The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 27, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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SATURDAY 6 COAL COAL COAL *«#» #t f4* OtMWr* •* R«i AiiiJtlwe #H*» (jgim J#Wico Anthracite Kff »mi Nut ** CITY ICE COMPANY. LABOR AND LABOR NOTES. BY JEROME JONES. 0$ Ml A - * •• *##»*#§* Pftft# PWPi i mm •** y** <*** **** g* HM* •*** ****** »«tl fW •* V »«• *# * **♦«# f*** »*#«***•* *• *•» tf«#* IMMft ftft 9*o ♦•" MM mMMMSV M* *•# ] I,ooo*l* ft* ft* BHMBHBMBI *M M»» f ftftpMlftMiM *'*### *M* *-• «•#•*#•# • fiTA" r *##M» «Mrtft tMMMft 8M ft*** #* *MOf #•#**** ArtlS f v •' r,, ' t ** * f **•***• #*** MS* IpMMI mm* •#*#•*» *•*•* * ft## *#ftl§ ***** •# RBw *M»# * Wl'l - < "W *%*#** A l>* '**- • *'<*** ***i ft* B #'** -«M fIMWMhI ** * ■BMPMftMi kAvS i ft-tpus MjjjM ties* Hf fttft* ’ ?'tt*ss4 •* * ft* **** IMf *##!##» W*# ™ At |BMPImmMO *’|B*» M, J##PWMrtl YAMAh-NW 1 * **■*• Ml «|irtMplMo m i*ft**MM#* • * f*w * **r #tt pH*t V | «|*#*« ttUh ** ■ a#**#ft I M**tM H *'ft Ml TM M*> am * •»» ft*** ••*' *** * * *r T * ( t* lm» B**o Mi lA* M'ttrtMl it t*» M*# l#Mtf iWlt- m llrtl fffwil «<* *•■■* •* MRrtftiMC tp**m**» #Mftl m##* •* - f*ie ■ •4 •« ftft** mmi **•*• mw»« fciMh At tM* ***** ** ***** »** ***** H |pp*t M# f##»rtiM*rtNo fM*» MTfitf M 4 MMI. b»l It l **** *« *«**»••• #, (*nil4 i#A# tM* BftMßßft* *B#*M#ft if** MMMrtWrtk TfcfftrtMfft Jftrtft ***» tw» ■ f »••»•» ww***# •» r»'* w4 *# *: f T t*. M*» »*»!«<*• •»>• <•»•»>» * to 4MW •! IW* It •»»«•' r«M ta> 4l»j>f <»» mi*. »<•*« 1 n n* t lfl 111 A f ls iwl rf *l f * ® arnttmHll |4Wn «»«»»»«• t« t»«J tt*** fcffcHWlffWt. E*l. f uUMWIf MA t|i» Mr* th*t !••• *•" *y**| fmi Aw**n A***' ®l *”* w«rl«»*i ffi* »«§•*». *” r tr?n* ppfalMf •ncfeltf* MS At •• »«•*#« ‘•P ►ft to bottor ib» f.*o«im t» Ot !*»• *or»i* won. tb»y mm h»vr «.. tmmrtm »« otMt lb* lob* b *i»n«t Tho « •■ ■ T tl. kM tin*** «4 »*•«» t“ (IHfl ihr drmand* #f lAt Pftolnfir VB* ton, ml lA# <rt»l|r |*«l#ti*»€ s» m Mi from (lit prfliliiJtofi litsitps tAt nnum Wtboi m tb* 'Lif» «# *ti»» trtn con Wtllnrf! * Tboy bnvo Ibounnn.ln of Worth of print inn tb>no »«ft| yonr. »>iit ft In ninny* don# In n rhonp b*><•»'■ Thro, Intit,» nil m«n »rtl. >*i» to bo of nomlro to tbo non*- onrtl«-r lb, *T goaiMllon nbnuld nrmr Hnolf <*» »bo •Mr of the labor movrmrni «n<l not antacoolto our ovofjr olfort to bolter the condition of the wot kern. Information ban been rent me that the ben church to be built t.y the Catholic Church of t*t. Mnry'n, In Tr.iy. N. T.. will he bull! entirely by union labor, Father LawrV'nco provided for the employment of union labor by In •ertlna 'be rlaune to that effect In each contract. Thi« goodly man iota not have lo plate In the neoapatwr* rveiy htirob»y morning the announcement—"HOW TO KJEACH THK MAVI*KH”—an the mib- Jett o* bin acrmoti. In order to reach the workera, aa la fte«uanl!y the cnae «10i tnuny other praacher*. Why la thlaf The reaaon la plain. and hla cengregatlon hove ahotvit by Iheb acta that they are friendly to the working pool le Thla la In ntron* contrail with the aUtrtnenl I heaid from « Pulpit In Auguala only a few month* tiyo. and which la at 111 frerh In the mind* of the people. The church had been paint d. nnd the e orb lurnrd over to the uur toer, ami paid fer. A lev mehlha later, the paator had