The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 01, 1898, Image 8

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THUfIHDAV Great Men’s Heads. Hla •*»«> (hut M«m W C. m* nuirad a Hal of Um ala# 7 SHU. •••rtly t ft *<i His >uia> *1 moaauray**#f*i. PHoco of Wat«a w#a r* a No. 7, anO ChaMoa Oukaoa MKtwif etf 7 t *9. Ml* Hal would Hava tMHMH 100 WMII f *»» TtMidtary by Hoff an incH. If IHaaa itttiatnow* man Uvad Hi Au*v*t* lHay would araor ona of our Now Fall Oarhiaa. "Our Broadway' M.OO “Our Special 53.50 Tv*#t# ttWI (ROfMif MAW €HMf own brand* mud# foe HO )HV( Ifw curve of brim and corract hrlgWi of crown Tha naw otyiaa ara all hara wa want you to aaa tham /fufUSTA.OA, WORK STRICTLY BY THE CLOCK. Tit NMftfk* Tlw RnaNit* 8»»* I mi Ptu«f KifrrtorHil &****• Mrn ImHU N* «*• iar.>M| Um Syatsas. Yhs nlnp~~ at the past**#** * • trttm mam am Ss rail*'* <a^* r ’ r * * f ‘ mt a* g»*t #i*» *■ «a*kt M t<... >i >wt Hii •» r*« «» r ggrrsrt: «*» «u »«wljr t.OM cords* thst •»» pat wi tM P**™ mmtm* apo* ctstk* »»a carrar* ha** w** Wy. Bat hs** »s 4 ***• held *• * f<* •CRMitl II they WN *• rrat*** l, Ibflf DOt* o 8 *»4 «a TW ressskß at tat* wm Us* tfcr wa rstfi*** of tfwk.Bg |y lU rwwOiai rWwfc * *' * IHM l® *l® ««*l4 b#CS «p*rtSl4 to «W* r k r '* ht t»a? »® the new Tbry (»*<!>* ahukn d «*ra sad mr '* su*i>#»d a (or Wort iiwnl* by Poe’ <*►**'"' •tali'nc ll tool **r® n, *t rmorird toiM Washington •■tliwtta®. a* bo order* | to ÜBK •Bert kill been w#i*»*t. Tb*. OM love bow b«4 tlttf* to bo* °® 1(1 tb« run at lie miMler a»»l best-after if they HU to rwwer eorr«rtly. ihs mls lok* will go lord will them The following order w*» iwlveil frott Washington today and a posted up iu tla postoff i< • : Post Oflra Department Washington. IV C. Posters* in Sir: The llundy lime taeoedar fornished yosr idiot by *•>»• department to be a«ed l»y the elerha And rarrltri nnd nil other employee* I In reporting for duty, on leaving (or or rAuramg from trip, or raealu. and gt the (aid or dole of the day a w. rk tha key registering tlmply ■ number. u.ußi be need (or reporting—that la. regteteiing "R Oppo*iU» th<-num ber when returning born meal* anil, that ratfiatertng B" at the rod of the day. On and after thla dale any other time keeping method or ayatem (ex rept rarrlera trip report) rnuai be dl»- comlnued, and the record taken from the iibovc mentioned time tet'i.rder, which will lie regarded a* the off rial record by tllia department. Thla rec ord uniat be taken at loath one# dally, the aggregate time entered In n time book and the tape with the original record aecurely panted In a arrap book, furnished by the department for that purpdse. A »et of dating key* has been fur alahod for the purpose of dating tapes »ai h day, and It la the duly of the au perl at endow or othar offieera .in charge to ace that the utpee are prop erly dated prior to the arrival of Hie first employee for the day. Failure of an employee to properly register must be treated as a violation of the regula tions and the facts reported to the de partment for anion. Very respectfully. Ferry S. Heath. First Asst. P. M. General. This order means that the work by the Bundy time recorder has passed the experimental stage. The Augusta postofflee and employees will be held strictly to account if they fail to regis ter the time they are off and on duty. *AII who violate the rules will be re ported at Washington, the