IMkR'-w Rur Rf | n fowl mi t*vr ntuff Riar-RR*** smf m**? ! pmtpmm M# rpcmiMl rHnf Mißrf iMRM •• Mrrri mi 9lu yUrf mi iMMfHMMM mRr •• | MR tRiRi IMR MMMRMitMI mi M* i Mm rm RmrMi rrr»4 Mm mi MrfMM '(■4 t.MfRUfRM IMrI M*R OF RMUfIiRtRRP RRRR RIMR. MR R:MM Ml R f " ’ | «Ml MrRRR rm IMm 4mw Ml ImRR* RR^ j RRMIURRtf (RRRNIe * RRR RR“M • | ftmmg RMRR Mm CRRMMiM'MiI tRM !#*• • R** If IIOM RFFtMTRRF MM tRRR»i «RR mil I tHRRi rmmr4 ir rMrf cmMfm r*> : • m > gftf 4* f MMI It #*4114 pM'RFM R r*« tmmt MMmmMRR. mr4 Mm Mr» Rftrßß | cm R IR* MmIImI I Mat IMmtf m IMI’I IRC MUM IR tMR URr»4 URftM Wat rMyhR MIFRRI 9Mm MilVMf FM* ,, FR 9U 1 baa a boat of fiaHoFaw m W.tanoti. bat it ooi * ana tbof havo d*o*f*»4 liSbi nt tbta orraatoA. bflovsnwr fftoao la a pnlttlrlaa abo oafr beo public aanltaieaf aad baadlo* rood.iksno la a •nseterfhl mxnnrr Ho baa none of Blaad •r> | lit leal bopeofv and non- of hi* own •ad bin onavkalowa tea alamr* adjua*a bio so road it hut be la sbeewd and vlg.laal. and he la the Brat •« dtarem Iba rurrswt of public aentimeot at*4| the ftral k> get hla boat la tk* middle of B. When ha doclarad be favored the ac-, quUitloa of Cuba and Porto Kico be-1 cause wa wanted thru Island* to guard our gulf «»aat aud to protect the ] Car bbeoo and of tba Nicaragua cbMi.l wbaa It Mi ram plated, he knaw that fha people war# with him. He would not bava antagonised Bland had ha not bean well aaaurod of thla. He l» pteea log hla plume# and preparing his pin-| lona to aernra tha deaamral.i nomtoa ttoa for presUleot and ha token no pnaltlon without being first assured of iu popularity. The rswult at Spring field vindicated hla prevision Blaud waa turned down aa effectually aa llai- { ley of Taxia waa turned down for ad-| \im atiag tha aam* pollrloa. The dec-1 laratloa oppoalag tha aequiaifon of tha Phllppmaa or any olhar territory in tho Orient, or on tha way there waa a harmlema aop idvan to Bland, which means nothing, because we have Ha waii on the way to Manila, anil we are aot llhely to aurrendor them without securing na many conveniences as we may deal re. Bealdes. not one delegate in fifty, probably, could locate them on the tnap. The Missouri platform ought to ad monish tho recaleilranis that opposi tion to the Inevitable ;• both foolish and futile. Governor Jones told the convention that territorial expansion hod been the policy of every demo cratic preeidrint from Jefferson to Bu chanan. which Is true, but It was not on this account that the platform reads as tt does, hut because the senti ment Is so strong throughout the coun try that the rhetors snd declaims™ who talk about tradition and theory are not listened to. A few more sharp raps like the ones given in Tex as and Missouri and our democratic leads™ will probably realize that the people are doing some thinking them selves and that they will not tolerate stupid dictation. The democratic party 1s getting out of the nil and is ceasing to be a party of negation. If It continued advancing It will be ready to enter tho contest representing posi tive policies in 1900. AccusedlHushand Suicides, Paris. Aug. 25.