to nmlte the announce, m nt the pulpit that the cfllcera were not renponalble for the poor Job of painting that had hern done "h lh/ outride and Inrtde of the church; th-> had done their duty, Hit the contractor hnd deceived them. V. ( s. the trurtera had done their duty; got the Job at the lowert poaatble eort. and the conirac tor deceived—no ore; he gave them a cheap Job. Another contractor, a fe*v nmnthr ago, gave up a Job for u church, on which he hnd expended 1-0 In labor and paint*, rather than submit to a system of Imposition. This should not be. The church should be liberal and remember the Scriptural Injunction: "The work man la worthy of hi* hire.” The question hue V>een asked me, whet I* the understanding about the early closing movement? by several representatives of our stores, and ask ed that I make publication in The Her ald. This year there was no written agreement with the stolen, but It haR been tacitly understood tnat the stores would clone for the rr tlre year, l>eo tu ber excepted. That I'l-'Vr. on is held by many of the lcad'tlg clerks In the Clerks' Union. Will they put the county convicts to work on the streets, ts the question. The article in The Herald last Satur day created Some talk, and I was sought out by several officials to give my authority, which T did not do, but from my Interview I learned enough to justtfv another line or two on the sub ject Perhaps. X should state right here in this connection th«t a short Inter view with Judge Kve' on the subject satisfied me that this iifllt ial is not In TMB SKAT QftADftt Of GOA I -H As mi MHWMt rtACf*. mm A IBM* (h* j [* r«f f «** |m H —.IAUffMI »*MN AtAj ] Is M* »MM «M IwaMlAtM* AMBMf ] I ■< gi]*fi*i* |,« MM* «HMi ll»# IMMU* t ■■■ ■ «*& I*> **m mu.# ms <«*# -fftiSPiWi IM* I I urUrtinr ms gull irp Mui'Mi tfl* | 11* yttft-; M•* gp*9 «*Mi«MSiMAiMI MM A! f m» i%mi t wi* IwmMl lAm* **NMM* *4NI j II iitii «f m* mmnmi I Hi* mm% At Ai«iM« I ff-Titt «%** t rtui Imii lA* I MTtif .jfi i*"f *rt lAn** mAn* • *a»i tAw* j ; . ftim B*jan» |* Hurt MAn * flW*m# IA I f a*4 * f* t*tl f|M* • > **V . . . . mmrnmml '*■* f j Umlmw ««W4 ihmm i# Mi* «rt flw AM L..f ttrr Hrt TSM I TA* rtwrt* I i>«k » ifr nlj lap tHw# A* *A# ] [ j*iwi ft *-(rt*t |—* ms f* %-*«#-• At *Aw fwtA** : | mmr*l . *• A* |»*Y* lAw IMA* . __a |n n tile A imHWffi - - - .«. . . «_ -a * flMrtl «M IMIWfy *|Ttli. Ml' lIH ' f '» ■Wnn" f M)ur , r narfr-t with thla raarlrt , I4kw gwrttra. which appeal* at/wwg'y t« wit «la**,* Tb, money man reea ■*>- l* lust wbat I* in aWht. b* area only bta rfgbir. aa he la to term It; ibt right >f otbera and human right* are brnt aigbt of. I It la with a per fir* I wtllipgneaa that II tab* Ihe aide of free labor la thla la tana, and drmly believe when the teru* j come# forth the | people wilt come out ! vtetorfong Qimm that the employ meat lilt raavkt tabor, whether It be county or city, foe I brltev# both iwurt he wltb dtawn (fun »- repetition with free labor, i w uuld aave a few bard cold dollar*. It !la a <i oral ton of life, bloyd and bone* on the one ride and a dollar on the oth- I er. Ho the freeman tn he dnwlvrd of the j right to gain a livelihood by the felon and the city the Inatrwment by which lit la donas Have w« reaih'-d that mer cenary atage wher* w* have ho Inter im in a fellnw man'* * ante? Can we j pKik with Indifference