The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 09, 1898, Image 5

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ffttOAV rWM*» fpMgMMli .... ***** itaft n, |WMk%i l l4kiPk ftMf M 4Pi4P*lftf*ft Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUST A, USOMGIA JfllllllEN^fSß (R'RlAftfßfa *®C#flftpft #* *ft# fait) If* iAlt?Ala, • • * * , * * «*- .. .........DMMhCTOft> —'■ £S5".Ilf' l iS i Trrr* 1 *«*SW TSS**# flMfto* '" ft*>i »' *■*• W wwawee, '■ r'ini iV,‘II * % %00Mm4 WESSEX £««»*—« » (K;Vk c% WANT* NO HfcLl*. ll* Mm ll* Ha* U* IMMMBfl** ** • Wirt TRAtc ||mp*A # ||w** At ®ft#R * Iftf ft# GPftpft*#ft#G %0 t|» ft*»4 11 *•* ™ IN »*#4t»f oJ ••! *• A t lirl k |*ftr fie ftft4 til# Oof. ftf»* •» | |A ;#f| Mk4«rf<N Sttll It ft#* nsi<*» J f«r*lftf J tl#r« ni •«* Ms *«•«•••►« **) to* PbSiippin* » u> ft# «ft«r# at tft# H«k* j was vw! that mwM o»m DAforr l ftovoy » prfotit f*##« or Mjt, WM thot tb# fortmattm trould car# toj _l nut i-lit* tfl hr liedtf f fAIIAAT ft ! Hi <b# opinion of tb# »***» antborUt#* ft#r* that la th* orsot of «br r*w*«l of vould ft# aum* tb# fw* »" n lot la tit A QBkl and daft* Ir#» batt # blow at «ft# tHiaatard* at bom# would. It la btllttH, ihii a tuk * tu* no tb# war party of Madrid Th# M#rafd’g a*w Standard War At las Is a vary *lm#»y pu hi leaf ton, whlrh ; *r#m* to b# wall planned t« aii#«#r th«* qutttlotit wftb'h peapk irr asklns about countrl#a in different part* of iht world. TV map* ar*- ir luffliiml t detail to he entirely Intelligible. and th*l low price ftt whir* th* alia# I* f"V I Halted, 34 rent,, wlil male iga- r%mr unpardonable, Iteallaln* the value of I oueh an attaa Th - Augusta Herald ar* } ranged with the puhllahera for • ape* a! I edition. A» thla hew alia# le not f-r i rale at any of the store*. our reader,! ahnuld haeten to a«nd for a copy he- I fur* the edition i* eahauated A f AITHFU. 000. Remained Beside a Boy L#d In the Mountains. Bhrmidsburg. Kept- •* The #-ypar old aon of Harold Klemlor). of Eidred township, was lost In the Focono mountains for two dayr. The boy ■ only roerpanion was a faithful dog. The Klelntopa live near the Carbon eeenty border. The plckora In the mountains and the parents missed the j child when the time came to go home. A searching party, after a two days’ search, found the little fellow with bla faithful dog. When returaad to b;s mother, the little wanderer aaid: "I; sir sped all night, mamma, and doggie was close to me. I laid on him for a pillow." The man who found the child said he offered him some food he had with him. but he then refused to eat it. He then offered It to the dog and the ani mal refused to eat It. The child thin picked up the food and offered It himself to the dog. which devoured It ravenously. CASTOniA. Br*r» th* Kind Vou Nava Always ftUigiit 8 7T Selma. Ala.— Shedding continue* and the outlook is less flattering. DIAMONDS WIT. SCHWEIQERT & CO., JEWELERS. JEWELRY I 181 UEXINIJtUN (NMltltt. : tb Ml ta ftoaaf t as* f«w Mm I sm»<sm» fIMS# m^shMiaj «Ha< fkk* ’**+*- f a- _ gtarrf if-aAk SHU sttradsarr as stscr sbwkl #•*.. h€m b«ib*trik##s Smf —ftarrfftftTft ft* A #•****• Tftft#* r> #• fltonrl* fffitwpaibr h. H , MffUt and «;*- HrtaMW f» W. M*ii. Ijf Halt, I) W >• b#f»l*ti|bl. j *?