The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 15, 1898, Image 1

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T*S * *%•**> I **"*»#,*«£?* t^ati*** iiin mmmm* m&mmtt fr n— n#•> FftAJ #* J■’*^'■*#**4* ns m ■i n» OrpUilM il* IxpiH Acittv Atnidti *i4 Imuwtt Will Lh TMi Htli Cim Mi hi at fltlt (lakv A 4 aaftrai ##4 C4MM4 44 !§#•»•• 4M VwfW»»4> pwr <**■»# •*# wi »w^^m I*##* Mill tIMPVf Ifeaif f,*w** r * <■>#• PttW «4<*fiNl ID* *— N ll» «Di* imvi h*» ba»a iaf«'’ftfta*4 ii 4 bn inill* y*ftinini(f Torm haa mpulirl • #««» paiiy h*r« »uh fcfHa* ri*hl*4t <fl ilcmf to taraprtfc* iawiralt* l»f ihnit (|»| Mrt d^afolN _ _ » aff»sfttif# übdi*f flk# AM*’#** *Q lltf fortridcßni lirtv rlvnti Tt*# frtan ir# 4#«*na m*4 io •*** '** *• Ifn4 of Ui« tM b(V AH*rff«Bt Ho* five litvrttfftt li%at«*at *4 Manila Hr nf. II —Th# ItutrinM •v,ro*t#4 Ihr suburb* of Manila »#* tartar a* stated. They AM so la a grand marrV la which ararlf S.Mff aim tank ran At Ini an far of Ihr F'.lipin# leader* wrr* strongly Inclined to rralat. hat othrrr who wrta lar«»ty ioduratlal wrra itlrrarlr aasioaa to a»oM a cob flirt | The ffttlmatuw of Ora OtU waa dr ll*et»d to lhr rtltpioo* laal Friday The Fillfflno mtnaellora war# **cy friendly to thr latrtrMi and spent Saturday Sunday and Monday amnae thr laaurgrata aad dlatrlrt leader* «r|Ni| ihrlr r»<n>pllaacr with ihr Aro erlran commander* drmanda. Aguin aldo'a dcdaloo -to comply waa largely determined by thr drairra of thrar Irad- j rra. Aguinaldo on Tuesday *"t»t a com mission to Orn. Otla to dtarum thr dr tnanda. Hr conceded thr legal uoan awerabillty of thr American position and requeatrd a few minor croreaalona Gen. Otla held to hla original demands, end (ood after thr commiealcmcra left the Insurgent* began quitting the city, 4tM> marching out to one suburb and 200 to another. Ycsterdar afternoon there w»* a gen- ! era! movement throughout the city. 81a hundred FTliplnca from Emit* and j Mnlate paraded over a part of Call* j Bagum Bayar and down the Lunetta. their bands playing and colors flying. They tainted the American posts and cur soldiers cheered. All is quiet In the city. Gen. Otis raid last night that thr j situation was very satisfactory. Some of the Insurgent generals are disgrunt- i led at Aguinaldo’s compliance with the America?! demands, but they are not likely to make trouble. The Insurgents rt rosin in control of the waterworks, bi t th* American’s have free use of the supply. The Filipino Congress meets today at Meloies. The Spaniards ate to have the Fillpincs leave the city, and crcwdsd übor.t the Lunetta to see the jnrade of th" retiring Insurgents. In ter-island trade is reviving, and Am erican ships are entering Cebu and Il oilo unmolested. The Spaniardr. com plying ivlth Gen. Otis’ suggestion, have remitted the inter-island duties. The Peace Commission. Washington, Sept. 15.—A1l the mem brrs of the peace commission with the c: esption of Gray had an extended ronferencs with the President today. Secretary Day. Senator Davis and Mr. Whltclaw Reid arrived a little after 10 o’clock nnd Joined the President in the cabinet room. Senator Frye was tele phoned for and in company with Sen ators Penrose and Quay reached the white house about 10:45. It is under stood Senator Gray’s train has been de layed for some unknown cause, but Is expected to reach Washington this af ternoon. Review at Camp Poland. Knoxville. Tenn., Sept. 15.