—Ernest Bossel, the German who has been trying to collect a claim of ten thousand pounds upon a life insurance policy Issued to his wife, payment of which was resisted on the ground that he threw her over a cliff near Florence, committed suicide last evening. TiOrd Charles Beresford, the noted sailor, charges a half crown for each of his autographs. He does not pock et tha money thus made, although in a year it amounts lo a very considera ble sum. but devotes it all to the va rious naval charities in which he takes so lively nn interest. 50-year filled gold watches In ladles' and gents' sixes with Flgln or Wal tham movement from 37.00 to 312.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J, Sehaul’s, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. The older a woman gets the more she worries about past years. Good SUCK BAKING POWtkLR, ISTHEBEfT. HifhM' of AH In Lmvdb* | iftff Pi bes. art'At. rßayvi FOR RENT I IM fbbfid wart, yYwi »* mhS maoM. • fSma . .. fa m IDM IWnad straaf, I pbema ,* *, fa *b 1 I ba Omni snoot, a rcriwaa . - I j IIS Aeveath Ntroof .. * W I* Nooowth % Ur Rmrm* .* a. « *• * *1 ■ ..a ... . ftl HR I M Novonth at soot .. .. .. - •»** " aw boooath atrom .* •# •• •* •• •* [«M Deal atroot .. .. .. •• •• **-*N| Ha Broad •* N b HA Wood at mot “ IS gtt Broad atroot .. .. .. .. »• w •MAT Brand atroot *• 2 ! !«» Broad olfoot .. .. ** j |«WHr.tod atroot * l«j; Brand atroot M( Broad atroot ft Br ad atroot *» * |t.l| RtIRRt aa •• *» •* •• »* •* twm» IR «RRMMfi»**R« h**Utimm The abowe Its. .d k chm,*- fro* |4*T IM John. W. Dickey Real Estate Agent. FOR RENT JB B. White's new moldencee <m upper 4amand atreet. Itpectol prices. ~v tft Telfair street, f rtjnm* 117 to 311 Telfatr street. * room* .. .. .. 24 «a , 835 Telfair street. 7 mom* 22 "4 j SS9 Telfair street. 7 moms 22 to » Telfair street. 7 rpem* 22 to HlH* street. 7 rooms 18 to *32 Broad street, (Ist I* ®* ns Eenwlck street. F rooms .... 20 to IM4 Gwlnnet street, f'rorttn* . •• New fjs| Walton Way, 4 mom* 15.t0 I*l3 WoJton Way, 5 rooms .... 15 to 522 Brood street, « rooms 2« to 522 Broad street, store 2# to J. B. White's cottage* on upper Jones street—l«.to and each. This list will he changed from day to d *l r - „ . Clarence E- Clark, Real Estate. *•*- B road **• FOR SALE fW-l bars for sale very desirable build ing lot locsted in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Mill sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for'Jrour family. Good titles. . CALL ON MRS. JERRY O'HARA, NO. 13X7 GREENE STREET. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street# Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. — "~ ' TO IRZEUSTT. From October Ist, 1898. the premises at present occupied by the lrish-Amer ioan Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mulherln, Secretary and Treasurer. 817 Broad St. " ■' ' * Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. Mr At MYktt’ Fur Rem From Oci 1 j - \! / ■/ 1 flr»99M> Fr« WBRNR 4t«rrHlfV tFli RR» * p**rttßß. Tut tM «** RRr Mrvr trwl R ‘ T:«* Harfr morNI R«n M» in4mmm4 ir t i#4**9*• tM* «>i4-f*«4it<»f»#’4 « FIM‘4 ifti*. Tar rfm tl Ir •« mmmm ir j Orr ttMflM** If Y«R Rfßfst RRt» | ig) (Mo|i (Hwft (Man rrryMmf. jtmr i h«%«* tiUl to iuid tMt ilwriF F*t»R | t n ) you r««i r^Mlrcnp thf Mmrl to RRy Mr* | rvmni you liritfv THm riiih vltl y*>ur i mast. If It to doing too qutrhly. yea 1 don’t wood to throw open tho oven door | oad run the risk of cbtmng H. You can r»gu)it« yviif (ftif* U> wit yoßf ®*Ft. j Hi Gas Liibt Co. of lotssta, €22 BHOAD NT. •p. H* P.H.H.P.H.H.P.i H. H. P.l -*»- YH. H. P. i vionuß. l .. _ H.H.P I _ Tbr . .H.H. P. H. H. P- BassOa All H. H. P. h. h. p Liter h. h. p. Medicines H. H. P. in. h r. For H. H. P. I the Liver H. H. P. # ° r * nU H. H. P. u u D Howard* u „ p H - H - p - Willet rroi H - H - p h. h. p. | CompaDf 4. h. p. H.H.P. H. H.P.H H P. 5 / > ? F ? Old Polar let Works Misery FOR SALE Pomps, Tanks, Pipes, ic, (top Lombard Iron forks ORDER YOUK— COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantitv and Quality Giarsnterd. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Beil ’Phono 21til btrowger J 65 j B Alt Bn AD •CWIIMB'DMM Chnrlnton & W Carolina ••* HR# • R •• «•♦ * R MdHMF* t »Rrw tR dMNRF MrR '4F **** tnsm , r: - j r **•* i 1 jb <m4RMF4BHirrrmm t h i 9 < m I * JM#k«4Mßß||k ■»-<• t 9f • ■' -«<! a##* 1• * : * m** 9 -FF'mMF' •. | * m • ** ipAH-t fe w smm *** * a—. , . flfe 1 # MkbAM TRR4ORRbd«» *** **» '■« - \ MRIRRM RRIRRi > rKL f'lißM ttRRFRFRRi Rl WiWiBtMRKw RM M 4 I fRRMR (f I I, I (t| < |f« pm IMRMR •R* Ft RRM f«r«#-*r tit ir & *«m»*»r mttrnmmm *m r^Rm-ri i,I I RAH* Nr AA j BLOC HIDOK RAILROAD* AH TM j Mti IdRRRR f*M IASI 11# Mt t 3’* .a.- ARtRR ... f Ay | Nrttl»»®R .- Mi I • it S Mil cTF**ry CYrrMR f • ** *! j* t 1: A4*R * fF“m n i ntt t Mk I H. 4 .. MtSACA a. R A ay I A •;3 TT 14*IM •'9tM IM .# WRiM*’i* ..-M 0•I *! IAM I’M I |hM*« Arvtoo-'FM CM. KoU N"l B « II No * "Tl liagtiiir watfoa. F fTag Ntaßwa. Alt r-tiilwif tftfti# ffoß Af4mr*f t# VTaiba'.to havo right to tra« b of-r tratao *€ thv wa* claaa movtag ta "V --ipeotto dir-' F< e. unions otboraiao agoc |m*4 few train «rd«sa. B*IH aiao at»p at fidtowtog atatteoa !to tab* «W or let off passengers MHO -1 ary ». Jam* a aud »•■«•* storings Mo tt co sure tt Rltß RtviNfi f#H* I way Mo M Rt ARMfl^l. Krr A tad 4 coMiv< t wIIM railway Kor IS aM S 7 at JMrt* J. II- ANDKitStiW. lfe|Wfl>irrMfrlo ATLANTIC COAST LINE noftnr in# oritinTMiiw 1(> I HR KANT AND !