The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 03, 1898, Image 8

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OATUftOAV With The Byes Of An Artist and The Judgment Of An Economist Our buyer ic«iww4 ibb er#*mn«« pro iturfkm• at toe tAivnti u»ere ifrewo upon mtenwity* Mki ceptfeJ ««• er»ir*k» Hm #*|i#ei#f*c# we* inveluebk*. The cor»«etjuer»re >• • «o*iect»op ■ of WJ Cte*** mtlhai ti reedy mo»mpAf*m Uwfc « our Uyte* end price*. Look *t the •ty»e* end Seewhere. Of cowree, our buyer puMieaaert unmuei Queiiftcettcm* for the fMgceerfui ffic comptHthmeet of he teak Thedtfferervoe be tween our School Suite end others <a *n*rniy drown. We mode tmktcikmm with eemestnewi end severity, end evoided ell the felled** end errors of the times* THE RIVER IS LOWER Dan X* Led a> If M VtaM 6* n Si. C**B»ry, to* *•* W 1 fItKM to N»«t Tto aw «tt to* wO M fort. a* iiWwr yantetenv a ww At %«M h *aj m newt-r •**# w»» Sm it ffuft at sfMMi jNadsTSajf, bsir* *' ft ti S ItdM. Tto mot mrM • toHrtrt °T whowf to frrt last night h 4 heta*»fW *“ sue** ** * • *-»* ***• ■—«■« « M fort, A tneto*. At 1 nM- eNR 1 Hrtn It re • Mined #i fit a* pntni «*>'" wtoro ito IUH' ikmrl to fort I Incbro It wrrm hard It probable ib»i It wltl rrm> b tto predkied M fort, Tto toaitof stofwt W» Irday f* - prWIMI tto rlnt la hi* offic-al fora- Tto river ihla morn in* at * a n» ax to fart t Inrtoa, baa la* ftlliD Lao terbaa aim a early wnrnkn* Ttoro «ar* aowa rate* la tto upper baaia alaaa me; morning, but not kiatf enough, ft la thought. to materially af fart (to fall io« la y»»wn- JUDOF OfTAO. Hr Passed Away a* j O’Cteck Tkl* Moral** Mr John H NetbMn* (MW »t * o'clock tbla at bl» home corner of Wjrldr and Reynold* street*. of paraly sis Mr. Nsibling had baan alrfc for fourtaaa month* and had baan confined to hia bad ter the pan' throe month*, during whiah tlma ha had borne hla suffering with uncomplaining and pa tient fortUoda. Mr Nalblln* wa» •i wall known alt j*»n, was 56 yaara old and waa for •li ter# yaarr • magistrate In tha Fourth ward. Ila leave* to mourn hla death ao rMluran. Mra. W. T. Jonaa. Mrs. J. K Keener, Mlrtaa Julie, Kffle and Amalia Nelblla* and Mr. John Neib lln* Jr. Th» funeral services will ba hold at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from tha First Urrabyterlan church, of which ha wax a ir amber. VIC FOUCHERS PATENT. A Combination safe Lock Which Hay Ha a Winner. Mr. Viator Fouretiar, *r.. fat the orig inal patentee of a combination safe lock which will be put upon the mar ket. Tha lock la apparently Just Ilka any other aafe lock, tho combination being act In the name manner. In tha centre of the dial, however, la Inserted o small latch key which upon being taken out locks ttie combination so securely that It cannot be opened save by ngnln ap plying the key. It can tie placed In any safe and will doubtless mee. with o ready sale. Mr. Kourcher has not et derided whether he will sell the patent outright or dispose of the locks. l)r. W. H. Harrison Is nt present North In the Intereet of the Invention. Mr. Kourcher has a special talent along the line of Inventions and ».as put several good things on the market. CAPT, J. F. LYON Will Take Charge of Paine, Murphy & Co's Interests on the Roar. In stating yesterday that Mr. McCur dy- was to assume charge of Messrs. Paine, Murphy & Co.’s brokerage office, The Herald neglected to say that Capt. J. F. Lyon, the former general mana ger, had been promote dto take charge of the firm's Interests on the road. Capt. Lyon will supervise and look after-the affairs of several offices of Paine. Murphy & Co., situated In sev eral Southern cities. Meeting of the Woman’s Hxchage. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman’s Exchange will be held Mon day at 11 a. m. at the Exchange. Bus iness of Importance will be transacted nod a full attendance o£ members is desired. „• * ..