The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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HENRY WATTERSON ON TRAOE EXPANSION An Interfiling Eiprenlon of the Louisville CourlerJoumel'e Opinion. ON MIITEIS PlftllNEll TO #■§«*«* IM*e tAifeMg Ml WMWr j A It# *4*4 CMPNNNMNMHi.. k'nftlkaJ Prildylrt ftp? th«» egter into It. Bus, being a Vfny complicated mwlneaa. H open* ttp due. K the knave and the fool have especial opportunities to ply ihelr aseretrirlrw* vocatloa. Since the very it mac b* marie for a time not only to cover a mulUtude of shortcoming* The th to i Question. Thla much by the way of preface. This Attcb aa a basis for some particu lar obaei rations which wc have lo of fer not In n rootmver*lnl spirit, btil rather Ul a spirit of auggestiun and in quiry. The Chronicle refern to the ed itor of The Courier-Journal tn connec tion with the issue which has ao din mantled and divided the party of which we both claim to be members. Now the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 18 to 1 ia n the oretical preposition in the roftamerclal Intricacies, we may say in the uncer tain science, of finance. It Involves no "principle" of any sort. It might be a good gysicm of finance at one time and a bad system of finance at another time. Hut In either event It can amount to, nothing unless It be expedient and at tainable. If it bo inexpedient and un-1 attainable, if it cannot be reached and applied, but If, on the contrary, it pro cures its own defeat, and atonic with its own defeat the defeat of other treasures needful and just, which ex cept for it would be possible will any fair or wise man pretend that tt should be net"'up as a.i altar tor men vocifer ously to pray apon, as a shibboleth for men uselessly to die by? Waiving all argument as to the merit or demerit of the question, has it been a help or a hindrance to the democratic party, and are vie now nearer or farther from itr, realisation after nil our bicke-. fhgs and losses? The "desertion’' on the part of the editor of The Courler-.lournal, which The Chronicle rele s to. cons'~- ted largely, though not wholly, in his belief that free silver would first split the party and then Wreck it. Have events verified or have they contrad.c ted this apprehension? The Confederate Record. All this, however, merely in passing. Mr. Watterson's crowning offense now is that he "has turned his back on his confederate record of local self-govern ment..” Alas, he and the rest cf his companions who are giowing older every day. and fewer, have had to turn their backs upon a good many inci dents that made up that same record; our rights in the territories, for exam ple, and the inalienable doctrine of se cession and the divinity of ihe institu tion of African slavery. it would be hardly pr udent for any of us to be too nice about “records," confederate or Otherwise, these last four decades of political history. ‘The most that the worthiest man can claim for bim-seif is that he was conscientious in his purpo- MfttY'W'ftftff Igl flit |/ytty a " Nre» QwMMC mi 111 rttnO. • eeeeeeeeee I far tfee pur pm* of |rviu«iiNl * Mel ; piihhr" > <IM end rout* 1 ilit dive fflgn tioce they eigo-' I hard!* here fom***fi Rleg Do ‘ rtmtußMmtirM irrtr filer nan Mint orety other business adapt Itself to changed copdlt.on* except the bonne** of g'vim mew ? Once a mage roach, always a aiagmS'cach, once a baby, al ways • that th# Idea? May I here not he some things that have not entered wholly into we shall not my itbe philosophy, but rather the bocn i .(cpe of owr dear friend of Augusta? Instead of accusing Mr Wetieraoa of !an Indifferent e u> "political prim i tnrpnmr? to gird up bis loin# and miiiriw iha miirtf of riincfll btAlory *1 •veil ns the trend of mcxkrn Problems We Must Ficr. It la easy lo ace. and still easier to «sy. that the problems of national ex ' panslon which face us are replete with obligations hitherto unprovided for In our political autonomy and undraamed of hy our statesmen. We do not need Mr. John Hhermnn. Mr. William Jen ulnga Bryan. Mr. Grover Cleveland or Mr. Carl Schurx to warn u. again*) ddngcts which are only too obvious. But. in considering the rcKponaihlHties. we should also consider ibe opportuni ties Thai which la within our grasp v'ouid be rejected by no other nation lln the world. If we reject It. It may ; never come again, except as the result j ul the outlay of oceans of blood and | treasure. Nay, by refusing It we do .not recall the bucolic republic of the ! fathers, whom our Georgia eontempor | ary so venerates. Thai is gone for ! ever. Nor do we make local govern-1 j ment less secure, or stay the march of | imperialism. Electricity and steam have done their pei feet work. They have pro duced an actual centralization never I meditated or proposed by Hamilton. They havo