The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 01, 1898, Image 3

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TMUNSUAf THE CARTER COUHTMIHTIII. Hit Cmml AMwfi It Hu* A* m wm w» # %■«* •••*•* §*• u« l» • vvVNNMBMMHk H ti# uNpwi «4 **f* t*j Art##*# f3#*t 4*4 4##4 aMM IS 4N## iupa#!* j |r» ||N» J#w44# »4tiN44l* Ml 4# IA ISPS I t ###*##** fM$ IS iA# f*t iMti'SiS * 4### A### tIMM A* St #4M4#tM rSSSSN NSfiM^Nl! jATj sit'Wii-i# *mm sits s» S : SltSMSits SNwif *4# tss* Hi ss|t s*t ! S*e4*«f IS# ## «#*4 «4fe*t M 4#4 • kri u.#t |f tlk, t *■ f * (uM *.# fagA |k. J. SHVt ISHIPSS*S iM •*» 9Sf«*ft«S Hi lists $999* HSpMSS Stft is | % «» r*s»ts»« M mfm* m #A##A«lt*.j 4» it? «SsMf •*> ftpsiti T|f nftniry | sf SSf. SS tfrHp si IN 4# 4144# M 4 Ini tss S«if is siNm If Cip fV StfttSf t* o#*r?«t ftn«H r#4 14# «rs Irsct j«»<9t*4 Is *4# n>Nkr» t4# «prv S*sy t| ssr tw ttpHSl sniiti *«* l|« *»*»«*» 111 I»S4 tINSI IS Vi# fV#»*4i #1 Nf %** sinssisi si *Hi ifct. |v- of lll'MtAt Tit rtsifliMt s ftttKN «4 lit is- 1 l -ti ts II- srrstsS. is Is Is 14 hj bm 4* Wwfy i4#a s sir iifei *f rt fe«* «t»*r»r p# #*«*»• |rrt f»* cSItPSUIifS fS ISlfStf n*i|*S4*» ##4 r#«f#re* for msrtfssr* lit!* A ffnsfimt oSrrr of ll« irm* *l« on fffti#cl#d will till r«# N Hs «srl»#st Mae*# nprwsul .In ofM* N i4*t H vs w#l#w Is (it n #4 glirtr HPvt si If vo*M In mpcw*u»lr tO ffttfcff I's, iodfSl fmtti fcisfftrr of t> mrh >m **• It t?t W la *h* way of rattoa. M the mat m wire of a*<h • jrdlrfifa ail! row go soar to being a scandal tkat Ik* irm It la aaaarf (4. cannot trail fIL rd to permit It. Jest aba! tk< rmlornt counsel la Nor Toft ritwrt so to altk th* Tartar *•*■* la not related, bat It la not Mittal that thr tVeatloa of tha paper* fctr a m< n'h la indicative at a tmrpoaa to strengthen tba govern men l‘» <aac. r* NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boat on Is Now I radio* thr Baseball Brad. League reaoHa of yesterday were: AT BOSTON— B H B Brstoo.. .. . ... 2 8 1 Cleveland. SSI Batteries; Klobcdanz and Bergen. Young and Crljrcr. Umpire#, Lynch and Andrews. Tint', 1:27. AT CINCINNATI— *' R H E Cincinnati '*.. ..* 14 1 Washington .. I WJI Batteries, Breltensteln and Pelt*; Kitten end KsrrPli. Umpires, Emalte and McDonald. Time. 1:45. AT LOUISVILLE— R H E. Louisville .. .. 3 7 0 Baltimore 10 13 l Batteries, Mage? and Nops. Mr James end Clarke. Umpires, Gaffney snd Brown. Time, 2:10. AT PITTSBURG— R H. E Ritfshurg 2 5 1 New Yrrk ..’ 7 I I Batteri?«, Seymotif end Warner; Hastings end Shryver. Umpires. Con nolly and Hunt.. Time, 1:35. AT ST. LOU I—S R. H E St. Louis 6 13 6 Philadelphia ..10 12 0 Bnttrrfer, Tnvlor nod Klnslow, Plait rod Murphej - . Umpire, O’Day. Thne, 1:45. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. Boston 71 41 .634 Cincinnati 72 42 .632 Baltimore 68 40 .680 Cleveland 66 45 .595 New York 63 49 .563 Chicago 64 50 .561 Philadelphia. 