The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 14, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY 4 TNt MUST* HEMID . "”*ff H> m ffttw tf>,a* _ hm>ww»*»— JJ - Itoto toN **.*i#to#to IMNMV R#fe SS*-*, •*»« •♦** s** p T -- , n .in irr #»»«••»* •*• i |v*l> IM# HfcMAl-W |« i-w-i m N<w *»"*•** •** BWWffiMU'iMin ** **» t*#ss»«» •**• j* Miirrr - M Mfe tmmm **“•"* •* ’ rLnji i > f * tfe# fXifeilsfei *• (#**%. t:: , 4( ,*, a>«m ewe**** l* !s*•»«<* cmt* *i ow #*•«• ■"*’ MM Frf>fe A»MM* KM—* ■»- ■■— ,* ~«> *»s tfe# *s*M»i » JSJXS HT-fetaM* • * «!•«* M f*fe»*«M IIM h*#« »• ♦«•• Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. - . Th* l»***H ifew »*•» * m •**» • MTW» •* r»w~ •“* «*» —? Ml«t> Wf»l*s* few ••* **"**' •Ml >MWI w*—*i t>w# im. mk ,fe» |W»******* 4 mm* m sswa* m MM ••*» • f,#r ,h * . «•>!*•* Mt eMWrt ifeo «fe*»* ••- IM •HI fe# hWiIIW I* * ***' t ,IMI •»< HfefefeMtoi * ••life** f*r »fe* ****•*■• ** | |f | >r - TW T«tl MIM •» • Ttt*t. M **H •• * I** »*■ ** yg*fM, MM ** r fe MW **i •» tav p**4ic*»tofe. fur tfe# feHWfe •$ l*»»Mfe* ttafe m a a onset roa Ss* th*) r |Ml*ff M • I afesofea hw <'«n>tcSta«Ms e*a writ* •» m#*B Wtna •» «k*v wtsfc lw (fe* prim, bfel «**• #**•*•«.•■« wife #•!? MM *1 tfea feM*** M a • Tfe# M.rsld waa's »**. *Fri«*4- ty, •<'**t|>» WttWfe, *•*» "** fertSM will fe* »«•!*•* ** 1 •** (Ml tonal ItHnMIW *•* ■"*' »ewd*>l* Men of Rusaroev Re •art Hew*. Contest Closes Oct. I. FOB THK BIWT IJCTTUR M» to FOB THK *1) BRUT MCTTBR .I* *» FOB TIIK ID MBnT LETTgIR ... I * A SPLENDID A TLA A. The Herald ha* »«*. tired a taw copiea th* magnltkrnt War Allaa Issued fey Hand, McNallv A Co. tfea great map maker* Thla Allan to a map of Ilia world, and If you want to keep posted on Cuba. Porto Mfco and the Philippines you ought to ha\e It. The regular price of thla Atlaa. whi.h la printed In flee ettora, con. tain* maps ol Cuba, Weat Indian. Hawaii, 1 uropc. Aala. Africa, Spain, Philippinea. North America. South America, the World, Oceanlca, China. Portugal and harbor chart* of Has ana. Santiago, ban Juan. Malanias, Cien fuegoa. Manila. Cardcnaa and Santa Clara Bays, la so cents. To Herald readers jo cents. Thla Atlas Is 14x11 Inches and con* tains id pages, You are sure of get. ting your money's worth when you get the HEKALD'S STANDARD ATI.AS. MUNIiIFAL OWNERSHIP. Atlanta, as uiual. I* setting the pare In Georgia, and It 1* a swift and terri ble om*. jtisi on the eve of their city iirlmary for mayor and eouuclltnen, the ques tlon or municipal ownership of gas and elw trie lighting haa beep sprung. The voters tooh to t,be Idea trooi the start and now all the candidates ure declaring themselves In favor of it. cities In the north and east own their own public utilities, and there is no reason, why a city should uot run Its lighting as well as Its water sup ply. There are still some towns which do not own their own waterworks, but that's no reason why every city that can afford It should not do so. The chances are that municipal ownership will win out In Atlanta this fall, and after Atlanta hus tried the experiment and pronounced It good, we hope that gome of her sister cities in the state ■will try It. Augusta. with her own water power, can manufacture electricity cheaper tbaa any city in the country, and there could be no more Inviting field, for municipal activity than in the owning of a city lighting plant. Espe cially with arc lights at ITU a piece per year. Our power to act Is our centre; our progress Is our circumference. mm Fr-mt **» mmm mm Fs* ***** mhrWkw f» fed** eh* *i* *** ** ****** '< »MI tn whb«w*«S «• • l**» **•* Fm a BfeefeHii iWate *tm •*•*» M ,. M mm afwe feispe a OHMf t*** !M* t [.