The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 14, 1898, Image 3

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Wf ONSttPAV WHAT THE OFFICERS SAT fit jwtft m ***** to* vwj ImmI) *fto uth*w** ff* *%«Qj Mffffff ##«*• In ' »%*»» «Mi m# •###** «t iff** s **#* l^* i«l« • IffPffff** 4# #MH Iff#**# f#M ] M 4 m tMNi smm*m*m* mm* #♦«* •ffff • ffffffffffffft ffffff off* ff* llfft ffffff# ffffffl *#••* * ffff tin* «Mff W** mmpw fWH Iffff# •** mmm iff ffts i *###»s lirit i Iff## iff: ffwnfff Iff* ffjwpffeff tiff Iff fwff'f ffff Iffff iff- I lUffffi mi iffp* «•*#«** iff iff# «ff tffff (iff ff mm till ff» tffffMffffff It* ffffff* f iffff i• tfffffffflwffMl Hff *ff»ff •I# fffffff • filff# <M ff ffffffffff ftffUMMI iff . 1 N* **»4 Iff* ppft w##tftf Iff 'PffAff ? •ff* * iff# Mffffffffi ffwnff •*##! tff iff ■ •*» ; fffft fftfftv* laffffiw mm Iffff ff#ffff# ffwffff ' ffffff# ffffff tiffi iffii #pviff4ff i# t iffff fffffir* ffff# IfHffff Ml UN* ms* ' ffpffii ffiti liffffi ffffff iffff iffifff Iwffiffff - Iffffff ff—ryjiff ffAffMrt, Iff*# Nff iflffff flffffff fffffff tiff wmm Ifffffilff iff iffff ffffff ; fftti tiiffff ffpffi luff tifft i ffffff iff in j t* •• tiff# ffffiff ff«ff# ffpffff It# iffff •mi MNff tiff# iff# tfffffii *# fftff# ff#* ’ •MV tii **#**(*# «| ri fffftfy, MM Mi‘«H ffffff* **l ffi f•§*# Mfft tfffft i %#* ■ n s#© f•. • ■#* •m iafftwffi pffffr "## , HHHff iff r fffffff ffffff WffNl |> ffffi ** * iffff# j ffnfft* fftff m9*mm*r€" Ti* fftffjffi t# ff ■ iff# ffffffltffffff tffff fffffffmun* ffffff Iff* f iff •SI" i# •■"ff#* Ml • f*ff#*ff** * | «< 9 «{f »*tff tiai of lip T«n»iff Ml j tffl4 II mm fffftfftffi fir iff# ## iff m i ttttlff ffwifff ilffffrifffty tiffff Iff# ffffff iff#- i*l tiff! Iff# rt*ff4ffr< ftf fir >### »•» iffri iffttff# tiffff *iit 4 i# if tiff wilt# #ft##*ff iff##* i r»i a# tii fffffrtffiff# iffffi# ti ti# | •ttfffi (mto ffff #***•#%*• vi# #i* | rtt rtfflti ff, otMf ffcffff j Iff (Vaffhti f«*r Iffffifff ff, Vi# , fftr#H« iff pfftmlH if pfff o#t iitt’tif Mff Iff mil d< fff la*tt«. (Nit Iff #tfftkK»#4 it ijffff *' *v#rf tofivf o# ti#. Iff#it) fl#f##tff Tbt( (• ini it Thor Clt». T*»wi Mr No*# th» f»*r idt trod- Mr. Uh >ai ▼*««•»! f"i (.« Ural Wrt«l»« M M Mm Cm rikw NI4 M lltiutta * Ikimi (Mfe »*•<■• SIEINQ TOR Mr» Christina l*c>. at Thla City ;« ants That lan I r««n U* K. R Ti# csffc of Mm. Cirtsttnff Itff ft. U»# G#orfflff mUroffd ro npany u oa la tha supn-oM coort In A*laal*. Mra. Iras, through har itloi ary, C. T. I Lndaon. la aulng tha road for tlu.iJOd for tha df*tb of har son, Mr. Char la* tray, who war a f.rrman on thr road and was hltlad by bring hli by a •witch targai whlla rldlag oa hla an- j glna la tha Atlanta yarda, about two yaara ago. Mrs. Ivay brought suit against tha road ta tha sugrortor court of Ku.ton ; county, but the caaa traa non-auttad and It was than taken to the iupreme 1 court. Tha cara trill ba concluded today. It la thought. Mesara. J. B. and Bryan Cumming are representing tha road. Mra. Ivay Itvaa In Augusta. Vortical Ink and Vortical Penn for Vertical Writing. R< com mended by Pn ot Us* oo , other, to nat H cbartfi) Sc bba-l vsr’a Book Store. LOST .!OINT OF THUMB. Very Painful Accident to Mr. Cennis Con,tell Today. Mr. Dennis Connell, a vrrll kno vn j iraohlnist at the Georgia railroad shop, happened to a very painful ac cident tfcia morning, that caused him to lose the first ioint of his right, thumb. Mr. Connell wits engaged In taking a piece of work fre r> a lathe when hts thumb became caught In the mach.n- j er: - . crushing that member badly. Dr. j Ford vas sent for and dressed the wound. The first Joint had to be ao'piita tcJ. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is 3. Schaut. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established IS3O. queer accident. Buggy Breaks From Horse and Runs Down Hill Quite a peculiar accident occurred out on the Hill yesterday afternoon. A negro man was driving a horse and | buggy tip the hill when suddenly the harness broke and the horse walked out of the shafts. The buggy started rolling backward down the hill and v>ent quite a distance, finally crashing into a telephone poie. The driver was not injured. CA.STOHIA. Bears the J 9 The Kmi! 1,011 Ha,e A|W3VS B ol # The London of the future will. If Frederick Harrison‘s vision Is realized, have no coal, no steam engines, no horses, and all heavy traffic will be sent along underground elertric rail ways. UAAft *»*«*% ***** *f|V mi# t*oWnl»fulJy MUf*pl*«*d With DAfflaifl •fflflHWlllKWll »nH TIWVWW W*TP ” o |, . TIT iutl ,lUitUu . n ,l cut pcKM to the loWMt pitrrmily « now. SuMM «m» f *■*> CMtrtAjAd ." , M" IW8 «» t d,tpUy * ,nd you »l m«r\o< At th* combination of high valuoa And low pric#A thAt at* In Avdonc* on *v#ry hand At our I*o *un+%. _ ■ ...*J udw*‘ Off»ntwwti i |#|M fffr* ##*%##; |ffffd»«rMff fff***': fftMt i'Offffl *#•# ##j .•HMfffflff. f tHI It t »$ sq «g •# tj, ffw ,r M«MB ffff# ####•«• •fnif dffSywff. t*fft»lff# ff #•**# #**•*• : ;** mm, INI Ml# -- «« M f jirffiri ffffff ##*s.« ff iffiffM# ss+** ##M HffaiMl. fffiffin fv*. P «M M> f |jffffiw, %“!#• fffel ff##### ss**• ffff# ll*ff | ff • ffffffffff - f## i# n fft: ffffiff .. iff##, j •ff## I M ffff t ** IMW ffffff iffff ffff ##*#t i ffa* ffffMMl- IMmi iff i»« t pffMt Imp t «N» f# flßHMMliff • ##f |Mti t I 4 1 j iffaa *&mmm**H* mm* mm #fft M •». COME ONCE AND YOD LL COME BACK -THEY ALL DO. Rice & 0 Connor Shoe Co. Z =""n J=* »i«e & O'Connor Shoe Co. INASOCIALWAY vifij ,'{&& v' 1 111 '‘V / Hti IHMsi F,p*r!.'*<* la amuatng *tory t. t Id .f an Au iguatn girt »ho has t**» sojourning In N«w Tort During Mr auv In tM ' tfcrtffEff CM Ifff ffffff 11 1 * '."MfffT ffffff • j fffftlv# thrift hffff b##ti htfftily 4‘rr|«|#4 |TM story runneth tbu* Kot ■< ng alar*, ah* had nrcsaJou lo purvhas* aom* toilet annp and knowing r|tt ft Bkwfflii|ditv‘» »bff <wA4 ** •I ff ffffft • fffh# Hbrfiff tn»ff fffff* Where else she decided lo give him her pntrooagt. and donned b*r Ml prepara i-*y to going When abe reoched tho hall door ah* found that she had neg !