The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 05, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE MUST* HERALD ***J£l? ****** **“’* *2 KMilUftw - ■ - „ Jlz. lira m ' :,* SuSm ;, 4Mnh "—* < “* ' v * '" 99*** *—*’* ***• ntMAio w l *^ mmmm > j ,n HSp M**** *■* ***' ~* r * **, * t»* »*•** M |M< ( M»ll I*’ l **** *“ nM> tin HKJIAI t» £ fiflHM# AI IS#*** A** *#*# •* *_— - - • a 4 t ftH» i•* A*" * •• #™ §• »*«——■ ■** t »»4 *1 «**«*• , T* t fT?' a,,*. ,*►.< Ift »*»*•.' A* IN* 9t**m ** •*— k—** . . owe***— Tsi'n - “ mhmi am trw M—»* •* JZr*4*. «« o*4 t*«***4* •«* rrJ* ♦**-"'• *- *** ’• Herald Prize letters From Imerican . Summer Resorts. . . . Tii* N*»ai4 'h* r**» * » w ,w* *1 **«••• th* **** i*u*r* •*<*»•• bmw •« *«■»" ■ *«ww*r M** l * l fn*** ** t ' twt •»* P*^' 4 “** w • mem 4* ptmmm. *M. aft** «b* .net**' *•• fl ih* « k<4. a* WO* wtl. * #*k*»i«»e4 «» • «•"»• (MMt •»« • «•"•'*• aim.* for tb. awarding <*« »r).e* The f*ol mam* «•* «** trtM, » well as #• •«« •** phut;*, must •ccw»il»**il' •**" * ( kH,f srn< I* for pwbtM-*ll«*. fur lk* pun»°*s ** »4*®t>*k» turn. . . . GhiIMIMIi i»«*I **«•»• , * r,r |H!mI la * •**l"* CMIMMMt **• **H* •* m * nT Iritm •• they wish l*>» ,h ” prigs. kttl oke eogWatant '•» •IB o*ly "•» of th* prise*, v Tb. H*r»H wsgts It**. ' tr, somivr l*tt*r*. *»4 ih „t,.. •ni t. .oMirdHl f*r ,h * k««l. m«*« ml#r**ti«# »"*1 w”* l f 1 ro*4*Hl* Irttrra as fu»n»** *• ■art N***. Contest Closes Oct. 1. fOf TH* IWT U'I'IW ....- SI S POR THIS ID URST L.BTTKR .. II «• ron thk id but un-ncR.... i.w A SIM IM ID MI A.'. The Herald ha* secured a lew coflea of the ma*nlll«#ni War Alla* leaned by Rand. McNally * C®. the great map makers THU Atlas la a map of thr world, aad M you »ant to keep yosted on Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippine* you ought to have It. The regular price ol this Atlas, which I* printed In five color*, con. tains map* ol Cuba, Meat Indies, iawall. P.uropc, Asia, Africa. Spain. Philippines, North America. South America, the World, Uceanlca. China, (tortugal and harbor charts of Ha> ana, Santiago, San Juan, Malanias, Clcn fuego*. Manila, Cardenas and Santa Clara Bay*. I* 50 cenla. To Herald readers 30 cent*. This Atla* Is 14x11 inches and con tains 18 page*. You arc sure of get ting your money's worth when you |tt the HERALD'S STANDARD ATLAS. Similar U still defending bll de fense. The eotttm wojSd will now wntch the tot> crop grow. J[ Dog days will be over officially to tnortow. Bob Taylor U both yellow and blue. He has Jaundice. The secretary of war has quietly re moved the chip from his shoulder. Camp Alger has disappeared, but Al ger la still with us. More than 4,000,000 spindle* hunt (be tune of southern prosperity. The New York Times thinks that cigars will be better and cheaper. Remember the Oregon. That is to say. build the Nicaragua canal. If the beginning counts for anything the weather man will give us a hard fall. The farmers are very despondent over the damage sustained by the cot ton crop. The renting season is here and the real estate agents are as busy as a bee in a tar bucket Business is eg tjfcw* gs Mmm§ tfwan-fMfe 1x 1» Ipt-iNI m (A imit l • #aMNNpPMM Ml * •• ******* IMi ** MMMMI MWNMWNI m WM •*§•* MW* Mm M**tim** *• *%* mm**** M mmmm* ♦ A R#~~~'** ♦ t* M■* »« 4M * ft* if • • 09*0% & m%*% 9m* [fMMi Mm iMltii t* M.fMi til %»* iwl MM M**t IM »« It» mmmMMMII mmOM MM mm | IpMMMMI Mt MM MMMUi*!