-'-*fl f%* teMMMMWMfc * M •m sfeefea >tto •>* tone feanw *a*tf *•* j m mi Me pHWto *•» > #•* *Mfe«a* •wl few fetaa««>•» t* •• *w ••*'**» •*** •mm «a «HHt e*» dinw* mmrnm .wfe*W*al Ml • «aHirHH*aW •** **** ifeaa Mad im* twaaMa •**»* Mae* feaaa »»«* and Mm* •*• •*** a *•* ■*•* liPNi ««hI #fimi 'NP ,f twaaai «a ■*»*»** aM*t*» **** mmM Ma** twaa —*»'***» ********* l .%•• swap w»e» a»»*tfeß***a* sea aa *» |„» i a, nr--* an** •*•• •!•* wwtfea. •i mo i man H la Mfe ahaadd fe» *a lie*dr laa tee am at Ife* at gWMrt nafei la tin ta w»*ar* •<***• tMfea tfe* BW« w *M* •** ' !• A* ’UeitMl 0 i M MMRi Mi i*t* ,has Nee* Nto 'fea* *M* dies rear* tow •aeafe fe**taa a toff* vataewi army aM ma mi afefe*twt*a alt art aatafetMto -Imm aad feaetaa aa anar feewacMt to»< MXti'irT. Ml M fNHTi.. Ms IfFEti «d Has <#**» <ra.fea at tlto. appaar* TM* •fe«d aarai—r tfeaa to wtoMtoe* thaas -ti Mjiyp fNIAWHiIi# Ml ♦ n»t lM* A rnnfa4*mt jh i wtiir rt tv MMI i m|| H |g , umi o*mm •# i a §tt mt tr- wm nMt Imm (V WjM»* . MHW'll <if S»V9* i«prTlM##4 Ml «i of IV iiMtfMl M#*Ht9 itipwi tft4 vtll nwprrt tn j w ,|,| # #e f|«Krt«ic mm 4m la iM# »%•? ifct | tt ( *rau ng .a. to* part at sntaataar <« rem (fee detlriaarr •• r«p*'i*n**< nan t n.aausHmt «•**** «•* ‘* r , ‘ power at aadarafere oa ftor part of ant not taarml to ttoa feoritofelpa of war * aod bow tar R to dn* to tarfe of aystam or tadtvtdnal tacmapriaaej la tfea war Orpariasmi awK* Ail thla muat fee rarefaUy toe el red twto Pint It wast he del retained > whether there to ilf Jual rauae. wltetto ier the tau.t lay with the ayatem or ■ioat he law ribrd to ladlrtdnal Itieom •wtewry. and If the hitter la the rate, what Individual to responsible Burk la tfea view of the President aod while the country will always feet mat for criminal locompetency we leave never bad anything like the Alper regime the commission will. In all llkelthoood, bring la a itcoieb verdict of aot proves." i cm avsvita. Augci :a It oa* of the solid (own* of Ike south ft ha* grown and pro* pored ta dull tiroes as wall aa la good (loir* The true secret of Augusta's suc cess la la It* unrivalled natural ad vantage*. la Its water power, in Ha tow freight rales aad la th# strong supporting country throughout ths Sa vannah river vallsy on both aide# up and down the river. The time was when Augusla merchants sold goods In the roouniatus of Tenneasee. Thla territory haa left ua, but In return we are sefllng cotton good# In China, Ja pan and the Philippine*. Augusla la safe from outside competition. If the city ever goes backward It will bn due to the sloth. Jealousy and envy and bickerings of internal force*, and not that Augusta merchant* and Augusta Interests cannot hold thetr own in the markets of the world. Wbat Augusta need* Is to get together and pull to gether for Augusta. Ulve our mer chants and business interest* tbe sol id aud unlUHl support of our own clti sens ami we can meet and beaf the coni petit lon of th# world tn outside markets. I ait Augustan* set to work to cry down enterprise and to cut local Inter ests throats, and our business suprem acy la prostrate. Many a dqilar that goes outside of Augusta could as well be spent In Augusta. Every dollar that Is client In Augusla In legitimate business enterprise helps “the butcher, the baker and the candlestick-mak er." It helps rents. It helps circulation. It increases the volume of business. The Young Men's Business League Is dead. But the spirit of Augusta for Augustnns and all for Augusta still live.