The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 02, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY 4 THE tOGUSTI HEMLO | ggggpf unit Em«. *2 |jtt®ftti„ tt »»****•«• Mi Mo»n*« .«■—**** ,** OMI »>»fll ~»..**•. •** • r ** 4 * «..»*..*»•»»’♦•* ** **•’■• gjllf-T— g.« avgSlWI 111 I > row* ** I** '."'l' nr*Aii> * _ -|i|(|t crlt - *•* MM I IMHiilii 1 ■* . »•* wk _ _m •mm W* '*-'»*** *" you will i*p# nm w wu* «_ ***to» ***•"* *** ll)t > - JM tto !*•*** **•*•* jIJ Hwm. -** i** ■***• w * , “* ** 4 •"*<4 ya <%aft#Wl*W At l*a Gswad t?**?**® ■, )m* t«i rv *' «** *•*•* *• p, , M r>ri> i«n» »•*•* fonts* »*»*••.«* »»*.»»«- to-. So* Herald Prize letters From American Summer Resorts. n m , (Hi* y,«f W«t eJtrf * ' • I.IMH far tto tost M»r* tIOM »t««» to t*a Itotto#** Mart Tmama Ml •eve !»«•« to MUIAH a Mn 4« iAiim. Mid. *n«r IM lantrtt mm »ta**d Ik* >•>»*• ■*' Ma will M wMaltlM I® • ****- •Meet *wd »Wt>AniM re*as*tt •him hr Ik* •••rtlMI «* »,)*•* Tto real Wto» •* «*» •nm. u **U •• ik* mm *• ■lnn'' roust «foah' , > **< k l,l»r Ml ta far » far Ik* parpoM at ld*-nU*>-a --| HAS r Cts.-stant. ">»<" m*«"* ™* lr Inter* to A ratnMM* length Cmimimu wa *rtu •• m»nr * Inter* •« Ikry •** tor Ik* prise bill ok* h*k*l*»' *•• win only «*• *d tto prl*r* A a a Tkr llrrvld *»••«* If**. »«"'*hi- IT. ftoslpy MU***. •«><• t* l * prMM Wilt kr awarded tot lh* fecat. ronet lBlrr*»tl»t *»d *»*' readable Uttar* Of Hr [' **rt Hrwa. Contest Closes Oct. I. ron THE BBKT ÜBTTER W *• FOR THE ID BEST LETTER ... !*••* FOR THE ID BEST LETTER ... I S A SPLENDID ATLAS. Tilt Herald h*» Mcured a few copies of Ike magnificent War Atla* Hawed k> Hand. McNally A Co, the great map maker* Thla Atta* la a map of the world, and II yon want to keep potted on Cuba. Porto Rko and the Philippine* yon ought to have It. The regular price of thla Atla*. whkh I* printed In five color*, con tains maps of Cuba, Weat Indie*. Hawaii, liurope. Asia. Africa, Spain, Philippine*. North America. South America, the World, tlceanlca, China, Portugal and harbor charts of Havana. Santiago, San Juan. Matan*aa, Cien fuegos. Manila. Cardenaa and Santa Ciara Bay*, la «o cent*. To Herald reader* ,to cents. This Atlas la tfxay inche* and con tain* 18 pages. You are sure of get ting your money’a worth when you get the HLRALD’S STADAKD ATLAS. Fire and water alternate in sweeping Bavaakah. Malt Wljittima was among the num ber who "also ran.” Well, ‘'Uncle George" carried Edge field county, anyhow. Time Ib slipping away. Will the pri mary go by default? Sylvester Scovel ha* not yet recov ered fiom that sickening thud. • The author of “U Debacle” must have chuckled us he read the news. It looks as though Floyd’s resonant voice had won out in South Caro lina. The New York Timee ventures to re mark that “war” under Mr. Alger— "ls hell.” Major John Gary Evans is at home and expresses himself as pleased with army Ufa. Senator Steve Clay will speak at Maulson on Monday and a big rally 1s anticipated. The Albany Herald thinks that J. Pluvius has just pulled the valve string and tied it and scone off on a eummer vacation. ■ ; i ; rkugaki I tto MUtoaMaw* a** 'to Ik tfto *•» I j wq® M t »a*~* tpfto* <%• >•>.»