The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TUIBOAV 2 NO WAR PRICES Iftytf Oft***'#** • to* # ** IwrlMii • • • • • *'3ti *• ** com# * < * * * *29 ** *• iamnb left# tocftcftftl • • • *TB tftlAnC# of fPHPM • t l ** ••«** I tMfftft *# n f#w *ift|ft (ft **oy oow fo® Ho#. • *#** i«» - <»omr t.m MiM*. Uf*o»« gIOQM Of pQWOftCh W» Am«w»l* LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jeweler. Undtr in Arlington Hoftto | THE ARMY • OF THE U. S. |i «m ft* Mil* If ft TS.*» Mm. Vto ltd#*** TIM «i ft* «M» m famail i|pio« t! toft HmnMNI INIMNi, fl t Cm «Mft* * : lOnFom- •* >• •**• m i*«»l ~4 »*»•« Mm our. wm mm*** «**•»* OTB* 1 * MOM. ** •• (*"■»"»■«'*. •«* •* •mm tawm ■■»«»»»» Mr M» mm *♦■*•*« ftM%t It 4ft toKft ftftftj «*» •* £|«r.. • a»| Dm tfrjmf jr4 to**Hf Ml «ft* 09* toftftfcj* fffco gp###f*b#taPftv toft# MOMM# ft# *to# Mft* MtoMUNWft #h*C #*• MMMMN# #Mlf Ml t**" mo* *•»*#* tolfctoll IN* *M*t*MM* **» *■* 4*#“# I fcft lOfoMtlT-r IfMMNpft «Hk* *•**#* «*it *»* *l### sm*to*tot to#*4 KWI Ml*# *" p •*•»* Mftf to taffto# ••# fcftm* «4 •* Ifc '* |NOA# fft»ft4 IP Iftftfftntoi * I* Ml j EltlO «• »*MM— '* ** •*•*•**** (ii»m> wtlh ttlt the ***•• at** 9 ********* MMnUM AH tot****** 1 Mi* •«« ***•» •» . ► B*m*U**o *l* A ***** ahall ***** I***® '**•*' inr th* i*hmMlmi( TIM MM«M Ar»». A *♦••• atatamt* mad* *■• th* war <•* (win*' • today ad «h* es •«*- tieia who w*ot(d A* required ** I*" 1 * mm daty ki OMA*. IB**** HA” •*•* ,!l * ntlln* l *'* •■* too ata*M* IA «fc* i *•* M lA* Putt** •*•***, ®A®A»« that I a»l# (Mot mw*t (mi*'* TWAM ***• It m. i(h*" turn. t**m*m*4 *•> *<* «■**>*'*«• ««> »»*A* | m OTaadtag arotp t' w #• «*»*®*r» ••* TV | #MI ill# lOiPliA **f !•*“ 1 M, tMo ft«Kt»f *f«MT# tMt rtfO Mmt. TAXES W BIHH. TW R*t* I* tb* m«l»**l IN HUlor> a* IH* Commit. K*i*ob. b*R(. *■ “*™ Stu Arr IM fli ot ib* boant of c*u*ir bammOmAm* •r* nt«M tA® i«a rat® ol l«M <•««»: r tor lb* (mmi rmt v 1 Yl <m ***(> lbou«an(t dollar* worth ot prop* tr Hlr aatlwat* will b* sabwltuM to tb* MMMwharrv at lA*tr tort lira on . nrit Tu**dar and th* pmt»ablltt» I* LADIES TIES SOMETMINQ NEW J. IILLER HALEEB THE HATTEH. Kisroix: hats tbay will adopt It. This rata will b« 4ii increase on laat year's rat* of 11.20 on the thousand. The state rate »hl. year Is o*l, or an increase of $1 on the thousand It Clerk Ha vis' esti mate for county la accepted, the com bined state and county rate for Dibt) will be sls on the thousand, or »1 50 on every fIOA The rate last year was sl2* on the hundred. The rate this year will lie the htßheat Bibb county has ever had The Increase In county rate Is due to several causes, to wit: The county Incurred an extra expenae this year of about $7 (XHI, on account of smallpox: there hue been a decrease of $300,000 in taxable vaiuea. and last year the comftitpsionurs lowered the tax rate, which "'caused the total reve nue to run several thousand dollars behind the aggregate expenses. There will be no doubt a great deal of ktek lng on the part of property owners, •jvhen the high tax rate become* known, but there Is no way of avoid ing It. To Whom It fly Concern. . I have been In the drug business for twelve years, and during that time have sold nearly all the cough medicines manufsctuiert: and from my personal knowledge of such remedies, I say that Chamberlain's rough Remedy glvea better satisfaction than any other on she market.