The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY SECOND GEORGIA SETTLED DOWN. Tlf fiftitlM* fti ills IMN tl fitwit *•* • >»» ik» *»w»ti i m *•» AMky •*»' ♦ to tto •>»**** ■* ti %***♦#s s» 4tts * A** tt *f(tt fliwiitpi 88# ***s gyijSinl 4M»* Ml ttmta# »wf%- #•*s $•»*» «ihwi • tt* #tt —— ltt#f SPBhS4MNp*A «k| |M* : ' j ## tMMB« *B* Mttlß |Mgpito|k|Hfr4£ ’ t I**#' < #**# 5 «%* tt Bf»#*ft» MMHn Y%* ##» »*Pii #M <***•*• MM pM*« * tt tti ftt* ift%«* fltt gMMN*4 4 M»M»4 *• ttttl Mftt **•**% M» *8 MtfMM tt * '"tt*MMfc*B m *tt UMI* Mtt • tt# Btt* tt* «#M# ttt! (tt Mi p>*Mßßl Ml M» B • tt** tt* Ttt MttNtH BP* M# tt flttMl' MM #BBP Ml tt# iMMU ttMV • Mitt tint* Mtt M» ttgtti tt tt **» B# Ml in# ft*Bß*BMl ttn Bmm Mtt ■ttttl Mtt ttMlttl f **■ MMMI *A • sp*B tttt * Mttl ftttttt* Mtt# tt#*f **« tor. (to toil Mi to •*•»%•* ketot* Mi Ito iti*«w» «*4 • to»to tort to Mi ito (MfeMMNI T%* #ttßP tt MM #M*f tt*#-: |nr ttMlMwttMr mstt ttt* < *Mt • tt*<r fttMNit Mtt *tt ftt fttf MM MRfetltt Mtt tt Bttl ttfs Mtt Ml #tttt* ttM MttUtt#... duf ttIfMMIMI ri’fiv<r«t ttlll Mtt JiiiMf OMNI Mtt tt*. Mtft cllMtttt tt «tt *<* tt IttMtt ftttt*. • tt**# ah w Mtt. Mtt w##* •#r ttt tt tttt# Mtt J, tt Hm*! B#f! fcwfMHl Ml tttttttt Ttttftl Ml * Iliputtfßl tt*B INi *tt ttittM ttfc ttttßttltt Mtt tt MM. Mtt «Mtt HI pMMttS# **» B*#«B«ftiltt ftt <MU tt • ffttjfk *p*ll Ml tw# P»**B **•# IM**• ItftC fttlNtt Mf’MMtt Mft lIMVM *•* Kvmit of ttt MM?. Ttt lMm SMM« ttf» tt tt»»<# s**• ttt*! Ml • myr-toA*fit -' *MI fMtt, pB—*BB MM !♦* *pfttt« Mr ttt mtßMßit mh*h. Mttli two Mr r*Ni of tn4. *M Ml T#*ri MO tt ttt «*S#f MM Mttkpr to "ttftwttg hmmmu* tty.* »M ttt pip*# of m nilmf «#* (Mioy tt*d| Mil ttt *ll*t ffMM *H # iprte* vtrt nttiuflf Wom op oritA friioKi tt ttt tllliim om ttt •oMialß aklil Ito ro»to»R *»*• fonrto «• bov* ito p*pv» «4 hn iftif taH* «d Hoßiivtnr i* » pitotjr tint* town of •l»oi ISWOO prop!*, who »r* all «r»* Aoutttfrrr* »t»«l or* MkHhl ttt Mtty of ttt utiffi ttr<* MM ms po#*- tifelt Tttjr will ttn for Mil tto mM. furetail ahowar toito Hava kltrtoea ami mo* hellal for Mfl row* paor Aa old mao. a bautor In tow®, alia aa Mr porrli all day tod leviira every mid ter to drink a glaaa of bol trraailk and rat a wood btarrtt. Air. Smith, (••nearly of Athena. Ga bow In the annate bin eraa tore, all Grorsta m o to talk and ahak* hand.. la a beautiful aprlas ta Ito centre of the rtty. only fifty feet from the hunt eea* aqnare and nearly fifty feet below, retched by a broad flight of oak ataira. a public hicbway to the .prints and tba little park aurroundtnk It. Ovrrhanx- Inx one aide of the park la a blah cliff of rock surmounted by (he walla and Iron fences of re.ldeocea on a aide street. Another side Is bonßded by the basements of* houses that go up six sterlet from the perk, and three from tbe alreet. A large clear hr >ok n’tia from the spring down the valley peat the rump of the Wifth cavalry m- a. who did their beat to give our regiment an evil name n this com munity to oo avail, for the people of Huntsville know the stuff Georgians arc made of. and are trying In every way to make us feel at home with them. Albany. Waycross. Rome end Huntsville will always be remembered by the Second Georgia men. Crowds of negroes (Irek to the camps every day with butlermllk, biscuits and chicken, sellig a large sandwich for five cents, and watermelons are cheap end plentiful, the season being at Its height here, to we fare