The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 02, 1898, Image 5

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ritIDAV JAMi k, Georgia Railroad Bank L AUGUST A, GKOSGIA t> M *4N|,..ftn Wto t'WM >*. *•»• fAIO l# CAWHft* •*••*• * # **'"" V _ ..... SliSmUS mmmmmm-mrn . % . _ Viiw A A—*, k*ft»t ► M**tosto PB»y> ’rr&is** 4 * fcTTtei tCZmTSX ££#•«*•• w»Vm» THE WHITE OAK CAMP MEETING TH JtoftNwttoft frdftgftftftN |N«' 4lf M*t>iis. IWMkMI «M tW (Ml Ml UM *Mlb»*toft Hl»t. W*»« «*ati wmsh *’’*'* *(#( tkA# tf#iAp4 ! A* H#* XPrnmm H iMM •*** 1 iWiH ti# tftMWOrIMI f##*#*#Af Pise* | liM aiw«t*f nwroHi Pl (#• •■>!.*•* AA* §»**4 •»! «*a# » fmt*4 *• !■* wmipiplps j llmi 4a fH IP IPs #f IPmmp tp j pm* ip PItAI l_lPiP_HawPP» §**•*• IIP Ow*< PUPStpI IP PP •###• •wsr IP* * -[.fufatx* «f ioniumia# «r i pi s ImiUmi »i«ft| ftp* pm* to m« 1 ft*** ft*# *«MI PW ttor |4# • pa «pis Lg.,l ,n »■ pfin tka * i p*' * fr'p«v |if*#4 wfftl vhlfA npp tfVAt, f? s 'ff» A* hi'P . fto •pppps piPPiPP Wfw **» j HMary. p#*fr Ha 44 St S Sf** toffl# two psllss from IH# prrsmi «t# Aft*r On* ppr thto <44 *N* «•> SOM, *nH f«r 3**j* no mr#UA#» w#p» h#N| Th# ivup- P « f r ,«fn tp# m*ir wss |tV<ilAd IP |pr* ! rppsinp iurtnUfAi In Th««Piono aa( Ip I ITS li#*%' i N U*ry or|*nii#4 s ynr v#fn#*nt to rv-Mtaidtoh tPo w##Hnf*. snd th# prrpvu sits wss pyrrhapd and laid .«. fttnr# that datf huadrNl* hiv# pa* ; •fiiihial ysaflv. and «H *‘Whit«* Oak * | ft** a i* iirfTt«l *NH live •« a brlgftt chapter In hlatory Amoftff those who have b##n HI at* ] tendance tnay Ip m#*«itl* > ned IMalhA# j fVrrc. Blaht Haj?##«*4. I>r. Hmtth. , lan) Jones and others equally as fam- Wor*hlp. Th<- service* arc held four tim»* j dailV—via.: • a. tn.. 11 a. m.. 1 p. m . j and I (i, m. Thru- irrricM ara ihnrt. iwimotlve j and enjoyed I»y ail. The preacher* ID attendance always lead In turn Thla year K'v Tho* 11 Tlmmona «a« In char**-, assisted by Kev. J IT Tumlln. Mr W. McCay. the •vangellst-, Songster having the music in *• arge. Ain .UK the viailing minister* who | tonic part were Meaara. Robin*. Llnd aay, Tullle. Brown and Walker. There were the uaual good reautta. ' and many aoola were add d to the worker* tn t tod's harveat (lelft*. The Tents. Aa one views the rough ahelt re used, as homes and known as "tents," he has little Idea what comfort and pleasure they ran afford. Two large room with an open hall way betwen and an open room In the back constitute# the home. Sawdust on the ground gives a nat ural carpet hard to egeel: oak boughs piled around the bark room affords an Ideal summer dining hall: hoard bunka, covered thickly with straw, and then with a mattraaa over them, make a bed on vhlrh the Cabled gods could sleep and real with ease. These hede. a water basin, bucket of water, looking gigs*, brush and enmb constitute the fixtures of the realms Among the "tints" used this year were the following: Bailey, Prather. Lamkin, Reece, Wilson, Perry. Stone, White. Revelte. Thrasher, Willingham. Jones. Larkin, Dunn. Hatcher. Doxler, Nell, Walton, Wright and Others. Camp Picture. As the twilight deepens, huge bon fires are lighted on raised stands around the grounds. The blazing light wood knots light up the surrounding houses, giving a picture that is both ■weird and beautiful. Here and there are groups of the veteran camp followers, discussing the former meetings or other events of In terest. Happy groups cf Itrtlo tot? chase each other around {.be "tents or sit on the JUST IN The very latest in Ladies’ Handsome Belt Buckles and Belts to match, Richly deco= rated. attractive We torciiert & Co., Jewelers eoous | fN*HP tfrrf toptod fcwmMN* «f **§ **«►•#*** ; mmi m idMi t * | a • i%*i» *# 4*At : • f «g| » ifT-ry ******* to#t vpmrtp* U t 1| a I ktoWTtnt Tirflfli'itH j A* (] . I- ■ -[fa# e * Ito# kx#llf *wr iwrwMl { I if,.ui % and ak. rvf yfMA toMI f>»ai n i la toil V fmtm Pm liWlrl* ttoto n< l#!