*. Every patriotic cltisen and every merchant should help to keep It alive. | Treat all Interests fairly and let's push | the old town to a year of unpreceden i ted prosperous business. SAW JOKES. PREACHER Pant Jones’ fourteenth snuual re vival services have Just opened In Onr ! teraville, and there were from five j !to seven thousand people In uttend ! anee. Just think of 300 vehicles and r,oo I horses and all the people the trains I bring In. that have come miles and ; miles in order to attend three religlouc ] inceUugs. The meetings wilt last eight TB HJ AUOUBTA JMERjto 3LX> da** mm «fes mmrn *Sf" 1 * -fj *•* Pi psp ** » aaptopfH mm mm Ofedtosa* *toa «*wa* at Vt#*** *» hoa and feaaa »P to* aupo<«4tfc warn >to lea.ftP sl m* as# haw* aad asapifeynSi c*s >mtut '•*■ ptoii-i esaaa sea haa» oaf wos sraadaw tuonai psd Wwaa nfehw aatowa to* > arts oad Mw*' > tMtoiflU swm* tiKMi-H m m * ®i% *tw hdato >1 m a tos «t thanas«fe»< towsi tow .iM'Sitaa aaSi WMt *feaw 'lh’< gm atom* waNw at tow awS tfea daaP pas tfea- Maspnefwtos paatt "to tafern tput'i *sap Mb Vtton aa pwe pm* mas • dfei aa* MW fern* la mows ife tosh* at Ma Spaa .«* pa** a* naa'Tapr ** "If ifeo ta MS INa »igaamaa -***» •Sham town*# tfe fewatwa to torn tom* ' bap* mw ait sn «*pfe* "Th* tfeatsfe ptv.pla am oWtop-waWa -*# t togspniMf »'»t,« «t (Mi •**«* to* In ijimiiiiiiii mi m »9|| lip* “ ' | 4NMVMI f illMi «M M* IkIMMMI |Mf * fIMMI Mi tMoii (Mf * rmfaxM *♦ # {%FtoM v til yVMMP^Mti ffi lilMj M%VM? IfelMHil MHMV •# mM9MW MMf HMiMNM I MiM k 0«« flit lMf Mi 4 H r • Ml Matt#* iVi Im fflfl if# OmM tfl Mill . T«m VM Ms UN * Mil «f (V MiVI UNMWffIIM «M«4 «V •r»M «M Mt 4 |M In Ml tMMf Mpri lit rtof tN Tot* iN fal« (MlfllflN** • I ill <N«f tfn> i mmtn frt MfMvCf fMfM. r«M» ImV tflfipf tVMNai'tlMf. »*•» < <oft tor iV* It fMM TMf pMfMMIiMI Mi *M#‘ fIHMfM Ms Nfil to flMrtf fiM# flpifMflffl iMtV tMMpi'to mtofli M Nfitof fvtv (to »Ml*i *■■ tMfff ffwf frwitol tor fM* ffMf mM IV rtflftM ttofM M to flMto IV t«i4 Vwrfl W0 m rat an vat Mmut HtfimmMm «rfli4iflMf roMMtt tn f<fl- I mnitiiitto fmmt fi II toss fftr I• ditto us i« tm4 «Vt ftl tori it ti * ft iff «I \ ff# tof|M trnUtm TMf MMifl fMe topMfi V •• ftf? fiffjr (of trtM|ptNtof. tor fat rmty Mi Ml* ' MtfUfftto tntl tdifftoft tlflnr ittl iflffd, VN fife Mi am nil less RftMrr tot • am Ms MoersAt ifd tonftftol. tMe* It to froiiif M vltM inrttovt t«r Me toff*, tor If iwl f Mflf If tNoff m 4 flVfffltM. Met • eSf’Mtlit'd ryf • 1 leal deepoodral aMKade rhea pent a man aad aaderaalaea his usefulness The man who deapairs la so pood lo himself or to the rommustty. What the •< rid meeus la not self-satisfied ryo irlam or ■•‘toe partisanship, but •tmfeg anas aod willing hearts to help our I llote man. Hitch men are n Mess ing to ‘hemaelves aad to the commun - ities la which they lire. Hympathy and faiih are the corner stones of success More of Rln (be world the better It la for the world. Voce of It ta the Individual the better - It la for that Individual and for all who I come within his Influence j. The people of the South have s>»nr through periods of depression year as -1 ter year But still the giving way lo i despair and despondency baa hurt In* stead of helping the cause, lari'e wipe out Despair and put Help