—W. M Terry. Elkton, Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. Smith * Wesson pistols from $5 t# fk 50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at l>ewls J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought WHAT DOES THIS MEAN mmmmmmm 111 h Ml Tlat irtooit Km f*» stows flKu i«i Nil j Tatowiaw (iptifwtt >® Taa* tow awtoa O t Apm |ap**Mi ta tow Mm*M Naa l«t npaa top* t-A rw iaw* *r*m a ApwaWb whm** m* ■***> turn to (to *#*»t (tart (terwua* | •* k*< p*«*tato*4 ik* faiawaa awl Pw tm mmA ®t <to rttotto «»»■*# f if tft Mftfti fit' QMtMMftP tUffO •**' MftM •» ttk« smmmmmm «t tM# too•• | •NMP ft* llkft AUMMtMMI tfMMIMMi I too‘TOO ftlfl fut ***ttota fit* toMMMMP* to**** ■ to PtWrtoOT *4 j AptMtokto* twtotaa. Aaa p**«toa»4l •®*MMta to tar** rwmt * tw***t I WtMma® art* a aartoto* a( tto pnata WIFC HEATER. Iw* taMN Cat** TtaN I a«a«*4 M|r Ratlw'i Attoarttoa A trfr *1 “toaattar"* rtariwl tto »*r of j t*o* - rtaaa K*lt|i, wtar aaa walk tap at* toat aa cvatra ****** la* aittaki 1 11. totaaiicalrd and toaad Will Cat i ntoctian. totolaa fct* »‘T» Tto wtfa |X'iirtt<4 acalaal tto alto-a : arnwilaa Will, aad did aot aaot to tat. turn ia tto Aot*** At road ttoa at«»ra | tag Will wa* ■ aad MM. Harr tattb Wilt Jrtatt a altotoptad to braak a{ toar tax Ila or** a tMut'i k»ad ml | bit alltar row Alai J«»t lit at roan radar. A OA.IH OF • SKIN.” What the Mao* showed Ibdtcema* Rat aoldi I act Night I Th* amoahwat* that Dll oa that par ticular aavt-'oa of th* c*(too platform !«a 'he river bank at th* font of M< ■ juartaa atriet. a bowed up a little coteri# of gaaieatrra laat alght. The watchful I■ ya of Policeman Reynold* detected the partitM. The hand of Policeman Rey nold* arabbed Henry Pendletoa. The other* earaped He had bean In a "ahta” game. Thl* morning'* »nn Dll on Henry •' court and he heard Judge Batter aay. IS or lea day* A bandy companion to the nnwa, I these days. Is the new Herald AUas, 1 I published by Rand. McNally * Co., of, I Chicago, ft contains sixteen pages of: colored maps, among them Cuba and Havana harbor, the West Indies, Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and Chi ns and North America This atlas has the beat roller lion of war maps that we have seen. It would not lie con founded With Ihe small cheap atlases sold at the stores. Can be obtained only from Tha Augusta Herald. Price 30 cents. The Augusta Factory The rumor thst Mr. McQaw was com ing back to Augusta to be superintend ent of the Augusta factory has been printed. August Bth last The Herald referred this rumor to President Stewart Phtn- Ijv, of the Augusta Factory. "'lt