The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THURSDAY NO WAR PRICES lftdv*r Watch** .... MOD ” Hits poah . . ... Coiftto * . ... .ff? ** *« fry* ***• L»nh RracaMwt ,t . . .76 B*Urv « ot Cirille* • I OOMCK. I mavw In a saw «iay» to »uy hi *•»*. ‘ MV« you Sr. to DO pm cant nn aN purchof* Utr*and dock of Damondi »n Au*mU LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jemn. Umt*r tHw Arlington Kofi JUST AS EASY | * X V LmJt I to rtwouse a PIANOk OR ORGAN WT MAH—— M Kbk»W<MUll ***** ik*l •*» o—H—t, k®— . k •*—•®**» *“*"*■ —*. M**» „*«» a?,ir.3.gga Sm i U> p*«4*4 *— «4ib®»J 0W..K1 ftp «w— »Mi» tk* \SAtSxtgs& and The JUaortmant The Ltrgaat Tku. mi*Hm l*. kpfta*« mtm *» tmt »m*tp*»i ..4 Mp M*M a*—' 1 *> Mr ftma*. H.ll >.«Wr» *M«i *ar pm- Ummi .umttotv. H.u4**®.*i» lliu*tr*M4 Thomas & Barton, W. H. BARRETT. Raxwt*ar. Tl# Broadw«>. /Dgu*» OA. CERVERA DID HOT WRITE IT. Rtpntlialf* •*« Letter Credited To Hla. Wu Not 5o a In hU Uratl tutfc. Now York. Sept. 1. —A letter to ni.ul* public to Washington on Aug 13 aqO printed In the Sun. moon* oth *r newspaper*. on Aug. 34, In which Admiral Orvera w»» made to txpraaa gratitude tor tht treatment he had re ceived Hi the United States Now he wrttea to the Courrler de» Etata-Unla LADIES TIES SOMETHINQ NEW j. hillelWalker THE HATTER. BZ3STOX HATS of this Htv Buying that the letter was cot wrltt|n by him. Hta letter la ** follow*: *- ■ —“Anna polls. A tip OT, 1898 "To the Editor: "In No. 200 of your Journal, bearing the dath of today, I IWul an article en titled, 'A letter from Admiral Car vers,’ which la Incorrect, because I have never written aueli a letter. "I would be very much obliged to you If you would kindly let me know the name and address of the person In Washington who reqplved the letter, which was not front me. In order that ! may let him know that he has been the vletlm of a deception, I do not know with what object. If you will be good enough to do this I shall be very grateful to you. "Accept, sir, etc., Psterna I Cervcra." Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. || THE BEST HALVE in the world for Cuts, Pulses, Sores, fleers, Balt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Coma, and all Skin Eruptions and positively eures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD A TVILLET. The Monroe Doctrine still holds good —but the Dewey doctrine is obtaining a very firm place by Us side In popular favor. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me- I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established IS9O. WOODSON,THE ROUGH RIDER. 1 I Hi* Dwell b Amm**4 fleo Rlrl seat. rntmmmmm M* M*4 a* Mm h»*w«®i Tk®— L*M Ma>. M —■***—»»—* IM» rut ik* •« M M—Mab I*»MM *•**»• t«a «*•** •**. 4*4 ft**® M • kwpiMol hri4®» urt.* soul H« t* A— to Trtampb le MU W*M lor Orryf—. laat, hot for aome reason the news of bis death wa# withheld until today. Woodson was found la a vacant bouse In a delirious condlllon In a auburb of Richmond, toon attar bis command left bers. He had a hi*h fever and was ta ken to the hospital. What t*d him to tbs plsee whers he wa* found Is not known, though It has sinew become known that he had relatlvea In Rich mond and Petersoom. asid It Is prob. oble that he was making hla way to thoae here when ho became uncon scious Young Woodson was o direct do scendsnt of a former archblstiof of York fn his reins flowed the bloold of the Orlfflns, Beverley*. Randolphs. Joneses, Epes and Blands. The re mains were carried to the home of h*a parents, near Washington, from which the funeral took place. Young Wood son's parents are well known and prominent people In Washington. They have a home known as "Palisade Man sion." Owing to the failure to com munlcat# with his parents, they were not with him when he died.