un * hungry I human? Doe* not tha human being j with a atomach to feed, bach to dolhe and a aoul to aave call for our llrat and ! Immediate attention * Rather let ua en jdeav'or to elevate labor, dignify 11. ra ther than pul tt on a level with a felon! | Now, the rjueatlon la arked, what will |you do with the convict*? Put them cut jai the rock cruaher. There he will be I removed from public right. How we j slobber ever the nit hy depot: rail upon I the railroad rommlaalon to order a new lone; It Junt make* our heart* ache with j wound 'd pride whenever the train rtop* and atrangvr* alight. The right of that I depot V-UI give them rueh a bad opln | lon of our beautiful city and our en terprlaing elllkena! Did you ever atop [to think uhat people would ray If they (walked out a few block* and raw men working on the street* with *h»rklea on. At auch (j right the , id cor: shed would us.ufne beautiful proportion* and the surrounding* a lovely land scape In their mind*. Did you ever contemplate what the effort of such a sight I* upon public morals? And won der what would happen if Christ came to Augusta. A new city council will soon be elected and the candidates will have some Interesting questions pro pounded to then). From n dispatch In The Herald a few days .ago I see the employing printers of th< United States met In annual con veatlon and passed resolutions congrat ulatory on the good feeling existing between employer and employe, and I It dying the contention to do nil In Its power to perpatuata Hits good feeling. That Is what I like to hear; the tiades unionist takes no delight In hearing of strikes. Ts employer am! employe would only unite, we would have a bet ter world. The tailors of this city will soon be railed together for reorganisation and pass upon the expediency of sending for an organiser. I have received a letter from John Tt. Ismtimt. and will wait for a meeting to call the attention of the tailors to its contents. The more T thlr.k over the action of the unions In protesting against the passage of the antl-scalping bill, the more puaxled I am. I was In hopes by this Issue to be able to quote some thing on the subject from some of the labor papers, but ss yet they have said nothing. A few days ago I was introduced to a very Intelligent gentleman, one above the .average met with, by my friend Sheron. of The Herald. The subject of trades unions was brought up. when Immediately, regardless or facts, nn cient or modern history of trades, with a total disregard for another’s feelings, this cultured gentleman burst forth with abuse against all, because, for THU HKBAID iaraaMi * faarfM «i has h*A *•** mm -f*#—y ha «**» m ♦*■** 9hn* *•*.**» „ r r m >fci i -ngrgn am* *♦*»«*d aa# , aw, ta* ■*,* Mr* *•**#*• I* *•» -mm #*<*,- »»■>*<*' lid M mm M «## In i * niußt Am #%• fNrtM# j • a m # fttMrt INNNAdMk M»Mf« ##• (MMI MMNr- MAAtMMMAMiIiT MM *•* AIMA Am j »*m «Mlrt9 ifMrt AfN» |nmAAMI A» Art (rtt'wAA | y%tT m inp#pm>BA a m#4l #An Vi \ I AMI Am Am ANtiMrtii ***■*& ami. A*a**> «*## AMrtll MM A URNM Mm MMIAMAiIIII|pA|MAMJA • Imhh --j aii in i» Mr«AI 9m AHVt An>t> Mm vmmm A** 4mam ■ [ MIMMNNIiMMA AA I f%g imrf Artist AMPM HAM *Mn» ig*irwi«#i’*#■ . \ lAAININrtMNiM #W **"- | MMPAI Nf min* 1 M*A»»*m •#< | [ AAMBAMi MAAMMMI At AmAMAMMA AMnnAM* IMAM ' aamnaani TMa* mmmkvm mm* ***** * ! m