—General and General McKee re viewed the second division of, the first corps at Camp- Poland today. The di vision began forming at S o’clock on the parade grounds used by the First Georgia and Thirty-first Michigan. Tire third brigade passed first, then the second and first in the order named. An immense crowd saw the review. The Th rd Forth Carolina (colored) is expec ted here today and the fourth Kentucky Saturday. . - • THE PERSON WHO KNOWS AND WHO WANTS TO KNOW ALWAYS READS HERALD WANT ADS. ft* staff* a THE AUGUSTA JI EH ALU. tot < Mr t k. or* tuifcp tti. Mg tk # Mb* » NS t «*# A miftits fls«l t'vas SblSs , Mfttfg - ct Ktfl flJkflfli.- -f es flifc | TKAUEDI AT LOt IS' 11.11’.. A Nstsnaas’i Psnwotw Makes Heath IhmM* Smra. I f(.#t ft**l#* |#f| If tit# fl<*ii>i>. tl IK | a trail Ihe wflfar !ft fit tit# itfUf VII* I ttflw# | imiti riwKii. N ywri <44, • It 4omr«tk who <*»r# htd #mf*»y« >4 |>y VI Uft#r. WHEELER REMriBSCOfIUTANO ' lisped Camp WkfcoM So Hcm«i« IslwS l nSSS Oct. i. j Moniauk Pntnt. N. Y . *#ff< »- lltpr Iksml J<wph A Wheeler has arrived here and resumed • uromeod #f 1 the rwmp He aoye he khowe nothin* , . ,iu I ■ ■ iiMj riij mt far having 1 1... . sixth revairy reglmewi maerh t* i Island City, and that th- wsr depart 'ment all arrangement* for mov ing them, and they probably will he sent to Huntevllle to jrdn «. neral t'op jplngcr * regiment, or may go to Cut* (with Major General Filshugh Lee. .General Wheeler espn-naed the opinion that the camp here would not lie alma- \ ] dimed before October I. _____ WILKES GOES DRV. Prohibition Win* By a Malertty of jp Voles. i Rpeclal to Th - Herald. | Washington, Ga.. Sept. 15.—-After one (of the moat esctttng elections In the ! history of the county, old Wilke* has tgonf dry* The majority for prohibition, a* the | [result Of yesterday's election. Is 351. Ship* Probably Lost. Barbndoa, Sept. 15. The British ship Luanda, 1.447 tons. Captain Dodge, from Rio Jsneiro. and th? American bark Gray Unwood, 592 tons. Captain J Gilley, New York, for the port of I Spain, beth lying at this port when the j reci*it hurricane arose, w ere both ■ blown out to sea and have not been heard frem since. The further losses sustained were principally to coasters. Park Buteshire Lost Mobile, Ala.. Sept. 15.—the British j barque Buteshire was wrecked last j night on the south coast of Chandeleur ! Island. Captain Curtis and the crew 1 were saved. The vessel was bound from ; Buenos Ayres to Ship Island;' unin sured. ’ American Bark Lost San Francisco, Sept. 15. Tbo American bark George F. Manson. 135 days from Sydney, N. S. W,, for this port, has been given up as lost. It is thought she went down In the great, storm off tbe Australian coast four months ago. New York Futures. New York. Sept. 15.—Futures opened steady. October 5.45. November 5.47, December 5.50, January 6.55, February 5.59, March 5.C4, April 5.68, May 5.70, June 5.74. Dr. Samuel Eliot Dead. Beverly, Mass., Sept. 15.—Dr. Samuel Eliot, former president of Trinity col lege, Hartford, Conn., died at Beverly Farms, aged 78. Dr. Eliot vvas a nota ble contributor to literature. Yellow Fever. Jackson, Miss., Sept. 15.