•*•! MMMV M* *1 (M tMM MM MM4 MnmM M fMf Y tIM i tMMHMVMt 9M M If llt If i# §NMMMfMM MM pNMMMMM* Mr MM IM* | tM o*4 Mr IdMMM-' •M| 4» C W MM#* #MM44MIt #4 fIM ! MmmM Cm r IAM* Mr lIM mmH# IMMu Mm MiM MM MM Mr* IMt MMI* I rftlMi NMMM Ml v*rMHsi H* f* ' 9*901* lIMC MMll MMMtf MNMMIMMIIMi »»< m 4 Mh MMMm WMm* NMI §r4 gWlMlMiMlf HI MU A tIM HMUrtf aMMMtMrtiiM IMA f wfl w fMMI tM# fdMtft 4 # 3 # twtt&f’TKt*9 liß laHnmM I“a »I f H *wlm" y TIP f If M tfilfliHtiNi IImM iM** tfv vlkc tf*9 lory A# QM Ily <*TTf**‘ * ■ •AlloM m 4 romiiriUiiM It M MUtvM (Mt tM Him prlf— (icttfit H» itrl • rrafi MMf M mill## fttM ndl MUM# tM IfpOtilH to Miottitt for mone? »MrMf li#t« o« fM# prtorot frop rouM Mt («!•• up fIM tM# Mfilk of IM# rrof* of tMM f##r H#«4 Ml tor CM or fi Cty* #vi«l prrMtp# Mgir. wMUb, It to Mooed. oiU force pivMiit irttriM up TMts fmiurt of tM pruffrin hmm it* tnetnl a treat Mil of at tea Hon la tM# K#*»« <#M#r# it to r« rdtMlljr eoadm&Md. Bat it*# lntrr#Mto of Btfltftn rotton aten are not IdOAtlra! tlth (Mom# of tM# Booth and IMr rtn tot (Mat our Ntw ftCottoad frtood# oppu## It InuM ad M* (tonal vatu# to IM# ittggfttioii. TMIa, however to hul a »ltigle detail of IM# general plao. The repreaeata* tire planter# are np#ot«l to roafer aad to the rad that thy mar work oat their own n# l vat ion •The producer has tha kay to the altuation.'’ says President Willxirn, and the coun ty organisation* are eiperted to die cut* plana and aend recommendation* lo the state eonventlon. With a few precaution*, the atrlct elimination of politic*, for the organlaailon may be able to ac complish great good. Tbe convention should tie well attended, not only In number*, but the moat Intelligent and progreaalve farmer* in each county should be present and work together for the common good. TVlfgt OF THI TIMES Chicago Is In tbe of a great conteat. The iaaue I* between "coon mualc" and the etasalea. Up to the hour of going to prees the Indications were that the lilting atralna of the dusky ballads would win out while the thunderous diapasons of Wagner would have to do It* ruthful baying at Bey ruth. "Rosy O'Orady" 1* In the as cendancy and the overture from Faint is wearing -courtplaster. The Ixihen grln "Swan Song” has been drowned by (he roar of the "Wabash, Far Away.” Chicago has a band of her own—Just as the historic purveyor of Warren's blacking “kept a poet of his own.” Park Com missioner Dunton takes the poei tblon that If the ctly Is to foot the bills and 'he leople are to be primarily con sidered, then the people ought to have the kind of music they want—even to the extent of "1 Want Dem Presents Back," or that, other stirring atr, “You Ain't So Warm." He says that 5,000 perspiring and un applauding people sat through one of those high-flown, classic al fresco con certs the other evening and prayed for real live music, and by the sacred name of the city treasury, they shall have