The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 05, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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A LOVE STOHV. §%>•#» •* # gigNlMt nmt «t M*** ** MM \|mMml 9009 k *# QtHHfp* mmm*o • §44*» #*** *•** fMUM «#w ®M fNto# %** **■*% »*i«4F* wj ** 1 * •*#•• •* o£|9Nß*s**4 fHMMk A •MMnMQj is#*** * ii#Aii **6MPNI A **'*••l ***** MAk H »**#%«• IMA# AHIII 009*0 #*••*** *6*4 &SMS* wno m 90 S**' ll *’A’ 1 *4H " fNWMMWf, #*4 fcltt*. *M» •«<» At 4 "MM* 4 **#" i»At*A» •*•»* • |Wl # f W »■*** TflAfU »■ *** **li#** Akf'f "* tftfllt fXtwA IMAM l*., I**ll** At W*iß **PoA t lo4t itlQtit t|tp AA**fti!|UAßt tL#*« i pri rn J**m tffffrio* *"tfx?ti' A no a id A|l At Wdll Qli f*W|rtliiA All APA «f lit •»n:!r »okwa, tobarra 'h«f«ln* harw yotilbl with IB tXtfUtnt OfMIIoD of them*' I tea The rututtai Hoa* tltd'Abf'f Ia •ttriiUitij> Mfljf. bb4 l*t Ako* Aaa noth ia* to **jr. Bui bt bat n#M*r i»kto hit tyt« from htr. Ht* erttie*i cuff 1 ahA furlltp * liom roi* •fAntiv rant him hr hi* mitt, iaup h, r to Ni a* If on la*portion, with him aa *hr. tto hatightiAAt girt of nit tor AAt In Til jbiwt' Hiitlc|#u’< f. aa<l wltboui a nord of warn in a Bo** MieonlAf rliti, and with ftomhr* *y<* *lll iird on her fur- tmntA Into tong: • j .will ata« you a aoug of that baau- Uful land. Tb«- far-away bums of thf soul.” It la a magic voire, not only sorpas*- Inglv i*mi and wondroualy sympa thetic -It baa alao tbe power to cwvff whataoevar Impression the owner de alraa. She knows the hymn, but It baa not ita old meaning: It la a aoog of the Lotus-tand. where blrat Arradtan eon plea wander band In band forever and ever. Then eotnea tbr end of the call. They fll# out with another atiff hrndahake, leaving tor dated, yet delighted with the novel experience. ■'There never waa no alnglng’ like Bose's.” ssvs Mrs. Brlnkwell. coming In. "He doea hi* courtin' with It. No gal la pop'lar In Gadara tel he ainga to her. 1 thought be never wou'd make up hla mind tonight; but you're ail right now. He don't talk much; he don't need to. when he kin nay more day's gabble But he'e the laziest white man Old Matter ever made —no account fer nothin' bet aingtn'. A consumptive man from the Norrod (Noth) came h're cue winter au' wanted ter take •;m berk with irater slug f*r ther big hugs an' make hlsself rich, but Bose •sewed he'd ha'ifter fix up ever time he poked his head out ft’ doors, an’ it'd be too much trouble. I'm rate glad he'e tak-ntd a likin' irr ycr (elks, for new we'll hev plenty uv aingin' In ther houee.” she concluded contplacsptly. Misa Tompkins find* no answer »n this patronizing monologue; she go"* m»ekly to the guestroom, where the best bedqullts are piled ostentatiously on a wide the'.f, and the rafters over the bed are festooned with hanks of spun yarn dyed in the gayest colors conceivable. Her sleep Is all dreaming. All night long she lies under a motley quilt, while abov» her hangs Bose Ma comber by a hank of blood-red yarn. ' " 11. On Monday morning the girls, all la den whh strange packages, arrive, and, by ten o'clock, every avalllble seat is taken up. Eugenia is dreadfully pre plexed by this wholesale visiting, and she knows still less what to do with the female portion of her friends. There are pretty girls and plain girls, but all neat and unembarrassed. The eteady gaze of some is frankly admir ing, of others as frankly critical; each one takes in ravenously the fashion of Jier gown, the dressing of her hair, her pose and all her mannerisms. They hang eagerly