ranch better than at Trropn. where a chicken sand wich would have cost n quarter and a pood watermelon twice that. The gov ernment fare has not Improved, we still being on traveling rations or hard tack, “roast beef” (called “mule In the army I and e little syrup. Priv.'e White had the honor of halt ng Gov. Atkinson and refusing to let tim board the oar, but Just at that mo ment MaJ. Almand spoke and called Ihe gpntloman “Governor.” so Joe hid behind the car Pteps, ar.d he says bo ttever forget the Incident. Private Hoops hes returned from Au lyrsta. where he has been on sick leave »rcm the hoepitnl. Hoops wes obliged Ho go to the hospital at Palmetto ticach on the 26th day of June and re turned here on the 26th of August. He 's much better. In fact nearly well, tnd was given a hearty reception by 'he companv. Wo are ell very glad to ,ee him bark and hrpe he will never have to go to the hospital again. He is hlnking of entering suit against the Memphis and Charleston read for the nanner In which ho was treated hy ■heir employes. Being directed to a •ertain train by their agent In Chctta cooga he was put off by the conductor it Wonbatcbie, Tenn.. a way Ptation vhere no trains step, and was obliged ■o walk eight miles to Whiteside, find ing it impossible to obtain conveyance if any kind at any price. Ivieut. Bryan has refurned from jome and the men are much pi ’ased to me him back and toknr<v that he is re iovered from his illness. BENSON. u t ntfto* St «*”* < * tmt feevgpiPtveh Th#t our AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE HiinjMt. «^^ |^*sJlTn O JI , ; i TOJSW 82 00 For the jibovo figur« wo tan givo you a Gonto* ca f Shoo in Laco A nd CongrcM. made on up-to-doto lo»U that you pay Othar daAicr* >2 >or lha abova figura thla waak wa will aall you our 52.80 and $3 Black ml Choc o'tlfi Kid, vaatlng top. Laca and But%on Shoaa, for ladi#«. S«» window for aamplaa of thaaa ahoaa. Th«y Wa hava a amall lot of our LidiM .83 O*fords loft. In Black and Chocolate, with vesting tops, and will cloaa them out at abov»v figure $1.26 We want to cloan out all of our $ 1.60, $ 1.76 and 52.25 Ladlaa Chocolate. Tan and Black Oxford*, and will give you your choteoof them at above figurea. The goods should be be appreciated Eice & O'Connor Shoe Co. ~™. Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. INASOCiALWAY i A \ v/i/ * The SaMter'n Tent Afirrti ’n h>* I*'fit ftp the i*n<l ; Ttt M«MtP crept »» Mt «*I4: “UxA tt A jtpprr from thy **«rtttgri t bftpg Rut tt •*s*tr*4: **i havr my iword-" Tttt ttt ruatltng Wind drew softly BrMtM round him with whisper* *T am th *tgh* of thy mother dear. Ttt olgtt of thy mother mm L dot! But he •n» '- s *r»<l **l hav,:* ttt flght, f Tttti Night sank 4 >*9 from ttt dark*- ning sky Round Ito sleeper, and murmured: “Beat' Thy sweettosrt'a veil on thy face doth He answered: “No need of It have I. Tor tto banner doth cover me tost. 4 The River came rollinr, clear and wide. And said: “! am wale.’, the cleansing tide, M r. blessed than aught In the world be'lde.” But he answered: “I have my blood.” J Then Sleep drew near to hls tent, and low She whispered with soothing breath: “I am Sleep, the healer of ev ry .'