The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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TUESDAY 6 COAL—COAL COAL W*84M4419 *M> V«'f AM W Uft» (Pi Zj AS. J>rntt THC HIT OKAOKI Of* #Hm* Qom Jmlmco * QO AI-H yx.. »-■ •''..«•.!*«? J 2525 -CITY ICE COMPANY. THE MARKETS M»1 AM <PA*AI r *A6 M**" - * •A *«««•* **»»* MMTt'MI ft km-f •» * *•» ** ** #kWKk vAAAMI 3©*© **© a* "a*;; w 6* IMI Aw* *«■*••» w « • * M * ■Mi A*»* 99*449* **<****'* A** *•»***<•« *«»•••' On* gw© aa»m • ***** ftirrir. #** •»*»*• «• ** • * *"•*** HIWW p** kn<*# »• « a* ** * '•** ftl ~T|— M 4% MM » «•« • » 'PAMMfc »«*#**4ta. gmmrnt mm •* *» MM I —in itr tg*> »*»•*»< ~ A* •» tm •» M JjrJJJJJ’' JjJ— M A| #pft< * ftft#tei | ft#ft «* , IA •Nit s * fciwTiiW’t"'— *• *+** •bWMR ,* ** J ***** ** Mtft* #*l ftppi m m ««• ***** CT**»A« MM* m.j.*•*«*■ *• ** M*»« *M .♦ »*,«§% A •*• • ** ** “ U*A MAMKat Hmm , m*M, n- -*» * * «» Mkft't* #*•#*. •»* 'ft## DM -»«• »• *«*•» . ** *J* PUMA A****** ..*• »*•* *» t«6*<* I—AAI «A *•«*• ■* T'** lAWP •'»*>• <|»M .* #"■ ** 3**l h WAIA, IAAMAM •* AA* J'lM m,» *•-•--*»■ » « *** *•»*' »©*• •wmnm m»m » •*• •* flaw ****«• .. ■ *. !!•'■*• I* M AaaAa #** »•*•* aiAta* M k»*4* AMI *•*>*» **»• ■# VnOOAAkX Me* IMAA. <J 0-. k*e #■*•• II II , IAA lAM# *AAAI 4 M “ • A** • If M: Uw«* **«#. *•*•». » M •*. »»« kwhvta. #*»M Mt»«A iMrttsfk #«4 #**■©*••*• Or«Ai«*< Hl*. H MAMA • MtAAl**''««•* M* MMmiha •• * j fllAAl *“* ll* M K O—IIA# •* 1 D»tf» * ** *f* MnnH*%tH* MUM * ; J j«ir, p kim mm • •<»""« J;! t»>i. p km* « s r .... * i * APCCMb AII.K CArIMAiP. <A 14* IA *p—l. p»* 4*A M OmlmmlM N|M a MAW* **• 4 * * BI.K A<’HIN«M MimilMtt"* A»AA4» *• *• *• KHMAU rrvii •* lA* Imm*. «• .. •* • * Pnm -<f «<M lA«M, I-* l«*A ~ . * CIM, t-« . * VT ■ CtIKH. - - * AlpM* IMM*> w .. - * Prij* Of «h* W«M * 1 * JA» P RAi HH K *wrtm« **• Ja p Kim HA A ikNUai l«nixUl« Jr - r Kirg. M Me* " * ’ * Jn« P KIM. *• M«* * c ~ , Wtaf|4 „ ~ M •• M •» «A A. 4* * j J* P K'«|. M Mr* *» AM Ma»4 . .. •• •• •_• •• J Jau P- KM* A I*f* Baprlof .. * •** PRINT* Amril' iB •Atntns*. *•** J J 4 Mrrtlmack •WrilAA*. *«**.. _ ■•••’* Charter Ow*k 'lteM M»t** »•*«> • J *** Wa*hln*l >n Oil* ««*«ryl • • * Allan'■ (fanryl * l ** ■UmiMi i 1-4 perralra ■ * Coala* *|k«.l r..«»on, P*r « AntHran ln<Al«<> bluaa. M*«4 .. .• * J * j •latrr OWa laolld) < Amrrlimn Indigo blu**, M*«l .. •• I » J ]at*rnatl<«ial hlarh* M*«4 * J Allrn a cardinal# ««*« * *•* Alim'* l**l«naa «l*»4 .. •• »> •• •• * *'* India “ j India Mu# *4**4 .. .. •• *• *» 4 **• , KU»*lanl * «4*«4 * *•* Oarnrr * radlanta III* * *"* , Mari h i Wa»bhi*«i>n t4a*» Hop* Cha>«r 4)nka. WixM * *' 4 , TICKS. Mamp«hlr* .. * *** . A 0 A .. T** ! Anmakca* A l * Amonkaa* C •• J I Hactprmltr .. ' I PJ.AID HOMESPUNS. City Mill* * ‘ * Pour y»ld. food 32 tttrh I J-4 Lodi *hirttn*» * j-l (U>dl dr#** *lyl#« M»« » St. Clair dtea* * Ocean * i Martin Waahloittin fiimlra .. .. * *-< Miscellaneou* brand*. Ilehl wel(bt •••• ** l-2a'» Itactta * yard# plain * »-* Thorndlk* H ••- *. •• * J'J Karoul#*|.. •• >• •• •• •• *‘ 4 lviham. 3li bal ItO Ik F. U, F .. SO ball# to brx 16 E fl. P.. 2b balls to lb 1" 1-2 Museo*#e a I_s 27 Inch 4 1-2 yd. plaid*, bent make I S-4 Simpson silk tlnlch foulards #4x J *' 4 I Faclflc mournlntra 04x64 6 | China Bilk# «tx«t 4 Mlddleford .. .. 