** as MRMI j t spmmaa a*-, to toatl all to A A *to* ! mtftofes# m»* tone* * -riUto* ■ • • --*-m ; ||f |* C Ff f toi Aiito Hf#wpto*****« ml <im #*•f | 1 * *mmm to. to ♦ I kto * ttotf t<9 4km 4Nmto4>4Ml ’ * I [ wf Urn f%» itaMM ##•»»••• mm 4 I | femiM'tmi MWI 4NMI pmw*m§ !• 9 Imp <*»'•’* ItfcxMNA Mi # t mf'gpt mtaNMiM* IMI M'ft to* gaadWAMtoh «M •>'«*»* i I toap ewaka #to» Ha*a tasadt* gauamtod I tod a ktod Nto* tkat —uaiwa maatd toia.todto flitomi Mpit* 9|MMI 41 imMm maw* gmtotwuwa imd to* to*p»w i •a** Aarii toatoto to tto a*af fw* unto «a*dMf toai to k atok* tot ewAtoai 'k*i | tmmM a* iirtoD'iiiiii Tka jpgaMaaiwy i usto I adtoaa aevtvad At toa** toaaa > M • mmMM tw kaftaaaa tto tamtoalaad I npnwaiMtTrt *d tto (at fwtwwa toad re* tto pMa* l ** ** *** wtoMto* ! praAtotikto •* to* fwK**at atoU I M**aU la tto amata* a auf as saa toaa to. [ fww tokaaaMU a*d 1 iitaaaa wav* oto IgMtod to tw*k m**—w«, Tto* k*4 ••*•* as ttodr aat, N tto tat* **d | tor ttoto Aaall. In tto »mtol pmmwr ( . m to fttorto, (to dtapawawy ww*M (wto If N atouM to to fi*Uu*dto« •naklMftoa wvatd *U* dad «* Htaag ■*** kaava ri d war It Will gto H a* tola to aay that tto *»#**«*»« d*- vatopad ks rwltonaai wiftla* *° cto to aaaadi a* H did PiMtoeafto* H | iiaatrata* tto vary tag «•*»'"• *f to*' tta*. Oa tto vary ♦«* as tto campaif* •b«<k k*« to** riaaad tto regular mm law ot tto ftoMdtkaMt. toraaa* of . anpit' attoaaaa to Wa ralatMa to D* mtw. rai j darltoad to mak* tka race Fvathetatoac- earaeat to tto nor* of bn hear' bad lam named tor tlrutao | aat gntentor and prapauag to i rwofcal that place, with Editor Me : Sa< aey. tto pr»*e«i hnumtoat. Hot when to aow that tto ptoMktUoaiat* were at,out to go (Bto tto dght trttbont any toad to ttotr ticket, to promptly •ltd hi* pledge tor tto poveroortttp aad «e«t lain tto campaign The ‘men who know” ttouvbt to had a forlorn hope- and are opiae. a* «iif be fore. that Frattoratooe tUought ao. too. He wa# referred to aa an uaaellDlt martyr who waa willing to makl a el carious aarrfflre of himself In the ta terral of th» prlaclplM to repreeeoted. Rut "bleaa thee. Bottom’" How dlf ferent baa been tbe raault. "Uacle Oeorge" wa* auppnaed to be aoitd in old Dorchester for tostanre. He got tb r ty-four vote*. Kllerbe walked away with the whole lay-out. He and Featb cratone lead the rare and It Is between : those two. In ail probability, that the | next rare will have to be made. Thus It la that the man who came ao near not being In the gubernatorial race at all. and didn't believe he could win after he got In. may tie the next governor of South Carolina, while hit six sanguine opponents are left, like Fcrdita. to milk their ewes and weep.". One thing, at ienst, has been aettled by the primary. The old factional lines which Tillman established, carried him triumphantly to the Sen ate uml placed Evans and Ellerbe auc caaeively In the chair, have been swept away forever. Reformers voted for lonservatlves on a basla of personal merit, without reference to the allgn rnen’s. A new era was established In South Carolina. "Old things hnye passed nwey nnd Lo! nil things are new.” The result of the second primary will he awaited with a great deal more In terest than was the first. If the antl dlspcfisnry vote concentrates on Feath erstone, “reform" will be not merely deflated, but annihilated. - POOR OLD