The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1898, Image 8

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rutaOAV THERE'S NO EXCI SE F or anythin|| Ihil pfftty And picturfK)Ut; ityliih And K>fvit»iblo Suits for th# tttfl#r follow*. So many effective fabric# Are AVAilAbl#* with which U#te and skill. g#niu« and ortalnAiity can work wonder#. All we •how ar# carefully mad#. nic#ly trimmed and naatiy finished. Buy ln« her# now m##n# large economy for you* In many ca##e th# »avin§ will #ma/# the moat frugal. Echo## of our great euccee# in thit department are heard all over town. i noims in great oeruNO. Tkt |Nlte| AfIMMUi MAMhIOw Hpiuty nil *»4 l Imp IftMMNiMftft ftwM# Ml f4* tilt 4ft# ft l*M(ft* «#•*teftft f"t iMMftfcMNft t MM* (ft# n»i Mftft ftRMR# MM (ft# |* fft#»«» tftftf IlMMhr tfti'ft# ft## • #ft?#fto MM lit* miwm as ik* »«•*■*» **ta —wl •VtMlt MM** I ** *4 fftft <NNfct 4 ftftftH MpT ftf H* *oßCftft ftf !ftftft» MNNMUtMA'tMi tlf Iftfteft I MM* ftftft MNMM ft#leil#l ftiMftft (#•# fttHftlftfft AftftNftft VtNMM ftM4ft 'MNWhP HMttVIMMHMI tAf Mt ClMttiMrt H> Clftfftft M* ftut# Ifeef CM* 9*r **•«»« tfcft* f*** |m* ftftftft MMMAt. tftftf f«t» iftlly Mi ft## last mm A <w —to M| to— k*-#p* rt—» If i —ka* i I# kt* #Bl hf —A—* ■ UM »>M kamra Tto fc*H*r rta— *1 tow* a* at* Mi «***« **«M MH lh* Mi ••4 Iftfl iKiUM • MMk >«l*» ar* k—d «•—. Hr. LnMrl T—tarry. ■•** «*—. •I «mI • kw Iwi *4 Ik* to— (or H lt ur ml. M* «nr* that Murk Itr • Ittfr naMr nf tto*a *— dOfm—<l <4 •Ml tlni. mMMHIW Ik* aumtwr «t j m* Inn imi hav* Mm ««'4 tbe . mV* that ik* ml* «f pmp*nr •• u*> gong, aad, «*klM tl alt la all. Mat few year* tan *i mM lh* tmain*** twin* Mr IM*t (Ms mt* Ik* iM*i*M h Mar o—4 how—a Mrrf ii>4 totrty (ml fdrw gntt— gtvaa a Irur lira et vtaltat Ik* rlllxma »r* pma—rtna or not Wjfh Ihr great demand for b.mam and lb* maMy «*» on** l*U>« built vary taw at |lkM* who air Bad muni ara a»*IM ml. II la vary arldom that any faailly novra Iron a maud boor* le a poor— oar. and a Mar* am doaa, Ihr ce •** taaay who inora from paorrr to b*tl*r Hunt* Air*and** 9t John*— Ik* djtwaod rs—llaOt **>°d elaa# at l*n am* and higher prlrod bouaa# a good dral mw* In demand. Maun* Wick— A Uavla aay lhal not only |a th* demand In tha city good. Vnt that proi*'*rty around tow* I* grratty in demand Tkriß ara quit* a numlrr of Western man In lh* city *k'> deelre purrhaaln* (arm* m thl* larrltory. Yeaterday, Maaara Wlrkrr A Oavla eloead on* of mnny ronlrnrl* f«r lh**** farm*. It **n» a flvr yearn’ lean* of lh* Dunbar rhirkrn farm. Any*.n* wtahlng to rent, lea— or aril property n ♦ **• fey*}*?* T3u!2 do well tn eorreapond with aom* pf the real aatate men In the city. Another feature that ehow* proaper- Ity la that all of the renting agent* aay there 1* lea* trouble tn collecting rent than there hn* Iteen for y*«ra. Every where lh* people ere happy, contented and with fund*. With thla demand for houae*. people dealring to get one ehould do *o nt once before nil ape picked over. ■Wanted—A complete aet of Encyclo pedia Brttanlca. Id net well cheap. Ad dreaa M. A. W., Herald office. FALLING. River Was Twenty-two Feet Three Inches nt Noon. The river I* falling right along The register showed the water to he 22 feet S Inches at noon. I’nless the very un enpocted happen, there will he no more rise. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION STORE TO RENT—NO. 537 BROAD. Very large and roomy. Rent low. Apply ♦+* Reynolds. Sept 12 WANTED—TWO UNFURNISHED rooms: centrally localed; first floor preferred. Address J. 1. C.. 310 Jack son street. Turn «"d **rt WANTED—POSITION IN GROCERY, dry goods, furniture or hardware store in city or country, by a man of 18 years of experience. Good reference. Good bookkeeper. Address "Wanted," care of Herald, Augusta, Ga. Sept ? Have You a Son, Brother, Husband or Lover In th*- Army or Na? V y? Mall him today a 25 cents package t,t Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. AH who march, walk or stand need It. It cures aching, tired, sore, swollen, sweating feet, and makes hot, tight or new shoes caitjP Feet can’t blister, get sore or callous where Allen’s Foot-Ease is used. 10,t»0 testimonials. All druggists and shoo stores sell It. Samp!* sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, -N, Y» j »B#A I VILA * Tig MgA* TIM lb* War#J fwvlUtik fc*rt» Omit. yrw gragdi vka bat* gag ttMMWMMgdj I* k* twkiag ratalta- Ik* »a»rg* Iktat kal 1 raigaltwi tag gta gflargagtai *,***at•*.*** - ] I ik* mb tkai la m tmm aa Marty j guar la tka gaaralag nil ksta hi tk* as | iwtaaa |g Tk* H*r* A uCtaw. tm littswa I «l»*a* ar* dally ala* aaait. la auk*. 1 la aMHIva ta tk* city adMloa. atfclrfc l yi*a aa Iha Miw* g I y a Kark at I tkaa* adtiMMaa ar* aat abar>.-*t*|y dis | faival gagwra. lata h r avaa I *t» tkird* i of tbasa tMar* It aura. Ha* H la MarM. Th* t* *gtaaw atari at • a. m and I raatlMi rtwalag la ail day Tkara ■ tor* if a a*wry ilaaa roiaaa o»*r tka ( wir* aft*r lh* flrai ad lion la final. H ; la P«K la a png* tor Ik* a*coa4 *dl<ln« If. aftar Ik* anrond adlthia la ainaad. a I I ig-lop n»*r* Han bobs up. It la pul in j tk* third rdKina and ikn third adi- Una goan am Ik* aast nail, and an aa through th* da* a hurts* ail tha Ham. narar aa Idl* mnnaat Tk* Man« flail*. Th* nacaaaiij- for this tctlrltf to ap parrot whan It in atatad that Tka liar aid naha* arary nail going out of Ih* city nftar nona Tha** art: Th* C. k W C. HRH 140 p n Tha C. C. A A. R R. at t: 10 p. m Th* A. C L R K. at I SO p m Tha g 0 A O. R R at S:i# p m Th* C R. R. at *2O Th* C R R at 1 *0 p. m Th* P. K. A A R. R. at S 45 p m Th* (laorgla R R. at 4 2u p m Tha A. 8. R R at IXI g. m Tha Ptra; una at 0: IS p. at. Tha lata trains on nil mada a Inn rarry llcrald*. but tb*y ara on for to day'* datlvary. and nr* not of tha ’’To dny’a Naw* Today.’’ and "tharntora” hnstiing kind Th* afternoon matin told of rarry Haratd* for today’s pern aal to all tha Ifttla town* within a radius of 100 rail** of Augusta. WORK OF THE RAIN. What a farmer from Aouth Carolina A*y» of the Crop*. A well known Carolina farmer, who »«« In town today. In speaking to The Herald man regarding the heavy ralna, aald that fodder and cotton had been hurt aerloualy by the rain. Another gentlemen, who arrived here from down the Port Royal road told a lltte atory. The high river haa hurt the lowland crops to a certain extent, hut not quite aa much aa was expected on account of the river falling when It did. latte watermelons have been injured by the downpour, and are getting some what scarce. HAD NO TALK. The Conference Will Be Held Tomor row Morning. Tile mayor and special committee of council called on General Manager Scott, of the Georgia railroad, today, In accordance with the understanding reached yesterday, to discuss the depot question. Mr. Scott mi not well today. II waa arranged that he will call upon the mayor and committeemen at the