in Us place, i Stop talking about and sitting around. ! waiting for good limes to come and i be up and doing, helping to bring them i about. It VACCIN AliON DEAD I The House of Commons recently had up a bill to secure the better en forcement of the compulsory vaccina tion law and the result of debate was a ib elded victory for those who .lo not be'leve In the vaccination theory. As a compromise measure, the fol lowing wae adopted, “no child should be vaccinated until It was four years of age" iiud that even them It should not be required If the parent specifies to the court that he conscientiously be lieves that vacciuatlon would be prej udicial to the health of the child." Of course, the main question on 'ho - debate was the compulsory feature of vaccination, at the seme lime, the anti- j vaccinationists freely stated and held their position that vaccination caused more sickness that it prevented. In view of (He mild smallpox scare and the wholesale vaccinations and sore arms that abounded In Georgia ami South Carolina during past months our local doctors may be able to offer some statistics on the question in the medical world, as to whether vaccination realty causes more sickness than it prevents. _ u , The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; The constant gnaw of Towser Vanquishes the largest bone; The constant cooing lover C'arrleß off the blushing maid; And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade. BEST IN QUALITY MOST IN QUANITY YOU GET BOTH IN A HERALD AD. HERALD PRIZE LETTERS SDllEfi RESORTS. #l» r« * IM, IIS rmttoiM I*4 *3 Tirf U* JfC IfeW »»»W* * £• A( |im NMM* ptof nmmk. NWMff , m*!Z 3w*l -» *•** •***<« _ . taa,.)! •»*'*♦ |-g| m %&M0 * fflff *«b4 «mh*m I MNH »m*i to mianilMlMi ** * * 4*to Mtovto ftp Mf## to to#P>» j fmm m «Nft toil Itotofi to **to * toto * -mm* ■ V V .St* 4* ff 4 to** to* f pfto f»**P f** p ipM«f H»«*N9. Aff-ffttot IfM- **ft tokPtof. •itoMtcf fitoM ffiM* ftoiifl If to*r» #r rftlijif 1 fptol f * toiit#lffNl ffNlr (( t, « im* #w**c iwM r toto I (to fviuftlito itp»« fit *ft tonflff M*t *f fM# v ,# m Him mu fivi tfeH-ef* ftf prnm/tfmm *P 9to m»»* mm 4 ***ms ****** <* t .a tm.9m •<a#*4 t.« .|» »nt IMi I ♦ftfflMMf* iPNtff fto I MPT to ffttonMtoto Tfttofv Mfto to«to NM *l*ll ftf* • r“ W ’.v« Ih* g-altbt tfe ..«» by tm ife* i>• ta.* • day e# fe* *“•*•*" ewunted up tfe* AutfeWa pys'-W* '* •»* |olH %f# H #M ftfM tMfl I top* wto# 5 r Mto* fl «MI ti«*r TVj •#* ; cwfegtfefeltV evvfetag afed getfeg b*M I* they ti* ataymg fuml aa l'»g •» ' they feiwWfchr «•». •* any m* *•** tbs Auguwtafeg wfe* fegva fee*n feerw du - rVHg tfe* gww ifewr afed vfew ttam*w ar* ’ t» t. 4» aeen am I few reg Wier »** Mr. and Mr* lJew eltya Dowgfely. AIM chUd. Mr | and Mra Daniel P ftaltivan. Mr and Mrs W A. laillmer. Mr. »«*d Mr» A. J. hn Hour*. Mra Ma*a#feg»l* Mr I ■*d Mr* W H B..VC*. Mr and Mr» I* H lamgdon, Mlaa M***l«- Uvnad.m. Mr* Oimmtng, Mr. aad Mra W. H j * iWarden and chiMtwfer Mr, and Mra. iy.uU W grbley. Mr gad Mra Them •a Barrett and children. Mr aad Mra. ■ H H lll'kman Mr* Fanny Walton, t Mr* Hamlllon Walton and child. Mra. and Mlaa fltohe*. Mra Alice William* j Mi* John Harper Davkhew. Mlm Mee- j cler. Mr. Kracat Ncrth. Mr Bayard <•aaw.ll Mr Jam-* H Taybic, Mr* IVlhvmsn- Ford, Mr. Hacker Ford, | Mra. Horton, Mr*. J. O. MattHewaoa. Mr. llort'.u Mallhewaon. Mr. •t.wy Matthew son. Rev. and Ur*. R B. Car- | penter and children, and other*. Thla llat give* *>mr Idea of the num ber of