53 56. .486 PLtshi’rg 56 60 .483 Louisville 46 69 .400 Brooklyn 41 65 .387 Washington 40 71 .360 ISt. Louis 32 84 .276 A handy companion to the news, these days, Is the new Herald Atlas, published by Rand, McNally & Co., of Chicago. It contains sixteen pages of Iclored maps, among them Cuba and Havana barber, the West Indies, Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and Chi na and North America. This atlas has ’.he best collection of war .naps that Ve have seen. II would not be con founded with the small cheap atlases Bdd at the stores. Can be obtained only inm The Augusta Herald. Price 30 ctnts. ‘Even though we finally conclude to dspose of our new Island possessions, vtp still have the Hobson kiss and the Epwey touch. :The tram work of Dewey and Merritt 4- least will not suffer by comparison with that of Sampson and Shatter . WHITE PRIMARY IH FIRST WARD (‘MBtAM Tim* ti It MKHf Tm Ii), fw#>it>. ' HiHim •» !*• *■*»•« 1* m* tmmrn *MMs WMk f%ii fffet «* Wvh| tlNfvwp #%* ■* - N f IN fNOMM(HWHNIb 'i%4f N NHi liilNfV | f |s**m N# mw4A#-N* iIHM fH« iliM fWI Mp V •%*** pffPMNt Aim •rk* i ftNfNMi I iVNNMPNv $99 VfNMN f t i i# kpv Pi t| VlNf NV* I Hi Mm h Kn» It prwM‘ 4Ppt 4l TIN fPPIfi iff#* p#f 9m IM4I (PMMI Mr A | ! Ifp| #4 tpA <nfpMl-IKAfNS IN4 In»A HAH* :#4 *pi* In «a*4 "IIN lan* *f »l* mf* pAPUPPMI pHVtVi* 999 PN PMffnp ** * A***•»•*** frmfvm ' f****** tA#A IP** i 99* WNpN P#4 A# * *<*A. :NP*H*V#nv ANVfft lA PotvPWN# ACM •*w ; AAflAi tPvl AHNfP IPn t«*N K M»ct«r«k fPAt IP* CAP* P*4 •* «4 tP* »**—*? ••• ****** lr ' *•**• *• ,M j I word n N ihoNBIM IM r*w». *» «M**| ! o*4 fP# fflPWf fP*P *P CNMNfV #|fr<AH AP4 IA APVNvN P»A *» Atffc 4 A rvpHlltai fPN V##r *f tP- !pr*4n»«# fPAt cpAWirHNNI IP# AiN«I«A «P*ftj Vtuto 9 f iff, Atfrv4 MirtP Pav*. •aM to v*part#r» Hut «rP#-A tP# prU*-' *ry vrriff P*# pan* *HI P* op«fo4 l#j (p vofff* tPvfV't'P DEATH or Mlf. N. D WHITE. H« Hissed Away at MB Mows* at #:»® Last Night The death ta annoaired at Mr. N D. Will*. (tro-, prletor of th* Murray HIIU distillery aad of th* Murray Hill saktoa. Broad way. Aagnata This saßounrem ni romes as a aa int shark U> Mr. M''a friends, aad they ar» l**loa I# this «dty. Tha death was sodden aad front heart dlarasa I It occurred at hia home aaar tha dls- I Hilary Mr White was a fc*a-locking man and a grntldnsn Ha raaia tc> Augusta Itc years ago and has conducted a profltalde buslnaaa. Hr *w U years »f age. unmarried tha picture of health an* wrench. IBa. he roc waa at Mr- Curdy. N C.. a hare hta rematna will ha seat tor interment. Hla fathar died there of heart disaaaa two wraks ago and Mr. Whlta weal homa to the fu neral. Ur Wh'te's mother, ona aad frur brother* survive him. Ona brother. Mr. Lae WThite. ha* oeen aa soriated in tha Augusta bus In 'aa of tba daraasad. No man ha* made more friends here In a short spare of time than the da- i err.sad. He waa big-hearted, honor-! able, c haritable Hia friends will ga’h er at the Blau undertaking establish ment at 9 o’clock to escort the rematna to the depot. Smith ft Wesson pistols from $5 to 18.50. Several good bicycles for sale vary cheap. Oaod watches from )] J 5 to 150 00 at Lewis ]. Sehsul. Reliable Tawnbroker. under the Arlington. WATERMELONS. How They Caused a Stampede Among Soldiers. Indianapolis. Tnd., Sept. I.