The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY 4 THE lUGUSU HERALD *.*• f»»* ••MMNHMMt • • : ,r*mm ###■#«■«# _ 1 • WStmtttmm**** JJ ***** tM WABW »****• » * * , * , '* |M« 1 1 ‘ iH f «■*«<*•» ** *** jM»f«*Nl Will** *«•*•**- <*• ItlKAl i> **’**>****• if : a HHHB pr— ■“* • •**•••*• an wm . Mila* Art* ***** *'*■ **** ***•*'■*'''•**" m yoy WHJ. WWW H*i MBiAlil I, g||*atS A » Hmm *'** ll ** 4 »h* I**** IN,W AHflfß M*** ***•"•• Al .bs ►— «"•* - 4 ®jj** (IM i,a* nmtA*** mmrn*- *< (B* n *"4 - <V **T“ tl T-f* ntf A* •*•*** ■*■ pm M 4 rti< * k»#—*•****■ - ....... ~ mtw »«•***« *• ** .- Zj *lll «■**»** rSTw »• «•**»•* »*• •** *• ““ Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . The Meeelfi thl* • m ***' * * • #•*«•* #1 (Kt*** *♦* **• **** Mt»i* •Till** from >a As* 'l in *s«w#*»f !•**** TV*** •*• |rr« MUM* «** rt*bll*B#4 ■ IK>*n fie plum# .ml. *Krt >*» ■ <#,|<W< Ml • liW»4 Ib» <eh-t# «*- r) », «111 M evibriJtlrd I*l • «*»"*• MiMt **l MWAH*** commit ntitr« for the awavgln# « prises TV f**l *•«*** “* ’A* writer. •• w*»i •* * h * *”*" * rlur**\ witMrt ipwwni'iijf f, *‘" Miter Mill I* twf pul-l»«’‘“ n for lA* VtUpon “* f (law Omteslsnt# must reetfln* B letter* t« s re#*®****!* length CMIi-MMU (•■ writ* •« «**•’ * letter! It IVT Sr!*h f»T ***• prlar. but on# r«int*s»snt '"•a win only o»* "* the P»l»a* * _ m <fTt» Hrrslit weal* IW. *P r lf h *- IT. ••*»<P» VII rr». •ni >*• prises »111 hr •••rdrll for Ih* | r el moil interesting and iu*>»l itiAiMi latter* of Bum mar It.- •art Hitt- Contest Closes Oct. I. ror. THE BEST LETTER *** °* rOR THE ID BEST LETTER ... it #» FOR THE ID UKBT LETTER ... M* A SPLENDID ATLAS. The Herald ha* secured a few cople* of the magnificent War Atlaa l»»ued by Kand. McNally R Co. the great map maker* Thl* Atla* I* a map of the world, and II you want to keep ootled on Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippines you ought to have It. The regular price ol this Atla*. which l» printed In five color*, con. tain* map* of Cuba, Wert Indloa, Hawaii. Europe. A*la. Africa. spain. I’hlllpplne*. North America, South America, the World, Oceanka, China, t'ortugal and harbor charts of Havana, Santiago, San Juan, Malanias, Clen fuegos, Manila. Cardenas and Santa Clara Bay*. Is 50 cenli. To herald readers jo cent*. 1 his Atlas Is 1 «xa) Inches and con* .alna 18 pages. You are aurc of get ting your money's worth when you get the HERALD'S STANDARD ATLA& The opposition to Little seem* to have died a-bornlig. The rain Is over, but 0 what a fall there was. my countrymen! Four thousand people die every year In Chicago from drinking Impure w»- tpr. The Third Georgia will he happy when it gets under the command of tJen. EUzhugh Lee. The Sultan of Morocco was killed «ne week, kidnapped the next and now he U* 111. No won ler. A few labor organizations were en terprising enough to celebrate Labor Kay. They deserve great erediff Why Is this country warmer this summer than ever before? Because It titends nearer the equator. The Carolinian editorial writer on .'be Savannah News Is confident that Governor Eilerbe will succeed Uiin lelf as governor of South Carolina. It Is a reproach to Augusta that La bor Kay was uot more generally and elaborately celebrated than it was. <Ve have an excellent class of working men and 1 heir holiday should be an ft Ml# MSMYIM W 9% Hi H # tMMflffN”* 9m * Mil wn HI ~ ' «# M***' 1 M * 4imw§ • 1 ”gi-- V:t# ♦♦ *. it m ««ft MiMSi- m IbH mi «# •Ip mm m I imp ii** 9m mtmmim m | aij wr»• r* mi fi* fMMMMi 9mm *■» li# *"1 mm #•* p*p w • J j-ygoi ■ >ii i-|p|rfl HUM *9m I *9m “ f it* om# m* m • mmA mm* m*#* I Mi pMA 1* 99/9999* ! tka mm UN**** *4 it* 9mm •* !I* It* I*l «# It* t**Ml I* 1 |,jtil > t*| tit m**m* t* |M*.