*>. l/i<fr a 11 SHfifi, C tn p»t|f*f(. W I*, A* » * jr» h A C* sst- *'b!t#fccr A Mi'Ottkas. §»<► SAVED MILI.ER’S LIFE. Had Take* a Large IMmm of t.audesi J» tA Ith Sukidel Intent. Istktlr. On. Bept. 9. John MHlef. a young man 71 year# old. attempted to commit suicide oar day last tooek lie had beets on a periodical rpree and waa Just tapering off By aotne means he got pooaemton of a bottle and a half of laudanum and before any hod y was a rair be swallowed the contents. Dtr. Harwich was called and after work ng tor two hours, raauscltatad hint. Mil ter waa at one time one of the m at prominent young men In the cotnmu ni'.p. Hang on to Your Dollar. The attention of our readers is call ed to the advertleement of that popu lar. progressive and wide awake shoe House, th - Hire A O'Connor Shoe com pany. that appears on page * of thla Issue Thla shoe firm Is now offrrtng a stock of shoes and hats that beats the record for beauty and low prices. No question slnut the good, pleasing. No question shout the gieuls being sstls f»< rory None can sell rh-sper. Qlve them s call when needing shoes and hats, as It means you will get honest goods, the latest style, and bed-rock prices. The coming week they will make sjie- tal prices In school shoes. flood floods. Well Advertised. Going the rounds of the press Is sn Item stating ttys* tbi- Koyat Making Powder company I* the largest adver tiser In America. Of course, the busi ness Itself must be an enormous one to Justify so great an expenditure In pub licity. There Is no fallscy mor- damer ouh than that success can be gained hy advertising an article of Indifferent merit. Hut, given an article of the high est quality Ilk Royal Haklng Powder, which When the housekeeper has onre used she finds If she dealrea the best food she cannot do without, then the greatest treasure of sueresa Is attained by keeping it continuously before the public. Great merit and good advertis ing ate both essential to make a prod uct a great success. The Royal Making Powder possessing the first, Its proprie tors have wisely used the second, and the result Is apparent throughout the land. The Royal company believe that there Is no medium for advertising like the newspapers, since in these enlight ened days everybody reads them. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is .1. Schaut. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. WATCHES NO ONE NAMED IN THE THIRD Qintit if a* OW N tp*t StfH A CAaMMM# •tM 9t AMMNMM* M (hurt tMa* atr-wtg It had hae-dm* gww tc r*gwrv iw,i Armsu ■*« to oak him In vtva. h# knew th* rcf« rt to he untrue tie 1 Mr FVnuett wld Im( night that cigt Arawtrcms. In b*Mg aahed M» §•» to council, waa naked only hy the g*n tinmen signing the petition and that no promt ae of nny hind M Non nek - ed of him Mr B»anett anid neither he nor the gentleman who had gotten np the petit lon had nny concern In The Herald «mr were they th* toote of The. Herald of anybody tip or Mythtng elee. THEY DIDN'T WAKE MONEY. Becauee the Athena ledUa lownd They Were Onnte. Them reside on Herring street two ladies who see passionately food of honey, sad the other day they had aa expert, n«-e that prorrd both exciting and humllaUug. During the afternoon Dating the afternoon the vicinity waaj stalled try n tremendoue swarm of long winged gnats Th* Indie* In qu**»ion aeon apled them and at oner began very hurried preparation* to aecnre a hire of "etirh beetttlful bee*." Both of them deatly loved honey, aa before acted, and a e tnaummatlon long look ed for and devoutly hotted, wae at band. lltttnltaner.uely two ladle*. «vllb but a single thought, for the time tielng. mode a rush for something with which to charm the been. On* grabbed a tin pan and the other iet**d a cow bell, and for thUy minute* thereafter Her ring street Inhabitants listened not en raptured to muaic lnteuded to “charm the savage bee.” Meantime the gnats took things easily and quietly and contplecently settled In a bunch on the stump of u departed tree. ‘‘Victory Is ours.’’ shouted one charmer to another, “and now we will have honey that our own bees make. They hugged each other in rapturea of delight and excitedly be gan a discussion as to how long It would take to get a carqemter at work on the be?bive which was In the fu ture to be the home of the darlings, The noise made and the perceptible excitement of the ladles brought a “harried man" to the eene and he aoon Investigated thing*. It 1* unnecesaery to fldd that each lady blamed the oth er for “being so foolish" when the harried man convinced them that their bees were the kind that didn’t make honey.—Athens Banner. The Happy Families of Augusta Arp those who have a care for their stomach* and their pocket books. Our state chemist —Mr. Oeo. F. Pavnp—has stated that the tOo. pound baking pow ders are made of alum and ammonia. These two things kill the stomaeh. Forty years ago, some companies made and named some Itaklng powders, price 50c. pound, because materials were high. Materials now' are half that price. But the 50c. price—which kills your pocket—still remains. Head this and then use 25e. baking powder—2sc. a pound, O ASTOIIIA. Bears the Kind YouHavejklvvays Bought ““■r An Englishman has Invented a sys tem of propulsion for motor ears which automatically increases aud decreases the speed and power of the motor, ac cording to the resistance to he over come, the motor being propelled by a liquid brought under pressure by a variable stroke pump, the short stroke increasing the pressure for hill climh- IbS- I .. L, SILVER TH* AUOtJIITA HICBALIS. HOW TO MUSTER THE MEH OUT 11 Aftt? o&Mf Ts%* ** ««*• Mm 0m ®*t* *0 !*# JMHfli't * n Hr tlwMi# t» mm mm m f '--M#b4 cH# fßuiMi ** r " ’** **■ *1 Hi ft IM’ft * ftlt of I hi* Ho bmm coo* IHmoftfti *Hli Ik# in® fto pot * >p#w tftt (4kff iM lloft Ifttiforti via* to orliftitw potftt tfc# #i»ll#tftif6i tm4 ilk vra to fto wo#f# ’■**? ■ r hflrofHt If tft t#ft to lit* f*«nt nooitfr#* , . fiiritlihfil *' It t* fPtfir#ft4f tiopNl thftt ftlt of' ftoov# 11 »rm in 1.1.1N0 CORN IN BOATS % ms. n ii im i Ingenious I'ffsrti ol Nr. Branch to Save His Corn Tweed On. Sept *. ~ The Or one. river at thla point Is a raging torrent, nod Is atlll rlaln*. Not since the Har riaon freahri of M baa there been such a Hood. The « r«#h# and branch*-* are overflowed, th* awamp loualnda la cultivkiion are alao all Inundated, and there la diet res. among the cattle and hog*. The water fas* got lt> 'he Held of John Rttnch. jr, nnd tu mvp hi* corn he ha* employed an extra force of hands, and while several paddle boat* along the rows, other* pull the corn, and throw it in bat teaux. Wag ons are hauling It out aa fast aa possi ble. The men pulling the corn stand In the water In their waists, Mr. Hrn net K<a has a l«M of corn and cotton covered In water, and will lose moat jef his corn. The witter ha* drowned over a hun dred pigs find night head of An* heif er* belonging to Mr. E. Young. Cat tle and hnga th eprooerty of Mr. David K. Wilkes and other*, ar" lost. The water I* now out to the plney wood*, and by mrrnlng It will be a flood. The roads are impassible, and tbe bridge on Ptigb’s creek Is afloat and (ravel baa been suspended. DF.nOCRATIC SPELLBINDERS. Active Campaign In Progress All Over the sta!e. Atlanta, Oh., Sept. (I.—The campaign by the democracy Is assuming schedule shape under the able direction of Chair man duMlgnun and his campaign com mittee. Saturday the 10th, there will be fur ther engagement* at Fbagi-rald, led by Gen. C. A. Evans und at Wadley by Col. “Bnollygoatar" Ham. Col. Ham c-ould not fill his appointment fur today at Irwlriton. Monday, the 14th,1 (her* will he skir mishes at Homer and at Ta I Cotton. At the former place Col. ,Candler, Chair man dußlgnon, Congressman Living ston and Tate and Mr. J. B. Conyers will dlrwt the democratic' boat*. On the ITith, Thursday, at Amerleus, Col. Candler will again sp ak. At McDonough on the 17th. Saturday, there will lie a great rally anil Cols. Candler, Bartlett and dußlgnon will preach sound democratic doctrine. On the noth, Tuesday, ut Amerleus, Hon. F. G. dußlgnon will udress Iho party and at Wrlghtsvllle the same date Col. Candler will do the same thing. The next day. the 21st, Col. Candler and Gen. Evan* will appear together at Cuthbert. October dates are not definitely ap portioned ns yet. except Alpharetta, the Ist, Saturday, with Col. dußlgnon, ns speaker, and 4th, Tuesday, when Col. Candler will meet otic of the biggest rallies ever held in UalneavlHto. Incandesce ritzier-trie lights can be Inserted In or removed from sockets at considerable height by a new appliance consisting of a long pole to which a metal socket I* Attached, carrying wires which support a spring clip to enclrcl the metal batjeVof the globe and hold it while being screwed into position. PROMINENT MEN UP FOR COUNCIL f !•It 1, l «fcftft t % IBM |tl V ; f|h»f ftijft 00m fm 4<■*•*• Ml iM t'ftiK sJkm J 4 ■<*> ft. 1 ffnt ft*4kllf ***#!## 11l lift* Tft# ffttt Iftftl ftiftlH Ml M**»M Mt fVM*ft| .if . u i IrmrlUT (ItoM |ft* wiftiL !• tft# %*wm4 . * A tk« f( if# 4 I . A wuti m m tlf OJWf*f t # f Yfff ,*u« be had p*w s«d htmarlf of He a - |«# i.||| « ht« H Wftft Oa Ilia I wuith. Capt M J. M* Anllfv tbaa whom t h.r. le no utore excel lent young man | ;in Adguats le nominated from the j lYuirtb Th* very htaAeat thing* arc belag said of rapt. HrAdlft - aad justly sold todav. (‘apt Mr Vullff* I* captain of the’ Irleh VelnvlM* H. and hi* compa ny volunteered their service* In the Mpaxtlnfa-Aoierlrnn u*r. and ailuatem lo thui by Mr. D (J. Fognrty last night won a round of applause rapt. Mr- Aullff* ha* -r- *- a splendid au «eaa of bla own bualneaa. that of family gro- 1 .rer Hl# popolarlly D founded on hi* ! t orth a. a man and bl. nomlna bm la because of hto etnodlngta* a patriotic^ A MECHANICAL UENIUS. Marietta to Very I'roud of H*r Prodigy. Marietta Sept. 9. Marietta baa a, met ham* <ti. inventive and genius In the person of Mr. A. R. | Murray, foreman of ObMrer'a Machine, shop He Is tbe son of our clever tax i roll* < tor. Joe H Murray Hel*| known a* Dear Muriay. and by lit* gentlemanly manner* ha* a large num -1 her of frlcud* In our city who appre ciate hie worth. From eafly boyhood 1 be baa been Inveullng and conatruct -1 log different machinery, ateatn en gines phenographa, telephone*, dyna mos. ate. He Is a graduate of our State Technological school and la one of the brightest and moat skilled me chanics In the south. On last Thursday we were permitted to see a new eleo t ro-dvmimu which he baa nearly com pleted. which will Is* capable of fur- I-lulling seventy-five Itl-raudle power pghts. and will be put In operation soon to light up Glover'* raachim; ah eg) He made every piece of It out of material in tbe shop, except the wire. It la a fine piece of w?ork and shows the Intelligent and thinking mind that brought It into exlatanoa. Such young men are a credit to the country, and we all feel proud of Deae Murray. ____ SOME OEOROIA INVENTIONS. A Contrivance lor Handling Barrels With Ease. Marshallvllle, Sept. *.-Since the war the Southern peoph- have originated many Inventions. I have Just seen one patented by Mr. J. E. Kelley of Marahallvllle that will be in general nee In all grocery stores. It Is a sim ple contrivance by means of which !! barrel of sugar, or coffee, or rice turns on a pivot so easily that the slightest touch brings It from untler the counter or sends It back. Ihe bar rel rests upon a plate and a pair of hooks attached to a rod clamps the Parrel and Just a little pressure whirls tlm barrel from under the counter or shoves It hack out of the way. It. was Invented by Mr. Kelley's son. a tinner by trade, and will prove a val uable patent. They ore now used by all the merchants of Marshallvllle. Another Invention Is that of Mr. Fred Davenport, druggist of Americas. By combining olive oil wit hquinine he has produced a tasteless sulphate of quinine which does