—Four new cases of yellow fever were reported to the board of health from Orwood and five at Taylor’s station. Miss Lula Tay lor is not expected to live. Inspector Gant reported two suspicious cases at Oxford. They are now being investiga ted. The freight quarantine against Jackson has been raised so as to allow the shipment of articles notjikely to carry infection-. ■ Ulli ; policy sin a. i *a_ t * - ft a lf j, ] HiiH |lf I NtVi ffltafttel Eflfiffl. YINk Ik llmi NPff •##►*t*#4 llf# DtaftiiMff % #*t##4Kf. c ttf# ?Kr fml Iftr *f Idfkftk tut Ife# rtj-#rr I frftlt i %% tM I tfvnl 4miU . |]|~rntS*.r if |||# Vfllfftf A of til# (*ftft#4 iUMKI IlflKff ••• !hftt III# i m ilk# nrv tlMi of th# 4m ' ■BAftAlbifitv fit# <h# crvfnmfti of n irtti group of iKlftntffl to tlifttAfit from our A MC»||lKt#ct bf Hllltivtl of rrntilh in § gift# .I « ni] hftrliaricn W»v got 4r#m#4 win# H\* irmM bf n» r mhrn« of th# »«IntmJ#tr»tMHi (lit Ito b# oht«iii#ct thrnugb th# r#i**t»Moo (4 th# fruits of Admtrsl D#w#y*s trkiory will rum# fUN M outfiy If th# t*«ft#4 .stint h«»l<ts (isiy th# UHib4 of t*uiot) ' os If sh# kr|»t them all. TR OPS CAPTURE A TRAIN. A Spec4#l Claim 4% til ft# l il#4 By the f ulloian Company * ' Columbus. O , M#fH 11.- Th#r# waa ii arpfrstlmial sr#fi# let th# no ton at a* lion Isst night when tmops A. Ii and C, 'of the First Ohio volunteers, took for irtble possession of the trnin and r<*- • fused to permit It to bemoved. The I soldiers were brought in from Hunts ville !« tourist sleepers, but the con- I tract only railed for their use as far Us Columbus, so the IVnosylvsn's rail t road ordered the Cleveland men out, thst the cars might be returned to j Cincinnati. The men refused and whetv ; the engine coupled on five ears an arm ed line of guards waa thrown out 1 'around the trnin. Tbe railroad people i were forbidden to move the train, the ' Intention being to have one of the Cleveland road* haul tbe cars. The j men were to have left here before mid .night, but It was after 2 o’clock when Major Webb Hayea and District Paa- I Danger Agent Harris finally eompro- j ? mised th? matter- The soldiers woo |«heir point, and the cars went through lon a apcclal train and a claim for ex- Stra service will be died by the Pullman company. BETTOR FOEI.INO PREVAILS. Gen. Otis Cables the Government on the Situation. Washington. Sept. 15. General Otis today cabled the department "Manila.—Adjt. Gen., Washington, t Affaire are much more satisfactory. The demands for the withdrawal of tho Insurgent forces were complied with, and all have withdrawn or are with drawing today except the small forces In the outlying district* which are not obeying the Insurgent leader. Aguin aldo requests a few days In which to withdraw them by detachments and punish the commanding officers. Over two thousand have already with drawn. No concessions were granted to the Insurgents, but strict compliance with the demands of the Bth instant was required. General good feeling is prevailing. Manila is quiet and busi ness is progressing favorably. No I difficulty is anticipated. We have been compelled to confine the Spanish prisoners temporarily within the lim its of the walled city. Korean Royalty Poisoned. Yokohama, Sept. 15. Further ad vices from Seoul, the capital cf Corea, sty that the King of Corea, who with the Crown Prince, became ill Sunday last, supposedly from poison, Is recov ering. The Crown Prince, however, is quite ill. It is believed the poisoner was a lady of the household. A Jealous Husband. Hoffman, a Pine Hill blacksmith, mur (jsred his wife and killed himself on account cf jeauousy. Mr. A. C. Dillman has returned to Augusta, after an absence for years to Savanah. He will probably locate here again. AlCsl ,*T A. OA I FATAL »*>T IS ST. UAfe MfiliftK rift#lflt IV* I fflft Hi NKr* iffn* tks v.l»a«» fl«« .«»»■ (Ma • hwnes !*■**■ « MgM <,-H »et Mws HI MORLD WITI RV LNKM NIMID, Ihr Mutation In Havana Is At Ml Cbaatk, h**«»n Havana. Asp'. 