5 Plalcr 64x64 * 3-4 Concord. 3 1-4 Homr 56x60 •• 3 l* 4 Edwards 3 1-2 Keystone 3 1-2 Fltth Avenue 3 l -4 KEABSKTS. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearney S 1-4 Kincaid and other* 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTEK. Lime * ‘9aßs Hosendale cement 31.45 Portland cement 32.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper sacks . 11.25 Plaster In bids H-75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per dux $3.00 Painted buckets, per dox 11.10 2 H B B cedar pails, per dox .. .. $1.75 3 H B B cedar palls, per dox .. .. $2.00 Tubs painted, per nest $1 75 Hope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. JOcallc Nalls, wire bate Nalls, cut 5 1 - 45 l,ase Bhovels. Arnes, per do* .. .. sllasll.s« _ fUm i rit, mm Biiiiot *** #•* * m pm ***% 9** #•* N 41 [ItITTT, 9ms mm, *** ***■ m9* ttJl ■ Harts-ti f)M§ m* *mn pm* o*§ m ft# m mm pmm. sms Php «• »»-«# p* C 9 I mm#*-, pm tm mm #• m * IMI i P+,'* -4 * ■+t+ t P*tP til TP# -#9 9* V* . i i 4 Urt-f pp mm pm mm »«•«•««« |NT H ' HMP4 pfpmm mv iM4 99 •* M me 4 l pppmk pm Ml h « *• * = IMi ] ■ff ptpm pm mm pm II &*#* M Mpow* 99**tm* pm ppm* ■ 9* Pmm m iv ■•z*9*9 MiMmi ti# Pk pm pfpm* i# *♦ Pm* «mm 4. pm Ml m 99 9* * m m P ' 9 90pm irmrUi pm &m * *» •# ,* . P ** At* mm**** fPm, Ipm 4M* »« « •• a m imi mpm, hn* . i| pm pm * * 54 Pm PrnmPPmk. M« A pm pm •* *■* * Ml Pmm Pppp mmt* t pm Pm, BMOI Ptm i mmtm„ pmt * ****• t pm a «, p* ppmpm pm** mi mi. § «mw t» 14# Pf4TVI prvMM ppmPpPmm pts9mm *mml tmmA* PrnppmP* *P ftp It MM W l-HtMurf pm AMftxMl tp*mpom Pm mm -mm9* 94 < 114 ««• # !«#'• tvftf , ~ I if *•* . #*sa *i r # <*.• ~, ~ ~ **a ... €*#M#f*a it.* ks6a , , i vs* , A**«*•*# **. NA .. I* ... fMvaaiwkh Fa. IMA .« .« .. In ~, RAII.Hr»*D ISON DA O nffta R, R, A Bk* Oa. i fa, 1*32 11$ ... U»io>fta R. R A llkf Oa. f*. Ist* IM ... j CharMl#. Cduatlo* A A«- Charlerr#. Columbia A At» ( «ua a 2d T# I*l* 117 ... Auofa •*>’ H It . 6*. I*f4 ... M c R R. I'unkln* CA, CotiAt i eral Trust I'a. I*T7 .. .. .. *» *• ft. ul hern Halluay Fa. I*M M M (Vrt'Sl of Ihortla Railway, Ist coweol Maori. It IM . .. M M Iff. of Cl. Ist prot M 6* 60 Cre.tral of Oaorfla Railway, i 2f |,r»f Inc iint* IM II 14 C. of C] Ist pr»f In . IMI .... I I o a A r , Ist m. I'a. IMI .. 101 I*7 , Aouth Oeorfta and Florida, 3d T'a, I*** M 2 youth Ororfta and Florida Jd Ta IM* IM ... ooan Ateamahlp Co,, Ist S'* ; Sd Ta I*** IM ... FACTORY BOND*. Kntcrprl*# Mr*. Co., Ist O'A 1903 .. •• •• . .. .. •• 103 ... ' Hlbley Mff. Co., Ist 6*. 1902 . 100 ... Hlblry Mf* Co.. Ml 6*. 1903 . 100 [ft*. It. K. AH Co Htoch.. 193 ... Sant* Western R. R. Htoek .. *7 AiiKUnta A Mavannah Htmk 97 ... CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. .data, white, narked 39 'Oats, white, sacked .. 36 .Corn, white, sacked .. .. 56 j Corn, mixed .. •• 48 ; Meal, I#died, per bushel 50 I Fluur, common ...3 56 ! Flour, fancy extra s.7s .Flour. »*o<Hid patent .. 4 -00 I Flour, standard patent 4.35 'Flour, fancy patent 4-75 i Wheat bran, 100-lb *acka *6 I Fin# feed, 100-lb sack* .. 