The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 27, 1898, Image 1

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tut • ****** * .£TT lAYtkOS tilia, ». If iswip Afl*tMAa HI t* *imms tMha«» tb*f«R tAR WE WILL HOLD THE PHILIPPINES. That Is the Position of Three of the Peace Commissioners. l Secretary Day Mora Modarau. But Ha Is Opan to Conviction. a<« »- n» twi , mm aw «•**#»» MMN Thar m* tb* *mm> a* pnk tt«b*4 afnO *a Tb* A |hf«M T*«***y »IWaM «•* *•■ •**.** That #**.*itan mm »«**>* a* »*»* tM bUrtn aa aaa»*><4 *• fmt*#*** * H*nrtA. Tb* rwnnn »*•*** a» It Aa* *t*nA* rwiiai a# WMTa* R Day raAa>. K tto*t* RDM*** »• fV|. R (t Wbtoa **A A blt*d*w R#d R. la tb* a* a aa— «* »i# am aM mh■ * (A# ***** #f tun a r Tt—at. j tob* **» «b* »**•*«*•♦* «*Maa «» M»>4*, TV afpwunai**t <* R* * •*• R»*MM m mpm lb* •»**•*» aal at Tiwyg RMM. afD* a amwaniwi tb* PtaaMMl* Ml aitb A**#«rr Platt nr#, lb* lang Atatanm t»i*ybn*» jwtm Wkiu arraptad Hi* ymtm Sa>* aflpynnp*. W# bad aakaß an At* aa* r«w4 aa I’aaK at lb* rwliUfla at ka* «-** paaßMg batata iba WRWRW A HVOLTtNa CRIME. A CkHunuii Drag* tat Aaaaalta a Attiaatl CM. Aavanaah Oa . Aug 1.-tlmrtt* baa • Chinaman aad Aanta Cbla Chnn.wb* la half ChMMaa■. w**w arraatad «o4a» tt|. n . acta revoMlag chargr. That ar# *c. at 'tiu ina a Mil# U jaara >4d wMt* girt lain a touadry b#pl h* th# «mran‘» hu*Ua*d *n4 aaaaalllM bar aflat admmwtatt** a drag Tba **• man !• rhargad with iba apHratbm at ib- drat Ah# daw tea lb# tta»r •• *" h*r*#tr and a Urn da.'tmd* lha ftUnamaw ah» ean»«i t*l*t *■***■ **•"** bar# tan year* aau (wa Atlanta. *be rlatnx la b# halt Apantah and half c'bl a#«# hut I'-oh. more lib# « malatta. n# kai M a moat #*#n»plary M* aln## coming bar*. ah# and ha# huaband h#tag tb# mad#™ of in# ona«# eh— m Aunday *<ho..l Th- man ta north aavrral tbooaaad dollar#. "a Pathetic Contraat. At le.uta Aug. rT.-A train consist - in* .4 MO# ai#«P#ra. I/’'* * today, having on board 1.1 —*w or th» Aral, aorond and fifth M*"** regiment*. who hav# barn Ilf liiiala at rhtckamauga t**r aom# ttm#. Tb# In—-eoartAß of them- naMMra. nwu«y of whom ar# on th# brl ** °* 1 . ~„»#, »aa in pitiful contraat with their Sutgotu* ju»t a f#« month# «uigeon McCrecry Dead Waahngton. An. T7.-T general of th# n.Oiy l * ££ Iran. thi. «r.n,tn« Point at in* lha r.eamahlp <*atanta arrived I'eatarday from Bantl»*o ». > L ronvaleaernta. mrred on lb# trip, among them Major n#org. McCreary, aurgoon. t 8. A., rib. morning of the 23rd. from dy»- rntcry foil ring yeilow fever. He »»« a native of Nev York. Muatered Out. W.ahlngton, I*. C.. V-- The following regiment, were u rnuatered out: The that and "«h M'« -niirt new at Chlckamauga. and th fhlr* Mieaeuri. now at Middletown, Pa.. new at Middletown, the risfhth New York, now at Chlcka maofs. . The Spanish Commission. Madrid. Aug. 27. - Duke Almodovar, minister of foreign affairs, expects offi cial notification today of the names of the Amert an peace commissioners. Should this be received, the Spanisn cotrmisfloncrs may be named al to night’s cabinet meeting. AN OVATION TO SCHLEY. Crowds Throng the Corridors to Greet the Hero of Santiago. The Admiral Was Kissed By a Concourse of Women. In the Navy Department. on n C Aug. 27. Admiral Schley received a great detaoa etratTon al tt navydepattment. He came to the department quite early, and after a call upon Acting Secretary Alien, emerged feo.n the man door of ti e secretary’s office. His presence became known, however, and as t"n as he was seen cheers rent the air from the ctau. v ho alembic 1 to S I glimpse of