not produce nausea or ringing or roaring In the head, yet the quinine preserves all Its power and strength. The society or the U<»(3 Cross has usetl it suoPfSßfully In Cuba with the slelt u,i Hantlago. Mr. Davenport Is very proud of bis Invention. Japan lias adopted the extension pol icy and Is annexing colonies. Japan, by the way, has a most appropriate national ensign. It is the flag of the rising sun. sl.6p LADIES* OXFORDS All Regular Prkc* #r« $2.50 to s3*so Mulherin’s, «HfO Broad St AN AWKW ARD fOBfItOV j Mr. fl * MMRH h to I Dtoetwewe Ov«* tktikll. I Ms. %l V 1 fftltimi I* 111 ft Vftfft#f l*«ft*i*fft ynWlßft twftftMiftft ft ’ft ' Ml ful tft#*# • II- T • I If# ftmrw ft ft*li!!|ft# ##4l WA# I y»fk*Mf#>N| ft*# Mrmni ft# ftr#<M*> ftft ft f If# ftfttVk#Vt«K| ifttrr l#i fftlfft Vftftf ft# j ft*4 }Wrf Tm#ft|lT ill# *•*•*. H# ftft# ftft#4 Itl# for ftp r«» « ft» li*lftftP#* ftr»«f» ftlft! v*"*m miiftftftf tftftiftft ftft* ft ft*"# ikv ft** j ■ ftttrli «tf|| rt*M ft fNMft lftft! ft* 4*mo I ft,.< m •in t#r bit*. •* «ft# VIII oft tft# fttv M* h* I *H ft i !•»#•••* ftftT «hrftfMTT ft* : »ft Iftftft It ft# ftft4 | iftfcrti it <«*i 'ift itnturr I j If# 4«Mfk ftftf f*#l lift# H«»«f Mh**, nor ft# M lift# Ml| dMfft** | ftfftitt «it ft hftxlsff no Hr#fwv. ft# 4-<#* ft# f##f Ilk# fftijrlft# Tfl# ft. !###*»## iftftl | i will b# mill «n 4 yoM Ift ft f#w *. j and th* tame •»"> •* ■*«» F**\ again Hto poeltbm to father tr»m« tNm’N AT VKMAASEE. Over Drive* *r* w t>» Dafl) Organized There. Apectol ta The Herald. Yemaiwee. Sept. a -Quite a Number of do -r drive* have been recently given Th*- high nnter compel# tbe d *er I® seek j th* dry land, where they altufd much spoil to the benter. Although mnny beautiful chase® have 'heen bad only n few of tbe swift own er* of tbe f.-reet have fallen prey to the hunter. There *ewm« an nl-undance of cam* rhto year in this aexth*n. tbe lenly fe«* being that mu< h of ibe young de* r baa been drown by tb floods. W ft H'l'hant of Atlsnia president of twenty-three banks, each one en tirely Independent of the other*. ' I’hlladclphia Call. Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood. Sawed .... P* T Cord , Good Dry Pine l* r Cord Good Dry Pine, long, . . • $2./? per Co: d Special prices on three Cords or more. ... Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated J Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. h. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. «trow«*r 'Rhone I4fl ------ - I’bone Slsl. HARRIS LITHIA WATER - - FOR-- Dyspepsia and Kidney Trouble. I have a New Piano for sale on easy terms. If you want a Piano call and see me. R. JLm. FOX, 816 Broad St. SHEWMAKES. COAL& WOOD|THE BEST|COAL& WOOD FAMOUS (JANDL® COAT.—AIso best grades ANTHRACITE, LOG and NUT. WOOD—PINE, BLACKJACK. OAK AND HICKOPT WOOD jflflr- Prices as Low as tlie Lowest. R. J- RUSSELL, 026 Walker Street. K 3 * 3m ' mr Sr~ Tft M 1 (mwi t*w went** dsaotadit title •* wniM, feat thoaa •*» ha«« trW a lt»t' «h<M am few ladwrwd le the ..M.fferiiiMKNl »»tw •*»>». T.«u iwitew .a.? «« r.Mete the Uw Itaaf* It row *•«.! ea ear eMe to nut more el«alr the. .other. row tan few! to iutai tbo '*>umb Kt.o •art r»w radw* It. t»el to mmr te giro r«n» drouw Tha earn. wtlfe »owr roaet If II M Mac taw uutekir. row rl.a, t aeta la throw -two tfea ova* door •a<l raw Ih# rtafe of •Mll>n« H. To j -aa rrguial. r»«r laago U> Bolt row ewM. Tie Gai Lull Cl if •a broad rr. I adtr. Not lo It. Me Tin* rummer Uarteretilrta. Me. Mr. rtna tumrnrr Drawer*. Me. Si on Flaw Inew fthiite. Me. tor. no. Heart., Be. Me. Ituepeadere. how ItC. Mr. Chili Tire. fee. Our l.rrr liar of Fall Wnolma has arrived and our wramrr cooda Hava got to r" at aaerlfece price#, rail »arlf and get • food teleelWl. T. tl. Mar* tins. TaiUn-, oppoalta masters Hot#; Augusta. (J*.