* The relatlvea of young Woodson kept the fact of hla Illness n secret because they feared he was a deserter from the army and would be shot. I Alter It was learned that he was not a deserter, but wandered away In his dellr'um brought on by fever. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Ta'Jets. All druggists refund the money If It fnlls to cure. 25c, The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. KIQKED TO DEATHI Tragedy In Which a Young r\an host His Life. Unnililln. Oa„ Sept. I.—Mrs. Eliza Crumple?, an aged lady living near this plnee. was burled here Saturday. John Alabrooks, an 18-year-old boy who was raised a few miles from here, was kicked to death by a mule at Mcßeu last week. Attorneys I). A. R. Crum and J. .T. Jeter have instituted suit against the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad for 325.000 damage in the rase of the killing of Mr. 1,. G. Pattlshall by said road on the 21st Inst. Cotton Is coming In very freely and Is finding ready sale at 4 ; >i and 4 7 * cents. When ou- school building Is com pleted we will have one to be proud of. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used! Money loan. <1 on anything of value at a low rath of Interest. Wa tethury alarm cloiks, T» cents. Lewis J.. Schaub Iteliahie Pawnbroker. We Have Made War And slaughtered prices on Trunks. Trunks made by expert Trunk-makers. Sold at Manufacturers’ prices. Trunk Factory, 843 Broad, Bell 'Phone 2181. THE ATTO'CreTA HERALD ESTERHfItV 1 IS GUILTY f* r**h III* IK fwrl vawiat ItuM| Awa|»ar* MM a®»*»4 I ..MIX [a—Mpt ** n*» H—M t»*ta —ft t ■ O#* w«—« P*** i****a m wiMiae In** «*—-«a* **• *»» « Nit* 1 * k«*. a* »*n»pn.e k* »k* n»- '*»*•* paw* a*» Mm* 4kP**4 ‘k l * «*»•** ®*k tw* w •# mm **— !•>•* ftp l»*ih* #•*** I m>*» ®aW* >f*W*t I*NM » *«*« M —tibiae M *» lew* ik* !•* - fit. a— u » a t* «M« Mm* Dm (MMMUPipk I *.»«**»* ******* el MM OMOM* —►• —t m Pan*. *>**■»• ik*» taaa*a. M* AM *.f* MM .WM»M«4 MM* ***• r»t> M <mM Mi*t» iM *hMMt lIAkAM • ■ »* mi eati hi MMMNMM »•!»• ■ u * )C*4t IkM «*• IM» M Mm f*aa*M» I mm leak*®* a* *••*»« «*• i*it. • ** •*•*»•*>. ia*—*u— At e*M ap*t itM* frail-* m a** a* a apt la ifc* «»r»w* of Wrß«®*«Wk'**r* H* •» •*.« i*f»i*k*e w» o*»* ®i‘k mami Ai •*«sa«*r*a< M*piM®ar* a* ®r®e *« '*r«M»afi*kAf**e k**a® *» PP" *k*l Baterhaty withheld Important Infor mation he stopped paying him. Changed front. Upon this Bsterhasy began to change front Immediately. He suddenly over whelmed Brhwartshoppe*i with the most valuable revelations. He had become a spy Indeed. Soon afterward he deceived the French army autbori tie and delivered all aorta of secret documents Into the hands of Srbwartn koppen. for which he received In all about 100,000 mark*. SHOT TO KILL. neaara. Powell and Kerly In a Gun fight. Cordele, On.. Sept, I. What may prove to be a fatal affray to two men was enacted In this city on laat Friday night. From the best Information obtaina ble. the trouble la as follows: Mr. S. Powell. It seems, was somewhat under the Influence of drink, when Mr. John Kelly undertook to get him home, and Mr. Powell, for some cause unknown, became enraged and began fighting, striking with bis pistol, knocking Kelly down and getting on him. At this Junction It seems both parlies got up and began shooting as fast as (hey could pull triggers, the result being that Powell wna struck with three balls, while Kiely caught (wo. Powell was hit once In the head, the ball glancing round, making only a scalp