** *** I tfe* **» is »m mi *m* its*# is | |W_ AjUMir -Rir>'H.t. **# *ll**ll t* St I I ,-n‘]gg-| (■l*ll**i it It* *** 1 MHM*IIT f 11- grtfMiffai p*t m 4 mrnm 4 iPO§ : ii*% tm Mi mmi ipNiii' i <«• «iti tb* «**m* nrtmi mi ib» I«M p»m «f tb* MW* tV MrwA J tmmM •*•»» b* Mr i«R*t *• •MW** jai wwbtwwr M* «■*. »M MMw M I mlgbf M bMI Tb* 11 nnitt IM RmA wm J |WWM bW fWibAMt t»«M bWwAft** M Wtm4 *•% »b* VgUIMW* M ' ,• tb* tMWfhl MHrnWWb R fWwgW I tmr* MV RbMt awM# MHi wMrl «M WM* bp noWpMMI** nfIWIU Ml tbm ItM • y*wr Mfl M • M • | p*e c«M Hwtt. 1* ■» Ihnmgb tb* $ TcrSTT —g l -- 1 *eboW. IM UtWItOTI i roll*** m ur wMr pm* »»«tßrt «* j lor UMluairtbl *4w*Uwa. H* «wil4 ; rrmt* sixty arbollrwblp* lib* IBM IH ; ftr*t pwu. artl *l*ty ml NlHW (jbd tb.rd Abd fmi rib year* Tb** tb*r» would b* JM I* lb* law not Pm* for i admit rial MwMlol I* lb* four : year* of rIBW Tb* |J«M* «*t of fa#* would fnralah ml to lead • tb* boy* A y*ar or m »fu* grada -1 »tk»o tb*y would bail* «* PM bocb tb* momy and It eould W ratoono* to I other*. lor rawing lbe a umber at Reboot. Tb# sixty sebolwabip* wood M apportiomd to dl»er*«t port* of tb* *«at* my ooe foe **eb neaatorlal dm j trlct. and slxtee* for tba atata At tnrga. At tb* meeting of tb# Wat* Agricul tural aortrty. Col. 1.. K Llvlngato* In troduced a raaoiutloo recommending this plaa. and It wa* pamed A «»* ml!tee of five waa appointed to am i mortal Ite the leg.lature Among I other member* of the romm ttae are Hon. Pop* Brown. 00l Uvlngatou and eg-Coogreaamnn Charley bom. Mr Stevooa ha* duscuaaed the plan with a number of members of the legislature and thn* far not one bn* opposed It. The Indiratlona are that tl will paw. and not only will the farming inter ests of the atate be greatly Improved, but many deaeralng young men will be given an opponunity to establish themselves In life. LABOR DAT. Labor day passed off practically without Incident. The holiday of brawn, the festival day of the work man, came and went, and but for the closing of a few public offlcea, few people In Augneta would have kuown that It was here. There waa a parade of a few trade* organizations, the member* of which deserve great credit ror the pride of craft, the energy and enterprise which Induced them to come out. But there was no systematic, united celebration, such as should have marked the occa sion. While not entirely alone, Augusta Is in striking contrast with many south ern cities, and all those at the north. They make It one of the great days of th* year. The workman Is made to feel the dignity of labor. The value of the toller In oar soelal system Is not unrealized and unappreciated. This 1* all wrong. Augusta Is a city of (oo much importance. Industrially and commercially, her people are too broßd and liberal, for them thus quiet ly to allow I>abor day ever again to pass unmarked by u worthy celebra tion. The Herald hR» contended for an ap propriate celebration every year and we hope that next year will witness a memorable program In the name and Interest o. the working man. ORCHARDS AMD CANNERIES. The development of the fruit indus try Is one of the most creditable and remarkable chapters in the history of southern progress. It Is estimated that during