la news to me," was the president’s reply. KILLED HIS BROTHER. Another Case of Didn’t Know It Was Loaded. Newberry, 8. C., Sept. 6 —Baturdav afternoon John (Joggans. aged 14 years, shot and killed bis younger brother. William about 7 years old. Ihe load taking effect In the right arm. severing ihe arm from the shoulder. It scivtis that tho boys were plsylng with the gun and were not aware that it was loaded. John was pointing the gun at William. It snapped several times and then went oft. killing the boy almost Instantly. The boys are sous of Mrs. James K. P. Goggans. Pistols, Double. Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington A Richardson Brand new pistols. $2.50: Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2,00 American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. "You’re a fool, George, to ask me to marry you." “No, door, 1 am a wise man, and a word to the wise Is suffi cient." The clergyman doesn't object to a yniing man’s ringing a bicycle belle In church. Caleb Colton:-Meo will wrangle for religion, write for It. fight for it, die for it—anything but live for it. George Eliot:— I’m not denying that women are foolish. God Almighty made them so to match the men. thk hbthj^xjd AGUINAtiDO INACTIVE [iHiCMC i> (Hn M* iHHj & \ flip fVaoMfpMii ip ift |mmP lit VftMfcpi Ini r dwdftif i ‘ towlttr—r 9NMNp| $■ Agadwald® Awar. Lsrs&JS a jstCw HppiMfipf iw pi «ift|f *# MpMMi •i.lmiwti lift 99i'P*fk'M>i VO* [ imm%* Ho ftfttfi lit kp wwwmi ip [tffto ipftiwii'iwo* <WNPt H •*» •HI fPPMMMMMI fHIHHMPHto ptowwoo^^ Vo fftM • Ttm filwit •»» • ********* fftpfpPtHNft Hftß r# TOptMfwti HPMIM iimmimp !• whk» ***• pHirt# If Hmlmi • Cm*i Atfto.Mtalll.A4a MoMIVRMI I# MftMfc# • •’ * Mfco Ltoo. tIP ftMOottlM Of !• *W# ' .mw.lit— Ml rftfH ftfl»4 •*« HM W* LpHt topMto# If pMMHii* DR RR»I$lF.*!» SCfIOM. it. tslit (V. the ItMd •«»»<« Com ••evatwry. [ I —ln. ••s*. d. A dMpairk •• Tha! ! ftwit? Mai) from Part. *•»• that • **• j ! nr «* It twins foraml Ml tbs’ city l*» ’ .m.mitk a mudwl rorol ««•*•’ * stoic. ' J*M 4* Until* will bo Ik* priavtiml, I Tk. arli'n< will bn rMbly endowed I Ilu promoter* badoag iu *k# rtebett | I famllM* at France Mto Retake Ms | j espreseed fete enllr* approval of the! I erbewie and hat promised kM m op»f . I a"Ion I is other engagement* permit tine | HR DANCED IN COLRT. Al lenel He WesM Have Mad Nod tie Hern vailed IMI This la rvaily nmneiag j l« Is a ease that cam* before bln ho* or at recorder's court inday. A great many raw* route up at that tribunal that concern rherav ers who arouse the court to a barge extent by i their meaner* of eipremmg tkelr aide of a queer on al lam*, j IVlet K. hiiison colored waa among, ihe eoailapral that hrpl Judge Baiter today He ana charged with a breach j of the eighteenth nect'ow, which la 'equivalent la aaylng he was.charged •vith any old often*- you might lay to him. aa the ".tghteenth" la elastic to lan extreme degree. Peter had tried to strike a woman ! with a atick. He