The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1898, Image 5

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TUCftOAV THEYARE SACRIFICED W« of tm for this month yovrehott* from owr on* tiro trtoefc of luidi#** Flno Oaford* *nC «<r*o Ti#* for si.6q Th#r* Hi obholwtoiy nor*, nervation. All our lif.ftO, •3 00 and 13 80 Low Shoo* aro mar Rod down toSI 6© Thl* l* Iho tr»at- Ml reduction offered by liny *hoo houao m tho dty. Mulherin’s, 840 Broad St. NEW CITY LAWS TO BE ENACTED P*lkf GmmMmici NM It StetfH Tkmtltrs \»« OrtnwKft f*•* Art *° h **•* CM> La*. Thrr* •*(» M* <«» I*** IMMH ,~1-.flay Jir Hartotl. ft tfc* ll»*rt. »» «A* »••*•«* •(Ml MMIHn IMfl #U b ,k*nc Ms raplaifl* B tkat **• *•»»»*- (IM «W haaefl »h MF «• »<» *•*■' **•* hr fl#ni#»4 nnlrll la C* *•»«. I* *T* v. Mi hiM “ than- and Ifeafl pmm •»*»* "" ,H#W T7>C bnpt A* l*A pmaf «l Mi l«M •* ***** •** f* 18 «»pr •■'l «tv# than* catefai reading n»* printing will t>* •' *** •i**’* B wMfc. and Ik* priaiar ’••** «*•»**• * b * ra *‘ «,u ha imM'* <*•'«* tnT ™ r% 11 .nf jhirrtr i T!i» H*' aid t»«* already «|»H—»*»"* tb. moat tm|*rl»nl * hang o» Ob*. N** avtr. hi* i m braa ittM li *’••** In* uC Ik" pnll.-a «i»mMWI. •»■* •* | mu«* h* as irplalatlva mar'nwki Tha rt a ir of tb* *4*c«lm» by cnwmil «**•<*-] lira comm aainnac la , fcl *nged la lh* aao ,nd Saturday M January and I* , dm dr unl*'» ul,l'*r « commiaalcncr ta turraad htmaalf ll W • '**» altpMl* - ad in tbl* ih»na «f In* '-*in*Tl. ; not tha col Ira c*rmm la# loner*. decide up on th »l*a cf Ota police form Mr B*r- Ml vbictad to ihfavaru! it *»* »»*<** ; an oat Mr. Rh• ot ranine lb* Pi’fto »|-|. n to at rib* out When ihl# ha<»mr» n In*. provided ll do** MMor* Jnuu- , cry nest J%*M* Ommlaatnn-, ******* v.ijl be lnall»|l»la to att. raad htmaalf One Proteat Wade. CVunrtlman RI O. nf the (**<■ md. made uh< »mr>r»n.|t tn* optwallmn to ofl* «j the n** ln»*. It * ,v ** lu tn«* . eumntlaaionar of public w«tk» tha rich* to appoint tha pump harper and keeper Iha ;nrk* Mr. Kir objected to taka three olfl.era out of the mayoralty »P- ; P'tntlnr power and lounrllmanic a,.ac tion power ami tumtne tham near to | tha oorrtr.Keloner It woe polh'* B out j to fc'ri that tha remmi**l met did m t hava fl-ial pover. I>ut hod t« hav whnlavar appointments hr ninda con- > ftrnrd by council. Hut Mr. HI * l»ra ferrad to »ec four or five more man romc to opan council Baking election nt the hand* of tha mambara, to opa nam being rant In by the commissioner#. He rtldn r aaa the benaflt In tha propoard si r»nt**rr<nt. Th«* mayor hopM that Mr. nh <* wou n not ln*t»t upon hla ohjeotton. Thew of- Urr* hstt hren fllMd f«r three yesr« l»y appointment *nd election. •Will not the gentleman withdraw hiH oppoeltion?” Rico—"l don't *ac why cotin- ll ah uld clva op Ita richt In thla way The Mayor—'"D«>e* the cantleman In slat upotkWa objection?" "Yea. air; I inalat Us-on It." Tha motion went to a vote. Mr Ttire vi ted “yea" on Iho motion to etrlke out the nucpaeted *•«■- Th, r *"* of the counillmcn present voted "no." Some of the New Laws. Tha time of inauyuratan of the may or and councilman Is ehoriyed to Jan. 1 council la given power over Its own members, to rebuke thorn for disorder, or misbehavior, expelling them by a two-third vole; the form of drawing up ordinances is changed: the registry list Is to be I apt' open J 4 instead of 40 days; names on the registry list are lo be numbered as was done In tha last; ciiy election: (he foim of rath for regis- j try is SO changed as to make one swear j he lives In a certain ward and to | DIAMONDS WATCHES wn. SCHWEIGF.RT & CO., JEWELERS. JEWELRY SILVER * *•» fHtddif In* tmt fete «* #l*4 mmm*m Nf teowNr * *•»* vn* r% ' .'I |||« !!»