The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 02, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FRIDAY NO WAR PRICES ®#v#ff Ghat*#* Waictu* .... •** 2! •* •* Htlf Bfwlll * * • # • •* 9J: •* ** ** Crnmm * # * • * jht •* *• Imtgm MM Lifkk * * » •7f» |AlArw« of OtfwW § * OO m&th I too Mi a (•« (toy* to buy mw til Mm. I con ~ x r y< , v> oft to ftO #4 cfiNH* ***» OO |H*CCt*OM». Lftfflgto*! wtocti of Domowfi m Aupuwto LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jßtfSm Under tho ArVnftOfl Hoff®* „ __ JUST AS EASY • L* J w^» tftTjf *f % CyTjggrfl ’ .■»"-• i ■ftg, f 4 * * .’’ ajSom TO HitGHASC A MANOR OR OROAN ——.it iAIU— „ ti *, 34 awy a kw6t eff ieufc Wet wu# 0m r**a*. Menu «• MWt ► MeiC i Orbnac fna a 100 To loow To B« Rolutbio. Wr ww m 1 . W. MfJßWßtg* b* JP rnn at *•**•*• • hMt *#•«•*>»»*** wa*y *» w** l *?- (tan» to mtoiiwl »itl the eehtawy toarWi, hel mtm wbaes the ‘KStfiSOfi&a! and The Atoortmeat The Lfifftot That arrurtn* th# highs* veto* *» tear emien< m* the aptotoM H—** »” root he— Met) "*Ote PT* ■aee) »»i.»«tee* MeeOeeteif lluerato mi‘n'— lm> Tinas & Barton, W. M tIARRffTT. Heratrar, ne Rmtew, Aaffwet*. Oe. COL. BRYAN IS TO RESIGN His Quit f»rd Mij Be Etfertef Ai) Dajr. Hie Ktttnwel Wante tu Be Mustered Out. Uncolti. Neb.. Sept. 2.- According to freed* off 001. Bryan, now with Uie Tliiid Nebraska, at Jacksonville. hie rrMgnstlon may be expected In tho LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLER tiLKEE ' THE HATTER. KNOX HATS nesr future. They eay be will havo no danfera to face In the future, as th? Tl ,rd Is to be eluted to go to Cuba with Fluting h for garrison duty. That being the caee they hive been trying to convince him that he tan now resign without any loss of dig it’<y or character, and. as he le wanted here In the campaign. Hi Nebraska, It 'la believed that he wilt resign, betters hunt hi* regiment show that nine tenths of the privates want to be mus> tered out. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sig Jature of # THE AHERICUS MAYORALTY. interest In the Nomination la on the Increase. Amerlcus. Ga., Sept. 8 —The next pri mary election übout which the great est interest ceutres is that for mayor knd three aldermen, and while the us aal time for bolding such an election is yet several weeks ahead, the voters are already discussing probate cendl datees and wondering wtio will be In the race. From present indications there will be at least two of three as plranta for the mayoralty, and about this rotnest the greatest interest cen ters Just now. A desire lias already been expressed to have the city Dem ocratic executive committee meet and Sx an early date for the primary in order that the several prospective can didates may enter the race and let the voters begin to pick the winners. CEH. SHAFTER PUTS BIiAfDE lit Hjt flft Xn TlMMim •»* RfxfsMisfMt- Ito Mmm to 6BMMM A*M figwtul 14 T%* MurulAt Jj 1-rfHrei. top*- f * ■MW*tug '** a to* MlUs wMHrwMMP- ttou ffhaftee amt toSsr **t tot aea Ml left to® hut MUM hi# usn nghttwg t shut urn mu* 41s if i hu*s 14 Oght b •Mb' • •fefttl km m 4l&# m*m m flMUiftft km HTtf ~YlftN tf* mi #wN mmk 4HI WHt (Mli ftN## (UMNP NNRNI imml nmPiiMM ft wttl Ml* «Mr*» wntfci Ml <pM isl IM#- flitft MM* tfwMl tftMPft Hn glams fur ths taf.i as <m hoarg th* rsturuiag litsspwti Urn ask IhS UMU lIMMHS B«*w»< as snuu as lh« order far b«m» was glram. saaatsg to gat out. It was liht u ausupMa at emit* H was «ha troral hiad Of home sirgama with all the aara That orar cfowgad the ah Ipa agatnat the rsuss-! alfaurea of tha auigaoos a*4 «thsr of fken bat they stM they were will at to via ad may Util* hardaMp* If they could ouly pi bark home At lo Ihe atarvallaa. ihma ware plenty of pro- j rtsuMM, hat ths impasaafeta road* pre vested traasportlnai tbatu It was tbs fortopo of war " Do you ®at? Try th® Ellis Rostaurant. FEMALE ARMY SLRuiloN. SR* U IM First liver Appointed In (tor Anar. Wastilagt'M. Kept. I.