annihilated time and space. They have revolutionized all the con ditions of human life. Mile* can send troops in five hours where Napoleon and Frederick could not have sent them in five weeks. McKinley can touch a button in Washington and be* fore the conspirators in Han Francisco have dispersed to their several homes from their place of meeting, they are in Jail. Does this mean that we are in danger of a military dictator ia Miles or another Caest*> in McKinley? Not a bit of it. It means that it is easier to govern one hundred millions of people today than it was to govern ten millions one hundred years ago. It means that repnblicanisna cannot isolate itself, that It has become a part of the world's organism, and cannot escape the world’s movement, and that it must and will meet the duties and prepare for the conflicts before it. But, having weathered all our dangers, its votaries, and among the most un doubtlng of these is the editor of The Courier-Journal, believe that it will show Itself equal to every trial, and that it will in the end emerge from the ordeal, still free, and glorious and great. Opportunities to Orasp. It is an alternative no less than an opportunity that we have to deal with, and in. determining the course to be pursued we must look forward rather than backward, but most of all we must look about Us, end mark what it is the world is really striving for, and our relation to the struggle. In no other way can we arrive at the truth. THMfi AUGUSTA EHJHAXD I floi &qpNI men dig Mg eiiirr «e» mmi 4l It# q <■#•!•# It ttei , [ eflHiwld M tMgMgRV gge ItMMgMII fitt#d' E g |Mi ap eg# M ♦ # t*t itwi ltd OSM* ite . MMa#%gN» es Hit piftt t#d it# ggM fit twet(| # f tMmii i tMi ; f %gg| flqMqq sere fat NlMr !**«• tli »n|| Uti I gllttlt «f e n&f'ilewf * Ite * i«|M g|ff r m,, » rs M ie #U Oder etd 4t f rod my ete? MtfMtfeNl ilid * m> m r «nt | iieied tad aov* wet! Rif tialf gre* i killed of erggetfling, or fever night * one eii hoftled. Crrvrra end g], ft* . rmi lo return Imp r one etngle *ine of ft> «»• | grnplv tv ten J went to erftoo! gad | itnre I graduated I an denser (tan ever. (•lady* fafeo a high ertoot graduate) -Oh. I an not quite stsrr. hut »ivm» lin me an though It la eomewhi i# in | flrotll. I <an‘t pier the I’hillpidne Idaod* either. •ram* a. th.wgb they ilfnl to be up la srouana, | hut the geographies rb»n|f *u and ■ y»»r* t» M»h • hum «lm<- ■ hey may have inn.l rrH th« Hblllp -1 pint, down n*ir tt|uto Gilt. i«i|n'l|>) —Perhaps they urr ft* .at in it l*Dnd*, and our iwn ran tour ! ib.m owar to tbia c *untry. (Proudly): • America ran do anything. I'm real ~ >rry about myself and Charlie. I(J lady a. for If It had not been for Ibla II rurl air wr would luyi|u(li been [true to eath ot|i.r. Oladya ibyatrrlralljr)— And b<' wrote you aurb long letter* from camp. but' they ware aurb dreadful gruaal# nffaira. ]uat full of |oing to niraa. nod havius jto go ao aolled all the time; well, 1 I can't believe aurb a faatldloua boy i could really hare grown into a un rhlne that tclk* of nothlg but food, mnd land and file*. ad different from I your Reginald, who, you aay. rail* most every day, In juat the loveliest, cooipgt-lokiuß make-ups one ever aaw. and, oh! yea. don't you pity our poor, fever-atrlcken boya ao much? KlUe—So much sorrow! I tried my beat to aave up some of my pocket money to send to one of those relief societies, hut papa la so fussy about my appearance, apd insists upon my igettng everythin! I want, at least 1 In slst, and he furnishes the money. Hut I om going to send a few bottles of perfum* and acme boxes of fruit gel atine Jußt as soon as I find time. They can find some way, I suppose to pre pare the gelatine, those men who are being garrisoned. Gladys— Yes, you were always so generous! Here take this dime as my contribution, and I do hope you can get something nourishing and substan tia! with it for those poor, dear sol diers. Are you going to return all of Charlie’s letters and keepsakes to him, before he comes back? I expect tp Irar that he has gone and got eounmnrllnt ed and shot, or drummed out, nr some thing, but you are not to blame, It's Reginald. Good-bye, dear, Yam so charmed to have met you this morn ing. I would stop longer and chat with you, hut all the tall silks at White's here been marked do«vn, and I want to get one or two dress patterns—such delicious shades. Elisa —Good-bye, dearest, but what ever you do, or wherever you go, ‘Re member the Maine.’ (Aside) There! did you ever- I never once dreamed of getting ray car fare out of that stingy old maid. The Herald's new Standard War At las is a very timely publication, which seems to be well planned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries In different parts of the world. The maps ore In sufficient detail to be entirely intelligible, and the low price at which the atlas Is pub lished, 30 cents, will make Ignorance unpardonable. Realizing the value of such an atlas The Augusta Hepgld ar ranged with the publishers for'a special edition. As this new atlas is not for sale at any of the stores, our, readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore the edition Is exhausted.