*• The dearest tr. vsure of man below.” But the soldier replied: "I have death." —CARMKN BTI.VA, In Frank T.eslle’s Popular Monthly for September. Augustan* In Savanttnh. The Savannah Press of Saturday had the following paragraphs that may prove of Interest to Augustan* : Mia* Annie Dow of Augusta is In Sa vanna visiting relatives. Misa Louise Cole of Augusta I* the guest of Mrs. Thomas S. Morgan. Miss Jessie Paul of August,* has been spending some tlm. In Savannah, the guests of Miss Julia Porter. Miss Nora Searles, an accomplished young favorite of Augusia. Is on an ex tended visit to friends in Savannah. Miss Pnrmela Austin, who has been visiting friends In Savannah, will re turn to her home In Augusta tomor row. Miss MeOrath. nf Savannah, "’ho has been the recipient of many social atten tions, In Augusta, will return home to morrow. After a pleasant visit to Mrs. John P. Mulherln in Augusia Miss Mary Harty left on Wednesday to spend tbe remainder of ihe summer in Washing ton. Ga. Mrs. Pleasant A. Stovall, aftsr spend ing several days at home, returned on Tuesday to Augusta, where she Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ganahl. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Pullen enter tained their guest, Miss Katherine Dodge, of Augusta, with a Flower symposium last Thursday evening. Af ter the prize was awarded, which was won by Miss Dodge, delightful refresh ments were served. Those present were Misses Katherine Dodge, Minnie Eason. Ruby George. Clifford Tor lav. Julia Eason. Etta Oliver, Gussie Wig gins. Mrs. A. C. Craig, Messrs. Clyde Lanier. Dowse Rustln, Stephen Sauls, Nat Jlotureau, W. L. Hancock, B. O’Neal, Flavel Quarterman, T. C. Farr, Jr., C. M. Quarterman, Wilmot Wiggins. Garden Parties. August is the month par excellence for garden parties. A pretty dress worn IT IS PROVEN igy g m g|| fawrllifip ks MM MtMNt *M to diM lay a full tM h*«k In ftovefM < suinl witM *M€Y Tba ■ shirt Had a itit! apysearwip fV’MMra «ls fkirH at itt *Mk*e wtt*fw PrafrvMivf I tkNn. , |{ ipr * last Thurs*l«y malm «nmfdim**wtary to tt fumf* was «**w* # tk*. , S,rtl»iB«»» n ,.-|a| fVentS us ret Reward Mr. Himoßr and Mr. Th<>«# prxsein wars; Mrs. Ohss. !n --■ Ifi'st-y. rhsilesion. Mrs. Blyttt. Orran ivine; Mrs. Htulbs. Havsfinah. Mrs K# H Kama Havsnnah: Mrs. Malooa. Rs ssnnah Mrs C. It Woahls. RsvaM nsh. Mrs C'Tirafnay. Msron Mrs. O. I. Dial, t'nlumhi*. Mrs. C. K jrUh. Augusts: Mts. Kd \V .rharbon tiler. Athens; Mlsae* r*ttatney. Ma<* n: . Minn Gertrude Shepard. Auguata. Misa 9 Kvm Wrfctey. Macon: Miss Kate Tar v r Atiguala: Misses Margaret and Thomsslm* Reward. Augusta: Messrs R. ft Rams, Havsnnah: K A Hlmons, rhsrlcstfn: R A. 8t J Simons. Otar l«>ston: Wilt Shsnd. Columhla: X. Ga vis. Colombia: M. P. Biawley. Charles ton: Jones. Columbia: P- Woods* Ka viinnvh: Barrow. Coltimbln. Bd W. i Cbnrb»nnler. Athena; Will Wardlnw. Auruata. . , Saluda, X. C. Augustan* at the Mouae Party. Bell Haven, the hospitable home of Col and Mrs. J. H. Brewer, near El berton. was the scene of much gaiety during the past week, the occasion be ing a house party given by Misses Ad dle and Irene Brewer complimentary to a few of their friends. Their home Is most admirably adap ted for an afTalr of this kind, situated aa It Is about two miles from this city, In a delightfully cool grove of oaks. The time was spent In dancing, mu sic, driving, cards and many other amusements which the charming hos tesses had provided for the entertain ment of their gucHts. Much of th» suc cess of the parly Is due to the able efforts of Mrs. L. H. Turner. In addition to many friends from Blberton the guests present were: Mr and Mrs. W. H. Warren, Miss I.lllie Bell and Miss Mami» Tolbert, of Atlan ta; Miss Annie Leo Freman, of Blacks burg. S. c - Miss Allle Sue Svvearegln and Miss Marlon Brewer, of Blberton; Messrs. Paul Brewer, of Augusta: K. A. Holbrook and B. F. Bennett, Jr., Of Atlanta, and H. B. Swoarengln and ,T. T. Brewer of this city.