The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 07, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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THE GAY CAPITAL OF THE FRENCH. ft*** m ****** I#*** *t * • ***** •#* «*# IV |MI' §;iiptmi *i tINHMi wNMte f tffPMN *•** «*•*•* *•* i'Ri*•! PNNH * H(|PW> # prtte* •s*►** *■**"*•* *• *•* . §B#fl In*## •#'• *®pNi •Wm rt * I lit Up 1 * #■** *■••' * **• ■■*••• wm* j jNMMmpn§ ** **** rwtJt ■ *■•■ *** | iNNtitli fgiQgptfNMfe TTfc* (rf l «i* | lrtl •#"* I lit f tftMMßfllil •* * I ARM** 99900 90 #.«■•• I • IMMNMNMI H TN» t**Ml • w™ 1 * M,B | pIMN #M • * tfll it <•»** Ifcp mmmm #f * tviHMl lwrt w** = §*■» '•.*•*.**♦ 11l •Hm ••* p*'*■ Mh® 99 M *•! till 9990 909*99 l“ I# "WiifP'* Ac*" J ®. <MI PC f W®4 w •»* FWrtBI C Ml't* 09 Vt B'C •• *"*• iPwf * j Wmm/k wMiduf »ift # *** oC f*** ,^P* i 1 <**. * h rat# i* h*r+ ihtn •I'r*. Tttf AlVw# firlliWTtlp rtf the KrMWti if? rMf* flit# Ms fit’’ r-nnc (C*f F OKf*l Mi IV Ml »r*f* for Ml th»* jm*> m**itf of tH# fc**v# $M* Indemnity <fe* «•!!»■« I»<| been fwMJM lo pol # frr;h nn on tried FDFrtv. nod the han need dueen • ««ier»» cnim nnd neuled of iffntrn The p**»N •fetlty. nnd )»*t In proportion n»tiot»j»l, eoondenee tron nitii ptwom leu * he al reantta Hut I moot beaten on j To ante time we derided to make the trip from Paris to Genera by nlfbt A < * lee pi hk ear la an unknown luxury In j mcMM parts of Europe, ao we had to de ny nuraelve* this nwiat n«retaaf|r aux- UUry lo a romf »rtabl* Bight rid* Our mm,••rim. til wa# well filled and *H WSt* BOt lb' BM* HtffMb',* pßWfll!'.* d**irablt. The f**qu*nt laiftruption* of th* guards taken firm tho*« of ih«> llffstlcr mr*ds simp Itßpogsibls, Bird pmm Improbable. Night travel la not here that which It la In Am' rice, and this. our Drat experience, we aaatire otiraelvee. aball be the last I find Oeneva a most lav'tlng place. In the early hlatory of th* town !t waa merely a fortlflcailrn const reeled by j Julius Caesar on the side of the moun-! telns. right at the point where "the j errowy Rhone ’ take It* rlee from I.»e | Iceman. Immortallaed by Byron, Here Caesar crossed to make the first in-1 rash n into cmut. a bridge of the eity ( marking the pclat at which his own war thrown serosa. To the admirers of Byron It may be interesting to re- j calk, that part of Cbllde Harold tens j written here, while the Chateau 1e | Chtlon is only a short distance away j on a most picturesque promontory of, the lake. It ia really a pleasure to r>afi his rooms upon the very scene of their . writing, and study the wonderful ex-1 altitude and verity that he breathes j into them: they sre appreciated then as never before and awake thoughts that have ever lain dormant. The charming position of Geneva on the lake side, the Imposing grandeur of the surrounding mountains, the sublime view of snow-capped Mont Blanc In the hazy distance, tj>e clear, limpid waters of an incomparably beautiful lake, all tend to intensify the poetic effect, and it Is no surprise that the sympathetic lyre of his delicate soul burst Into such harmonious rhapsodies upon visiting this*spot roost lavishly favored^ by na ture. % It was a great relief to come to a peaceful, quiet place like G?neva after being so long in the confusion and crowd ever existent at I/mdon and Paris. Here we could walk along the streets without constantly bumping in to passesrs-by, or dodging 'busses and trams. The Jewelry shops here are in deed, resplendant with wares of ex celling beauty. The famous Geneva watches are to be seen on all sides, and justly are they famed. Geneva once had a monopoly on watches and since that time has continued to produce the I Smwß* MS* V* l <* fswiw nge sags m 9mm I*, is* l«k> *f i|t flknti Cm ' rn«*4 tt&ign* feat MV a* lfc» ptom las luna. >■ which t* jotiß*. tue hwi f . .