on her words she is embarrassed enough when she at tempts subjects she thinks may inter- m# aria ||A*n !A*«* # •**#•% •V*** «A #*«*A MIA ** |N*A BA **mM *AA : 0999000 *** AMA A A 9000049 mm AA» tijtlf M» lib AHA «*• II A»IA MM MA'fll #AhaA* AAHA A "••A ft,,,- it Haas • M mi __ | . ,i,i4r q i*n<~> bbii*ba Mm nf a m rt «A aaa +mm*>-'*** m ** abim ****** . f tAij-f n-i** ANI *Ah AAAAMAbNHm *%mm •M? At* **»AM«m , Mm» am ** IMAI* 9P** W 99m ' II m* «NA* A- AHA Ai A I»AAA V » t*¥ Ml _ tMMMI f;|AA# t mAANVAM# HA* t+m tfi a*» aMAm a r* f a ■ a# |AaJ a tii *a ***** • UMe OHA" mm (As As AA ’fc*f ( Hmpv AAAY BlAi liM A«i«v«r m IhM aC*4 HN thfAffMf* A*Al ng «■ 4$ 4 |a 1— •*4 ml l°* * AA* mm tm Art r% tnMA IMA**A aCAnIIAA MA ■( ~ % ) ■ • A*'* A*®** * A f* * ' **•*■*“* 441 lA* •f v -A IhA* A* A h*»hi h* *h *h »»•« k.• tb - sffs #.?«** A «AA I A * A 4 not AAT rtiAA< Util nr W« Ml Mi a**aa « r _.| !*■ n|>4 Aw iM MAI At# A«v»a Mm MriAkAAir* «*MAt *M Km*AMI A »IA(A«* A#M l» umpfo** iM fAiMAMAA. IM UiAam | w* AKaA* Maav M im it am IM tvmlhii flfiA mil* ftftAAl jCimti i ayitAf* Aiif ammM Mr MMiAif (W|<Ar - I y .|| # ■?•*{#»! mobC 0t H til IM inuftf K»" ir #lv k tft fltt f|ii*rs « • | fOI A*f tft Mr*rV-AA TMufiMlAir to AAip*- lilt to *4l IA orart torn mmAn t On Binfeti M>« J«*i Aft Ami ao4 M U % • {|m»v: ia* Umb AI fA bA • libcuM Mvy (fMMM .*0 •» vd to They «>e 1 übed ia their Wat rallcuM. pr<rt<eie4 by loaf atraigb' atotH mak.vui feCugenta Iwi un<on f '(table la Ike frilled g aghaai as 4 jauaiy whit# aproa. her aaareat ap praah to a workattaji ro*tnose ran throw yoo dowa Be poor apron ' eirUittu Ueelay with a ruatlc »lan« for the dreptsi admiration for aooth ar'« bdcaainca Kor the privilege of gee ting the (l»*l sad dirt not of this goat building, or rather for «b* ezruae It gave them to spemd a day together, they bad labored doubly bard the lira! part of the wee* Wbil* they battled with cobweb, dauber’i aeata. etc , the young men bailed out the well, raked around the doors, cut up and removed tbe fal len trees, and other debns made by a late wind storm. As may be suppos ed, there are many raids wlthlu. snd girls ratitnred for a few tninutta’ chat. Both g.rla and boys are fresh and in nocent ns daisies, seeming to hare no thought of concealing their harmless rivalries and simple love storlaa. That inveterate Idler. Bose Macombler. spends most of his time at Ktigen a's side, thereby Increasing her discomfort - as the situation Is openly Interesting to all Gadara. Boae, his songs and his conquests, are a very old story; but Bone conriaig a city girl is some thing new under the sun.' Work a* thep tray, not a glance of his. no* a movement of hera. escapes them. It Is the moot embarrassing situation of htr remembrance. Picking up a Bl- blft from the seat she tries to lose her self In It. "I* there much news in the Bible?" asks B<*o, in perfect gooft faith. "Not much nows, but a great deal of infor mation.” she replies, too impatient even to smile. But Bose Is an adept at taming. Iyeaning slightly forward, he sings, softly: i “O, the daiknese. how it thickens. Like the brooding of despair. • * * “Give me but a hope to cherish, Give me but one ray of light.” These lines from The Penitent, be comes, in his voice, merely a lover's sigh of despair. He gives it one dis tracted minute for Impreoaion; then with indescribable pathos: •‘Thou has wrought this fond desire, Kindled here the sacred fire, Weaned nry hear! from all below, Tbee and thee alone to know. Thou who hast inspired the cry, Thou alone canst