%, j 4iV. •**! a to** tto# |t||i |f% aaM« l| AfMi SHARK INTO YDOB SHOES Alto**'* Ptoaf*B*a* • (warAar N Itoa , |«M. It tmrm fwtnfut •*>*****. «mh* | ife* *tot»a mm <4 rtHm #n4 tußHaw It m tka ervataat mroffifl 4lsmmf of tha «#« Rtoto ttol tofjr It »a a rottali cmrm Fftor aatottof. ioUoM «M dot, |trv4. •rkiiis f«#t Try It to4«| toll If *ll Iriitctit* as 4 a|M*a •t*:-f*-a tty in*tl for Sic la atamf* Tvtol (r !•««« CHICK A4lrtM, Altos II Wiaitod, Lcltojr, H i T. MAVOR SMUT lARSMAL. Pistol Settle* a Allni»dtr»Ui««| In AtkavMr. | Ahhevttie. tla.. Aug. *L—There was a sensation la our tow* thla evening when It was aaa utn. ed that Mayor Holton had abut Marshal Dates (lalea ! asked the mayor to sign some orders land the mayor de»lined to do ao, stat ing that he (Uateet »aa not la ht» 1 . mptny. Met oral moniha ago Col Hot j wattled to dla oahno* one of the i u*‘<) taiahala only for economy s I sake The city council disagreed with him and at their own Instance con- I tinned the two marebala thinking In Mhetr wladom It was heller protection of the town. Col. Holton Informed ; Mlatca aevetal moot ha since that he was , i not In his employ. Thla Is why be de- : icltned to sign the order* I llatee, as ue are Informed, threat- J ’, ned. but Holton peratated. Hates still : ‘ persisted and threaU ned. but Holton still declined About 1 p. m. Hatea ! itarted Into Holton's office, and Holton | tired «*n him. It Is a flesh wound and not at all likely to prove serious, j aa he was out In a short time on the • ! »trwti. I The round! and mayor have agreed j very well aa to all other business that I Includes the beat Interests of the town, . and as far aa your correspondent i knows perfect harmony obtains, with this one exception. Col. Holton is a i practicing attorney: also county Judge j and a very enterprising man. Mr. I Oates made a good marshal and la a clever, nice man. Millions (liven Away. it la certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to lie generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tor* of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of thla great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all diaeases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surety cured by It. Call on Howard A Wlllet, druggists, and get a trial bottle. 10e. Regular slxe 50c and |l. Every bottle guaranteed or price re funded. Ought to Pe Honest. If Hanna had finer sensibilities and lers egotism, he would not talk for pub lication concerning the results of the war. Tha peep!* have not forgotten that he declared there would be no war. and that "only loaEera and tramps ’ wanted It. 20-year filled gold watches In ladies' and gents’ sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewi# J. Schaul's. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. ** RDM* (tke? v w *sw* #*»%., ihhMivMtf * *-yt- ,■*• #*♦ Mat* Imm** I $$ imsis t*t* tawßyHys r, *ms aggmt ha I st* VMMf t**»* m m*m «<*• in* »wMt*t to to** It • irnirtr' Iks* h*lMn( I* •*r»v Mssv rtmwawe will to m*4> *»■*! tiimtl i»s*slt ttos *»'•*■« npsiw's t wMisgw ** **t ft*v ye n ki ky •»•» (Mam •Hh tor •ntatoto In trying t" via n I'd• heart. * t «t>M mac atied M*e* hi* h**4 LHlsre fnv* *m* e*Mtev toy* at tom* it*** aae r**4 **Mh ***rh mtarwet tt a man fall* <4t a »w*4 to rettataly has aa enmaae ter aavaa-4raattaa(l. The wife govern* tost wh*» 4«ean"t I let her h«eton4 ha«w ato'a trying. Mr. Berry Jnhneon ha* toea promote* |to a regular eg the nre depart meat The