told hla tale of woe. Ilia tale convicted him, although he tried hard to Impreaa the court that he was Innocent ’’Dnt ’otnan." began Peter, "la tub- Mb' de dear in. De dearon Q« dean' lak me: no sah! he hab no use sch ray self. When I meets him. he throws 'lnfluences' al roe. Ism' night Aw drank some liquor, lilt went to my hatd Je.V a hit Aw goe to dat ‘Oman's house. My! Jedgr. you ahould a-*eed her. Bhe wui s playin' In a roua' game. Dey win habbln' er big time, tlyar'a de was she did tPeler started to dance In court, but waa called down) she hreshed up agin me. en Aw goes Out fur to glt to stick to hit her en—" "That'* enough," said the recorder. "I fine you $10.” Peter collapsed. 3. W. Baggett, of Oak, Fla., had an attack of the measles, nearly three year* ago, and the disease left him with very severe pains In the chest. •‘I thought T would die,” he writes: “hut to my great Joy 7 was saved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm ” Pains in tha cheat nearly slants indicate the approach of pneumonia,and by prompt applying this liniment on a flannel cloth —which should b* bound on the chest —an attack of pneumonia may he pre vented. It 1» always prompt and ef fectual. For sale at 25 and 50 cents pet bottle by Alexander Drug A Seed CV,. C. R. ParT of Beil Tovtjer Drug Store. canhuo and kiss. New York Women Allowed to Wel come the Soldiers Home. New York, Sept. 6—A decision was rendered today at the West Fifty fourth street polire court by Magistrate Pool to tho effect that kissing and hug ging on the street soldiers Just back from camp docs not constitute an of fense against the peace. This ruling vvas made in the ca.-c of Nellie Anderson, of No. 215 West Forty-second street, who was charged with disorderly conduct by Detective Curry of the Tenderloin precinct. Curry i sol'd that he had arrested her at 3 , o'clock in the morning at Sixth avenue and Thirty-first street for kistlng two men. •'ls that so?" asked the magistrate. "It is, your honor.” replied the pris- | oner. "I not only kissed them, but 1 hugged them, because they were sol diers and in uniform. " The romptalut was dismissed. An old bachelor says that love is the sugar coating on the bitter pill of mat rimony. ! anp « L #H * f • 4 I * %-■ W ** *9 tt* m*+M 1 Zm r ira *'j i "*iw a **** I m |w£ (o pfttof'l f|N«#( ftopar OfMMO 1 M ini fi g uaJb OawMfftiftHt stoat OMMa a»« (to to*-* 1 iLtoOO f*,r A*tW V- * Mfrrt I C»mMO<V %gwi*M to- OM toatftk* » ( •■ ■* *w» - * ? to® % I fUk |m4|S» «Mi *Soo * 00 •-* . * to*to - K gOTMOT jgW «W RrjtoOl Tm * (kl f T It~* A to* * toft dWt lof "liiilll |V" totalk‘ %wwt * ftoga# Wto WOT *to I "1£ nggjr "~yirfrp HQ I o Mod W*x ta-*-* ’■nflat—l I wi wftijrr *»• *- tog QQ.ajik % «*> »**' tag ft* HifTi ~nr TT~f * ff *0 M»mh » o»f fpffo# Ml I aw fftfr fiia.m • (iWtaHNMMI Hr (flu if 44 E gAwOTg YlMt MftOMHMtkl ggpO iMoM OAM fto a to to. to ato 4- *of aTtWto few MO« ftk* I Ms 5 -f»-Tr dto> O . I _ ' I W*f |l ONMM|m» 4oi * 'tpA Tw-go* 4 dOftp NMTW IfdWMU* N Ttta* !