—For the first tine tn tbe kietory of tbe American ar* nay a woman was apik>lnird a member of the medical staff. Dr. Anita New comb McGee, wife of Prof W J. M<- jilee. of tbla city, and daughter of Prof jSltiK-n Newcomb, of tbe naval observa tory. was regularly sworn to a* assist ant surgeon. This, according to Sec- I retary Alger's general order, entitles I her to the uniform of a second lieu tenant. without designation of rank. It ts not likely, however, that Dr. Mc- Gee will avail heraelf of this privilege. The appointment, while a novelty from a technical standpoint. I* not the beginning of Dr. MaUee'e service with tbe war department. Throughout the war the has been In charge of the se lection of (be women nurse*, end of the 790 or more now In tbe field most have passed muster at her hands. Assistant Burgeon McGee goes to New York to night to select thirty graduate nurses for eervlees In Porto Rico. Lieutenant McGee has regularly practiced her pro fession In Washington for some year* and .has contributed several paper* to the American Association for (he Ad vancement of Science and to other scientific organizations. The Rand-McNally new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of to, kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the else of any others published, snd rlearly printed on heavy paiier. Rach one has a marginal Index and a page Is devoted to the flags of atl nations. This atlas is timely and useful it Is not for sole at the stores. The Herald has arranged for a special edition. Readers may obtain a oopy by calling at »ur office or sending 30 cents. A Desirable Chance, Have you seen any of Uncle Sam’s soldiers In a pair of Rice & O’Connor Shoe company’s shoes? They are os near perfc tlon us It Is possible to get them. They hurt neither the feet nor the pocket book- Nothing in footwear ts cheaper, nothing more durable, and nothing more comfortable. If you have sensitive feet they are just what you want; If you haven’t they're the shoes you want, just the same. If you are particular, end If you want to be par ticularly good to your feet, buy your next pair of shoes from the Rice & O’Connor Shoe company. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks. 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. New Belts. Messrs. Rchweigert & Co. have Just received a lot of new belts, which are lhe latest on the market, and will prow to be very popular this fall. The buck les are richly decorated, and the belts come in different leading and popular colors. The ladies will do well to see them and make their selection before tho stock is picked over. Smith & Wesson pistols from 35 to 35.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from 31.25 to 350.00 at Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. THF ATJOUBTA HEH3KA.XJ3 ZOlifl SEES vindication U MM* tl** J**w I* •* Httf ft* ftHgiliM iHfflftll tM ** fIM lift NhhfU-Wx • I pfPPNM m » ■» IMhmMK fMfMMftl M PftMl *M f tftl f <*tM JU'WjfMf I' H* . || HtMtlX a Ms t%# bmmmi mm fft— |(«t «MIie«KMHF* Ml Mfc* MMMI Ml •IMi »fc**fiw*tl«t ••• UMi Ml MiMf TlM* I M»f' life* 4m*t% #1 Oft •i‘P* to raptor. Mrvtal pamMV •«» anhar Ihaaght. I—« -.tod tor.