The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1898, Image 5

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WtONCAOAV nil »i<rr-1 ft/WHWIMI w»MH> MAAmCPMIi M» Hrt hrtAA- bM#«#*ff##4rt, Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUITa, gcohoia (MMrHtu summmb i*tx t “'Wii i*. •*»* rMOtfunta. #••*•* * , *" J '" r,r - ut—CTO«> ..... VMft t hsoah ****** ** M»R*ata fiSJUTir mmmm, i*^\*??•**'*■ uZ*? CB*fe s***>*4 ****., >» . ... fMMtna nooiiha. • ol’ * ~ _ l\m ruiti i)uiffl- Mm tmM m» "Mas* m a HIM A*A#*y> k* Aa* B •* »*• 0|!t« ffjfl £•#•* #•#•l®* «K<pP» gi**# at #Mm t»fe*#tfe#fe ,|| fe *••* ‘ u * "* A A* 1 # • 4M*** tNofe' tfir nitty. UM 1# >*•» -*4 fiMoffb*** ‘" < ft** o*4 ■#* •k*'**. ••*'•** *• • 80**0 • BUM SOSA *8 GfitS* WWI. aMM iMItNMI fe#4 *“ #4*** f*** •MM fefep* ln> 4feH#fe #• tfe# Jpfei !• |H ||| #■*• Htni Ml •** *** IMMHHMM i V tp «*■• t i■« (M-MM## * t*n* im iamiAmmk *a* fe*** g„ f up mpiT 4«s JbfeflMt tfefe I rt#r ti Ife**## •Wfefel fAP **ll •nr •H# t: fetf*ttiMl •#**» ** * tfewrwr* i# fe#* MIA I ## " sr? * o pW»! ah**» <b* »«M "—***** *** «u>), hat MMBr r»*«nM* k*r MftAßvkli* l>*f .|l.| « I. -.« {w-Ptk no t#*f to 4 Mt pirtiti M|aa «#,#*i4pt» Ihll A c;S ||*«(B*f'ti{| '<9 dfiMfcr.-.p tl'in fe#4 piuMril «M*t vir4 A ban 4 Pad that Par awtfetr told bar to f*> altar tba r*ar» aa*S that aba ra •Mßbrid ftrtliig el## unt.l aba Oo bar Imirary ik<i bat* a#( ibiw tram* lid bad M«a ovrrufcpi fey tiro. Ha *m«rHualy •!#••!•• oat of tfea w#.v fell# bad treaaad f mnxmm bndaca and traatlaa. ooa >f tfea torwmr briac non* than too b«>adr«*d yard# k*« aad onr alia bad rrfuaad to rmaa oo foot la day tint. •sea bad ilo paaaad tfa rough too fun *d* aad orar inaivfaarab> rattla «wmU. !i *u bar firat Alaap-oalb- Inf aipralanrr. Capt. Bftvtft* Kmd«> father, la a wall fcao an railroad a»«n. OAMTOniA. ‘*T”jZW^57 NATIONAL LEAGUE. YMifrd*y - * Xmkhijl rfault* At Pttt*burs- R H K Pit <tmrg r... . 1 0 4 8 Bottoo .« .. .. .. .. .8 14 8 Bauertri Hurt and Sctmvpr, Nii hol* aad and Andr«w«. At Cincinnati— R H E Cincinnati ~ .. .. 1 « 4 Philadelphia >l3 3 Batteries Dwyer VVoada and Pc ta; Ortb and Muiphy. Umpirei, Oaftncy and Brown. At Loulaville — R H E Loulaville .. .. .... 4 8 1 Baltimore 2 7 1 Bat cries Dowlinc and Kitlrldae; Maul and Romnson. empires, Swat wood and Warner. At Chka*o — R H K Chicago 1 E 2 New York 0 3 0 Balterie* Griffiths and Donuhue; Meekln aad Grady. Umpiies, O'Day and McDonald. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. To allow steam to escape from tca- VcUles the lids are made with one or more perforations In the flange; and corresponding holes In the rim, the lid being also applicable to other ket tles. If You have Any Suspicion . . . about your watch your peace of mind is gone. Every time you look at it it will worry you ju»t like an un reliable einplove. Here’t sTBUaTY watch—one which won’t deceive you. Hen’s SSO New thin model, open face or bunting— solid 14 karat Gold Cases. The belt ever put" into a pocket. We have them Cheaper. We bsve them more Expensive. Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. WAVNTJMMJtttk tike Net !