• Dwtkda (A* CtotatoM CA.rftaJ HrW I TW »l MtCi‘Hftt Of flftO tMlfl ii MOl ftOftfM* HOO ftMtotCMp tut: A« H*OtOP~ * * * PoOfrap ,* m»mm mm WmIPII Ip » aa •• •* *« •* *• t * tesa>t!T •* Lsrnrr Wpimm*!** •* -vr* r* * * 1 Mgi'wrto* «•§ Vkrf*« W#f- L|up »p 4H< ynirr At CPHftftftf* f ’"lffttfOiNU I »• a a *a •* •• •• •• * * C*t» tfd ioP4 • (toad i,- .to.lfill *l»4 Pi M* V<*OOf iftf tetootaw- ?j § t lit HottorfdMi If iN Witt; CMrppo * to .. .. a. dr 5 * 1 imU':.".. k- •• i * Lrh**l oMi Md-MHv^r. P 1.1.1 ora w * Battan®*- Tboraiaa aad UonoAua ; Hart aad Ahrtrrr. At N#w TorA— * J J NV®- York 4 * R . Haltartra—Daan and Ortrot Ru*ir and <lrad> . rtMV-nd Oama b>w York ** ** »* *• ** •* * ' I’hlladrlphta Him N llaltntaa— K<tui®dy and Ityaa, Maa* Aon. Orody Mnd I>oyl«.. At l*blltdrl|*liUft— a. I J J Baltimore * 1 * lUHtilf mll and Mi For’and; K»t« iu*n and Roblnio#. Snrond Oamt — # Philadelphia 11 ,s natterlra-Platt and McFarland ; Huh lira and Clarke* At Ivoulavllla— Jaiulavllle * J* Ht. * V 1 0 Pat telle* —Fraaer and Klttredge : Caraey and Stigden. difficulty at hill. nr. Bud Sander* Hit on the Arm by a Piece ot Iron Yesterday. Thcrd was a dimoulty up at the Sib ley mill last afternoon. The parties were Mr. Dick Webster, anpterlotendent of the card room, and Mr. Bud lenders, an employe at the mill. Landers, it seems, went to Mr, Web ster nod asked for a certain sunt of money he claimed wga due him. Mr. Webster told him to-, leave the room, as he htal no money for him. Landers left, but met Webster ou the outside. There were more words. Mr. Webster again ordered Landers away from the mill. He did not go, and Webster struck him with a piece of iron. A wound was made on Lander’s arm. A case was docketed against the partici pants and at recorder's court the judge decided that Webster was guilty to an extent of five dollars and Landers *2.60. The Rand-McNally new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of the kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the size of any others published, and clearly printed on heavy paper. Kach one has a marginal index and a page is devoted to the flags .of all nations. This atlas Is timely and useful. It Is not for sgje at the stares. The Herald has arranged for a special edition.' 1 Readers m«w obtain a copy by calling at our ofttcb or sending 50 cents. Henry Siiaw:—The.henpecked man Is most generally rmwried. but there are Insjeoecs of singhtpsien being har rassod by the pullets. MEETING OF 1 THE CORTES j f|g Vt*i|»»firt Rim Ikfvi IM \ 41 *4 aiM iii mmi ••» €>■»» ■»» * m>f f im. f|« teAMMM ill•» f t p* ifip f | jtwto'l mi iHMiWP'' | I ##-'111441- MfftMWl Mftß tMVMffM Fft# 11* t i I#• (mlpf MMftlili . A (AtT mifctt T« HEATH ( r*r*n «d Hw» Ms(»•• Ato t—*ih Atohta AtasMUM a®- *AM I ««g» *4 m mrn-xt-~* #f tom | | *»§ %mmm i# mb M* *to*> | itNl m • pm * V mil' |«tf mmm *# P* ummmt ***** •• Mk ito* mm* Vftom**"' ; j*4 ftdf*l t*m**+*9 ** Iwnp | *Jl t*** | g fINNNK MNfttF #• V*M f s Mft** | M , 4 |l Mf j i mi imf'flMM ft#«? **#•'? i . to tom tin *44* W#iter##»■•*>. »■•*>- j ■ ift# fmf»d#4 -• •»*** • > iTtoi \XTfZZXZ i* toStom *MM to - fc,., f | ,-. WPmrn I I**— ■ *2,"55m1 . LsMiMI otW mm*l>*' %>♦*«•* MW nsr*a?sr£jrs | I, ito ***#%< |jl fti* «mi f%* m*stoto*wto*9 : ” tto ‘rmm -aa ** ,_„ r rtr j with ««» *# a mooted fejrriv I to**s% Aft#j I n ** (to# hwm* • I Atol •» to tlw a»J*t ot a y l **" mmrm ] ktoM ***** •##■ *"’•** ™ *■# w | iSFriSi i (.Lditai rTn # rdtially #u to l r'artotoi I»»» aa rt'*i*ki» AM »**' ta* w *> j | dAah |mm«H -n r nwe#» #mw in f»r mr*#. Frtfl- j I rtn* minting tom kit*H nhnmt. j I tto# «t»lf# to»*Ung |*to?nflvrtr t# |ito#m At lift Jti»f u tto#V mw*- I Hw (luiittfhrd glit lamr HMHS ttlrm | Ind their Toothful alayatr. ***** loag. I loving look ah* caat op*>» the hodto* I■ f the alaln. «m® took •• 4 h# 4 * f * "* If to* 4 fimtto WflO ■ffMMS «'#»■ Iftfin ■ *»« « j *»h# TurfiEft #fwt tto'* ptoftJfiMvE eftof I’f* j fiEW#4 5 went to#r w#jr i t ntit #h# >t# n»>thlnn. ftior would ahe he roneoled The neat day name, and »«MI oh# re»u»ed fond and comfort Alone and unreapmatve M t upon the Wtakdow *lll In "Be of Uio r»om* oa the third story, bxtktng out Mankly «Bd dejectedly. bruoJlng otr er thoae that were gone. While Ihu* *he an* yesterday Police man Dei for Of the Mulherr yetreet *la tlon chanced to pa*» The cat gave a melancholy arowl. The p.Hlreman l*»k rd up. again the rat yowled. And then, to the amatement of the officer, ahe rnae auddmty «o her feet, and juat a* suddenly aprang outward to the side walk, many feet hetow. When Mr. De fer reached the a pot where »he had had atruotr Francraco was dead Hhc had made no effort to -’light on her reel " aa cat* are atway* auppoeed to do. Inatcad ahe had fallen, deliber ately fallen, to her death There t* mourning In the house of Mr* Antonio roreltt. for Francesco va* beloved by »1> ‘he family*—New York Time*. Bucklen’a Arnica Salve. THE RF?ST SALVE tn the world for Cutw. Brulaaa. Sores. l T lce*a, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped llend* Chilblains. Corn*, and all Skin Eruption* and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD A WILLRT. OAVE HIM A SURPRISE. The Jolly Greeting For a Cltlcen at Hephzlbah. Special’to The Herald. Hephzlbah. Oa., Sept. «.—When Rev. R. R. Seals came tn town this evening with his sister, whom he has Just mov ed from Augusta, he found quite a con gregation at hts new home on Baxley !street and Detph avenue. He was some what surprised but was invited tn and his eyes feasted upon a multitude of good things—preserves, chickens, jel lies. sweet meats too numerous to men tion. canned goods, flour, meal, eggs, bacon, hutter, lard, corn for the bug gy horse, dishes, table linens and other things an this line without end. It Is needless to say he was fully overcome, and could only say to all "Thank you." and "t love you.” Mr. Jno. R. Ryne. of Midvllle, is In the village today. Mr. and Mrs. Waring Delph of Spar tanburg, S. C., are