matter pas sing the jurisdiction of Postmaster Stallings. The clock mentioned Is a most hti man-llke piece of mechanism and Veeps tally on the hours of work done by the men in a very complete vay.. CECIL RHODES ELECTED. •a ____ de W ill Represent Barclay West In the Cape Parliament. Capetown. Sept. 1. —Cecil Rhodes, former premier of Cape Colony, has ?ctn elected to represent Darkly West In the Cape parliament. He was re lumed by a large majority. "Do you enjoy novel reading. Miss Belinda?” "O, very much. One can as sociate with people in Action that one wouldn't dare to speak to in real life." THE RIVER RISING TODAY. Tell All IN) Yntarti). TWi Twfc a S*44»a Jaap. ftasarvar f bhtr Any* tha Rain Ha* tfaaai RranarhaMa. 1 : hn* to 4 dwrltf §to ta*t f#w tofu a : m*MM NtMiluibif toary fall oh min. KitwctHlli iia fhi* a> ka»l t>tHt A |nn*iiliar sass, a •• Ito rtoaftK* IQ tto At!*»*lc «»**i . cviirf. whk h iiliiAl m«i%# Ivy tthlftifMl from tto Ow* Atm coitt t* tto mwmtarn fwiliot of tto mat#, ato to mom »w Alt**’* Tlw* Miirma Rfßomllf so 4*»wi» ito t 'taMH it 4 *h4 u|i it* *H ’ iwlf. RrmsrkaM* R»tnl*H •’TaoH, tfir rainfall hi* tofu irmartia* | t»i* in tto paiM iwffity-fmir tor*;* pactaßy » thi* true Of vastsrn Uoorgia i and gouth Chrollna .** I The follow lag »r» won* of the Agure* I 'gavannati «.« «.« Trmaaaee . - ]•» Other place* tally up as follows. Augusta ... |.t> A-)rt« r«'.n I tS Klbcrt»fi * •» tlrr.nw.d .. 14! Ml. Carmel t.» Washington 1.4! The tatn In Sa.annah waa of an un uauatly high degree, nine Inches hav ing fallen IB u hour*. Two reports re ceived from there—the Aral one delayed l.y wire* t.ring down—give the Agutea aa » if. and the ae»ond report—Aug. 31 - Mt In* h(‘i. • River Take* on a Rite. The rtver hat risen a bit since yea terdsy. » hen it was reported aa falling^ The observer's prediction la that the rtvr will reach M feet. Its highest, on Friday. The height of tha atream yes terday and tojfhy was: 4 a. m. yesterday, 15 feet 7 inches. 10 a. m., yesterday. 15 feet 0 Inches. 4 |j, m. yesterday, 15 feet 4 Inches, 4 s. m• today, 15 feet ! Inches. IS noon today. 1* feel 5 inches. It will lie seen that the river drop ped all day yesterday and began ris ing again during the night. The water Is gaining in depth at the rate of about Ave Inches an hour. OOT niXED IN THE CARS. Andrew rtobley Went to West End Instead of Honte .Sano. Andrew Mobley got mixed up in the niHltet of trolley ears lasl night He was desirous ot going to Monte Sana, bill took a Utke View car and did not realise his mistake rintll he found him self at West Kitd. lie also made a mistake in the mailer of fare. Con ductor Dixon asked him for a nickel, and Andrew went down Into the pock ets of his Jeans for the money. Ho took a long time to fipd the same, the car having gone fully three blocks be fore he realised that he had lost his money. About that time he realised that he was on the Uike View cur and not on a Monte Sano cor. " me get out," said Andrew. "Pay your fare," demanded the con ductor. No fare came forth. The conduc tor called a policeman, who gave An drew a free ride not on a trolley car. Andrew the recorder to day that a party had Insisted on his taking one drink. He did so and It mixed him up In his head, so that he took a led light Instead of a white light car. "Judge, I wilt In a terrible fix when 1 found myself way up in West Etui far from home.” said