ALGER. Poor Old Alger! Tbe most, pitiful, pathetic person In public life today or for many, many years, Is the cowed, Irascible, splenetic secretary of war. The head of the war department of a great government finds himself under the necessity to defend himself like a common malefactor. Never in the history of this country, perhaps, has a public Official made himself the target for the unqualified abuse, the unmitigated contempt heap ed upon Alger. He strikes out like an adder, blind with rage. He will end by stinging himself to death. He passed the stage of dignity and decency some time ago. He now talks vulgarly about sending to jail the newspaper men who have had the te merity to criticise him and warns Gen. THE AT7QTTBTA P 3 Bin ALD HRwa glut awMi (Mk • *mm*l <*■*• ■BMA A MM* .AM to EM tup*** to' •MM*. MW toga «to»a •*•• *■**• mhp toEMu up Bb* pk** tbs a MMMto* riE**#* (Fa* *to*» **a* PA PftotAt APto* tto I'APaP fItWPP pc iPtPiil Pto PM* P* trtvp* •ME EtgEEEEPE* T\»«* ta ep ***** tat* to PE El to*a Mt pI tto p.imE> Eh ERtoa H* aEpaEtMl tot !**•*• Eat to M P to»*v •sMto* ppP a mm. a* Eta ammPpmm At®** I* toy -- tiir-* '■ * ** *$ 4MNF *toto'» • • tt* E Mb* Eumpua «*# EtoattP.- |ln |H IRMlfe# A |tMM of Wto*t*v E•** P* *mm aePtv p* tto impEpNl at PEt*E to **•• ••*• A* imp vuav Emma t watMbtii* Epttau* Eat tto aa*»*Pi*a AMfny trito abtrt tto ®t**tPp*P*Ea4 AwpvuP* f, a**‘*vp**a vpt |E* n*k» gl r*M* Ektctl PP4 EMtßE*t*Et AAEafltP®* to*** tot MAm Et* AnAIMMI aM * MMM*l**to‘ vtoto»to>«»A. M«a«**Pm As Ea*A ta»*a aavaP tEatwkt SAP E b*Mt*t (*■ •*ttl tt** l»i gut at b*«*» triME Atp»* t* ' ’ A Eaa® totPW *•* to* tttßP us APU*A ! Tp VPtPt Ma alp*. PtMPPriM Em®** a* ' (tow *M Al®*** AS® EAI® Th* al®A®t *•**!*• »E**rt*f to* to* of poto b ratal 11 a Pup* put a®*t gtPMt *a*MMtea®a*p*pt aa tp tA* iomP * Da® as to* eattPP rrap IP that Mat* Htpty tptoa bat* fall** ibtevilPP tw Mata gaflPuhirty (a EtefclAMP. Of* amp*burg rtarvapoa, Ckartapipp ppP lliapMi cppptta* **P ***** • Mpiltat atop ta tk* T** f>»* trtpt* ik* tropa per* badly ii*a>*®*d la tto AnttaM lapPa Cotta* ta apfuHtp Itttly **4 trtrhtp* 1 ba* icAPtarri ovtr tto Hale gaaera! | ty. Raat ta wtPaty gf*vata*t. *fcf'- •kaPPIM **P totting of kotD roatl|«« |to reduce tka jWf proapeit* It *P j Mated that tka l#rg* "wtaP" b«* | raused tto crop lo to ovwootlmaioP. flea UlmpP cottoE took* **!!«•. ** •padding and blooming al tto toR Tb*re can ta no doubt that the heavy ! rata* pav* radurad crop conPlllopa. | turn*'* facto tv get maay roporia «4 I cotton sprouting in tb* boll* and of tto plant bring rulnaP by tto blgb winds Whit* the next crop *'ll undoubted ly to targe, Mil estimate* *lll hav* to be modified In apcordancM with tto damage done by tto present storm. The Kansas City Star, which poo fame by publishing the Mile* inter view. aaya: "Atlanta was probably rejected as headquarters for tbe army because tto ground sloped the wrong way. The water la carried away by natural drainage instead of Into pool* to breed the malaria, which aeema to have been to eagerly sought for by the war drw'tnr 01 io «»Übliahtng Its tampa.” The Sandersvltle Prngveae aaya: “An Augusta lady who was a vlaltor to Banderavllle last week aaya that the new school building in Sanderavllle la far ahead of