It! He is going to stop the salary of the music auxiliary until tt renders the tunes of the times rattier than the pon derosity of other times. "Music for the masses!" is the slo gan. The whole country has become inter ested in the contest and we await !?l ts.iiiJ TBE AUODBTA HERALD i«hmm fttf tM# it *### 199 ■ 999 * mmm mmpm * y m## mom mi mpm - 9901999 NM itAM to flat agtfMi m9O 099$ 9$ 99 <Mt ftmt se «#"4#w fltfl 4MMAM 9999 Mamma tar fi# hi «lto 999909 toto jmm *m* Mam* Mwmi s*ooo*ol 9m . t(Me#t> llmkimi -Me A 999 9990 Ma *9 TM# 9990999 000 9* t*A# **4l IM# eA Hft **•#•■» e iAi# ♦§»*#- ••r*Bi fgut t -itufi flAAMeap OAeAMM#' A# 090999 m,, tffe#' lAto km*MM a fk*e* aw 4 • IwOfWuHkw [ tog* ttgae ts> as* w* —ss age ew tee to tge to . 4.* 4 tgaeow gal to II llfllttl Miff , (get Ml *oo*l e*» kadOß * *o* Ml ptaee > PMtt ad* leglo wM*o k* OleO H* wa* lb* hat RedoMfSaatM to two ; fu* i. I*,.- i .)i,i at>t■■ aad two vest* ; aflat ikdno an k« wes mao* attpev.«r at the Red-«aptof»at rnataat at I'm* tmra i« IUI bs »%* made bivbop of I hiiadrlpfc'n kkO aM aboof twist ckurrbea alttvftf be Ibookb tbev I met* needed, and during fb* frat •** ' year* of b.s eftlecnpate be opened mo-* , rkaa gfty He founded a college la due i qtithtina county aad vacton* ac.vde mica aad boepllala. To him tbe MMera iof tbe ordet of St Fraacia owe He |r «virteoce aad tbey now hare Iweo'y- I 9ve camteat* wlfb J» profeaaed ala j ter*, grtarlpolly engaged la aural <i( at their own borne*. He could ,on verve fluently to S doeen or m-w* f (orelga tnnguogea and easily held first ! ~|are among bla American coniempo - 1 vrle* If aanrtlty and learning combined | are tk* teat. He waa not fifty yeor# old at the time at hi* destfi la IMd, but twentr-four yaara I hereafter atep* were tnkcai look- ! log toward hta canaoltauoo. Thla. of course, la exceedingly rare and Indi cates tha' even the saint* furnished by thla great country are the best to be found. gpain wants to move the remain* of Columbnv from Havana. The grant diacovnrer did not wish to be hurled In Spain. In the first place, and In the second there la strong reason to doubt ; that It waa really the great (Uncover- ! er't remain* which were carried to Ha vana. The Sparta Ishmaelite says: "P. J. Ucrckmana. tbe most prom.nont horti culturist in the United State*, seems to 1 have ronfidenre In Hancock soil for producing fine peaches." The president's secretary thinks he ' would like to be governor of Conned- j leut. and employ a private of | his own. The Smith family recently held a 1 reunion In New Jersey. Some of them ; probably died tn the war, but 3,000 of them managed to get together. The Pana strikers got the underholt and carried off the Overholts, intend ing to keep them for c. o. d. Hobson would like to send word tq the navy department: "There must be. no more recalls.” The war department will give a large number of volunteers an opportu nity to re-cnlist in the regular, army. The Gibson Record Is good enough to say: "The Augusta Herald is one of the best evening papers In Georgia." The Olivette has made herself fa mous. She should be raised and re stored to her old run between Tampa and