- eg thto wretched amrkdsa forged W IMC Ib*t+ Mi ftt p* (MVtifil mi him immmmtm I do nr* rat fact a single word of what t have writ lea oa the •whjerh lam delighted wt«h the taro thing* hare taken, tty letter of acrosattoa will mvmi hf ii n*l Kit ad and llgto •Nil shiae upon dark places “Kmlie Zola * Ta Cara a Cold lu Oua Hay Take laxative Itmmo Qulalne Tablets All druggist* refund the tr>"Oey If It falls to core. He. The genuine kss L. B. (|. un each tablet. RETURNED FROfl IJREENLAND. Waller Wrltmaa Brought No News Irom An dree. Troassoe. Norway. Sept. J. The sleam whaler Fridtjof, having on boatd Walter Wellman and the member* of, his expedition to Greenland, has re turned after landging an experdition at Capt Tractboff. on the southern part of Halt's Island. While the Wellman party were re turning they met the expedition to Franx Joaef lasi) under fir. A. G Nothorst. at Koeolgskar Island, and were Informed ibat all search for Prof, Andree. the missing balloonist, had proved futile. The Wellman .expedlllon left Trom soe on June 2« for the purpose of ,<(a plorlng the Arctic regions, and after ■topping at Solornbols. near Archangel, the party sailed for Frans Joaef Ijtnd. On July 15 last the Fridtjof arrived at Vardoe. and after taking on coal the expedition left for the north on the following day. In Mr. Wellman's par ty are Profs. James H. Gove, of Col umbla University; Ueut. Evelyn B. Baldwin, nr. Edward lloftna, lurlof llnrland and several Norwegian scien tist!. Prof. Nothorst's expedition Is finan ced by by King Oscar and a number of private person*, and sailed early this year with the hope of finding Prof. An dree. the missing balloonist, who as cended from Pane’s Island on July 11, 1897, and whose fate Is unknown. Buck ten's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt ■Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all SKtn Eruptions and positively cures Pllas. or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. GOLD IN A SAND BANK. A Singular Discovery nade on an Illinois Farm. Areola, 111., Sept. 2.—There Is con sldernble speculation in this vicinity over a discovery of gold In a sand bauk on the farm of L. V. Warner, four miles west of this city. While digging In the sand bank, Mr. Warner unearth ed a large rock, the peculiar sparkle of which attracted Ills attention, and. breaking off a portion, he bought It here, where a microscopic lest showed the specimen! to contain a fair quan tity of gold. Some of the sand was al so subjected to a test by Pr. G. H. Damron, and found to contain a smalt portion of the yel'ow metal. Further Investigation will follow. The last chance of the season to visit Atlanta at a low rate will be offered by Tuggle & Hollingsworth Sept. sth at $ 1.95. faET SJtTESf SEND BILLS Nr— -jj * M [ I*| l*4V4ff |Mflf 1% k*««t Ml )•! Of t > t **** tom to to* WMtrl hto*v»*» MMk MMMMIftMftIBML ftMft $ ** TMft MM! j ■* % m4* MHMpMIiP m futo-l MM • 1 »-»• • | I f im p* t |wy»> to# *4 IM IMu MiM tlk» mm* mn% Mpft* f •** pUts •Hf -.a f €■* *' f 'i— mi §m# m/MPmH vn* * 'Ormimmml **mm [ 14# TM# ||i MNMIMftfXMI to. imptti# tM# mCwißi* hf 4m in# o#t» iff*#® MM fmmt i| mmm *M# vmm tul e '‘-tout fM# Mf«jlwa >w| to gfAla—itof This is Vw OyywtaaH v. On r#re4|»i inf t«MB r*ft« rm«li *t«inp, t •NMfQM Mmptp *rttt t*r m*l | enl ni (ft tm*wt M4na«r Ciiirrl #n4! Mar FV*rrr Cut* i Wr» Cf*mm fta!n»t •MifP tmllt Isl dHMMMftIt M fTfll MPfU fri) urn Mr. «*v nw«mO:RN M Wmrrea Mt , M#*» T«rM PHr 1 yt«*r J<Mmi RpMf it., **i Grttf FaIN ■ Mr * ftraam Haim I** mar. I raa #m#»l*aMla# liUi atniawiant. ! • It la a jawHlra ear* f»r istarvh If «w»1. as dlpeelvfl."—Rw Fraaclv W P.«. 