—Compa nies A snd B, colored Infantry, at Camp Mount, yesterday received or ders to report to Col. Huggins, of the eighth colored volunteers at Fort Thomas. Covington. Ky., and the com mand will probably reach there by Wednesday. The companies hre com manded by Canlaln Jacob M. Porter and John J. Buckner, both of this city, but the men were rerrulted at Terre Haute. Princeton, Evansville, Braxll and other points. They have been anx ious for service either In Puerto Rico or Cuba, This afternoon » number of the color ed soldiers were given a furlough down tov.n. and a half a desen or mere drink to excess and started disturbances In several Falcons, leaving, however, be fore the police could be summoned. Finally, they seized a load of water melons, and. while they were gorging, the police cartured three, who were In Hn ugly mood and showed fight. A crowd of 200 excited - .'hltes galh ered. some of whom had been mandat ed by the soldiers, and there were shouts of lynching. This quiet, d the sol diers, and they were moved to the po lice station, where they were slated for drunkenness and petit larceny. WITH KNIVES. Rival Lovers Fight in the Presence of Their Girl. Woodland, Ind., Sept. 1. —Bert Dnvls and Jeremiah Powers, prominent young farmers, both from Waukerusa, are suitors for the hand of Miss Mabel Pat ten. Davis had an engagement to take the girl driving. While he was secur ing a buggy Powers-appeared and took the young woman in his own rig. Da vis returned, and, learning that b ■ had been outwitted, gave chase, overtaking the couple south of here- Roth men sprang from the buggies and a terrible fight ensued, each drawing a knife. The gill did not dare to interfere. Davis sank exhausted in the roadway. His condition is precarious. Powers’ Inju ries are not necessarily fatal. O ASTORIA. Be»rt th. j* The Kind You Haw Always Bought THE J^TJGTIBYJk TELFAIR GUARDS ELECT OFFICERS. ■■■■■■ hifMMt t I*4 lIN Vtf**2 ’ ft—* ' IfiyTi Atlwin *• tIN Oo«»»—» An lA# *§**4* I m ANmn 4#nn. f%* t AN ft**»»4* %**» UN* ***•*# «s** t#*** 0f 14*1 it, rw Npv<iNl In* ikNN'4l t# itN TMf*tr I# *—»»■ L,iu# tfcut An ft **■ Cspt Is oms la < Piduiwkill*# *ttlt Hi# titfl)»*ry i JUDGE HOW ADD*# RDUNOS. iMtvotfvv* ia4 r*o#s at PoMt* C«B»vt ToMujr. tt was “Judge" C<< >»» Hssir4 • b Hit no the bent h at isc st4tt~» rouvt this oatstM The judge served out ju»tt>< in hia usual epic ad td way. I Ham Jouea l flam waa dla-'tdmty I* fnuit of a 1 rrrtaln gmtllrmag*a stove last night j He .wdvrrd away, hut rafuaed lo gu. nun. ft M. Jgn Williams fTara William* 1 * , No tuna. Just a disturbance " That’s the »»jr John alat«-«l the raee lie had abused Hl# wife badly. His wife Is da rn. Job*. 11.54. Rich lastly Rich should never have Interfered with a»other man'* wife. The other 1 man had a few words to say. Rich then and there violated No. 11. Rich. 13. Marv Edward*. Hhe violated No l« laat Bight. T.