wound: once In the left wrist, the bill penetrating the arm to (he elbow, emerging from the limb at this point. The third entered the body Just below the ribs on the right side and ranging to the left. This ball bas not yet been local ed. Kell? was struck In the right side naar the groin and the ball ranged dawnwutd: and once in the thigh, the latter only a flesh wound. Mr. Pow ell is reported to be In a critical con dition and Mr. Kelly Is dead. Mr. Kei ly's father and mother arrived In the city Saturday afternoon, accompanied by Dr. Niles, their family physician, to attend their wounded son. Apples for Beauty. Philadelphia Times. The legend that Paris awarded the apple to Venus and declared her to be the most beautiful of the daughters of Olympus shows that the ancients knewl what they wore about when they made the apple the emblem of beauty. It Is certainly the greatest beautifler known to science. A noted Paris specialist says a woman who eats threei or four apples a day cannot ho. ugly. ’Eho apple acts on the liver, gives a beautiful complexion and Is most fat tening. Things are actually what they seem —about one tithe In a hundred. The floor walker says the girl in charge of the gtovV department Is a counter-fitter. '•nm-t L ->w ■ f WW. j \\ «•*» *f «*» MM* M.PWII **4 ■i a«» M «P IMM M* » MM PI B*» «l a »wa*. » 4*>p a®** *»>•* . «m 4 tap a*M**M® mP *» mp k* mm ip. >*pr ll paPf j*pfi‘iWi «* «a* i»«a*4r a*w a* AjaaM **«p M* * ft.** n * Tap « «** <4J»- |. *ft a feMpi p Ik*. MPA«*-4I t« (»..• *> i . A»n**ip I ftp .MOP •**»»» « MW*. PPi pIMPMA. »«k IP P MM*. ■■#<«**» «4 p j*cy«** *• m •th* MM HKMIf IPMMf*. fR Ift ■’' * **•* mlkiirM wnA*rli»~«mw® P psia* •«*' MI M* «,«**■»» mm Mi-i**p *4 M“ I'liiPa* mw aap** *®4 *«p *m* fPNN** II fPlift «»»««*I •**»* 4*..*.4 ft. ift. *..**... i.. *. *.*...... pAft® Mm p *«*»»« * -o—4 mj»li j" trr r.<»ni3r'ft."*tp «** M*p.p p.Mft i.n.ft apapft m w *•p*w Mpptf asr* m •**• OIH«iM * tNaPkCA m* tit** r~Qf*‘ a #1? I|f> It iff»* j ■ a - *tt* i. . Smmm Aft., k *m| pi Tfti. n4>ri** *> IM h»*» « Awf* w* a*r. ■ O * * y a* £w*W>jr3f MBP— ■“ ll »<««• jtwoh* ORwaOtfl Ay . j..^ WMfti. ftp MM**.. pP® ” k •* a* *»*•» pal e ft«w mw. t® (ft* ' iMaa Mia* ** ft—4w * P man i»« Uwp »» l— .■ wvft .ft*.»«4ftM. Tka "—*•*• a* pii i.ppi— n ap «u. k* all a««4 4>rn» «■ ftftm HOBSON IUU WITH FEVER Ht Hit Bara Or*ml to Taka a Mafia* l»«Pt* Tryiaf t® R®l»® ®»4 Sava tft* Cot—. ll* Amor laid Pr***. Haatlaan. 4®W» I.—Hohaoi. la IH la ImP aoWrriu with a *a«bl t*W H# ftpl U.n or4rr*4 to tak* • f*« 4®f« »**«. Twte* C<—auakir W®t*o® *r*l rmt oa lh® Hrcpptoa. T«l4 at ikr —ry THIS ARMORS® CR4II>*R CRISTOBAL COLON. * ■ » " department's deMston td give up the raising of the t'olpo, h# cabled the government to remind the order. He If the govern went won't b.v k him he will ask the people for *500,000 In subscriptions to carry on the work. Gen. Toral sails for Spaiu. praising our so’dders as h« departs.’ Two thous and and two hundred troops unbark for Spain The Twenty-third Kansas has arrived. The Second battalion of Fifth regulars has embarked. A Clever Trick. It eertalnly lortks like It. but there Is really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or riervoua troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Klectrlr Bitters. This medicine tonea up the whole ayatem, •rts as a stimulant t® Liver and Kid ney*. Is a blood purtfler and nerve ton ic, It cures Constipation. Headache. Flaming Spells. Sleeplessness and Mel ancholy. It Is purely vegetable, a mild laxative and restores the system t« Its natural vigor. Tty Blecttle Bitters and lx- convinced that theV are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only r.oe a bottle at Howard & Wlllet's drug store. , Mr. Sturmatf*a School fl*hc sixth annual session of Stur man's Preparatory School oßeus Octo ber 3d. The school has made a splendid rep utation. and the romlng season offers the same careful and systematic course ot instruction that has so well pleas»d Us patrons. Mr. Wm. H. Sturman will bo glad to talk over the course with any parties interested. farmers disheartened. Rain Has Played Havoc With Their Crops. Lovett, Ga , Sept. t.