IP ««h#« tMMf A MAi M» MM *MM» | MMMMM AM VMMNMApv Ah# A lAArti Mm# AMAM j !ammhm***m ! IpAMMiIMMM#VMiA MM#M # A*# 1 : j «#4 Up «*fM4 tM9W# MPAMM [ ATAMPtA# #MM#*Af# ami »MMm4 Am i | A«NMP»*r«M MMAMMHAmA At IAAAmM AmM j | apnimlM m j C%ABABMMN*AAi «t I Mf>iifNMA**t M «m mm* -*** : The Rrrahr H> ■*d wf lacmWlw ; IVMM Avrtt • AMMrtfAAI AM#V mVAAM* AM Ml# 1 InMIiimIMA aAMmaM *Mi MMAArtSi"# it m MmmHAv imaMim I*, t* #t#M #■••#•#. At. (R. tUMAMAI. AM VAtMiMf f J MmlMm HMANMAi 0 At IAaIAaNI* I'mUmAm#* ft % IrtwfMOr#, At II Mm## MMMIMAfM# VMP#AW 0 0 |#Awft'Mr# M *Am MvAasmV* - . Mil till* Hhtwr I If Ml * * iMf# It# MM A#M*■ j Tha varbm# wwbm* «f the city *r* 1 growing Ml ewthwataam nnd member ■ ship Tb* engineer* wttl meet hwndnv la Library building | All tailor* are Verted la remain ' awny fr«*n Naanvtlle. Ten# . *» 'her* la a strike nn T<mt mrt «f •» *dmpa I are involved, wkkh inctndea the larg rat one*. I The following ha* been prepared by ; Mr Clm under the direction of •■"** of the working people and I atmpiy j give It a* reading matter, and would j he glad t» have the optploue of the 'legal pmfeeeiofi os the amendment* and the conatlPitlonaltty and fraalMHty of j {the Mil. I iPIIOPOHKD AMBNDMKVT* Th THE I HTATK CONffTITCTION. gectlon I The righta of labor ahall j bav* Just protection through the law* - calculated to promote the Industrial ( i welfare of the stale. . Hoc. . The legislature shall provide !hy law for a hoard of tal>or. concilia- ! >lion and arbitration, which ahall fairly i represent the Interest* of both labor i jand capllal. The hoard ahall iterform I ! duties, and receive compenrallon a* jprearrlbed by law. i See. *. The legislature shall prohibit • (I) the employment of children under tlhe age of 1* years. In cotton or woolen j factories; (I) the contracting of con- i vlot labor; <*> the labor of convict* nut- I aide of th* prison ground*, except on I public work* under the direct control I of th eatat*: f«> political and eomtnaf- j iclal control of employe*, j Sec. 4. The exrhnnge of black list* by , railroad companies or other corpora- \ ' dona, association or persons I* prohibit. ' | ed. Sec. *. The right of action to recover damages for Injuries resulting In death ’ shall never be abrogated, and the am- j ount recoverable shall not be subject j to any statutory limitation See 6. Right hours shall constitute a ! day's work on all work* or undertak ings carried on or aided hy the state, county, municipal or other corpora tions: and the legtslatuie shall l>a»# laws to provide far the health aod safe ty of employer In factories, smeller* and mines. Sec. T. The legislature, hv iporoprt ate legislation, shall provide f - the enforcement Of the provisions of this artlcls. AX ACT Regulating the hours of employment In factories, smelters, underground mines or reduction works. Section t. The period of employment of workingmen In all factories shall be eight hours per day. except where life and property is In Imminent danger See 2. The period of employment of workingmen In all underground mines or workings shall he eight hours per day, except In eases of emergency where life or property Is in Imminent danger. fter. S. Any person, body corporate, agent manager or employer who shall violate any of the provisions of Sec tions 1 and 2 of this act shall he deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor. Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee. Mo.,who travels for Mansur & Tibbetts, Imple ment Co., of St. Tjouls, gives traveling men and travelers In general some good advice. "Being a knight of the grip,” he says. “I have for the past three years made It a rnle to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain's Colle.Chot eva and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found numerous occasions to test its merits, not only on myself, but on oth ers as well. T can truly say that I nev er tn a stale Instance have known It to fall. I consider It one of the best remedies travelers can carry and could relate many Instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relipf. X hope every traveling man In the IT. S. will carry a bottle of this remedy in his grip." For sale by Alexand Drug * Seed Co., C. It. Farr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. GooD lUCK BAKING POWDER. 15 THE BES' r . of AH In Ltivtn* 1 : In# Fowf. _ Iff it LfUTB. FOR RENT *** ytrrir# rs ****m*. * *mmm «• *# *# •* AA AA 1 AAS VANNmI Afwl, A ******* .« *< •* VI AA I ft# §M Ml #♦#•*!, # ****** m #* «* '* ** I |MI f o##<nhi» a wmmm* *# • AM #IfNMP l s a* a* •* •« »* •IT Ar««4 .. •• •• « « JJ) ms A««4 #l r##l •• , |AAA| taa ftnrna ****** I** * j a . g mat m , 4l |ivpfiirtl Kr«ltU#« Tlu >I»T| VAT Mill frofli I d«*y to day* John. W. Dickey Itral Eilat* Agaat. FOR RENT j g White’s new residence* on upper j Broad street Special price*. SSI* Telfair street, I room* *. ..#» ■** XI? Telfair street. II rooma .. .. .. H ™ 355 Tvlfalr atreet. 7 room* .. .. . If ** XJ» TVlfalr atreet. 7 room* B.W Ml Telfair atreet. 7 rooms 8 # S2J EIHa street. 7 mom*. .. .. .. l*-#0 I *ll Broad atreet, flat 1* #0 4tt Rvnwb k atreet, • room* .. .. JB.i® IX,ll Gwinnet street, * room*.. .. New | 15*7 Walton Way, * rooms tr. OOj ISIS Walton Way. 1 rdoma 13 <*> U 2 Broad street, f room* .. .. •• 7# * 0 822 Broad atreet. at ore *O.OO J. B. (Vhlte'a cottage* on upper Jone* street—M on and *OO each. This list will he changed from day to Clarence E- Clark, Real Rotate. ”2 l lr * w * < ‘ Ht FOR SALE fmr- 1 have for *ale very desirable build ing lot located tn the ceutra of one of the handsomest blocks in the city W ill sell same very cheap. Just the pl*ce for a handsome residence lor your fsnuiy. Hood titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 13x7 GREENE STREET. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. TO IREDSTT. From October Ist. IS9B, the premises at present occupied by the Irish-Amer iean Dime Savings Bunk at 817 Brnail street. Centrally located and well adap- Ited for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mulherln, Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. If* At H»*tt jpOR S ALE UM* M MfMAMA lit'AM AAAM »<»»%, j 4MA» ***** *m* 'Mf* IM# ****** *♦ #* ****** m* mm* ******* *■** \ mom** imwii ■ f 'Mi mmm****** mmmm | AIM# m I|m Mwft "-AM l ' mi* -ml **m mm****: \ TO RENT I tMNrtMMf mmm mm**- t ******* P. V. Me AN ALLY, #•#l 8 •tut#. Llbr*ry Build fff. I® 1 Bfc- #RMinßßb f#Mh# (taoßtf ||r‘* MM> [Brnint, Mm# *M#mmn •%» 9mm* lrt#4 A n**m* BMN **\ |o## ******* II f>B Vtil MM# » | m9 .M f -tags |||Mk f In# 0* ft#.}?