famtlle* which are to he *-en oB a promenade around the pad'll**, tn the : ballroom and <*a the gotf link*. There are a numler of other people 1 here who are a I meat •• well known In ; Augusta a* Auguatana themaelve*. i Among three are Ml** tllllian and Ml*a tt«.we, of Richmond, who are being chaperoned by Mra pavldaon and Mra j ; Alexander, and who are both very j pleasantly rememliered from former j ' visits In Augusta Mr. and Mrs. George , ttakcr. of Columbia, are also i lalmel by the Augusta colony, by right of Mr*. Baker'* belleshlp In Augusla be fore her marriage, and by right of tbelr frequent vlalt* to Augusta since. Ma t-on Is well represented here by Mrs. < | V'llttptque and the Jafeatdn family, (•apt. and Mra. J. Marshall Johnston, Mr Richard Johnston and Miss Martha 1 Johnston, a typical Southern belle und beauty, who Is to be queen of the Mi* | con carnival In October. From Savannah are Mr. and Mr*. : Bernard Dunham and children. Judge ] and Mrs. PVrrall, the little Misses Fer rall and Mr. (luerrard; from Knoxville, ! Mr. and Mr*, ltussell H. Clapp: from Raleigh Mr*. Holt and Mrs. Laird: from Montgomery. Miss Virgin: from j ! Atlanta. Mr. Mays Halt, Mrs. Clark. , ! Mr. Thomas Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cohen. Mr. Cohen cam* up for only a fetv day* from Camp Grlttln, bringing | with him an mterosllng amount of aun i burn and some thrilling war stories j gleaned from his experlmK • on the As sociated Pies* boat in she early part I of the late war. Of course, there are some "charac ters’’ in the hotel, but I am afraid to j tell you much about them for fear of I having my own taken away. For In- j stance, there is the British consul to New Orleans, whose "Anglican cold- j ness” causes a sudden drop tn the mer- j cury whenever he approaches, nml makes one feel 'as If some tall cliff had reared Its awful form." Then there is the dera old gentleman, so many of whose front teeth are gold that a very bright Richmond girl says she feels that Fortune Is smiling at her whenever he looks her way. On the whole, it Is a delightful set of people, without any of the stiffness and formality which often prevents people from finding out how nice the others are. The paj?t two weeks have been ex tremely gay In a Jolly, Informal sort of way. The weather has been lovely for out of door sports and exercise, and we have been walking, golfing, riding, | driving, even playing croquet. A num | net of Augusta people have caught the ! "gotf fever." which is raging here with i all the virulence of yello’kr fever in Cu | lot. We have learned to speak famit* i tarly of ‘ 'caddys," and *’bras > sys." and the men hat|<e learned to swear alt over again. for*olf requires a varied and picturesque Vocabulary of strong expletives,. Fhe fee*MNtwfei aefefe fe fefeF* "A (feed cam fef (beta •»*» mm •* •**•» *fi mmm» F ♦ * asfe »..* -feeA fefe* • < *»»* aa Itkatt* fefeWtfe. •#*• •# *fea #■*#» nto m m *» *•* m** ftoffto 0m *ii til to to# to-*'# toss fiNto##f ftfto’tofl #f#ff iff ftitofffli Ifttoifto- % gtotoMffft toft# totof <*»*##- ' iff #ff * * fiffc# • •#* tofipf |f *4 Mto |f#i#T-tff pi to :, iii wfpfMff 2 % fp ftoto 4Nf##ii if ; ; |*fflWit fifjfii ft ftfp Pftf* # ' ; Fta-«wto to • #•• ftf#* ff## f #"# ttoFwf toft toftt • fftoi't to # - *f tototo I ff#°f ytoiiifiiitP If N# ttotoff •ifeA taji#"iwi»i<F* * Jfpt * fhtotto #to ft#M#ft*tf> toM toft 1# fft *«fto- Ito# totopw# *t Tflto■ , # ftoff «#- tjto'ffpto ftftto «tops s flpff ftoftofi *4 tto' #»•' *-• ftftto# to-* iff fito Ttofto a# ftot tfp# 4 pufiji ffff toss iff toft fMNffff* : top* «to«t toss •»»** #toftoMt to tot# ii tatotof-R i tff i< flftpaf ffNf *at ftoto# ftf .< riwirifi | IfMf toft ftt toPmtof ttotot | ftot tot## ifpNtoPifM ftf ifto (f totoi ||«to. Unto totofftof. fftt ftofto flftto (tot** (tot ftotoNtoto# fto ItotofM fto ftfit (totf'tto ftNf fttto Itoto fltoftot- f*P tolfMftfftofb toto 1 #Tftof ft|r« fttofMtotfift- fa# It#’ f ptotoft Iff tty toft# If Hf ftof | to*«f *ff If# #Mtof» ts tot fttofftob* to # %«to «MBM AM ft f* If* (ftftftA** Aft# | fktoftoto Atot (AA ft v m *”••## f#w AAto : p ,ii A Mi#if* Mra w i«ra im tli fl# «f IkMßft ttfpf itotofft ’fttfMf If #fNt tTlft toftto * tatofttolfft ftot ffAHA AA 9ft toflftofttote Tift i Aft Af9 ftpAff. I.tott t AA PfA tit Aftift Tfr toAtt-tott AA# f ptotoA All *ff Tff tfAA tint toil to"tot ttil AAt fflnp fp toft lAtf# Iff IfPAfft Pfr f Im# f WAPt fit AA# VMI ts (Into AA- ff* **At* TAP into tot t tAfttt to if# ftot#A «if toM rfjfii* till tft ftptt toftUlto ftftt Tft fttft p# AftfAit Iff fit ft# #*#t C*f A srTVf AAAtof If t into ftAft'A fMPttfih f *A.fA(A# for ftPi# iMfflt tot mitA «ftl AT- j TAft tf’f’A rrrto (At totA# tffil If i Ot»TflAUf. That incite sbfell dawn as flower* •prlag from the dual. ik*4 love fee rfee'tefeed where hate was e«ferated’ Hope am hop* ever. I haow Us hart to hefef th* aheer aod ! fttiai • WHf (ft# ftAlt’A fcOAAf ffM# •( tolto Intel fftoilt. T® feel the hilling canker-worm of trifle While rich rogue# la Uelr atolea lmxfry iktott; far j hare fall K. Tet from earth • coM Real My aoul looks out oa porting thing*, and cheerful The warm ssuriae flood* fell the land Ideal. Aad at HI l« whisper* to the worm and tearful. Hope oa. hope ever. Hope on. hope ever! after darkest Bight. Cornea, full of loving llta. the laughing morning; Hope on. hope ever; spring-tide flush) with light. Aye. crowns old winter with her rich adorning. Hope oa. hope ever! yet th* tiro* aha!! root* When man to roan will be a friend And teroUtof; And this old world shall be a happy home And all earth's family lore one an other. Hope on. hope ever. —Chas. Maekay, SirTlßOsT The silkworm I* liable to over 1W dls eattt. Java haa *on* into manufacture of quinine. The Japanese language is made up of words. A traveler can journey around the world In 50 days. ■ This year's cranberry crop in Wiscon sin Is estimated at U.ot-o laurel*. (lreat Britain rules twenty-one of hundred square mite#.of the earth'* surface. Of the nearly two trillion Inhabitants of Berlin Only 42.0H0 have an annual In come of over 1750. While Berlin haa only one-nineteebth of the population foPrussia It pay* nearly onv-slxth of the nleome tax. It Is estimated that all the gold rain ed In California since lkts could ba put into a room 12 yards long, 6 yards wide aod 5 2-3 yards high. The passion flower which grows In the South American forests can only be enjoyed where It grows, as It fades al most as soon as It picked. The London of the future will. If Frederlek Harrison's vision is reallxed, have no coal, no steam engines, no horses, «nd all heavy traffic will lie sent along deep underground electric mil ways. On the Parana and other South Am erican rivers. It la no unusual thing for a steamer to run on a sandbank and be obliged to wait for several days—some times a week—for a heavy rain to float It again. A theatre programme printed in Bos ton contains an advertisement that Is almost a* amusing as the performance on the stage. It runs: “ will, with this coupon nnd 25 cents. Shampoo Tour Head." Formosan rise Is so good and so abun dant that the island has earned the ti tle of the "granary of China.' The tea raised on the island goes mostly to Am erica. Other profitable products are su gar, petroleurp, Indigo and coal. Special bargains in school books at Richards & Sha -1 ver’s book store. THIS IS IT %#mitoft nra»*» liflfta | aAw* Jf ki f iAt FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES all ahades $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tulormf. Hitt, Iwniihm^. Mt* > The Ideal S i Diuf Store r S - * Wes* wfesr# MM i / RasaaF* pusanyrta* F baadket l •kb ear# afed 4mm*. mm r* V j ibr heat Drag* *>• *»-4 a»d / J - ■t, ifeMsfetmff iwxka i» \ y a#S4 H r srhfeS tfevy #sa s«4 *<J t / st shuv prior- Yofe slg Und Ifees f V m fea#* nr'—- 1 Ikr art of rua- J ! M( | • |Hug fko*» hr ih* raalsar y ) I inmtl r way. Mafed os js*r|Ht- / € ralgtaa to Ml. \ / Paints, Enamels / / and Stains / ? Wa bars Iheas all. Don’t furgat 1 \ tin. abtu jroa ao- tiling u t . u.s / l tail. I / French Furniture Polish 7 f Wifi *>ak* y«>ur fliroltura as y V bnsbtssnsw K< sry hoßMsheutd J i hare It—She kottife \ / Floor Wax and Brushes 7 J Th* kind m<»« popular, ce os f C for ihi. aud othar bout* wanta. ) ? Atelier Drm Ctupais > J 70S BKOAO RT. J ROBEY TO LOIR In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiander&JoliDSOQ A gen's Scottish A m--r c in Mortgage Company. 705 Broad St | PORTNER’S \ C HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET l / BRANDS OF f j Export \ > Beers <! ? ARE THE BEST l S ASK FOR THEM. C SFPTEMBCR 14 COLOATO'S \ lOKIS SOAP Abili mm, ft tffii* CAKfI. t. I Cardelle. Druggist T *wfef* Vectlfie 9*oipta f t pfft NtflQfMll V»c» dvl t » . Ift r eat* i»«tb «mw> ft I .OO fOf (O pQfflle. #WI ftaC Wife# wfednfehdw f hftarßtata. L I. Catoillg Druggist Ue t Tak« Out Kink Mkhiri th# h#>r eir#i#hl. feta#», feiiky RfHi SO (•fell )Af. L A. (iihklic. tVusjjjrtl. Look to lour Hearths. B-feutlfut Birth Lu«lm u«#d by eimofet • vwry fe* m< / n ibp nly for taeerihe and fir#ftoc#e. 29c hot tie. L K. Gardcllc. Dfugfßt Tbe Augusta Herald Line!, Brijßta! nl At Bit Xiiifißf httl U TlllSft'Ul a TT.R vm NEW* tut: XEWH Ilf TUT WORLD WlltLK IT IS NEW* 12 TO It HOt'RH AHEAD Of* OTHKR OB»»«OIA AND s bOLTH « AKoUNA * PAPER*. »wi triai tat conns tot mm • PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 71k SI.. Alftnstt. Cl. 6I V EB HKE EYE rtITS *w all «*•*» <* •i|M, ,rin4. Ik. pr»»»r «Unm Mid »*► B I!(T« llwiu Lrnae* cat into yrew hti"» while yo» wail. FREE OF CKARuE. _oki»> »t vor K COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Uuaraotord. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball 'Rhone 51*il Stronger a® The Whltely Exerciser. ( A practical, rimplaand I efficient Home Exerciser, ones prcislly sd-pted for ladies and children, bu at the satuo time can be protitiibly used by the strongest athlete. PRICES: 75&, ii.oo, ti.aa BICYCLES CL EVE- i LANDS, 140 up; VIK -IX(,S. $35 up; GEN- 1 DRONS, $lB up: THOM-[ AS, SSO tip. ' all and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st^elepboiielSft.n 1 1 male Leased Wires Piled to New York Chicago and New Orltana. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro visions for cosh or on margins. Local securities bougrht and sold. References —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. _ r n