-Owing to three days of continued and heavy rains th<ye will not be half the cctton crop housed. . The cotton Is rottiagUn the fields ana the, farmers tare disheartened, ns they,: cannot pick the cotton-out.. We had tlitfee days of nice vj»ather*)ast week and about thirty-five Miles of nice cot-’ u<3 wa* sold here, but if the rain eon (jwEßl much move tWSßrops will be cut sUiWslngly short, jisimilar reports' cott&Ttoin many othjraections. AUGER BENT 1 OH A TRIAD. Thf hnfK »* DK Thai B« (Ml It*4 Mia fk® »*P haaai w tk*i Paißi at «a# irai a»—a*« I*. Tk* M*—aa . Waakiappft ti ft kft 1 *** ■****' im.- *o , »‘ •*— a—am* mb m*m -IfHr m mm mmnm Maa—P Mm— aw »*— ft* UM» —**t, # ae an "•§«* t*K MMP <i— fc#*® a—a MMAftp *• ik* aw*m-« Pftawaa*. Ii la *p4 —wa» •*•—«. *k® r»«p—• »m m*mm ft* a**n m •—» P aw— »®W»«ra kmaw*— <!*. —mu p eat ®®4 »•* •—*** ! ■ aibm—in* «k» cap IP P*® 4pm —p k*** 441—** Mi pn®MM a*—*®; AH— »»• a—4— -ft* f «*« 4#*« at* la RMfti Tk* aarfpp* m **»# km®t • •* Hip* a*4 —ft— Ik* *.»«*• 4—»<—' tk* M—ft*ft*ra. ft P l—P—4 Ik#’ •*—« a— *•«# *H— I*®** «—n* w—ttaft— t Hr b l*» •#•***•*, App • ®ir—lf f— p— Ik® 4® ft ft*, p *!• 4»—nin—l Tk® wit a to kft** *M4**.to •*** ift'l taw ft* >m fti p» * •*.*!• a«b ftt HIP® I®—® ft* Ml tk* r«p® rr Tk® PB*—» ft*, at*—4* ft®— ftMhte tm imp >4 lb*— •ftUcilft tip H.p a—. Tk* ml p»*« M mm I* *fcmft®f ‘ft* 4rtP>i®P®t k* ft® —mm ««n— to t® AftaftP. pm im tt Pi:P I® 4P r*«»<4 0— MU— la fcw —w—H* *t ■ p mlkr of Whaflrr ail olklf *.'®*r l&i* «®4 all Mfcn r— of tk* ana* LEITER CAim RI O The Roam® la Ik® C— Wa® l Mm I uu*<J Mm*c«4. P»ihm.hara. * V® ftrw L -WM* Aaiftoa* Pa*t« ••• f—»4 —4®r®4 lati t«—tag M ftia ha®4 «p raiftm If* ne ftp «**M4. tk® ®*tc®f so—4 a l.Urr ftlbl !• |ptP**4 to ka»® k*— •nun b* Job® Na—ft’a wtf* ‘® »*—• (B Oar ft*tar l«*®4 kfttray* Ik* l®rt that ai Ha*:o* H*ft N-nich 1ci.b4..1 to am* ui l**r Drift our® ! a bat a PaP# li»®4. <» »»«»- «• » De^ him. Thia letter, it iwwm*. Neurb got bold of. a* he came to town and met Panto. They went to Dan is v Me. where Neucb lived with the intention of moving Neuch'* furniture to thia city. Panto wa* seen t * DanisvlUe, where he packed up Neuch'a things, hut tbe husband was not there. He waa seen nfter the furniture waa packed going over the river at or near Danlsvllle. with Paato. The men started down toward Parkersburg, seven miles, and Netich waa next seen at the Lltlle Ka nawha railroad landing, on the lower side, several hour* later . and Paato was not with him. Five shots were heard by several persons an hour or two before Neuch'a appearance above town. The shot* appeared to come ft om a point agreeing with tbe locality at which Paste s body was found by the merest aerldent by several boys who were wandering about the. woods near the ravine. After fihief Heaton had investigated the ground and tbe content* of Pas o's clothing, ho came to town and atreited Neuch, who was found in bed. Neuch denies Killing Pasto. Tbe coronpr's jury had » long "st of witnesses. Sev eral tefilfied they had read a letter which had been written by Pasto to Mrs. Neuch, which