<,r. rrrtaißlv g# f- b Tam parts Bad ptrliircagwa towers that Ma*<i owl bo •ntk-ablt. To get an Idea -of Konpaww high lift la general and j place can I- (rood than the Quay, tha Matilfnl shad* tree* Suppose then, we stand here fust a# the day dies, the most tolema time for nature Bud the moßl pleasant tor man We hear at 'our feet th gently rippling water* of the lake where afar off we aee th» My peaks of the snow-capped Alps ' no longer eedd. hot (lashing with an tatcrnal lncande*ce«re. the highlands ' scrronsdwig at— all abiace. while In tbs ! valley* the shadow* of an approaching 'darknes* are gloomily gathering Soft ly dying away on the calm evening at mosphrre the sweet tones of vesper : bells "toll the knell of parting day." W.- stand enraptured by the charm of the landscape end the solemnity *o swe-tly reigning around, but come, lei us turn our attention to things Imme diately near Tor varieties of nation-j j elides and costumes and gayety of the toilet of the ladies. I.itrcrn* may com or re with any place we have yet aeen. Representative fri m different cltlea of | the Old and New World are present and every k'«d cf traveler may be here ' i Bcaunttred On the whole the crowd Is a medley of stylish, pleasant people; i there reigns a confusion of tongue* „ n . ! surpassed by Babel Itself, Different tn mnoy resperta. the comoonentg of the crowd are alike In that they are, to a 'man. Intent upon watching and enjoy ! isg the spsctrcle of what they them selves form the most conspicuous part. 1 I Could all the exclamations and thoughts ottered lo diverse languages j by the prom»npders of the Quay be col- j lccted and comparted Into one slng'e srulence, none world come hearer cx-j pressing It thaitc "H jw lovely is the, | earth ,6tid how glorious Is life!” Look- 1 iug upon Lucerne under the above, Innumerable clir iirstsnces. not a more j sober thought enters the mind. SHAKE INTO 'fODR “SHOES Allen's Foot-Kese, a powder for the fe“t. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing, nervous feet and instantly take* the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ago. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c. In stamps. Trial packages FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. The Rand-Mc'Nally new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of the kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the size of any others published, and clearly printed on heavy paper. Eaeh one has n marginal Index and a page i» devoted to the flags of all natrons. This atlas Is timely and useful. It is not for sale at the stores. The Herald has arranged for a special edition. Reader* may obtain a copy by calling at our office or sending 30 cents. Do you eat? Try the Ellis Restaurant. THB A TTOTJBT-A bUKAU 4 IfelttMMk vW*Mt | m An t*M** la* *%# **-m* *•*» * ■ ■ fit 96 HfHwi|kt ; sis■ > #• HmNMp ii# #»%*««* ill) •nnwuillfoV rtf ffTVMXt Ilf tiff; lAi* wrKir ft* 'hr U *[■■ lUt rrrn Muflil khaf k« tb# Ac hi Mi til III* ortofnt* wbhti haul s.ready been copied Ipto nearly every ttsm-r m the country; the great storm which swept away De Rmigemoat * partner and nil the dtvrrs. leaving the unfortunate youth alone on the ship; the astonlshlßK fortnight's solitary navigation, the wreck of the VleUaad: the dreary little sandpit In the Sc* of Timor tbr house built of pearl shells: the exm grown ia the sand and nour ished with metis's blood: the acrobatic the rtdin« P of*the turtle* Ilk* another Neptune, the ever-thrcstsmlng m.vdn' .s and desire to put an end .o life; the coming of the four black who were blown out of their course fit a slot m and reached the tittle sandpit ki n dying roariltlon; the building of the boat: the escape of the whole live to the Australian main: lie Kougemont's wonderful marriage ceremony; his first cannibal feaat; his sgontea of thirst in the wilderness; the nmsxlng sea journey cf LfibO mile* In a frail canoe j-a journey that laated eighteen months and brought the despairing navigator* back to the very point from which (hey started; the many attempt* to rearh e'vllliaMon; the extraordinary portrait cf Queen Victoria to Impress the black, nnd the Ingettioua devices which this extraordinary man resorted to for the same Important purpose; the ’ dlcovery of the loat explorer Gibson, j and the discovery of two English glcla as the wives of a cannibal chief; th» remarkable, weird and thrilling Inci dents that covered the appalling period of tivcnty-elght years In the Interior of Australia, aud the flonl return to civ ilization—these things form In the ag gregate a story so enthralling and al) , but Incredible thnt It is no wonder that | scientists at first received M- de Roiigcmont with eceptlclsm. Now, however, sceptlslm exists no ilonger, and that great nnd auguat body. I the British Asw eiatlon. have invlt'-d i M. de Rougemont to read two papers, .one in the geographical and oqe in the nnthropological eectlcn. He hen been loppronchrd by Mme. Tussaud and sou a, who will have a figure of him In their well known exhibition in order to grat ify thousands of people who may not eee M. de Rcugemont. In the flesh—al though It la necessary to state that ar rangements are now being made for his lecturee In all parts of the three kingdoms, as well as in France, Swit zerland. Italy and America. Already applications are being received, literal ly from every quarter of the globe, by letter and. telegram, asking about the hook rights of this astonishing story. What M. de Rougemont seems to' like best, however, if the supplying of scientific material, mainly of an an thropological kind, which, although of great Interest to science, rennet pos sibly he published In a popular maga-! zinc. "I seem to have become famous," laughed M. de Rougemont. "I receive dozens of letters dally asking for auto graphs, and only yesterday, an inde pendent gentleman came all the way from Plymouth simply to shake me by the hand. Last Sunday I went to the Albert Hall to hear the splendid mu sic, but It gradually got whispered about that I was in the building, and WIME’OF caroui health iroucht back. ! ufcht f ,SZ2i££* w n_ _ in—am m*m *m aaffN* it •• #• aae ft* •** kw H,”MkX««X|MsilMi mmU Asms wtffhwMtf InQn a tm Ms (ft* it lasy» ffknl A* in a-.- - -a * Mi Imm 1m iWRMMI H A iwH mmmA A fMM>* W0H0W999 AMI wmrw w w (Nat, »*■*«— m*mm W ***w»*w* >a kasff >■* » * ** T Hi AHMMfelt # ANA AN MAI AN V mm ji w* m QmMw M *t*pd mm+m RAN *a« mmimaa Awml iNt ammANN'V Ai* mylSt mm* •mm Wm «A UiA ANNA mm* CARA Na AN AwMI iMI mmARAAHMP ®A AmMAMAX N AHARi mAnAA j ’ " •*•«•< M.uiwaat mm M *■< •—* IMMi *ffM( fff ffMMfff ».wi«ivw.»v««'»w«*i wrftff If fsstswv Hmm mI w fni a Mtn hessw task* easy If wvefcsa* wnm* nHI H <■** BvaSf rwNStnvei daaeslsf Mil MM MMV l<Mk PffdMHll UU UNI Nmil ffO* UN. WINE OF CABOUT gERRY'S EXCELSIOR tyj|LLS .A.TJGhTJST-A., gjl. | Mfe- '*^**'* 808 WHITE Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL-Fancy Patent. T ■- -J— -ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On and after this Date, August I Oth, 1898. I offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the Highest typ®. Ask for prices Flour, Meal, Grits, Bran and ship stuff delivered your station. J. M. BERRY, THE MERCHANT MILLER tr Georgia Caroliua Paper* Report Estimate on Above Bp*ce per month. presently quit* an unHMjmly demon ■trallnti was made among the audience, and 1 am sorry to say I was mobbed when f got outiWc. I had no umbrella, and It was raining heavily. It