The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 10, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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ftATURDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES tLßtffnr' BiIVT ONMt# I *** WftlCtMM • * * * W*W *• »* M**r jkrvßß • • ♦ # • *• ** ** Co<P| _t «. .» * • *59 *1 ** ##• l_.*#%li BFiMtRiFf » • • Of C<r«iW) $ I (K) «*t *» I m m tmm 4mw *« «#«» *» a '**•• 1 ** n m MlV* MM 1® fro p*r <•«« «•»•** NW>Mt« LAf**«l •lock of DmcncmcM *«*«•**» LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jbwblbr. Undf IN Arfengloft WILL THERE BE AN INVESTIGATION MADE? The President Will Announce Hla Decision This Afternoon or Monday. M « Appr»ci*t*t th« Difficulty Hs Will Encounur.ln Finding Msn Who Will Undortsk* th# Arduous Duties—What Would B# Eipsctec! of Such a Commission. SPt.OAL TO TUB HFftALO • wW |'» f» •*** »• - »**•# «.*< M- K «•*•* Ml •*•■**•• M «| NM.< wkoHwr •» M* h* «W r*« «*• ms— t •* B*r««aeT *»— Mr Ml MM—S—> *» " ”* Ik. m It kr l— S. S* uanii * «MM4 «C ***••• wi« %» riMiTi is* —*nr Ts* «—f m> *» "—*■*■* r i’ll anti IS »»•*»«■ •*— o****»l ««*• gg»ysc4td #Rm*i4 *if * yjj* i •It l» eev idtlfoA. |W»4M be mm M* lirtrlltHSl *ia»* WstS. Th* rr.lS.Sf Mlt.iw* S' *« Mrr.i»t f M——*••* (*”■**'•» •* ■Sm&mmm be bfNpee* teiee tb» bbHiHf be mter lei m*'n is tittftc *** CAROLINA MLDNK DEAD. rirrt VMsst— Mm al iKliiMtMt. IS—os' *• C, »*fl I#— N*w* of tfca *«(t of <l. Mtltos Oloaa of Co f, jrir»i ddh CmoIIM rmtmrst lotion 1 at Jorkaaavtll* no raackH hrrr th . mom in* sod rauaad universal •arrow Mr Otrso wo# «S* m,n from HMmui lo olw kit »*rrl«w* to Slo country cod o’l ragrat hit untimely and H« «M y*ry ros»!or In out loom ood WOO 0 rmmlorat onkrt *rf to# Height, of Pythl*# and tbr Junior Or dor of American MechooUw. MU t»- Molbi boro two ordrrrd to br aonl to )|, g.a P«ih for Inlrnsrst. Tbr Htrdwoot graded orboolo com ron-ed ibrir foil —OloB ye*t'd*y * with o large attendance and with ev- LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. HILLER WALKER THE HATTER. . KUSTOV HATS ry Indiration of • »uece**ful term, J. Boot! Murroy, Jr., of Andcraon, Hoc returned boro© from th. Find reg went suffering with fever HU many Aim a apeedy recovery, rload* »t Piedmont ekrnetlly hope for An oil mill dompony ha« been organ ced here with Dr. T. 0. Crjnte* a* president; W. N. Trowbridge, neere lory, and T. D. Sloan, general manager They have the ueeeakory money auh •crlbed and have ordered (he morhln ery. Our flrat bale of new cotton was bout today. A handy companion to the ntw», these. day*. Is the new Herald Atlas, published hy Hand.• McNally * f*o., of Chicago It contain* sixteen pages of colored maps. among them Culm and Havana harbor, the West Indies. Spain »tnl Portugal; the Philippines and Chi na and North America. This alias has the best oollectloa of war maps that me have ati-n. It would not be con founded with the small cheap atlases told at the Stores. Can be obtained only from The Augusta Herald. Price 30 rents. NANNIB LOU WAR THEN COLLEOE. The Term Open* With Very Flattering Prospects. Wrigbtsvllle. Ga.. Sept. 10. The doors of Nannie Lou Wort hen college were oponed day before yesterday for the fall term. The president. Prof. Hoyle, having been called away sud denly by the death of his father, the opening was by Miss Wilson, the as sistant teacher, who will have entire charge until Proftweor Hoyles return. The mttnbbr of pupils present and the very efficient faculty are encouraging, and the many friends and patrons of ■ the school anticipate one of the most ' prosperous years In the history of the college. OASTOrtIA. B**" /? 11,6 Mi ¥** Haw Always Bought »HN»4ie««b# Mbs eftbbMtb 4betM9 ibeif Mb* j ssmm bbblbmi HMNe Ibe idiMbwiN( as ibe aee juli! msulie Tbe emi'b as Ibe I rmmmm flee Ibe t-feeßeiMbaMi eiwfasu* *m |«bl»»es •Mseaef Ibe ewb'ilere ee4 I# fft* Ittßilißi* ell «twM94MfHie Mmu be*’# bemn ! fns4» a Mil b«wi met beer mm b fneebi* llleb Huts le fat tbeee rkmi SUM Barb Camp I Tbe <*msmtmtaß eIN be teivtfNl He |tt«H aenrb eae <f lb# eamr# tbe*#- | ilfHf tbe rtvfMlHt>ma Ibera f*e ibem* 1 gat tee Tbe MtreiiT *U! •AreeeertiY be ! 4ir« < tfkudi i fit ieHr Hebei ibe m*B*%*t utaaDf gwaeml. Ibe eemaneaefy | tut n«i4 ibe eerie* e peenai eel ell ■ iJbebr dkert SAILOKS* PRIZE MONEY. Mol a* (MatrfSwted By Nd*y asd Treat or y ISyNtawali Workloglon. W To aMtlr mum point* raccrdlac Iba dl» rtimtmn i of yrtsr moaay claimed by tbe an.bwa us liaway'a and Smimi'i flaeu. tbr navy department boa procarad Pom iba deport meat of Juettre an optalo-i ronatroiac tbe prtae lowa It la held , that a prlae • ourt la limited lo Ha fuartlooa to tho detei mlaat luo of ■luealkioa coocerolM tbe divUtou of ! prise money aa between vaoaeU or be tween 0 rapt'trios crew sad tbe gov- IsSMMHkt. Wba It romea to tbo point that the [money la to be dlatritwned am n* tbe . individual roptora tbe diatrlbui.on la to be made by ibe navy and treasury depart menu, which ds< ermine tbe pro portion allowable each person Ooo j teqtMutly tbe Catted Suttee Attorneys for tbe district* In which prise cases have been adjudicated or are pending have bean directed to forward to tbe oavy department cop lee of tbe decrees of (he courts aa a basic for the depart meets' action. Another question that required de termination was whether the executive or the Judicial branch of the govern ment *m clothed with authority to pr> vide for the distribution of bounty money, meaning by that term the money which the statutes authorise to be paid to the .allot* capturing or de stroying hostile ships, based upon the number of the enemy and tbe charac ter of hie shiv There It a lark of precedent for a decision In thU case but the department has finally conclu ded that the proceedings for the pay ment of bounty money might he ln*tl-[ tilted* before a prise court oc they might he submitted to the Court of Claims at the Instance of the claim ant. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggtsta refund the money If It talie to cure. 2Vt, The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. SOUTH BOUND BOND DEAL. Construction Company Director* Rati, fy the Contract. Savannah. o*.. Sept, 10.—The nego tiation* for the sale to a Baltimore syndicate of the bonds of the South Bouqd railroad held by the Savannah Construction company, ware consum mated Thursday, where the doal was ratified at a meretlng here of the di rectors of the construction company. The directors met at the office or the president, B. A Denmark, Esq., In the Citizens' Bank building. For some time past the negotiations have been pending. An offer has been made for the bonds and accepted, subject to a ratification by the board of directors. Yesterday the contract sale was com pleted under which the bonds go to the syndicate referred to through the Bal timore Trust and Guarantee company. They nre to be paid for on or before Sept. 30. The price realized for the bonds Is about 75 per rent of their pnr value, the latter being $1,560,000. Thts will place In the hands of the construc tion company sufficient funds to pay its stockholders par for their stock. The capital stock of the construction com pany Ik $740,000 and its outstanding debt is about $421,000. Before purchasing a pistol, or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Srhaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1800. tbi: auo uen\jk. aajarfUk.ajd “THE WAR IS NOT OVER'' SAYS PRESIDENT M'KINLEY W« Have Only Arringvd iH«|Pr«UmtrvariM» Of PtiCß. II Would Db tho H*lghlh ol UnwMdpftt U> D*bond tho Army gt Thto tho TroofN Fur* niahod By Eoch H«lo lo Bo Aitowod lo Oo Homo—Tho Root lo Romom For tho PtooorH. mix iat Vo tm NCRAIII Wmsbw»fs«a f» “, saps m tm | fSHseegaws amde ea meeeweccso scare iMwoMi m$ IMB pHBhP|P IRdi fRMpB [•odUH mm mt tfoodp* Hr **»• ’ «Bm» Bqm no* of fMM I PfNff* * t*(g vio impi f bilioiiFßfi I **• f*** &** H 1 *“INSe te mssstslw fftaOmo Isa* e i ."d r • piaSeMd Me CMS* ssgwad U* HCO jew tbe sea as m«*u>« asmee e*.*Mta»*w ed pqtSSttM* .•‘•♦o •• •—* **• [SdIOM lafraw *va>e ea* la snqpOd** * * t; iss i imkcef fbse Assay V«*. | THE ORE! Ft* tHOLBLB. •amw a* Ike I insidTg fetis ki *ke Uasa* Pfsarfi Medk YIHP oMMRBiMMI BR *f kNMHkg to-s tO Ml 9U& I rti if m> -Mir » h •n*tl CmM ho> loMN *«# *• 4 i« i|m t -fin-if*- «fc§4 hmm «*••* - -a --W. - * -»- t (| m fh# %*w**mt *• BBBNMPnHM -mow wmm Wisatatbem Aye Herald Tba aa» tbe thief facia t t>pt Alfred Dieyfe* aa* eab*Srt*4 as tnssdt le Pvabce a tms It *ee a BifßTi l ffWßft 11 ft til Ml IK OUITMNRkf «i- n a waMsafsa as fnw* «*• Mery aevteM sal* ta Mve beta batn* «a tbe waste paper baahe* of t*» dec man aiatwasadey Ae l« tbta oao-' dam estwta as baadwrlttay dlaayees 4. isnsa* aaytasi tbe habdwrfttay wae ibat jat Itir.iw ukbeve that Ik# sasme * dam —as la tha baadw'vttray of S.J r i RblSgMsy. * *M»*iary MV of the ' r>.a % gymy, Jwe letter* w«* Mid be fore dk lowriaduiiat. abrnwi t« a»- ’epMa said by a spy bbowe aa 'T* " bat tbe reclp'lewSS of thus Mtefa Hnlb adhl that "(If was MM Inert.' In I sal. twa years after preyfbe' cdtk rkitsl. St a tteo wbea there was a atr»ny ameement touktay to his retrial, a letter appeared aubetastUatlms oae »f tbe tetters bets# referred to sad tnea tioaed I Hey fue' name ft wa* tbere- U| un < latnaed la si my cirrtes that Drey fus moat Seeds be yutlly. CaL Heary foryed ibat letter, and Me recewt aal cfde stands aa a confeaston At this point, out. I'Mqwai t comes lbt« I tbe case. Itr*** Plif due flam ,a* tbe head of tbe tatelltyebc* bores* and w hen he had collected erldrace so los to dm* that Kot* rh*s> wrote tbe mem- r»nr*um upon which l>rryfu* had been convicted, and that be had at any rate enl.t Preach necreta lo flcrmany. br r HuetuarO was dismlmd Kel.-t ha - ■y, tbe spy came forward with a spy's ylaualhle esrsee* ttyt Dreyfus had Im itated hla handwriting, and that he (Eslrrhaty) had add spmr secrets that he in lab I Set thr better hold of the se cret* us other guvernmenta. The army and the government hire alt Mon* affected great mystery, at- , legtng that the teal evidence »m kept out of eight for grave reasons of atatr,, when the truth 1* Dreyfu* was con victed ndeljr upon the waste paper memorandum and nothin* el*e The "myaiery" part of the affair I* la fact an attempt to cover up a conspiracy lon* ago formed to <*i Ire ever* Hebrew officer out of the French army. Bucklcn'a Arnica Salve. THE BKST SAT.VK In the world for Cut*., Sore*. ITlcera. Salt Jtheum, Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped Hand*. Chilblains, Corn*, and all Skin Eruption* and positively cur-a Pile*, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 28 cent* per bo*. FOR BADE BY HOWARD A WIM.ET. STATESnEN TAKE ATUriBLE. Senator Clay and Congressman How ard Thrown Out. Madison. (■«■> Sept. 10.,--State»msti shlp wae at high tide in our city on last Monday, owing to the presence of two of Georgia'* most honored and brilliant soup-Senator Clay and Congre*nra«ti Howard. Hut late In the afternoon bald statesmanship took a sudden tum ble. The cause was unexpected and oc casioned much surprise. Col. Thom ason, Seuator Clay, Congressman How ard and « rtrlvriVwere enjoying a ride over the city behind Brady's spanking pair of blacks, when, passing Ihe res idence of Col. Billups, the horses be- j came frlghteeed at something and after a few terrific lunges succeeded, iti get ting awny from the driver. The occu pants of the carriage were thrown vio lently from the vehicle, but fortunately none of (hem were hurt beyond slight bruises. The carriage was turned over and demolished, and the horses ran eome distance after getting loose from It. W% are glad to state that none of the occupants were seriously hurt In the accident, though how they escaped is truly n wonder. The Rand-MoNally new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of the kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are dviuble the sl*e »(,iay others published, and clearly piinted on heavy paper. Kuril one has « niarjfthal index und a page is devoted to the Hags of all nations. This atlas is timely ami useful. It is not for sale at ll>e shires. The Herald has arranged tfc .ii speelat edttmn. Renders may obritjn a copy by caJHng at our office or bonding 30 cents. >, i'\ ? BMM4I >%*♦# IB B |R(BMNKM#»» fill #im j R##'*! MRI -B nil I «* fBo | iMIfB H 1 H#| f**►-*•* .bBmBR Iw MUi j Tib# *r#*i m? m im »•#*• Wm ** mmmmrni «i smm+rni mmmmv* fm $ " ‘tar— *m* ****** «* •» ***** mm* %-f f Mi ~ hh.iwßUji «%• m<ws* ■’mm/I <H !«•*!! iln mm* ib Mmi» «*•* I* il* u-<mm m* mßirrit i f mm* *>*■ ■■ igßl* *«# *l* 1 tH m*m* If rn*mm*4 Iff |fl*» I blif4 jauf m m* m <—> nußit tax bate. Ib* V Hwv* hot M*** k al * ttairttßfitti- Dm Ro*> I# •» AH : ißm |pfy iff |ißn mms fltH Ml §il bhmt i B*»ijQio ii 1 is iflßff mmm ns* i i ly |)ro cbUb mi tki§ ns 1 m*** tot fit mmlmr IB bmml <u iM tit# tm* D«it( «f|t 4miimjrm cM bb« *it| *ti fnut ib fmt cutty y€ryßß*B Tlmi ; UK ir«»4 fwrp mi t kirn mir mmm4m4 till it# m<« t# *«rfcoKl mM t; it BMW tty eMlttfttMi til mmm as thm MfltdE mi f Oil low !<«*>##• ffltfl *•* i ifAtift wy it ottßtttiißß Ur foot TtNRF' <t*Mrl<tool if «tjpißl.*» (I* mmmm Wtm ft# , ao*s*lat*>d*at with • diary as I*4, par «a alk sad two gaaf*a wltb a *al ' ary of lit M par gwmtb The sapor j l*HaS«si la aakptoyod by tbo comail*- j *!•>*«** sad ba biro* tbr guard* Tbcro 'll* arroa appilratloa* for <bo poaltte*! ;of swpsflatoadaai A »«#f esi aim - j bar as rasrkti from tf«oig«mor > | I * dge and TZlfa Ir e-mat lo* will t-o birr* la tpabe th* gaag •* sc live It was at*o decided to oao moo j Instead of male* for him as tbr road. work A aow mbit la district to bt i as Maanlog * Dkfih.l was Cor nod out: .of Mo lam IHwr.ct Tba commlaalooar# will mam aaala a**l Tuooday to *Mm tbo ruporlotandoat of tbo chain gang { and further perfect tbo organisation of tbo gang A trait l«« t«l«* as cat too wore r»-1 reived boro yoatorday Hoot (rad* *old; for t .cent* Mr Tom McCall of Brunswick la I boro at tbo brat aide us hla slater. Mr* . 'Jaylor. who Is quit* 111. Mr McCall it* a aua of th* !•!* o*o R McCall D. n one of Georgia's prominent Baptist ' minister*, who was for many yean pastor as the aptlit church bore, and 'afterward* was tarretary and treasuier, of Mercer rnlventty. Mr O, W Me- Vall. hi* elder ton la ra*hl*r of the Planter*' Bank here, gnd one of our safest bualne** men. DIFFICULTY NIiAR PEMBROKE. A Negro Badly Wound* Ml* Assailant With an Axe. Pembroke, Ua. Sept, 10. A dllfi culiy occurred at Harvey D. Fateh’* I -aw mill, on last Saturday, between ! two negroes, Tui*> William* and ano ther. The unknown negro wa* ad i vanctng on Uobe with a knUe. Tobe ■ precurud an ax from another negro ! who wa* standing near, and cut hla | aaaailant wltb It The blow struck him In the breast. Inflicting a ghast ly wound. It wa* thought the negro would die at once, but the doctor dressed the wound and a. few hours la ter the wounded man got up and walked to Pembroke, g distance of two miles. The rains this section have been the heaviest In the paet month that has ever been known by the oldest Inhabitant*. Greeks and i branches which have never before been known to run In a buggy have been swimming. W.' J. Butler, near Ellabell. has lort between sixty und seventy head of cattle.. The farmers and naval store manufacturers have lost vers- heavily. One naval stores man says that his losses are between S4OO and S7OO. Politics Is attracting much attention. Some new candidate hns been coming in or some old one-dropping out every few days for the pant month. Prof. Martin, the Swedish savant, has discovered in the Kremlin at Mos cow. a large portion of the Swedish war booty captured by Gustavus Adolphus. It appears that the major ity of the silver vessels and ornaments kept In the treasury at the Kremlin j are presents made at different times by various kings of Sweden to the czars of Russia. Lovers of "Alice jjf Wonderland", will be interested to leprn that a plain while marble cross bag recently been erected in Guildford cemetery, to mar'- the spot where rest the remains of Lewis Carroll. The cemetery, situa ted on the side of the Hog’s Back, overlooking the town <?f Guildford. Is one of the prettiest ts, the kingdom, and stands some four 9J five hundred. feet above the sea ml Iff £ yyp, y. 88. wiM '"f *■"* ** ** - ~—l,a ■ B» wbißß rnmmmmrnm *m %*•* •■*'# * w--* #♦ B*MB H* #•* ♦B#" *'* **' '* r r#t o%b in >#4 bnßb ftpfH | fff# ft* i# «k#*BMiBW BMHMR 4DBBBBB ♦#* ** mm 1 wtmmmm D* bbbb>4 mHmmmmim mm I ’ IkFulkl hßßfftji* Kb* *■*• *b*"B^b* | ##*-#♦ pf#*** VbMB *4 i fßofßifi(ft mm 4mi mm 4* * |PM# M* 9* BIPMMf RpBBIB.H 1 fNHMIPI INKpUB bUMMMBI 4 o*MINB t» Mv hut* mmmrn^mmm Im • if mm • % * ** l4 . ~ j ekuM ska km od ■#■** * *mm wrm» «* f - j * tSas* *» tea— t «yb .■nawo F» wßf mmm mmm m. ""m §m ******** mm» *#> mm mm mmrnmfm} * t*m*»-■****"* 414 «* • mrnmmm m «**# f'rflHTlNfl IMf ANTI.V HABO. HspwMki aaT r«artng •***» h» tba I let eat b IW*trbt. Ai'.sala ft* . kept t* —Ootb* of tbo I u*4M| Ho omit rat* as tbo state bare I cfii c ; fr*f» mi ih* f-1 itkF | tltiEAl ffefrtm Ml <|kt BfeklFtf# \%%m MBltUff fttl I pfßitliriif bb It Ib ky vitMtf Ib I NMirifii t*» Inf be eNbkK t*<iinH [ BMpyty mt iPo*i#y. Hmi iy. ibli#* tfc* E Rt BtnitWy [ebi tkins bal hr <ftf rtn UmH- I Til*# |r«*|}B| of OIkBBENIBMi VM Bill ff«t.r4 mi ilr i##tißS of tlmp »w# o** •ks fjttff BfMt ■- il>P>tJTl FC lIiMFRB tit* #4 liy < fan rwm doftlfono to tlitp» br t£y# BUM# rBIfMEIW. T%# fOUUCBOB h itl too EBOBI-dB Bt t>MMsrrßtir 9i#b4 Iftltßm IB tM Kilt*!! fctfOßß. Ml ffYH BttElilßß tO BKH# t 'HOB* ;|}UH‘F ffti *B if itkf OBIpOigB. tIKB Bit* i | not In ii ilo KlftPitl dlßtiici to ibr R)««( ill* »f**Ot IBttBT ! \hnul iftjr of III# Mitts fVUrPpII of Ift* Btßtß Bftfß pPWB* BBd III# I#* ipOf«B Up* tlM*# IB th# RltV*t!l IB<t# lurh El impr#aftoft upon Bit (hit tht ** nml »•» HMD work bhoultl ft* rgorfitfltßl lo til K!###®fftl j fkrtrki bb to nil# tk# fhnoml# i vlrtovjr in OriMßf bo 4#<”blv# bb lo j dlohearl** the opposition, which I* making such n strenuous effort to break the Georgia delegation In Con grefa by sending a Repahllraa Instead of a Democrat from that dlstr.’ei. The inf a 111*(Ion In ihe hand* of th* committee is that money la being! tioured Into tbe district from some i source, f rerumahly the national Re- j publlrgn campaign committee under' the direction of Maj. J F. Hanson, of. Macon. With this motley delinquent! tax payer* who have defaulted for as| far back as ten year* are being quail-; fled for voting, and It la being used In , other ways alio to weaken the Demo cratic forces In the district. The »R-1 nation la regards! a* so dangerous for] Democracy that Immediate step* are to be taken by the party leaders to come to Congressman Brantley's assistance To Whom it flay Concern. I have been In the drug buslnee* for twelve years, and during that time have sold nearly all the cough medicine* j manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of *ueh remedies. I say that Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy give* better satisfaction than any other on the market —W. M. Terry. Elkton. Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug ami Seed Co., C. It. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. ThOS. A. LEE SUICIDES. A Broken Leg Had Hade Him Very , Despondent. Oliver. Oa., Sept. 10.-Thomas A. [ Lee, n very highly reap-eted citizen of this copoty, living about five miles from Oliver, committed suicide Wed nesday morning by ebooling himself through the heart with a Winchester rifle. He lived about fifteen minute*. Five months ago Mr. Lee was out in the woods with a couple of negro men felling trees, when one, in falling, re bounded and broke one of his legs just below the knee, thereby causing litm to lose the use of that member, and a* he had always been a very active and en ergetic man. his affletion seemed to prey upon his mind until he became temporarily insane. He leaves a wife, three girls and three boys. Fortunate ly, they are left In good circumstances. J. W. Baggett, of Oatt Grove, Fla., had an attack of the measles, nearly three years ago, and the disease left him with, very severe pains in the chest. •T thought I would die,” he writes: “but to hiy great joy X was saved by Chamberlain's IVtff Balm." Pains In the chest nearly always Indicate- the approach of pneumonia.and by prompt applying this liniment on a flannel cloth —whioh should be bound on the chest —an attack of pneumonia may be pre vented. It is always prompt and ef fectual. Eor sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. R- Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. 1 Piano Gnaianmed I * 0 jm m • <fT * f* rfs*w Fa# tVi»it*4 Tla# Most hi i Lrood lagUtUboit 1 he Hverctt P*nno t# llhfß #'BB#BBt.*B | 4 l*B DN» •BMMiMhh'""' ' * <#. 4*»B*#k-# »4 BMdBBB * O* ' * * I ##pl«!*•'# •* Bp» BHi ft* D* b*4b# f® -me»» wo. •• ■# a**BMkß* It* HHMRRi ft filftflifl if ft liftftfttftrll C 2 t f ift|| B X il\.'Pi|lptb • r*Vf . THE HARVARD A Reliable Instrument .Tuning and Repairing Our Specialties. Art Catalogue Frae on Application. Tlomas & Barron. W ft IIAII9UCTT, PM#oNftf. fit Utoßftoap. *wgwm**. ibm ONE CENT (WORD SITUATION WANTED [a YOUNG LADT THAT HAg HAI* I wnwriaae* a* aoteatsdv tn oiUito. ry. .04 no* dry good. *u«*. •!*> •• type writer. wsata * pooMb n in More «w es- Igr*. ta sasiat ta hnnOftsaptag. typewrit ling «w any worn of th* kind a Mr*** Mia* J. rare J. H Feary. It* Broad [ street „ Oct I ! WANTED HT YOUNG LADY GRAD UATE OF Oebnewe * Rusloeee College j gyeltfcfrn B* M»R<4r»plßf A !4f«t* TM (\rfkffF Hu Ir ry ffiinU tik flrpt Ift ;\vaxtk7> th nrv i*oTmjn at tmih I pittY f«»r ROCnr f'Mid AURUR It BftHtß#. Salary or r-*miviiMi< n Ha## Ha<ft r*i*r rt#n< e \m*\r*mm I®. O. Bus Jfto. ST. liatn ft. C. 4#P* 14 WANTBD- A POHITION AK BI’TLKR. Itoatler or any bJnd of work by • col ored boy <»f 14 yeai* Apply Wat kins atrret. B*pt W W ANTED—Ft MIITIOM AB NlftHT virhman. or to drive grocery or mlik wagon. Can give good reference*. Ad dress W” O. M . car* Herald KepG3 AN EXPERIENCED LADJ KTEN ► OORAPHKR would Ilk* to bbtaln two ~r three houf*' work during afternoon Term* raaaonaM*. Addre** Capabl*, - ’ : care Herald, city. Kept 13 I w#Tl'iv-fP»HIQW IN H'MHE't or sawmill bu»lne*« by a man tn year* 'old, that Wf* had several years' experi ence and nndeiwtand* tKiokkeeplng. Good reference given. Addre#* Want, care Ayguat* Herald. Augusts, Ge. Kept 1« A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A POPt moN at *ny kind of work. Ha* ; had experience In alt kind* us office I work, including bookeeptng. Addre** I Job. Herald. B»Pt 1# HELP WANTED AGENTS WANTBD—FOR DR DRt M MGND'B Lightning Re medic* for Rheumatism ; JSOO for an incurable case: icstore* atiff Joint*, drawn cord* and hardened muscles. If your dou'er hns not got these remedies, we will send ithe full month * treatment of twfo ta'ge i Ixittlca on receipt of $5. DRI'MMOND MEDICINE CO., K 4 Nassau Sp. New | York. Oct 3 ! oTIyKR NME NT POStTI ONBr- DON T | prepare for any civil set vice exami nation without seeing out illustrated catalogue of information: sent free. Co lumbian Correspondence College. Wash ington. Sei’* 10 WANTED—COMPETENT OFFIC*: clerk. Apply X. care Herald, stating salary expected and references. Sept 10 WANTED-A BUTLER. APPLY Stewart Phlnizy. Oct 1 WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT housework in private family. Apply to 402 Bread street. Sept 12 FOR SALE" FOR SALE—FIRST CLASS SADDLE horse. Apply to J. F Murphy. Btl Ellis. Sept 10. FOR SALE —SMALL . DRUG BUSi- NESS. one of the bust* .in th. , iff. « - cording to the ameuftd '. Ad dress Druggist, care Herald. Sept 12 FOR SALE—A FINE FAMILY HORSE —five years old—only reason for sell ing going out of business —a big bar gain. Call br address R. L. Fox: 814 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Sept 14 men wed e o d SEPTEMBER 10 1% v* ffrftif yfti'D D 4 BMMft 4Pt*Ai§ #BhB |- %* $ ■:»» # 4h* B*4Bb #4M ’ a#«* * fit * : |4 *#i ttr 4MB fPRIftB Hfftk %B ffill* iftr * Kfyiat *f 9b !4<Mi4A44 if |B4lh»' %•* •■•" fftls h DftßftT Jftftlßft. ▼O RENT *^ < * l Bit *•»«« 4b»#l <MB I Olft'o •« «MN| i VMHkNMMMMnMaMMBMMMMHnMMawowMamBw \ A*b ••€ fttfa •4* Btpt |ft f fr* It f,\'T TU ft Hit M’lC l*Vt I* i ! H<* (!?»«•• Btrwrt A. H. |db #mibh*. m « i IMT HK.IT ~t§T« *HK NO. »fl tlflOAfft [ Btfßßf.. Bet? tsoftk#BT TNhVkßiMYff A f'liitt* ttJHI AleßßflMfte? 4 J-tftllMXtftft,, Tftft f*looB) 4»rittft« Aj>i*ljr Ml Hr s#4 TY* It m VT-PE’ 1 IRAR!,K RlMfiEKr'ff I 10. it! CValot est re of. • rmn,.f «l*h k«»<V* iM Uih- Aw» r T I* tfc’iiv •urnwnlM- 0:1 FOR HKST TWO rVRNI9NftD A : ?r.e* Tl.*’ «*re Herald. .Vfrt IB TO KJEJfT—TWO OR TMltriC CtMt* XftfTlNd RiMiMft üßfurriah**! Ap* p|) SftT Welker a(rr#t. M#f>t 14 MISCELLANEOUS PHOKTHAND AND TTPEWttITINft ••oly Ik ** per al < who roe's Hu* Inc*, cut leg*. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Com* ar call at once Great demand fur stenograph*:*, due* IT ts Ml'tfi DOBET WILL REOPEN HER •chool at 4«! Telfair street. Thursday, Kept cm tier 14 th. Kept it CALIFORNIA FHI'IT AT OIOVAM NI'B. Hartlott Peat*. Fla* Pcaehca, rirgo* Prunes. *3* Uruadway. wed and "at Oct I MIKS MATH TRAIN!NO CLASS FOR kindergartener* will o|»n Mund»y. October Id. Application fur admit tance to same will please he made at once. Residence S3* Reynold* street. Sept M MISK M tl. BVB WILL RKSt'MB her da** Thursday, September 15'h. at 25* Greene street. Sept 10 WANTED—’TABLE BOARDERS PRI VATE family. Central location. F., care Herald. Sept 13 BOARD WANTED—TWO UNFUR NISHED room* with hoard Addrena al once, C. A., care Herald. Sept 13 __________ NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land's Headache Capsules Mad* Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. An* r-ry LOW PRICES Also PI n a,- Y4I.VKS AR'l !• ITIINUS. EA SISES. BOII.EBS.M I M.S u,,rt «EPAIRS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., B. It. MITCHELL. ALEX. MCDONALD, Mipe'inlandant (secretary and ~r Construcilpn. General Manager Augrusta. Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Supplier— Annunciators, Tele phones, Speaking Tui>»s, cic .etc. R pairs to all Electrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. PeT’Phone 13. Human progress is a tortoise race towards perfection. .