1» l*aat<w Cratrml Church. Hckctta, Moat OOLO INCAROt.INA. Rkh Or* DtecovffH lit fbe Vklalty of Julia Newberry. *. C.. Sepl l~Mr M M Harris reioroetl that week ftutk a visit to Mr, N. R. I Aster at Julia. He talks Interestingly of hta trip to the place that may aoo* become oat of th# most valuable loratltlaa la tbe atate. Mr. Harris says gold has been known to exist tbere for fifty years or more; that tbe section la In a rlrh mhieral bell, and rcntalna valuable orra— principal y gold and Iron —a fins coun try of undeveloped rauourcea. All In dleatlona show that there have been volcanic erupt lost there, occurring many year* ago Mr Harris found some gold, but not In paying quantities. He wes well pleased with tbe result of his Investigations and will return to tbe spot and prospect It thoroughly with bl# tools and dynamite. H brougbt some specimen* for govern ment sssay. Mr. Lenter Is wise In having Mr. Harrla prospect bis piece. Mr. Harris Is a thoroughly competent judge, hav ing had great experience tn mining In the Pacific slope and other parte of the United State# and tn South Am erica. He was for a long time In the business and worked In the beat min ing mils. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlaln’a Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my hands. Just at a time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies. to no purpose, hut the little bot tle of Colic. Cholera and Plarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones, Oglesby. Ga. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co,, C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. CLAMS IN THE SANDSTONE. Three Hundred Feet Below Where the Ocean Once Rotled. Sna Francisco, Cal., Sept 2, — One hundred feet down It* the sandstone formation of the Contra Costa bills an ancient bed of clam*] has been found by workmen boring a long tunnel for the San Joaquin Valley raiiroud. Th# spot where the discovery was made Is fully 300 feet above the present level or the bav shore. The workmen had bored 600 feet Into the hillside before striking the bed. One of the tramway cars had been almost filled with shells before the men noticed that they were cutting out clams from the aolid sand stone by the hundreds. OASTOniA. Bear, tho _ Kind You Have Always Bought The Herald’s new Standard War At las is a very timely publication, which seems to be well planned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries in different parts of the world. The maps Are in sufficient detail to,be entirely intfllligible, and the low price at which thp atlas is pub lished, ito cents, xvill make ignorance unpardonable. Realizing the value of such an otlas The Ausfnsta Herald ar ranged with the publishers for a special edition. -As this new atlas is not fop sale at any of the stares, our should hasten to send-for a copy be fore the edition is _ TRUTH WON'T BE CRUSHED Klim jftMf ftt it§ i|f i iii *f pt i ft* t HMfjir tiiiliM mm* ft m f* Mftfi H* "4 %' Mrfr if* (W k OtYff Trick. : m*ms 4m !•*»!•€ 9wt*«* TttMj ■MHilf in* VefeM## MM IN* NYUrff» m *» Liter mn4 Kt4* j gj£|.. ft \0 |»w«tol| m 9»f14 ! . . thfik IftlPftl (4 ft# _ Tt* Riftovfrir Ittttrr# iM ! s >rm*r Kvtry f **jr, Sir m l»tt* mt llawMfM k WU*t*t 4*”u# »tor#. MOVED MANY. .southern Railway Has MaaJtrd Sto eat< -five Tbousand Troop#- Maroa. A. *#pt Mr 8 H Hard ' wick, of the BniitLera railway, was la Maroa yesterday. He was asked bow many atddkera bis company bad moved during tbe war. and be estimated the i number at TS.abO. That la three time# S the site of the regular army at thr I time the war broke out. , Thee# figure# apply <mly to the Iroopa moved by special train* Many 'tbuuaaada were carried oa regular tralas. So far. everything ha* goae smoothly. The official* In charge of the trans portation felt the great responsibility of handling the aoldlera without acci dent and they took every