Is, ns you may suppose, a very great mis take to think that I »m spouting out the whole story glibly. Indeed, the con nected Incidents,came to m«' only very Bloody, nnd 1 cqnnot tax my uqfortun at ,> head' for more than a couple of boors nt « time." M. de Rougemont is obviously In poor health, hut he hopes soon to have another few weeks In his beloved Switzerland, which will build him up and fit him for the trying ordeals of his public appp.nrances. The geographical authorities are agreed that not only arc. M, de Uougemont'si adventures entirely unprecedented, but, owing to the advance of civilization, it Is practically certain lhat no other civilized man wiU ever have the oppor tunity for going through what Louis de Rougemont has undergone. 20-yenr titled gold watches in ladies' and gents’ sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movorndrtS from $7,00 to $12.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Schaul’s, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. Do yoy eat? Try the Ellis Rest'aurant. OA.«roniA. Bast** th* HaVB AIWa>S DEXTER AND SINISTER. THE AVERAGE NEED. ! 'The nverae man Is not o Caesar, and \ what he needs Is ft wife who Is above ; being suspicious. SAVING GRACE. "I shall love thee ever," the youth ex claims. And the maid, with a gladsome sigh, "Man’s promises are as pie-crust," Murmurs, "But man Is pie!" APPRECIATIVE. “He Is n devotee of German opera, although he understands neither mu ; sic nor German." "Possibly he has a sense of humor.” EMPTY WORDS. If England with our manners were More thoroughly In touch, She’d know we often say, “Oh, mam ma!” Without meaning very much. READING, "Read thy doom.” cried the knightly avenger, “in the fate of thy accom plice!” Tiie wicked woman was mad with terror. "Oh, I have such a cold!” she gib bered, proteatingly, her shattered mind reverting pitifully to the days when she had been an amateur elocutionist, with no thought, perhaps, of ever be ing anything worse. JHE HERALD jjTANOARD WAR HILLS II It populftr biKJuM i! Hi ju«t Ahil th© grgs«l nrwnp^pot-toading wxnlik. Th# M#t tm at* i«ru# #nd rlMf t Xfid Tuiiy doubt# tn# gii j>o 0f any Qlhfkf# puWiih#d• Th#y nf*v bMuli * fully printed In fiv# colors on heivy ftisp p#p#r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find th# Atlas an lndl»p#nsabl# aid. It will help you lo obs#rvo th# daily change# In the situat.on, and enabl# you to Keep pac# with history. You Need An ATLAS! v Get the Latest and Beat N Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlis: Cubs - 14*21 Inch#® Th® World - 21*28 inchM W®tHndLM** - - - North America - - 21 *2B inch®® IlmwMff .ante IHm. South America - - - 14*21 inch®® Mwalai <*Ma «•*» Philippine Island® - - 11*14 inch®® Hawaiian Islands • • 11*14 inch®® Europe. - 21 *2B Inch®® Spain and Portuaal - - 14*21 Inch#® A 9 ui ... - 14*21 Inch#® Mtowiag mm I raas-S*»rlaß Kailraa*. Africa ... 14x21 Inch®® Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 *2B Inches Chlna - 14*21 lnch®s Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cub*. Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out. and entirely new. . ... The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Haiti Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may, order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents ouß tp a TjX. omnsrizsro- QfMjj > n A BO , ll I i I / Mr if I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA - - - - GEORGIA READ HERALD’S WANT ADS of handsome CLOTHING shows some beauties in up to date and choice fa brics, made my the most noted and reliable makers in the world. Swell trim, neat and elesrant, and of perfect fit, are the Suits that we have placed on display, with a large as sortment to choose from, and at bed rock prices. 7