•»’*! H SHURTIWT AND QUICK ENT BOUTB TU THK EAST AND NORTH. 2 Seym Bv..Augusta. Oa .Ar ■ 55am l:t»fim; 8v......Atb0n Ar 5 T llam 4:l?pm Bv....l>enmarli.... Ai • ITpm t:fOfm 8v... Orangh’g—Ar | l;«0am ( INprti Bv..Numter, N. C.Ar t 2*am I TSpm; Bv.. Florence ....Ar I 126 am! Bv Fjyettevtllo. Ar 1 t*pm 1:21am! At Petersburg.Vo. Bv 1 I 12pm 4:(Kiom i Ar....Ktehmend ...Bv | 1.12 pm T:4Umj A*..Waabtagtoa..Lv l:Wn* • 02am! Ar.... Baltimore—Bv 2 24pm II ISxm Ar. Philadelphia..Bv 12 Wpm , : o*pm; Ar.... New Y0rk....8v | Fleam Pullman palace buffet sleeping e*rs from Moron and Augusta to New York without -hang*. K. A. BRAND, Oep Agt.. 723 Broad Ht„ Aagustfe. Oa. T M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M. EMERSON. (Jen. Pas* Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March *. 1891. Eastern Time Standard. Beave Augus’a. Southern By.. I 30 p.m. , Arrive Chester, Southem Hy.. 2:18 a m. Beave Cheater, C. & N W Uy 7:45 am. j Arrive Benolr, C. * N. W. By 2:M p m. Beave lA/nolr, Stage « i Arrive Oreen Park. Stage .. .. 00 P-m- Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage,.. . -0 pm. O cTf. h arper, j President. U 1 | The Paper That is Best For the Reader - is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. the s best buyers N Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People of a Com munity : : : * f s s 5 'THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. • IT’S THE bEST.’’ A_ AUGUST 20 ffcJtftL&t-i-R f* RRMFRt- S. C i C. FillKH CO |#§ •#!rr mm* ««R *+flHM 04 * Mrr mm 44 A* 0 a r>"i :>4*4RMM f »dR *R»« 4. ig m (urn -w .wb iaa E-ffsff' tb* vk RqfIRHR t.i i i I* A■Ri mm > # 4MM4F 4 * * %*•» ~ % IdIRRI r > | R fI it j* l 19fe fIR |>R.a vl RMI It riil 9 mmtm* ** RF4 RtNR 9MMF VrFM ,i iu' -wnTTi :WSm ♦ s*m t*mC3mK3 I* M#r Y t RMnk* A* 4m '- «*• « '*■ JRaRi # >* *14*14 ■mnr mmms (•rrr 4”rrrmK fAff AMimm »g»dM IJWFF BRRNR »*■•*•«* * i RFRRi IMMRRI v m **** *■ #• 4mm 9Am> •*** Amm YmR mrfrrrpi rRm rfcM *4«»Ri*4R Mr IfffliwMft'M I'M* MRtR<4Rf 4—»R feaRMMR •4i »M» < m , tlfe t*Ri Rfeid 4FNR •*» tmmm R Rpfe RRM* RMR X J. It. Milk. 1. 4, IfekWP* «-•*.*» *t»nago«. Iraffi* wa*«gm. F,*. ■ na- fitff J • a*'-*k t*a ’ SOUTHERN RAILWAY* *vil» fv,<m vans (W*w»f*l«sto**4 h*V ,«»- fetuffiiff rw ftmms mmtrnrnm Am* luuMMe MMI 9tthmo f gaWKS'Wo J»'» A tow •' ' ■■■**"“ '" r " im " *mT JO9 %«L M •tofekoto Ha*t». Mart*. «t» t «ff »y- -,;g; AsStoSfeS '* '«»*: ***» r*'Tts"i4 : ><F'» - Lis: a» • mum ton . w ft Tff it Ofwrss»w*g. •• k# Ar b-kr-lM •• ' ' **' Ll iil-M. ffa I J £ w 5? - hL*s'ls: Ar On|pn*<u( •- «Ff •* ! J ™ c* umir i 4 • *** ** 11 .a; - «a~*sv ?Sf£ {!:? * a .