ItgUrfrr in the Georgia Cheml tab Ptaghett rasa ha* to* overtuNM. A womag alwaya agreag nfth a m»« whose optgtaas ary tha same ay hee ova. The only good bicycle made Is the on# on aed hy every whectmsn y»*u meat. Mr Woodward'* new house Just above the upper barracks will to a beamy. Prune men would suffer from dyspep sia If they were compelled to eat their own words. A doctor who has unlimited faith In his medicines la apt to try too many experiments. Mrs. T. If Olbhee. Jr., of Augusta, I* visiting her mother, Mrs. Cook, at the Newberry. If a man would only keep hie opin ions to himself no one nould deny his right to them. The river at 1:1* this morning reg istered 2* feat, dwamp crops are a thing of the peat. Mr. W. Edward Platt will soon more Inin his ne w quartets corner of Jackson and Telfair streets. George Ketrhum. Ksq., w»* at the Arlington yesterday. He is Interested tn Georgia day at Omaha. Ml»s Jssnle Henson. Augusta's tal ented young violinist, will play on the concert stage this winter. It is announced that Jud:e Calla way hnn overruled the motion for a new trial In the Humphrey case. Miss Lila Beago is being greeted hy many ftlpnds upon her appearance af ter her recent severe Illness. Only stupid persons eomploln of hard work. The smart ones always manage to get others to do their share. Mr. Frank H. Miller, an attorney of Augusta. Is stopping at the Ara gon.—Atlanta Journal, Kept. 1. It Is said that married men make better clerks than single ones. They are not in such a hurry to got home of an evening. Dame Rumor says there will be sev eral peals of wedding bells this fall, and Augusta will lose some oi her best young women. Before marriage a girl Is very near and very dear to a man: after marriage she is nearer yet and dearer still to his pocketbook. Miss Mary Bigger has returned from Asheville, and is stopping with Mrs. Annie Walker, corner of Reynolds and Mclntosh streets. The Herald today publishes a letter from H. Rosooe Perkins,who is travel ing In Europe. Mr. Perkins writes very interestingly of the sights and scenes in Paris. The Georgia train from Augusta was an hour and forty minutes late this morning. The train was delayed at Mll ledgeville on account of a big washout. —Macon News of yesterday. Dr. J. T. T»rry, of Trimble. Tenn , in speaking of Chamberlain's Colie, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It has almost become a necessity in this vicinity.” This is the best remedy in the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and Is rec ognized as a necessity wherever Its great worth and merit become known. No other remedy Is so prompt or effec tual, or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. thjb vATJOTtsta 2ND GEORGIANS MAKE 1 KICK Tit t>m—if fwpmM* Ttow to* l saal Hastov I'mam * (to Itot* Mm Aatoto* n#**»m f’toto# WMM —to—j I I |ft —I Ij—j| RltlMh fthl p—to—f# 4flff j i* f I miw tt 1 *ito mmpmmf to If* ; Is fini —I I** Ip# i"■ * <4l * m* * i ito pm *********** «#*! ito# rwmpnm** I# lA# DM—P Ml •« lA# toM M* ! ftolN M M toMiPt* «• «ftt «p to<* ‘. i i*rn ************** *#4 tllfC ***** A L . f # . . i J iM . —to# v h-jf « * * AAtlt A AAA **t ilpp! ti fp —IS! it in n til PI r<toppi«f C A tA# M rmmm*r tn iff r—(Tie—if *t*4 • 111 A tit# fir— «f | tii# mhm rt«—|MAt ltitelr#*t* iw *Rt#4 at jwAwi up bfvpr Aft>r» 4«t hrtol s>A* \ ’ ■* f p i spswr t lrut. Baxtoy, to W hom th# Boy» Made t heir Kick. puny C'a fir# la aridom staitrd l»#fore the first call fur reveille. Wh"n the men returned to tbe street they p k ed Harry Jones «ff Ihe ground and held him up at arms' length, and guve him a loud and lengthy cheer. Jontw I* a groat favorite all the men am) If there I* an opening