the sea son just closed the peach crop alone brought more than two million dollars In the state of Georgia. There are no less than eleven immense orchards in the Immediate vicinity of Fort Valley. wbUs V?Jia\ls as. TTBB3 -A.TJGTJST-A HBBALD ■ *hm* ipmmmn* IM****-* mm MW* mmm i*i m mmm mi •mm •*-♦ ii* t|* imrtMrt ffe* «***»» ***m mmm i mm mmmff *m* mmmmmmm m j «•»«** mm •UN*#*#, mmmrn I* «*** I iMiNNi ii*MifMi§ m M*% •**"* 4 : o**m mmmmmmm mm %mmmmrn* mi mmmm mmmrn mm MMHMPH Mp# it* I mtmm T%# Miß-ftt Mi mm* mMwMMMni j <w#w > ar* wati aAapwi t* DMI j lag That <M U* M WIHWrt •*# Ml j wtuiiaa Wl*h «Ma laAwWe* *awaw Ipa that as eaaatag BwtHiww* OaW’ j a>* k*a hsaww* He* wi pawk#* i TBara Ml *• rmmm w*» >Ms mmum | akaaM W* Aa IB* **w* tllAlUtll AUAI IWKi ivrhap* tB» w* tusaw arvaMra w*a< al • paittkat Mat tfcW Baa h##a waA* Ml i i l*wi waa iA* iwllrtsa*wt a* R*aa*#r i Qtmf by Jaha Waa*waa*v at Wvitaaw 1 . Ona* RE. m fTIAay It wa* alt th# | aw* **li>a< haraaw th# *» ye wa# I t#r'a Aaaaaeiallea aewaMwl chvf y of j facta aaS fllutw Thee* waa ha | | mak# ah##*, ao *h*ap •a4-atMw- Th* way In whWh Ba »*f*haiM th*#*. however. pmdaeaM a pwßewaA liaprewi-w and gave th* Q«ay mw chin# th# aavarart |olt H Baa aaar ta eatvatf It AM man. It ahow#A ay the trarta sad roryoraMoa* la a light eaJralataA to ask* ib# whole roaaUy .top and ihlak It hrioc* ay that trtta old quart hm. WhHb*a ar# aw drill la#*' wh*a a f#w ftgarea la rm gard ta l*ean*ylvaata alone ar* yea ■aatsi, H* showed lhal the rtoaas railroad* ol lha attl* employ H.IIT awa. and ‘ pav theta aaaually la wage* MB MR- I OOP Of this number the P****ylv*. I ala and Reeding railroad* fur* *h S 7 - vll and lA.BM men ra*peetl*aly. Tb* 1 | Vanderbilt ayatam furalah#* 11.432 I men tha Baltimore and Ohio MU. lha | Naw Jeraey Oatral 1.M4. *ha ledilgh ' Valley U.M3. and tha Delaware. Lack awana and Wnetarn LIB, Th* great i street railway* of the atata—which have reeoived valuable leglalallva cno | cession* for nothing give the m* ! china loyal aupyon with 11.0 TB em ployee* who are paid In salaries s»>.- 930.481 every year. The leading spirits in all there great corporation* are nlllaa of Quay. "That monopoly of monopolies, thy Htandard OH company, pays annually 12.600,000 to It* three thousand emplo* #** who j are taught a fidelity to Henator Quay's machine. The Bethlehem Iron worka, whose armor plate* ar# sold to the government for nearly double the con tract price offered to a foreign coun try, Influence their employee* to auch an extant that In the city of Bethle hem It has been found difficult to get men lo stand a* anti-Quay delegates.” The thousands of workmen of the Carnegie Iron works, It ta said, are marched to the poll* under the super vision of superintendents and foremen, and voted for Quay candidates under penalty of laetng their jobs. The great express companies, who furnish frank* to machine followers, one of which Is bossed by Senator Platt, with their thousand* of men, can he counted on for great service for the machine. In addition to the employees of these corporations, there are 15.000 state and national officeholders In the Keystone state, all of whom are under the dom ination of the despotic Quay. Five thousand people cheered and listened while Wnnamaker spoke, and the whole country is ringing with the sensation he created. It tvas directly a blow at Quay, but Indirectly a tlulus! at ring rule and abuse of cor porate power everywhere. Such ut terances