The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 09, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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FRIDAY 6 COAL —COAL COAL nm< rui i 4 999 trt tam utiiftira •** ™ B * K * T O* ADI * ° f •Kh» C*m O f OO A I H ££!*«•< *• ftg* •!«* iit * f - *^r a #%•«•»» 6m* * * ft* ■PPP *9m*w999K 9 '"" ” w CITY ICE COMPANY. |jHijcTTr«E>rj H» Aft ftftAft ft# **• * *"*(*•• #*•»* m **** m% fo§ wm Amm. m #*# p***w*^K s » •ft *m Aft Aiftitft* fftHH## - % (90999 Aft #ftAftAw Aft AftM##re# IH ANAPA #ft tAiftft**A* ft* “■* •* ll,iß ftflftf Aft* M Gm*** ft ** i* ***** •** * Aft* ••***»** ke * «f *•» Mn«i •* •** rtT * § Mr Ihran—a «*r4-»*» 4 *' * ffl£NM» iVNMPMPi ICi ******** ** * |aiw ( (At*** • itftf if * IP* ®PI * * AttMHt Ht L*n**« fNlftAiftL *9ft ******* t* A# •*• •*••? 9m *N i*****-*? if ft* •*• *V*#’ #*##■l if MAP### * '♦«•* "Ini * (##"* •'***‘ • *ti| Ift ft* « *-*»*»t* ■ A pftftftf ®f***rtf Hi«* *» * r# * fc*4 *A* I* ***** ******** «H* »A* Nlf R.»». • • <2* »•*«••« •JmJ Mnk*. » IM foram* I-*' *r Ik* ******* M» h tfc* P*w* k»r*»i*. w N wer*. es s«4 hi* paiH •Mr pram. are »rah Mr U « (Ararat f »*».••!• •****». All •I Ms pMMtartloMl IMM • J*«tk»Mc Hog T*>« Fwifli amhe-rador ot Ikr <Ur •*•»s**» m**! I** * ft I*l*l I6»*i*irt» w<»mmm of kick rwl tweeura her < • unl/T f*»rd t# MkrTmr In Ikr Fr**"" ear, SBdmg kla diatribe with Iko *w •nark After ell. II was to W ft|«l»d V> (Hr to tklßk yam »W» • kkltna of ghork"-!■"•!». *r,d no* »* kno** pom «r*,“ "ABl w#,’* mI4 okr. * kkrA to I Milk Ihr Wmrk ■ •kllnn of »44lwi •ad Ms *• know lh>r'w M." I« ifcr •*•». who* ikr Kndwk t«<itr«l» yaatm moo then #w rlmtorvu' ißd bo- M*r. • round hN'Ml# l» tl* kMntr at Vaki '•Wlr. Mu ro« tm lh«u«hl of Ikr rwaralMllU of MM* ►*.#'»*•* • rvfwhHr and r»«K liMUn* your till*' and Mwbbb r "Tr*. I k»*r.’’ BIW ih# prtfxi -And have you though! of »hat you would Aor* Ikr y >un* lonl »“ r •bird. -Why. y*».” *•»«• »•» firtnrr; * thrrr would always hr a chakra to torture In A merle*. - The aultan of disk, on hut rarrnt vis it to iho Hutch court, aava Quran Wll komina a moat Iktorroilng i>*r»rnt. ron aiatlnc of an rtryhant'a tusk. wkl<k drat* on a roasstvr silver block. The tusk la beautifully earvad and colnrrd. Ih* design being of Indian llowrrs and Orult. Tha tusk, which Is hollow, had •n It a rare ornament In Ih* rh»l* of a golden heart. Incrusted with pteclou* stones. The entire work of art rests on a solid gold pedestal, which bears aa appropriate Inscription. Nicholas de Pierola, president of Pe ru. who, It is said. Is buying warship* in order to make a demonstration against the United States, I* called the "Napoleon of South America." He I* know a to be a man of boundless am bition. his one desire brine lo unify all <he repuMle* of South America under one central government with himself as Its head. In 18T9 he became dictator, but was swept out of power when Peru was defeated In the war with Chile. Three years ago Pierola once more struck for supreme power and won. He organised an army In the moun tains. overthrow the government and marched to the palace over tha budlea of 1,200 slain men. * At a royal academy dinner several artists and literary men waxed enthusi astic' In praise of favorite painters. His glorious redwing Is a fact about