*»•• f Me** AflHMkg fw Hi | m gfy r , hb m Am| II Tl* 4 mt * M H**m •NmaM tMbiAt rwMfed Ml UN ♦bn# ; M «-# Mbfe I♦ b# * bafeM #f MdblMk *■ ** • •Mfefef" >4PbA«i pw>- • l flßfejr •* fe*« b«»« .m" i c g| mml feaMPPMI fM lM*iM i eMMAM«Us> » •lidft tbt * ' ik«*d* IM f elßlff |# (i fvMltiM MMMwfu. » ilssHi MM»«* M ft fP|B§|« Wlfblfefe • |*r<'AA4®*A‘ iAifr a# ibM Bigr # otopi * * tt r§|f‘ i^» y trmfe bcrdi. oi*4» #i*My liitfid* ■«l ||f fig HMMf rllfivdMi fnxib lb# |d* f*f* MdwiMf during gad dirgri'? •!§♦* tb» rifii *•'* Aim fed ib# i«fel#r la a 1 1*. feta* ut ibe AiMith * 14(4 at todey - j w fee. lee who It a. etna ns lie asm* M the heiMe* of Ahtflrta i tht writer lit HefeMlttttl (Mt he kited : skw of the Booth, pays hint a bewwttfwl tnhwtw and •« . aays let lyelptcf <1 wt» wo Mute hath at Hep. vrt> *' l*f ll* 1* n general too DiKt eVrated hi greatnewe tn hear tittle dog* | hark in the taaoawahlne His command ~ R g admire* him breann* he I* nl i w ayn IP the tight ptnew. ‘tight side up with car*' and mat awelled with n* [ g'-try. We love him beenwne we have Urkd and preved him He 1* nlwny* m | the Pont where glory to wteeth hie etarv •Thou ert Pnme's lone as the few. the Iptaodtl name* Itlitark |M*patch. W'tMn the page at this old wrap looh in found a copy of a dlepet' h sent by J.ffeiwin Davis to the secretary of I war. awnownrlng the rletory at Ms nasan*. Pasted beside It 1* the North irm Setonw( of the same bettls. Aa in* llereeMi.g hut aad aroooat of the raplt biatlra of Lre’a army, the particulars Ls (hr k tllng of Unroln. Whfeler a en leouutor with Kilpatrick at Waynes boro tributes to Ist. Seram*, and La- I r>sr at.d many other pitr*s. the read ing of which la not calculated to bring to the breael of >hr Sjutbern-born f>'getfiia. se. are found with the cor trr »l this In.cresting book. News Notea. Mr and Mr* Walter McCsthern en | tertslned Informally but most pleas -1 antly on Saturady evening In honor of their nieces. Misses lassie and Sal i> Joe Hurst and Miss Ida Lee Cbatid- I lor. i Mr. nrd Mra. K. L. Brinson, after an I a bee nr e of several .veeks pleasantly |-i eat at Indian and Beal Sprlugs. are biint again. Mr. Willie Burton snd his charming wife rctumed to their home In Au gurta tody a. Dr. snd Mrs. C. Holcomb Cox. who have be*n e ’enriing some time at Sky land and Harris Uthla Spring*, are expected home this week. Mrs. Hugh Alexander, Mise Ixwilsa Alrxander and Miss Miss Anna Bryant, of Augusta, will cemc down Thursday to vlalt Mr*. Burton. Prof. N. F. Close is home again af ter having spent the summer most de lightfully in different parts of the mate. • " i. - —~ J The last chance of the season to visit Atlanta at a low rate will be offered by TußtfleA Hollingsworth Sept. sth at $ 1.95. HISTORIC Document of the Cromwellian Period Is Unearthed. Bridgeportt, Ohio. Aug. 31. Squire James Cope, In looking over a lot of old papers handed down from his ancestors, has found one which to all appearances is a document of great value. It purports to be the original oepy of Oliver Cromwell’s warrant for he execution of King James I, and the document is addressed to the High Sheriff, and boars the signature of Cromwell, together with some forty otherß. members of bis council. Among the signatures appears the name of Simon Fox. a branch of Squire Cope's family, from whom the papers came down through successive generations to him. The warrant is written on sheepskin, which is now yellow with age and cracking at the folds. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain'* Colie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell into my band*, Just at a Rtlme when my two-year-old boy wan terribly afflicted. Hi* bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies, to no purpose, but the little bot * tie of Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoe Kern- I ed.v speedily cured him.—William F. I Jones, Oglesby, Oa. For sale by Alex; under Drug A Seed Co., C. It. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. NARROW ESCAPE FROM HRNGING. |t« iMtlff Mil# Hu Cvmmm lull Him ot#vi#4. 1 Mas* (Niva tVthws Ms* * I—gas (*** , <SIM fm* Mi i~r V» A*g It ** /*• I j lar nri HHirwf H|ff fff Mfe# '## I «« a ftft-f !%«%»* gKUI i|*#* Hfe» #♦* I til (b### »#b#*l fs-Hyk# fel4#N*Nl 7 ##MB * f 11* C*#4 fel w IP* # *## b [ «r*-.fefel #Mfep mt«l4lfe *4 Ife# §4#fe# 4** I *s*m ts te«il i*§ **** ««*»* [*• tfe# at ffe# <SM#i | 4HMfe#4l* lippM BMBUpPH #*### feP #' i%*|f *b * fftNMMfl bt# (#MMMP a *4 9(1 ■ 'it swat Bk 4 fei*n f * *cd »*vt |< y Ik* «b 4 j ifTl#»l few* 'l-f* Mm«*4 Wwiigil <* -k- t * *'-« ' i«iMi fi## m.«i#tp# lit## truli «t : MMAfef## mm life# ***** ** *l+ *** ttm •* ** ph*mMnp Mft fe# •##» fur tfe# t#|Hfl### •IP# 4 N j #r## not #|tMtfe| m feSItMM fel# t*M9 PO*A i* - klhiiimh. \%h*4 Is Oaswg IM lk*s M Ik* VMag* . ggsv-Mi la Tk» Hw«M. HsphalMh. AM. Aug *1 ■** IIMM UwluMi rrtutfUNA 10 tkapl*<«*« I wnMr4fefeH. Mksvaa ffUsswet iklhhvr. Alnaa vYk.t* w<l Bod's V**doty. id Mvsa*. MW M 4ko •iilsll. d*rtM " ****** ItnH ••! Ail# CH Hrv W I. tMN «#N#ir4 tfe# f«* | Adtl ••itw## nf Hr itvwti fel \ ClfertHh clMkfe#i jN(#i#fA#y. Murb c<MHflolot I* Made at th» j syroMiM *f rtMMM o*4 !• A»0l*0 «u | the staih Ths ceffsa rw» l* mat«r --• tall) dsasagvd hy ths swml** wet vrvMltar. J m Jenkins • colored sws living I nesr here, lost a hoe** a few day* ago. t’ausr •'blind stagger* ” A wad dog treated somewhat at an I rirtuwsl In the village todny It [ waa under tkn dwelling at Mr. B I j Hall a* Mill at real, was soon forced by n number of boy* t» get out *nd was pursued dowr. the rail road trark Prof c. H. 8 Jackson mturaed from Sandcrsvllle las* cvetiing Mias Mary Acton returned this morning fr» ro • planasnt vtall among friends in Augusta. Mins Kthe] Turner returned from an extended trip among friends In Burke county tkls morning. The colored Methodist people are building a house of worship near Kite neser Baptist (colored) church. Work ! was begun today. Do you eat? Try the Eilis Restaurant. THE ARMY SCANDALS. Ike Commission That Is to Make the Investigation. Atperlal jo The Herald. Washington, D. C., Aug. 31. Tbo war department understand* that Pres ident McKinley will In a few day* Is sue an order pr.iylding for the ap pointment of a ronudiaaion to investi gate the chaigea of abuse and bad management in the army camps in ibis country. This decision 1* *aid to have been reached upon the reqifest of Secretary Alger hirn*elf. The commission to be appointed hy the president