precaution. The trains could not hare rushed along at a much higher »pe‘'d. but the trans portation men preferred to go slower and get the tratna through safely. When a railroad nm* extra train* the dctiger 1* greatly increased. Regular trains arc net near so liable to get In collision or to have other accidents cs special trains. Remember the train leaves for Atlanta at 7:00 A. M. Sept. sth Two days in Atlanta - all daylight, at $1.95, by Tuggle & Hol lingsworth. AFTFR THE JUSTICES. Muon Is to Make Searching In quiries. Macon. Ga.. Sept. 2. Patience has ceased to be a virtue and the justice courts of Macon are In for on investi gation by the authorities that will air some of the misdoings of the presid ing judges who arp charged with all sorts of offenses against law and or der. Of course it Is Impossible to spec ify those that will come In for the blame and for the present the innocent must suffer with the guilty. As a matter of fact, those justices who have been running their courts under a strict observance of law are the per sons who are most anxious to see the eampjalgn of purification commence. They say that they have suffered tinder the ban of public opinion long enough and they want to see something done that will free the fraternity of justices of odium well deserved by a number, but which Is most unpleasant to them. The last grand jury went Into the mat ter to some extent, but not more than sufficiently to open the way for the next jury and the solicitor. Some of the lawyers of Macon who have occa sion to note the irregular work of some of these courts and the rascality of some of the bailiffs, will head the undertaking to bring the matter before the jury and some Interesting develop ments may be expected. This is for You, I’ve treated hundreds of the best peo ple in the city for scalp diseases, mak ing scalps bald for 30 years grow lux uriant new suits of hair. Done here in your city. too. Do not cut your hair or let disease ruin It, for it can be cured. Come to see me. MRS. SMITH, 826 Broad street. CUT THIS OUT Writft y)uf A* »t ili MpfTxunt tht* blftiAM, •a£Kmmi •tm virvf IMNitrtofifkfy Id OA y To# it* mftftjf IfMMMN* Bont #• jyfxj ay*r*t. find tHMf null off aahd )| to THE HERALD. ADVERTISEMENT COl HON. TO fll£ 4! t]t >T A NlttMOi Fpat > IffMMrt lit# AdVffliMnifinl tofitttofi Mow limn in your •WANT" columns, for which you will find #m tosrd | omtft SIGN HERE t fttt* «ftf* w ## to ftftr*4L EMPHNW rfftoft ii.,.. Htolwrax ksra. *rai toeto*. ffto toto, Mto> KatC* w -agTt B* •'HU g*t-A-W«*k» to. *«#" agw.i ONE GENT A WORD. SITUATION WANTED PiTt*ATV<*N H aKTISO NY ft# H '"%%*' » Jto Y ft# *|lftft > ’ *§*-*' -®t ,A44#r«ft <i M ll|»I S —J—...IIIBI. Ml WAITED NuftlTlOft Ilf Y ts • n«f•< tttrt«i« Cm. H** • A TOT NO LADY THAT HA# HAD •UPrftMK:# M »# •**•■**• fl£*# tO # Tftlftt IN i oo’AfcJK****####• t|‘p## r Ttt* m , :#r «rt»rk ttw* ktft4 A44**** Htftft 1. Ctr* i H rwtnr. HI Hr-t-i Oct t WAHTMMWmH NY YOfftO man It y*mru al4. »n rr *&*# or rNbiiic hwalfMN# omm4 iUkiumm A4kr*m PoAUmm, cat# Hmtmli. t*t»t- S WANTED BY YOtfSTO HAN-PCMI* TIOH aa boftkpt|»« Cmn faft rt fff-rtftfir** aa lo r!%ar»**trr ao4 rt»mp*~ ?fOcy. i. L- Wfftlu, KH<*hln| a MUI, #. C. FOR SALE CRKAM-CKtoAM AT t* JACKAtiN fiT. HBVKRAL FINE MILCH COW* AND also several fine t**f rows for sale. Apply J. H Caimk-hael. May avenue and Wood lawn. * WANTED To aell second-hand refrig erator. rapacity too pounds. Addrcs# C, care Herald office. FOR HALB THRAP—AN EVAPORAT ING cane mill. Apply or write 3(7 Walker afreet. Kept t TO RENT FOR RENT —ONE OR TWO LARGR cool rooms furnished. Most central lo cation ill the city. J. E. Dews, 913 1-3 Broad street. FOR HENT-PEVKRAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with all the modern Improvements on Oreene and Telfair street. Apply J. H. Prontnut. 