coun cil chamber tomorrow morning. paying debts well. Collections Now Are the Very Best For Some Time. During the past few days collections In Augusta have picked up wonderful ly. Collectors who but a short time ago were complaining loudly are now all snules. The Impetus In this wel come Improvement Is not understood, but It Is true that debts have been paid during the first four or five days of this month with more promptness and In larger volume than In years during the same period. Uusiness conditions are improving all around. It Is true that much de pends on cotton and the price that It will bring. Yet there Is that confi dence and that belief in a good season which make business and which push things along. The commercial year opens up ex cellentl;’. It is confidently believed by men who know what trade is and the conditions that precede a good season that the toll busmess will be all rlSht. .. _ - t-it Tmm jktTotysTjk mfrald. ? PER sqm MENIIONs I kkf 4kgH : up gg 4* -aw#ta I t s g|g 41 H Wto9m% m mt* gs «l w, U f ad 4! #««a 0# #* «%• 4# ** t-T#kg* 4## fllmt «d a# ***+ i• m *** i flemot m «%* .*% mt H#i Up# HUMpNgi M m MMmm,. 4gf ClgßftigiiMi.. ia as fib# skt*tttt*mtt |* H Ijf«rgae gs ffgtglwt 9% M] m «4 m 4yffikp m 4 H 4fltilMFw At f## fir n ' ai itw riaiifvf-" g|': C| IlhHaAk iif CAMgAag 01 t 4 la g 0 Mk# ibfUggkPW ¥ gd fsmm ¥**%... la gi i<g» Hill ara > 9 VI tMMfcf. «d 4«»aga a> la tl five ArtMMdiNa It t ligtfeei mt a# Heap fmth Ci 0 1 |f|w Wtm to&m* KrUf lagtwi km n*m Yard Mr I*. N Miwiatyd as #*** T«a%. * la at tge 4#gMigf4hf#. Cine fnegde ae* «i#4 %m tmm M* J* ; tmm hill mm l«l«f Mieetew ( etfi# mA t****** ft»idraft Idl f«#ftaff fag Unt t£E?.rszz r T,,eA M W#nk«# |f #f Wmrtktm Oft., la' ilNgpftiiMl m tivr Atllftfti#ftk I AnUafftf Je»f »#, ad die feftffc rggi-- Y M 14Mk a f#h l«t#f refrwraia- - fire frwH ierkw«ft*i«l* la M (Ike flail sg, Tfcnwaa W Milter a gaglmi tataa rkMt at Wtwkttagta*. (la. Ig kt tka flaalrr, A. H Mathew. r*wr*M*iiftg tha CksttMaagl t'uAi CM. I* at lb* Plant 4RL f M Lataihrr. r»pre*« atiwg tk* gig. gar Maaufaetunag CM. It at tka Plant era Geo W Rowley rwgrtwantlwg Ike Manhattan Rubber On., la at ik* Plant arm. Mr* (llgrt** R Wkltaar ha* r«4*fm ata fnw* a vtatt to frirad* la flalml i coaaty my gherlff w.lglr h 44a ih» hay* la the trwawry daring Traaanray North a ttarsrr Mr. Hugh Harrla, wha hn* haaa iap rww-altng The Herald an the mad. Is Sow cm the ropartarial tore*. Mr Arthur Panw right, foreman of The Herald naipattr rwn. I* •pend ing a few day* la Atlanta. Mr. John ll*me* la home front Wash taigton city, enjoying a month* re»t from hla governro*nt Allies. Mm Hamilton VV.iktn* who h*a been Tlaltlag rriatlrea at Gold Hilt, Ala., la expected home tomorrow. Ml*. Albert fUttlb and Maatera Al bert and Jlsa Rialb ear* tomorrow for a rial! to friend* la Columbia. 8. C. E. N. Stapleton haa loat one dark hay mare mule If found by any one please report to Herald office at ogre. Mlaa latura Gilbert, who haa been spending a week nr *o with Mlaa Joale Wall, ha* returned to her home In Bor deaux 8. C. Mr. H. H. Sternberg, of Mllledgerille, la In the cRy. Mr Sternberg will rep resent the Howard A Wltlet Drug Ca on thr road. Mra: Hamilton Wllkln» v of Augusta, la in the city, the guest of Mra. O. H. Allen, on Fourth avenue.