14, *— Vi* Key West Rem It. Rumor, to the effect that strained rein! loll* ex .St between tbe HffncUh romwtlatton and lb* Hnltnd Hi a tea Kvarwattam comm.a* ion nr* nb solutelj «nfounded Titer* have l*t« tittle Inrtdents. but BO iwnl bill he* - For instance when the I'nlled Stales irai spott Kssoiute nub the AmerVnn ion suasion an board; arrived. Malur da> morning, she did not fire a sa lute on entering th* harbor hut Inter tired th* regulation salute when vlsl- j ted hy tbe British ronsnl. whtt has j lieen acting for the I'alted Staten. 1 This action was commented upon at ' tbs pains. In conaevptenc* of which «ipla nation ft w#r# «*i#»kbk»*«i hiiiih* ‘the evening atlth the ihoaH. thnt thn Resolute on Dusted the Span ish rotor* In honor of the birthday of the Princess of the Austurlas. and at -noon same day when the Spanish fUtg rhtp Alfonso 1111 Bred a salute In honor of the royal blrt bday. It was an swered hy th# Resolute, i Saturday morning shortly after the arrival of the Restitute, a shell explo ded In the ordnance nark, killing two soldiers. The local newspaper* were not allowed to publish anything In connection with the incident so aa to 'avoid a misinterpretation upon the part of sensational newspapers The explosion was purely accidental. , The "meat ring*' continue* to keep the price of meat at from fifty to sixty cent* a pound, In spite of protesta and efforts by large responsible Dims to the government, offering to Import cattle and place meat on the market at. j 25 cents a pound. It will be Inter esting to watch the course pursued hy tbe host of counts and marqubes hold ing title* of nobility In Spain and here. The aristocracy of Cuba are all Spanl*h grande* holding Castilian titles, of which they are very pioud, and which they renounce with great j reluctance. These grandee, who have been holding titles for generations, i formerly owning vast properties In the; island, form the most rabid Ctibanism here. They will be forced either to remain Spanish «übjects and continue enjoying the privilege, rank and title, or relinquish all claims to this honor, and become plain Tom. Dick and Har- The name will happen to a long list of Cubans, widows and orphans of Spanish officers drawing pensions ( from Spalu, which are their only | means of support. The situation here may be summed up as chaotic. It is impoH»tble to tell exactly what the future will develop even regarding the commission. Its powers appear to be. very limited, the members having to submit every trifle to Washington for consideration before acting. Not Committed to Defense Paris. Sept. 15. The Matins says that while the cabinet is divided as to the authenticity of certain documents in the Dreyfus ca6e, all the ministers admit that they are not committed to the defense. Hence, the paper adds, a revision of the trial will bring up the question of th© responsibility of General Mercler, who was minister of war at the time of Dreyfus, convic tion. Vesuvius In Eruption. Naples, Sept. 15.—Mount Vesuvius 1:; presenting the grandest spectacle since 1872, due to a violent outburst of ac tivity. Three imposing streams ere flowing down the mountain side, burn ing the chestnut woods, nearly reach ing the observatory, destroying a part cf the railroad and threatening the bar racks of the carabineers. Wife Murderer Hanged Brace Bridge, Oati, Sept. 15. Wm. Jas. Hammond wai hanged here today for the murder of fiis wife. 1$ HII now Tifli h ik* iiMfllM ll# Tflfll K Pitt* N*fl. It* I* tliimnt \ftMM fk* Ifi i* t|«| §4 