626 Broad street. Sept 9. TO RENT SEVERAL LARGFI ROOMS In one of the most desirable locations on Greene street. Will rent to gentlemen or to family. W. S. Uardner. 115 Jackson street. Oct 1 TO RENT-STORE NO. Tit BROAD street, next below Davenport & Phin- Ixy. running through to Ellis street. Price 31.3 W. Alexander A Johnson, 795 Broad street. 001 1 LOST AND FOUND STRAYED FROM MY HOUSE, COR NER Telfair and Elbert, about a week ago. a Jet black New Foundland ouppv, about 6 months old. Reward for him. L. A. Gardelle. Sept 2 LOST-PYRITE S CHARM LOST RE WARD at Heggle Bros. Sept 3 LOST OR STOLEN—LITTLE PUG dog, day before yesterday, answers by the name of "Daisy." Return and get reward from E. Sargent. 1419 Sil cox. Sept 2 miscellaneo u s BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL FAIR street. Will furnish rooms and meals on reasonable terms. Septl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only 35.00 per month at Osborne’s Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts WANTED—SECOND HAND SAFE Good condition. Weigh from 2,500 to 3,500 pounds. Address Safe, Herald. Sept 4 J. S. Coxey. formerly general of “Coxey’s Army," Is now about to take to touring in a private car, from which he will peddle trading stamps and dis seminate ideas about non-interest bear ing bonds. _. - l. SEHTEMSER 2 Special Notices. ***«(• f*vMk Vtoool* TIIK M’HUr M'Noi >(il of TfffK Off «4 Au|u*(a •»!» pmn THIHflk IMY M<*l4.\l\< J ftKtTKMBItft IHH, •f (ff't^OCK. If«Mft |»*»|>lt# irt (« •! t n4Mt |lm> *. || «f t||# *»#r4 t# *lk to ife*# yf-il4» Ttw petto* itpiit »f |ll# 4Kr|toMflto »MI N( t*##*9kt •t (Mr ffifwrtlvf NUMinfl Mo#- 4ftf. Ty# i #4# p m»4 W*4to## cftAjr. f»r#*> (#KftV Ito nfarltnc of tto* # hni4a, tr*m» fto IS rt*efor%« for t )## purfKKt# #1 »s#m*ftliMi *o>l cndini if* f*n* I«(|9. I*vi»ik» prill N* firallyd I# tto# nr* #f iM> ittfikAtton Tto# N*«n»i#| < *i»m for Wtktt# Tv*f i*ri *rlM mr« t •I YtttaHMM} lllfto flhrtoool. Wfdwflif iftrfi'v# P«>r(ml#r itotto at I o cficto Hy fifdcr of tto# Hoard LAWTON B. KVANtf, tWr*«ary. In.talment Nttkl. (N|<v nf Kquitabl* Rullllni and Loan to —IW la tint! AUKU.ta. n» Rcpt. 3. IW THK tWAL NMffM<T INSTAL MENT 4a* Hite iWirlMtm will ha due and payable at tk* Company a office 7SZ Bread way, -n Um> ith mat. jon. h. n'MMiNo PrMdtat. Albert B. Hatch. Secretary 7 Per Ct $500,000 7 Per Ct FOREHIN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALT A MILLION DOLLARS »B realty In Aucut'a. <•«• Term* 7 per cent. For further Inf .rmatli* «ei their attorney at law. P. J. JJalUvau, Ea., or Mr. P. O Durum. c. a. hard, j£ (SCCCKSSOR TO) CROUCH BROS. Baepect fully aoliciU the com pounding of your I’reacnption* and family recipe*. Accuracy, Pore Malarial* and Prompt Service our motto. ari nil and sac ua. 908 Broad Street. HULSE’S Steam Laundry and Dye House Let ua clean or dye that laat winter's Suit of your*. It will lave the coet of a new one’ igjTTbe best of work done promptly at Reasonable Prices. 314 Jackson St. Opposite Opera Qosse Strowger 447. - - Bell 2222. Pills, Pills, Pills, PiMs Pills The Best RiJls 0 puis Pill To Take phis Pills IS — Pills I PHIS Dr - 6llier ’ S PillS ’ Pills 25 Cents. Pills £V*Don’t forget that Pills Pills THe Howard & Wiliel Pills Drog Company Pills Pills Make Them _ Pills, PiilsT~Pills, Pills President Harper has announced that Mrs. Emmons Blaine's fed ft of 3250,000 to the University of Chicago, to estab lish a college for teachers, will be put to use at once, and that the depart ment will be opened Oct. 1.