90 I Hay—native, per ton 13.00 | j Hay-Timothy, per ton 13.00, liny—choice, per lon .. 14.00 1 llama choice ausar cured ~ lOall'6 [Smoked rib aides * Dry nail riba • ‘ Lard, pure leaf. In tlcrcea 7 j I.ard. kettle, rendered in tierce*. 6 1-4 Sufttr. granulated .. .. •• *. •• •- 5 s*B Hot Tuntales. St. Paul Dispatch. * Hobson should wmembnr that An dree also took a flyer in air hau». Well, the U weather came alooß with the R month, didn't It? Congressman Bailey may return to congress, hut upon an extended »>lat fot m. The horror* of war are not all In | the past. The masnxtnes are still due I to give ns the opinion* of eyewitnesses who never were there. There are (be days when Augusia'# latch siring hangs on the outside and gets a hard pull. All flesh Is grass, and so we must suppo e Mr. Hay, the new secretary of state, is simply a cured article. J. W. Baggett, of Oak drove, Fla., had an attack of the measles, nearly three years ago, and the disease left him with very severe pains In the chest. •*I, thought I would die,” he writes: "but to ray great Joy 1 was saved by Chamberlnin's Pain Balm." Pains In the chest nearly always indicate the approach of pneumonia.ami by prompt applying this liniment on a flannel cloth —which should be bound on the chest an attack of pneumonia may be pre vented. It Is always prompt and ef fectual. For sule at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. Russia with a population of 127,000.- 000 lias only 18,334 physicians. The Uni ted States, with 70,000,000 has 120,000. THE .A.TXOTXST.A 'H3CRAJUD L- 1* #a **l ’ pmpp mm* pptmPmmPP m* s t»«a £«• «*♦ awwe-e Yksan *«#» * wSm ft*** pmmP iHI *** mm pmirr *» mpppmmk- Sm* wm *m* ppm •* *' r ** n _*** ppp HftMMMi Pmm ifi.»l w/Pm mm mmPPmm ft* ftftHft mpm 9$ mmmm ppmm* I pppmp pm% m m* *&m mptm fftft* *44 immi **■ *■***» • pm/ppm tPmmm *rii i#i twMiiftn.wtiifuß fi ix 1 ir pp *** mPmm ptftmpp mm pmm mPm* im oppo9H9p in iftn mm tpp* pmtpmppp **Mr tt* im*** mm w« ftitiiftii* *** tm m* *mm «f*i' m>w »M *m- Pm PtPPmP* t*m* I Put. impmmmp *•%•* mm* * I M| I -m pppp tlft* m pmm I All * &*** ft* *ft ft* •*• ft^ft tA j |ft #«M| if- :lh t ah 4 t* f rft am To fwif ppptmmrn lilt a HiaiUfft idttinc ftm b«rt«ol Om • »»•* If m* mi p fpnmt ** ToaTI Iftft* »• f»*r *Ap* j And Mtlrr I loaf Rod WHU# ft#d Bill# IHtlmfprtftftl Ov#r ytmrmlt 1 What to<ii flood Aft*'#, j 1# rlfilltHd. ! Aod foldirt Your yaller perroo* *kln. Well rl»lll*e 3 CM Dead or *Nr». [ You d hatter Fall lain the Pmrnudo* of Prgreea And co marrhing on lo glory, Defote you fall lato a hols la the ground. rntterstand? That's ua— I'. «. The Herald's new Atandard W»r At* la* to a vary timely publication, uhtch srems to be wall planned to *(H«M tha questlutit which people art- asking nhout countries In different porta of tha world. Tha maps are In. sufficient detail to be entirely Intelligible, and the low price at which the atlae la put*- j Halted SO cents. will make Ignorance ■ 1 unpardonatde. Realising the value of such an atlaa The Auguata Herald ar- j tanged with the publlahera for a after al edition. Aa lhl« new atlaa to not for j aale at any of the atorea, our readera | should haalen to aend for a copy be fore the edition la exhausted. nnim