will not be a purely mil itary one. It will have some military member*, but the majority will be civ ilians of high standing and problly. In whose finding* Ihe public will have confidence. The president will return to Wash ington on next Monday, and It Is pro bable that the commission will be up pointed during the week. Important results are expected to grow out of the work of the rotnmisslon. Among these la a complete reorganization of the various staff departments of the army quartermasters, commissary and •urger-n general's nffien*. Another Is the ihorough reorganization of the Na tional Guard with the purpose of bringing it to a greater state of effi ciency, and also closer to the regular army. castorta. B«»r» th. Kind Yon Hutu Always Bought “’7" NEWS OF MANILA. The Kick There Ovei the Customs Duties. Special to The Herald. Hong Kong, Aug. 31.—The exclusion of the Chinese from Manila has caused widespread criticism here, as all Asiat ic cities depend on the Chinese for •those fields of labor which the Euro peans cannot fill. The resumption of the Spanish tariff at. Manila was because European resi dent merchants maintained, that they had big stocks on hand on which they had paid the Spanish duty, and that If oil an ’ flour were admitted at a cheap er rate it would ruin them. On the other hand American exporters claim that individuals had belle- be ruined titan the entire American flag. Gen. Merritt Is expected here Thurs day, and Consul Wildman is arrang ing for a reception dinner, at which the governor snd all other officials are to be present. The Olympia and Ral eigh are in dock here. TTTH? JA TTfTTTBTA H H' HA LD. MM *4l stww M»>* Ml* Pain Killer. I kw* MtWkMhMk i ciaara »>•■•■*« * esuowk I HiM BMCMMItML MMMB MMI It —vrt a. I *#*#*# f# (**?*##**# ■ •fe# * * «#! 4MMMHMMI ■ ••••# MVir wmm w w*jk*jgm 1 «- **■ * 1 * * r WWMk/VkAf\A4 Jthmgs to read. J am •life u# In#*# - * •••A. ha fel#p#(| fe# fell t!*# fe##ll3K fePBHI 1 asml #*### (##fe # t-» S | onmf fe at* fesrt# m#iNlfe #r fei fe4l#K! 9 j f pMfeHfeffefe* t,-, f% t 4 ftxf 4SHA-* f ( ' 9l fefefe ***** ■ [ #r* mmtuA **9 ****** Wfc#« it uniiir tt> «•»«*! tfefewr. Mi# j m j,« # fftvAßl i# 4# HfeHtilfe* j wfek# It tfe f*4 fefefeji 7mA M# t#t#r. I A •*'!••• rfefefefe## iNt f»‘fe4 ** _ tfei»i H Iftp iHt hmar ••##fe*lHi Hi tjK# at *9* *•» rwfeir!#•«»**•# j ll# UflA #«HI f*% lfe#f •••fet#** tfe#_ I IfHtl §*lt fen»fe# Ife Mfe • rfe»rrfe j tfe# fei#fe#r It (•**• tA# fe##f«w#r it fe#* j Wfe#® * •••• fefefewfife tAfet fe# tfe I#** j # n pcM«t «• awotfefev im& fe# fet# j . navm fe#'# fe#t t#r. WfeMl R HI*VI IV #nr# tfe#t fel# ffiWfe ! ne?#r »#y tmlttM tfelfefe* <*f felt#- fe# l# j #«r# Ail fell fel# tr<**&* •«• 4«#4 |b«ftn« house* »r* u«*o*oty swil* l j isu*iM to wadlK* iisrtriors that t they oho*ld have M#*» of (heir own. | The woman who Is root lauslly I**- j luring hvr htwhnnd tdtksr think* h- Is ; a fool, or rise she h»* furgott-n that n I wrvd to lb* win* w suflii tent. Qiteen Victoria's private start men t* | srr hung with s *erl*n of tainting* j representing Incident* In her domestic We sine* tbo time of her marriage I Napoleon's cabbage palm at lam*- has lieen blown 4*ol It was i ihe lust tree of Its kind on ihe Island of 8t Helena, and the species ha* not been found elsewhere. Jamas M. Tuttle of Lincoln. 