—Colum bus Fnqulrer-Bun. J. J. Co*. H. E. Syma, J. M Wlm herly and 8. J. Vaher are a party of Wayneaboro’a young men who are spending the day here. Mr. Amory Dunbar haa left the city for Glenn Spring*. After a vlalt there he will go to New York, where he will stop for a white before going to arhool tn New Jersey. Mr. Wm. Sehwelgert has gone on to New York to be present at the opening of the big market* In bis line. He will in* away three weeks sod will secure his fall stock Mr. Sehwelgert Is a leading business man of Augusta, abreast of the tlmea. A oleasant and profitable trip Is wlalted him. Pleasantries. Mrs. Jones— Why don’t you do some thing to support yourself? The Tramp—l wtut t’inkln’, madam, of startin’ one nv dem endless chains uv letters contributin’ to me relief. Captain—l hear you’ve signed a new catcher. Is he game? Manager —Is he game? Wy, say? he’s so game dat w’eo he goes huntin’ de dogs point at him Instead of de bird. PUCKISMS. May—At any rate, she Is not un conscious of her beauty. Carrie —Oh. no; not even momentar ily forgetful. Johnny (disgustedly)—What can a boy do on Sunday? Grandma Straiglitlace (grimly) Wait till Monday. “Spain has her honor left.” “Oh. yes. The United States didn’t want it,” ' PRELIMINARY TO PEACE Now at last was the spiritual com forter come to his bedside. “And you would he at peace with, the world?” asked the holy personage. "I am ready to discuss a protocol.” replied the man of affairs, guardedly. For he might not die: and in that event there was his business to be re membered. , , nma mi * OAV, iag> 1 t*ftft<»ii» ift 9ttmm*ttmmt* mm* IfeMd *♦ aa*» gi (ftp dftftaft I tedfta fNd §mtmm tmmm tmm ttt 4# A w g;#- #« Mtm *t \ ****** Ohdrwigw kla#r f## *r. m * I *III IHL*-tg- # •? left THE REQUEST QRANTED. Marttaf *ll ha * **** W(M#» Comwtae taa* Md FHtatata# fcwtatataWf**. at tto *-•*««• at (to 'Hr rmartt f** i . rmwu* warn ma4a by Kartr*. [JroT'wtalarwu*. i z&xrzzzz???"* 1 ;,„wa*tu .maw* »«•'*”* j ftftftftftilKftft* j Ttoa* total- m*4 thl* merntM U« j tank Ito »*tl*r wwder cntaa»*rt»H‘*. . Tto rata— »•» grwnteA. f ainted an Into !Mr**«. An a acta c«*w»ta woman fell laa (•'»' I I m Broad afreet I* front as tk# * j„f I«.tf»a ta Htritef a ml BhiHit 2 n-ctorh »«toy Aaafataim# rim-kerta ,b*r and «to amtat riinr arrmnta k# jrtgkl Quite * rnuta gathered fhwkmg m tmr (aria** a-vttaenl had occurred. I aimed In Court ll ar e JohniOß. ft coioftd woismd. while aUndlng trial W ■»“*>«• **lc-j quett * o#k* today, fainted. Dr. Illmrod who— office I* »e*t door to the court root, aitended her. She re tired In n few mlnuie* To lh* Weather Man Oh Weather ' I Man' Thou who each day foretells The ragaric* And whim* which wentber apelln. Thou who— blaud part It U To *p« ulnl# Some hour* ahead the flckln Weather'* atate! To thee, to thee, thia ode wa Dedicate. la It a taate acquired or sheer Stupidity Tha* make* the bulletin ao oft Humidity? Thlnkest thou life below’* not quite Complete Without guceesatv# waves of Scorching heat? Forbear, good friend, for mortal’* Sake, forbear. And if you must ring changes, "Cloudy,” "Fair,” Or "Threatening,” or “Variable Winds." or “Storm." Forbear, we pray you, labeling Each n* "Warm.” In that high eyrie. In the cloudlets lost. Have you no weather labeled hail Or Frosi ? in your rhetoric from high to Low, Is there no idiom which stands for Snow? Conte, break the spell; No longer play the fool. Give ns some weather labeled simply “Cool.” Or if perchance your methods be More bold. Send wintry blasts of arctic, trapped, Cold. Make the winds lash about like Razors, keen. And Icy fretwork ornament the Green. Any old thing wilt go so long It’s Not Like this—so blazing and infernal Hot! Ob weather man. Whatever else you do. Turn on Old Boreas before we Stew. n; —Philadelphia Times. First Citizen—l didn't know what a protocol was at firstpdjd you? Second Citizen —Mqi I thought it might be some Spanish trick. Mother (coaxingiy.V Open your mouth, dear, and let the dentist see v. hat tie can find there. SciU "Al! right, majima —but fund ings ain’t keepings, remember, u i err none. | «*, SlhaaaadO* !