-a urn ...| * 4#- tlMMrteAt* _ 11 !*»• j^r U j * r *~»» i *■> Ar VashioaVtoi . , ! *#» • *»P " Piltw r~ *"~ ** ** : 'J* *i £* - Srtodrtpbia •“» ?»• - Kss t-vk J u • k N ,t,M.rt. vTat vo. m tail/. iMlty. It *sw V.vx. Pa. B-B |~t »"i- tt Uni ** i'hiwit'.fLia ...... I 4 te|» 3 N'fe * »’Aiita*4»rt- I 9 *>|* •41 • It Wmh Um. tk d- Rv Ml Up U U>m Ia Klt hir nd I. Mnt tt «1m Lv liuitrAMffi I b Him 4 tlp Lr. MorfulM ~. ! ' 9 :Am\ At. Ovwrmßovr ) RiS»‘ Lv Umoibfiro TUN a ?^lp ** CburKiYlo ........ ' »3S» 10 $F * Hut* HiU ..... jlu *i» 11 l*p " 4Tit *.UT .. JlO 111* II I*4 P “ R inn*tU»n» ' 11 41m !i J*« ▲r CMlha Rmiml'iß 12 4T»r. IJ7 » Lv < **lui.ib»aCa ' t )&}>{ 4iW* •* Jnlißsrnu. *IF T*] 9) m •* Tnatoß . i *i* '* Uraaltevtllr .. Jf J*p* t » Ar AUK*****.. ♦ !5p F MIR t?. .. . * Jum 3My tv aRRftRROBrf ... II 40rt 4Up Lv Ot»n»m. K.C.RI4 Rj 3«»j> T 'JO a Ar. l'harl«atoo rt 40j>' II % I V. rtollxta. r rtP Ky W47r 2*AYarm>ih 44? j» & Ort • Ar IflbiiaivUlt- 0 F tlfe sI. KEFINO fi R HKRVK E Kxralfaot dally jm«*mtmt jorrtem b«» |i*>ri<Ui and New York. Noe- ;t7 and HK—W aßhvntrton and Soothw«*tera UmjtfMl Woiitl V>Dtil»a’ed tram with d*nir»sf cart* aud fint <ilum* cviaohi'k worth of 4 ha riot te. Pullman drawing rooo» pleetiiniicar' bmtwmtm Tamiui. jwkwnvilhf, bavmnih, Waßiiinyton and Sew York- Pullman Sleeping Tara between tliarlotta aud Elehmond Pullman draaMnr-room eteeptag **ar» »w* tween (ire«m#il>oro and Norfolk. C V»*«» tion at Norfolk far OLD POINT OOMbORT, amviug there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cart, between Charleston and AihrvHk*. Non. 85 anti K—V. S. Fa«r Mail. Through i Pullman drawing room buffet aleejdng ’ j tween Jackaourille and New \< rk and Pull* nan elMplng earn between AtiftiatH nrnt Char* lorto, Pullman aleepinf «-ar» between Jaek •onvillr aud Columbia, en route dally between Jacksonville and tlneinnati, via Asheville. FRANKS. <4ANNON. J. M. Cl T^P, Third VP. * Oeu. Jlfgr. T M, Wwhlnxton. W. A. Tt’KK, S. H HAKDM I< h. U. P. A., ymghingtoa. ((PA- At too to GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189 L Pullman Sleepers between Macon anl New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St- Lrtuin- Lv Augusta ..| 7:obaml 3:2opm|lo:3opm Ar Allanta ...|l2:36pm! I:2opm Ar Macon ....|U:lsniu).. *'4 o am Ar Athena il2:lspm| T.'JOpmJ Ar Ga!netville|*3:4spm| Ar White Pls!*l:oopini ! Ar Mill’gnle .|10:10 a m 4.30 am Ar Wash’ton ..|lo:l9am| 7:iopm| | picayune train leaves Augusta dally I except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar ‘ rives at MtUedgevllle at 8:10 p. m. I Trains arrive at Augusta 5:15 a. m. 7-45 a. m., 1:20 p. m . and B:2S p. n,. A. O. JACKSON, G. P. A. ! JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.