visiting at the res- I idence of Rev. W. I. Detph. The man who can accurately describe, a woman's dress made a mistake tn not being lxvrn a dressmaker.' You can sometimes judge a man's ability by the number of relatives he has to support. ULT IT NOW assn e.' ■*r *V# :* % * J He TOC» CHOICE or TMRiiE li:aoi;rs DOMESTIC, nn* home, BOt'bEHOID. Scwlnjc flachincs. I All Mttto ititoii >•»»#!» *#i totomtom*Ptok. to VlfEMpto 9to*to*pgp* mtto **mto M#»» MtoMMte tototo toMM toll (in Ters li Gill Pirtiu If#*# rm wpm <k ll#§M s AnA. -New Royarat S»M.oo MTMK ttoMtoftl Iw> ftoi'itofttol to ttofttAMMHMM * » - “aad* Wa*(aedaA Tfioroas & Bartoo, Mr H HA«m«TT, tomato***. t%* l«fw#4««r *wow**m isto ONECENTA WORD SITUATION WANTED I A WHO Uf»T THAT HAM HAD I *a i -*■ y(#■•#« *■ #■ e#ftta#i#4% 1# niftitia* * *n# MM# 4rr gm*4» ****** mm ftofto** I Mlw J, cat* J. M Feary. ill Bowl HELP WANTED I WANTED--A QOOfl KALIQKMAN TO tofk tto ton tot to CaMtoft uti m rain* {miaei 4i. to llvtljr man fin me tor frt»m llt 4 t# 9t7S per ro<*tof to Horn# « to|49tol j rr<|«itr#d. (*tll tot otet. M 4 itound atfrel, I AuffVitft. Oto. to#f»t • I wanthka rmnw man to I AH## lank wttnto M«»« b# to bustler I Britod »tr##f. to#|M A WANTED BT TOD NO lfA*-*Oftf ««-'■ .,.:« V* Igood* or grocery auwe. Aeveral year* I *xperteWee and brat «f n*fereaee Ad- Idrees W,*rker. care Herald. Sept ? j WANTEik— prtBITH >N AB < tTFICK I or cash boy. or employment for as- I ternmn - .it 1 1 tloodrafarmrea. Addtaaa B. care Herald. Sept T WANTED-A I®miTl<>N AH COACH MAN or hostler. Beat reference. Ap ply MO Telfair atraet. Sept 8 WANTED—I® 'HITION AB HOOK OR to do hnueswork tn private family by vrhlt* woman. Addreaa D. care Herald. Sept ( AHENTH WANTED-FOR DR. DRI M MOND'S Lightning Remadiea for Rheumatiarn ; VM tor an incurable ease; restores stiff Joint*, drawn cords and hardened muacle*. If your deaJrr has not got these remedle*. we wilt send the full month * treatment of two large bottle* mi receipt of *5 DRi'MMoND MEDICINE CO.. *4 Naaaau St.. New York. Oct 2 CONTRAI TO SINOER DESIRES PO SITION In Catholic or Protestant church choir. Sight reader. Address Mis* M.. Herald office. Sept 7 FOR SALE~ CREAM-cnBAM AT 24 J ACKSON ST. TO RENT FOR REINT-VOI7 REYNOLDS ST., *-room dwelling. Apply wll Broad. TO RENT—THE BRICK DWEIJJ.NO No. 260 Greene street. A. H. David son . Oct 1 HOUSE TO RENT-1360 MAY AVE NUE. Six rooms; will rent reason ably to good tenant. Apply to House next to Schuetaen Plata. R. A. Dunn. Sept 7 FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with all the modern Improvements on Greene and Telfair street. Apply J. H. Prontaut. 626 Broad street. Sept 9. TO RENT—STORE NO. 714 BROAD street, next below Davenport & Phln lzy, running through to Ellis street. Price 81,350. Alexander & Johnson, 705 Broad street. Oct 1 FOR RENT— 7-ROOM DWELLING house, 1257 Greene street. With mod ern improvements. Rent $25 per month. Apply 1256 Ellis. Sept 9 Mon wed Sat TO R ENT—DWELLING 710 ELLIS street, seven rooms, twelve dollars per month. Apply J. W. Jansen, .06 Ellis street. Sent 7 TO RENT—NO. 437 TELFAIR ST.. containing S rooms with all modern conveniences. Apply to IV. J. Ruth erford. _ Sept 17 , 1 SEPTEMBER « I ( kt tKOfotlNO I.