—Atlanta Journal. Girls Run n Paper. Down In Knoxville, Tenn., a whole lot of bright, energetic young women, who are Interested in providing rom forts for sick soldiers, are arranging a novel money making scheme. They are known as the Girls' Belief Society, and they have induced the manager of the Knoxville Journal and Tribune to turn ever the paper for one day’s issue to their tender mercies. Miss Margaret Chapman, the presi dent of the society, has already or ganized her forces and hopes to be aide to Issue the “War Souvenir Edition” fas It is to he called) early In Septem ber. Sh • Is corresponding with war correspondents and authors, eminent in many lines, asking them for articles, and most of them have responded fa vorably. The women for the one day win run all the departments of the paper, finan cial as well as journalistic. They are planning to clear a goodly sum for the soldier laddies. THJB AUOTRTA HIPRALr to I l|M to* Own UMi. I Wtt*» IGrtests t*» Nil VHNflfMt C*MSile tIMM lISSViIIt Stt* •|W ftflkd sttssMl ttt edMite gaattns lltklnt bt cketfktif . W «*%*»■ a H««v lets <Ns»S ; ,7 •!* •-%» *.»!« m M«n tot— fri m ttt Tsttst nut t*» Itt hums# 1 a—• •» *•««(• lM» }««««* ««Mr» laid *PofeUr th*nklm. [ Tf»f story grips that wtl l ' n tt sss asa* *|\» left eemrfl Itt otttr <Httr evett !ttt tret responded Vrrn*»M WMltfovd.** Mr T J Micron Is oa a t»usm**se trip Id Nr* Y**lt. I Mr Wddlil Wallace is spending m«*y rJr. T. D. Murphy is ttrk at tils dealt ■fl*r a »<■••* » •Nmn< < j l-r, f John Nielr and Mra. Neely have r.tum«.t from Hillman Pr Ln Heat) h»* roturnto from a vi,ii (■* (rtenda tB Kltiertoa. Mr*. |>.rmrl■« Butt baa ,MW to Try «,• C.. to *|>*nd September. Mr*. P. A Breamr nnd chlldreß I have returned from S »m«. Ala. I Ml*e K,t, Mulherln haa returned I f rnm m v t„ (rteada in Aiken | Mt AJolphu* V<*ung baa returned to the city, after a inonib spent In Char lotte. n! c. Mra. A. J. Gould and Mime, Mildred and Leiulrr Qould hav# returned from n 1 vMI to Tybee. Mr CoMen Stoken and Mr. James 1 Stoke, were over in Washington tact {week. Their slater Is 111 there. Mrs. James Doclan and i hlMren of Savannah have returned home after a visit to Mts. O'Dowd on Ihe Hill. Mrs. Berry Benson. Mrs. M. Sanders and Mr. Nelson Davis spent yesterday with relatives at Wllllston. 8. C. Mr. Paul Irvin, of Washington, Oa., who will spend the winter here, la a v eleome addition to Augusta society. Mr. and Mrs. William Giaxebrook have arrived In New York, and will be in Augusta tbe latter part of the w eck. Mra. James B. Harper Is entertain ing al her home on Monte Hano, Mias Heasle Holt of Bath and Miss Sadie i Dent of Waynesboro. Miss Eva Mashburn. who Is visiting Mrs. Almond, of Blberton, was com plimented by her hostess with a bril liant reception last week. Mrs. James Bothwell, Miss Bolhwell, Miss Louise Bothwell and Master Mar lon Bothwell have returned from a lengthy visit to Asheville. Miss Black of Savannah, who hnn been the recipient of many charming attentions during her visit to Miss Mul hprln, returned home today. Mr. Percy "Olive will return to the city Thursday, after spending