anything of the kind in Augusta. She waa much pleased with the arrangement of the building, and spoko very favorably of the enterprise In providing aurh a commodious struc ture for th« education of our chil dren." &1 itor Williams, of The Greenville News, remarks: "Spain apparently takes one end of the archipelago and wc the other. That Is the old fashioned way, we believe, of eating Filipino.” Perhaps the exar is in favor of disar mament very much Uko the average farmer is in favor of reducing the cot ton acreage. It's a good thing for the other fellow to do. If the republican party wishes to lose all the converta made In the south let Wheeler be made the scapegoat of the wax department The New York Commercial, speaking of the calm that has fallen upon Spa n, thinks that this may be the calm be fore the storm. Wllhelmina Helena Paulina Is now a full fledged queen and the wings of the w nd mills wave with joy. TBOST THE PEOPLE TO FIND THE BEST. IF MORE PEOPLE READ THE HERALD THAN ALL OTHER PAPERS IN AUGUSTA, THERE MUST BE SOME RE ASON | vs »MI Ml. tu* a tta jk»« |B| ftp** pm,®n> •* Up, irpea*!) £*#>■*’•*<# m» ynmtnr mi mi' w## m upm wm -1 #l4 H»w >♦ 90t§ t’fMilX 1. I r f*t« l#9»Ek* # IWw#* a f *#9p*Ml IMM4M QHMHMb f»M4M . #4pp liNf iMNi'IMIMI fWNi|Nwiiip(«#9 Mp Mm® tkPkrg *Ei|ttaggE I'-W As tV| * w. 4gy» • I |mt Ej <%Wd*Epr4f ■ Eg M| y| n Hillym, |t, %«f g|gto fjti ft'ilftO 1 * ■ - - -■ -•> tog. fNE t* •• ; F'*'“ * W w ' m ~— ™ | |4E ||9fm A Ifptof ' PUN •'ll® f|»ilSd» paHVi. 1 qt4tjg J |dk r Tiff, f *1 fit Ms I ItE HI,IMk A*4 Hw « **’! 0* a TMp®. Jlta®:#'fEE# A § EfiTEIfiTT* 1 *! WE* roEtoWr* | Me*i MmvM - - (VmifMPli • Cpp lE*®* tto kwMv tm k* Ptorw*** I* *aM I* k- aft** Haa- A Raft Mag Gam I s»# fslAy# M ffMilMMi #•*!** ImMmNi AftHMl*©. >rrmf 1 !• s****> j until H* niiHN It «<MMMirt *Mt I g Mk Am»r»rnti ••IF# ’ *^,| #i ||„rnin| ft#'«kn, tto Ra*a**aft Haapi -1 Data** Mr P»*t« torir y *^TJl| , ta I ,n*J’frir wavT* i*to New Turk riatf I -Chicago ’HUM* HfuM. Wfcy n#*? Why aot pat Mp 4 jltvena ep tto prar* ombmlmmi' ll® »*• f ,r to*" at say price from tkr WO to-gtaolng.— Weat fatop <« > D*f^»d»r. Tto Aattalacrion Jolmi Shnavn could at taaat hav* tto aattafarttu* of gltUig H*naa » t*rrlbtM fright by tbreat. Bina «» rr-cgirv Ohio poliUcP.-—NaritvllW- tlwricii Dewey’s Tough Jwb. Georg* Dewey ta Ptal *“ have * tough * job a he* h# pm» borne »t»d get* up ■ gainst *E* ri*ugf*futattou* us hi* countrymen.- WpM , *n* ,, ' ,> *‘°**- , A Horrible Humor. A horrible rumor ta current that Chauncey Depew'a boom foe minister to i Great Britain 1a being fed on rialifor ! „|a . bio"tatee, —ttt. Louis Utobe-Dem ocrat. Think Me Kwows. John Sherman think# he know* who ta responsible for the steady march of tbe American soldier boy through the hospital into tbe open grave.—at. Paul Globe. Whit It Indicates If Agulnaldo ta a* insincere *nd scheming aa reported, tt is merely on indication that he ha* made a aludy of ! European atateamanahip. Chicago j Post. An Awful Suspicion. It would appear from present reports s mat Secretary Alger lies awake at night trying to devise some new tor tures for the aoldler#.— Chicago Inter- Ocean. Norton Responsible. Such men as Prof. Norton are re sponslble for the extremely low view which Is prevalent as to the value of scholarly men In public atfalra.