Andrew, at court. “One dollar and fifty cents. An drew.” remarked the judge. Mr. T. W. Quirk, of Liverpool. En gland, will represent HJggLn. Young & Co. in Augusta during the cotton sea son. He will share the office of Mr. Llewellyn Doughty, who will act as broker tor the firm. •jram atjo'o&tjl mjbiuu>. juT^LOCH««sI I Tto* PM As ftot'4tor ' aK T l to to®• m$ \ f A 9 **Mgto to* Ito to WtoA I I' • f * a.dugna I|| *««»# toMtoMM A to*** | I r*. t on ito Cto|* th* to® #4to» 4 { I toll ito #FtoF®toi toi ton to**® fqiaf | f toM llto >** to® to®® to AtoMf Mto I 1 I4<m*A Ito H IMm* fUAtt it lA to*# (MN4* | I will ta* < f| ti#A*| Ito r '*to H# »*V«*« I Tto* H* * h<’A * fit Am! tto* wuMtoi] Tto ftort |iif*itMf»»ii Col- Jao#• return* i» am® lltoft to ******* f nf Djrto Hffwi I Atom »<> w* | Tto*r# to A fittmtor us f*r*>f*to \ wto Brmiy toltow ttol to* milt to* «**• | nr<*re m (to CAM* to fommtlLmto* j towmli of Kitoto*** —A Aurtitof ' iiur»i»A ito n—iAi month Ttoto 4*- j Plrtng tA to* bqado itoi"#* )a not* to Tto H*r»w f «h* ngtnm re, „f rmUlonr*. f.»r totlvoff of (to J ' psper ha sure .« INRR -ddrro. | il *HI aa ito AoQ A Dual Red#.—Mr. WC. Mlll#r st*- | I prated before the recorder today on an Hth sccttro Charge Attorney V.ugh.n | j represented aim. and wa* atso Ma main j I wlines*. The case went over ■* the [city'* wltßanaaa were not on hand The i isw was a hit unique in th*t the de fendant's attorney appeared IB • -ugl , "The Cluhe »nd gtwietlea-" This eg- I cellent department of the B*iurd*y : Herald will he omitted for a couple of , weeks after nest Saturday. Mr* Kila Fvsns-Argo, editor of the department, j will be absent from the eity for « short j time, officer* of any <>f the club* or i societies desiring special mention in the j , meantime will lie accommodated ts they will drop a note to the city editor. What A Drummer Bays.—A drum- | mer. representing a sporting goods house in the West, has left Augusta in disgust. "The days of the sporting man must be over here," he ssld "I couldn't sell a rokc rchlp or n deck of cards in the city. If there is a poker room or gambling room of other kind in Augusta. I could not find it. and I visit such places in every city." Lost Any Chickens? Are you out any chickens? If so call at police station, .and see if the coop of fowls there are yours. The police have a nice assort ment of domtnlques. langshangs, etc., that are awaiting the owner. They we~e found in possession of a negro boy. who could not give a satisfactory explana tion of how they gt in his pcs Seas ion. He is locked up. IDs name he gave aa Smith It is thought to be a nom de plume. SHAFTER AT HOHE. The General Arrived on the Mexico This riornlng. New York. Sept .1. Gen. W. R. Shatter, commanding Fifth corps, ar rived on board the transport Mexico, this morning. The Mexico dropped anchor In Fort Pond Bay. The Mex ico has on board, besides General Shatter, members of his staff, includ ing Lt. Cols. McClernand. Pope and Derby; Majors Noble, Milcy and Gros beck; Captains Gilmore and Plummer. As soon as General Wheeler was noti fied of General Shatter's arr ival, he or dered a salute of fifteen guns fired and five troops of the Second regular cav alry detailed to escort Shafter into Camp when he should land. PLENTY OF HONfcY. The United States Treasury to Pay Off the Coupons on Bonds. Washington. Sept. 1. -- An official announcement was made today that the interest on the 4 per cent U. S. bonds, due October 1. is to be anticipa ted. The coupons are to be paid off on September 10 on presentation, and interest checks on registered- bonds will bo sent oti( about September 20. for immediate payment. Early pay ments are due to the large ambunt of money in the treasury. ASKED TO GO TO CCUNCI. 