«lay the Judge at police court rertulred M*ry I to i*y 12 S# or spend five day* In Jalt- W hen the Dueea Vial*#. j Philadelphia Times. When the qunn iaal vtalted Aider shot. her majesty * bed linen. Uhl* linen, plate and aome favorite chaira were ns At ovee to the pavilion fio*n Windsor raslle for her usa The j queen la one of the most methodical c f hauafratien and has her favarlie bits cf furniture, like ihe rest of tie. Some rin es she will remember all at once a particular rhair or table and It has to be found without delay by Ihe store keeper, who la responsible for that de partment. and woe tie to him If It la not Immediately forthcoming in proper condition. Camp Dyer Not Ho Popular —Camp I»yer Is not so popular now. There are not so many vlsltora there. It Is not easy to reach the place. The officers sem pleased that the camp Is not avail able. WINE OF CARPUI How A Woman Suffers. Howbm., Ind., Nov. *6. I will always praise tVine of Cardui. It has done me more good than all the medicines I have ever taken in my life. Please send a book about female diseases to the ladies whose names I en close. Mrs. MINNIE STODGHILL. It isn’t necessary for a woman to give particulars. When she says she has “female troubles”, other women know what that means. It means days and nights of endless suffering. It means headaches which no tongue can describe. If means that terrible bearing anc dragging down in the lower abdomen. It means agonizing backache, and shouider ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs. It means nerves on edge—the blues —despondency and loss of hope. It means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrhosa. It means martyrdom sometimes even death seems preferable. And still Wine of LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT, j For advice In rases rcqnlrlnp »pe- f Cialdirections. afMres«.*mnKßynip* / toms. Indus' A&viiOWj Department. I The C;hntttt»ooir» Medicine<;©. ) <, Chattanooga. Tenn. j wife, to the expectant mother, to those going through the Change of Use, this Vegetable Wine is a blessing. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDMI IN A SOCIAL WAY A \ ■}:> 1 W mpiplp ARM Ism lags. I l»e«e B»t»M* t • ‘»M MM k**a* M I fumaed »«. «he stnwA. Asa tbs day* whs* we uesd la gh«af IYaa am hs glat i. hear I Thai sauna*he* -MH as lha bHm I-a - . | (wt a lha. kMM |« r«Hi# %■*###•’ wmvw* “ I * fINMA W99k9% I TlhAl t 4t<A ***** «f tmi I TImI #M ll#* f lAtM A« A fN|l» Mi lln h»i |n»! t A*AH •• llN# ••#M MNf Aa I Sae’ih* (Wt . smU. 1 n iprt<4t #9#*f*4 *MI *t At*** I «w ■„ HMI ■illllMl Mill A*g*l *sA|f 4 I I f#A#T7rll* tlffi AN AINM* itNt A Ml 4 ItN Ns"# ItiAt #*4*f**. . M AttH All ITT K *AX«M*TSR, t# liar pet's Magat.nt. fHssppo.nt meet The girl *h>. Is bahins f«* lb- rclur* of her soldier bey and a rwh stock of brass ballons that have see* servb* | M fore Hanna go I* liable to he disap pointed Possibly Hi- me* sbo sec Ihe war through may he atde In brthg h .roe their hvasa buttons, lest the deterh* men I s of etch and wounded s*ddlef* who are codling up In small squads now are sadly la.Wng In everythin* but the plain, dirty, greasy clothes mat they wear, and which masaaWs •Idh-r*’ trapping* about as mu* h as be every-day dress of a Weatetrester 'srmer. and the farmer wtmld *1 least N* m< Flees let y eteau A dark blue flann-l shirt, brt.wn Jean trousers, a ditty shun h hat with holes ut In the rrnwti for ventllstlou, the ■tame at Ihe wearer and ••Hanllago’’ I rlhted around the hat band, heavy government shoes that *er» made for service and to c.wt a* llltle aa possi ble. make up a typical uniform. “This ls * regular uniform," says Ihe soldier who wears It, "and It’s a mighty good one. too. You had to nut your name on your hat: If you hadn’t It would have been stolen I left two uniforms 'ln Cuba. I suppose thme have hern 1 stalln bv this lime. Our guns and rar ! trtdge belt* they dropped ..ver Into the ' barium before the Olivette left Cuba Anyway, we know where they are. No , one will get them." * she Was Satisfied. "Girls are queer things,’’ remarked n brother meditatively. "My sister and I took s trip this summer through Can- I iida. anti no sooner had ere art out than She decided that her black and white Shephard's plaid gown was neither smart nor suitable for traveling. I thought the frock both pretty and In coming, but I couldn't make*her think so. She ssld there Was something the matter wltjl It. and If you know any thing about glrlt. you know that that la the worst they can say about any thing. She on the frock without a 'Well, this is the last time I'll ever travel In a shepherd's plaid gown.’ But one morning she entered Cardui will utterly put those diseases and pains to rout. It has cured thousands of cases when nothing else or. earth would. To the budding woman, to the bride, to the j• A# WmjAfAii i —**ll# *4 # * N«*44l Amß# An* A#*#>***«| #- A I# * AM* #«#A# #|n 9* AN A# NN M#4l 1 lug-w 4H*M#t jN •*> St * |mh#N' M: * I# AN 1 MAN «A mi MN t+m mm* t AMN A | m m «In #it"MT-T pN#% 0%-* flh % t m ~s | AN #Af4 AAA 4 *» Mtf ANN §*N*™ N #v •Ml# I •a R» aat a #—l> 4RnP»R - i Hn mm 44 nnni H##n am | M IM MAn «M (41 n#nMl N *«4 j #.^l*#.-.# #SIM tfAA #-*’#»mnM* Ii mm m #4 AmM AM4 AWiwf . «■**# IN il't AlN## f**4L j| AN »*>Ai n 4mm «M# nA# A *Mw* m 9! ' Na#n AM9«#4Nlt#'# pBPCt HN #»*i#Ai# i |IN i«R m ■*V -Imr AN# 1 # I*#* IfAH ««M at# *m9* 9$ fM* A plilNlfll. \ Vl#A t# 9M-* AM4 IM# NNA «4 . N III* Ml I JLffi fttk «awp M'ttA * |%N«rM I# M*4 N*#« *m «# «M# AM# Nl‘ tl •* NNH t A fm* IIN ****N4 I «*flM •"AN#M. IN !*•! 4# M*AI #N## «*N M if (V •m#f 4fcf*4 fIN I In# _-A it + j« N Mm# #M# %vn#» «# a# r#»iwi> mmr** . U«MI m*mn* ***** M *9 mam4 m m#4* (|n# A4«#h M#hia«# Mm### A« I A W# i #l»f i M fWA Ma# |4ac#4 #n##M#M » i*m4nl«4# «M H# rtrt tl ####Vl4 M# MN A N—tTal I* ti At A#**4l l«N t#AH «4 Hn t««9#f AA to HN lnr#(N 4 «|»r*r«lllf Mott M fAAcM a MotAl i m v ui ttmljl (Mima a ehmAn i r, f f»* i tnttMrN WNHf #«fc #«M»tf# Hf##t mil**y *4 IM# Hir f«N Ml# *mm tn' tl I# rtrUtiK ItiAt ts A kNAI'Af 1 #4 lh# HNly 9# * f l #^* l»4ttl#ll«* |o oM*IA A N*4IM4», IMA! lA* I »«miM M# <|AlrMly ifAUHvA AfNllfvl l AfIUMOIH- Miss l»«*les. Who will a r rum patty her lather, the lord mayor of Lssl*. <m Mg visit la this .ouatry, Is Ihe eldeat : of an inl.