## M »#M> IflftMlß ***** ****** •• AMU pm** MMMt* i Tit Gil Lilkt Cl ll ii(uU> is broad rt PORTNER’S HOKBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDSOF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ank run tb km. Seeds - Seeds - Seeds Seeds *•#*■•»•••»• Seeds Seeds S;ed Rve Seeds SdfJ Wh;at Seeds M# l Ba,le >' See is Crimson clover Seeds Red aover Seeds Carden S .eds Seeds THK Seeds Seeds Howard 4 Wlllet Seeds Seeds Dmg COliipauy Seeds Seeds - Seeds - Seeds BUSINESS FOR SALE Owing to Mr. Hcltiy W. Balk's* deci sion to enter the fforal btislnek*, see of fer for sale In bulk all the stock of mevchamlute contained In the *t»re now occupied hy ua together with counter*, shelving and gbowrase*. Un til the at<H’k I* sold In bulk we offer great inducement* to the general buy ing public to come and get bargains. Npot cash buys cheap. BALK’S DRY GOODS CO. "Lower Balk *." 804 Broad St. iom TO USB. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, paynble in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlfixanflerMotaon Agents Sc )tti»h Araercm Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. When a man is sure that his friends never say unkind things of him. Be is sure thax all his friends are dead. MtiMbMl a«#X»tiL>i j CliKtnton t W Carolina ♦*ta**aw »#***•» *w ’%*•* .! ' ’2 1 I a Tnrtt ,? ' # " Tl*lmS 1 *'lAßm### *•••#••***** *VAAt ■MARHMmmmi *■*♦- , ****** *•*-* ' ' **o*m*m**. lm * AA«MA IMpMI I * IBM!«*»«*-• - * "AIM# .-*v« •#* j I * ■smM|M#AN(Mm^s- A * AIMM -.'ii| MmmmmMt* •" •»#*##• ♦#* wmpm*### “ I EM' §*§M***Mk : .# xi >i ~ | •r.JMMA# m ! * **m*m*Sim «*n a:- 41 Mm** A# jmm I m wMMOwOOMO*r- »**• IMwAMM | * M|Bo#o# t mn t i ’ * ppM I * #OApMA#6 **»##*••- ■» * I AiMpBM "PjiMflTo_n I ‘•MMI liiMpA««j Ir # f mmmm A#BM * - i AAAAA#- ,#•*»*•#* ■, 11|| KjfaMM *****« —*•* ■ jjufWrtM a*»#w* I *CK tx« !BSSI *********** I Si 2ES »«!#*•••«• I fcjpM i [ * f#a#Bfe#««g. •**« m«» MPgl * mammMma inii■►• ** - immrnm t akaa i * ViM Bmaaa” ,m* . ****** In aamm| tmm - fMi 18 f nfl * AjjpjAj I *tlMwiiMAMA####»»♦ I*** . A#®|g# ! IT#' fT t‘ -wri-r .*,«• iCAMAI I tn mi. at ft - ff xhmm i l ift * A"#Mb . *»#«*■! %***m ****** I * foMAA* *»»*».♦ mi|AM| I * AIMmAbAI- ROM* •«# >• M«MM| ||»li»AMatt«t*m*f i.v.v LJUI I —•* 1 "" 1 m "" - I Ms f Ml M+fA MM lIiWM * A# I mmmJ**m #«l#o»mm 9*m m* ** ***** | I #ii all law *>mw s< i»w*n# #* Ok a*s*m .**».!. Ml * I* | mi fiaosi i wag ahh *aw* *•■ *• f f«a *M «.*«••«»■ *••*«<** m a*a*w j taw# *M.w •*«**• W.i.OUNk <•" ba As* k M IK>ltti, ksdhagkM ** t g ixlknd lorfh* Haaaga* A aa»s*» k* BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M €*. SKAtTllk Mmm^m Ftf** «Mt 4 (.T#x# #• v *##• * •##*# i Mot-Am **«« ifM# |Bf S IttU#. fM* Hits 1 o#lt Mm* | Mm It Hm* AM rM Afflv* law** WJ*» It M I dkf #... Aadarsow .■ I'Wlt • i'iim : ...*f ... f lima liA A? S SAlA|»va*'» Am4**ll .••*-», * AA»1I ** t u i »«ir i. an#»4mm«m * t wu it • P I Nld Qwrvy Oosa'g f « **ll I I * q f;*gia xAjW'i reari ft ♦ it ll i* I » n i iknaca • •# » »:i * • tl ) | i I X j . ,t !g}-. Wswtl t'atow ,«i 4 •* ! > n jg*:... wathaita « # 4 u; AM P# I t bMn Arnva'BH P#. j Not: Ma.«_ No It N*4 *0 Itryntit Bta'taw - f Rtwg Otattaw, ! jin rvgatar tram* from Awdvfwoa la | Walhal.a bav* right to track ovw train, of th* aam# rlaaa movHsg la *B* posit* directum, usl«aa atbarwn## •»*<• m,d by train ordrra. Will also atop wt follow mg statlma 'to take to, or let off paaaengera; Phta a*> *. James and Handy nprtnga | No 14 Mia*t* with keuiitrtx rwil 'wav No, 14 *t Aaderwon. i No# ft •vid 8 or It A l ifMllwMf No# It a*»M *• •* Pmnrn*'*. J. B. AN’DEBft*>N. ffuprrtlttendest. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tllOLTnr AND oritlKT BOl’Th TO THE EABT ASD Nt'Kl H. SHORTEST AND Qt’lOREdT ROUTS Tu TH* EAST AND NORTH. 2:30pm!«1.v. Augusta. Oa. Ar 1 7.44 am 3 ••( Lv Aiken......Ar j 7 l»am t.|7pml Uv.. ..Denmark ...Ar »:17pm 4:4opm) Lv.. Orangb’g....Ar | 4.40 am t:0«pm; Lv. Sunilrr. A. C...Ar , 4 3*am liDpsa Lv rtorawc* —Ar I 3 »am 10:Upmj Lv. ..Fayetteville...Ar I 1 ttpm I 3:!lam At. Petersburg.Va.Lv , * 12pm I t.OOami Ar....Richmond....Lv 1 4:l2pm 7:4l*m Ar.. Washington .Lv ! 3 4«pm 9 o3*ni Ar... Baltimore....Lv ! 4:25pm Il:?4am Ar . Philadelphia .Lv |l2 o»pm 2:o3pmi Ar.... New Tork i> ..Lv | 4:4oam Pullman palace buffet sleeping car* from Macon and Augusta to New York without change H. A. BHAND. Oen Aft., ?2S Broad St, Angusta. Ga. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, II M EMEKBDN. Gen. Pns*. Aft. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Rffect. March *, W3S. Eastern Time Standard. Lea\e Augus'o. Southern Ry.. 1* P m Arrive Cheater, Southern By.- 7:l* reave Chester. C. A N W. By 7:45 am. Arrive Lenoir. C. * N. W. By 1:W p.«. Leave Lenoir, P-"- Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7.00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Bock, Stage ■■ ■ l‘ m G. W. HARPER C. F. HARPER. Prcrrhl. nt. u *’ A - The Paper That is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. the x BEST BUYERS N Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People of a Com munity : : t : ; s • s ’THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. • IT’S THE BEST.” AUGUST 37 : 44iL»U4|i wa as at- 4J4-#* S. C 4 6. fill VI! CO 40* 4#«w4«v**4* *otMh *#M*r t Ml wg gem aasa *•*% Mi »waa fMnh ft «## | n#o I M KMf s'7#d##. |# * **- •«•# 4 W*m T* €%**'*** fosSm * ! ft* ’l##* *4 Mo>' ft* ft **•«**♦ ******** ftgff ffr-iMit ft#* hi*| | t# ftMi'a #*ft Ik»«# § * • ft*## ”ft ft* (| 'vJMMMMinmM' -M* #ft I ft * »ftft#. ; ft4MM|ol ft# **♦»'*<•■• *.*#>#« »f ft*ft ftftfol fft*# B *- ’* ft ft# s * ft* ft’NNftftftft i PNMBNpM I ft* * *** t.s *BftNft ft * I *>» # * «4ft» mtmm 1 6 SiioftftNM |ioifto I*tmm ft # • MIMBM i ft# f!%**#•*#> ft* ft ' 4» ft 00** iHf> ft««ft»MN*!*fttK*lft iPm** I i ' ft* ft*♦#«#.. , ? ti# ft* ft#frt#*M ftftPfUft fti*i* mm tii Tll-njft ft#p#% #t ft# MNft ft*»#* Pm* vwftftk ' (ftTtwfim** *.*##• I# Wm y£BJfß ft* ft*##* .i M*l# t« lftftMrlji• Mil [ft ft Fft | | ( # |#MMllnßift (ft: fUftß ftt lift# 4 * • *«# I • ft #ft .my. . t ft* M «■#• «•» SJMMft ft* A l«* .tMn I Aft ft## 1 *«%l JM| ii ft ♦ ft * #ft _* t Mm** | ftjtftjll IHtM. »». PMMf ft flMftpi Mp»i! *»# ftMftMKMfv €>*■•? Lmii* IMpNftM- j ft* EMmST* *mm I *PWV4MIHft Mft#aw*i 4jftft*Ml Lifttift’MNlf tJRVMM I ftt# »f*f#N4 IM# Af*< •# ltf ftPMi. • * | • ftlftw# 4 ftnfedw» 1 ft#oßM jPftftftMftwxJ ‘ -'.«*.... ' lI^SS KlfftaMft go...***. 