♦>'■ Sh#ifßo' Stotwf-i#* HHg H ffW|f ff*'oow*’* I« Ml* «K# rm*m «f NirlM IN **#j -4« n iftlrfßitll MNM4 M »» 8r« t*y ||B HI IT •• I Wlß**'r 884 •**BBre* * «*•*• , e~%tv«#w Ml notf Ml IMIfMINfNi, In !*<••• dfa fl 88* r*t : 9 (kilo fit' 1**“• NBN oO f***f nay thMe 4>MI la he. aiiapWited l»eta*d es 4t» barged Mcegame •(» made r*'<A s able The taayee rm the Maethui «f • ’ majority of cue. 11. abgll eppotal -• haded of etertma aspdrrtanra He may . appoint one mi hka «tn met ted. Crwettl Sgvmled IWm. i Cmvh UM >4 hs< Ist** *r Arvyrnar. . r rretitv ta Me animal foctet!. h»» n ailse: (TeaailhtMg tutted es »*>e cite s 1 idMS c defining .bade treag and . . uardli.g aame : Itdßg (*"g»tlaa «"c imurtat epea g gate that a* mg* eat cm the aid ..walk peratiui to hmrprtgt t»- i ieoed by a potieg <4B«-pr tn < aaee ».f i emeegwa* yt city pAyWan* rep"»rt •erhly t» tty h-»rd Of heaJih. atatlng • nature .»f dlaeae» of imtiente an die- j ! turban.* of memorial day by hawhitil game rraet and Isfestent 1 ah»«a f rMd.lea. cruelty to a*lcr>at* la* i 1 banged M» se to ant conflict with elate law: mhbery of htrde' B—le prohibited. ; peanity foe having dead game htrde In jpoaaeaeton daring ringed eegaon. pen-| ally for having live game blrda tn pou [aeaalm It any tone penally for about mg crape or gambling In pub- I Sc. t rgt.tafl’c Luaclmcpt*. legislative acta are euggeated for the purpo. • es dmcrtptum of what the, ! river boundary mean, p.wcr to conn ill to fl* Ita own quorum: to atrtke out lequtrement for common »enl oft all ordinance#; to amend the police crni mtMiion act. aa elated giving to coanefl lather than to the ordinary contented ~i , ti,,n caeca In the city: giving tha city the right to a#M-aa water twice on unimrorved a# well aa Improved lota. remove all ggMflk* a. to the conatl lutloßuitty of the !•* Acts. ■me of the tlneat ratall dru* tradea In the city l» done by ijaidelte. and he make, a ap*cl.».y in Ih- loil.t line of I(. «.1«* A Haller* fine French g »d« (tee hi# advert Iranian!. New Subiiriber*. N „» #„ba. rihera lo Auguata Tele phone and Mlaclrlc company: to; "Bicndel. It. H., Ktghth and Fenwick *tre»t. . 471—fir !gham, H. W. soT-Douglily. L. O. ..TO Hall. O. W., wheelwright* 77ft- I>>*,er. H rcaldcnca. *»ft— Padgett. W. P. 37:t -Ktelnliach A Co. ::si- Whitaker & MrOathan. K>*»- ccis. LAWSON IN DEEP TROUBLE. Chitted Away the Fimljf »"d Ran aacked the Shanty. Americas, Sept. 6. Zacharins , - aw ‘ son armed himself with a shotgun and went to the home of Columbus Corbrn a day or t'Vo since. Finding that Co lumbur had sailed from home on some vo. age of discovery, Zacharies chased the rest Of the family off Into the woods at the point of the gun and with threats to shoot. Lawson then helped himself to the things In his neighbor’s house, taking a side of meat among other eatables. A warrant •.as sworn out and Lawson’s arrest followed. Ho was given a hearing before Justice Graham and jailed in default of bond. GOT LOST ON THE OUTPOSTS tv* 4 Mb Trttl M*ir • Imij Inti if rated lad* Ik* Wamin MM « gOyd tm Ma Hoa** .j*iTT^ik*T.j-*a *rq r— *V*w.