there la no doubt that he will be among tbe first to be promoted. On Dress Parade. A dress parade in full uniform was] had on yesterday afternoon and waa ] witnessed by a gmit many Indies and j gentlemen from Huntsville "ho drove! out. It waa al first expected thxt the’ state flag would be presented hy the] Savannah ladlex, but It will take pl& 'o] thl* afternoon in the court bouse yard In rtunißVllle, at four o'clock, Tho regiment made a splendid appearance when marching In review In columns of companies, Company C eupeclally. getting the first applause. Company B and Company D also got applause from the onlookers. They are There. Capt. R* nkl nnd Co. p. Farr of of Company E, an I I’rivaie Mays of Com pany C, returned a few days ago. Re cruit Burrows a coin pan led them and was assigned to Company C, filling up the roster to the greatest number al lowed by army regulations. Private Allen waz selected as order ly yesterday, the first fioni Company Cin nearly t' t> months. He natural ly feels proud of th|p distinction. Plenty of Furloughs. A great many of th" men are gating furlough*. It If 'comparatively an easy thing to do nt-.w. This Is on indica tion that we will soon either be mus tered oul or wt will be sent for gar rison duty in ono of the newly ac quired colonies, and the authorities aie letting the Ton see their ho , n' , s before sending them away for a pro longed al.sen e. Warren Lanham left yesterday on a furlough good for ten days away from camp. Sergeant Joe and Artificer Barney Goetchius are expecting to leave tomorrow, and a great many ap plications for leave will be In between new and pay clay. Some are applying for honorable discharges and if ap proved by the captain they will he granted; \o be approved, u sufficient reoson must be given. A great ma jority of the men are anxious to get back, and no doubt if r.o definite ar rangetreut is made known to the men in the next tow week* the present dis satisfaction felt on that snore, and which came to a head a week ago !n the petition'-Mr dischargee signed hy 75 per cent of the men, will again cul minate, and there will probably he se rious trouble. ■ If the officers had giv en the petitioners a few hours’ more > THIH6S T 0 RtiD. < iv, a* ns «.* T*# *•»» a .to* TMI |(— ftp, ##!•# * -f r A*♦*rtor# At tA# i rntfit #4 ttii# v#tof«t#f It I#! A *t tA#< A### Attl# totot’ * n -‘ | | Wr In nf# * |*A‘t it f * p#to#4 WMMMM ▼##. «m> AAtftHAl* to#'’ *• PA— 4 H" a-**- '*( m pp| UR It# t*AC» I **** ""rii'tSid gt-xr; when vrf „( yvara wilt t«*to from I Little ttmwtt * O.'s prvsa early «*»• j.., i, .» i A t*> publish'd tn two vM- uniform with his "Uffuvnc <4 Another hi 11 sp indrnt J R, Chsni turtala of the New T«wh Even lag P**d. was tn the mob «f tto light and 4v h.ov the Kpanlards r oight »t C*n«*y H I* a pwrnti. te-**«ltl«. as an many off!.",, hav. rwmmraiM ut-»n - the brave Bpauuuws a ne The oldest member of the French I*o - dv* Gens dcs Lettrvs Is a wt»m#n, Mnte dw Bos CKlvrn She teas horn in May. 17**. and *HH writes vigorous letters to the nrwsisiper* from her home In Angers. Fifty years ago she published s number of novels. There I* a touch of path"* tn the i statement that the t„M>k most f’eqU'O?