Havana. There was a decrease of ten per cent in the carrying trade of American ves sels on account of the war. Savannah has the sympathy of the entire, state. But she always rises su perior to any disaster. Schley may be robbed of his com mand, but not of the klssea that are HEUflliD PRIZE BETTERS tHt: SOIIER RESORTS. hf tW N, fls NAiSm uiDPwflf M # Ok*w m a* txauMiiv 41 9*0009*1 s99*9os *' ar* of far a toar tko ugb tb* North to«i#a |*rpi#n i»### w* «•* •* *•** timamr 99$ aotot Mow at iM# m%mt faflffit'k ’\M CHI A *r. #h( Ifl4 »#l9* i fui jyiip irnfftima a Mir* v *# * '**iMf#a hoi j diapiir m «e# of tM# Hto MS iiv«r k«li for a trig up tb* gawe Ivan Hudson rt»*r Tb* vt«ar akwc ; tbM rltrar t» iowfaMy k»v*ly. stgusito- , ly famMating to tb* aitlat. and leaptr tng to •»** tb* mowt gble*B*a»i«. Tb* twtUemvmi elite of tti* PalMadwa rkw j b*re. aad voaiUr MrMi kc* qf fertile , valley rtelkg to wooded height* m*r4 and plea** tb* ay*. “Th» dewey 1 i ig--i along tb* haaka look Ilk* gar- : lands of diamoada. which tb* brawrb** at the bordering thicket* *«uop to klra," Many haaautiful vlllagtw nr* peased ■ bwt Went Polni. b» rnen of (ft* many hiatorlcal facta consorted with It. aad Its atiractia* eurrourwllegs. la of unu | sital lalerwH lo tb* travelar. Tl»*r* Washing co twkW la 17M tn IS Id Coogreas MtablUhivl at Worn Point what la consider*)! to h* the bast mili tary training school In this country. It an here tha* Benedict Arnold con summated hta tratiiwoo* den! wl'ti Ma jor And re and in this village Wash ington Irving secured front the old Dtitch Coinnlvta* the traditions for hit fane'll* “Hketch Book" tale*. Tarry ton la another Interesting town, for here It was that Major Andre was ar rested. the spot being marked by an Inscription In the village, records. Hrrg also la rtie Christ Church which Washington Irving attended, and tn ihe cemetery adjoining hla remains vbgkqj shrdlu etaotn cmfwyp hrdluupu the cematory adjoining bis remains lie . now at rest. Ncwburg is next reached, and over- | looking tbe river te an old building. | which was used by Waah!ng:»n as tils headquarters In 1782. In tbe distance j rise In undisputed lord lines? the blue peaks of (ho Catskills, whose rounded summits tow or to a height of 4.000 feet, and whose shadows there are peo pl* w>ho live Iti a little world of theiir own. forgetful that the earth extends beyond their own Immediate province. We must hurry on at « rapid pace, as space is limited and brevity la there fore neceensry. Albany Is reached and from there we go to Buffalo and on to N lagara. Who 1a all the educated world has not been Inspired with an intense do- , alra to contemplate, to measure, the magnificence of Niagara Falls? One of the master piece* of natures a vis ion incomparably grand; the person ift cation of powerful, awe-lnsplrtng sub limity. tt seems almost sacrilegious to attempt to describe with feeble pen the glories and splendor of the panorama spread out before you. The cataract, with ever tneroaslng volume, lashed Into foam white as the snowdrift in j early cloudless morning, plunges over the precipice, bursting into tumultu ous clouds of spray, to collect ugain