*a **m *mp. ##4 ** #*o4 IN» #4 [ I IImNM f* I»T| Ajjl tm* r%a*-a a* *%<• mm t\m Itftw *4 f%» ll ftlM t«H» §*rn #1 IM 8 I « Mi INN #*N* |H»*I 1888 #Mk9#B rn 188 484 • **# •m I «•*#%< 4# IM 848IM N4M* NIL **4 1 '# tm#** tm J ■ in# ft# 1C; -in 38 W ‘ #*»- ! B! 8 A# IN PIBN»4 «%#f *< J iiß| • **» ••• iril4 I *«fc'*Nß M ANf 884 H*BtN# •« j B*B* 88 lIN f**BB4B I Aft*Y t4iN fl» 88N48-8 I# ||MBl •BMB rlMNfl •• >8 B*BB* ' i• I Itplwr <*BB4 . fw#fp* Nf tm 8 , ||4tf mt BN|Bii PB. 884 tß* 188 «MMBIBB omßf*4»Br4 4MM» 8 «M*iM| *** ** •Mir •Mb the oedaefy M » [l ** nt taliu. m tha eaa* Ttan. pfMMod. #a «HI a# dlataaro. tat the captaltM •Mbed -• The Mtppera ea nag* trhaflM’a r»ea tmm< K '* r * and aa Per after atop •*» h* B a* tarn turf tffktM i'»*a Mefttoa be aan ta at nr hie furknil. ha* they ban. the#* inala afth faddMe tthe eadw-aa*a The .adaedr k»*na *• •*» B** UM laafgUiMd. sad ..weed M -a the , optaiae eaeay •« ' item kon« Ike wee i After auiar meaty mitee bad b—s ~.(eted like railroad U4»rh •** *-c* iwt.h a da mite pm- HI frwat -f tb A .b-womoa '"Ta a t Medpwi Mk lake ftp4 thwhee " A to go to tike rlaht. rapt Mettle- to the | left, and the elderly, j "walked to g» »• »h* ramp- A penny war t. eaed and fnM rhafca i non Adurwlte* had etopped. and Itbe three wgibed alaaa counting rroan. 'tie after .tv—fie IMddenlr before them , loomed h mile n*-t ♦ maicb ••• I lighted and the elghrd ahotred Mb toauitfnt flgu'e . J_ , %k ii trait a word ta each -hes *' B " | Went hsdb rapial"* "• |„ . I tan .nd the «•»';'* ha-eoed to g negro bat to ft informal**-. The lhfi.cmgil.-k .«-u-edln *"•" ewer. " Idfk. n.iatc yon ne fer oyer pr mili*fl fff»ffl *f»t 8F *BB^B ARcr much .nd a guarantee fee lb* darkey a.Md “" guide, en-t at* f.-»»«re. lame .1^ »ea* r ’ the ggiigot the .ltetence lo cgmp. grrlring nt »■ * To<igr they ait In 88 *‘ N W 'Z.Z~- they Vrr aniuted rorni* with the egprea •*Xy. rantalne don. you **•*.*«.<- jTx Ihe* tall*, u. today T public debt decreased. o. August Jl It ° B, > H70.7*7- Waihlßgton. Sept. «• TJ 1 * lr statement of the puhltc dabt aMg** on Augur' 31 the public deb Wm ■ ash in the ueaaury. **»« |l,l. K*o 717. which la a decrease for the »«*» ° *34 759.711. This decrease I* account ed for by a corresponding ln< reat«' >.f ihe caih on haud due to the receipt* rom the war loan. The debt I# reca pitulated as follows: Interrat bearing h#bt. 19W.112 »«<; debt on which in terest has ceased since maturity. IL-, 259.030: debt bearing uo Jntr rc-st, s;{,;} R 55.971; a total of $1,307,35. HO This amount, however, does not in cludc $55*.04ft.953 In rertlfkat-s and tieafitry notes outstanding, which ure offset by an equivalent amount of money In the treasury The cash in the treasury Is classified as follows: (Sold f 255.377.493: silver. $513,400.594; naner *93.084.055; bonds, national banka dcp-mitorl*-.. etc.. $67,282,201. aggregate, *927.144,640; against this aggregate there are outstanding de mand liabilities umountlng to *632.6.,7,- 561. which leaves a net cash balance in the treasury of *294.487,084. COTTON CROP OVERESTIMATED A Close Observer Says It Is But Half a Crop | Crawford, A'a.. Sept. 6. Six hun dred miles traveled by private convey ance. through Georgia. Florldjt and Alabama, within the last thirty'days, and a careful