satisfy; Love of Jesus, all divine. Fill this longing heart of mine.” The devotional character cf the h”mn is entirely eliminated; She even shuddering fancies that he breathes "Love of Genie” in the place of the Sacrod Nome.” It is quite too much. She leaves him abruptly and Joins the gij,l«. who are brueftiing the dust from each other's shoulders, and who greet her with significant smiles. "That ain't nothin'. Miss Genie, jc«t wait till he sings 'Greenfields' ai you. There ain’t never be n a girl so hardhearted that that song didn’t fetoh her.” “What nonsense!” she replies. "I am sure the church is clean new; if you had some vines and flowers to deco rate with. This from Miss Tompkins, who so ram yvxroxTßTTv hbbald ggghw sag gvwkseea ad thwwtWeSW* 1 ags age ■■■* skwee* wgs sue w tkMggk ,t‘ Jk#st4 a* *d»> | M»u* p**se AjAwHwm *w*m» : I4P4J $ r M->**>* - w4*A *#*A »■»».** A* «A am! ffMMM ( '’"fM* «M %MPMA a# •# »IMI •***■■4l I *A AM AMM * MMAAMA J AitMM A* *A*AA* ** * f m * *■ A* •■* t*§ ; «f Ah* AMAA* 1 # *•♦ •■* A* 4 wANA *ihAH- I ’ aMAa •*• iMiMMi Mt MM** •'*•% | f »»* to ImAA MAM • AJHiAAif * I •Mm- At*ha** tMMhHM AH IM** to *#**• j I g4-* t Bv* MNAAA 4* Apf f*I** 1 ** ■* MW*AAfBI j ; 4'f 14 w mm* «a*m» *amhmma #*<a 9mm | [ AMAAAAM * A)toAMA**A*''** f*Am* *•* , mm 'M mm to* «AlM* AmM *•am * I iMAtoto At MAi*Alt ** ••* M 4 ***A •*** ’ «*pH|A IHttM UMMi AAAMMA '* to%*** A** ? tamAf ««M MAM' IMAi *A*AM *<*A* t***' I ** ; rnm I* *«* mMtotoiMi tod t*##* j IMM tomtotoltM* «t MM mm fMft •* . t *toMAl toAffA A**l MtofA Air* MAIM I I «m ito Mm MM «f MM MMI *••* ••• | I Hr *4mi hui iA" * mmi ftoji a i t* | BHHMMM S 5? *to> MMAA*A AW MM M I tmi maa immt toi fmm MMMf «aw# | f Ilf ArtoC *Mm® WMA* # m *%ndHi mm* wf m ** ! «*AA*i ftomM A*Hll A MAAAto fAAIto i * mmmM 909 Mmti ****># i»iw> to* a*-a I mwAMHI A MMli 4AAMMAA w A 'A; AH ]4h hijAA to l|M:* AtoA toA*A*** * A* » mbAmpaA ll p9m Itom- titoi aAmA ! Imm mil **•**) to $* mill All j lttl>r gm| tm%' * A*m «to «*4*lA*i HAM %fttr* *sl f** lIIAAR AAA AHA AAAfAto* m-yi .t miMI mmmilNAm # H ? ft»rtiA** f*m*A ami haa' a* t sy ji* 4i#vmitr Is !• fto****. | tm. • mai a mi a* to** ftotoT* w ril A* AA *"Ali 9HM* 99 *» • ***** 4* ) *«mi aa i toM- Ttort am** to to* t*|lim *AQM 1M*I? * ***** ' to* mm 0999 *lAr* to* was IS. tad has aeree na twd tbe right I nnnw yaa ** whispers Ikssday. What ? do you await?** ask• tCagrttfea. ’’lk»n t ' yoo ha«d gothta' about >»*** »sw’ asha low lev guyiagly "Watch me sad you li asa a hat they are foe * Plaehiag | a handful at the paraalte km* gotden i roads It as lightly aad twtghtiy aa tha I dww oa the hackle berry baahae - -aha | selects a plmacm the thlrh uaderbraeh ! aad tahee a poaltkm with her hack ut lit aad a few peeve dtatsnt. Threw j times she swtaga the • lender yeitnw tine amuad he» pret.y head, and with ] the final ssstss caeta thus cm the I busk. ''Bee.** she say* tnofcia* barb for the j first tiase. "I've throwed eta plum *«•! 1 the bosh Ks the owe I thought of likes aw* better'a aaybody slat, they 11 j gr. w there: es he don't thay'll lent . ywirvht up and die. N when oncet a I gtrl coca men tee to throw love vines, I she can iwu get married till she I throws for the right ’a." The graceful | iDtCiru of the girls as they scramble I for the vines, tbe awfcwnrdneus of tbs j young men at the same lash, tbe i bright face* and Joyous laughter, make ! up n very pretty and interesting scene j "Miss Genie, you must try your for tune. too. We can't let you be tbe odd one.” "Oh. I bad better not weave the spell." *be