-restlng family of four glrla, 1w I* are all very prefty, very popular and snat aerosnpllshed. The second daughter of th* lord mayor la Mtaa Flossie I>r vies, a heauty.uho rets in Idea her mother very rntu *», Thr other tw# glrla »f the lord rnayor are Miss Violet, a winsome maiden wtth dark hair, a line ngure and eye# Ilk* an Oriental princess and Mlae Malts), who la yet in *< h"«>t. The lady mayors** la MUI a young woman, and Is ilevoled to her .’aughler*. The Ivavteae* have a hean llful home In Kent, and there am no young women In th*- neighborhrnol that are move popular than the daughters of London'* chief magistral*. Augusta Girl* at School. T>c following Is a pat rial Hat of ihe young Augusts women who will attend hoarding Bvburds and college# this com ing year, a list of which will he com pleted after everyone's plans urv deU nltely arranged. Mias Hat ah Har|*w will be a pupil at the Houthern Female College at «-ol le2- Park. Miss Relreceg Curry will attend Con verse College. Miss Ethel Davidson will go to Wash ington College, near Washington, D. Miss innle Hrhwelgert will also at tend Washington College. Mlf* Kate Jadkaon will go to the Lu cy Cobb Institute. Miss Hn rah Lamar will be a pupil at lAiuy Cobb. Mlh* Mattie Lo# Lorbhart will take a post graduate courae at Lucy Cobb. Miss Marie Uardelle will attend the National Park Seminary In Washing ton. Miss Lizzie J’hlnlzy and Miss Julia Stdvall will go to a fashionable finish ing school In New York. Miss Bessie Wilkins will attend Miss Brow n's school In New York. Miss Annie Phinizy will spend the winter In New York taking private lessons In special studies. Miss Annie Branch will return to V’assar. Miss Annie Wright and Miss Isabella Clark will either go to Converse College ur the Gainesville Female Seminary. Miss Annabelle Sibley will return to the Lucy Cobb. Miss Fannie Webb has returned from Tryon. Mrs. Maxwell has returned from the mountains of North Carolina. Mrs. Nlsbett Wingfield Is expected home tonight from Atlanta. Mr. Leonard Watson of England re turned to Augusta today from Llver i pool. I Miss Louise King Purcell has return ed from a visit to friends in New berry. Mr .Bishop Alexander has returned from a visit t*.Hot Springs, where his i wife Is spending the summer. I Mrs. Emma Meyer and Misses Helen and Gretehen Meyer left today for a | three weeks' visit to Nw York. _ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hanklnson and two children have returned from a summer’s sojourn at Beech Island. Miss Bayne, of gandersville, ls the guest of her brother, Mr. Charles .1. Bayne, at the home of Mrs. Stovall on Ihe Hill. Miss Marie Allen, who has been spending several weeks at Flat Hoek, Is now the guest of Mrs. N. A. Teague at Saluda. It Is evident that Platt is seriously considering the acceptance of Theodore Roosevelt as the republican candidate for governor. II does not spoil the fish story to spare the rod. TO RENT. 4nnn % * 4n Hrhn4 s9f**ms anna an *ms9**s $4 it# Am »AHA $ 4 t-%> In# A* #44 IK 1110 -ftt |%*MB ll AN I#,«« f|i* t%« fl|«i a | j.iNil I#* |mN |4»»r4N*'*** 4 fNIAAIJ. $9099*91 UNNI *# so*9 Hi Nj IAN# If .