Neuch had taken from hear by force In the letter Pas to states that he “loves her better than life; that he can neither sleep, eat nor rest, away from her. and begs her to come to Parketsburg to be near him." These witnesses testified that Neuch was enraged when be read the letter, and swor he would kill Pasto. Other witnesses testified to having seen Neuch and Paslo cross the river, and that Neuch came back alone and run ning shortly afterward. Mis. Neuch, Who was present., appeared to be ut terly Indifferent to the fate of her hus band or lover. The jury rendered a verdict that Pasto came to his death at the hands of John Neuch. - Neuch -was refused bail and will be,.given a trial tosnpryyw. i . i ■*—. - CABTOHIA. Bear* the _^ lhe Kiwi You Haw AIWJ.S Bought "TT - I Those \vhtr"ko down to the .sea In Ups should.,?*® that the jdiips do not ;down wittO&ein. i CUT THIS OUT 111 i *Sp. „. * w W Wrtf your A«ivwrtta#n—nf on IM* Mftntt. *nelCMf amount »■—waafy to K» **" *» tnftny inf r tion* «t you n*nt. *rvd w<th«f moll or mho It to THE HERALD ADVEHTISKMbNT COUPON, in tna ai *h At a at so ai t* Pttaf* infft tl.w •ovortifmont wrdton t—low lima* In your "WANT" column*, for wh»ch you will find wnck»**d • oanta ■an—m——a—a— amm* —' mm mpHi—ft—mi r«—imuiiii SIC M HIM (WMN— »—P4.«—4 r Kale*: SsJr'C "SOftK :~rr: f3^% * «p ftw tk— I* • ONE CENT A WORD. MIUATION WANTED j WAKTKt*“- A h *l»iTt« AB d• tjir Hill m m tls* riff Cm* ft*# • sttafai ti<*W. «•*#*« *•#• IWAXTIU Is gtnojt AS HOUCK- I Q|Hl* nr lalSft* Jin* >»<*.. WM I f*«rf» fHf *•** 1 WANTED-UDBtTION At) NURKC <*R j rnnk. Asm ttimouasa. »«•* Twlgga *ty*al A*r- t W A NTBTV P* mHTION Afl WAS K •r h use work Apply «l» Jacks— R. I H-pt ! iIITt'ATIoN WANT!® BY fOt'lW lady tt bookkeeper of latter copy let Ad lo se O. M . Herald. Bept 1 WANTED—UORITIOJf BT YOUNG man as h«*»kkaepet or aktpplkg clerk Complete business coueae, tea jre*ra expert*-nee a a shipping clerk in Angus -.a Adikrw J- H. Fender. IVrfctk* Man after urine Co. *ept * A YOI'NO LAI»T THAT HAD HAD experience ns »»lesl»dr In millinery. •ad fine dry g**o4a more, alao aa type writer. wanta a pool I ton In atnre nr <*f flee to assist In tu nkkseplkg. typewrtt ,n* or any work of the kind Address Miss J. cate J. H rear*. «» »"*■» street. Octl HELP WANTED WANTEJV-HOY TU ATTEND TO ho race. Apply *ls Telfair atreat. Bept I WANTED—A SMART. RKWPWTA BLE white girl to tiurae child of live years and asalxt with aewlng. A poly M Greene atreet. Sept I ~ FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT 24 JACKSON *T. FOR BAI.E— ONE FIRST CLASS motor. Good as new. 500 voltage. Speed 2500. Type W M. No. 31. Ad dreea Motor, care Herald. Bept l 913 M'INTOSH STREET FOR SALE -$1,500 Kents for *15.00 per month. Apply at once. Clarence E. Clark. 88! Broad. 801,1 1 FOR SALE - LADY'S PHAETON, very light, ortglhal price 1150. now 100. Call early. 549 Broad street. Sept I SEVERAL FINE MILCH COWS AND alao several fine beef cowe for Kale. Apply J. H Carmichael, May avenue and Wdndlawn. 801,1 * WANTED To sell second-hand refrig erator. capacity 400 pounds. AddTc** C. care Herald-'Office. FOR SALE CHEAP-AN evaporat ing cane mill. Apply or write 347 Walker street. 