investigation Into the condition of the cot on i ron, convince me that the estimated yield of cotton b not only too great but misleading and detr'mental to farmers. These es timates have been gathered from post masters and cross road merchants, who know absolutely nothing about the true condition of the crops, and Judge only by the size of the weed, and the number of bloom* in their pot patch. After counting the number of rot ten bolls on several rows and noticing the great numbers of forms which have fallen off the yellow, scalded and dead stalhs, I am conv need that not more than a half crop of cotton will be gathered in the territory traveled over, and not more than one-thlnl of a crop in many places. Corn, peas, potatoes, e.hufas, and sugar cane, pre terit a flattering appearance and are good. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks. 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. JLTJOtJBTA HTOAI-X5. ufA 1 ***** rOWDER A I kill KHMfHIMir. • hag Hhnk hay ft. gam oma M Ihg I hard b—Mi kman. 88818. HvfF 4, *8 t%B tMfc 8# Hhi c 884P%89 cwMiff 888 HN84%84 f 8 "8 4 tegrtge mt tha hnar“aaongagea eyre filed bast. It » Ipnm the Ha>e »‘ww > j dry and Mikbaa i nt.—ay tm the Oahn 1 ala: TrwH . ampaae gif Hem T«ch add tg flap ll yaaaa- The gaof.gaaa i. a > |mi tha anal prtapeety ®—awed hr the i mam trnaaai. abbrb .tmwkala M Hn praewd gad anNPpho.ed mineral land* ,la IndhkMk Ttaksww Akibaaaa gad i Ham gig They wo a #ye* • bandmad Raa kata * era I kata M Hal t and IWh rmaMlpa ] Th* original atari anda bad Jaaa tg I re.ewae darn pa on N. att nf tbma M The artfiagi am. annf m other . ftgitk fc— vaaawdtag tot a dapthaia i .yafry la kepi here It la la pampkiel fnrm and baa It page, of rlonely IprlMed BMitee I'bllllp Mullen hn i eon work <m N WedneMdav aftemonn jat three a’rlorh aad ■ nmntejed k'a aert iaat night It fioru -three Ipggew In the booh of rrcurda HE Midi HIS WIFE. And Now M Herndon la la Ihg Han J. of the Padre Hawklnertlle. tie Sept. C flhenff I Vaughn haw armmed Hoi. Ilerndon I charg'd with gbootiag Mr Tom flan dent oa Haturdny algfet at« ml lee ra.t of tVw hrao John MrXalr and fltd Herndon acre drunk and rained a row with one Thump...n »n flsndrr c place. Mr. Han dera amt down lo aiop ibe disturbance and they left, after hating shot at n negro eevwrnt tlmea Inter litre. m«n went so Sanders' houae ani tpiile a number o? time* Severn! abut ledged in Ibe head of Mr*. Hinders and about twenty tn Mr Handera' breast making a palufu’ bnt not serious wound. Mr Handera claiina tn hare recent ctlccd Ilerndon and McNnir. but not th" prgrn with them. McNair and the ne gro could not tic found. ALL ABOUT A GUINEA. A Bloody Rattle Between Two Negro Families In Sumier. Sumter Kept. 6,—A bloody tight took place Saturday on the Maypiville 'rood, a few miles from this place. I*>- | tween two families of negroes, which [resulted In the death of one William itolmra and serious wounding of Jane Hiirrlngton, wife of one of the partici- j ptm is. The fact*, obtataed by the State eor -1 respondeat from a reliable witness, are as follows: Home time ago a mcm ,l>er of the Harrington family areuse l William Holmen of stealing a guinea. Th s was th' eause of the bed feelings between the two families, ami they (Uav« been wrangling attd quarreling ever since. Friday some of both fac tions hart a "scrap," but no one was se riously hurt, Saturday morning sev eral members of the Holmes family went to Harrington’s house, which is only a little way from Holmes’, and the fight was renewed. Sticks, rocks, ta ble forks and other weapons too nu merous to mention were used. Finding Jane Harirngton alone. William Holmes, with a heavy dtlck, and his mother, with a three-pronged tahle fotk, literally tearing her antagonist to pieces, while William belabored her with his stick. Sam Harrington soon eppenred upon the scone, and seeing his wife was being butchered, tried to pull her assailants off. William Holmes r'piled that he tntehded to kill them both, whereupon Harrington seized his; gun aad emptied the contents into the pull her assailant off. William Holme#! tog a ghastly wound, from which ho died In about an hour. Harrington made no attempt to es cape. hut came to Sumter and surren dered to Sheriff Pierson, snd was pla ced In Jail. Coroner Mose# was notifl'd rod went Immediately to the se»ne of the killing and be! I an inquest. COUNTRY EDITpR IN LUCK.’? 1 ' He Gets $3,000 Commission for Sell ing a Gold Mine. Gainesville, Ba.', Sept. 6. Mr. J. W. Woodward of Dahlonega, editor of The Dahlonega Signal, has sold a rich vein of geld to Mr. W. R. Walker, of New York. The properly Is thought to be very valuable and sold for a good sum of money. The purchaser will develop tjie property and the Gainesville I roil works are making a ten stamp min for the miners. Edi tor Woodward's commission on the sale amounted so about three thousand dollars and fiis friends are congratula ting him on the deal. It is seldom that a count 'editor has this much money to come his way in a lump. ABOUND THE COUNCIL BOARD lliihtt fitwN I y«t •) Jlki Mil j VBMB|. I h gtikflwglk—. chip MM*a had • bang mw an ma I ;.«**«# t gt» - »'‘H|BB g *°i j- in "it -fn - n # * %“*■* M I .;. «a W8«8 MBB# * ''»tdgk#M YiiiigHti# •# -sY **4N UN**## rN* I fIMVIMNIi BHB 8 **Bl4>Bß - s #** *’*♦* I f 1 8 * *BNM *B# #BMhW»- j M • Mg TM that rha MMt owgh* •• Nfl B>B 88 #9 8889N848P8 TIN *8889» 884 8« *IM * ««• | 1 188 «BpHBI9B 99918 «4*9488 TIN FB«fw#4 WMB9BBt*«r'B 48 I 'BP t#n|fmH' | f * kftliß# ifMiii#B* 88 98 1, . I Mf»Bt»4 f* imllttMt B<< #941 Mi *•* | , iMnitli 94 lIN «NNMpBMBIB4 1884 Ml lßt ■ *«,. « M IM «tlf I nMitfftt # #«n| W«-'4#fß Cll*»8l»i j IIM (Yilli) ! Mt tjin wmlnii4 «f lIN «»mßn4 11# 188# #4*B 81 #8 8§ I IN' 89889 98 88' [.WM feywea with the fwnd-tw amMW , mMt #«f 881» llmnmmM VIN <44 99888* « .*#4 9*98f8 fßr 88 ‘oMtNI #BBB3 I Thie Wge decided «4k at fleet. Pot I , Ibew N de.rkag—d that them wga S Mil mow pending Ml which the -Ms mtm%M i # rerwyee tike kkneeT-eg tyg't tie. the j *ngd. The rttf egkee uwwad the tvtaef 11> .milt ti. Mg h mleal awm. I* the : . Augwxa .M If ana (Ilk, ae Ihe P«H I Hay at sad yuau.ia wHh »h prevMa , in. HMr weed fe* ghnpa el. The I tb. h «*IF albfkrr. through a mlawa drretaPdMig. Rare l» Ihe mwd a war- I .ante deed The tract was kem aaad fee lermtaal fartttttea The rHy la aula* Mr. I’M May wga unwitting to eadegy- I jnr to make an lamwcat party auffer I lUanket mortgagee <m the pr Tertr es Ibe old rood bad been tweparrd oa court houec It lea which »bo« d a wartaoty Rerd He wanted the .Oil that had hern tn.d to reeoewr the property to ataad ■■n Ita mertta. Os bla gaggeatt»>n the t'bartretna and Wotmt Oerollßn waa I