rrgtltce. smiling. But their eagerness to have her Join In thetr sports la not to be repressed, though tt Is Bond's mutter over her shoulder that decides her. ••y«a. do. Misa Gertie. Es there's any I feller's love you ain’t plum shore of. I name bis name tn your heart and throw love vines. They don't never toll" “Very* well. I am willing to do my share In making the fun.” These young people are deeply experienced, and read the truth In her eye* that she haa Indeed named a name in her heart of hmrt*. After a lunnh on th* gram, they tt*k«* the homeward walk, where ci+wsroa-ds and brldler paths diminish their num ber until the last mile, when Eugenia is escorted solely by Bose. For some unknown reason the ugly features of the latter boara with satisfaction, and there ia a note of trlttmp in her voice au he sings. Inv snatches of “Green fields." in place of talking. "How tedloue and tasteless the hours When Jr bus ” Doea he sing "Genie” or is it the evil within herself that suggests the impiety? ——“no longer I see; Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flowers. Have all lost their sweatnota to me.” IV. Op Sunday Eugenia hears the whole of this Solomon's Song of the Christ ian Church, than which the ancient is not more rapturous nor fascinating Needless to say that on Bose's lips it is a love song, pure atid simple, the snatches growing sweeter and. more eoresslng as the day advances. For the young folks of Gadara are foiced to turn their church days into gala days, a proceeding made easier by the all day preaching with the inevitable in termissions and the long noon lunches. The girls are happier than ever before, on account of their new dresses, "made jest, like Miss Genie’s,’’ and that young lady feels like a successful missionary as she survives them. "And it seems odd that I, who never before did a really useful thing, should be (be one to revolutionize Oadara fashions,” she says, thinking aloild. It was ter be,” answers Feraby, 'n bar most fiolemn manner. “You bad ter come here ter do it. It was or dained sc before yer war borned.” What? Little things like that? pm EXCELSIOR MILLS ’Ao'CATytirjL. o-a.. A Aa, jpk W^wmtM ■ /u"* **• jm-.. 9mA- 4 -*L J* ML m#- %>■ tow'll - m 808 WHITE Second Patent. OOLD MEDAL Fancy Patent. me—— ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR. I fully rMlli* th« iupr«m< dl**u«t of »n»umtr* for riou**. adulterated with Com Flour, Corn Starch, and oth«r Foreign maltor. On And *ft»r thl« D«t«. August lOth, t BOS. I of for !h« WAoAmIA *r«d« tho .bovg Brands Flour Cuarantood Puro Winter Whoat. Goods of the Highest typo. Ask for prlcos Flour. Meal. Grits, Bran and sh ip stuff delivered your station. J. M. RFRRY.ihe werchsnt miller |g(ir«|U sad Caraltaa rayaia ffsg'ict Ksctiaata oa ktsn t**aas gar mouth. ) Hove, I command trim to so snd ludrh !vrh:< Ferwfcy. while I help Mrs Brink j well Mm that been eritiiied too, Feral >?” I Toofcjt* shore.” says Frrsby. ■ »t»il* jhnidst ,l» oil her ginoot. *T vruder If Mias Genie Is goto' ter (h< i llote?” remark* oar of a group of (gut* -litre h*to? Why she hr maa. If she 'ia a tosra girl- She'll have him m (her I drag »v a hat. an' drip H hrraelf.” -1 dun nr; I'd aa IW bet oa Frraby." I .