- LIKE A SPAISITSH GUNNER. "Not a single book that I have writ ten has made a hit.” "H'm! You must have some Span ish blood in your veins.—Freic Presse. FSI CASTDRIjJ ji e*«aftanrtf ffx I .vii 4f%i n|gMi j pip j tang*• !U;M»h»milV*eeu4 J P BBaßtraal ! ftoCK* • iMgw •'«*' l hr* i | ] isvt ,*t*t IV* l c nrv'kwr i j Vjj H ugsii MltlAkny n« 'lmal I ■ | ROT N M»* otic. |! IPiiWRWWWt fe I i * f I let |l I* (.op SMt Sta*W h 1 wiwd I W fkWtwb jCwnlvMu Ic'ctiili I [turn .wwlLo'ttkor sltkp ■ f«m Stanir !Mqtw4vgv M OL.,rnu» ; 1 KEW YUHK B lIACT UNT Of VNMTIIR. j gERRY’S [XCELSIOR tyjILLS AUGUSTA, GA. cs. rnrmutmrn ■ j Sr*. *. i*. jr-T* ' • J|S^ > m- , -_,w gKgf ’VTI ■ v - . • X* |.'"%v *1 . .ff.ytlfc./* SSJA' . - -S-'' • Mp_ . *.f *Wi< A L -‘%A r -a JraA#*T* wj y Jfw i 808 WHITE - -Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL—Fancy Patent. s=- ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flouf, Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On and after this Date, August I Oth, 1898. I offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the Highest type. Ask for prices Flour, Meal, Grits, Bran and sh Ip stuff delivered your station. J. M. BFRRY* THE MERCHANT MILLER sci?"’ Georgia and Carolina Papers Report Estimate on Above Space per month. I I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, - - - GEORGIA liritons having found out what the 'Abound of Sivijl is, are now engaged in investigating the Aimamisaluku of flunban, who„ ; fyas put himself at the head of the Sierra Leone insurgents. Walter Cras}4 has been Pint at the head of the,art department of the 'South Kensington Museum. CISTOIU far UftMtU >»4 CMUfwtt The Kind You Have Always Bought Boan * tUe aguaturc /M* * w ft JP’ The Kind \y You Have Always Bought. ICfISTORIA TO SECURE A SUIT OF CHOTHING at a price that will surprise you when you see the quality, style and finish of the clothing that we are selling this week in our big reduction sale. We have cut our prices down to the bottom on both Boys’ and Men’s Clothing, irrespective of cost, that leaves no doubt as to quick selling. PHRHAPS A SOPHOMOKK DEGREE. Guffer —I suppose Feete is one of them college fellows? Givis- What makes you suppose such a thing as that? Guffer—l notice that everything that comes to his house is marked "C. 0. i I).”— one of them collcgt- degrees, I | suppose.—Athens Banner. [HE HERALDS JTANOARO yyARftILAS WITH MARGINAL INDEX CONTAINING MAl** OF Cub*. Phllllpim lilandt, Witt Indies, North Amirlcm. Hawaii. South Amorica. Europe. World. Alia. Oceania. Africa. China, Spain. _ Portugal, AND HARBOR CHARTS 0F—..... Havana. Cianfuegoi, Santiago de Cuba, Mainila. # San Juan. Cardanai and Matanzai, _ s l nta C ,ara Bayi Th« .e> turparb Mnps ara baautlfully prlntad In fiva cotoro on haavy papar. an<J bound In an attractiva covar. RAND. McNALLY & CO., those peerlesa Mapmakers. preparad thla Atlas aspaclally for THE HERALD and our raadars may aecura It at a trifling cost. WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW IT. I « Explanation Harginal Index The lngeouliy nf the d*y»c* dewr*** giwvlgl for H ta • patent system of lo.tan«*n*-« relmwncw Th# Mk« «* ne.r Upon each map's border. The Information *• * These wondet(ul plates, cmipl.wl by experts, and abeoiuleiy up «•» are a minis ure cunterpart of tbs world s physical appaarawo, aai It t.u at tbli m wneni. The maps are not merely ptcuuiai charu. the. ar, also g„awapblm and gaacteera combined. The ruled border on the fotff * d. a of every map I* divided Into equi-diatant apaca*. designated upon le, aiilc hy Seller* at th# top and bottom by numera.t. If Hues w * r **™~ wted frt-m these marginal points -nail *<l>»re. would be tonwed b» their mteracctkm. On the margin of each i>a«e appear, » claaaifled »et of all the principal d!vla.ona, cities, and lowan Ingcrlbwl upon that ape ca! m:in when' they arc classified alphabetlcailr »“d according to Uair commercial lmimrt.nce and prominence ai centres of population. You ought to Have this Atlas You Can Have it You will Have it If you wish to see the Atia3 before buy ing. call at The Herald. But you Must Hurry. The edition is a short one and will not last many days. Mail orders filled promptly* Price, 3octs Price, 30cts The Herald has exclusive control of the »■ j sale in Augusta. CALL- FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER Till Best on The Market. i ~ CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BLUR The liest on The Market. , | lOilwl 7