—*- AN AUGUSTA MAN KILLED Rafcfft WH lifT. Katwrl; ts Tilt Clli. ski It WatiiaflM. Tto H—klb Ottsifrt to a Ptoptoe Over • Ibbt. tl Ml tram Wmwhimtum, (U , I tluil ft hawkl4» kictiffvd lb*f« iNii j mn««l«| tltft tortMf faflkitlf I A fyMMI <4 A ug'uvt# Tha nui * fiioh Mrwvt la summed m this atate "Kotsrt Wallses was shot and killed jtqr William Harper at It atrhrk today !in Wa»hinai «a la a dtapaia over aa * Waller# hit Harper with a ham j mar Tto latter sbrt tto farmer through tto heart • Wallace same hero town Aurusta a tew yaara ado Ms was a hiaebsanlth in tto Uaorgta railroad shop " FORT ROYAL STILL CUT OFF. Connm.l lona W Ul ho Tads ta Sav an aah Today Trains on the Georgia main line am I running on schedule lima today, the wrrek, mruHoard la The Herald of yaotrrday. at Burkhead, having hern rlearnd away. On Ihr M aeon branch of (hr road thing* are still a hit out of ordar. No *1 re pars to Macon ran gel through, and «o attempt to carry paaerngrra or freight la being mad# Workni. nl are busy repairing the washouts, but tbry are many and It will be a week before trains ran run on schedule time On the Central trnffir ta still Inter fered wfth and the getting to Savan nah is out of Ibe question at presrnt. On the Charleton and Western Car olina (Port Royal division) trains are getting through lo Yetnaaaee and a tel- j • gram received from the officials of the Plant system lafk night, stated that their road would be In condition for trains lo run over by today, so Savan nah can be reached by tbla route. Port Royal la still shut off from the outside world, aa far oa railroad con nection la concerned. Things are being fixed on the Au gusta Southern and soon passengers will be able to go through to Sanders vllle without transferring. The main cause of the washouts. It I* learned, Is the allowing the ditches along the roadbed to clog up and so when a heavy rain comes the water rise# above the track and undermines the rails and ties. The wreck on the Georgia road yes terday was found to (have been a hit more serious than was at first learn ed. Two tralnment were slightly hurt. One waa brought to Augusta last night and the other taken to hla home near Buckhead. Several freight cars were smashed up In the wreck. The track Is clear today. - ' ' LABOR DAY. The Postoffice Will Close on Monday Next. Monday being Labor Day the post office will observe Sunday hours. La bor Day Is a national holiday. The day will not be observed to any extent by the labor unions here, but In Colum bia, Atlanta and a few other sister cities, the day will be celebrated. Editor Josiah Doar of The George town (S. C.) Times is In the city. O-A-T^ir^ih: is A LOCAL DISEASE ami is tho result of oolds and suddon climatic change*. FOR YOUR PROTECTION we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injurious drug ELY S CREAM BALM H acknowledged to be the most thorough curt' tor Nanai < atarrh, « olds in the Head ami Hay Fever of nil tvemedics It opens and cleanse* the nasal passages, allays pain atd intiatnma ton, heals the sores, protects The membrane itoiu colds, restores the Fcnses of taste and smell. A p irticle is applied directly into the nostrils, is agreeable. Fifty cents at Drug gists or by mail; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS, *6 Warren New York. TBX JkTJ&TJ&TA. MmMJLZJZ. IpE^nTiElTioMj ■HM |f H ftfltH*# *■s Ml Ml 41 * AMMMt at ttfK IIIji tmtt 4 # Ml tlNi 4k W. Hw4M*' Ms fwH- Ml Ml f%44 tKO Mini Ml Ml 4MM lIiHMMI j Mmi C Hi MMM M§ ttSMMIe Ml Ml IlMi J 4k HnmiM Ms m *i *%*; I AHUfMI J, $ MN4MM ait JMmI 0*9% «• Ml «M» [ |, Hr Ms fVlti"H>l4 Ml Ml j ht%*mttom J, H Bmmll of Cmtmtmteo tm M t%m ' I A# L«R4* IjM-toMCtortmnnfo J*4e M. ffiewto wf Itoeewwefc w M tto AftoftoW Mr 4m* Heart «t Mtoto. M Ml tto (1m C*. tom* es tgvmtow It M fto I fiMWWWtI a H Ohwelm art Jwkiam te rt «to 1 CMWgwerrtel M J, hmm ml QwttaM •#••**» | Ctoßtoeerkat. I* ¥ lIMHi Ml NflfflH*. A Cm N Ml 2 lit Migittt || 0 fIMMMMML Ml ?«l Mi Ml' j WiWm [ C* €rt> M#MIMNMMI O 0 KjMll^MlMHfl. 