#rt#4 Iff rfefffkff* ll#r botiff# one of which •»*• a liny hole Rather |than remount tt»* tbrr# tlghi* of atntro I she concluded to go aa ah* wa*. and 1 wended her way to the atore of her rboirr. While waiting foe her package she stepped upon n had plank In the ' floor gnd ran • .harp splinter Into her ifoot through the hole In the shoe. She mentioned thl# to the clerk, who r*- ! marked ihal "that waa a bad place tn th* floor and needed to he flxed." I'p !on her arrival hr me she ealracted the I splinter and thought nothing of It un til two or three day. later, when her ! (pot became so painful and swollen that the w*. oblig'd to call In a pbj.- !;clan, 'vho. upon exat nation, found that a ptrtlon of th* splinter still re-j i malned tn her foot; thla he cut out. Her accident nerogaitnted her being laid up for tome time, a lay-op that [cam'* at her hoelest acaion. when she could 111 afford it. and thle, together ! with her doctor's bill caused It to l a tii> little, expense to her, cinpl d with j which was the teasings us h r friends who calkd her "p'nny wise and pound ! foolish.” This HttlJ Indy, however, [got her wits together raid decided that [lt would be Just » well for the drug gist to rottl* her expenses, so calling she stated the case to him exactly as it was. calling as witness to what shej said, the salesman who had served her. ! seeing that the hud. ample material j Tor a suit, the druggist sent his lawyer to her and a compromise was effected la which he agreed to s tl'.o up he: bill and pev generously for th» Fme [loss from her wrrk. and new those who accused her cf being “penny wise and pound foolish." Agreed that after nil the little Southern i.'dy had a wise, lev el head and a keen sense of business. Ramp-Bixby. Cards are out announcing the mar, rlar of Miss Margaret May Btxby to Mr. Joseph Vincent Ramp, which takes .dace in Charlctt-. N. C.. on the ef-er noon of Wednesday, Oct. 5, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, on Eos' More head street. Mr. Ramp is an cid Augusta boy. and has many friends here wli > will read this with much 'n terest. He has fer eome time been comucleu with the Charlotte branch of the Augusta Brewing cottapany in he capacity of bookkeeper and shipping clerk. Miss Bixby is cne of Charlotte’s most accomplished daughters, and is excee I'ngiy popular la Charlotte's so cial sei, nrs. Allen Entertains. An enjoyed atcial feature of yester day afternoon was the card-party with which Mrs. Virginia Allen entertained the two euchre clubs, her own and -that of Mrs. C. A. Withers. Eight handed euchre was the game enjoyed, two tables seating the sixteen guests. At the conclusion of the games, before Tmm Jk. UOUPTA It HHAI.D A Bold, Determined Move! ThAt * what wm Hava don* to make this th# gr«N»t<*«t ScpU>mb*r In our hiitory. Never w«r# IStJASIS! JB* mtm*. S-sk; ttjssraw. 1 fffiff# ffff# tii mm# iffff ffffff# i #4l •» * Cffff «e - • I ff## tfffflff* '■ tffWb ## Mtffffff. fffft# *■■***% ffffff# fffff#l Niff affff 9 #4 Vff # *« . VM • ! 