111., who lie* on hli deathbed at the of *2, hat willed one thousand dollar* to It. 0 Ingersoil. on condition that the ora tor deliver* the funeral oration over his grave. Jules Cambon. the French am bassador. who conducU>d the peece ne gut ation* for Spain at Washington, come* of a diplomatic f*(hlly. Hi* brother Haul Is now smbaeundor at Constantinople. Japan la to send to the exp«sl t»on a huge hosss, hcxagoniial in shape, and cotkpn*«l oaUraly or porce lain. It measures sewers! yard* In clreumfnence and Its weight will not be Ickh than 70 loo*. “Why sir." said the geologist, ‘‘the ground you walk on was once water." “Well," replied the friend, who la no thing ls not patriotic, “it simply goes lo show that you cannot hold America down.” “There is some romforl In being the father al twins." said the unhappy looking passenger, to whl-h the fat passenger, being there for Hint pur pose. inquired, '‘What?” "They beep each othew awake ut nighia as well as my wife and nie.” “The Emperor of Germany regards himself as the wonder of the century," said Maud, who was reading a newspa per, "He has over two hundred med als and midges" "Deur me!" exclaim ed Mamie, “and until now 1 did not know he v-aB a bicycle rider!” A Beilin nevspaprr says that tbe orders of dec: ration worn by tbe Em peror of Germany are worth over two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. His principal and most valuable deco rations are the insignia of the Black Eagle, the Older of St. John, of the, and of the Tolson d'Or. In all, be has over 200 crosses, stars, badges nnd other insignia. Earl (le la Warr, whose name lias been brought Into prominence by Mr. Hooley, owes bis litle to an accident. He was a younger sen, but his elder brother was drowned when yachting off the coast of Ireland, between seven and r'ght years ago. !' was in con sequence of this fatality that on (ha death of his father !n(ki96 the present poor succeeded to the eat ldom.. Several dignitaries of ihe Establish ed Church wear mslgnas of various or ders of knighthood. Thus the bish ops of Winchester and Oxford, and the dean of Windsor, as respectively pre late, ehanreiidr and registrar of the Older of the Garter, wear the blue rib bon of the order, and the dean of Westminster, as registrar of the Order of tbe Bath, wears Its crimson rib bon. THIS NIGHT 12 YEARS AGO JiHNU TmM fttt lb> t*H| : 4 (MM* >8 IB# INM tan >Beai* 0> IM* M»N pSSSSS iTTJtntMM ‘*n7"-*‘--™'" Tw#«t» '*•** fe#*# > mm*4 fe# #M •* •ferfe * mnr%»hrr fe## r#»»f4 tfe# p#*l 4«fHfet. •###» turn «*«# fearwrkft## tfe#t] tfe!# !# Ill# 4*l # *t ife# fe*#fel fHfefe# fe#f ffel# AfOct# ##4 #ci 4pm*fet 9#roH( «fe#if t*fe#f!#fef# a# tfefet •Ifefet I I«Ci*U. vrttfe##it | 4w#M ffelf ife* #fewll #h*#i ##%W# CM#t#kl# of Cfe##!##' I fe##. 