the hero of Santiago. The officers and clerks from the departments crowded the corridors up to (he navy department until it was impossible to pass through. They crowded around the admiral, ea- Iry Xhing forward to shake his hand. The lady clerks were even more demonstrative and the admiral was kissed by old and young without dis crimination. It was finally necessary to form a line ant, pass the crowd around through the large rooms of the secretary’s office in order.' to give them a chance to shake hands with the admiral. Many prominent officers took part in- the demonstration. PAY FOR WHAT YOU WANT, GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR—IN THIS WAY YOU WIU. GET BAt ihf AC I ION AND .ftßULim. ttb vr*»t» a **rn t«tt«r %tt pantt tb* t»i»stdPbf RM'—iiWe Ufigad |h*w »» ervrt* and an eeinaMty tbai *b» ■' *.n. mmrnm t» ##r»a l TWan »*gMM»n <4 tb* '(savin. ht» and Rasd •»* acrMigt* tm few* At balding Ml at Iba Pbkßttw ;d»e»igrt Hh» MAR* bn lb* *!#• «M« . Hand* etty. bay and bather la awaagb |M the failed Atacan In Mb* Hld '•aid ibwngb ibat be la or*« ta CM* v .etc * and tain be gnMnl M bta raa* < irwiana by a bat stay agp*a> baai Mr 'tb# ranairr Tb# »u«# at J—p* WtW# on Iba Pb'Uppcaa* **< •**■«# ara I sad d#ba tr’y known It la aald by aodM at bia frlanda fiat be will favor I b *'dwig all at tba tmttaay over «b>*b jtha Rag Rrata M« all) be a valaahl# naitwr of tbt ron»a»laaton «tara b# fayaaka Rpaaiab inanity aad la faasitiar i alt b tba dganudi tana ak«S tovrra In jlbree ialand# niOMCIIAN A COMMOUOite. A r*tnwf CHlirs of Murray Canafy la t*rr drat. Dalton. Oa.. Aug. *7. —A Clttaan r»- potter, whti# tc .ling around far a#-««. dropiod into a## r«l K i. Mrt'amy j »n» day (bta weak. and:, aablag for _ n*aa. got It. C'«d Mit'mt noarly at ' any# baa a«m> ihing inter eating fur • - aerthe. and generally goea not mind hriidng Mm «at. But to tba atory. ; A abort while atm# tb# navy aa* [ nouareg tba* r'apt Bartlett j. Crow wett had h##n promoted to a eomm«- doreahlp and thla caught Mr M#c»- my’a eagle #ya, for la bt* boyhood daya h* had ptayad " rutty h»4a." •■hnuclui'' aad othar lnt#r«attng mar '• He gam#* with (Vimmod ir# Crum»»!l In th# upper and of Muirsv county Col. M.Camy told Th# Cltla n that Crnmwetl was hum and reared on th* Kilns IVtty ptnc# In Murray ounty.hut when made an orphan want to live with an aunt. J Bartlett iUgon. Herb and master of Hamilton rouaty. Tean., la a own coualn of Ills »*sim«vl«rv. and wa nrSTr. Aam Barnett, of Iteaaca. Oa.. | now ag<-m of the W. A A. railroad there. When Col , McCamy was In Philadel phia eight or nln# yeara ago. Crom well, then a captain in the navy, show ed him through the K< huyklll navy yard and several cruisers and a monitor then building by the Cramua. A lovely i daughter of Commodore Cromwell ea preared heraelf to Col. McCamy as desirous of vlaltlng the Boulh and par tlcularly the placo of her father’a Mrlh. You ran i down the South anyway you nx It. Illinois Troopa Out. Washington. Ang. *7.-<Jov. Tanner, of Illinois, was at the war department today and as a roeult of a talk with him. Gen. Corbin Issued orders to mus ter out the First. Fifth and Seventh Illinois. Appointments. Washington. Aug. 27. Appoint ments: To be chief engineers of the revenue cutter service. Andrew J. Har rison, E. A. Jack. William Hoblnson, N. E. Cut hln. Chas. F. Nash. Edward J. Nocnan. Harry 1.. Boyd, Herbert W. Spear. St. John Church. Preaching tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock b" tho pastor. Epworth league services at 7:30. All without other engagements are cordially Invited to these services. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. The Crime of the War Department President and Cabinet Are Thoroughly Aroused Over the Slaughter of the Innocents. Fifty Thousand Letters of Complaint Hsvs Bacn Received From Parents and Friends By Algsr. “If My Boy Dies,” 3ay 3 a Desporate Father to the Secretary, *1 Will Kill You.** spnrini M Tba HttwM WnabtMßwh. Aag It "Tba *«•*# wf tba wnt gepattgMnt' M W ha Strang #d Tba gfwasianl and rnbinat ar* tkuttWMtbly sKNtaM aad gwrfnaa that tba •*• wba arw ( aipn>»* to* tba i posanf 11« Mass cwndiuwn are in b* puna>ba4 in tba tlndt of Iba lan and pwhl.rty Stagtarad ~ Tba cabtnat M ita maatmg yawta»4a|r virtually d# <d#d • bat a# wrva as Rat tm ary Atgar pa turns, to orda# a b.uird of ingairf. al*o a MlHtri board, on tba bgraaa rbtaCs wegb. At laaat fifty tbooasod lattar* of tomplsigt hs<r bean racaivad M tb# war grpartaH-nl On# Mtar signad by tba fat bar of a snldtar aa.d. "If •» boy dlaa. I anil bill tom.” ALGER DEFENDS THE CAMP HORRORS He Places the Blame on the Subordinate Officers. No Government Officials Responsible For the Over crowding of the Transports. (By Wilier Howard.) Special to The Herald. New York. Aug. 17.— Secretary Alger i talked at length to the Journal today | upon the condition of the troops and of ] the ramp*. He dtarueard the tranaport horrora. j tb? appalling amount of alckneaa In the home rampe, the alleged interview In wh'ch lien. Nelaon A. Mile* was mad«> to critlciac hi* superior* In the war department and other pha*ea of the now absorbing atate of affair* In army rank*. ■There ha* been a great deal to do here,'' *a!d the secretary of war, and when everything la coualdercd it ha* been well done. The men will now have everything that tbelr condition demand*. I have given Instruction* that everything which (Jen. Wh"e!er or hla surgeons order for them shall be supplied. It la the desire of (he Pres ident and of the war department that these men should be treated as they deserve; that they shall have every thing that mopey and attention can procure for them.” "But what of the transport horrors, Mr. Secretary?” I suggested. "Who was responsible for the overcrowding and the lack of proper food on board of those veasels?'' "That matter,” he replied slowly, has already been thrashed over. \Ve investigated each case carefully, thor oughly, nnd It is impossible to fix t|ie blame on any responsible source. We cannot, we do not, find any officer* pt fault, only men who are employes of steamship companies, and whom we cannot hold or compel to answer.” "Will there be no Investigation fur ther than this one?” "Oh, it Is not time to discuss that new,” exclaimed Secretary Alger, with a touch of Impatience. “We have too much to do to provide for these troops. Investigations will not he p matters any. Of course, there have been mis takes, grave mistakes. I realize that. We all realize It. But they are being remedied as fast os human agencies con move. They are things of the past. We must give atenticn to the Important work at hand.” The discussion was turned to the conditions of affairs at the home camps Chicksmauga. Camp Alger, dan Camp Cuba Libre, in Florida. "It is to be expected,” said Secretary Alger, in-artswer to questions, "that tn places where large, bodies of soldiers are. congregated, especially during the hot summer months, and of necessity in Southern state*. that some sickness will so low. No men are so careless in their habits of what they eat and Al AH At A. «A Ap»* Ml ta Tba H*«atd , Waattngtwn. Aa* ft • Wban aa »• a airy nf tba arar degart—ni ta wrtkvwi tba garni last of tb* a#»#«t*«n «l a <**»*: at • mil U ana «f tba a*n*t a***»c.a*t to >a**n. igai# ti t* nyanly rbargvd t bat pot it t al Raw* bate bean paid <•« >n tbt* way. No nt* baowa e»rial#l* | why Camp Altar Mtaatad in a aot.r rtonaly atalartM diatrtrt or Famandt*] aa. ta *ba baart at tb* yatlota f*»#v atatloa war* rbca#* Tba ramp at j Tampa, tn A opia mt of Dana ral MicrkanrdS# «*• no# of lb# nail nigh fatal mlßiab#* of lb# war pndlm inar #* Tb# camp at Mtami was m$ situated that c*m lb* aaliarn of Georgia apd T*«a* coaid aot ti*a ta tt. j Whil* op knew* this with r«nala- | drink. as robust, strong young men. [nu h a* our soldiers are. They are full ■if anDdrif* and hard to reatraia. | That ia the explanation for the slck- J lies* at uur home rampa. Of this ramp i,t Mnntauk, I find It neither a Fisth 1 | avenue hotel nor a Hotel Waldorf. . ! But la was In much better condition than I tee It. Should I vlalt It tomorrow night. I believe I should have no fault whatever to find with it. "If there has really been any lack of food, clothing, beds, tents or medicine lit has not been due to the iark of wll llingnesa on the part of the war depart ; meot to furnish them, but to the neg [ lect of those who ought to know what i Is needed to order Ihem. "I am not disposed to criticize In In ! dividual insiancea. because during the 1 past two daya there has been a great (hang* gfor the better at camp. I per sonally visited nearly every patient In the hospitals nnd asked each what complaint he had to make. Not a sln ! gle one had uny criticism to offer as to lild treatment. "In some eases I found men lying on the bare floor. When I called atten tion to the fact that twenty thousand Lots bad barn sent to the camp for the ■ use of ihe troops there was hurrying and scurrying to get hold of them. They ivere found and put in use.” "What about the water furnished the troops?” "It comes from i a well capable of furnishing 750,000 gallone a day. I tasted it and found it much better than the water 1 used to drink when In the army myself. It has been chem ically analyzed and pronounced abso lutely pure. Two thousand gallons of milk which have been ordered to be shipped dully for the troops have proved a God-send.” “Ir it true that the hospitals are so crowded that it is Impossible to ac commodate patients as they arrive from the incoming ships.” “They were not congested this morn ing. Two or three more ships have ar rived today, hut more hospital tents are going up, and as the Seventy-first and Second Massachusetts regiments will go away co furlough teday. and other regiments tviiich served at Santi ago are to fellow. I se no reason why the hospital service should not he am ple and effective. II tell you that I shall ho the happiest man in America when all those sick boys have recovered and are safe in their (homes once more,” added Gen. Alger., almost pathetically. “What recognition will you take of Gen. Miles alleged (criticism of the war department?” was-asked. j ty. ytt M t* a* 4 that HI *ach mm a poiu gal d*M mm paid Tb* am* d*«wi,a*c«M today t*p*.