-AW £.*###*4.* m $mt NMpMM# ‘ A»a44 ####■#•-» catarrh: LOCAL DISEASE A#nl N 14# s9*9o #4 *o9* *9*9 AAp44N# fWDXI# ******* ro« VOUR PROTECTION AN# NNMWANCt •*♦*#■ *INil I4IA #M#A AOI r-AHNH4 A###4AW# At **t <44n ELY SCREAM BALM N N4IN4H#4N4 4# 9m 14# ***** I4A> rift $m H***i iIMPI C*44 Ni H«n4 **4 H«» 4nn <4 Ail |#(N "4*#A. t« -ijrtl* *M #4 AN#*A 14# ***** ****• M m ffiiiAt# wit# #44 NAa##*### t **m*. ff 1 in n< ## ,,1,1 rrwi n in mum* #4 *#«♦• » T ' » N«# «A afi'AlTnl iwm* l»»«* #n« KH4 14 t.W4 *s**s. fs W ;m t*9* call for Augusta Brewing Co s EXF*ORT 11EER BELLI O F GBOEGI -A- S^j«•"**> *’* I | :|J| BOWING o^l Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —CALL FOR AUGUSTA BEER. ;| I The frlcnda of Admiral .Sampson are enough to concede that Ad j mlrnl Schley has quite a number of | fool friends. Admigal Sampson ts pfared higher In rank than Commodore Schley, hut he does not hold a higher place In public estimation. It la noticeable that the German Ad miral acted on Dewey’s advice about keeping out of the line of fire. (jOM! }Hm jJOOB SMF hot rolls from gERBY’S gRAHD JUKE. Housekeepers Try it—Nothing Like it. ®eBS“ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS KEEP IT. SEPTEMBER I M TO GET CmTCMHES AOVI kTIM. IN IHEJE M VOttTE FAMILY I'APER.** 14 MJW vr«m «4ur AO4 Now la Ihe Tim* For Vow lo ISuy on UMBRELLA! $* 4m* 4•» 14# A 9* »i< Nktf llN#o Al *"*m 4#t<#4A •04 000 s*»* log •*> Hba gsnal mm at M-tb, Your Physician Want* Ms gnat riylia— y.sHarvg hr «.ro|»|.*i a«4 r#lta Ms MS*, a*4 *ith 0000 I**B* W* oa* MH* Ik* km* 8«»ge a*4 *h*Bo*»a»« #*4 00t protom 000 to-14*8ate Arrt iraeg •a* |atl>j ate ag roestlsl as tba ksb > Ysg get hulk k*««. WITHOUT BEING PUMPED We ll (tally tall you all about th* hr*! kinds at pumps for various 4 Wt sell all aorta at pn4 pumps, and <>ut workmen knurr ham fa , pul them in an they’ll work to yvur eotlra **tiafa< n- n Hu< non Pump*. Rubber Itueh- [ »i Pump*, snd Ualvaalaed riurk ot l-umps. <Train Tubing, Ituk byr Borkri*. Ir**u-H«und i **k*u J Burkets ISM oma# rmrevedY, pm* Well Pedal*. Well Wheel# and Curb* Wt ter also agents for U» Rifs Hydraulic Login*. f Throw A way The Old Furniture—lhe worts-out Ckr pHe-ih* faded and rumpled Dra. per leu--file tumble down Stoeu— everything about the house that Isn’t in fr*t,,ria»s, usable rondl- , thus—and got new. Don’t aay yon haven’t the monejl to spare—ha cause you tvon’t need It. OUR BQIMTARLH ' ’ I'ltKDlT BYSTNM will fix that nil right. Credit enats I absolutely nothing. We don’t ask you to sign a note, and there Is ' no such thin* as Interest here. We want you to feel free to gome und get whatever you want at any time. Price and quality enter Into every purchase—we give the beat In them all. _ I There are two kinds of rosated Java and Mocha Coffee. There Is one kind you don't . want. i j We don't handle It. There ls a kind you do want, i We boy It—*t roast It—we sail j It at 40c. a pound. i B ELL ~Q IP QBOBGUA