1j ir* Mraft* mi #ff #*##» f*M» a#n# ffffpff pNiMff h •« ## ## 9# Msfl'i OwawHmam jm , |inMt fffsi iff##- ffffj v%Mffffffff 1a ff ft4k* fM aff# * VRi’ifr («*»■•♦ • tt || « f, t« «« M 91 ff# j Iffffi'# Mi til, trtffff Iff## iff# v^ffMN##* 1 Wh*m-m ill IMift# iiffff. # ffMMi. •►"ff##* •ffffnr ff ff» It' * * « I* i#f I iffM fff Ass ffaiffi <%ff #ff»* *ff# | n - ill fftfW It Iff a-m ffff «# t nil MMff t» UN# '•ff Cfffffft! #*4 ftltmff Uffff IfffftMf •• •vfff* ymmw* iwii offraM lIMM Miff ' tffiffrff •%# tiff ittffff •### Vff# tffffl •«## ia«ff«# »lfffffflt# rtMffli#* I«fa#fff#vta# Ufa Jotffi Iff Itoffffff, Mr# Tloff# 1 tiratff #. Mr# Wltlffff Oars. Mr# U* j \t%m <*»•**!! Mra Tiffff## ffrff*. Mr# ' ff-rfflM Mr# Jiff## r Vrwffrf. Mr# (%niffft. Mr# fTilttiff (H»*r Mr# Mir# tff# tii### Mr# Wliffiff K Mr# Ifrtrf CVli^# i Mr# Aau |ffr#Ht Mr# Vifiiff AT • j Him Jmwlo Brwros rniertotw-d • kmArr of hoc MAmli last rtnlei at iag lafonaat aMwtral* fc«r»l of An ' gutua * uriltMi am heard aad tk* r vcalng sprat aas oaa of rats pitas j wes Aftcvwooa "l«*kal Mlaa Ooorgla Ksmt will eatertain I Friday with aw aftfnam wwalcalc. Uiisala are Invited to assemble at tva Mim Angle Foster r. iurged ysaterday | front a stall U relatives la Kaesas ('My. Mo Mr and Mrs William H. While have I returned from av tail (o relatives ‘a Norfolk. Va. Mr Boihweil l/iekhart enl*rtalned hla Sunday chool class very plraanet-i lly last evening Mrs. Icrl Holllnggwcrlh. of M' 1 - Ifdgrvtlie . spent the day In the r ly i yesterday the gueal of Mra. George M. i Howard. Mrs. Bell* God bee nee Mia* Bell O'Byroe. of Wayn«aboro. and her love ly baby girl. Homer Vtrgll.aa the guests or her cousin. Mrs. John H. Hughe*, on tipper Calhoun street. tehee! geeks. Foek ttrsps. feed! goiss, Largs Tsblsts. Big Owpetition grok*. Slates, F»ns sed Psee Is *t Richards A Sbavtr's Book Stor*. rather a frost. Judge Baxter Found Only Three Of fender* at Court. In the fiurlance cf the theatrical world, (here w«* a "frost” at the court of the rwordT thio morning. There were plenty of cases on (he docket for trial, but the principal* did net show up. The court room had the ■tppenranre of Mother Hibbard'* cup j board —bare. One lone priacoT graced the dock and It looked for a bit that there would be no othei** to be tried. John Brady. H: wa* the lone prisoner In the dock. ' He b&d been found drunk and received the ueua! $2.50 fine. The court was about to close, when Hattie Sims turned up. Hattie is a s*rict Ptlr.ndant at recorder’* court. She v/as pi court day before yesterday, yes- 1 terrtny end today. Her charge was of j Ibr eighteenth section variety and her tine was $2.50. There was one more case, was 1 an amusing one. Dave Meredith wai! charged with throwing a rock at a Mrs. Susan Travis. Dave made his plea. “That lady has four eats.” said he. T pr.Ksrd by theer ami said ‘m-e-o-w.’ judge, that lady don't like my family, nohow.'’ IV.vt’s "m-e-o-w” cost him $1.50, as lie had also thrown a brick at Mrs. Travis. Second hand School Books bought or taken in part payment for New Books at. Pendleton’s Book Store. Formosan rice is so good and so abundant that that island has earned the title cf "the granary of China.” The tea raised on the island goes mostly to America. Other prnfltab! ■ crops are sugar, petrolium. indigo and coal. #4M# # f-##• ffff##. ff Iff ff ffffff# ffffff s* m m . j . » » •* * sum ****** ff. ff ikmtf&mm ffff* Iffffff Ifff# ffffpff ii ffff ffff* ptff# m ffff I# ff iff"# ff ffff ffff -. | •# mm mm ‘lffw f iii llff' m**m j »•*** ffff*'* •# 'ffff- • ffff ffffffff *•# |iir#M ## ##• ff* ffff## ffffff ffff fc - nrtif## «•##► Iff* ffff# *mrn ffffi ffff##. MNNMMffi , _ ffffff piffffi < LITTLE LOCAL PEWS $ fff# Mr m |f#«NF n*—r Affffvfft# *ui I # ffirfi tff* Iflff # pm# iff* I Y9t«*«* iff y (ff| |h*ffi« Mr Vffl* #Hl«l |v*m • ff*# ff*### | li Iffff! 