gtyeei the atre.f prtyttegeo M aabed. land the renal committee and the city i council were Instructed to confer with ! ib>- road and endeayor to aer-ure tile water outlet right of way deal red. The depot duration baa taken prac tical shape. A rea«dull*«t waa on lie I .Manage yesterday afternoon, direct I r.g j tike mayor and olher rtly reprcaenla- j | liven to appear before the atate rail- , j rood commtanloa slept, seth in the tn- j | terrat of Ihe rlalme of the city to a , I n#* drfxH. I Thle put ibe mayor In a quandary. ! lie waa In recript of a private teller j from Ueticrsl Manager Hi oil, of Ihe, lieorgta P*ad. In which II wae elated, that the depot mailer waa le-lng glv- j .•ll the proper attention, and dcprecal- j lug publicity <*c nggrenalve agitation at title lime. The mayor, ronnldermg the | rlrcumatnmea. waa forced to aay he; had auch a latter. on auKg'*ation of Mr. narrett. the, mayor and the a pedal committee ar ranged the meeting with Oeneral Man-| ager Hcolt today. The matter of recovery on the bond , of the tale Mr. Thomas ft. June* waa j the subject of Inquiry In the council yesterday afternoon from Mr. Carter nf the Fourth. In reply, the city attorney elated that the elty had won In the Initial proceed ing in the caap three or four month* ago; that the hondemen. Mr. W. C. Jones an-l Mr. Jesse Ttiompem, had tiled a demurrer auhaequently, which demurrer had been argued. The court hud not ruled on the demurrer, and un til that ruling was made, do further step could be taken In the ease. Th" Judge has adjourned rotirt for the IPrm. and It will be home time be fore the ruling on the demurrer is had. I The King's Daughters had an Inter esting matter up in council ye»terday. It sivrns that *ome time ago council I gave to the organization n lot near the i upper barrack* for charitable purpos ed only. 1 Recently the city sold this lot. The I King’s Daughter* ask for another lot. The matter ha* been referred to the .mayor and finance eommltlee to act. I Council killed the Lougee war res olution yesterday; carried over, under objection, Mr. Carter’* ordinance or dering an Iron railing around the Wilde monument; carried over the ba nana pee] ordinance on objection by Mr. Larnliaek; and carried the Rob ertson "move on” ordinance over on objection. The mayor throw a vory mild bomb shell into conncll yesterday after norm . It *eem* that Ills honor had on hand a very Important mooting of (ho rail road committee. The committee was summoned, fine man responded. Like failure to attend other meetings has oc curred . Ills honor had the clerk read the law which exacts that, except under certain conditions, when a member misses a council meeting, $lO Is to be deducted from his salary; likewise, $3 when he misses a committee meeting. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 2Re. The genuine has L. li. Q. on each tablet. \ CASTOITIA. Bear* the * ilHl Y ° U HaVB Sie r 6 AUTUMN LEAVES * WILL 50LN we nwomsa . From Utfl lra««. 