9*9##tf of «*ot # 4#fe>#fe#4l •MptMli im4 rfe!m#r)np tlir##i tfe*##. ] fell «fe* r#t*!ill«« <fe#t Il#4t#4 Cfe#ft#fe tVHI fafliitMllff’T, #rf* t»rfei#g fel ##f A «H##k# fel Ife# h#t. It #11) fe# tl(ffVii*fe| I# t#fe# • I Ife# feHfeVnfetMHfe ##4 fe**»##H4*## *t Ifefet j August hack m »«*. (kepis rstsgsg a* ths street* for I util,j days sad wight* dutlag th* g* riod of tsf ror. Ths grssa oh lit**** I it rest •ss ths sAwptiig pums of must I Hr,wit sirrrt saw impromptu trots I mrtsg aad ths house* us, that thof -1 nughfars am varatsd strupt *4 short periods The wreck *t l-aagl y. <«* lbs kouth I ( smlius snd Usorgiu road, reused by ths bursting of the dent at langley j pond, raussd by ths ssrthgusks. was a serious result of th* shak disturb ance. Train No. 8. «lth Conductor K*o*e- j dy In (bargr left Charleston cm th-1 efteiVKMm of August SI. lIW. al 8:1*1 |p m. hound for Augusta. When in half a mils of tangley. ths sngtnrrr saw that the track was undsr water He BArped hi* snglns. luit the trs'k was undermined snd the engine and baggage car sank Into Ihe water. The : firemen. Henry Ivey, colored, lost hi* life In the water, but the engineer wa* rescued. Tbe train that left Augitata for Charleston that same eight came to grief. The Horse Creek Wreck. Al' went well until tbs train was nearing Horse creek, when n terrific roaring was beard by the train crew and passengers. Thru an awful shock was felt nod ibr I rain was brought to a standstill. The track that had been a few minute before perfectly clear was suddenly covered with water. The train was a mixed one and the waters, rushing from the brokan dsui at Ixng -1,-v toon washed ths engine and two | freight car* from the truck. The p*»- !*enger coach** remained on the truck. The engineer, Mr. Himroona. wa* kill ed. The water* of the ereek roae to nearly the height of the coach win dows, but subsided before entering. Experiences of Persons. Hon. Robert H. May had several chimneys on hi* house demolished. He wa* very badly perturbed at the time of Ihe first shock. Capt. Salem Dutchcr rushed from the tiqui-e with the china snd glass ware on hi* sideboard falling. Every (blind hi his house was opened by tbe Jar. Mr. ChnrDs McC'ord, at the time, ex pressed himself that the earthquake was due to on eruption of Mount Ve biivli s. He was quite calm over the matter and treated It In a scientific way. tip at the United States Arsenal, the officer* and soldier* quarters were Imd ly damaged. For a long tbe men at the post occupied tents on the ground*. People in the city were badly demor alized, and especially those who had relative* In Charleston. Mothers were worried over their children sleeping In the night air in the street, but dared not take them back in their dwellings. Night after nlgtit the shocks contin ued, but not as severe and It was as long afler the first shock as one or two months that the quakes would come now and then. A large number of buildings In course of erection In Augusta were knocked dewn. Here is the experience of a few per sons: Mr. H. A. Brahe had two chimneys to his house knocked down and several pieces of statuary demolished. In the Central hotel, pictures, plas tering, etc., were broken. Mr. George Oates had bricks from his chimney fall and knock the grate out. Mr F. H. Miller, on the Hill, had a number of ornaments destroyed. All his chimneys were knocked down. Dr. Eugene Foster's house was dam aged a great deal. Mr. T. C. Bllgh lost from SSO to $75 worth of crockery hy breaking. These ftnd many others could he told tt. but it was all a matter of falling chimneys, broken plastering, etc. THB WHOLE STORY IN A WOUDS OUR WINDOWS TALK H«mtß6**e lot of Han# Midi lIKMI $2.49 Finott aa*#c«»on of Fall * Hat* in City SUQi) Mulherin’s, 84# BROAD. Na Caort M*44. Ka town aa* h*M lot sow** Has* as th* (own boos* wail* w*vs roastfi rial l Ittlx Fvwttv trwrtf ***** hows* Ip fiafis ®-.»