11l i#iti Iff## ff*## V# 4*» •tiff Mr MMMNtIi rtfff 1* ffff «M IffUff#, : . r«iMirtP#M*i §***•* Mr fff#iNffßT# **• f*m * ttw >t| a ui, |^| # Anfutu Mt*f. M« ( Kg* tnalt fit rod!* I# A «•*#•<*- TH# M##» Hm*m f+i ffr |Jf< ••«** iff #ll 9#> Iff ■»* T M- C*« A. §»ffjr*»rml Mwi#** «»fr4 Iff HrtlM <«M ««f ?. M C. A. IfftrrffffT ffflt, #r ff#4 ffrifft ff"# • #»*•, N«l ff# f xi»4 ff# •#*« w## " r#* .|.D#| iff# *#rf#Ul rf W# ffAvr fw#r t*#r* I Iff# no# Iff rff*. ffil ®f fflMWff iff ***** I j<*u* for Iff# fflffr# W# #IH ff* *#r Iff l.tow, two «w!«. wwd (he Ph»«h»l *- will fff ffffr# •**•*#■ August* CMM* Going •" M«coW j A nunituw «* August* rycll*t» «r* ■*t.- '.uawiwg c»lng l*» M»<•'♦» during th* r*r nlvnl in lb* *Hf durtng th* hrnl pnrt „ m ,.nth Th* buy* h*v* pl*n*»ng rv.','He**i of their last ry*l* mwl 1« 'lb* 11*1-1- City, nhen th*y putt**! "* * !.... nuniio-r of Ihr prt*co In f»< « n»«-r* than ihr* M*<*on wb**lmr|l likrd to iv, ><■ hark t« August*, j Now they propose to go to Ms eon and repeat the porforowne*. August* has some eaerll nt rider# In her mldat. as good a* any IB Georgia. Book st ora* Will Be Busy -Tomorrow the pit Idle a< bool# <*pe". »B'l that mean# that tomorrow aftavtvaoß and until * late hour at night the twokstores will tie crowded with school ehtldren. th* : [mammas and pai«a* of «hnol children amt the aunt* and uncle# of achool rhll- , drew, purchasing teatbrsik* and other thing* that the scholar* need The bookstore* alwaya keep open until a la ter hour than usual on the day of th* schools' opening and th* clerks have all the;, can d« to serve the rush of cus tomer*. Got Ftucll on the Trestle —A party of Augusts young fellows took a walk «n afternoon or *o ago and for th*lr rout* chose a road running through Ham burg. When they cam* liack. on* of the I party propose I « railroad trestle be walked. All agreed but oße young man. He was no trestle walker and didn't relish the Job However, lu- agreed, af ter a bit. to follow the others. All set out alngle and got across no, not all, for the young man who had not ta ken to the -Inn readily got to the mid dle of the trestle and could get no fur ther. His head swam. He was un ship to walk any further. The other* went to the rescue. One got l»-hlnd him, one got In front. He placed hla hands on the front man’s shoulder*, end thus they got him to terra tlrma again. He Is sore on treaties. The largest tablets and biggest sc. composition books at Richards & Sha ver’s Book store. Smith & W-sson pistols from 15 to JS.SO. Several good blcycl"* for sale veiy cheap. Good watches f rom 51. 