Titian," said one. "And hie glorious drawing Is another fact ’nunn,” cried a second. Carlyle, who had been listening. Interrupted the remarks by saying, with slow deliberation, "And here I *ll. « man made In she Image of God, who knows nothing about Titian, and cates nothing about Titian—and that’s another fact about Titian.” Thackeray, sipping claret at the mo ment. paused Hnd bowed courteously to Carlyle, us he remarked: “Pardon me, that 1* not a fact about Titian, but It Is « fact—and a lamentable one —about Tliomaa Carlyle.” A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like It, hut there Is really no trick about it. Anybody can try It who has Lame Hack and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Kleetrlc Hitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kid neys. Is a blood purifier and nerve ton ic:. It cures Constipation. Headache, Flanting spells, Sleeplessness atnl Mel ancholy. It ts purely vegetable, a mild laxative and restores the system to Its natural vigor. Tty Electric Hitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60c a bottle at Howard & Willet’s drug Store. IteiTtible gossip ? , j. r . SBiw gg Mi M*Magee* at khyeOe gewAsegdew awe th*e* Is ««M« A sassing at w Ik* at* flnirir turn’s Ike of making * night of H Is tksfv MmMiMy I# ffwgmgab*f ngy- Another form at aeWehiw** In always wanting t* hagtow favors and Bsvsr wanting ts ncesgg them. Marriage* nr* mods In heaven. MU tbs angels who knag them down mast he Mmn mighty meddlesome A boarding bonne Is Iks place lo gel I .uhotonttsl food. It lg often on gnh | stoatlol tknt r<m rwa’t < lt*w H. | The Antwerp corrwpondent of Ihe ' IJvsrpont Journal of Commerce says I that the tragic of worn out horses be- I tween Holland and London Is soon to cess*. «» Mr Wltllom Prwser of Edinburgh has I left all his property valued at over pgw.nsn, for ehsrsliable and educational purposes. The sum of lill.m Is to be 1 devoted for building h»ue«s for Indigent families, preferably authors and art ists. The University library receive* 160.05*, two-thirds of which I* lo he de voted to an increase of the salaries of tha oßlcnlls. One garnished for a debt due a non resident creditor I* held. In Virginia. K. A M. Insurance company (Vs I 40 L. R. A. 217, tp make a good defense by showing thal. notwithstanding his plea bf the pendency of those proceed ings, he had been subjected to the Judgment for the debt In n court having Jurisdiction at the creditor's domicile, and had been obliged lo pay It. Interference with ownership of land by advertising and selling It under n fraudulent mortgage and notifying the tenant* not to pay rent to the owner Is held, In Gore vs. Condon (Md.) 4fl L. R. A. M 2, to constitute an action able wrong, so far os It damages the Interest In the real property, but not on account of the disgrace and disre pute Into which the owner Is thereby brought. A, T. Qulllcr-Couch, the Cornish nov elist and essayist, ha* great difficulty In persuading people.that his name Is pro nounced "Coorh" and says that, though he never Invented the pronunciation, he can prevail on only a few' friends (out side of Cornwall )to believe In It. The poet Cowper, who called himself Coop er, hnd s Similar difficulty. "Conch” (Cooch), by the way, ha* nothing to with repose. It is a Celtic name and