*4 tb* o«*f of W. J. Tbampana of N»w J*raay. tomity boon* aa lb* "Dab# of Gtoacaat** ~ of tb* graiaitowa mm «d n Übtat- -a park a Iran of land MM’ a< raa Is ratant. M tamp porpoaaa. Tb* park to atioai*d on tb* fwlanar* rltmr npptuU r longts* laland aad raa aaally | *<vomaMwtatr f.ftaon tbooaaad nddlara !II bad bmm blabiy fwrommmdad by laspirtcf Oanrrsl Mil** and tb* mUita ry board aad by the N#t* J*r»*y and Pat,nay Ivan la aonatasawtti. G«a#*al Corbin said today that ih# only r*a son Rarratary Als*r gave for refuting lb* ogsr wss that tb* noMtor* might h* contam'naiad hr tb* prnsaar* of tb* womra la tb* a*ighbor ag rtiy. "Tt-■ rr la nothing Is It. (lot stile# man to have ever raid such thing* •* port* of parsing n nver*»t!rm« Ido not believe that he said anything of Ihe p e-'tury Alger earns to New York from Caron Wvkoff lest night nnd took I with the Pr iltsM for another visit to Mootauk Fdnt. AN ANIILO-CMINf SR WAK. 1 The British Fleet Wav Enforce Com mercial Wights. I London. Knglaud, Aug. 27.—Authurl ' tatlve i finllrnimlun h*s been received of the dispatch from Pekin to Thu ' 1 tally Mall, asserting that ihe rt-lath>n* i'between Taung LI Yam«*n and Sir .Claude Macdonald, the British mlnts . ter to China, are strained to the point lof rupture, and Sir Claud* intimate* i that Great Britain will r yard as a | Casus belli any failure on th ■ part of (China to observe her wishes. They say [ihe situation between Orest Britain *nl t China la acute. Sir Claude strenuous ly insisting that China shall observe her engagement* to British syndicates, and demanding satisfactory explana tion* with regard to the Pekln-llank.. v railway. If necessary the British squadron, now assembled at Wel-Hal- Wel, will support the British minister’* demand*. Meanwhile, the foreign of ficial* say negotiation* nre being con- j ducted by Sir Charles Scott, lhe*Tlrlt- j Ish ambassador to St. Petersburg, to . define the respective British and rtus slan apheres of Influence proceeding “a perfectly friendly spirit.” TO EX E /THE FRIARS. The President Is Urged to Pursue That Course, London. England, Aug. 27.—Tho Phil ippine commission In Europe has ad ,dressed u letter to President McKlnDy, regarding the appeals made to him by high Homan Catholic ecclesiastics In America to protect the religious order rh the Islands. The expulsion of th» fri ars, the commission contends, Is a "nec essary antecedent to moral sanitation." The letter names particularly the arch bishop of Manila arid the bishops of j Nueva Covlu an<l Nueva Csseres, | fuse acts of hostility against both natives and Americans and against the Jesuits and other respected rellglour in stitutions are condemned by everyone. The commission urges President Mc- Kinley to "aid the Filipinos to suppress the Immorality of the diabolical Inull tutkins fostered by those monks," and the leletr concludes as follows: “Your name can never be associated with that of the friars; and the sense of right of the noble nntlon, at whose head you are pla<yd, will never permit the ever victorious and humanitarian Stars and Stripes to protect them.” Further Cases Develop. Washington, I). C . Aug. 27.—Dr. Wyman, surgeon general of the marine hoslptal service, recelv. d a telegram frero ore* of his assistants at Galves ton, stating that tin- army surgeon in' charge there considers three additional . fever cases somewhat suspicious. He Isolated them and lias taken the pre cautions to burn their clothing and bed ding. Then'a re a few new cases also at Key West, which may turn out to lie genuine yellotv fever, but. they are not yet sufficiently developed to war ! rant a positive statement in regard to j them. HVR t<H I AH* A »M» Mtf MI»Al. Ain »t IN* “CHICKAMAU6A WAS A LIVING HELL." One Thousand Human Skeletons, tho Shadow of the First Maine, Have Arrived. It W«R the R*«rimerit Which Rec«nlly Ps«Md Through Au«rutl«i Without Stopping, Rt*#Ml ta Tb* Marald Ran Tafb. AMR Be- Os* tbonwan* itoW4M tba ib*A*m «f tb* WR Main* totnatsttw. t*nrb*d J*«wy CH» •«d*y <>n< as Ibto totwi of nbat oa# a m-tmtrt **#»**« ***♦» Rftb tna* *,, mi nnab. m» *«*aßta**d by Mdlaytnß a*4 dMan** that b* nonld banily nalb "M'bat to Cbtrbanwoga Uk»*“ i It to b*4t~b*tt dtatl*" aMd Cnpt lu M turvry Of Ok C -B i* tb# MM Star* I *»♦* nan wmrm than I #*** igMgtnad and lift* tb*** *n traly k*ti Wet nr* to ywofiodf S*g«R ntodtan •a< atop#d oa a bittatd*. nitb no pmpar WHr.l*l.Ett SHEARS OIT. It# Ibpl Hl* Rrltol Mcaanrv* W *rr Dcirstrd. Rpvrtal to Tba M».