several weeks In Apex, N. C. Mr. Lindsey Olive will remain In Apex for some time, perhaps permanently. Mrs. J. W. Ohafee and Miss Malsle Chafee, who have been summering on the Connecltcut shore, are now the guests of Mr. and Mrs. f .ge How 'ard Squire, Jr., in New York. Mrs. Porter Carswell and Master Clarence Carswell, who have been spending some time in Augusta, are at Putnam Springs for a few days be fore returning to Munnerlyn, Ga. Miss Vinnle Zelgier, of Shreveport. La., who has been spending a week with Miss Jessie Wall, leaves tomorrow for Greenwood, S. C., to visit friends. Miss Zelgler's many friends will deep ly regret her departure. Miss Eva Daniel, a pretty young lady from Augusta, who has been with her sister, Mrs. Car row, for several days, left Wednesday for Greenville, S. She made many friends while In Kirk wood, and her departure Is greatly re gretted.—Atlanta Journal. — Miss Jessie Wall's german compli mentary to her charming visitors, Miss Pope, Miss Zelgier and Miss Gilbert, will take place tonight, at the Lakeside Club, the weather permitting. The ger man was to have taken place last Fri day evening, but the elements were un propitlous, and it was declared off un til tonight. % Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to Several good bicycles for sale ver y cheap. Good watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. $126 Al Above figura w« can glvo you Itt boot wearing and most flylith Boys* *ho« that ia aold In thta rity. These good* tan l be had from other dealer* for I#** than $1.60. 75 CENTS A genuine vie! kid Oxford for Ladle*, patent tip and patent faced. You pay other dealer* $1.25 for th* m. We imill them at above price. A Child’* genuine Dongola kid. patent tip. «t»ring necl button * Shoe. *ire*B to 11. Thn*o good* are all *olid and very dre*»y. bee them and you’ll be surprised. See our Window for Men’* Sample Hat* In all colors and latest shape* for above price. Till ItNJCI. WtWIW. Wtoto*. (torn... snd Ttoi M Ito Camel to Ito Kacssto, Jm4m Hat er, after a tot rtota' ale •rt><r *si ay* n «■ e 15* f**■*sster* * <Mi Arrk. gttl mt ihl | iptt-rxr M tttif W M Mitt ki4 hem iPonk |JMi, (lew ItcpptMK tt4 pfrfT ttm dnriti. He He* M • *f*lb till ftt- Ikrttß I t eltn tttt ulifit him $3.18. Khaetto th Umm h*4 ttM t»p g pot her *gpih up the el feet*, he epee the mt* try ha.! eslknl bcMm* pith the ftvrptet * bu*tu»od A hrvmfp tthftita had beep Peed tP the itlffhiiby god KliSPteHh «a* fined $: V* Amanda Watklaa bail tototofi very tp.Kh ea raged bees use Sam Jones call ad bee a Spaniard, fib* pro-ceded to g;ve Sara a IkmLii tbat w»« clearly a violation of No lit. and landed both parties al ronrl. Sam **• fined s*'• and Amanda rmNunl a iftn days In Jail sentence. Ilitt Jones had labrn pie aloes and cabbages ftnm Wang. Wore remonstrated and both sme to conn lu'.j.. Bill was levied on to tbe ex - tent of |l Will Durham bad taken "one beer” —aa be said. He had gone to Mr. John B. Jones' establ sbment and ral.ol a small dMurbance. It ssi a very .mall breach of the IStb and be eras dismissed. Jim Hill. esq. He bad t»en there before. "| am guilty." aaid he. ’Two-fifty." said the Judge. Plain drunk. Will Ire. He paid 12.50 for violation of the | 18th. Clinch Scale*. Smart Lloyd. I Scales had broken Lloyd's watch, so | said Lloyd, Lloyd had bit Scale* on the head, so snid Scale*. Lloyd showed the Judge a broken face wait'd. Scales showed the judge a knot on his head. The Judge dec-hied Lloyd had started the fuss. $5. Calvin Smith had been accused of being a bully. |(EPI B? ALL fIRSJ (LASS fiRCCEHS “Bring it in, Porter. That Brand Flour is ex actly what we want. We are tired using corn flour and corn starch mixtures. Berry’s Grand Duke is Pure Wheat Flour. Guarah^h*^. The Bell Tower Drug Store, COfNtR GHtRE AND JAfKS'W SIRIEtS ggp- 1 V if*’ a* a maswn*n*anl A fall aa at V nab BrogA 1 «dto A»r» aa toasto% IPs* M * pk*tt P *fd**»*Mitf' *4 t%f*H**m t*ts*fiif l|4**#*• I ATTBBBON & WADE. H* it Itt ***** pmtif ftvtt wm* btftff | Ivy * fmtff «4 ttHtMm #••• | • j» * ttttta !»*' WtS * * ft ItotttftMm up! : 4 fMXfI Y Ov ft* * flUf'O Ttrr dollar* Oftlfla" r«ai«Tl«4 ttt | (’» b *««D Rrwftta 44 »us krut tNtt Hi ! «»a ttt artvii vt a«iufi ll# rata# ' l itrr ru unite doiwt aa ofKYf VUb •» ■• I vrlHdr ilti aorv Rg ll# #MH fsa# J* Rain Thom** sot a fit# of fl SO foe : a Ivftrtrß of No Is. ■ Hupp* iultivaa tt*t p*i #l a pa* I i tol on b#r kuitiaad Ik nnt* fUatllvaa. j Fortunau *y ttt trig*#r wa* lot puli* I M. Ho Ills issa# Is bo nor* D#aals i titan ttfor#. Happy will now »f»* tid 90 days In j Jail Jack Griffin. Hie rase was a unique one. He badt lotrr lo an offirer Saturday and beg-, gel to be larked up. so that he rould! 1 n»t obtain another drink. He was accommodated, hut hi* lodging cost | him 12.50 ai rourt teday. SHARK INTO MR SHOES Allen’s Fool-Ease, a powder for Ihe feet. It cures pslnful, swollen, smart-I ! Ins, netvoua feel and Instantly take* I the sling can of corns and bunions. It's I th* greatest comfort discovery of tbe I ago. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or res shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure ! for sweating, callous and hot, tired, j aching feet. Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall fdr { 25r. In stsmi>s. Trial package* FREE, I Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. I Y. Men are not afraid of fireworks, but they dread witty women. CASTOniA. B„„ Kind You Hare Meats tJwtfil *7" Auoutrr gp rto*«**b i**W ntkan *•** fM» HULBE’S Steam Laundry and Dye House ttc n f ipk of *tt! l#4 ftrtnliTt ttH 1 4f*«ip !i ti l *sft* ttt ium mt * mm* •§#• ( £4T ttt ttrt mt fttoffc 4om rrvftuptljr •$ H«MNMaP« Trie**. 314 Jacbt* Si. Ojpoite Opera Htose (Mfongsr MT. - - Be*l IKS. TlftrCl tmM Tftrß FOBF.ION CAPITALIST* WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS s realty In Augusta. Ga, Terms T per <«nt For further Informathai see their attorney at law. P J. Sulitvnn. I Us., or Mr. P. O. Burum. troubling rkkinley use thing that la troutdlng Mr. Me i KUtley ta to know how much Manifest I Destiny baa to do with tto disposition of the Philippines —Philadelphia Led „»r l • Millions (IKea.Awiy. , It •» eertalnly gratifying to tbe pub ■ lie to know of one concern In tbe lanff | who are not afraid to t»r generous to the needy and suffering. The proprln* tors of Dr. Ktng's New Discovery for I Consumption, Coughs and Colds, hava | given away over ten million trial hot* tics of this great medlelne, and hava j | the satisfaction of knowing It has ab. '$ | solutely cured thousands of hopels— 1 cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness J and all diseases of the Throat. Cheat T and Lungs a*c surely ruord by It. Call , on Howard & Willet. druggists, und get a trial bottle. Ido. Regular size 50c and , 11. Every bottle guaranteed pr price re funded.