tfc? iMftffct t |4 4 KMilf CMpLTlil Trxit Nf* 4i>t#4 I #4*. (Tr«#i4r>l Imk A 4#t#t *< Iwt «t»| lotftH i rifoim ai. Ilr IK I Aftu«f 4of itKMki || • fejrtitiffftlkSfe. «»4 If Ik# —>m i il> lit 4##tn»yiM (D# I - M . _sa aaaaslaa as,# mw mi *tir f mm til oft i f it v m* #»**rt >## * t ir * biinri po**r Pr##44#nt r»t»f# Imk rik4# (Hr rHunfekti of (H# #r* mt aid ii# Iklki#4 rtitrfm. «l>o will dn kutthlvtc to »ro»4 (Hr #tpo*tir« (Ml K fw«KlnK would ftiiKll. Kftd (H#r «r# r#r4y U» pJfetr (H«i KrWtniry f»w#r In Hl# hind* A aillitferr roup 4*#Uii It i hrr#forr frtflp mt)#r(Kr#4 today a« th# prohabt# (M»iro«# of N># rrteU. it Ho ok) t*ftur#'» rffort to bull dot# th# Britfoft 'ibloH fall (KIT SOLDIERS niXED. A Case at “AH Colored Soldier* l ook Alike to Mollve. f*b*> poii.-e r,)( mixed In prisoners at the station this momma It was a ..-a** of 'all colored sol dier* look alike to lh- police " i Imst night two soldier* of the tenth were t<r■ otght to police statkm. A color ed lieutenant brought «oe and Officer Hatcher brought the other. I The one the lieutenant brought In was only detained until tbe lieutenant coukl get the wagon from camp to con vey the soldier sway, for he had passed the walking slag'*, being too drunk to navigate." , The other soldier was also Intoxicated and had t>een very disorderly. About daylight the lieutenant came and got h.s prisoner. Ai coutl this morning the other pris oner was hiought before the recorder. ‘T* this Chester AtholT’ asked hi* honor. “No, sir; my name If Douglas Slmih, replied the prisoner. • Where I* Athoir said the Judge. ! “Athol has I teen carried off by the lieutenant.” said Smith. , Officer Hatcher looked closely at Smith He said he believed the lieu tenant took the wrong man. He exam ined Smith'* coat. "We have the wrong man.—Athol had ‘one button missing from his coat. This mas has none gone.” Smith w»* locked up again to await the lieutenant’s coming. The latter has now discovered hi* mistake. It Is supposed. BOY WANTED. The Troupe Ready For Tonight’s Show. The large company of Boy Wanted has reached Ihe city and are ready for [their performance tonight.' Quite a I large number of tickets have been sold, [and a good show will be witnessed. Porto Rican Troops Return. New York, Sept. 15. The trans port Concho, with General Wilson and staff, o fthe First division. First corps, and the slaff of the Sixth corps of General Miles’ army, arrived today from Porto Rico. 'I he ship sailed from Ponce September Bth. The troops aboard her include a detach ment of Company C, United States en gineers, the unattached battalion of ar tillery, battery A, Missouri artillery, battery A, Twenty-Seventh Indiana artillery, battery B, Pennsylvania ar tillery. To Discuss Instructions. ''Washington, Sept, 15. The president has called a special meeting of the cabinet this afternoon for the discussion of Instructions to the Paris peace commission. Doth at Camp Hamilton. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 15—The twelfth death at Camp Hamilton occurred last night—Private Bancroft, of the Twen ty-first Kansas, of typhoid fever. No Consolation For Black. N. Y« Evening World. Governor Black will find little con solation In the fact that LI Hung Chang has afso lost his yellow jacket. ftVft I Elt AflA A TLA# T nttfßAlr UM, ts tM HHQ MII I TAIR 1MI» ATARI * fWNs* fßHarppa fff Mm fIWR***MM liana lot HMBpt. '•mi 4 a < 9H# bm-4 skas in# If# Ifeatiaik#* “fWr ItflifflK* t,;ws'*| 111###' Twf M #*r ROM | R U TW! CKJAROS. Vf*l<«»444 of \ «H«fit 