from such a man as Wanama ker cannot fall to make a profound Impression on the public mind. The rumor has beem again revived ,to the effect that Judge Speer contem plates moving to Savannah. That was probably circulated to counter act her blues after the hurricane. IF YOU WANT THE MOST READERS PUT YOUR AD. IN THE BIGGEST, BRIGHTEST BEST PAPER purnmp in auqustaJ HERALD PRIZE I LETTERS BIKBBI low: - SOIIEB RESORTS. sl3> tm tit ftral. f|T 111 tfei tii |i FniliM «**• ta ABt»rt***»*>*. I« • Mgt#a ' A >M»i#* M *• «*i* I Wp>#* 14# I f tMHfti mm i mmmM Impmmmi* ' *•* Ump mm* Mmhmb * ■ # # sftit* (IM *■■ • ■* Mi'Y t #v i n ; 9i t«ip ■'MbmmC la# 9mt MM m * -(I#- i ».>..• # iMhtMp fcuM •M 4 IMM <4 - It* V*f |H(f iw* tti |MMSY •*M4W #''-#4l Mb# M* iMMtf'fc' 4 imrnm, Mwmtmm ******* m*4 !•■# ■n i%r-y #w#4 An <mm Amp minhni tlMv fM# m • f*** *fe 7MB*#4 IfliMpN ; t|a.«k|ff| 4#Pff f (fedV 5-' :-m-* ■** | *’4 t Mfp n c aMb i# • imb Ml h * f** MM ■ ■ y rj-fR M# %■ #MMi IMMNM , M t|l#A. - frfmg* tsitJMMM |>n*( #%! lm> Id 4Ndpfid4 Id# ||m> * * f * # «4dddMd*dd tt- m* d > •N d s9mi mi pMwtdi •* mt*t mm m as fagttihw whoa* warn** tß#y hav# th* Da*** Htiaaaa Lax. Baaßoight t»rx«wa# htff n—y artiera wBo <M haast «*f a gtwtMl awraatry R*< lß*a* gaogb* **f rltlm •* awr* ißa* *h» o*4* *4 tßrtr Bare father* When yaw leek aheei **d •#• • hat I Bay Bg** a*t»aigll*B#4 ake*# thr rlaa# nf lha rtvtl war yew are oV.lged it* rentll (ham »Hh bateg aa uaeam ! meaty awtMrgrtlt gaagke Hare Is »ht hacdwwa* *>««*••< errrteff By theta la (ifscaill Jarkeoa wßw la htwlaff I* ! th* Lrytagfoa wmeterv Thi* m<ma i men' haa • tatty gethmial at whit* ! null* tarwnrtiwl hy a *t**4tag Bg are la hrawsa at tha OnafMwilt gea ! ext TB* attMa4a a# (he Sauce la very env aa4 la plamly dkareraibla from (ha ! cemetery gala aa yoa paae along the mala (horwughfarv of the low*. Bat (he pytil* al Lexlagtoa, aa4. Id | deed, a Mecca lor ail Sotiiheraers. t the chapel la the Waabiagtoa and Lee j urtveralty graua4* u> (he rear of which j la tha maaac'euta caataialag tha Crypt | where lla the rrmala* of Ova Robert j K lm. hy Valeattav. the taieaud Vlr alnla atalptor. Tba rtatue of whit* otarhle. which oaa of hie old pupita. bow a profeaaor la Washlagtoa and university, (old me Imre a strik ing liken res lo the great soldier, la aa Impreaatv* a (blag aa I ever saw Some lady, in speaking of It. affirmed that It waa Imhned with even more solem nity than the tomb of Napoleon *1 Pari*. Mrs. G*o. Lee. whom, a* we alt know, wa* Mias Mary Cost la, grand daughter of Martha Washington and • lady of large a-ealtb. la burled in the Crypt beelde her Illustrious husband. Adjoining the Crypt underneath the chapel ta the room used aa an office by | Gan. Robert E. Lea during the later j year# of hia presidency of Washington and Lee natverslty. which la pre*»rved aa he left It on the day be waa taken 111 tweedy-eight year* ago There one a*** the chair In which he always sat, his last mall opened, and laid on the table, the Ink stand with Its fluid now a remnant of Mark dust, and hi* pen. | all just a* he left them. Someone of fered a nice sum of money for thrt pen, but it waa refused. In fact, there Is not enough money In America to buy ».ny of these relics which Wash- I Ington and Lee university hold a* a i sacred trust. In close proximity to thl* chapel I* (be Lee Memorial church, also erected by these energetic people. It Is of white granite with a lofty tower, upon which the Virginia