11 di H»# *• i »pttM NIH t UM tut. tto* t>4tor*t AA AAtoto# ttoAtototo* ttoMA to to»l*i it r*ai ttowto" I ipfriTt- II Ml |HA»r It Tito •*•«!*• I pr -*,ll tf-ffe hi * n®feif ailtfer \ fK»i«tfetol to Ito Ufetfe IHWf . ifef ito* <s ® ** •* ® llto CMC! liltim AH Wf* AiMlto to (to 1 in talHuhtß In tailtfM lb# m*# of voar iiamr |« | for (to m«| j tblA. tto Tbird ir*r4 Wo toll! flw | you oar oortAiriNt Afe®sort ib4 n»«f * I AfeiAfe your ilitikto ” borne of tto Sl|MlAiri. AtroQfe lb# AlfeftQtuteA vlklrb op#»r --j? mo ;i>‘ md Mb* cart ****** e py. I fefert tto Mlovlot Dr. Thomas R Wright, Dr W« H Doughty. W. W. Bsssey. p. D. Hofhsns. R. W. Devsney. W. P. Dnnfurih. Louis L. Force. Hugh P. Bice. W. 8. Br»s«a John Dunn. W. C. fhoy. , C. O'Callnhan. D. J- Kurran Thomas F. McCarthy. John Hickey A. J. Heuber. VV. H. Hayeg. D. Bennett. J. M. Hbeahan. M J. Sullivan. Charles Hughes. f Geo. H. Ho*#. ( John D McCahhy. H. A. Videtlo. ' ~ ; R. U Paschal. E. C. Morris. A Buchanan. M. J. Miillana J. W. Vales. B. H. McCarthy. D. Galvan. P. D. Owens. P. J. Ward, L. Ma hone.". Hamilton Wilkins. E. C. Flynn. Michael O'Connor. H. W. Wingard. W. G. Smith. R. B. Heath. Joe O'Connor. John H. McKenile, Jr. P. Callahan. T. R. Harper. J. Williams. W A. McArthur. W B. Barnett. Phil Singleton. Dan Hanlon. Chas. A. Myer. James P. Young. J. C. Tuggle. M. J. Hallman. J. B. Lambert. J. O. Hill. M. J. Callahan. Daniel Looney. T. J. Rooney. Tim Murphy. John T. Doe. C. S. Ramsey. J. P. Murphy. A. J. Marlow. Geo. W. Conway. James Campbell. I. P. Ward. Jerry Sullivan. Key Morris. Thomas Kennedy. K. L. Story. C. Y. Tarlton. J. J. Donohoe. J. F. Garaghan. ri, Hallinan. (I*{ John J. Benne<t. C. A. Baskevillc. 1 ’ E. T. Miller. J S. Harper. * W. P. Kinchley. G«o. W. Kirksey. J .Tames P. May. JB. R. Jones, C. K. Moses. ME RTIQR < I M>* W, 9 #■*»§ tata naisirtta* fra# M-- R If Ith Sec at tfsesMl in S 4 in* Ms end Mrs St < *-w * saw s* in* Iff j A tk*.ag nf t ***iS* M<M '** Mr F. M Hmkora* and wf» of lira H F Moses sad Mrs. Bams Mr. T. Miller Mnrr's tnored «W to Mr and Mr* Clarence Duval, who I ti|»iM home os the ttth. The friends at Mr l-ennsrd Vcrdery will regret to learn that he la gu.ts | sick at his heir* on North Augusts Mrs. Uni, drhrataerk sad Miss Ade line Dub nf (his rby bare rwtsm 4 1 tram s summer varstlon spent st Ashe j nil#. A Tb« I'snce Hum waa la he gives st I theLsk# by Mr Wro Marrsy last Tses : day Bight was postponed uni.l neat Tuesday night. M'as Carrie Barney has returned from Dsbloaega. Ga.. and is spending a few da«s w>ib Mr*. R a. Tarver be fore a ssiim n( her school dat lea in (his! county. Messrs. Will and l-aren Pettijohn have rotiirned from Mon head Cite, where they ran the Atlantic Reach I hotel. The Pet It John Brothers are well known hosts, and their hotel ible summer was one of the most pop ular on the Atlantic roast. PORT ROYAL CLT OFF. Trains on the C. A W. C. Can't Reach There Schedules are badly thrown out on the Charleston and Western Carolina railroad today. Several washouts huve occurred on the line and trains cannot