9>H*« # Com* float IN# CufnpMt • j Tli- tvifalr (I«ar4« AuiuUft f rra#H niaht T)r ufeW#ffl #|#ri#4 ttf# a a f*4* j C. yiifi U uivfiinl ll W 34>**r#. tiffroad UnttUUiix -U*r iH# R#at». filial a**r«s*tiiif -\% Vk* Halt *y* J#* nrfirwnt —J # m#a r . fiml C»*rfi* »al K H feh«L*« ti#« <'*t4 «Vhfioral- K K Wllllama. i THIr4 i%irtM*ral T D C*r%Hl. K»»urih C'fffetfffel' N*. K. Vllllrr. Jr. Privai## l|#l»H#a. RtifttfQftl • II aoi* toood. Hayn#*. H4cmuiß. fMlvrr. Jft#k* •*#!. MrOuftkT Bak#r. feitffuwl. Hufe | h«nt. F«»#4. U«#. IN»Wn. Hi irrlftua, HlM**y M##iH. I*)unk#( an 4 j XH# «)u»rdß witt live a drill on Broad idr##t aom# m*hi In lh# n#ar futur#. Tti#y wilt I# arrofnpanlad l y a twad. A CALLED nEETiNO. • - sain Held By Ike Equitable Building and Loan Aasoclalloff i A talM «f (b# of th# EquiUhl# Bui Id In* and AfqKwlKtton wii h#kJ In th# cowfeftlf riffle#*, Broad *tr##t. today, at noon. Thei** a good at* ndane# of utorkholder* in peraon, both from Au- Ktiata allJ from other rltl#*. The total number of ahare* |>r#n#nt» In fiftlltm and hy proxy, '*»* 7.T54. A new Board of Dlractora «hu» #l#et *#»d to nerve for th# n#xt flßht yaam. a# follow*: Jo*. B. Cummins. Chaa. G. Goodrich. Armintftad F fVndleton. Hooert VV Hhand. of Columbia. Richard A. tlravea, of feparta. Albert H. Hatch, Georg* B. Goodrich, and Henry H. Cummin*. # The annuat meetln* of th# company will occur on the find Monday Ir. J.m* uary. (JOLLEY NOT IN IT. Hl* Right to Be Proud Ecll-sed By Mr. Hughes. There I* a man In the Third ward who is proud. Mr. Gouley Isn’t In It with him, and as he walks along dark i eorners are illuminated by hi* counte nnnee. Mr Gouley has his cnunrllmanlc nomination, but Mr. Jo*. Hughes, of Calhoun »treet. has the proud title of “pnoa” and the right to rock a eradle. He Is doubly entltleil to the name as tbe Rift of the stork consisted of twins. { Both of the little tots are girls and as Mr. Hughes walks around receiving the coggratu'atlooß of his frionds he 1b : the proudest man around. * NO ANS,WER. The War Department Pays No Heed ; to the Governor’s Telegram The exact time of the mustering out j of the Second Georgia or how It will be done bos not been determined, or at • least if it has Gov. Atkinson has not been so Informed. The governor telegraphed the war de partment about the arrangements, but at last report had received no Intelli gence about the matter. ii Is not known whether Col. Brown will be assigned a command or whether he will he given his old commission. Y. n. C. A. DOTS. Board Meeting Tomorrow at 6 O’clock P. M. The Y, M. C. A. Board of Directors will meet at the Association building at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to complete arrangements concerning the Y. M. C. A. night school, which has been mention In The Herald already. Rasi bet-ball games will shortly be again inaugurated at the Y. M. C. A. I These games were the source of much amusement and exercise to a number of voting men last year, and will, no doubt, prove as popular this season. The A". M. C. A. has some adepts at the basket-ball sport. T. J. Williamson, representing the National Leaf Tobacco company, of Winston, N. C., is at the Planters. ft* 0m fa* a*# f ##* * if m* ft 4Mflflfftftk I a,* aga fatal# ftwjh Iff# ft «b ftV«| j fliwft <«a •tHMRI i *a«r mt ik«#4M tUfellfeS Kill Afefe tITNI Mil, #ft *#* mt *#__ i ii nil HflMlllE |t In Km frlHir M lilt# (MM Hi Will o.u»4ti i|r C\|#riiliMiW Hrm*l Maumv If# <fW lli' ts il AffcfNNMK NMM** ••>* 9*f9+ • (M I | £ _ _ , § - intnii. i*#A !