8 TO FfENT FOR UENT-THAT LARGE AND DE SIRABLE store No. 744 Broad »treot. Under Masonic hall. Apply to W. C. Jones, 706 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE 1257 Greeeie, with modern improvement*. Rent reasonable. Apply 1J56 Ellis. Septl t TO RENT—RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 Ellis, with all modern ‘ conveniences. Apply 1026 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT—DESIRABLE RESID ENCE, No. 1008 Reynolds street. All modem conveniences. Apply No. 1007 Reynolds. Sept 4 FOR RENT—ONE OH TWO LARGE cool rooms furnished. Most central lo cation In the city. J- E. Degs, 918 1-2 Broad street. FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, wtth all the modem improvements on Greene and Telfair street. Apply 3. H. ProntUut, 626 Broad street. Sept 9. FOR RENT—STORE lls'D FIXTURES corner Calhoun and ChMoming Stfehts. Good standi Apply on premises. Sept l ""V BFPTEMBER I !P*>« BENT ?-B«»>M I'kKUjgo. t9k3 flff*«(i Wi*| m,4 * f * *m*+**m*mm. Warn m a mm mhh. t3t« Id Hu \*** • *** Tfl HK\r • ffKVKIUL Y.4KON m i« uni* mmm ********* I M®# t** ******* Will iw( |t# #*"fit** m** <w fa • W B. <t«r4i#V, till Jl*r*UKs* (Htw«. |iff | TO BENT THE KLEGANT Ttlßßß mrtrf star* Ml tbe 4‘AMflgmtr buMd | lag ruoutag thmugh frogs ft* *g t» as»- ,Ua. Bk* <**eugs*d Sty u. F IhsggMt In - <t«ir* of M. M. I Asitstsi or z. W, : Caroflfa. Apt | ft© ffFNT GIPSKB BBtIAD AND I Center »>tranee on C«ut*r, No. 31#. fl I'lmunr. *Wh hath sad (okvrelm.oo A Inn ou CrMrr Mo tit I raosu, wtlh both Apply t* inn. D Hahn M Broad untt. Orpt 1 LOST AND FOU ND ■ ■ ■■ ■ *■ • i • LOST OR STRAYED LAST WEDNES DAY Dun rulnrod row. with horka. * bite ap*>t in face. Finder will be re warded by returning to Mr*. W J. Cooney, 142# Brand • I reel. Bept I TAKEN I P AT NORTH AUGUSTA A medium alee Jrrary row. with right horn broken oil. Oder Mack, tight sun beam aides, atomaik light. Onner run recover by proving autue and payikg damages and eaponae*. H. Q. Hughe-. Bept 1 BTRAYED TRiiM MY HOUSE, COE NER T, Stair and Elbert, about a week ago. a Jet black New FonodlX nrl puppy, about * month* old. Reward f-r her. L A. Gat del le Bept * FOUND—A GOLD KNIGHTB TEM PLAR badge. Owner can get aamt by paying reward and advetdaement. Apply Herald Office. Sept 2 MISCELLANEOUS BOARDERS WANTED AT 7» TEL FAIR atreet. Will furnish rooms and meals on reasonable terms. Beptl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING nnly 15 0# per month at Osborne's I Buxine** college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or cal! at once. Greet demend for stenographers. June 17 ts - - ■ • 1 w WANTFD-A FRONT DOWSTAIRS bedroom with board. Telfair or Greene. Ac'dress 951 Reynold*. Aug 31 Special Notices: Notice Public Schools. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE City of Augusta will open THURS DAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 15th. at NINE O'CLOCK New pupil* are required to attend the school* of the ward In which they reside. The prin cipals of the schools will be present at their respective hullding* Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, pre ceding the opening of the achools, from 9 to 12 o’clock, for the purpose of examining and grading new pu pils. Pupils will he enrolled In the or der of their application. The Normal Class for White Teachers will meet at Tubman High School. Wednesday afternoon, September 14th at 4 o’clock. By order of the Board. LAWTON B. EVANS, Secretary. Sturmnn’s Preparatory School. THE SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION OF this -school will commence on MONDAY. OCTOBER 3d at 9 a. m. Special pains and thorough instruct tlon given to each pupil. For full par ticulars call oh or address at 1248 El lis street. -■•.'ll WM. H. STURMAN, A. M., Principal. 7 Per Ct $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WIIL LOAN HALF. A MILLIOI? DOLLAFS on realty In Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further Information sit their attorney at law, P. J. SulUvai, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum.