The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 02, 1898, Image 3

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FRIDAY WASHOUTS ON MINT HOADS Tlam *» ft®* •*** # Ini. •» lit >%» ■ >»(»« <m»4 Mkrtffck ?»•** •***! ! "Tr r " SiWkU'M MW IwMßt «•*»*• •** M t»* ii*»»i *m* •*§•»»««# *•[ %§** 44 •« 'sm# I#'#®*® Oft *®# WHftft ®»* I Irftftftft jpf fft# ft®#® tft#*# W# ftftHwftf j fty**®*** * *<M§ tft# ftft### ft®®*### (Hf tt—»*»»—» M il*«i<M #**' **. *MVNM* *• 7*# tl» Hud <«« «M» HhmM M*w •»' ' |)m4 «* Mrt> • U » • tttM ***** d>IH MU <M ffclkmgfc MM H **W ** in- ml 4m* «» VIA* Mm«A4 •** >• < ||-itmr t k*#k»* l udlllwOMW ATM t* *•*' : tWMI Ml- Yft# fVftTftft# tftftl ft ft# 4Nftft ft#** ftwm H -f |*ri rv ft* § n'llftrft ftrft# ftl j |ft#l ftfflKf f#VMT%#4 Iftfftft ftlHftfft «•*•- ; ftM« i|| rrftT 1 «a oft If tft# jftftjftl ft# j ftlftt Wn«N M r»,NM4 ftftj u | r j, tft# «! i*ft«Tftt> tllfl ft## tft- j trfftftft •» St*Kkft«'*4, ft### 4ftl#f i#®t®# ftft tft# flft#i# * tft# HIT* ftfttar# «r tft# vtarft «»•*# ft#t ft# ft#m#4 A ft# f?*taft* nr* #l* oft tft# %tmM ft trri®f ftftt ®ftl#*ftft I# fttNl Tft# t Sft ftftftpftftft ft#**#®*# trtit lift: ft# r- *• V* ThMa I* h'lMik. Tft# Ofttrsl fftftft*# MM® It®# t# Ift • ft#<t oft«ftiN\ W##®*#*# tft«r# w* # | p's#ftl|. #®ft tft# tfftift# tft# 4 •###•' Aft* ftwtt# tMiff pfttatftM#### tft Mill#® ftftt #ft Iftrtftrf Tft# rftftA ft## ifttflftl ft* fVktt **li#f# tft ##il ftft ttfftftt# tft ft#* f >nftft#> ## ft** ft##fftftf## **f ft*###®#*I## 1 ## (p#*t*ftft *tffiitt MM ft# ft!##®. Tft# ft)##®#* tftftf fttfttl tft ®ft*»ft®ft® to ft# ftroofttii toil to Aftfti»*t# ftftfti Jfti* lea t##t It tft it Ko tHitttf Mmlfttft r#f#Htftft tft# «*«#•< of tft# MftMit# r #ft t»# l##r»#4 It l# flftftt tft#t tft# irwii* ft### OftowH#* rift#lt I# ifti##«twi iff ifivltf A »#«#*# fftf MlHfti, ft*»f to ttrfcrt* art to pot at# ft#* foal, ft# *tfti#H. Can't Oat to Port Royal. Tft# ('hiflftioi and W##tc#a Caro* Una ro«4 to la a M otsopa. ao tor aa tto Poet Rattl 4t»hiot to en»f»r*ol. Port Royal >* coMplotaly rat off (root Aagaato. Traino Icorr Aoanata. bat «rt Bo far tPr than Yrmaoarr. Th# trrottr nrrr Whale Btaarh. that la brtwroa Yroaaa- Hr aad Pott Yojal. ia dttcMol. it la toarnot M aohout oa Plant Syatem. Th* Plant *y»tom brtoeea Y*«a*»** an<l Aavannah Is mlitlm from wash outs. Pasarngera and mall matter are being tranafermd on that Han. All trains are behind. Three C. * W. C. trains are d"wn the mad. It Is barely poaaib'e that passenger* may get through to Ba*ae nab otrer the C. A W. C. and Plant system, but the road raa't guarantee that they will. Srhrtlulaa are so badly thrown out that nothing definite In the way of a through passage from Augusta to Sa vannah nr Port Royal can be guaran teed Forres of hands hare been sent down the line to repair the track, but It will b* several days before all ia in shape. THE AUCI'STA SOUTHERN. Four Places Linder Water Through the heavy Downpour. Tbr officials of the Augusta Southern were in a great state of mind yester day owing to four washouts along ttao line. While Augusta and Immediate vicinity have had some little rein re ccntlr. the downpour has been ateadier and m ire eoplous in other sections and the railroads have all suffered, more or less, from the same. On the Augusta Southern the Arst place that had suffered was Just this side of Wrens; the second was between Wrens and Stapleton; the next was Just beyond Stapleton, and the fourth washout wag Just this side of Avery. Th 're was no attempt to run trains yesterday and everything was disar ringed. Receiver Jackson and the loadmaster went down the line last night with a force of men and It Is steted that by sundown oil! repairs will have been completed. Th? train due in Augusta this morn ing at 9 o'clock arrived at noon and It is reported that there is quite a tie up ct Tennlile. Mr. Charles Jackson told the reporter that information received this merning !fd him to believe that matters *vere not in as bad shape as was feared last night, and to several Inquiring passen gers he said that trains would go out on schedule time, would be run very THE RIVER IS STILL RISIH6 Carrying Death and Destruction With it, But Wicker & Pilcher’s price on Staple and Fancy Groceries is stiil getting lower, so the most needy may be supplied with the neces saries of life at very small cost. Remember us. fficker & POclur, Vreeturs of Hill Prices 954 BROAD STREET. Strowger’Phone 199 - - - - Bell ’Phone 1711 ®#| #®s f»s «4 ft 1 1 1 p t pne a«*a rt 'from good* b#cait#a Hm th* valuaa. #nd tha vaiuaa a lona that giva f«ura* any meaning. Read our Pricas tor lha Coming W##k * , ■ —— . ■■■ ——■*■*— $2 00 For lh« Above flgur# w# cio |ivl you r c# 1 Shoo m La ca •nd Congreikt. mad* on up-to-dat« l*»t, that you pay other <J<MU*n» SXSO for . _ _ _ . For tha abova figure this weak we will aall you our $2.60 *nd $3 Black and Chocolate Kid, vaating top. Lace and Button Shoe*, lor ladlaa. See window for tamplea of the#a*ho#a. They are beau tie* We have a small lot of our Ladle* S 3 Oxford* l#fL in Black and Chocolate, with vetting tope, and will close them out at abova figure $1.26 We want to clo»e out all of our $ 1.50, $ 1.75 and $2.25 Ladies Chocolate. Tan and Black Oxfords, and will give you your choice of them at above figures. The goods should be seen to tie apprnt fated Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. 8T t o w r° B street a Z°es Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. vgMftteMHM? #ft4 #ww*!4 ftftnftftfttjf fhet ] tfteftl <§#•• ftft IftHf draft - SiUoftt ftltft ®#ft ft##T Bit##® dele? f jftftftt**! ft® la* 9®l®ft, Ms !*rk •r® m*4 Iftftt til# s#®#Jk#®ft ftftNMl tft# j r ift#• mm* of tft# otfteri. WRITES FROM SANTIAGO. >#rgt. I owls Hrm»ti« WHtw ft® t®f#r* ; rsttftg t.rttff. Tft# f. t ;|o*ing brtftl * t erpt rtw p* j U#t of ftftt lift#* Item ft ft.ttf (ra# Stecgt. Loft I# llroMlt* o< Oft. M. W. A V. 1., ftrilt ft# n®4 ®iift i®i#t##t ft? fci»] ItftSl ftlfi*#' M W# iff tut off ftsollftfo a®4, vftiiiii t« U®4 ftft too* ftft ft ft* rim *r# j erlerted. •*W# l#ft 8# vft ftft# h B#tur4*tr #ft#r gt««oo. ®®d tm two 4#y» tr## tfft#t#ft to that deiigbtiul «»®aw*'f | known •• e>#sjrkf»e#e. th# bftlftft t of the bo. • w#f# Wftll ft»4 en)<n#4 Mi® j Aantiapo hi the prettiem harbor that one ran ever picture, the scenery An na ttre.'a bant —the glgnmlr mnuntaina and dee prav.nea. .Hotted by coanlleaa island*. preaenfa to the obartver a sight which must remain indetllbW pressed upon hia mind for years to route. Upon our entrance In the har bor we were first greeted by I he Amer ican liner Yale, and two thou* tod voi ces exchanged animation. I*aaa ng on for a few rearbe* we find onraeivot within throwing dlatanre of the Mor rtmac, sunk by the gallant hero. Hob son. The Krloa Mercedes, one of Spam’s warship*, lay alongalde, a mel ancholy ruin, only her upper portion, bring vUlble. We caat ?n hor a *hort distance from the ap-.t where tho Virginian and her crew r ere utaugb- ( terrd by th# Spirniaids in '7*. Seve ral of the American aoldiers have greeted ua. and from what we tan un-1 deratand. the yellow fever epidemic la! fast dying out. Out of an entire reg-1 imrnt stationed here two weeks ago. not a man haa suffered from the fever.” Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. Only An Armistice.- A great many people hove the idea that peace be-, tween Spoln and the United States haa been declared, but this ia not so in the true sense at the word. Major General, M. C. Butler. «vbo was here and talked j with a Herald reporter a few days ago, ] said that the impression was that peace, was on and that the was over. It Is only an armistlc’, he says. We may hoy? more fighting. However, that is not probable. rr^SsS^ Made of Cold Plate rX THF. **4 AL«T+ LADIES Qktiu t y Pin. One Piece Seamless Wire WAummta 8> Mfßt JVo. oJz) ONLY 5 CENTS EACH. MACAULAY & CO. TH 10 AUUtJbTA HIIiKALD It’s Not Worth Hentioning IN ASOCIAL WAY %nw&!r The Ta»* Sh« Bead To Mo. j The tote hln* read »l»ud t» me | ThU astern «« w*a thrilMn* It* plot *•> quite th> brightest erheme Th*l hope ran mingb wllb thi* theme , And I ran #*nr I dbln'i drvam though ahe thought me willing Her voice unfolded every line WHb wealth of Hear eapreasioh: i Anrt ever And again her eye* In aympathy or glee would rlae To mine. Ah. did ahe Nit aurmlae The depth of her cipreaaloo. And with each word In .-livery lone <My role I was forgetting! Came dlmt.lea In aweet harmony; While 'tween her rose-laid lip* I d *ee Her milk white teeth fta*h brllllanUy. Uk jiearla in ruby aetllng. Shi- held my lntere*t to the end: No tale - * too long to taak her: i And full a* quick would time have eped Had be n a drier book ln*tead. You nay. "What was the tale »"* md?" Er_wait; I'll have to a»h her. —HAL. SWIFT, In Judge. Mr*. Potter Palmer. Charming and taetful a* Mr*. Potter Palmer always la. It I* no wonder that i ahe now occupie# a moat enviable nodal position in Newport. That ahe will con tinue to hold It in New Yotk thi* »'*- 1 son follow* an a natural consequence. L*>nn than three yearn ago Mr*. Palmer went to Newport and wan content to live without cat' ntatlon at a small villa rented for that season. Neither wan the second neason at Newport a brilliant auccesn, but when the Palmers announced their Ini ntlon to build one of the handsomest houses In that city considerable Interest was aroused. It Is said that the Palmers negotiated for Marble House, whleh In owned by Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, but this report has not been verified, for the Palmers leased the home of Theo dore A. Havemeyer, one of the show places of the city. As hostess of Frledltelm, with an enormous retinue of servants and un limited wealth, Miss Julia Grant as guest and the advent of the two princes Mrs. Palmer has been able to make her Invitations sought for and has changed the complexion of the social counten ance. Her first royal visitor was Prince Al bert of Belgium, heir and nephew to the king of the Belgians, and the other no less a personage than the count of Turin, a near relative to King Humbert. Each, in turn, were of course veritable lions in Newport society. The woman who entertained them became a power v.hcse gracious Invitations were sought. Other titled foreigners and many of them have visited Newport this season, have In their turn been entertained by Mrs. Palmer. By birth and education Mrs. Potter Palmer Is admirably fitted td become a great social luminary. The Palmers, it is said, intend to build a home this fall. Before her marriage, Mrs. Palmer was Miss Bertha Honore, of Louisville, Ky., and her family occupies - a high social position In that city. In 1871 she was married to Potter Palmer of Chi cago. Her sister, Mrs. Frederick D. Grant, is well known in New York. Cross Country Riding Club. A delightful ride was enjoyed last night by the Cross Country Riding Club and a few invited friends who filled carriages and buggies. The meet was held in front of Dr. Barbot's residence In Woodlawn. The riders then follow ed the Mllledgevllle road, riding be yond the County Home, up Richmond, Hill, and back to the agricultural Club, where a delightful and informal feast was served on long tables ligbte.d by will gy#% - r t Inn ftft'ftwf t*ft b# I fw«aa ## fa#* 1 It area tnilatflii ®#f*## iNr r 4bfrf#M «i tftetf ®«ftft* m arft ft*#. Tft** ITftft maift#ra ftft# tftaf# gft*#t# ’ l»f»e»ftt ft'### 1 ’ Cal, att«f Mr* ilitkj*rli Mr ftft# Mi# T. t llft ftiftft* Ift Mr* Vir* ) I»r |)«rM. Mt ftftd Mr* <1 R At *.» Mta# Umß# lk*M. M*#a tftftf M#r- j M. Ml## OrrlitHft Ml## CT#r# f l> u«h«r Ml** Altt# >;%#, Mi##r# Mm* j *h> end \nnir HM%#rda. Ml#a Hall..’ iHalil*, Mr. L»«l<ft H Kvaiur Mr. T m 1 1 iaihr Mr. fim fUrftiNft. Ml** Wft Wright. Mr. Ilatntrd Wik i. Mr. Will jt*U«t. Mr IlMtlmt 9ft«ig*lry. Mr. T-»m . ITunltrt. Mr. Will War«lt#w, Mr. I*ttl a m*® and otftrv# The VH*xt mating Will hr h**!4 fft lft|>* . ! (emltrr MTft. Ml## Anllk* |tf*n« h ftft# hr*n rlrrlvf an ft—nr lair mrm t*T. WomiH ■ ltd Mow##. ft I* an old. old elory to •it— wo- I I mankind of rowardk* *hw tbr mow— I* ttmmßrd. Hut III# oft rrfk*fti**«l ; I (barge that any * »*itian will Ininirdl* ! •trly go Into hyat*•»•«*# **r *i*aanti #t | I tft** mt rr aigtif of ft »vxt#ll liv'd rrdrnl lie aa IBault to llir —.g. fikimr mag evince tbetr dlsltkr *»l mire In this I way, but there are notable and r<*n apt. onus • ireptions- For example, one [woman, while engaged In her domestic I duties, encountered a mouse in the [ flour liarrel. Now most women, under similar clrcumstnneea, would have ut tered a few genuine shrieks and then sought saftry In the garrei. but this one pons* sard more then the ordinary | degree of genuine courage. Khe sum moned the man servant, told him to | get Ih* gun, call the dog and station himself at a convenient distance. Torn she clambered half way up stairs and commenced to punch the flour t-arrel wllh a pole. Presently the mouse made Hs appearance and started across the floor. The dog at once went In pursuit. | The man fired and the dog dropped dead; the lady, thinking that she was killed and fearing thal he would be arrested for murder, dlsapp ored. and has not been seen since. The mouse escaped ■ The Country Fair The time Of the rountiy filr ap proaches. City sojourners within reach of these festive gatherings will find a j new sensalbn In vlslllfig them. The ciowda of country people to whom Ihe ; affair Is the event of the year, and, even the rural character of the ex- I hlldts, will be found full of mnteilal for the student of men and manners. It Is a graceful act for the summer col ony to suggest and h-lp carry out a flower show In aid at some local char tty. All the gardens of the neighbor hood will be rifted for the oceaslon. Booths may tie opened for the sale of fanry articles on which the plaxzn con tingent has been busy all the summer. A concert or private theatricals may close the festivities, and It will not be Strange If the summer people find that they have been the recipients of ns much enjoyment as tha rural popula tion. A noonllght Ride. The younger set will enjoy a ride out to Mr. Josh Doughty's place tonight. Miss Julia Carmieael has returned from Madison.- Miss Annie Wright ia expected from Atlanta Monday. A number of frl nds were entertained charmingly entertained by Miss Ce eile Durban. Mrs. Coates and family of Macon have returned home after a visit to her father, Mr. Estes. Miss Marlon Carlton of Athens, who has been the guest for several weeks of Miss Carroll and Miss Jackson, will leave Monday for Union Point. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. Military Feature. —The Richmond Academy will have quite a large at tendance this' fall, owing to the' mili tary feature.'A great many people have decided to se/td thel- sons to this his toric institutjpn just on account of the drilling, if nothing more. Mr. George P. Butier, ia-te of the University of North Carolina, will instruct the boys in the manual. *1 26 At abova fl#ur* w« can give you lh« b att wearing and rnoat atyliah Boy» »ho# that it aol<l In this cltv. Tno*e goods can t b* had from othardoalara for la*# than sl-60. 75 CENTS A genuine vki kid Oxford for Ladlaa. patent tip and patent faced. You pay other dealer* $1.25 for thorn We *ell thorn at aboye price. A Child** genuine Dongola kid. .patent tip. spring heel button Shoe, fti/o* Stoll. These goods are all solid and very dressy. See them and you'll be surprised. $1 See our Window for Men's Sample Hats in all colors and latest shapes for above price. ForßenifroniOcilsi IJRT CHANOKD DAILY. t-t x mnwts .« .. «. 11* w 24k K b« k tiMtms ~ .* •• •• * .22. kI tlkk RroMl. 12 nmm - •• •• ..2k Mi ' m Otlsf. k n»M .* •« .. . 22 54 ! (It Urn Be. II mnXM .. •• •• , M.MI 1 1M2 Hr«>.»d « room, .. .. .22 Mi j ||2k Brood. « rnmn .. 22 AA ! sJT Ws-ker. T nmol .. .. •• ..M B ' iw ReyooMa. • raoms 12,34 ! ua tlr-eae • rooms 17.2 k 22* KlUs. I room* Ht .M Greene i room* .. -. .. -,11.W IIW Bread. I room* iftall 12. M j 1M Mrlntonh. * ro.»ms 2S.M HI Bn »4, * room# le.M 1402 Hrosd. * rooms 22.20 1427 Bread. 7 rooms .. .. 22.n0 1111 Broad. 4 rooms S O# 621 Kills. 6 rooms .. .. 12.20 141 Brood, * rooms., •• •• •« 12.20 -14 M Broad. ( rooms 23,20 ' 1432 Broad. * rooms 22.2* I 412 K-ynolds. < rooms 10.20 > 220 Jackson. H 20 M j 230 Rills, 4 rooms tO.uO i 209 Rills. C rooms 12 no ■l4ll Broad. 6 nmms .. .. .. .. 22 20 1 1433 Broad. * moms .. .• .. •. 23. So | J 32 Telfair. 2 room* 12. M ! 939 Telfair, 7 rooms 19.72 1131 Broad. 7 room* 25.n0 j 1413 Broad. 2 rooms 22.50 1423 Sllcox. 2 rooms lO.UO 1453 Hllrog, 5 rooms 10.00 j 421 Krnwlck. 7 moms 12.00 1202 Harrison. 3 moms 9.20 I US Ellis, <• rooms jo.oo 1415 Broad. 7 rooms .. .. .. 25.00 1429 Broad, « rooms 22.50 I 440 Ellis. 6 roc ms 12.50 1245 Ellis. 4 rooms 9.00 ! 221 Campliell. 5 rooms 15.00 I 306 Telfnlr. 6 rooms 16.00 Jerksr.n ave.. 7 rooms .. .. 15.00 | 223 Campbell. 6 room* 22.50; j 217 Usmphell. 5 rrom* 15.n0 I Cor. Elbert & Welkin*. 7 moms.. 16.65 140 llroad. 4 rooms 10.00 1417 Broad, 6 rooms 23.50 1427 Broad, 6 rooms 22.50 '222 Jackson, 8 rooms 30.00 219 Campbell, 6 rooms 20.00 413 Greme, 7 rooma 20.00 | 317 Ellis. 6 rooms 12.50 11436 Jones, 4 rooms 8.00 j 1408 Jones. 4 rcomn 8.00 11421 Broad, 6 rooms 22.50 1423 Broad, 7 rooms 25.00 316 Mclntosh, 6 rooms 20.00 1416 Jones, 4 rooms 8.00 1402 Jones, 3 rooms 6.00 1434 Jones, 3 rooms 6.00 941 Telfair, 7 rooms 18.75 943 Telfair, 7 rooms 18.75 511 Broad, 7 rooms 15.00 112 Mclntosh, 5 rooma 12.50 521 Telfair, 5 rooms 10.50 116 Eills, 5 rooms 10.00 417 Reynolds. 6 rooms 10.50 320 Celhoun, 6 rooms 9.00 221 Broad, 4 rooms 7.00 233 Ellis, 6 rooms 12.50 STORES. 1248 Broad $15.00 219 Campbell 22.50 221 Campbell 22.50 314 Mclntosh 10.00 516 Brood 20.00 556 Broad 27.10 1840 Broad 8.50 110 Mclntosh 7.50 Desk room, 8 Library Row .... 5.00 J. B. White houses, Broad .. .. J. B. White houses, Jones, 6.00 and 8.00 This is my complete list. Wait, no longer, but call at once and get tho best. LEONARD F. VERDERY, The Renting Agent. A handy companion to the news, these days, is (he new Herald Atlas, published by Rand, McNally & Co., of Chicago. Tt contains sixteen pages of colored maps, among them Cuba and Havana harbor, the West Indies, Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and Chi na and North America. This atlas has the host collection of war maps that wc have seen. It would not be con founded with the small cheap atlases sold at the stores. Can be obtained only from The Augusta Herald. Price 30 cents. •_4 m, tow rain* uy «“#• *••* i-tra vAt.vita #*4 nvtiM**. •>- ,?!*** •Mill#®* siiM^mrMH l *. Lombard Iron Work# 4 Supply Co., 4 Po®Vr4. a* ■ OitYER Ha,. Fall style s 4% i , JpISl Just received, our Fall j line oT the famous Guyer; Stiff Hat, in all the leading shapes. Why buy a $5 00! Hat when we guarantee every $3.00 Guyer Hat we sell? Also complete line of Men’s and Boys’ Caps in I every color and style. We are anxious to make room for our tremendous Fall; stock which we are daily receiving, and will close out all remaining Summer goods at cost price- L. SYLVESTER. NEXT TIME YOU HAVF A HEADACHE USK Land’s Headache Capsules Mad# Only By UOWAUD 4 WILLETT DHUO CO fiOSH! JHAIS fiOOB §TMFF HOT ROLLS FROM gERBY’S gRAND QUKE. Hou sc keepers fry it—Nothing Like it. HJC&-ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS KEEP IT. elPTfMtifft a Mai* *u»kA .utkHi srrr» *t%l* A*4% Mitt. FOR IRON FENCING ■i—— CIU. ||®* AUGUSTA FENCE CO-. Js® toil, fttf—t# Autnflft IMS ot t#w* *a»> MU I I eg CALL TOR Augusta Brewing Cos EXPORT BEER . . . B E I. L E OF GEOBG-IA k PjSTABRfIWNfi Our OraHghl Beer Has None Superior. —CA LL FOR AUGUSTA BEER. President M< KloJcy might easily do worse than fend Senator McMillan to B F LLE O F GEOB Gh X A.