**«*>» Has CM* *** #■■■. eog i 11.. . aoanftooi * * *. *** * W’W U . - % ■ l 4 lea aft# •.%o ?**,.>- #*■*.,»,.# «# n» #* ,--'■*#(##: t- f ■■ at ta# iwaa ft fnt Cwa mmmt mt ’ mm RCI-KMOt# CHRONICLE ANU COMMENT. A bra—h at U* Ctrt*»UM« Aortal I R Raft fcftft iRNWft ftHftfti*i4ft4 Ift N*ft 4ft»,ift(i4. 70##r •- ftßft ItMjheit# Ift tftft tft It#4 *t-ilrt ftfft —MWB—oft ftl rndofkmrftA cwf Ift# OftftftCftl YV»i'*f ■•*< mmmrt. >»•» farl. wo* M*uu*ta ta a trifle tarn* IMS iL£rt,- Tk* mrmh-m at tto Rp—rth : Itawg— *r* ptaaatwg tor tto aaudiwg us • —ra—o—l L—«ua a—rattafy ta. I*4 ta I Tk# Arthbtahota of Camarbury baa | row—at ad to b«ma— a pari<*a at tto Order of th* Daughter* ot sh* King. ' In Knglaad. Th# oldatat tolaalaoary ta the w'rita t* probably Rev D. I* Brayum who b«a Juat turn'd ainaty. aad who haa aarvad for —vatsty yaar* I* Hurutah. Tha I Iran of th* Theological Depart ment at tha Unlvaralty of tha Rout* aay a that tha pra—nt yaar la th* moat pmapanoa and a—aaful 1* lh# hi*- tor# of tha oalaaralty. Tha Atparlcaa Bible Borlaty has done ag—llant work In the distribu tion of pocket testament* and other edition* of the —rlptura* anitmg tbe Patted States aoldiara tn the different camp* The Supreme Court has upheld tha eoaatltui tonality of a Utah taw pro hibiting the employment of young wo men and children for more than eight hour* In mines and other specif,ad un healthfu! occupations. The International Bible Reading as sociation in Great Britain supports a Sunday school secretary tn India Hl* salary and traveling expenaes are raised among the member* on condi tion that no one give more than one penny. The Norfolk and Western railroad ha* announced that it will not retatn In Its service anyone who usee liquor as a beverage while on or off duty. It is stated that tbe lives of pa>wen gers and employes and the ftnanrtal interest* of the company demand tbe enforcement of the rule. The demand of the Methodist laity for equal repre— ntation tn the coun cils of that body, which has been ga thering force during the pasr two or three years, seems likely to meet with early success. Twelve conferences which two years ago voted overwhelm ingly against the proposition have this year given a substantial majority in Its favor. The Youth’s Companion advances a strong argument for domestic missions when it points out that it costs the United States Government one hun dred and twenty dollars a year to sup port each of its non-Christian Stoux Indians, and only eight dollars a year i to support a Christian Sioux Indian.! This is not indeed the highest sort ot argument in favor of missions, bul it ought to appeal strongly to those who have to be touched through thetr pur ses. Most churches sorely need two things: A greater number of back seats so that every one might sit at tbe tolerably safe distance of fifty or sixty feet from the officiating clergy man; and pews composed entirely of end seats, so that the courteous peo ple who insist on sitting at the aisle end might not have to rise so frequent ly to let late comers pass into the pew. —St. Andrew’s Cross. When a politician shakes hands with you. he hopes he is in. tbe hands of his friends. . _ IV ya#*i« iutAinf iRt wi*f iMftgf amA #B*lo*# Utaßh Vta* *ta #gRR MMffi#. (aafMdfa* h«*w 1 #r4 fl Nw tl*"** A ffikaffi IR *mm mm •mw*4 #f **t Itahhrt \oHl AM ItftwFf Vt » Iff* taf#taßN*RAf ig )a«# ar# *M#t* m *****f**e * ( 'Viri.d nAtWIAUr ANNOI I* 4 Oil ftl INftftftftaft ift 444 ft I d ft! <d IkfftftftMNftd f 4 # ftl# Here : a%4 1 fai i» ftia ta 'rjkediefti « Meg Ijiftiftf Iv 4 fftßtftft a <*eas % |Nft* «as reS#t# gofft w* ftMMMI v&tm wwftwt Or Ijiftrar ta ref fc»r-*ft g» ©ft* ftf [lift IgffthO aid ifftt aurreftiffil pttmt-l ;la*:€Mae to a it) are fturay as*i _ t WflV IT WASN T DiktE. Ihr Reason tha I’a* at tk* 1 slaMirr* Mas W Hhh- d. ■ Washington, flrpt. * OnMt4m¥i lo mplatat has raackad tka war 1 -pari • mr»t from rariCMi# forts rs tCr rovvirt ■ h#* #wee (In* volar terr Iff# pi IS Cftha did not nrrlN thalr pay. i I* m»t HMtasams lb* pay of tka r*t- I unit ran wan t hr** mo* *ha I* irrriri and tka go*ernmani has la* , rlttnard fir got paying tka tar* promptly Now 1 that tk* troop* bar* rrturred to tka I’attad ntat.s R ha* d*»ak*p-d that the I ; m<-a war* act paid brrao** tha aoloaals of gftaaa rratmenta report ted tk* pay ! matter gsnrral ta withhold tha nosey da* tha troops until (hey should re turn to th* I’gltad fltaias. Raymuter Oaarrat Imtni aay* tha governmaat had an elßrlent corps «.f | paymaatery and plenty of money In Cuba and coo’d have paid the men promptly hut frr the r*g«ea'* mad* by; the officers of the commanding regi ment*. LITERALLY SKIN AND BONES, i * Dr. Dorgan Sava the Child of Sallie Smith Was In a Terrible Condition. The Herald told of the Inquest held | over the bodr of the Infant of Bally I Smith, colored, on yesterday, in !a-t j 1 afternoon's paper. Dr. Morgan aay a he never witnessed a body so literally akin and bonea a* that of the dead In fant The matter will he reported to the authorities, but surh ha* not t>een | done pet. Dr. Morgan any* that the Grand Jury will without doubt take up tha mat ter. The starving of the child urill go! hard with the mother. TO USE SMOKELESS POWDER. Bids For a Million Pounds Opened at the Navy Department Washington, Sept. B.—lt is very prob able that the navy hag fought Its last battle with black powder. Bid* have been opened at the navy department for supplying the warship* with 1.000,000 pounda of smokeless powder, a quan- i tlty BUfßclent to supply ot lyast the 1 secondary batteries of all the ships In the service, and this supply will be aug mented from time to time until within the course ft a year or two alt the black powder wilt have been retired, except, possibly, some that will be re tained for saluting purpose*. OUT OE SERVICE. Progress of Camp Breaking at Chick amauga. * Chlrkamaugn. Ga., 3cpt. 6.—The Bth New York infantry leaves tonight for New York, where tt will ba mustered out. The headquarters of the third di vision, third corps. left today for An niston. The physlral examination of the Rough Riders, preparatory to being mustered out, is progressing rapidly. They will be paid Thursday and Friday, and the musteting out ceremonies oc cur Saturday. The men will be released the service of the government at that time, and will be allowed to re turn to, their homes nt leisure. Each man will be allowed transportation and mileage, but It' 1s not yet learned whether they will be allowed an ex tra month's pav or not. The dei>ot of the commissary of sup plies. which has been located in Chat tanooea for several months, is being transferred to Huntsville! CASTORIA. Bears the Kind You Have Always Bought % T" CZ/-So&s&* •fPTCMftffft « tni; marl it#, T«*vytßM* Utaffi M A# Ik* Mirdjgg fadtat <i«h*a<»» pMßvmaMi f 04000044 tufieft t?*ttt*m IWtmtttttmm* ** **»**»■* ■#* 0414 0b j3si Z Z ■ .pis »• »* •# ■»* ■ »##•»*♦#**■ ** *4 •w, x,mm3umw . # 404 Wmm e| Rr wm **** ## H ** .. 440 |O4 lAMMgf* t« I# | yi 0 tM M If 4« •• •• •« •• ** l*# I *% I(f (0 .* .**** •# *MB ip.M *■% * fl; , |*||)| ## ... |H *l*oo I Wftftft ■, r— vtmtm *V !* ** «**# m (HUTTON. * Jmmwtty mm* i 4f t ttS Pvt**#*:? e«i( Kirrh . t 47 t?#t 9* 4«tr| e**4 April .* . 3ft $ t* m itiri# mu! At iy V ! ” lii s tft tl I i*. ftdbfhta ...... 5 «• 3 #1 ti .■ flit« i ti*f it .*•**•• 3ft *t* Sf’W. iM tmr 1.4 i ft* 41 (Mr mm* U* * T, fftftT ~ .. ?M4 Sdi «. I*9o *. - ft .. .. •• ls*m mi*’Mlifts * 3-l4ftH n i lnlittlMr | ]<a % .. •• .. .. •• • ?*loft*t| ifitrlrt ftOfttftlfiS * *l«*% s 11-!«ft% I*o KT ROBCKIFTO HIT iftft r fHleen* . * ftM 1215 i MaWt- . . » Setenneh .* •• •• •• _ p jtn mi (h*rNt«l ** •• •• •• •* j Ntar*otk i* •• •* •• •* *• •* IT * BOY BURIED ALIVE. HU Companion* IH*posed of Him aa a ••Dead Spaniard. ’* j Troy, N. Y., Hepi. B.—A nutnliar of 'boy*, all under ten year* of age. orgsn ’ i*»d an American and Spanish armv with toy guna and aword and had a .bam UU!e. When lh* American* j drove the Spanish off. John Owen*, 'aged A. was left dead on the field, a* , agreed upon. I The conquering army dte'ded t would be the proper thing to bury their :drad foe. and to this young Owen* did i net object.. A hole was dug In the rand and the ’’dead Spaniard' - w»s rar jried with great solemnity to the open ; grave and lowered down into the sand. Quickly the grave was filled and Owe«* was completely burled from sight. His companions, all about his own oge. did not heed hie cries, but shoveled neath the eond. When they had com pleted their work they marched from the field triumphantly. When Owms did not return at evening his pirenta began a search for h'tn. The aid of tha ! police was sought and all the precincts were visited, but no trace of the lail could be found. at night some of the companions of Owens were located, and when quetion aa to where Owens was they said: ”ob, we left him up at the brick yard.” They did not tell that they had buried him. and when his parent* and ethers visited the brick yard they could not find him. Yesterday morning one of the boys admitted that ’’Owens had been shot In battle” and buried. Bry en Flanagan. Michael Kennedy and A. Dumas went to the brickyard and be gan digging in the sand for the buried lad. About 7 o’clock they uncovered his body. Coroner De Freest Is Investigating the ease. The hoys state'that the did not think it would harm Owens to bury him In the sand, and they be lieved that he would soon dig his way out and go heme. HACK AT HIS POST, Washington. D. C., Sept. B.—The train beaiiag President and Mrs. Mc- Kinley and party reached the Pennsyl nla railroad station tfiis morning. A carriage from the white house met them, and the President and Mrs. Mc- Kinley were driven directly there. The chief executive and his wife show the beneficial effects of the brief out inrr. ..., j . i »*. „j- —