25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Schaut, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. S IEOH FEME CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 310 lOtti Street, Augusta, (in. nut of Town Work Solicited-^* YOU CP.N HAVE THAT OLD STRAW HAT MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW. It will only cokt you 25 or 35 cents. It will then last J’ou until “called in by Mayor Walsli.” Hilse’s Steam Dyeioi and Cleaeisi Waits, •J 314 Jackson Street, opposite Opera House. He hitol (ff### Mignd CklWrwh'* Mff* l *» #>%«'•■<*# ' : : Mffff( •fflMNlff. ff Iff » ys #9 *ff* j Mffm## fffcr ffMMWlff ffff*## tttffffMll* ffffltmgf : ff ilgigltl f. ft g, ... #, 4) fff - sigfftd# ••■*■*■ T ##4 IjffTT li ff# | - Hi W 9 ; CALL FOR Augusta Brewing Co s EXPORT UEER g* -m m o tL LE«GEORQj J J *** *****|S | Giving (oiwNOT iffri >Vta BBLLE OB’ GEORGIA. Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —CALL FOR— AUGUSTA BEER. manassE KOJ BOLLS FROM pin fiRAHD pUKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class ftrccen Keep It The largest tablets and biggest sc. composition books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. L allll „ |i m * mm «**•*# *».« i**m N«~ a*. *m*» *«* *HM Nm A»»WM I.MM A* • «* W rMMt v*»* ****** A** ***«-* ****** - • (•**«•«*» M* ni'tw **M, ****** ! fipk §iw $ , 9 w 9 lip »mw * iw* **» 4* *»••* fw Vmm «hw> Mi V** mm ***** Am* •** *•<*'* •* ****** ***** ••*» *• *•>•••*• Mmhf MhM ***** AM— «** ****** w.w» mmi M* «***■* A* «■*••%* § Mi 4 « A A •*■* "***» n**r» rMMMM— **• ik> n »*■'♦> •* **» prt*A M* ft » <» *■* n» **••*• *»*>*» « •*•*' Great Crowd* Have Patronised U* Thl* Week - Ever) body has Gone Away HAPPY! W© will *oon Ihi r#adv to open our r.«w Ator« at II IO and 1112 Broad »tr*«t *»•- for* moving wa muat »lnu#n* ttr a saw mora goodm. __i__ ~~ Wt Mi in 130.00 Mri It it Mo S2O 00 m' J Jt Sim pff! *• ~>i 4- ,-*W .jiw am w bar- -r 9* |ff --|- - !*#!«*H * !**«# ' Pffff w~ -si . rfcJf£*P A .taep •#■ r»*r*dt tnmwah our or ” BEOROOM SUITS. BELL 3B OF QBOBQIA nisstm was sto IS NOW $7.50 It was a jew©! at the old price. You can pay $2 Cast! and 50c Weekly ESS”Watch for our Sledge Hammer Blows. We furnish everything needed in a house on credit if you want it. Padgett Furniture Co. i 844 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. I % # READ HERALD’S WANT ADS WHldiff I* cm Mftft *r mrt * AM MAMA !*»*■•• N* N—r MM M«M A***. *m A I a. I M » 14 A A * At « A*** <* ** ’AN* M«4* tM A*» A* •-**• *■» , *•** •*» •***•• t«* • Mi ft 44 n f%» •VMA* * •* ■«■**•* **M «W ***** *M* ww**.* « *• I M M * • • VM MNM*-* AAMMM. i »<** |M* AM* »**•«.<« A A «•**» I’M* • IMA.. MM «M» It Ml . „ , .. A4A ***r Mill* mmmt *»A A*4 !«•* «M* r*M *** «*■*•**•». A** ** I «*«*> IMII w •*•* 'l*»*t* »Amm ■* Aw** «*M* «**«m im vim aal »■•••*• am * M It At »* .* *• .h •» AA I* 144 ft I A . *c About Six More Parlor Suits Left TO CLOSE OUT. They arc all flrsl rlaas goods —toms of them >|nii* atsgsut —nthcra medium priced. You bate th* pick of tl.aoi at 25 Per Cent Reduction Before We Move- Doors, Sash M Blinds, rough and dressed YELIOWPIIELDHBEE AND MILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Factory and Saw Hill Equipped with Latest Improvements, and Organization Thorough in Every Department. ffy-Full Line in Stock and Prompt Ship ments Assured. Brices, Catalogues, Etc., upon application. ESTABLISHED 1858. Perkins Manufacturing Co., AUGUSTA, GA.