• j-x-rt*** s*kd a* f (• aa# | <#-*• • #*MtolM| tto (toTptiH #• ' *■* w# toi to wfW w* * •to .4 M ItoC. ft Ll AN ftUUft (it 4 to toil a ptoni ft AT tdMN'Hr to •» tot * m**-* m* 4k # #*’ : s#.-s #N.#*todK% [ « c.«ta» jr‘% -* #(l# tom ?>•* .-tato n# * ! ##4 pmtoto*. to* fttofito I'S.stoMi «f *m* mto l % #• ■’ th fY • % t s it# tort• »t r* ♦«# tomtomtoto Id* til mmm ****** I iftlfif § T t *»t ' ft' 4 ♦* » toffttoft to i ft:M |fc T » j| ft • itoMtoto. i special Notices; Madta* IhaMk <.k*4>. YW* F**W4U «CT»Dfl«j i«r T«»*t I Ttog* tot to#to##f * #Hi MfNftft ts( i ii.p. f i*to V •#%>s toil %*i *ttf*Ttokttotoi- f s ti ft I ft) Ift |to ft- >* ' | <K'‘k **t m mo' #«d» I )ft# * to# »t taMvi i: V# totsW to*k*n ft| m - I rnltr-wm to*m*mto** HI to •« 4 « HftftlL . |ty fttiir »f tto# fkcHftr# Wtotlßta xnf At*#if*toTA rfiKK * Maim HDlftDtot ft tfTH CAD* I «Si4«t#« tm idmltKt# ttoniM ftfKdit | Yto#m«#t%#ft tor lit ullitoiil ***•##• I • toy mmto f 34 p- t# fWft m <****% !to toftftto mtoto SNftNVp */**to # In* 4t : (»trtopftift tft * ftftH 4 #!• tmmrm* JOHN L IIIVIKK. rvitHiptoL spcflto« Notleft 'toro4#f*iy (4 Kiflinftit r<nin(y. Awfi** ’II4TH AKVrtold HMVO]# MQIKi | MONDAY. o(YofliK kt Fill rftt» ' r s |A9tfft tft* C*oftrft#ft 111 Al j «ft 4 M«i4#rß Unffticft Mtofh#«»toM**« #/i4 (ll# tort#fir#ft HlFtiAftft* i(|iT and TyffttoHlifito ftlih«»ut tltrft I rHarxp lDdtm> U*4 in Milittry Tft# 4 I lira and AttoiHkft Fft li»fwmftU«®, I ai*ifi rrltorlfNil. Rlthmut»4 A#to4* 7 Per Cl 1500.000 ? Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITALIST* WILL U»AN HALF A MUJJOM DOLLARS •on realty ia Angus'*. O*. Term# 7 t«r n-at. Br furtbrt informatuat *** i their attorney *4 law. P- J. HulHvdi*, iE* , nr Mr. P. « Butuam Notke la Creditor*. In the Untied Htatea Court (or South- I rrn District of Georgia. Northeastern Division-In tbe* matter of Emile I Rubenatetn. Bank, upt. i ALL THE CHKDITORH OF EMILE I Rulieneteln. who ha* been adjudged * I bankrupt on hi* own petition.are here by notified that * drat meeting pf | them Is called at my office. Dyer I Building, August*. Oa.. on TUES DAY. SEPTEMBER. 13TH. at 12 | o', to,* m.. at which they shall prov# iheir claim*, appoint a trustee and i do other matter* aa provided by act of congress of July Ist. I*M. establlah* ing a syst.-m of bunltruptcy through out th* United Htatea. JOSEPH UANAHL. KeDree. a * Pills, Pills. Pills. Pills Pills The Best Pills puis Pill To Take phis Pills ib— Pills Pills Dr- s»rt Pills, pills 26 Cent*. Pills; ffKF* Bon’t forget that Pills Pills We Howard & Wiilet Pills Dreg Company Pills Pills ■ Make Them Pills, Pills. Pills, Pills BflfflJ TO LIU. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexander&JolmsoQ a Agents Scottish American Mongage Company, 705 Broad SL