In the seething waters below. "Up tt)rough the glory an everlasting roar ascends, deiep-loned as the voice of faie, n diapason like that the rolling ocean chants when his eager surges oome rushing in to great and fiercely woo an irresponsive promontory.” In the powerful reverberations that come of the mighty rearing of waters one imagines the voice of God Is heard; His power is manifested before you; ami the soul shrinks within ilself con scious of its utter helplessness. Whe ther viewed from the level of the banks; from the bridges, cr from the dizzy heights of walls reaching upward to the sky. there is admiration, inspi ration and glorious realization of the mightiness and mysterious ways of God. i And while as with sealed eyes God lit '"ArTilffl# 4# #««■# 00 (Rls* ft*##MHMflM|l I* SO%. Wm 9mm 00 009 ton *OOO f •m Ii t 09m * * os9 *s*oo9s m 90*0000 ] f.„* , - ri - - «.»,4 aritof tt- «* * MMNMHI' «bi##M 'OOOOO ’M# 00009 9009 ■0999 900 AMI 90*9 00 flfi v 9Mo- M HA 900990 m 900 900900 0090990900* j 9’oo* AahHi * f#Wa *A* #® •Rh'-g i 00 S9»O ’ M |A# 000* 90 o*9 9*9009 M& % f *4.4 -Ml AH ApAHHA 000 a* “ 900090 00m * om 9 00000 900 MMMM# As I'M# 00009 90 , ANPAdat. tlM#|f ptarr « t«A#A Af# 999 : "TMa fMMv4NrauM maaava.. (In* mm****’*** j #a4 flail## «*t#r a»4 tMr*#Asa j rii%i, twUflc a tow at tM# war!4* j toas*H mmsm at ko9of*t9L aiAAr f ; •tart aan urtfigua at mm ava aura to Ma ! I »«#b wMIrM or# Mm oa4 tM# amp* at ] 1 ft#!) MroaMv tor tM### Mppmi «*olf t ! to tb* atflh) aad w%tl* J ih* prasaaar* aroaaaa aad *nib«*** the ‘ But on* lima *vet» tit )h* inwkar I to h# m4H oa every band aad with a longtna for «ma haatttifni »>itanvr aaath vt turn oar farva hoawaard. j. for after all. ? PORTNER’S 7 C MOI’BRAU and < / VIENNA CABINET / /. BRANDS OF * f j Export \ j Beers i ? ARE THE BEST l S AbK FOR THEM. C Some flew women discredit this as sertion, hut those who have tried a Gas ltange could not U, Induced to adopt the old-fashioned method again. You see It Is so easy to regttiot* the Gas Range. If you want one verfotnU* to cook more slowly than another, you have but to turn the thumb screw and you can reduce the heat to any de gree you desire. The same with your roast. If It Is doing too quickly, you don't need to throw open the oven door and run the risk of chilling It. You c»n regulate your range to suit your meat. Tbe Gas Liikt Ce. ol Hpsta, «:2 BROAD ST. HULSE’S Steam Laundry and Dye House Let us clean or dye that last winter’s Suit of yours. It will save the cost of a new one jgyThe best of work done promptly at Reasonable Prices. 314 Jackson St, Opposile Opera House Strowger 447. - - Bell 22*22. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. THIS IS IT %#toMiMf MMMtotof t +m 000099 00000 $90990 FOR EARLY FALL lfs 1 Ills ALL BHAOES $3.00 Just A f fivfid, DORRS Tailoring, Hih, Futnnhmf*. \ For the \ C Btnefit of the Sick C I *f ad pvofde Wi know that S M ifhl awli, tod it a apyarval )» I C tktßMMtia *b> ( J Ihta dreg atot*. tlay lb* bt*t I* J / aod as nth flu <b* *tck. and J \ *fli« tha taai aver avia ta here V f I oa *-e aaMahao—tf *ainbiac M \ ffitni |#tl in— It flttff f#W % I 4, u 1. Yt fl MV ufl lo Ml I J four Ary (iwluily 1 r Do You v S Intend to Move ? i 1 K#m#m(#r nothin* rn*k*i / tmt fr •*>!