*(’•* aa* 4Mvaap*4 v Ik* Bolt h*- tra v*ry I*aw wa lb***, Ffsvwv aa sup# 4b*»w a*f* **4 H ass hstd |s p*4 sav at th* o*£tw** ta (park t*4 Ist ah* an aa* TVt* ***** *a wist Ipfitryaa* *O4 path to sfswss spa-totl. Pat a* h#** aaly has* sovtprtiw *4 th*ip ana »»4 th* terrors at tfs* stpht at August 81. tgit, Hv* taly a* v*w vapor gprcttva en th* hortpoa c-f paasory This la (a* Yoa I'vs tostMl hundn 4* ts th* hsat p*«- pi* In ths rtty f«r nr*lp Otsssss* msk tmr a sip* tsM fur fa year* gvww t«i» U'isni wrw salt* us hatr. Na» hsr* IP yoor city ion. to* not nfl y«wr hatr or tsl dinar ruin m! for It ran br rutrfi. Cam* tw sr* ***** MIW. PMITfI. S3S Hr,ad street CAniWXL ELECTS OPFICBB# The Tick** Nppssß hy the V*lrr* After • Holly Conirstril l ight Falrhwtn. A up. 81 ABrr aa* of thr Mntewi fought slrrllups IP Ihr history at th* voanty. ihr folloattig offtrsrs were aontloatrd at tiaturds: "* primary: For repr<-«swl*liv*. J. H Ixmpino. for sheriff. John C. Adrr hoN: for Hrrk. J. W. Varnrr; for la* collector. D C. Poore , for la* rrerlvec. W M< MOtan; for trsamrer. John A. Jallrt*; ft»r torreyor. J B. Duggan, for (oruM, t. T. Dunlap. To arr la human, to ncknoalcdga II la eccentric. Semi-Annual Statement DEALING EXCLUSIVELY WITH TRANSACTIONS AND AFFAtRS WITHIN (lit MANAGED FHOM WITHIN THE UNITED STATES FOB THE BIX MONTH* KNUINU JUNE SOTII. lWx. OF THE CONDITION OF The British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co.. I IMITBD OF LIVERPOOL, ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN. MADE TO THK UOVBRNOR Of THE STATE OF OEOHGIA, IN PL’IISUANCK OF THK LAWS OF SAID STATIC PRINCIPAL OFFICE I CASTLE HTItF.KT. LIVKHPIfftL, ENGLAND. I. CAPITAL. Amount |>Ald up in * 2W.000 staling 11. ASSETS. Loans o*i bond snd mortgage (duly recorded .and being first lien* ttu UII reul satnte in Portland. Oregon, (worth SIOn.r,OU) $ 45.M0.00 Stocks «n(l tiondii owned absolutely by the rnmpany-Par v * ,uei . $1101,0*9.»0; Market value tcarrled out)—II.M7.MI.S4 *' si'ssi’ia C»ah Imlonglng t,» the Company depnaltsd In bank 9L»00 *0 Premiums In conn* of collection •• •• ;• II Due ftom other companies for reinsurance on losses already paid 3H,»»i.ds Tidal HHseta of the company, actual rash market value (In ths United Slates) * •• W HI. LIABILITIES. Gross losses In process of adjustment or In suspense. Including tall reported and supposed losses $415,,83.09 Losses resisted, Including Interest, cost and all other expenses thereon '™ Total amount of claims for induct re-lnsurance thereon 160,6X8.,3 ***;•*'“• Premiums on risks not terminated June 30, 1898 -8 Re-lnsurance premium and brokerages ' , ' Total nubilities In lb* United States •• •• • •••• " 801 ', 'l' iv INCOME DURING THE FIRST BIX MONTHS OF THE VfcAlt 1» . Amount of cueh premiums received - «■ ,{ Received for interest ** American branches of foreign companies will please report sm mint of remittances from Home Office during the six months 332,«1J,n« Total Income actually received during the first six months In cash , . 