creeper etitwine* It self In all Ks abundant toveltnes*. There la no church edifice In Balti more. Washington or New York that I have seen that can compare In point of beauty or pietureequeuess with this. William L. Wilson, postmaster gen eral under Cleveland. Is the prenident of Washington and Lee university. Only a short street separates the Virginia Military Institute grounds and buildings from tho Washington and Lee. The campus surrounding both these institutions is spacious and kept in most perfect order, the grass, which Is the greenest and freshest one ran imagine looking always as if It were just from the hands of the mower. Beautiful flowers bloom all about. Ge nius inderd has here an opportunity to develop under rare and attractive sur rounding. The main buildings to the Virginian Military Institute are cas tellated and painted cream color. Perched as they arc on a high emi nence with canon pointing from the heights, they look Ilk? some mighty stronghold Impregnable and secure for al! time. T have had many Interested, Inquiries made about the Sibleys. .Barretts, Jeff Berry, John Twiggs a'hd other Augus ta boys who have been enrolled here as scholars and cadets. About ten days ago I drove with a party to the Rockbridge Alum Springs, seventeen miles distant, and spent the day. As tve the beautiful grove mm* mm mmut* 990*$ 9m Jh-% j»,.!■«! A efa ||d a-.unry* l l 4d ld>* MM^MM diYdii iMt *m d pdfiMit «I 4 , _ |ag| Mild Mdd Mid* mmf - *mmt' mb f*i * id m,m*mom f Ilf, mrntt* o * d tildd » « * -- a i- f JTfclddtlßd 4m| Hi# tlAftflt KVUTB PORTNER’B | MOKBRAU and < VIIiNNA CABINET ( BRANDS OF ( Export Beers ARE THE BEST 1 Ark FOB TUMI. Pome few worn** discredit thl* as sertion. but thn#* who have tried a Ga* Range could not U, induced to adopt th# old-fashioned method sgsln. You «*# It IS an ossy to regulate the Ga* Kan**. If you want one vegetable to cook mor# alowly than another, you have but to ium the thumb acrew and you can reduce the heat to any de gree you desire The amt with your roast. If It Is doing too quickly, you | don't need to throw open the oven door and run the risk of chitling U. You <wo regulate your range to suit your meat. Tie Gas Lijlt Co. of lopsta, 422 BROAD PT. KEEP COOL by using one of our odorless Refriger ators—the Dewey just annihilates hot weather. Klondike, Gurney and Eclipse are oil good: everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chests; ice cream freezers. See our line of bedroom suits, $25. Baby Carriages for tS. We will make terms and prices to suit you. Fleming& Bowles 1104 IJroad Street, I THIS IS IT AaMMartl Mi*A* B* ' *“ Mffbd Bhrt# MBw* POR EARLY PALL SIS i JUPIS ALL 9HADE9 $3.00 Just A?rivid. DORRS Tailoring:. Hats. Furnahsnf*. *m vlHjlf * “** , For the Benefit of the Sick Drug storas sis for tha benefit I at «ck leapt*. «• ksow that right welt. a»«l <« • spyareni ta the istran to which •• «**4urt this drug Mots Only the heel is good ea-,ugt> ter ih* swk. and anly the h#s* evet arts ta hew If •# are mlMeXen—ll aaytbiag cilferent a«te ta— A asvrr gsta ou i, Yoa asay trust us to fill your pra#?rtptH-a» very cafsfuily 1 Do You Intend to Move ? Keiuemler nothin# makas prettier sail# than aiabssune— I 12 yrsUy colors. o*t color eart Again, Again. Rrlt.ember we can fumlih you with the best stains, paint*. #*- •mill 61*4 for I44c»li| up your QfW homes. Ataoder Dm Coupon; ■m BROAD BT. BILLIARDS I OLD AND NEW, * liiMMMl—l TH* work •'.►rirtins 4 t^gvfte ' > 5 A NX II ;*.