• than #t«b##tin#— f j li pr«tt/ outer*. CA color u«l. 3 5 Again, Again. f \ Kemeniber *# can fiimiah yon \ f auh tb# Ileal alama, pa me. en r j rbm* and varatvhva for touching j € i.pjuur ujw MMk % / Atelier Brut Ciiinpasr / C tt* BROAD AT. C BILLIARDS \ OLD AND NEW. J I*f JoMM A- Thatch** (Nn#nn (Vt* I ef (*»"•«,*»«•' '»* i-.Mut * «v i t«inonn*Dt <>■ l»* ni, *»ul Ifc* «*»dr pU*«F who *)V*. WmM k wf*f, tii-MM and IvN tm hbo «u»4 f 1 TV. „rt 4 \ - tt - Jliurrou a lUtoofirat.f * k T V ' 188 thr*w f i cmMkm hb»t4L Boh**) d ! /1 /\\ ' ! r»il J K >A ! \ ‘ I IK3«SpS | V kT. *»« n of tlfifiiHur. 0 I K nssixyf i < \ MMht l*Z \ L I 1"U k* I##. !8»r Of $ \ U ! which \ \ /J \ " funs **«n puidu#*#. 4 , X // \ \\ ! Tb* ttuthftr *ivM . v / \ cawtiwns to BOYVftM X /\/ \ ! which servo t>, r»md*f 1 / TV \ I J*hrth»—>*o4iwn- a / / X \' | by »fcfl>#to4*« * |// \ )j T&±~rrm * * \ How to \ Play. ► Clotk, 75 ccstv Flexible leather, *I.OO * M 4 (•#.; H.X.,»«!’( l», b«. Sat. rW“Z. >• av • -« of pr«». 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD S AUGUSTA, GA. P. H.P.H. H. P. H. H. P H. H. p. —The— jH. H. P QUICKEST. H H P. H. H. P. M • n ‘ r ‘ -The- H. H. p. BmOrAu H. H. P. j h. h. p. Liver . h. h. p. Medicines u „ „ H- H- p . H - H ‘ P ’ H. H. P. Sae * nU |H. H. P. „ Howard!: u u p h. h. p. wuietDrog H - H - p h. h, p.| Company |n. h. p. H.H.P. H. H.P.H H P: acptembfr s ialH an tlligator W°H Qrt«i«i( Chin amt E mvmr fltißfiOy now in E»* i tHnnc* The River Swamp Chill and Fever Cure. Price (Of, and (1.00 Rnrttc, and mU b' ti) Prufgattt. ts i h-m Aw##k#- *'*9o #jM 1 |to##A I 909 9090 #3 f I'TNlito AAfll A mm o*o9* aa*9 m i»«*a a | liflfli# |A» 09$ 41 00 Ll. Gardelle. Dtuggist. Tfie Augusta Herald Lariat. Briillot ni He Bit Itiitajtr PBliiW 'I Till SftliH. - - % QnrKEST TUJWtAfW VKWSj THK NKWK OF THE WORLD WHILE IT 18 NEWS. 12 TO I* HOUIW AHEAD O# OTHER GEORr.IA AND j SOUTH CAROLINA ,! papers. Ullll WILL COKYINCE TOtf PROF. P. M. WHITMAN. 209 7A St., two*. Ca C:VfS FREE EYI TESTS fw #ll ctotocto m sight grind* (N pwpw flfiMd ttAi f #*- HAjrfV tlla lM c#t wto yr#r Rr*i"# whito yw w»iL FREE OF CHARGE. OKOKU TOC* COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal A Supply Co #nd (joality (iwuwtoi F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball 'Fboaa 31«4 Struagar The j Whitely Exerciser. I A practical, simplaand eflloient Home Exerciser, one specially adopted for ladies and children, but at the same time can ba ! profitably used by tha strongest athlete. TRICES: 75c., *I.OO, *1.60. BICYCLES CLKVE- I LARDS. S4O up; YIK- j 1 INKS. *?5 up; GKJf j DKONS, *lB up: THOM AS, SSO up. Cali and see' 1 them. Every one guar j an teed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds. SL=-Teleptione I 1 mate Wjr« T/itfct to Kcw Ywk Chicago and New Orlean3. Orders executed over our wires foe Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro* visions for cash or on margins. Ivocal securities bought and sold. Reference® —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. _ -J \ tao 4 \ AW yatTTTN V ] \ i\ miy I 1 \