8urpr»«o« #• <*»*#*•»»»# •«« ovtr w*r Ctoihtn# CWoAftmont. Tho MrtH wtu lm r«*w for tho itflvrt. You win ho rtchor for iho mtmoy novod by our SUMMER SALE V Of Men’s and Boys’ Suits HM'O PkfkHkA gi rfw iMi •we H kk amd IM flh Mkflgg send*, m Awwtkfl pt i g .rank wiTfl tbs' wefe HI M aad 111 tk. uigh at Aawwka 898185>9#4 89848 ta-* iw<* iay-g .it aw. Jmm 'a*a»» iW.ia wad wafeaetk assHa a*4 I -f-!, t UM, I*l, tea pink Ihw» Itmt am Pm IM a. it; aa gad •NMN ft-L 48 **»«*. BNB §f 18 #M «4M fß«w 8 Bmi Hi 1484.. «Ni9fRMNB 84NI «48fHMI 88198 tIMM 8888 Hflkfl H*fl» 884 898 48 9NnB 04# 89.. AM An- Wae-*. h.'f prim: h-w CTaMk fladk* halt pme. pam M at J. B. WHITE & CO, CloiliißS Departieat " MM.IW) WSW flTUktfc- I—— W mt BttiT i m The Uiat, but on* of our a*mi>#nnujil Ch*lt*n«o Sal©* will b* crowned with an array of bargain*, *uch as any store may b* proud of. Som* of th* Special values «r* th* results of our own efforts carefully planed for the occasion many weeks a#o. Others, we are frank to confass. are rather accidental, merely attributable to our ability to taka quick advantage of the ©nexpected turns the markets take at times. All in all it is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will be sold at our new store this week for . v $1.99 Fifteen different styles in Ladles* Low and High Shoe* and eight different styles of Men’s. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while In the East. Agents for Honan & Son. Stacy Adams & Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIQH S CRYSTAL PALACE ! rl lit l i Vk iL*' H JPS, win I - BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. If you want two thing*, the highest satisfaction and a saving of money. Juat make yourself one of our customers. vv " can furnish riders with bicycles, too. and Iho host In the market at ® » er ''eduction was « quarter hit, but here’s a procession of home run*: Columbia*, model 40. V. 0,00, and your lust chance to get thl* popular model at any Price. W. have .hr hop worn (only, model 40, ladle*’. We Will let go at One ladtes Hartford at *45.00 end ladles’ Vedette at *3e.00, ladles Jill at *2O, and for boys and men there ia nothing on the market to compare with the Keldo! special at *25.00 and the Ju. k at *28.00; second hand Clevelands, Ramblers, Crescents. Stearns, Victors, Hldredgc and Recycles, from *12.00 up, all At condition. Hnd we lot them go at any old prlee-they did not “■ thing, were given to us by people who wanted to ride the STANDARD WHEEL OF THE WORLD, und only sold In Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. . OFFICE OF Co-Operative Coal Supply Company, DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, 1041 JACKSON ST. v-tHB J^JSTT —-N Laid UP supplies for winter and didn’t get left Neither will tta man who buys his coal now from the Co-Operative Coal Compuny. Our Jelllco Is ex tra In size and quality, but not In price. To those who want an equally good, but slower burning coal, we recom mend the CROSS MOUNTAIN. No slate or dirt, and your fire will keep^ end other grades nf Soft Coal and the only first class Black smith Coal sold In Augusta. Telephone or call on us for prices, READ HERALD WANT ADS. agrTBMBBB 8 b a am rartrtß*. tom* of oar Hx or* n*h coma and dloeor coca. P«» dI(M u wall atl.mpt to pMI tbr rainbow, aa to daaertba all iM> good quallt aa Tha way l hay ora arT.- laa la a rauttoo I* thaaa who IrUsd rurcbaaa whan thay raa bo had for “yat lea coma a-piatlma.“ ■attar pur rhaaa whao (bar can bo bad for auch low art era aa wa era offarin* t ham. Aa for ylaeowarr. crock ary. lamp* ; Ac., lima and laoyuaya f*U ua lo taU of tha woo (Ur* that wa aall. Doa't far at that our aaro prlcaa will kaa* yaw cool. Rate ate bar tha plaoa