get to Port Royal. There are else a few waxheuta on the line thia side of Yematscc and the Charleton and Weal ern Carolina people cannot guarantee that pasrogers will get through. Th’ train due here at 1:0 p. m. today has not arrived. Schodttle are ojiite in- 1 definite and no one seems to know the I exact condition of affairs down the line. She did not hesitate to express j alarm concerning the young soldier's , future. "Have no he exclaimed. , cheerily, "We have a colonel who Is both gallant and discreet, and subor dinate officers who are Intelligent as well as hrave.” "I know all that. Hi»r' old but what kind of a cook have you . W. M. Palmer. S. L. Lupo. Geo. C. Meadowcrott T. J. Riordan. E. W. Strothert. John P. Sullivan. Wm. A. Doyle. John W. Jacobs. Dennis Desmond. L. P. McCarthy. N J. Cotter. John J. O’Callahan. D. J. Looney, j. P. Hallcnan. Wm. E. Harrisman. P. Hughes. Mat Mahoney. Thos. H. Bresnahan. C. H. Williams, W. J. Rooney. J. J. O'Connor. Frank Smylhe. Wm. M. Nixon. James Delaney. M. J. Downey. John Dougherty. H. G. Mangurn. W. F. McDade. J. Harris. J. B. Keener. J. W. Griffin. John J. Maher. Wm. O’Connor. E. J. Costello. James Fcrgtfson. WET WEATHER DELIVERY. IkQy fMfswraff ha taftahW WMA mtwttt IP twsf and rpm **#giPg* ft* eg, tafe tM ** S'* T4M (M 4a(mr*4 wm Hurt A f*n* takw t#4 • «•* 4^tN|uAtq THE WORK OF COWARD TRAMPS. Tlr) Hfft l MIR I ill Wrttrl • huNffi Trad. Ttta UM of the hMAsd wf Hgursd m the smash-Ap. and rs* Mown to piersn The lander WAFA Wifely AAfeMm* * KfefelfeMpr Dowd sad Fireman Hall hath jsasKl and were found under the wreckage of the tender by the passenger*. Dowd died In a few mtnnte* and Mall a lev hour* Inter. The body of Brake sis Osborn was torn la two. The <lead Engine*.- R C. Dowd. Oswego; Fircnan Wm Hall Norwich; firs' sewn A. L Osborn Wa ins Injurec* Haggagvcraa Dsstnand. Ne«v Turk: Dand Mills. Oswego. John Gol den Oswego; C. A. fatten. Oneonm: John Ro*« New Yntk p. J. Hawhln •em. We.’lesly Mam; C. A. J hnson W#lJe*le- Mans ; Gustare Magnus >n Boston; Carl dveoaow. Boston. nUSTERINO (HT ORDERS. 1 Soldiers VA isl Re Dismissed from Ser vice at Destination. Waehtng t.m. D. C . Kept. I —The w*r department has Issued orders for the following transfer of troops fur the' purpose ot being mustered out at their t.HStination: First Wisconsin. Jtn kson vilie, to Csmn Douglass. Wls.; Fifth Ohio. Feinandtns, to Columbus; First t'. 8 V. C. ißcugh Riders), at Mon tsuk Point. Thirty-third and Thirty fourth Michigan. Montsuk Point, to Camp Eaton. Mich.; First Connecti cut!. Dunn Lortng. to Niantae; First Illinois. Montauk, to Chicago; Fifth lowa, Jacksonville, to tie# Moines; Third Virginia. Camp Alger, to Rich mond; First Mississippi. Chtrkamaugs. to Lauderdale Spring*. Miss.; Secctid Mississippi. Jacksonville, to Lauderdale Springs. Mis*. DECEIVED THEM. Treasure Seekers Gtf Cocoanuts In stead of Gold San Francisco. Sept. I.—The schooner Sophia Sutheraland, which left here 18 months ago with a party of treasure geek- r* for the Solomon Islands, has returned with a cargo of .goconnuta. Men were deceived by the projector of the enterprise. L. P. Korrenson. who put them ashore on tho Islands. Others sailed for Samoa, four of them dying nf fever. Cant. McLean has a poor opinion of the Solonvop Islands, but says the utlool' for trade in Samoa Is good, as the people are beginning to raise cocoa. j , J 4 * \ SICK AT SAN FRANCISCO. Ninety-two Sick Soldiers are at the Division Hospital San Francisco. Sept. I.