0b CJ w |1 HM»MS M>Mil'fMltll» It tl j Ilf AtIiMPMI R f. Uaetom. of Wiwetoe N C, I# |tt lUt P’UHMtfM Mr wart Mra Wwiter Itor toee r»- II Hf Bfol IA Ike fiw Mr. Arthur Ifceani will na.fl from New Veek Mamdey Mr TipM ttVtmwm rrturwml from (New York yertertkiy W K DwNrm. a»f Wlidm I* regie i teeed *4 tto Ftowrer*. Fwttor M< Mehntt kM rmurn-1 from • vtett |g> Nwrth C.rnHn* j C M Camly. wf WeehlwctM. I* Ik the I ril} am railroad bmuweaa , M Jammw and T. MrNklr of drlphla tee el tto Arilwgtoo Mra J. H Helikhaw nf ItevaMMh Is tto gweel wf Mr* H R Fund J. fYmh Pulltwaai cooaert-d with sh» A*rowner Trlepfcowe rompany le qtrtt flL H M Ren ana and Maanw Carrol! nf Atlanta nr* regiaterod at tto Arling ton. L. C. Miller anal H. C Juetlre of DnrlnnnU are regsrtered at the Ar ! Ilnglon. Mr and Mra D J. Rnwlea hare ro ! tamed from the tnoutHrtn* of North Carolina. Mr, and Mrs. George Argo left ta> j day for n brief vtalt to Atlanta and Alabama. | Mtaa Mamie Kiorhley will leave next | week for New York to aelact tor rtork of fall and winter millinery. Mra. R. R. Tharher and little daugh ter Lamb, are no a vtalt to Mra M Gardiner on Telfair street. Lieut. Charley Kanckrn, of the Sec ond Georgia regiment, is expected , home tonight on n furlough. The friend# of Mra Hineon Smith ! will regrrt to learn that ahe la quits | airk at her home on Bay street. Mra. Felix Luck and children, who have been summering at Wayneeville, N. C„ are expected home Monday. Mia* Alice Standaflaid. a charming young lady from Granlteville. S. C„ )• the gueet of Dr. and Mr*. Thomas Walker. Mlaa Roes Collin* and Miaa Amtffia Atchison leave Monday for a visit to Asheville. They will be guest* of Miss Srhroeder. Miss Clara Bartley will make Atlan ta h.-r future home. She has ben of fered a splendid position there. She has many friends and admirers in Au gusta. Dr. W. R Stradley. pastor of Trinity church. Atlanta. Is very seriously 111. with typhoid fever. This will be learn ed with much regret by his many friends here, where he was recently slat lotted. Mrs. C. H. Oesjen was the hostess yesterday of an enjoyed social function *-tlie afternoon tea with which She complimented Mrs. J. H. Helinken, of Savannah. Those present who en joyed Mrs. Ootjem'a delightful hospital ity were: Mrs. J. H. Helinken, of Sa vannah; Mis. George Washer, of New York; Mrs. Georpe Evers. Mrs. C. D. Sancken. Mra H. R. Pund. Mra J. C. Labousem. Mrs J. H. Meyer, Mr. Jos, T-abouaem, Mrs J. H. Meyer, Mrs. Jo seph Octjon. and Mrs. Marion Rob ert. RAISINQ A GREAT ROW. Some Colored People Had at the Law and Railroad. Rome of the colored people are rais ins a great row about the enforcement of the state law on the street railroad In Augusta. The Union, one of the weekly colored papers, advises the colored people to not ride on the cars. President Dyer informed the Union that Ills company was forced by the people through an act of the legislature to pursue such a course. He said they were getting along all right under the old arrangement of allowing passen gers to select their own seats, but when the law was shoved nt him there was no alternative for the road. The Union says the new arrangement Is “upon the compliant" of a few cltl xens of the great and autocratic city of Summerville’ 'and counsels: ' Purely as a matter of piLaetple the colored people of this city should leave the street cars entirely to the whites until the hateful order is hauled down." MAY OPPOSE MR. FLEMING IYIR f iMMMI *• ftr.ft Mh ' fto towtNtoat to Fto <w to IfoMtof HtM * too***** Ylm* lwMu| 4rti» 4 tee i toto ktogtod. A tvtotiM to* ktogtod todtokfi jtfejav MrK'to-y Hettoto fotoenw I Hereto! HettMe e«4 Hrttotol Oetoto»- j rowrim’.k* m Mi cdMl* wf ip* l J A YIAKt «• *» I * a4r ftoHifWl c*| |,t AVfMIt «%'H to PifP 1 T . Vpa *%yot ppi pppppipPto two I tout m wt Ip# fpPf'liMM# 4HP I#P* Ipa pi fftApm ppA IP# wbf&o pp ppp ipp* j«»! -j» pp«pp4 wtllMPrt AUPiPI ipfefPNritop pffpp fpfpiftpfp Ip I *InM orn pt«i >P4 ppp trwff I <pp -p ImMM4I PP Ifk'llPl •(kPIPPPC H ■ 111 iipliMl IkPt Ip 00 HfcptttwsPi P PPPi* } ititiop tt*f roupffp* pill p# pmiAm. &Pt P I PPC WMt. Tho fPPMPIttPP PPP IP PPPiIPP Frif i I lopp pPilp w WI*l ppi 6am* rmm\ I J tftpvr boon 6< m* Ip * | aulrf 4 f- ppHtl i 111, **lNlt tPPPP PPP j imfr of pp tpPIIPPiIPP I® pP»P all I tklppi fpllv rptkpr tPftp in 6omro lo j t prtftll talk n 4 |lp Piprpptlop pw* retrtrti rt length Tto. I not MUrtfod i that *o for a* exprfertna »to mad* le I tto egeecto* *»d to for •• tto roto j mil lee me* tsyntMl tto wleto* of tto Itorty. the tedlcedoe le that It la tto I with to pa* U U * ceadldste for Cm green "Tto gkltoriM to* •• pleaMnt enJ jog eiroly conducted to the beet church meeting. I don't know when tto com mittee of screw will he nppotMcd.'* MERMZIBAH NOTES. The Latest New* From That Thrffty t.lttle Tow*. j Hpc is) to The Herald, i llcphiibah n . kkpL J.—A ho* of hire eautblto, clothiw*. dry good* nod many useful article* were packed and •hip ped by express yeeterday by the ladle* us the Heph*ib*h Baotlrt church to the Georgia Baptist Orphan*' Home In At lanta. Rev. R B Seat* has been called *• pastor lo Mount liCbnoon church for the ensuing year. Prof. R H Barxeron will 'enve thin afternoon for Mitchell, where he will open hi* school Monday morning. Prof E P. nark. Mr*. M. B. Clark ami Mia* B»»le Clark have returned from Benll Spring*. Rev. W. I. Delph conducted service# In the M E. church on Thursday even ing. Mr*. S. E. Walker and Mi»* I-tilo Walker h»ve returned from Beal! Spring* They speak In high term* of the place a* a health resort. "Bingo." the large pet dog belonging to Dr. W. H. Baxley, died last night of old age and general debility. There will be the usual Sabbath school service* at 10 a. m. Sunday In the Baptiat church. Preaching at tl:lB a. m. by Rev. C. M Carswell and at 8.15 by Rev. R. A. Tjinadell. There will he no services In the M E. church. That congregation will be at camp meeting. ST. MARY’S CHURCH. Special Services Are Arranged There Tomorrow. There is to ba a special service at St. Mary's Episcopal church tomorrow (Sunday) evening at 8:30 o'clock, of unusual Interest IR Hie coton'd church men of this city. The rector Informs us that he hopes every one of the communicants uho belong to this church will be present and all others who desire to see the condition of Afro-Americans Improved, religiously and physically. The Rev. John F. Porter, in charge of this wotk. is a lib eral minded man, without prejudice, who is U9ing every energy to place this church of St. Mary’s where it shall be felt as a power for good among a race who comprise fully one-half cT the pop ulation of this city; but of course this is not the work of one man. and suc cess is impossible unless the people of any church stand at the back of tbe minister and give him the support and encouragement be needs. This church has met many difficulties, but its op portunity is now before it. If It will like any other put its shoulder to the wheel ami press fcAtVard. It all and we ore assured that no one will hear from lts,()ulp!t anything by which offense can tie taken upon doc trinal points. M« Porter preaches “Christ and Him Crucified.” and noth ing else. 1 I I S. »- Many nfen who Have made fortunes In large -cities are-erow choosing the country and agricultural -pursuits. on fpppPtV fcMl**P4 fiMfep »»**> ft#pAn mto 9>o ji ‘* l " 4t oo4 % * m tw* ! |tii([»ry A, «iHNM#4fft Af’t-tpwp. pi l * *4P ItorttP (Ml *ot- iftl fTWftflt O 0 I' Ttw^Vtiipii— rr pf» mm N Tv,* «*« am pMimP ho** «4 Ppp* 1 kP4>« »p •Ml rt*<l !■» Ppr flip* r * n4IH»§ [ Wiiliiiiitip. Op . tfc*« pwiPIP4 jtt i ffctflft* Us tip* PP tt DFTlpftl toll jntpur#** at tip P*PtP tm IP* ttffif l»y | dliHFft Hi tn 4 IP feptfl* tut |Hr« I n mi*!!’ •!»• Mr pot opt P rpP4«4pt* BpPliiHt H-fi Vi m II rvmiup , rv.therot.ew te *te.