signifies red. There Is an Increasing demand for the right to publish translations of the works of popular English novelists. Ar rangements are already being made for the publication of Mrs. Humphry Ward’s forthcoming novel In German, Hut eh and Norwegian. Her "Sir George ITressady” has already been translated | Into these languages. Mrs. Ward's sto ' ry of Resale Costretle has been printed | in the Revue des Ueux Mondes, but the i French are iierhaps least eager to en i joy British fiction presented In a French dross. HISS GARRARD ACCEPTS, She Will Be Maid of Honor to Oueen of the Carnival. Mneon. Ga., Sept. 9. - Miss Annie Garrard of Colli ih tuts has been ap pointed n maid of honor to the queen of the Macon carnival. Miss Garrard fins accepted the appointment. She is a lovely and aooomtillshed young lady, and i- quite popular In Macon society. Arrangements for the carnival are progressing steadily and <t will he the biggest thing of the kind the south has ever had. 20-year filled gold watches in ladles’ and gents' sixes with KlgiU or Wal itham movement from 27.00 to 212.80. Guarantees with each watch at Lewds J. Sehaui’s, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. 'TTHIt! AT7GDBTA HERALD A*U «fK oO Hl* t*>-*f***4M# h> w* • s«gia»«l a§ • —* psoras hrdk*' sbbA r— ’ —*—* i sos ' v*t tt *k* h* »'•»«« at m<klm *ahß‘ } ÜB4 MMMM gad radio MBkdjflpMkoewak- : 1 •# wesson dratwsMs ssangEP. Wste* !ts bat Id gglk. fdor*.. 4«rk» harbors j ihe traasfsr of passesgtwrt or NQtt:! jto rarry «* Hm hoaimms of raliwa* , ! seers and to OMiaafartwre anti and j dietrthole lea Of IsfHgemlWm Me*, j ry l» Mmrtamm am at lbs laeorpnra * tor* okd tin secretary of the cam pa , ’ny. says 1 "Ths company has heea ts pcocoss of formal km far several months, sad •aa organised for Uh> pnrp»is* of tnh- > ln« sdesntage a t the sMraordlnnry • • onranic transformation bow at work In man and Porto Rico It Intends to, renovate old enterprise* aad rewate nest ones In those prodlpongly rich l-lsnds Under the new commercial' nmdktnaa. Indumrtsn mpertally those ]concerns operating public franrhlao*. will need readjustment, raorganltallon {and developtacnt This Is ths work of the American India* company which lit was organised to occompileb” ' Messrs Sheehan A Co*ton are the at torneys of the rompanE and Mr Ellbu Root la It* counsel. | Mr. James 15. Ferrel. of Burnt ' House, W. Vs . has discarded all other ! dlarrhue medlctn** and now handles 'only Oiamhertain's Colle, Cholera end liisrrhnsn He has used It In his family aod sold It to hts customers for years, and has no hesitation In saying that tt la the best remedy for colic and dlarrhoe*. he has evsr known. . It not only give* relief, but *trc u a 1 permanent rure It Is also pleasant and *sfs to take, making It an Ideal reined * | for bowel complaints. For sale by Al* ; . xsnrter rnvg A Herd Co,. Tarr of Bell j Tower Drug Store. CAROLINA COTTON HILLS. Ths Promise of the Next Six Month* Is Ureal. Charlotte. N. C . Sept 9. The clos ing of 1899 promises to heat the record of the Brut six months In the erection of new cotton mills In the Carolina*. The most Important of these priwnec tlve mills I* one to be built at MoAd ensvllle, N.