—At the divi sion hospital there are 92 patients of th? seventh California regiment. 75 from Tennessee 52 from lowa. 35 from the twenty-third and 25 from the twentieth Kansas. n«y Go to Washington. Mr. Clements, clerk for the tenth reg iment, learned today in an indirect way that he had been ordered to report to the war department at Washington. Mr. Clements has been in the city sick, and today was able to be out. He was told that a message had come to camp for him to report to headquar ters. When seen by a reporter he was en deavoring to get communication with the camp tc find out if such was so. He said be did net foci well i-Bough to make the'tiip immediately. , New York Futures. New York, Sept. 1.-" Futures open-d steady. Sept. 5.49; Oct. 5.49; Nov. 5.57: pec. 5.42: Jan- 5.65; Feb. 5,69; March 5.72; April 6.76; May 5.80. PttfTtMlttH I: CONDITIONS OF THE MARKETS vini, ffw i4«r%» sigrk* iti co rn Ait AU () T«fe). Dial Hw jAfi.tli Rata*. Iw.tsgfg l»S«eg tinSwt **S OhHh 1 n»g fell fefeQt ftPrfeffefe, AHglllllA • « »tt«>fe NH fH|*tP ItMftfejr Qffe Tto f«tilo®lfefe feuafKtoife. tto ri aptn® in j* t#h#» Qt fl® e’rlork, ,y# life wtrm ot Pqih#. Murifeiy cHicMK) rmoirtsKWfe. WIIKAT- Ofe#« riMig IWfetMto# * e • # • s ss *• s * di* U% I wtrmlm •• ss s* *• •• (B *7% Umy .. « n*RN— A*|4#febtr •# ns •• as *• s* to| Su Msy ■ » •• •> * OATW— Kcptember .• .. .. .. •• .. ifk May •••• •••» •• 5*15 f*« »KK Kept ember Its *.7T ls<ember • .. .. .. .. Its 5.1 S Het.tember 4 *7 6 S! | December * «* !t>ecwmber ill *l7 • .. .. .. * 4® October .. !" .!*” .. i-!7 **7 NEW TOltK COTTON. Tugs gtrstfr Middling—s 15-14. January .. .. .. 5 ** *••* February 5 March •• •• •• I*4 * -* » rr May U June *»l Keptembcr *•*• October * * » « l November * «» *•« December k* 2 NEW YORK STOCKS. B. n. T. *. *4h *4 7 i Meirofailltan I*lM 151 Sugar 1« Tobacco 144 H 144>i Rubber .. *4>k w C. B 1148 k D 7 Chicago Gas .. I**l% 10 *'‘ j. Louisville & Nashville .. Ski* R*4» Manhattan 94 7 * *'** Omaha *4 t'jiloa Pacific .. .. 331 k * ! ' 7 » Rock Island BH’s In4\ R. G *I9H I s ** tit. Paul D 244 H2\ K. R. t> 3414 s * Western Union 94 LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.97 08 3.08 February and March .. 5.08 3.08 09 March and April —— 3.09 10 April and May 3.10 3.10 May and June .. .. .. 3.10 *»H June and July 5.11 1! Aug. and Sept 3.12 3.12 13 Sept, and Oet 3.99 10 3.10 Oct. and Nov. .> .. .« 3.07 08 - 3.06 04 Nov. and Dec 3.07 08 3.08 Dec. and Jan 3.07 08 3.08 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling In Augusta today 5H Sales in Augusta today !83 Receipts in Augusta today 294 Receipts to date in Augusta .. .. 294 Stock on hand in Augusta .. .. 3240 PORT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 1898 Galveston 838 3328 291* New Orleans .. .. 2319 2060 1"3 Mobile * M " Savannah 936 1168 Charleston 1 69 201 Norfolk 4 6, TO Boston TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED—POSITION BY YOUNG man 18 years old. in grocery, shoo or clothing business. Good recommen dations. Address Position, care Herald. Sept. 5 WANTED—SECOND HAND SAFE. Good condition. Weigh from 2.»00 to 3,500 pounds. Address Safe. Herald. Serit 4 _— WANTED BY YOUNG MAN—POSI TION as bookkeeper. Can give good reference as to'character and compe tency. J. L. Weeks, Kuching's Mill, 8. c. . . i