-1 r-Wtoent to *• »«-*« «* •» »• fototh CNroMto. | Bkarttro WaaMtolon deliver tww p4"l rraor* IP npilPl'P am Pop* It. 1 An «r rpptrprt 1m ih* *%l* |pC rfpl iPtPt# Ip lot IP Ut PPf IPS. There ku he«i wnioh domaor* *«ie for J the non* in tto Caceltnn cart wo** ttlM The New T«rh et«wh exrton«e Is !. intod oh irrastt nf It# being lebnr dey There muet he «« tnrrroee in ex proto rote* In Cnroßha hertiuee of the war tax. Alfred Button, nrtvate. C«. O. Brot Klortde. died nt fort McPherron of Ip pbert fever. The Spenlah pnvemroent toek* the rote*«e nf all Spanish prleoarr* held In tht* country. The total hunk clearing* In the Uni ted Rtnte* for the week were |l.ld*.J*l.- *4*. per rent Inrreae* .11.4. Exrlualve of New York t4U.rtl.NI; per WB tn- Crenae 1.5. A wire from New Yorh »tatro that (he Bear* tn Cotton are talking with more confidence. *nd My that nothing ran prevent the decline to 8 rent* un !e*e Texas should report worar outlook. Wheat and* are down to day and Auguata cotton I* quoted at 5 M*»>4. Middling today In Auguata .. I 7-14aH Salve today In Auguata .. .. .. .. 4*l Receipts today In Augusta *4 Receipts In Augusta to dale .. .. *SI Stork on hand In Auguata to date »«sn The S. A. L. haa secured splendid new off!era and la figuring on through trains to the East. A spec Is I from Bloomington. Ind., toys: A horrible *erldent occurred at Stlnsvllle In which four men were In stantly killed by a dynamite explosion and many others seriously Injured. The nun were blasting rook for a ne wptke when a terrlfflr explosion occurred. It I* announced at the treasury de partment that there win he no prosecu tions a* the outcome of the recent In vestigations of the manner In which several thousand bonds were subscrib ed for In New York city. The South Carolina and Georgia rail road will continue to sell excursion ticket* to Sullivan's Islam) and the Isle of Palma as heretofore. P. R. SLEDGE. Mis* Anna Wheeler, the Red Cress Nor sec daughter of General Wheeler, is slight and graceful, with blue eyee and waving brown hair. —i Friends of the returned Rough Ri ders complain that they do nothing but eat and sleeqi. Instead of permitting themselves to be lionised. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION TO RENT—I3I9 BROAD, 6 ROOMS and bath. Stable, carriage house and other conveniences. 515 month. Apply 1319 Broad. Sept 3 WANTED—TWO FIRST CLASS BU SINESS men and a young lady. Ap ply 1022 Fenwick street, between S and 2 o’clock. None need apply except gilt edge. Sept 5 WANTED—POSITION AS PORTER In store. Good recommendations. Ap ply 1306 Summer street, Augusta, Ga. Se:>ts FUNERAL NOTICE. DIED AT AUGUSTA, GA., SEPT. 3D, 1393, tn the 56th year of his age. MR. JOHN H. NEIBLING. SR. Funeral services to be held at the First Pres byterian church TOMORROW (Sun day) at 1 p. m. Tbs following gentle men are fuquested to act as pallbear ers: Jordan Bettom, Adolph Brandt, Benjamin Feuffier. Henry Stallings, John Rae, Jerry Bloom. A LITTLE SOMETHING ABOUT MYSELF. NdMirty Mv«n y*Ar* *«o I Him* to Au«u*l« to (Alt* **»»• thfitfffi Of IB* (af fair* of this C ompftfty. I found * mfigtiinciHil lumber yard •M c>n irxiiff*r»nt itoefc of lumtwr. I found a ipkmdkl factory, thraa atortaa high. fiouipoM with only a portion of the machinery n**d«d, and not much of that mod*rn. I found a fttraa ftrtck warebouM. HI partial dlauaa. I found that thin w*ra not ad#ouat* atoraya sh*«ta for a concom such aa this. I found mor*. I found tha volume of butinoM Uaaa than It ought to ba tha Important Utrga n*ca*fiiti*« not lookad «star tha gqually important littla details practl> caiiy ignored aystam lacking avary whera no wfheient managamant. I atudl*d tha situation. I atudiad th* market conditions within Augusta's territory for products mad# from wood the possibilities of expanding and growing. I wantad to make the little bukinfiM a big business. I k new it coukt be dona. Than I began to do It. I began to ovarhaul machirrry and stock and arrange them methodically. I bought new machinery and more of it as tima want on. I built shads and then more sheds and from time to time made