- | ly ratted for In the library of King Slug is Charles Meade's "Never Too late j to Mend.” The same author's "Put ‘Yourself In His Place'' hold* the **<*- • nd piste in popularity with the In mate# of the prison. •When life In town seem* absolutely unbearable and I feel like drowning myself Just tn got cool. 1 make It a I point to walk nvvr one of those hot air ventilators let In the sidewalk oulsld" of hotels and restaurant*. It make* (me feel cool and eon tented for the rest ~f tit' day.” at,ld the man with a high, stiff collar. | in a letter published In the "Answera tn C< 'respondent*” department of a v.Oman's Journal the writer ask* If It | would be considered proper for an en ! gaged girl, whoso dance Is very 111. to go to see him without tt chaperon. h"r next question trelng: ” Is It considered j proper for on engaged girl to put "h j mourning In case of her fiance * i deathr —“ I The Chicago Bttsrd of Education has pet about extending the usefulness of] the nubile school system unon linos of recognized utility. It proposes to make ; the L aching of cooking nnd sowing a t regular part of the training given to girls as well as tho ordinary rmllmen tal instruction In reading, writing, ci phering and grammar. Instruction In domestic science will not be optional but obligatory. start the other day. there may have been a disturbance, but it was taken in bund in time to prevent much Btrong feeding getting the bettor of the men. Little mention. Dan J. Jordan Ib secretary now at the Y M. C. A. tent. The drummers of the band nre sick, and we have hud no music and ■• ill not have for several days. Every one feels disappointed, as the band mu *ic soothes a lot of savage feeling in the soldiers' breasts, while they are living the dreary camp life, a rd its ab sence is only another cause for dis content. The sudden storm of a few days ago destroyed nearly all the arbors in the company si reel a. and some men nar rowly escaped severe hurts from tho falling sapplings and brush. The ar b -rs will not he rebuilt, but they are not. wanted now. aa the weather is so much cooler. Lt. Baxley has folded his tent and prade a forced pilgrimage, to mingle with the officers of the Third batta lion, as his tent site was flooded with water at every rain. He is now on high ground. Charlee Greenwood Benson. OASTORIA. Beam the Itlß K'™ l Y ' JU lla,e ftlways ou 2 tlt rr Saturday Shoe Bargains No •lor* m tho etty off#r* oueh influo*- m«nt« to ftolurOoy Ah— on* Hot buyoro oo wo ptoc# on m># —ch #•#!«. Ev*#y ** of •ho— w# throw out i« morK#d down o« i#oot on#*third, ond In m#ny inftUnc— on*«h*lf off to #i##n. This Saturday W# hov# on unuftuol vorMity of bor*#*n# - rooily too numorou* to mention in thl# limittd »i>oc#. Buy of u* onßoturdoy. W# knock *#m oil out- Wm. Mulherin’sSons&Co. 840 Broad Street. imiHiruc or m rcii.orv. 1 hrw to OM MgM (Ktw»v»4 to AOtoay AlAbav ftrpf A mm TA# Alttoto# Atof* A«#r As AtoVAlAfv to*4 is Ala As ANifli tn* ill### AtKpfi#ai hmmtm *• ia«a i—• Tm*4*f aiaA! Hi# am** Hto* ■ INidAAI Aaal **** #1 tA# ANA Ami HA (AM* ,iii,nngr ***** 144 «•» ft#A#A ***** A# Vt OlflOft »*»Ms bows «f Mr !M • ft* *••* : * fccsOa |ni ti| oftni Wf »## ( -*t ,r itL NGn 1 floar, ureal sugar ate . and on* of Mr, i Hank's shins tbs bras of th* laitar •avs Mr. Cook, toing bkv.l wmw» aa ,» .nvolvva a gond 4a*l of toao of i »o» I va his Man whits waiting wt» a w>eh 'to have hi* uttor shir oaaoed Tha third case was molly rwly aa aitroint. Ml It ANA* 4tofOTtff4 at liflN to (ffttrW [ If WM Bfll offetrt hi MMOIt# tO (**t . food or diahos and advarwoie oM the dlbtag laid* of Mr John Kbaw. who, | with hla wife. «to#tai room* at the : rsaldswre of Mr. J. L. Juhustoo, on i Pits* street, next tkuir to M alt a wara hoas*. Mr. Khaw. who was alesplag ta aa adjoining row. was awaketmt by th# rattling of dlahro cauaed by their bring drown on the tablecloth toward the window through n torohen pane In which the marauder waa oper ating Locating lb# position of lb# Intru der by the sound and the light that shone through the half often blinds. Mr. Shaw fired hla pistol at th# glare and must have narrowly misanl hi* j man. who Immediately disappeared