“Ferahyt I'm everlaatto'ly tmpa tlenned with her. ftdlrr'n' Hose ea Mina ' Genie up like ant doe Es I eculda'l be | puddin' I woulda't be pie. " Kukeaia's respite la of the shortest • After inach Boar la at her elbow to re- I rort her bark to Ibe church Frrnby la helping her mother with the llttte ones; there Is no one to Interfere with , hla nlngular mode of courtship - "While blest with a arose of Ilia love, A pulaer a toy would appear. While prisons would palares prove If Jesus would dwell with mo there." There is a subtle rharm la bis voire a pearlraltag persuasive quality that is like a spell. In tbe last Intermis sion Eugenia tries ta keep with the [unengaged girts and this pointed avoid lanee only serve*'to draw front her unique admirer fpnderer, more melan [cboly fragment* at song. Aa bg »!«*' nothing but "Ureenflclds" he If vgry fur gonp Indeed. “Oh, we've forgot our love-vines!” cries D cley, «s they saunter In that direction. There Is a sudden, swift scsttering in which Eugenia Joins in self-defense. “1 believe this Is mine." she says, re garding the pretty vines curiously. "What n flourishing paradise it le! How could It grow so much In three days?” Alas’ there Is no answer except Bose, who hums, ever so aoftly and Bweetly: ■'lf Thou art my suu and iny song. Say, why do I languish and pine?” "Bose Macomber!” she says, turning upon him with asperity. ”1 forbid you to sing at me again. Bestow your sing ing whore It will be spnreclatpd. If you follow me ugyln I will forbid you even to speak td me.” "Do you mean that, now? Cross your heart 'a' hope to never? Then what made my Inve-vlne grow nfter I named your nam#V *N’ your'n Is grow in'.jtoo. Didn't obn—" We pauses, contused by n situation so unexpected, so astonishing. • No; I did not think cf you when I threw It. There-fa someone 1n Talla-—” She stops abruptly, he blush fully completing the sentence. "Oh.” he says, disconsolately, and turns over In his mind the pretty girls be has not yet "»ung at.” There are none; neither are there any worth a note growing np this year. “I reckon I’d Jest as well go back ter Feraby.” As Eugenia goes home with Mrs. Brlnkwell, she passes Feraby listening to “Greenfields” in Bose’s richest tones j “It was ordained; I knowed how to wait,” she whispers to Eugenia, ecstat- [ Icaily. On her return to Tallahassee Miss Tompkins accepted the “rising lawyer” wftidni she had Tcfjspt in suspense so long. It would be an interesting study in >'miman natu»4 to determine how much the beautiful, luxuriant, love vinos bad to do ‘with her decision.— New Orleans Tiijes-Democrat. Before purchaeifg a pistol or gun, rail oil me. I c-an ifve you money. Lew is J. Sehaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. CITE ADVERTISING. Eadte CwrtowMy swd Then Swmi to Sara. "Here, quick!" »ho«rtrd tbe ••vine* lis <HM tiger Ig the blue suit, who k>4 dropped hla valise lata th* water while hurry log ashore at owe of the smart : upper Mississippi river towns, where i the steamboat was making a landing. “II .fe. quirk, somebody"' re repeat j rd, TH give any owe a dollar that 5 wtl* tki-h that up for me. I wouldn t '.o*i It for IJtt! ” A buy e# the genus wharf rat. attired lln a shirt, a pair of trousers, one sua -1 [tender and a straw bat with half th* j i,mn gone. Instantly responded, and af i ter one or two dives succeeded In ! bringing up the lost valise to tbe sur- I face. j "Thanks, my boy. thanks!” fervently j < xc'.a'med the traveler, grasping hla 'property, helping the urchin up on the i gang-plank and giving him the prom ised reward. I The owner of the valine stepped eshore snd «* the Interested bystanders j gathered about him he raised his voice land said: | "When you all know what's In this |satchel, gentlemen, you will not won jdrr I didn't want to 'one It.” Here he opened It, took out a pack age, carefully removed