't**rnm UaNfttMi MNIMMWbMtoo** • : 4MBB UlftM | L«M#l|BMftMNrtlM*v *•••! ftaJftM# | ftlMMft ft Bft ## ftMfMftf M.t. i## #**«'? »> ## rt * ii#fli onfti Mxftft Y##ft **###**#*#, ft4M# •*«# •*##•*#•* ftN J»*ftl#«ftf 4 I 4 *# •#* '###»*■* A«ON mm* 0m '4: *«l# nrt Mart tf#M» fft ftrt ##m* MrtNi# ... | 4 M I* ft fi l*ft I, ft. KMftftßW in#r «*# -I MMlfftL t f#(Mr M **■ #B## f I' M*#v*«. * '-•** ftift*. / «d#**fftMift*M SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * |W".I TW n«mwtdw.w.»4 tMh t.iaweew ttw. Hi I w..a AW l.mhio awd <hh** Mm. Bwnw I Vt ♦ W ■*Okk"*sk UaMiu. ttsMf. >» ## ~ i §*#• • lift Ar itSk* 1 **P, «»» IT7wmbJCMWI •118“ iSS JTr MO . Irm* v, ** j Hi is? L* *«**»•#, *» *y | IJSLif??! - Onmiwvtua I J"J! J? XjJ - Twsaa - I !Bfj it gs - MaMiM Ar (. i.l ri', dsp A Cv«j..»-*w,«a {gfi SS2 - xThiu r::.... tßa £ &.::e »«? ! jL5j 2.* OrMWon i *? JS** Ar Xnrbdk : ”* - Haavtn* . .. . Ar S **“* * Ar W.vOmgtoa ?S * ,? 5? - HsttinMievrw H It itlf!* MISS - v*.“ ’ limls . 110 14* t»a •.0u.hb0a.,,1 *«• *» «• “ I*a»»y. Lv N*w Y wk.P. KK. ." . ;T»T. - HuiadrlpMa.. . 0 44 1- 4«» * Baittmoea. I »»>p sola Lv sot toa. flo. By ' lo op H Ua Lv Kiehmoad I- lo' IS elm Lv Oaavtlls j 0 Up L*. Norfolk ! 0 35p Ar t*ne-»horo fl 44* Lv <4reee«borw T 111 s T :s!p “ Cborlntt* 0 :l» 10 *Dp * Rml Ettil •......,,... I M Sol 11 l«p - UuM It g, II .tip - Wmnrbun. Itt 43«0, IS SO* Ar OoTbu. (Usod'g *t |M 4tsiaj 137 a tv. Oiblmbl. Ua dep t. I I 14 p| 400 a - Juhpstoaa.. .. 1 253 p| 00 1 a •' Trent.m I 3 Cop SSSa “ (irsaltevUle gsap' 7 <da Ar Angnma. 4 15p f Ooa Lv. Avhenlle v #>*: 306 p Lv. Hparianonrg ..... 11 a>n A 14p Lv Col'tns. UCAG.Rv 1 300 p 7 (ha Ar < loir', .ton . ~.. ! rt 40p! II 00* Lv rol'Ua. r rgP Rr .......: II 44a. 12 47 a " hnvonoah 447 p 500 a Jark-.n-Tlle 0 .5p 0 14* ilkki'ixo caFsekvk m. Rxcelleot (tally iWMKBfer rcrvi.-B befwrea Florida and New York. Nos. 37 and :a*—sA aehiagton snd Soothwestera Limited. S>,Hrl Vesdboled tmln with dtntng rare and Oral olaaa coaches north of Charlotte. Pullman drawing room »l(vpingcar- Iwtween Tampa Jacksonrillo. Savannah. Wn-htngt.m and New York. _ Pullman S'cepmg Cara lagween Charkxta aud Richmond- . Pullman drawing-room sltvplng car* he twwn (irecnaboi-o and Norfu'k. (loan cm rec tum at N.,rf.»lk f rOLD POINT COMFORT, arriving thcro in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor car*, between Charleston and Ache villa Kivs. 35 and #—U. 8. Faat Msil. Through po llutan drawing room buffet »)« ping car- bo tween Jackaunrllla and New York and Pull man Bleeping ear* between Augusta and Char lotte Pullman rleeping cars between Jack sonville and Columbia, cn route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANKS. GANNON. J 51. CULP. Third VP. A Oen. Mgr. T M., Washington. W A. TURK. 8 H. HARDWK ’if. i (J. P. A.. Wa.-hingtcm. (J. P- A., Atlaalh GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. <»oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 18*4. Pullman Sleepers between Macon and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gust# and St, Idourt- Lv Augusta ..I 7:0Baml 3:2opm|lQ:3«pm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| b:ooam Ar Macosj ....|U;lsem|... ; Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| fijfOpm .... ...» ' Ar Gftine*ville|'3:46pm|....’ - Ar White Plsj-DOOpml I-• Ar Mill'ga’le .|10:10am ........ 4:soam Ar YVash'lon ..jlo:ldatn| 7:iopm| j picayune train leaves Augusta daily I except Sunday at 3:15 p. m.. and ar ' rives at Mllledgeville at S:IP p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:14 a. no. 7-45 a. m., 1:20 n. m.. and 8:25 p. ra. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. W’HITE, T. P. A.