Kansas City Star. A good word la just as soon said aa a bad one. It la a badhablt to boast of your good habits. You can’t always judge a jailer by shills his eyes. It is on our blind side always that the company he keeps. An angry man opens Ills mouth and we can no see our faults. The man who makes revelations must first make observation#. Some men are never satisfied unless they have something to be dissatisfied with. Many a young rann finds It easy to get a wheel, but bard to ride it out of debt. When a young roan becomes wise he Is generally the first to discover his wisdom. It Is queer how many kinsmen the groat and nfflaent have and how few have those who walk the back streets of life. The second thing which most of the soldiers ask for when they reach home is ice water, the first thing they waflt is wuter. A handy companion to the news, these days, Is the new Herald Atlas, published by Hand, McNally & Co., of Chicago. It contains sixteen pages of colored maps, among them Cuba and Havana harbor, the West Indies, Spain and Portugal, the Philippines and Cht- l na and North America. This atlas has the best collection of war maps that we have seen. It would not bo con founded with the small cheap atlases 'sold at the stores. Can be obtained only from The Augusta Herald. Price 30 cents. William Pierccfield, the 15-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. William PleVi'Cfield, of Langley, S. C., died Sat urday. The funeral took place at Oran* itevilie Sunday afternoon. Good IUCK BAKING POWDER# :I5 THE BEST.; HtfhM* of A*t In Ltovnn* in# Pf)kr9f< If* jM. ItftATf. FOR REIT fi m ftMtmrii iftWi oil j ftftvtftti rTBMKT r PtP t’WvmS OftOMOft. ft 9ft##ft# *# a# om ftft ftft 5rx f %r«,m ot foot.. - ft*** *• si-ftft A*. - A •• M-vt m* A* #• ***• ft* #• M 3 unit •# *• •* •• •• •• ftft-ftft |l. « I •ffvnt A A •* •* A# •• ft* ftft #2? f*m«4 #lroot •• •* * lift.ftft |?ftl fk*'«d ****** .* •# A* * Fart of* d-etraSty Mtuated Br-ad „r*ot store. MSfcMally adapted for di-«emekin* ratal (AhmeAt. Tli# jtiflii Hmt fIM bf chAßftd front d«y ** do*. John. W. Dickey Real llstate Age At. FOR REST J. R. White'* new realdrme* on upper Htoad street. Special prices. 317 Telfair street, * room* 24 00 SJi Telfair street. T room* 22.00 329 Telfair street. 7 room* .. .... 22 00 333 Telfair street. 7 room* 22.00 522 Fill* street, 7 rooms 1* 00 342 tlreeite street, 9 rooms 20 00 344 Greene street, 11 rooms •• .. 20.06 411 Llmoln street. 5 moms .. .. 10 00 415 Liucoln Street. 5 rooms*.. .. New 1667 Walton Way, 6 room# 15.00 4813 Walton Way. 5 room* 13 .00 522 Bread street, store 20.00 J. B. White’* cottage* on upper Jonea htreei si'. oo and 8.00 each. . Till* list will be changed from day to day. Clarence E« Clark, Real Estate. *32 Broad St. TO RENT! From Oct. I st, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 2 1 2 Bth Street. FOR SALE £PF*\ have for sale very desirable build ing Jot located in the eenlre of one of the handsomest blocks iti the city. W ill sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Hood titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 GREENE STREET. A private who was with the regulars at Santiago says of the language of the Islanders: "You should watch the natives talk, for you can learn to un derstand their gestures easier than to speak their language. They have a gesture for everything, and with prac tice you can read them like a book."- 4*hi RR9AV# ERR RENT UPt * tt ppv*jtpppp HitUk pm M# Ppmpm/ppp. ft r]i * ftft# ***•*# W'ftft: jNg ft mmtp «« *» ** -Ift *ft iM PP-i&P ft #-4tmm «3 f * 999499 W W ifi P~ mp: ft fftflMßßl# • 99 94 ** 99 ft* ft* PP> P eftt 99 44 If ftft pppmm Irw ppp mm fMfm-rf ,* 44 44, ft## ft* ■ftftft ftN ftftftMftft ** «* 94 99 49*444 ftft jti ft# mm* ftift ftft $* ftk Pmppppk- Pmppk i* # * •«••»* •• «•«««• ft* ftft ftfti IV ftft L. F- VERDERY. Th# Bunting Aginl. FOR RENT ALBXANOCR#JOHNSON ftft lt i % if pwmm *• A.ftfti #• flit Hr #4 •!?*♦<. * rtwNW* *•*.••!! 41# ftrcflMl #tf##-l. T f*mm *« *a .. It ft* j S.e*? •* I r ' * • #P<3#Ri A# A* •* ** jj* Km* *t r##l - ft fYMfiMi ,* •• a* ft* ftft ICltft# «4rw*t, • rmvm* .a a* •# H ftft Iff tem* •tr#H, ft r<mm* .« •# s . tft ftft 84 Ydfiir •lnr»t, ft rwmiw *a *a a. If ftft SI Wtlk#r #w*i • runii* .* a* a. lift 441 W«lfc#r ft r<»*i* #a lift m trmtkmr *ir##t. ft rixmm .. .. #. I* ft pm ftVtt wrlrk sirrrt, ft .* .. If ft i sc C%*t** mmrrn* ft .. .. !».«• * ft* rn*f## •¥•««». T ft ft ; 1414 Ri!<« #4r##4. « VMM* .. •• * m | Rumm+rviU# 7 nom #n4 ft j ftrr## AA AA A. .. •* •» *• *• *9 •• ® ftft UTmRE* t 714 Hratft #tfwt .. *. •• a# *a 4 ftftj ftift Hrntd #ir#vt .. •• •• a. I#* hm Bm#H •• ** fc#ft HfNUI iff**! .A AA AA AA AA A* A fftft S&7 ilftXftd *tlWl AA AA A A A A A» AA 665 Rrmd street .. .. .. .. .. •• 2AO 26*6 RmMd street .. ~ .. •• •• •• 17*6 Broad street .. .. •• .. •• •• R 4796 Broad afreet •• ,s 4 |I7M Broad afreet .. .. .. •• •• 230 lOiWttoah street .. „ .... •• 163 Crawford avenue .. ~..•• •• ‘2 361 Mclntoeh atreet 13 doorel ... *66 12 Hmailer »tarea-IJ*l at offlre. OFFICER. 766 Broad atreet. all or part. 712 Broad. Montgomery Building, sin gle ofltres and suites. 816 Broad. 1 room. 116. Numerous olßcc* and sleeping rooms In I all part* of city. List at olllca. Alexanfler&Jolinson 705 Broad Street. TO RENT 7 Room House, 202 Greene 116.66 6 Room House, 1605 Rroad 1* ®* 5 Room House. 1004 Jonea 1« 6* J. B .White Houses, Broad 22.50 lo 25.00 J. B. White Houses, Jones.. 6.00 to 8.00 STORES. 303 Campbell $25.00 Corner Marbury and d’Antlgnac.. 30.00 917 Broad ss *® FOR SALE—Two .vacant 40-foot lots on Walker street, between Lincoln and Houston streets—s3oo each. P. F. Me AN ALLY, Real Estate. 3 Library Building. _ TO ZREHSTT- From October tst, 1898. the premises at present occupied by the lrish-Amer lean Dime Savings Bank at 8t" Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mulherm, Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. OFFER FOR SALE. A plecj; of land —the heart of the city —5 houses on It at present—lo more con be built on It—property all rented—wilt sell for $2.500— big bargain to quick buyer—party desires to leave the city— on Marbury. between Florence and slauge streets. Address W. I. 8.. CARE HERALD. ar_T Hotel SIR. Claire, |l Rates $3.50 to $3.50 WM. P. BEYER, Proprietor. 6tRAW»VU» Chit lt*ion 1 * Cvollni * • *$ im## # # p 9 4»# * * * * • 4pp*m* ftft## pmppmm ftft ft## ft *pf •Pk- ft#!# 11* i f l J@l3ft I** *»■ e fl*' - tr- ? 1 %jjpS I * gSIMIR#iiIHW>« A - : . ft ***• I m JififtPftMN-'. -■ ■ --,:40444» »'* f - mppPm**** ■ * i&MMMftMMV —**<* -«niv7 wPPPP* I m mm hrtfefttw f i wiiiftb* w#»##i.. ftftftp# 1 * m *4999 * Mm* ****** , MOTiM Bur--!-, ***** | # wjpmpmi****** *49449 ■: p9opP* 'ft#»J*** tt " **■ -* ■ - 44944; - ySHSMBB IL| t*M*oP* wtppp 4-m . I ftaftftftßftl 9449 ■3l* • \ m JSBm •»****—— "***•*' j * fURBm* *444 4***i949 4 ft NlpftCNMlb mill ugl t-f |H| : i ->44499 * %*KSKmi4MMPPP f ft# Pppf*m*g .. *4499, . I ftalftCMN* 11# SBBm mfm # fpPpf**44444* *-• *t ***« i ■ I IliKpl I 111 I #4*### ft ■ftwiwiiii V w*tT 0? r~ I MM*: * ftßHrtftW mm rr*- ft*■*#flft * j###* * Hi# mplm »*Bt*»«*«* 9M mtP j * Mas .gull. ! iJpl I # *4 *44*9 j, m ■ 4444 ■■ wPPPPP I4* n**wmm ...mtG'it W444*-* » 1 ® CftftCft I - I 3mmm [ ft mm i####*** *@ »#*«••♦ * I mpml %mm I ■:mm,m 1- gi y*m pm*m Wtm • * * •*. * *44* >*| %p*pp* ****** I * ***** • * 444444 44444* l *«* I * mmPm944*4444****. ~*4*4 H JJftJft fftftf Ck «*### •*»!# P fcf##*# »4MW# #*#> ■ f p> ing jYig 9 •# c ppm-p* 9 *J#* Pm 4#i pmm |## Ik #.l» . _ ' c lf4m *• 9944 ‘ #• #» MBW#*H«N# *4 flfc f if 7*l «# ) 4.1, •»# f, m P m&**m ' ni gfimi im mm* *******m w+* 944 9*9 *9 9* *9* 4'9 *9 ±4* «'• 4# 4M*NF^i • r P*m**PP **m ******* ftft aI ■ « ftL#*#*. t+4* h# ##» i u *fllf ft ■ f|| ImtPt iii#iii»w* P VHi##N* Cftßb BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. I >W ( p rl 4 4 ###'"4l f ftifti _ #|#l| «k ** * AM VH.) lAfTltf l#*f* IAM )« 3 SM* (. PmPms w ••#! I ** 1* •• l# #7 s sit# *a* • A##**# * #*l " 9#• I tl lr.># fftr # tlf L 41 t 4# 3 tft tft *VW> «W| f 4 mu M ft mi t mm a pjm * cwmtp n « I*ll i# ft m i sifl... Miiaca 4fl 1 |tM pMff.Aa 1# *lfe»!t# .».# * IT; AM f*M ( Arrtf* Pfti P# Kfi.ll k#4 M« II M# l iHf RtfnNr KSBST f t%*p *44#n«* Alt rfftlftf tratM fro#* A*4#rf»j«» t# *««« ri<tH to iraefe *t«c tr#ifM of Hi# iAiii# cl#** metiiiir 4# *#* 4if#Ct4o#U Villi l ## d!htl»l*t b? trait offrw MV ill also atop •< following ataiiwta to take on ay let oft passengers Pfcla gey'a. Jaasma auA Aaudy ftpetuga No 13 es*Kti with go u liter a tall way Ko. U at Aaderwm Som 6 and 6 rosant wltk AoulhMa railway Nee It nad $7 at Mat. j |< a.N'DER9ON, guprrteiendent. ft TL ANT 1C COAST LINE. tuoiiTrrr *kp uriitw bocte TOIHK KAFT AND NORTH BHORTEST AND QCICHWT ROCT» TO THE EA«T AND NORTH. tJkpmV Lv.TAugu*ta, Oa .Ar 7:siam 3 o»pm Lv Aiken Ar | 7 19am j 617 pm! Lv,...Denmark ...Ar | « 17pm j 6 50pm! L»....Oraogl>'g ...Ar j s:66ant I'66pm 1 Ijr.-Aumiar. A. C... Ar | 6 l*am } $ Jjpm; Ly....Florafsca....Ar | 3:26am 'jO:S3t>m| hr.. Fayattevtlla...Ar 1 t 14pm j l :um Ar.P»ter»t«irg.Va.Lv ! * 12pm 4:00am; Ar Richmond ...Lv | 4 17pm 7:4lam! Ar.. Washington .Lv I * «tim 9 02.1 m Ar... Baltimore ...Lv ; 2:25pm 111 26am' Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv |l2:6*|»m 1 2:o3pmj Ar.... New Tork ...Lv | 9:3oam Pullman palace buffet sleeping cars from Macon and Augu*ta to New Tork nrtthoul change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Art.. 723 Broad Pt.. Aagu*ta. Qa. T. M EMERSON. TraflV Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Past Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST- I ERNfiKAILW AY Schedule In Effect, March 6. 1893. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augu**a, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:l* a m. Leave Cheater. C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:60 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p in. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W HARPER. c. F. HARPER, President. U. P. A. BILLIARDS OLD AND NEW. Sr Joan A TIUTTHxaGiAwi Carom Pk.iaaioa of otto 'M 'to. rrinarr of at. D>«h Riu»4h-»(> 9*. vho vlMniix.l ™ rwonl. B»J A- <«Tr |.la.rrv rr hrat ScWt-r. Siwauo aad lv« i* tk« «»u>. toamwavav TV- wort watahw v —-*/ d.Afir»Pis U)u»trmtmjf [F ‘ " more ttun 100 ibre«- 1 ,\\ rtultioa kbots. -Schaa i l V \\ fer’6#tr#ltf lit r»il Vyr I A \ v y mine, evwy Myle of Ik; l/\ \\ iwlk-llnr gw..., »ll i\ i- TvbbW, I \ / , „ io *\. 1 .»oA roiuer g»m», Vi SS.‘* gS? lorj o I Champimi i, / r~sr*^r.*a \ hiss?*# , \ aaSertLA ©** taim*. o»:«' V JU«Q Z/\ whidt h*vo never he \ // \ sow publtthed. \ // \ ThG Author gire# \ / / \ Biany Y*lu»hl« miir / \ ce*t ion© to n<mce» /\J \ which knrvßtG ran tier / \ \ cl«6rth«*BH‘tho#kMn / /\ . \ ployed by »be world# / / \ \ experts / / \ / It will show yoa * \ / liow to P»ay- Clots, 75 cests. fleilble Leather, $4.00 214 pagan:- Bi#e. sx2inrhes. Seat piaooid. to unr /»M-***w «n reewntof Brice THE AUGUSTA HERALD auqusta, ga. 9EPT6MBEH I# kfttlAofth a*xi»g»*t*»Jfch S. C » t. RftILWIT CO #•»# 9*p*p*mm* 9 ppm* iflßfm # omm ft#**,, PP9P* iRMi Wtemo9p* #ftHM* s*## f*t i# t ftf #•* ft*:#"## !I * * tap9>*<k* *v*m f • t\p*- #*#• i mtpp* [ #* wSpppm*mm9m*' %# i mp/pm**. # hmm P* * ft## *"•* *4 #>##> ft* ftftftf ■#**«* gift#*4RM ' jl#r>«M» * 9*p t »%#* t#*4# j #*#4#> Ift fMMMNMft£*##Mft 0 * f * 409 *499 f. *4 4* 9$ P 40*9*9 S' r *9*o* fp+mm % pm** sa* ft' l #* '*'•* * m*m* l# lift* 4 #* ♦ f 1 *'- I# * 1#» - J *4*49 ■#* * 4P9**o* 4| **#>.>< ft* (Li*# *«--■ * 4####M * § • p pm*m i# tw*mpp * lyftjMM | 4|# t A -mpm M % ’♦ft#-’ * * CSS jMlftft 4c»MMc»*^ftV*i#l# PM| #"##>#* «N*#Mp. I i |# p mm** # #%<# ft# Pm**.- 444 ft ftipMl ; ft# 9**999*04+ * PPM* ft# # -*99449 PPPfm %* fti 4 ft| ftft ft «M|*t ip* ftift #'|Mft Mft Ml * fl4**#|##4 ****** pp PPPP 9*PPP ft#* ttPP* ’f# ppprmtmm- I *J*m*9 I • • T **%■ JMKftM ft *ft *##■* ~. 4k>> *h* 1* 1* mp* ***■ # 999pp* ' ft# ftlMbWMftiL % I I ♦ ft ifftMl ft# Pm %.m # .4 **tm I # 9 *#'# 94 4 * i|##ft 44# mm* ##** wf P9**tp- #* # *p* 4 i mp9p* . ft# I*## ft 'fti ft|# ft# ft<r*#»# • 1 m*m i ft>>#€i>* mi t mspm* -* WPOPP MMMM MpMMM #N«4# *# I*4 t 1 ##<#•# •MM* *. 9 tm*m ft 99*49 ? ##k»K<»#» | JNMft pm I PPpP* I ft#*vM p«ip#, , 4 mpp*t PM*mm I l##*## PftftMft* 44*40*4. *»• , " .6* . mo - «IHIiMMI tft### MflMi +•** •mm* 'ft## t%P9*pm* Ift 9P' 94 ft 4*99*4* 4444*4 #** ### »•!##### imp| >r -fn» #| *9P* Urn* ft**# •*4444444, 9*4 *9t.P 9*44 *444 Wpf JhmPmmPt** DMhw •# 9PPPmp ###*• ft##K##ft t 4» *M» <#«<*# •mi ***** 1 94 m >#*■#* J. m* Mmfa # - KM ftMftOM *-49-4*4 MftftftftftiL 1 *ftM* 1* **4pm* t #,#**•»*> ( 4* A#* . # III# ft#L SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * r«| Till <*>*■#•■• < •4#6»ft4*ftftM *4*\o immm m 4 mm** tmm* - _ _ Sa l# Man, ft# MU******. kßiit^ftiMg. *- r««. ■we a, "lams' a gap A, (STra I «"*ej l«» TZ , -whoa.ja'aGkA. ..... I 1 ha' * k»p At ia%»M* •■■■ "» * * gr *(«r-aa**ra. #• ** 1 ' 4 Ar arkr-rtOs. - I **> » **k L. Aarwu. S» ky • . - i*r«|l«l'M I * tmrt* ..... 