*ld N*w York. Aa« «. Tbs atpt*- j m#nt was dirts tad ta W altar Howard by Oaa. Wb##l#r "Wb#n M naa datrrm awl to aatab- , Itob this camp (WikuCl tb* pr**ul*Rf and **• <»taiy of war both utttorad th*. ' aay food a#.-»aaary few tb# haalib of tb* troopa b* purvh»*#d I'pn aril*- • tag bar* I ralicd upon tb* aurgeoaa s for a atatcawut «f tb# rbarartar of tb# food graded and am pnwrritiad la tbn regular array ration. I ord#r*d tba lomralsaary d#twrim#nt at New fork to raraiah tba supplUw sadudad ta tb# list furatsbrd liy tba wirgann* H«ra’ la a copy of my taiagrapblc ontar. Cbouaiaaar? Oenaral Rngan thought that all that was aacaaasry In th* way .4 food r* old h* supplied uodav the provialona of general order No. ll*. wblrh autbotia#* tb* aargaon ta chart# > of dbla camp to parehas# ftmd to th# am'uni of at*ty ranta P*r day for rath patlaat in lha h..*pi ala Tb# cota mtsKtry general, tindar this construc tion. fotinirrtm»nd»d fimru Washington ir.y ori’ar. and dlraclad that troops should ba rarad for undar gansral or der No. HR. The food which I had or dered was then on it* way hare and ’ has been s andlng In earn for day*. I undcrataud that th# parlshabl# goods, ,urb as oranges, ar# spoiling Tba 1 rcmn'iß,arp grnawii probably did not kt.oi*. that there were nearly as many slcli In camp with theti rtgitncnls as there wera in the boap.ials. and that g< tierui ordtur No. lie could noi btmeflt tl #m The supplies which I ordered were largely Intended for the men who are sick in camp. The secretary of war appre. iated tbi* at onee. and has given directions by which all told .era “til he supplied with improved ra tions. "A great many of the siek men do not need mc-licines. They simply need a change of diet, and the order of the president and se-retary of war has supplied this deficiency. The j extra cost to Ihn government will be only nominal.” Commissary Lagan’s Defense. Wnsbington. Aug. 27. - In answer to Genet al Wheeler’s complaint. General Egan made the following statement to The Journal Inst uight: "Gen. Wheeler called on the commis sary at Montauk Point fur some stores to Issue to troops which were not al lowed by law for such a purpose. 1 replied Informing Gen. Wheeler that general cider No. lit!, which I Imd Is sued through tho war department, au thorizing his surgeon to mete sixty cents a day for delicacies, etc., was In SHERMAN ROASTS ALGER. Gross Missmanagement in the War Depart ment. “Someone is to Blame For the Deplorable Condition of Affairs.” Washington, Aug. 27. Ex-Secre tary of State John Sherman said last night: “Gross rnismaagemem has charac terized the affairs of the war depart ment during the past six months, and a congressional responsibility should he ordered to fix the responsibility. Those responsible for the death and sickness of thousands of American troops should be brought before th.e bar of justice and if the higher officials of the department are proven respon sible, they should be impeached. In saying this I do not wish to be under ••mm >■»*■<■ IMP to ItatoMto s-todpn t ****** ***‘RRl Upto* »•» *•#* Pta'iMß Sfai i »•* |#WNHiI ; bt»ft S4S tuirms loan AMf fAVUEOi ; UKL [ ,bn**Rßn at** •otfta* drat**** Itbtoitn* tb* mtmrn •ad Ritb tbot i**a» ar« siualaMt, than prig* tb* b**Pb *d tb* a« bt* KoHtata m«n*«.