«*, seswrerieef k \ !/' 'v ll I ««■“»■ jj Y \ /inlrLJiriirff' : SnSfr'eyrasp*. ITtSZa// a>rfit r, -‘ ,r,U frm, i ? \ it-ut wZ\ immtnum. mmy ot k \ *** V>\ whli'h hte*ff*i»er- r b,.- r \ // \ f«TA bmti —UtohAd. 4 t \ / / \ Ttha A««hrtF \ / / \ uutar mg f >/ / \ RtestW 4o Hex—• /\f \ HkkM—umMMf n i /JK \ flesxrfhe mefhfwi* (rtf* a i / / A \ \ »lfff><f l>r 4>» —M A “ / / \ \ fiflerD 4 / / \ / It will abow y#o * \ / How to P«ay. f Cloth, 7S tests. Flexible Lcatkcr, SI,OO 144 pAiThfi S»J4. htv inrhe* B*nt frq'Mkid. »•’»?' evn receipt ol pricA. 4 THE AUGUST* HERALD! AUGUSTA, GA. ► P. H. P.H.H. P.H.H.P H. H. P. —^The— H. H. P QUICKEST. J H. H. P. _ Tbr _ H. H. P. H. H. P. IbistOf ali. H. H. P. h. h. p. Lifer h. h. p. | Medicines < H. H- p. H H P.For H. H. P. j tbe Liver H.H. P. 60centa H. H.P. ~ „ D Howard!. „ H p h. h. p. fiiiet Drug H - H< p - H. H. p.jj Coffl s aiiy H. H. p. ; RThLP. H.H.P. H. H P. SEPTEMBER 6 SOGER l GALLET. I tßßv# ffffla fare v#*l A full RBMfifT irtrtil ttf fl. »#®t 4k OiWb fin# Tolfll l*ow dßf% So Op*. It sir Ac fa •*"*! Walafa. Tha rpABOBi of rny tMBilQt Owl of Ih—lß aOcbOb for —r Al w—M hMb AH IhAl IH« N*w Yck*» aganl t oihd not tuppiy |h#m oo AC* count of IHa imtNMy of thA manuiictufßfß in Pam to pfOC-ufA Amwrican wi t rwvtnu* *t*mt»*. T NAB fOOd* ATA NT thA CIAOXAOO with my fm—t tAiAii «rAd« and tho— who Hava »H>l u—d thorn I Adv<— to do •o. L. A OARDELLE Daalot Ih th# Ftrt—t Drug* And MAdicin#*. 612 BROAD STREET. For Sale! Tl* jW— a««w» >ty will ha awe dfHNd MNtfMftdiAt iBPMMi Bdlf d inofNAifndl |'-4 dMi Mi iNddi Miff »*. rr'idldldtdd %mm mmsm d<MI idd'P* ihma dvitddd#-idt ii 9mm t# ****** rar air* *aV way tßrwagß ta B-tia Street A ftrkll atahl* J*w 'SB BM* #M##t—trt B* fa*i B wehv*. ra#’W We* ta f*va#a* 111 (ni-aga *#r*»i»B by 1. T**m Yrttttg A O*. (tea, tl? at 4 818 Bewl at reel. ##*• laieiar twa large rtaeea aa4 Ba* a##|!- leg e»*r*#*B k*t IB Beat B lhch»a. r«h atwa ba«a IH tree. jj, t unw*B»«te»y la rear «f ahwv* Ha. $m fteyaeid* rtrwet. rt feet t lech#* H-w Wage. nwntiitg tw'h taw**B* Wv«*4 rtreei Hi l*#t I iaetbaa A,*u tmfil Bit# Ml about IM feel fr oi and •**< deep la th# Viitag# „f Bawwrrtttv. fr-wnlag «* J *• • *>reet belag a portK>a ff Hw Moat* groyrty „ PedAd nynHi* Milt M mtrom r, h dfl tha abev# BaairHi'aff gragarty. Aggiy «• Georgia Railroad Bank ag*«rt» BBrt— PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., Augusta. fit. 6! V ES T«E EYE TESTS ht n!» deterta * light, frlndf III* |»r«»|>w gtMiM Ud H ,il*« BANTs Ihrm cut tlHo yrmr Atwhik yo» w*tL FREE OF CKAROE. . QKDKK TOIK COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quntitv and guilt; Oiurmlwd. F W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Melt ’Fbun* Sl«4 fetrowger » she j Whitely Exerciser. ( A practical, simple and efficient Home Kierdsor, one specially adapted for ladies and children, but atth» same lime can be profitably used' by the strongest athlete. PRICES: 7Sc., *I.OO, ci.aa BICYCLES - CLEVE- j LANDS. $lO up; VIK- I IXt.S, *8,5 up; GEN'- j I'KON'S, *lB up; THOM-1 AS, *SO up. Call and see 4 them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COM MISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st=Telenlione i 1 mate Leased Wire* Piiect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro, visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought end sold. References —National Exchange Bank of August^ or Mercantile Agencies* _ k \ T«. • 4 0 A I i \