1 *•* H «•» I • Mm9W I * I* H N Ar IVlumtSS'a drtf'k If Cttitk kvw • I f jfn I?; ; - Wtaiiit'sea . . »"b| *»• : MS IU IS: Ar < karhem isJaC DrtS A, MMwton , *• **k u c> ETiiiwwhn i *? *ss' Ar'dk .... | ■“» * BmvUl* . Ar hctaal .. I * *»a- a 9»p Ar WaOdturWa i JJ* .}*J *■ hlltn"!rr K k H~....... 1 * *1 *7B » l>tu:»l»iiA»a SJ*, JS* * New York. ‘ tt 6Bp< 6Ms - . »1 Nw. »6, Dally. L< New Turk.m. iuL . . | 6m p *Fiiai “ PkilaiWhkia I a tap 9HP a * IWum .re _ | *Pp **4 a L* W.Oi uia tw Wy . M Itp II Ua Lv. Uicluanad . UUbi 13otm Lv Daavtlla .... |690 a 6Up Lv Norfolk *»p Ar. Orwetrrbnre S 46 a Lv Urecnabero .....! 7 I* a 7 *Sp “ Cbar:otte sat a 1© A»p * Hock Hilt 10 A»» II »»p * llienter ...... ........ 10 55*: II .Tip - tVinn.lero. II «1 * 17 9i* Ar Gr*l H(a Bl»nd'g *t !: ©Vm 1 <7 a Lv. i olumtkaCa.itep't. ‘ I Up! 4 ©oa “ Joha.ion*. 2 s*p 6©ua " Trroiw . 8 l*j ( © 26a I “ trrani'eville 3 .»(• ••/?» !Ar Auyu.t* ... 4 16} ItlOa Lv. Asbevtlle 8 99a X (Bp ;Lv bpariauoarg ... II 40h 6Up I.v Coltka.S.C.*G.Hy • 3(Up !©» At OMMki • i 66p| 11 9b * Lv. tioTMa. F C.kP Ry ' 11 56 * U 47 a : “ Savanpirli 447 p sW*a t ' v : *29 p; 9 16* j HLKKHXU t 6lt -t.KVK Excellent daily p*""eager «ervtee between fiend* xod Sew York V - tr, *ud ,*<—tv laxlongton *oil Sou thwealero Limited. Solid Vealibuiwl train with dining e*r* and flr*t claea coachra north of Charlotte. Pullman drawing room «le.-inng car* between Tamp*. Jackwmvttte, Savunnah. Wanhington and New York. Pullman K.-cping Car* between Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room aleeptnr car* be tween (ireetodriro and Norfolk, tloa.-t-onnw*. bon at Norfolk for OU) POI.nT COMFORT, arriving there tn time for breakfast. Solid train, wttli Parlor cars, between : Charleston nud Aaiievllhv ■ Noa. :B and :B-C. «• Fnat Mail. Throngh Pullman drawing room I edict elecping oar, bw tween Jacksonville and New York and Pnll man aleeptug cam between Auguala nod Char lotto Pullman Bleeping cam between Jaek aonville and Columbia, en route daily hetrypen Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANKS.«ANNON, -J M <II.F. Third V-P. & Gan. Mgr. T. M . wa«hington w A TCRK. S. H. HARDWICK. <i. P A.. Waahingtotf. . a. P. A., Atlanta. (GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1895. Pullman deeper* between Macon an! New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:06aml 3:2opmil»«3opia Ar Atlanta ...jl2:3spm| B:2opm| b:00«ua Ar Macao ....|ll:lsatn| I 6:46inn Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| 7:20pml - Ar Galne*vllle|*3:4spm| | Ar White Pl‘s;*l:oopm| I Ar Mlll'ge'le .!10:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Waeh'ton ..|lo;lo*raj T:lorm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 6:15 p. m.. andwar ' rives at Mllledgevllle et 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:16 a. m_ I 7-45 a. m., 1:20 o. m , and 8:25 p. ns. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A,