-C. At Springfield. N. C.. a smaller plant will be established. At Chapel Hill. N. C.. a company Is form ing to build a gplnnlug mill. In ad dition. a dtwen or more leading mill companies here have recently decided to largely Increase the capacity of their plants. The building of knitting and hosiery mills Is keeping pace with tho record of cofton spinning and weaving mill*, and many mills have Increased their capital stock and enlarged the capa city of their plants within Ihe last month. The Emperor Was Enough. Emperor William of Germany dis likes uothlug more than to see hts of ficers excited or In the least ruffled at parade or manoeuvre He fre quently had occasion to criticise old General Von Meerscheidt on that ac count, and at a review in Berlin the kaiser reprimanded him for losing tils self possession at a trying moment. "If your majesty thinks that 1 am get ting too old, I beg of you to allow me to resign.” "No, no," said the kaiser, “you are \oo young to resign. Indeed, if your blood didn't course through your veins quite so fast you would be a more use ful army leader." On the evening of that day the kai ser and the general met at a court ball. The general was talking to some young ladies who, for lack of room, were not dancing. “Ah. Meerscheidt,” cried William, “that is right; get ready lo marry. Take a young wife. Then that excitable temperament of veurs will soon vanish." The general i bowed low as he retorted: "t beg to be excused, your majesty, a young em peror and a young wife would be more than I could stand.” The West End iron bridge is being painted red. GooD IUCK Baking POWDfcR, 15 THE BEST HlfhM’ of AH to l ir a rpAsr rial fjrr atil FOR RENT « n nr tt t* w 0 s9* « *fc t'Prin Mi ftnuai •****«. t r> mm M M M» m\ | ||| CMfIMMHMI MMrI 9m <#»■»#» «tn« 4, I tTim-iftfi •* •• M • y. wir |t * , A f 'MuORMI *• mm l* wg • n A TfOira fl fumaMl •• »« *9 Si •IWJStN*, • fYW’IIH# ** •« ■* | hi m'* StfM, S rnimwa H •• •• U 34 yinmi *m HMI. S rnwnMm *• *• •* •• tS-it mm f| j 13* MmHHUw fWfRRPt **•••••••• m US (MetTiii Vi olrMt .*••*•*•*••• I Law Mmmm * * u« Rsnsw .. .. *. .. .. «*•• * 8 | la* Hsus- M M w * ** I £T'|!raf*th *4few! « « «» * xis iu,wih Mr set |i M 1 •M Berad - - ' • «• •st Kraf sirssA CIS Vtr«lllt M a* •* ss •» (7B Broad street « •• •• •• * iff Bra*4 strewt ” J" 8 UP HrraA street -Jf „ 7*4 Brest street ••." J 8 "I Part at AeWtahly *lH»*le<l Brra* street star*, espertslly sdstWed r-.r 1 dressmaking sslsldtshnient. . The Shoe* list win bs changed from I day la dap. John. W. Dickey ftsal I »late Ags*t. FOB RENT J. B. Whits'* «#w Rhfd<-n< e« on upper Hrrad street. Hpwial prices. IM Tetfstr street. • 217.W1 217 Telfslr street. * room* .. .. —24. W 226 Telfair street. 7 rooms 22.0 S 32# Telfair street, 7 rooms .. .... 22.08 I 223 Telfair street. 7 rooms 22.00 622 Kills Street. 7 rooms 1* *0 012 Broad street, 7 r«*>ms .. .. .. 26 «0 012 Broad street, flat 410 Fenwick street, > rooms .. .. 20.0 n | ill Lincoln street, 6 room* .. .. 10 *0 415 Lincoln street, 5 rooms .. .. New 337 Walker. 7 rooms Ift n 0 1607 Walton Way. * room* 16 00 I*l3 Walton Way. 6 rooms 622 Broad street, store 20.00 j p White's cottages on upper Jones „ trl ,,,t--2«.00 and 8.00 each. This list wtll be changed from day to day. Clarence E- Clark, Real Estate. * 32 Broad St. TO RENT! From Oct. 1 st, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, Etc-, No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. FOR SALE have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. \\ ill sdl f-ame very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JRRRY O’HARA. NO. 1327 GREEIU: STREET. An actress is often indebted to tha florist for the flowers gets over the footlights. { _ w a-i a. ai fcftVAfm. FOR RENT #44§ rttrinaif ft ■■ , t . M| HI HRto *3 '» #s •• h«»o« ii m •ii * ft <t»i.e»> »« *##**« ftft ’ft 111 || •fiiirftt ft mwMMI .« #• 1 If ftv ||i ft «MM* t# ** t««* ft ftft Hft leMW-4. I fMMMHi t *♦ t»»* if ftft ftftt |hp#eMM6-; ft fMMMM t# tt tt Ift ftft 99m Mi #ikft Wm*m h «t ft?* ftft M Mvl» "** (l •• t« t#*»tv Ift lift ftftf (ftftMftft »• At AA »0«»>i#«*0 ftft.ftft ftftft MMSi #« A# #■***#■■*>* At ## Jf ftft IflMNl IIPHMI *# to At aA•* A# • ttt I ftft § (ft ftriitiw 9mmm IftNawwl •«»% * •ft ift ml ift m $, M Mftftit# ft.ii m* 1 J«pft«ft, -«#«*» • A •« AA At AAA •A t 0 ft! Ml ftMft ft* ftft L. F. VEHDERY. Th« Renting Agent. FOR RENT ALEXANDER*JOHNSON { ftM Hew*# -flvftrft'-'ift MmEHE .« , ftil est I urn 9U*m4 Nrftrft M rmmm «# *, M M j .Mi Ift —ft fi ll ft ft rifaa .. m ts ftft I ftfta tu<t4 Hr 1- a ii twmm •• •> S 3 Ift * IM ftreiMft ftfwf, | ftanote te»4 feifft *» »# *.* ** „ *» *** # ll.eft I pff nrftiir fmmr f fvtMNMe •• «« M-ftft ' id finest fni ft wmm ftft ftft | Me dfftif llrtrft--ft rmmm ,« .. ft M ( U* Fniit t •• ,* M ftft Ml TVlfair Hrlr ti --ft neea M M-ftft | i 'rt “l < * ‘f" i'*? m t tewMee *44 •• S 3 , est [ Iff - lire It —ft imiwii .« ~ 2k ftft I Ml c*airt 1 (Tnuee— f reMtie •• •• M Ift I If# KliM F» aaie - 3 •«»»*•»• *• •« SS ftft U 44% IBM*-. Fi sms - 7 room* ....!••• I 620 KlH*—FVaans—7 ishhwß .. .. 7’ *0 Utlh Kills-rniw • ’ ran .. ... n 00 MA Mrlatrab —R«lrh —0 rwrans .. . 10.00 IBOJ M' l*i -sh Frame—* rwraw .. 20 00 I 64 Jn*»s Brick—7 forms .. .. H.M - 224 S Brrad street, 1 roraaa ~ •• .. 12.60 446 Itrrad stress. 7 inns* .. .. .. 1* *0 1127 tlrestw streot, 0 rmmna .. .. ll.** 117 Kilts (rtr-t. * roots* ~ .. •- U.t* 21# 23HS Street. 0 room* .. .. .. II , 141 Kill* •treat, t moots I* 00 Xf# TVlfair •trrtt, S ywian •• •• •• 13 ftft •St Walker strast. # mom* tt *• . 641 Walker street. 0 n-wna .. .. 1* 00 | 420 Walker street. 0 moms •« •• .. IB *0 46S Frawlek slrs*t, 6 raws .. .. IJ 60 62 Uhafs* avenue. « raws .. m tt 0* j tt Chafes avenge. 7 rooms ...... tt SO | 1634 Kete* street. 0 roams .. •• .- 10.00 J - Hummer Mile. 7 rooms and * acre* •• •• •• HTOREB. 714 Rrrad street .. •• ».|1.200j 81* Broad street I- 2 ** 740 Hrosd street .. .. .. .. «• **" | 660 Broad street .. .. .. .. •• *• • 400 667 Br«sd street » 546 Broad street .. .. .. .. .« •• -00 207* Broad street .» .. .. .. .. •• ~' ri 170# Bnail street «• 8 ti*o Broad street - .• .. lsa 1704 Hrrad street 120 ; 220 Mclntosh street .. •• 8 I 102 Crawford avenue .. ~ .. •• •• '• | sot Mclntosh street <2 doors! .. . 500 13 Smaller stores-List at office. „ OFFICES. 706 Broad street, alt or part. 712 Rrrad. Montgomery Building, sin gle offices and suites. 810 Hroart. 1 room. *lO. Numerous offices and sleeping rooms to all parts of city. List at office. Alexanfler&Jolmson 705 Broad Street. TO IREUSTT. From October Ist, 1898. the premises at present occupied by the Irish-Amer- Ican Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located nod well adap ted for most any kind of business. | Apply to P. M. Mulherln. Secretary i and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. BILLIARDS OLD AND NEW. R> JOHN a Til 6Tch«II. ru*bon r*rom i'k*Bipion of Ohio 'M ’fc\ winner **f .Ht, Loui* HihoftcttP ’L. L'iterst iDurattmrat on word. *aJ ih* only pl»yer who itvßF »w*t B<*j6*ff#er, Hleimod *nd Irffff in the tmtam U'ui u»ui*fHL ..... a-- -■ - - ... ■ '■ ' -n Th* work rout Biff* V- —— -—— i . -wf of dlacrrMikKUluKtrafinir [j Ct'^\r C V 1 1 mot* thorn 100 ihiTA /\'v I cnohion ihot*.ScLafi -1 V \\ i f*r*afflraigh trail / A \\ nut**, orery glyl«- of |C / \ \\ iMkik-iin* gum*, all ;\ /. F.'c iraX\ ISSKSSSS: 'Y.raZ‘l[slSJ(Uej\! “"T “f ttisiawra. * VrtL'c ? *#ip fame*, and In 1/ YaST.^Sz/ \ JUrtttSL A l«Sk> IMi. many of \ // \ which have not or be \ // \ fore wen pulilt»h«*d. V / / \ The author if'*'** \ / / \ j uianr valuald** sng \( / \ ifßutioM to no*ri.'«i /\J \ which *crv*to rrntler /i\ \ d«nr the method* 4»m / / \ \ rlcvrd hy th« worW’ff / / \ \ wix-rta / / \ / ** ft* y* n *\/ How to Play. Cloth, 78 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO 244 page?, Si**. s x2\ lnch*s. S*ni, prepaid, so any adtiror* on receint of prtoe. THE AUGUSTA HERALD AUGUSTA, QA. oonjHtth omiM>viAi ■ ■ ftMMftfti Lhailtmonil Carolina •ooswe• e s.wo»»«*A *:4>**o 00** - t —m as MN*» lo| MA AM* ' fikiftMM *W liliiAA" TTt - * •**#'■l M^Mi * MMMMMb.-; m* i ' ■ r y^MjM; 3A ? ftlP'ftniffi ftft iftMft mmt ftftJNft - • * fMtfftftMMMM *** ** * ftMlpftMiNtoot r ■ • MMM ■ - i * Est »AA AAi.gHA. &-g | *ftMP : * mmmtmm >- '.■*** ** ftftw i.iftiM * W*mm*m* - * pftft • ***** i • Ammo* —» «»•»•*• * SMMftftft** am>a» 9* * AA<AO I ftft 9#P * •jMMftMMft I' AW P f • tmmtr* ft# ftftpMftft ■ AAAAIN ft ■«| l| ft /** A « i » 6, .. fjfjh f dftlA J ft-MIpMf'FAA# .#• A A ShgttmMAMmrara ... ... ? ■jMftMß ■I IA »» H j Ik# f| ftft 1 ,mm** ■■■«•*-» f:» *F*AAA* | ftjftM* | Mmpim ****** aaaaaal mAa n f pHpm! * f PMHoMOA* 4f 00 AA««. A* ***** Fpm * 1 OOMHMI M IpftftMft' ftftftftftft * MHMMMft. as a* AO AA * » A— *Mm fßSil* *-*»•• a *42** aH(MHmm fjpfti ■ * ■MMft9kA**« ********** Um ■**■* J MBi ; frSnPmdiilijCMftiZ 1 1 1 T iMftM ! 9 TftT TAj ftt ' y*, , * ♦ AMMft 0 MkJI \m, mmm** |,ftMHP ftpftftMl - IMMftM.M4 .rt.6il IMft I#MI i ! # v t*****mm*t^\tZ**^imm 9 iiMMftoAOOW ****** I**** » 11 I ft# ftifWft- > |«»0 > **• IftNHft 1 $ ftft# M HfM 9IVM ftftfMftft ftftf itA’oAtQA MtftftMftft ftftfti 9m tM fMMft •ft ft A. Im M . I * m «:#*ft*»*ftft» ft# t*«** +9‘ *<* *-* w* | fVMftA# Aft ft ft* I. •# ft 9»ft ft M" •'ftftft i Wfti ftfftftftMftftfti ••••► i Pm (ftft? Miftftftt m hi* a NftNEfc *• #1 lift* AM 9*9 - M • $ Cift•%#••» ftftft Aftlh I. m ftoM ftuftnftil Aft t IB BLUE RIHOE RAILROAD. H C. BEATTIE. Arnwras RnsS >i**d WomAMBB. A**tt AsWd 4 Fl«» 4 Bar'd O*o* CO*** A CM** t IssO Mik'd • Al* J fdp. Idp, ; Att’iesi. X, II Not jg 20*11 9s* AM PM 1 lAfftw losw AM JAM IS M I.OA A... Attwus I 2MH •• Mil I# 71.... l>Hi*»r .. f * O’ l 1 10 *7 2 90 M|..... A*t** * 60(11 tt *IS 0 'Otl Ns4m« ..M o*6*6* « 4 Ift 3 ftft Ift Cft H f (‘nMt f f • ftftll ftft » 6i | S• I* Addas'* CWWFg fi * It 16 0* » tt 6 26 344... MENACA .. Aj 4 »II tt fcS TT I * : *l I 461 {MI. West) I'ttloa M I •* 1 -|f not.. WaiAatla ...d| 6 IT* AM CM I ;Us«4 Arrive FM PM. Ha 12 No* W*H Mot A Regular Otsilra "W~ Flag *»•«•" All regular train# frasn ABdsraon t * Walks Ha have rtgki t* Irar* »*•» train- <4 Ihe same *•••* mo**** 18 of> ~ poett# dire. twn. noise# ethet am Mac •Bed be tram order*. Will am* et»p •« followln# statlra* te tsk. <«* er le* at pamaotara Fht*- ney's. Jure **d Handy Hfwings Me. 12 connrrTT with Aouthens rail way No 12 at Anders >n Nos 6 snd 0 conswct with Hmrtbsta railway No*. 12 and 27 at firawe* J. R. ANDERSON. Superinlendsnt. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tAotnrr skd u* htiibt softs TO TBS KAST AND NorTH. BHOBTKfiT AND QUICKBHT ROCTB To T|IR EAST AND NORTH, _ 2 ;ttryttl Lv..Augusta. O* Ar ! 7 66sm 2 ;M*gsl Lv...... Alkea.... ..Ar I 7 I2sm 4 17pm Lv....r>»nin*rk ...Ar 0 17pm 4:6opm Le Orangh’g —Ar 6 tOsm ( Mpm, Lv..Sumter, H. C...Ar , 4:2oam 6.36 pm Lv Florenra.. ..Ar | 2:265m iu;23i<m{ Lv...Fsyettsvtlla..Ar l 1 Itpm j 21s tv Ar. Pstersburg.V*. Lv 1 » 12pm 4:00am! Ar.... Richmond ...Lv | * 12pm 7:4Um| Ar.. Washington..Lv ! 3 4«pm » Otsml Ar... Bsltlmors. ...Lv 1 2:25pm II 26sm; Ar Philadelphia..Lv (U.OOpm 2 03pm| Ar... Nsw Turk Lv 1 *.3vam Tufimsn palace buffet sleeping cars from Macon and Augu»t* lo New York without change. R, A. BRAND, Gen. Aft., 723 Broad St.. Aagusts, Os. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON, Gen, Pass Agt, CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March *, I*9*. Eastern Time Standard. leave August*. Southern Ry.. * SO pm. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:l* a m. Leave Chester, C. A N. W. Ry J:4J a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. A N. W. Ky LJ* Leave Lenoir. Stage J'J® pm ' Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:o* p.m. Arrive Blow leg Rock, Stage .. i 30 p.m. aw. HARPER. C. f. harper, president. 1 . The Paper That is Best For the Pieader js Certainly Best For the Advertiser. THE „ BEST BUYERS N Are the Wage-Earners the Working People of a Com munity : : : : s s i i 'THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. .■IT'S THE BEST.” 6 _ SEPTEMBER 0 S. C t C. NIILAII CO ftftft *ft ftftft ♦'•#*■* • ftftft •fM ftftft I M IMI iMMftft lift* lift# * * m [ ft# ftflftft»ftMfftMMft- M tYUftlft ft. MM i ft# 1 ftft# * M * I# ftftft ft# ft AflMMift »wfff P##ft ft i wftft |%ft # * ftft ftftftMftft ft #■%## I ♦ • 9*o* *» % l .ftftNft ft.# t m ft#ftft# i ♦ t •muj# §## ii mmm t M »•*** * P#ft#ftl. iftftftftt oftNi'ftft I ftj# $# ft>d.A .. I * dftpokuJtt - V Miilwn ! a* • iftNipft m 9hm* ft# (Lft##»#%Mft *L * ftUgMMft ftftftMft i# (nMNftM t IMftftMft \§£ MgtHf , JSSriM t «•»*'■* I «U| lilt* gi 1 tsAAoUStBuR if ftft# f #Mwpt iMMMM I !IA A 9*o*o p mpm l# ftllft*-.. ft ; ft# ft»»p .w: t J9*m ft# ft *pmm * 9P9fm m 4 iff * * gft m # ftli ' flftMftft 9999999 9m ftfti 99m >«• ¥«ftft J f * ft ift—#*. ...jySftfti I # W#ft TftCfißS ■ ft* 9t%m** a > • ft# ftftft V* ftoft ftftftMft ft# fciiiy#, Uift U ft 1 ft# ft ift»’ft ftftft*# !• fliftfti'ft. .1 l|ftft ft* ft ftft 1 +9 AMi .9 Mm a# M H >im tftft c-ft**ftCd»A MU#sn» tft '9 ftftftgi • '•#mp i !»••• ■ • ift* * fiftft ft •*'%* "I«! ftJftjftK | ftftft bmm***J. iftftftr ftftM j |HH» Wftftrm.t fteifft s,.#»•** !LnmhßhiftSft**•*•••• *.• .*•«.#,* tllftft UfttiHii - .*••*—. ttftM iIH f Mist 4*6*04 • ftMMi I llftftft I Eftftift ftftftftftftlfts •** ** * iMHftft ■ Tftft : ft 9h »• ftUftftft *M*e. »,ftpft 1 ftMftftftMfti #4 1 %mms9m msip IKft# t lost c*»»*»»»« gift •*4# *ft#MMit 9m ' Jv-Aeraetra I « «*«*ArA •• 4 eg—* wtts ttw • •■ -**e nwd teowO been tupamat Aew oos( Mswstt I J, M r6kt» 1. A. KAC2MOA 4wn>»ew Msnsgss. traffic MHffAtt r r tin-- 1 • ir o c—*.'<• SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ‘ -SR* (W>*l tkw tt»wssn*e4e*i»6aend gosh- Mecui. lUM hscssss *»> laralra aa* Miner rran. ■Awrass iytj «. »»» ■ 2. TTITCI* •rakWwf. Bull ISsUy. Ls Xrt«..FCttr ■»..!“ »•»; ogo T LnMffk ....I ft ftft; *1 P"P Ar nSSs • I 4ttp" 4AS ■ ■ |7«o‘ Ar Ust..isMi lw»» ” *Jf Ar hpscaararA *• *2 s rat (»2 Ar 6A—tn* 1 * * •> U As«rara.n*. ir Tfe-r {'“lsaisl e.feaay js| . IMP, Ties Ar Uiwuhw wy a isp i 7 Urmuhra A *•# Ar ff.wftdk .... ‘*» —•« ** Us—ttt. - . jii*ie I*n j" s4B s *An ;^?==|OT ■ t*t » ■* Nl. ft! N (». All ttftir. KJillf. Iftp. h>w York. PP. ftE. 4»p "if !!*• ** KiUtWipfeiP.. I Iftpl 9mm - Mttmofft I • ftp 111# L* Wrnmh mm, fto Ry . ... 110 ftp II U* ... j U IObI IfOln ITTjmyIIH "Tlip L* M-rfolk ”f ftp Ar OrctsDlioro 4 4& *{ laW Ur** n*bon> TUS n T ftp ** i T Wrk*Vt« 9ft»t 10 ftp - ki*k HUJ ~ 10 ft* II Ortp - OotKer 10 66 •; II ftp - Winttdboro 11 41 a U»m er 00l bU Hliui ltf «f ....... I~’ 4&on 197 • v Co lrmhiml « ilrp t. I INpf 4 ■ % JohOAtaolUL . . a Ad pj HIM* m Tr*»t»fo« • U>p " Gnuitt«*rlU« ttftp 7 *l7 • Ar August*. 9UO® l.r .. .. .. ; Fail Hfep Lv S|Mkrtioourf JII 40ft *Up L» Gonna. B.C AH By 7 ! 8 «>p 7®s Ar cksTlmton [ » 40p; 11 00. L» Qol'bts. f COP By ... .. 11 36 . 12 47 s '* Ssvsnnsh 447 p! 5 08s Ar .l.ckemnlls _ VA p 116 a VIttBHINO CAB mFRVK K ExeeUenl dslly p«*aenr*r wrvlee betweea y„ ru'.n ud Nsw Y«wk Nos 37 sud 30—18 s-hmston snd Limited Kohd Vratihuled train with dining tan »od flr« cl tun eosvhe- north of 13isrlott«. Pnllmsn'eo Temps JsckwjnytUs. bsvsnnsn. Wstihlnglon end New York Pullman Weeping Chrs hegween Chsrlofts sud Klt hmond, Pullman drawing room -leeptng rars tio* tween dreen»boro »nd Norfolk, tlow cmnso* Hon st Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there tn time for brenkfsit. Solid train, with Parlor ear*, between Charleston snd Ajhevtlie. N«. it uil Hd—l7. 8. Ksat Mali. Through rulhiMii drawing room bnffet sleeping i-r, be tween JackaonvlUe snd New York snd Pu,l msn Hletmiug esrs between Augusts snd Chsr lotto. Ptillm: n .ieenuigcsrs bet worn Jsck •onvtlle snd Colnmbis, en route dslly between Jacksonville snd I'inetnnsti, vis Asheville. FRANKS. GANNON, J M. CULP, Third VP. A Gen. Mgr. T M., Wii-hington. W A. TURK. S. H HARDWICK. G P. A.. Wsstitagton. G. P. A. Atlanta, GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. 190th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. j Pullman Sleepers between Macon snj New Tork. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St- Louis- Lv Augusta ~| 7:o6am| 3:2opm|lo:3opia Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| 8;20pm! 6:ooam Ar Macoo ...,!ll:ls*rnj I «:45um Ar Athens ....il2:lspm| 7:2opm| - Ar Galne#vHlej*3:46pm|,...| - Ar White Pl‘s|n:o«pm| I Ar Mlll’gele .il0:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ~il0:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at. 6:15 p. ni., and ar rives at Mlll-dgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:l* a. nc. 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. !