-New ! York World. When He Recovers. Secretary Algor hn* tried the water and food at Montauk Point, and pro nounced them good When ho recovers he may take them to revise hla opinion. —Chicago News. The Ranking Citizen. Unquestionably Dewey Is today the ranking cltlaen of the United States— the President, the cabinet, the admirals of o hundred days ago not debarred.— Anaconda (Mont.) Standard. Trying It on the Dog. Rob Evans wanted to Introduce the Spanish language in hadeß, and Prof. Andrews wants to teach It In Chicago. Kind of a plan to “try It on tho dog" probably.—St. Paul Dispatch. Couldn't Help It. Assistant Postmaster General Heath says Europe respects us now. They couldn't hardly fall to respect a nation that has demonstrated Its ability to shoot as straight as we do.—Minneap olis Tribune. Why Mamma Spanked Johnnie. Johnnie —Mamma, if the devil wpre to lose his tail, where would he get an other? Mamma.—l don’t know. dear. Johnnie —Where they (v-talt spirits.— Augusta Chronicle. Anything But Hanna. John Sherman would like to return to the Senate, and million* of his coun trymen would rejoice to see him down Hannaism. Not that thyy particularly; like Sherman,hut that they particularly, dislike Hanna.—Kansas City Times. HERALD PRIZE LETTERS nm - SOIIER RESORTS. #S4 tm tt® Inf. 11l fw tw ael |j I w tt* £ft ago* to AW t ■Wat*alt. a®e*»«e».. A Q> WlhfMt It* *4 •'fill'* ttt 1 «R®E#*rif A * - *#* *t®#l ItoEW ft? 9 IttHttK Inmll ttf Alls Pwtt mrnm% Tmm tttf AH m%U mm* iFt* ******* ttr* i«tot* ta >«*to~ta >■*—*** »* tto m*h m&t9 e|w|||Hm rt |l 111 fm# r-*•* fin tttA* 1 1* i* tilt A a T'Ttti.i ""fii i t ittwrlF ttll Imi *'# 1 m *> mt ttk* imr Mi ttitt»** m* < l*t#f »l?f U'Vtt 4N||f AttMttttk. »*flH •• > ttttNtt«nH tt—ltt* w.jdtttt’* IM Il*ttt ■ ill* veA MVMV (UlttiWw#. * *tt ' mm*m tvitiAttM. •» mi 9m ttAf tt#* , I ■< 1 lAtt ttlMfff *<#»*•#• Mk 4 tt#* I fg|rlltHtt >4»f tt>. tlittt Aftt ttflMM ttdttl tttttttirl ~Wt tttt4 tttMMMttlttttMl Ml llttttt. Id 9 w*ty tuMttdnt ttwtttdNl fwffttt- r utt*) tt »t 1 Hkw tfettt ttwrifttklw * «♦!•»#• *m Aft ¥*? * • Pay's wailag a* baa* tto f«r (am.-d awwataia rantag** um tto> TvMw»- : tv* sr Fi**' k Enaid river •# paw- j lag lowly Eawwa a*4 gvs— iavma that ' ■ M •aiervW irvaary day tkta aaamwr. i vaal lanadnT ~ ut donr agrtaklvd atik I rtaistaa aad and parri*y, irrvvrr at •live* pngrtafa, tomtob ari balsam ir***, ttooriay crash. Ha tauik llged | •11111 rkodmtondrwa*. taurri. Etaly sad feraa. any park and fall** fra* rov er** attfc vtaavt hke msaves la every dtrerUuw gave, staving corn, tbe driv er see tired as waa twelve foot btgk. Ait iheougk tto valley w* had a Aae vl-o of Piagah. Ike tt* ht* aad shadow* ma 1* a pin are aa artist < ou'rt paiat. aad we realised H aa* truly God * picture oar dmtinaito* »•» * r**l ewaatry hotel, the landlord a f atal mountain eer who had owned hta home oa tto | i uraplke wtoa aiagia« waa la **•**• | n.,w maverted lal« a wasor hotel. ! with guv#** from Ctw* tnaari. New Or leaas aad Attantn. Too find Atlanta people everywhere: it really mast to a good place lo come from, Tto attrac tions are a* M spring, dninttly lined with feraa and moaaea. *r. Immense ap ple orchard, earranta, raapherrt#* and