• nbo n#** to#*ad to waltew in a*»b Altb nil* • hoynißß •»* **#,b*nd oil day Song, I* B any wo*dr* #at w# *r* Mrr* abodSSRI as list htowtaf »*t**af Tb* aw * boy* «b*y ntll ***** ba<* M »d#r«*. ink i*P tor* art)* W* wow’d pot aatr* rtraß 1 ts .* bad b#*n ktn#d la Cnbn wbtl* [ Strung ta* owr Rat bat IS a# t-araß tn !• twllMb Pita# Ilka t b.. ksaianga witß* i* tb* b> aadart** «f on* own batowni r a airy, oaa «wl to *ny tb* l*na(.'* i rrutnl lu ggsgt hi* rojatiexttet} 1 t Hirrssrl my s* ugisht—t id b; ici#- 1 gran that be Hid Mot i oßSpel bis Mf> ■ g*«>B to draw the mousy to which ho •m totaled <— si tty coot* tor ml 1 Mum U** o* mode rhbt yrorlfM oC ! tigi* roots Ft rorh onto ood pce somiog ho to van Id draw it —* god ,t «MMMintfl to thut**3odO of lloi)«irt t I suspended the psrkSM of who* woo sskod by Groersl Wheeler, as It hod i„,* provided by the order of Aim* loth trim tho war deponwnt Three > days ago. findlog he hod not dravra tho Owsley, I directed the storm to he for niihr-l. hot this Is S mere bagatelle, rotr o*lo.l so Ibe r By-fold »h ch would have beeh obtained under the slxty reat s per diem r egoist Inti issued on ! August 10th, sad which I Informed him In Aae time had been issued, la or dor to further instruct sll concerned, the regulot.ii* of the srsr department providing for this at*'* - cents nmu tatlrin In favor of aick soldiers waa again s-m he ’-troaph to the vorknas I* ‘Hips yeetsnlaf. **Ceserr’ v. t '** could have been informed of th* rlrcitms!sneen hart he inib-d on my rommlssarr officer. Ma jor Duval, who had full instruction.: ■>n this mailer over a week ago.** CO'll NO TO AUGUSTA. Tr. T. H. ttazelhurst Accepts • Re sponsible Poiitlon. Mr. T. H. liasieburat will leave hers i tomorrow tor Augusta, Ga., where ha g to accept a r sponsible position ’ with the chiton house of Inman d Co. Mr. Hczclhurst hat' been In the ctn p'oy of thr well known cotton and na l\nl strres firm of Middleton & llavene! j for Borne lime, where hi* recognized [ability, industry and faithfulness bare won for him the regard and esteem of (til* employ)rv and all with rrnom this popular young man cum* in contact. Mr. Hazlehnrst Is one of the most pcpnlnr yrung men lo Chnrlenton snd ]the bent wishes of bis host of friends I will accomoany him to hla new field of I labor,, Mr Hezl hurt's and Mr. T. S. O. I.roß#’ departure this week remove from ihe city two deserving young men. whom rffisFeston can ill afford to loss.—Chorlcr’cn Poet. Passed Away. A.f;er an illness of ten daya, lit tie Mti.f'tjl idnwr, the ten year old daugh ter of'Mr. ht?>i Mrs. John Wldner, pas sed away this morning at the home of her parents, 1104 Greene street. The retrains were taken to Hath. 8. C., for In erment. The sympathy of many friends is extended to the bereaved parents. stood as criticising any • particular individual of the department. Secre tary of War Alger and myself have been friendly since we first met, which was when we came into the cabinet together. We got along very well to gciher and nothing occurred to cause friction between us. But someone is to blame for the deplorable condition of affairs which has existed in the ar my camps, and it seems to nae that the head of a great department like the war d»fr«|fliion: should he held ac countable for the misdoings of hta sub ordinates.”