additions to the big factory. I bought stock largely and carefully increased the volume of products on hand, and constantly made the grade better and more uniform. Early I inaugurated an entirely new system throughout the business to give every reasonable facility for manufacturing, storing, shipping and accounting always with a view to re ducing tha cost and perfecting the ser vice. I adopted rules which gave my customers every assurance of the fairest kind of treatment, and I made an open offer to return their money in every instance when they didn't get everything just exactly as agreed. What was the result of ell this? Trade increased —slowly at first. Then faster and still faster as the Com pany became better and more favor ably known. My yearly business, measured in dollars and cents, is now nearly twice as targe as it was when I began. It is practically about three times as large in volume of products, as prices are very much lower than they were seven years ago. I have spent over $23,000 In im proving this plant during these seven yea rSa j have spent nearly $13,000 for advertising during the same period. I have made this business what it is- CHAS. F. DEOEN. Manager. THE FORMAL ACCEPTANCE Tbs Third Ward Petition Presented (apt. Armstrong. He Formally Agrees to Stand For Council Tbe petition nailing Captain Pat Arms rong to represent the Third wart) in council for the next letm of three years waa formally pre-mut«d to Captain Armstrong thle morning. The petition has already been printed in The Herald, in part. When present ed this morning it had quite a number of additional names. The petition now Shows 163 names. Capt. Arm strong has made the following reply to the signerrs of the petition: “Augusta. Qa., Sept. 3.. 1898. “Messrs. W. H. Doughty. Thomas R. Wright. Geo. H. Howard, John B. Keener. W M. Nixon, J. J. O’Connor. C. A. Doolittle, Matthew Mahoney and others. Gentlemen: I acknowledge the receipt of your request to permit the use of roy name for council from the Third ward in the ensuing elec tion. “I appreciate the confidence you place in me. I feel It a duty to accent the request you make. Should Ibe elected to Council hy the vot«;s of the Third ward, I will serve In that body in such a manner as I believe to be for the babt interests of the city and of my constituents. "Again thanking you for your kind ness and cbmplitnent, “I am very respecifulls 7 ., Armstrong." first Caroline regiment nro not particularly overjoyed at the news of their being mustered out. nmrrmmmm » THE SEABOARD’S MOVEMENTS Filling t'p Handsome Offices on Broadway. A Through and Thorough Service to and From the East. * The Seaboard Air Une is more en ergetic than ever just new. The com pany has leased the handsome place at 744 Broadway, formerly occupied by the Parlor Market, and Is fitting up splendid quarters there. The officoe will,be equipped in the new quarter* by October that. They will be excel lently arranged and appointed. The Seaboard is also maWcg a strong bid! for eastern passenger travel and from Augusta to eastern points. Arrange ments are under way and are about completed for the putting on, with tha co-ope. ation of the C. & W. C., of a splendid through train service to Poitsmouth for water connection and to Weldon for all rail connection. The enterprise contemplates through ser vice to Washington and eastern points, both ways, through sleepers, etc., with the very best of schedules for travel and mail. The arrangement will win support from the traveling public from and to this city and section. It Is a strong move by the Seaboard to secure pas senger business, deserving to win it by enterprise and thoroughness of facili ties. Capt. Gillet recently told of a billiard game he had with General. Grant be fore the war. "Capt. Grant was a pret ty gjod billiard player lit those days." he said. ‘ The most serious objection X had "TO him was that he "very little to say and paid strict attention to busi ness.”