I —think of H—twelve aervw of while Ni agara grapea, the owner vowed to Shipped lo Augusta Tto dinner wa* tempting milk and bower, tto biggest dtah of fine Chicken It wa* ever my lot to behold—*»td t« contain aixteen chicken*—and blackberry roil We soon learned there were hunter* out looking for deer, and some of the moat enter prising decided lo •" t« tto hlgh*wt point lo See if we could by any mew ns catch the fatnteal echoes of tbe hounds. Up the glen, following the at reant and the Httk- pathway to the highest clear ing: la-fore us a vast chasm many feet wide, and then a large rock projecting from a woody prominence. We did not tarry long before we sighted the hunt ers In their stands. After waiting one hour we were rewarded by hearing tbe faintest sound* of the dogs. Will (toy jump * deer? Then there waa alienee. ! and moat of us were women, all eye* j were on the open space on the reck, j and then came the stag puffing and blowing right In front of u*. on the ver g<b of the pr*clpl<*tt— glance down, one Instant with hts head up as If listening, and away he speeds, a thing of beauty, just out of sight, and here are the hounda running to and fro with their noses to the ground: off they go. yelping. We take one long breath all together and pray the deer may outsrlp the hounds In the race. One said she saw the color of his eyes, one said she saw the antlers: I only know I saw the real true living deer, gjld felt as exhausted as If T had been pursued for miles. It was Friday. The rabbit ran across the road It rained in torrents-but the day’s outing was a success. The nervous little woman of the party even sang— ■*n, 'tls nothing hut a shower— But a quarter of an hour— Don't you think we tpMter Shelter 'neath the chestnut tree." The deer was not caught, and all the women were happy. Asheville Is truly a cosmopolitan place, you see on the streets any day the typical tar heels, who have Just found out about the war. and some of the finest dessed, handsomest ladles of the land elegant equestrienne parties, golf players, millionaires, handsome turnouts that would do credit to New port. It Is universally conceded that the handsomest turnouts and the handsom est women in Asheville this summer, were from Augusta. A woman of taste and extensive travel said: "I can tell an Augusta woman every time. If only I see her hack,such perfect fittlngdress es, such symmetrical figures, such grace of manner, is found nowhere else.” The charm of Asheville to me Is, you are always meeting people you know from all over the country, and never fail to find Augusta people at the Bat tery Park hotel, SUMMER IDLER. Henrik Ibsen has been compelled by the rude curiosity of English tourists to give up his twenty year old custom of going to the Grand Case at Chris tiana at a regular time and spending the evening there with friends. j THIS IS IT EEEWI -'4' . 