the wet wrap pings from It and brought to light a small bottle. “I see It 1a entirely uninjured," he proceeded. "It Is only natural, gentle men, thet yon tthould fee! some curios ity about this. It affords me pleasure to gratify that curiosity. This, gen lleint n. Is a bottle of the celebrated Headache Annlhllator. I see by the Intelligent countennnees about me that 1 am speaking to persons who are like ly to have hetfdaebes. and who, in point of fact, do have them. Now, the purpose of this remedy Is to remove that ache by aeting Immediately on the seat of the trouble—the brain. Ordin arily I sell the celebrated Annlhllator for |l per bottle, but for the purpose cf arousing the people of this town to the merits of niy remedy I am going to put the price right down, for this time only, to 15 cents n bottle. When 1 come here again you’ll pay more than six times os much, tl'ho wants a Dot tle? Thanks. Who takes another?. Thank you, sir. One at a time, gentle men, one at a time.” Fifteen minutes later he went up town with an empty valise and a pork-, rt bulging wish silver coins.—Chicago Tribune. Millions Given Away. It Is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern In the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction us knowing it has ab | solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness | and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Howard & Wlllet, druggists, and get a trial bottle, 10c. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or price re funded. MlfcT, Agnes King, r.f Augusta, Ga„ who lias been on a Villt for some time to lit i' s irler, Mrs. . 3 . C Head, in “at i da. tclurt tti to her home, cm .ast F'i day accompanied, l y her niece,, ALss Luna I,ead, who will spend a while with tela lives and Blends in her old home.—,-alvda Advocate. JHE HERALD JjTANDARD It ll populdr becauMi II i* ju*l ahil lh* «r*»at newspaper-reading public wants. TH* tape are larg* and clear, and fully doubl* th* ai/e of any oln*n publlihsd. They are beauti fully printed In five color* on heavy map paper IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find the Atlai an indispensable aid. It will help you to obeervn the dally changes In the situation, and enable you to keep pac* with history. You Need An ATLAS! v ~ Oct the Latest and Best \ Contems of The Herald Standard War Allas: Cut)£ . « - 14x21 Inches The World - 21 *2B inches .tkismg cwwnw at sloem >unh. oMi ami loOrgrtg* IMw*. West Indiss ... 14*2 I inches North America - - 21 *2B inches Mmwtwg (Mo list* South America - - • 14*21 inches h bow tag i«Mc liars Philippine Islands - - 11*14 inches Hawaiian Inlands - - I I*l4 inches Europe - - 21 *2B inches Spain and Portugal - - 14*21 inchaa Asia ... • 14x21 mchas .Mtowlng new Tron. Siberian Hillraad. Africa ... 14x21 inchaa Oceania and Caroline islands 21 *2B inchas China - - 14x21 inchas Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana, Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardanas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. • i f i HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents OUR FALL O^RUsTTHSTGr I. C. Levy’s son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, ... - GEORGIA READ HERALD’S WIT ADS of handsome CLOTHING shows some beauties in up to date and choice fa brics, made my the most noted and reliable makers in the world. Swell trim, neat and elefrant, and of perfect fit, are the Suits that we have placed on display, with a large as sortment to choose from, and at bed rock prices. 7