& Kmh+#±*6m tfafli . *d*9Ntt‘f *t* fttW AWt* t : »* M tc4>* fitvi fMI ;i|# inf fi >itT t«# jMMHMVM I # it'll 1 * Aa4 mr A 4Mwm’**vl* «f»* p*wmt fit «fl»r tffUtt alNat*** sw*f *»#M| **r# frf rullUa4«M ***** Mm) tnvw&lf MttN flr**« Brttaift, Mrt fc# lua n»4> i# tr* »** Mtw IN til?» •alas io aaiiliac la IN* aatara of m i m*f* In • aftnai IMU* «H-.r,l«tai| ill ft* fir I null ft**!** nffr* (Hos Hr, Hay, fwini i« fmli from roai**« » ih III* llrHUh «4ttlrffi, will b* *h* m*m ilronafei »ho» a fatal *r* r*ng*flM*M mar I am la a aoailNa to km»* ibo* Mr Huy t« |No iti aaf Ms amniaaitaL MOHJ! VCR KNOW. M ft fli«<b of Vt«*k»Nurff In at tta II H ‘N*m«*r «T or* la at ’N II A f AlfilU ha at IN* As llnffm. * * J Walk*r of Raltlvnarr la at th# Ar l A o*h**a of Atlanta l« at tla Cooh A. J. PHor* of (Vnyrra fa at th* Ar* j,»hn A Vt<#da*ra of 11. M Hdt of Attanfa la at th* C C. Kinx*!*y of R>*t«»ti Hi at th* A. Clark of Hli hmon t la at th* C*a»- Hica. Wii«on of Hat >m X. C.. i* at tb* l*laiu»ri» \f X, Cobwr of Perry. Pa., la as thf» Aiiiaataa- » , K. F Cary of Macon la ivglaterod at t. V Hrnryifa'owkni *f ifibwon. Oa., I* at th* Aiiina'ton. It. Y>\ as Knoxville la at the Arlington. Wni. l-'ulvhti. as la at th* Arlln*t* n W A Ruffin, of B. C. # la In th* city. Aol Flush man of Atlanta la at the Plant*ra today. T. <4. hkelllt of.Th* Maron TVleirraph Ih nt th t Plfßttn. C. W. Itlraaa, of Rural Retreat, Va., [la at the Planter*. ! R A. Weathersbee of Willistom, 8. C., [ ln nt the Commercial, i 54. C. Willi* cf Yorkvllle. 3. C., I* at the Planter* today. W. T. Geritty and Gilbert Smith of Atlanta are tn the ettjr. James Walt and A.. 0, Pope of Nor folk Are at the *J»m>tr»3r’lal. S. H. HuttolJ of VYUmlngton, N. C. t I* reglstei, d fit itvj.nsjmmerelal. S. tl. llarMTOk of tb' Southern rail way I* doviw (iofikAllAnta today. (VC. T:likK® barn salesman from Dan vie Planter*. A. It. .wtouthem railway «K"iit at HljjW UU; a, t'-. I* In the city today. .' !j" M. M. Riley, president of the Green ville KeniHltVOotleße. Is at the Commer cial;! ' y.** . * IH. T. IX'’.JPOWelJ,' oijUperlntendenf of the WlliedßaA'ilie Innate asylum.. I* a( the Aillngton. Mltfe Sallie Hunter fame down frort Crawford. Ga.. this afternoon to con tinue her studies al the Tubman. Mr. John Adamas Oarnihl ,a former Auguslan, son of Major J. A. Oanahl. is here from HovuTinah on a short visit. Tire following New Yorkers are at th.o Arlington: Sam MuJHlham, Chas. K. Lawrence, C. H. Irish, C. Longatreet, Ralph Minor, It. O. Stebblns. C. V. Schuyler. R. Shea, V. T. McKelvey and M. C .Stokes. The many friends of Mrs. R. O. Tu dor will regret to learrf that her aged mother. Mrs. Venlo King, of Grove town, has been stricken with paralysis, and is 111 at Mrs. Tudor's on Liberty street. Have You a Son, Brother, Husband or Lover in the Army or Na? vy? Mall him today a 25 cents package of Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. All who march, walk or stand need it. It cures aching, tired, sore, swollen, sweating feet, and makes hot, tight or new shoes easy. Eeet can’t blister, get sore or callous where Allen’s Foot-Ease Is used. 10,000 testimonials. All druggists and shoe stores sell It. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, I.e Roy, N. Y. Mr. Pink Wood Returns. Mr. Pink Wood, who has received an honorable discharge from the army, arrived yesterday afternoon from Huntsville, previous to existing, Mr. Wood wag a gained employee of the Augusta railway company, and lays down his musket to take up the motor [key.