1 «»«»«k tv® to®**® «#»• I wto* FOR EARLY FALL mi ■ ns ALL SHADES $3.00 Just A f rlvEd. DORR S ; Tailoring. Hati. Fumahtnfv French Furniture Polish Ravrests aad bnghtaaa up Furaiturv. Hard naistod and naiatwi vurfeov*. Ivsry ham* thuutahavsH. Bowies tow Spices For PicLling aad l*rvevrring ran t to had bet ter thaa void by as. We aril tto heat. This to Remember That Alahavttne makr* tha mat perfici and beautiful Wail tmiab. Cotar card free. Roaches We have Peterman's and other Ruach r.Kdv (or killing them. AU oT the Rat Poiaoaa. Aleiander Drag Cmspaa; 7W BROAD rr. BILLIARDS : OLD AND NEW. J 51 tgr;taTgg.sagEgto ► -Honart tv- —» 4 l : r - —m-w 4t®#reut*ttltner*tMi«r k BIT* t kka 100 tkvww F I /P./W totoF-htat tttoto. s«4t®w 4 // y \\ frr 1 * air h tret I 7 I i A X\ Butww. every ttyl® o# k | 1/ \ N\ belk'Mit® nil \ \ / rV. i™\- !°r u ‘r~ u l~A h ’ 9 /(a r sio wou / » «! a".lB , \ JUgkt Tstat / A IttS to IW® ouuiy r 4 k \ //\ whtefckav* nwvrrW F \ // \ f »r* bwwo pa Netted. 4 \ // \ Ik* finikor r«* \ / / \ B»enr *eltt®blw **mt • Y / \ goHuu tw eoTiw®® \ \ *bichwwrw®to wander • I / \ cits, rt bw tn<-* hod* win u j // \ \ ptri-a Uj- Uu. »ofW • f j // \ / TCSktovrw 4\ 4 \/ How to \ | Play. 11 Cloth, 75 cents, rietlblc Leather, *I.OO * H 4 p*|W; Si**, s®t V iochi-s. V Swat, prepeid, to eav ®ddrrro on rwowipt of price. i THE AUGUSTA HERALD 5 AUaUSTA, OA. ► P. H.H.P. H. H. P. - Tbe - IH.H. P QUICKEST. ~_ ! H. H. P. H.H. P. H. H, P- BkstOf Aia.'|H* H. P. ! h. h. p. Liver h. h. p. Medicines H. H. P. H H P. For H. H. P. the Liver i H. H. P. s ° ceutS H. H. P. .. „ „ Howard 5! u „ p h. h. p. billet Drug H - H - R H< H . p. Company jj H . h. p. hThlphTh . p. h.hTr ; SEPTFMBFR 2 ■44# Matts an llligaior Well OrMlEtl fiiwl 9®v*r Pt«mtwd> now in Be* •ttfnc# t The River Swamp Chill and Fetter Cur® [ Prkc 40c. «i>4 91 00 fWHr. and told thr tit hrutfttt*. ttfSb® fUf-an® OME % «r. JX I TttiS* tt#4 VwBW I «%*« wm «•** #«* Mi fimii #*§ - •*0 A Amitt tnttcEk w*o* ** IttAttt # Attt «**# M m «rtp gtt'i >wttl writtßiifKi j | mmmm***** ttttMl *++* It l r ***** ttttMl tlMii •w* «t it *tti tti—y Ml •At f" ttt.ttt l tiA ttttfii tt tttta L I. Garden®. Druggist. Tie Aiipsta Eerali lATttt, Ertiktst id 111 B:it Hfvtliycr Ptklukd ia Tkß ScttiiL • ) jn-'KKT TEI.K'iB ,nl NEWS Tlt£ NKtTS OF THR WOULD WUILT IT IS KKWB. is to in not tut aiikad or OTIIKR GBOBOIA AND EULTU • A HOUMA PAPERS. TRIII KILL CONVINCE TOO 1 MMMia ****** a^^^r PROF. P.M. WHITMAN 209 7lk St.. Afiftosti. Gto SIVE3 *NCE EYT TESTS Hr all defer* «* tight grinds the proper gis.vwv aad WAto RANTS th. it, Lease* cut wto your firm* while yo* nil, FREE OF CKAfiiiE, ■ OK Pi A Tom COAL and WOOD FROM THE North August® Coal & Supply Co tjuaatltv and Qoailty Guaranteed. F W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’ Phone 5164 Stroager .*» fhc WhUely / Exerciser. \l ~ A practical, timplaand Y efilcient Home Exerciser, wSa • ' onevjwcisliy adapted for Jri ladies and children, but \ JK V at the samo time can he Jcmii. V ' profitably used by the /T'AfTC, \ \ strongest athlete. / \ . PRICES: / jl Tl\ toy 75c., *I.OO, »1.5 a I ( ffll bicyclp:s CLEVE- I \ LANDS. HO up; VIK- / I V INI IS. *35 up GEN-/ \ DROSS, *IS up; THOM-1 LJ AS. *SO up. Call and see them. Every one guar- \ 1 / anteed. ' J I / Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st==Teleßlione 3 1 mate Lfttied Wire* Diiect to New York Chicago and New Origan*. Orders executed over our wire® for Coiton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro*, visions for cesh or on margins. Local Cfevurities bought and sold. Reference® —National Exchange Bank of AuffUftt* or Mercantile Agencle®. _