I leaving no trace. In the robbery at the Methodist par ( scnage and at (he hone of Mr, Cooh, Ihe same familiarity with the places was shown that baa cbarocterlged ihe other recent burglaries in Albany. The money lost try Mr. Carlos waa In the pocket of a vest whl h was left bunging In tbe hallway. The thief*] entrance war effected through one of the parlor windows, and nothing in! the bouse was molested but the vest, I which was left a ahotl distance from the house utter being rifled of it* con- j tent*. Nothing hut a few large barefoot j tracks were left aa a clue to the vll- 1 lain. Mr. Cook think* the thief trust have known the situation of things at his house, and he also thinks he knows who the guilty party la. These bur glaries are becoming alarmingly fre quent of late, and II behooves everv- Itcdy (o he on their guard against such visitations. Pistols. Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols. $2.60; Harrington & Richardson second hnnd pistols. $2.00. America® double action pistol, SI.OO. (Juitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L J. Schaui, Reliable Pawnbroker. HARRIS LITHIA WATER --FOR-- Dyspepsia and Kidney Trouble. I have a New Piano for sale on easy terms. If you want a Piano call and see me. 3F£. T_m. FOX, 816 Broad St. SHEWMAKES. ftfePTtMftff* t CRAWmOVtit *— to Catog •• to Taltotoryw Cggg—s Igtortat to TV llsratd I ctngrtordvJto, ft*#- ft- - Tha (*• anal term ut tft# super tor ewafg <*• . ig.ed f.v# day* tags wseft. »e 4 I bnsught many lawyer* frato s' 'W$ I aed wear ps* l #* frwni the * jtonwndia# 1 . uairy Tft# toot# , sport sat esse* ' tft# d*rh#t at# artttod and Ift# ras#a ! ri#d wata measly tor trivial oftgg- Aevea young persons esh lupti**d j «aai bunds* laUi tft* fvltowafttp cd our j |ia„ m < pu tvh A tmilisitonr* of tha • tpeafta# waa fbrftsddea by «h* heavy . -am* tha> has* aider b##n failing Th# banh of Crawfagdviil# will go i mo tosipto with the beginning of he pretont monttk torn# olhto ehan ] |fsa gre ,»ported to oeur In buaindga ; dries at th# same AU the young poopi' and aaany oldsr ones at* Wohlng forward with Uvtdy I tmereat to tho openiag of Ktefitons' i High school. A large atiendane# I* *g- I parted Prof. Jordan H. rtandford has two • spemilng a w##h with hla brothers In Home ll* Is Fipeclad husuv soon. H»n. John T. t haproao and wife, af ter n sojourn of several weeks with relatives aud friend*, have inroad to i their home at Piymouth, Fla. Mis* Addt* Waddell, daughter of i Hun. J. O Waddell of Atlanta, has ra : nt im*l home after spending a couple of , weeks with Mlsa Jant# Held, at this place. Mr*. Mattis Norton Th»m|iaag of Augusta a viatUng her parents this w rest. Tl.e dt mo< rat* of Tallaftom county met iu mass mooting oo (he Slat of August, and proceeded at once to the nomination of candidates for repreawi talive, and the several county officers. For the flrsl named position Mr. W. R. Reid waa named; for clerk, C. H. Golucke; for treasurer. W. W Byrd; ‘ for sheriff. W. B. Taylor; for tax col lector, W. O. Wright; for tax receiver* ft. L. Vogy; for surveyor, S. J. Jones, Jr. These nominations were all made hy acclamation and were practically un ■ an I mous. Mlsa M. E. Collins, lately of Ellen : ton. H. C , has been spending sometime with her friend# at Liberty Hall. The delegates from Greene, Warren nnd Taliaferro met In Crawfordvlllev and nominated C. C. Hoard as randi-* dale for senator from the Nineteenth district. Prince Albert of Flanders Is home again, and from some of his statements of what he saw In the country, as made to a Brussels newspaper, tt would ap pear that he wc.s. at times, too highly entertained during hla visit to this country.