38.Z7L5S V EXPENDITURES DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF YEAR I 89« Amount of l«K*e* paid, less re-til.urance and salvages .. .. .. .. *4U«.-«.»b Amount of expenses paid, including salaries to officers of the g 7 fIM 2 , Taki'To-'state, national and local faxes In this and other 21.821 27 All other payments and expenditures, viz.: commission and brok- fts American branches of foreign companies will please report am mint sent to Home Offices during lh* six months • Tidal expenditures during the first six months of the year tn cast* in the United States •• A copy of the Act of Incorporation, duly certified, is of fib- in the offlea 0 the Insurance Commissioner. ....... STATE OF NEW YORK—CTTY AND COUNTY OF NEW YnUK-T>cr aunally appeared before the undersigned L. A. WIGHT, who, sworn, deposes and say* that he Is (he Attorney and Managsr of the British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, Limited, New York Branch, and that the foregoing statement ts correct and ' r ' ,P^ Altorney and Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 29th caret, Commissioner for the Slate of Georgia In New York. Name of Agent-F. Phinlzy & Co., Augusta, Ga. . The Bell Tower Drug Store, CONNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS mm- Under new management. A full lino of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Etc. make r . 9 pecLllty 5f Physicians’ Prescriptions. Bell Telephone 2225 PATTERSON & WADE AUOU#TBI ill oRGIAN lIHriOfLU Jamas Bh»aa4. Jr., naff* Jwffpe Affvo. <a*a If***#* It stomal #4. B*w< *«■> 4# 4‘aha am 11. - Uam. Ctiloaet dswros. who wws trtaff h* rwanmartial an a «hsep* of twnnmp** teary. has town r*ta*>m«4 the «hmaw hanag m> fnawdattoa la prnsf Male* Praah dacha at At taata tsmffPMl. im th* rsaigtmiMp has h**n aHh .ltswa sag ha hi mtnag n* usual I Than* tan off**** hetwag la Oaf. Bar a re«i meat of iatarptpw ah*> arnrwfi re* really frma fierasnab James Bleant, jr of Mama. Da. ha* hara apfiotatsff ! judge sffsMir for th* rowrimartial m>o petpg uraaatasd fur ths trial at ■ sll military raasa la Pa a toga dia mtlltoa* fßvan Aaay. It Jp certainty pratlfylna l*> thr pah. ii" ta mp,» «l concern la the taad who are not afraid la hr senerooa to the needy aad goffering The pmpll*. , ( >r* at Hr King's New iHaavery for fonaumpilnh. Coughs and Cnlda, hav* given away over tea *nllll»a trial hot* (lea t*f this great medicine, and hav* th* satisfaction of tumwinp It ha* sh. solutety * tired moussn I* of hm-etsws 1 asm Asthma. BroruhlUa. Hoarsenem i snd all disease* «f the Threat. Cheat ; snd l.nnys are sarety cured hy It Call »n Howard * Wlllet. drupplsis. and grt 1 a trial Imttl*. Mr Regular else Sa>- sad ! sl. Kvvry bottle guaranteed or pries rr fitndrd. Pistols, Double Barrel Gunn—lßatols, Harrtnpton * Bbhsrdson Brand new plants. I’ M. Harrington A ItirhardlKm semnd' hand riletd* D M Amerlrsn double a, tlon pistol. II M. Guitar. Man dolin snd Banjo Htrlnas. 1 for I cento at L J. Hchnul, Bellabl# Pawnbroker.