The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 15, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL COAL WVtCA iIAAt t AMU HfffAll 111 M f•» IH Rod Mh JvttiCO •Ml Gem J<WOO Aftlt%r»r*«e lit end M«t " CITY ICE COMPANY. tsarroe to mwuirf* Mint Me* tewO, Ibf* gggmifll mt ■ *• «f Mm» MpIkMIIiI i* *#■«* cut as its* maiiimiwvs «* Ifc* ***** ft*' t**rnmm**» IMMlngt *» 1 g m * w yumf #* f%* itftfAif **4#- * 0f Mi Hip #4Pi(#ft Ft*#*# ft«MI »rnrrtiEf * j WMMI IV (#•• (MirVHM# t##4 •#* r *M*= mwm «r **• *•*«* ***** *** ***** j *####»•»» I* Ml* Mm***** 1 . •MOM*** tM *fc»f WMt <■»**#*•*« Ml Iht iMtfl I# Ml* fb* ***** *** jj f IIMi >*»'*«■ ta* €%»«•** *•!*•* ar .y , I aftr ~ it#*4f •# NMI* ****** fV aO* •was#* a*#ye>w*et»m ***' ■ CAaIT M'O*"** *MI In* »«-*•**■ M* >.** I*4 >»*W'"*f >k* •**' •**» f*n mm a**# vkel ••* «««"» sow HiV'tl iMHft • Btft#d M )M Mm MHm lr****4 * MM* j •I*** ptetfWvkk. TK* MNflMlte 1 *t | * la* tkt«*fc*r *>*« •*****• I* #»• | •til Mm m*ttlM»» »<**» *4 ft*" fag mp B—1» •* •* V 4 * ##B# •A fßM###|# s■? f## iß#!* •#'#•*-. to *• f* «**!* >. Ml M •*• '••■•I* I** '•** - pt*rpaa* «* *»M*t^**^***»*r* terml *«*m lll*** **» M*M*«i I* meet ■ Mr* Via* IM ##H*rS MUM* t* •*•• 1 MWfti at tfc* **M ill an* Miter in** mi —i y*ai* trial*nnl. Mi <•***•**• tM. tfcetr latetktt#* !•• r**Mt lA* poMl 4# (*»«*» ifc* OMi •** Mlllfi* W »**• IM* *rMM f*«m t* •>* m<- •{ ilm ri«**r night knmH thrr* was »M * w«*4 asarg *• lM*l Baa. Aftat moot as Mm *4n«ft*t pirtf M last Ih* Hl* ysatergay. It Wa* learned <4* **r*ll»*t aatanvtty that. I* j carlifilra nit* Chairman MeCkrven Ilka again rlaltwW* twrvamtst re# had given Ml* full ••« **U*f*rl»f* MM- 1 mar* that (hr* waatg *«M aappart • (him IMkrt. ***» if Ik* Bytncoa* mintwi Ur*arvtl th* CMctfn i-'tt-. farm. TV oMt* yroflM naa that the randtdate far |»limit should not ba 1 A hatily f«nfwl«* I® IS* n *w*, IbtM liri, I* «h® •»* Hn«M Allas, published *>» Hand McNally A Co ~ of CkM|*. ra * t * ln> Mil*.'!) |»|H Of inlortl map®. among them Oibi ant Havana harbor, tha W«t IndM. Kpaln and Portugal. tha Philippine® and Chi* j an and Worth Amorim. Thla atlas haa the beat eoUaetion of war mapa that era hava ae—. It Would not be con founded with tha amall cheap atlaae* aoid at tha at ore®. Can he obtained only from Tha Augusta Herald. Price M renta. SPAIN WILL Be SLOW. Frye Doe* Not Expect Negotiations to Lad ThU Year, Lewiston. Me., Bept. M.-4UBnlor William I*. Frye ha* pone **> Washing- j ton to fain the other member* of the peace com ml eat on. He aald: (t la arotnp to be a very dl*agreeble and troulheaanie care. It take* a Hpan lard a lopp tifh# to do anything and hi* diplomat y I* Interminable. "Secretary Day will be the chairman of the American commission. I do not Imagine there will be e Joint organlsa tlotv. The meeting* will be largely peparate. Proposition* will be made, and counter proportion*, till some mu tual ground I* found. The Spaniard* will make every demand, and at aome stage we must play a stiff hand. ■The problem* to be nettled are very aerlous and Spanish and American <ll - are as far apart as the north and smith poles. It U to be expected that SpaJn will make ever* effort to retain the Phtllpplnee, end there will be almost no end to her diplomatic fen- work will not be completed until the th>aty Is drawn up In Kngllsh and Spanish. After that 1$ goes to two countries for ratification- AH this will tag* several months, and It is likely that 1899 will have come in by the time the treaty Is completed." To Whom It nay Concern. I have been In the drug business for twelve years, and during that time have sold nearly all the cough medicines manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of sueh remedies. I say that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy gives belter satisfaction than any other on the market.—W. M. Terry. Klkton, Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. H. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store, The Day of Atonement.— Among the Hebrews the Day of Atonement occur* on the 26th, and has Its pecullra signifi cance and observance. The order of service Is much the same as upon New Tear’s, but the burden of the prayers offered Is for the blotting out of the sins for the psat year. To the Intelli gent Hebrew this Is sufficient, but the Ignorant demand a service more In har mony with the ancient usage of the church. Hence, to some extent, the practice of offering sacrifices on the Day of Atonement Is still followed. For this reason, during the next fortnight, fowls of white plumage will command a higher price than those of dark, for In selecting the sacrifice white Is pre ferred because It Is the symbol of pur ity. A rooster is taken for a man and a hen for a woman, and. upon the Day of Atonement, the sacrifice Is offered in the home of the patriarch of the family, prayers and confessions being repeated before the slaying of the sacrifice. We have bought a very large stock of School Books and they must be sold at some price. Now is your chance. Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. , TNI H**T CRADIB OF - OOAIH As INI I Oft I M HtMA kWMIA BAVi It HIMJHL f#» tftttmf #1 #— Hi* 9«»##ftNMNHl i »#!■*•> VftMfr Y VVMW , ft A ■i f rtlW ArT > •ft mm* «p 4 li.imi«i i 9m f 1m I Hk t fm hmt *lmw '*&?%**s ««#|*i** m «ik« w*.»i» *«f IHnma • 9*mmm ;#4 MAvUlip «sqr <j>#Nt|hi «# IttliMOlililllllil t pt* "fIH In HiNi fwi* iMMpI^ Itihi nun •ifmi ft*«*i*» , i# H'in wn hf »*u*ii in n* inp4L fwMMI nMlg to nntm Kn in fit* si**** n m Ml «MV>*A «iml |n*A • Ffc'Wf *i W# tP IWnIMII Ff, Ml ta»HI •PNmIHHI Ift'MiNf •» iihyifvmf «*• !*«• in** in •>■#» wnnlifr t« MMAm^AIN I ' #•** >l.M|U | ltlll»* '*f AtAfF* ii.inny •- tin **•* In m 4 ytitali* M H* nfntn • ImtnF tn 9* f*iiiin|ii»i>ift • lifting Huns Immi mtiftnit*n tn •m" ftftt|NMkMMMft ftlftft iMt'-ftflli.ftft Mft l«Mf ' 9# Mli (r»-**HiMnrf nflNl fi'lft* I n mMmr ««M *A4 «nnift4 *m tM : ymlftnton mommy Mml Mm (nli*ft (ft in# limftpitft l. J%i Ift I'|i «r*i» IMR I*l Ml ftp* IM rftfttfUt I«•%»*! Hi Mr I Mrnft. ftfirf tiuftinff in 4 Until Mm. t««jft s - ii4ftht Mm not tft <ln Inini nfMMNMS Mft ism WMn I# *t««r Mft ftmftntMftrf M #mM*ftfft4 hm. TM 4ortitr« miilftl mn4 MaHM ft !tn Hut tM wml tiny vtll N>. no ftrliMliitft ttmi. | J, W. IMyyftft. of fifth f|mn, |ftt» . 1 hft<t DU ftttftrfc «»f tM mmilftk iurtr I thrift tun ft«o* «B 4 th* dift**** lift ; - him iltl Vftfy ftftvim pains tn th# rM«t. 1 '"1 thfiytn I ftftitd 4lf, M M writ** ' • But to my fFftftt k>y I ott ht« 4 hy - * iTtftmMrtftift'ft f*ftlh ftftlm ** fiitiit In i ( tM rMot nftftfty ftlwfty* tn<fi« ®t* th# j 1 ftyfirftftrh of iftrttfnonlMitl hy prompt* ftpplytaUl thtft IIM mint (in • flftnnH rjoth j -which *hout<l tft boulil Ml th# rhoftt ! -in fttlftrh of pf»«Him«>nift rrmy b# pm- | ! vmM. It •• ftl»«yft prompt ftnd if- j ! ftikftl For ftftlft ftt h and It roftti por | i hottlft hy AtftSftftMr Dnii A V*#4 C\a. # j !C. R. l*»rr of Brit Towrr Drug Stott. TRADE IS 0000. Business Fifty Nr Cant Better South I ban North. | Rome. Bept. 14.—Few people have better opportunity of Judging business I conditions than drummer*. They touch alt the pulae of trade from the rroa# roads general to the vast department store In the big cltie*. Hundreds come t« Home, and Just now there are from half a dosen to twenty her* every day. They are cheerful and aay business I* good, un- I usually good considering all coßdl t lona, ona said yesterday: "I have been along the coast country of Texas. Louisiana and Alabama and In Georgia. I have never had a more profitable trip. Here are eleven order* 1 have received ID Atlanta. Where I hove been doing business In hundred* lam now doing It In thousands. I am told by my firm that I am doing bet ter by 50 per cent than Its traveling repreaentatlvea In the North. While cotton la low In Texas, cattle and cer leala command a good price. In Louis iana there seems to be plenty of money. The rice farmers are doing well. It I* about the most prospermia state I’ve strurk. I attribute the bet ter condition* In some measure to the expenditure* made by the govern ment at the chief coast towns. Thla distribution of cash affects business favorably for 200 miles around the center. Second hand school books taken in part payment for new school books at Rich ards & Shaver’s book store. BICYCLING DON’TS. Don’t sit erect: it Is too good for your health. Don’t try to knock a street car Over with your bicycle until you've practi ced well on pedestrians. Don’t take the other man's bike when leaving. It may be a hotter make than yours; but It's safer to take your own. If In a race a rider falls In front of you, don’t stop to lie graceful in dis mounting. Get off the best way you can without losing time. Don’t use cyclometers if you want to preserve your temper and integrity. Don't come down a steep hill without a brake; you may break your head. Don’t be nervous when you meet a young lady acquaintance. Smile confi dently, take off your cap with either hand, or both, and choose a soft place to fall. Don't ride at less than thirty miles an hour if you are passing a horse and carriage. It is so refreshing to the nerves of the horse, if the animal is a little high-spirited. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. | The Kind You Hava Always Bought Secretary Jones, of the Augusta Ly ceum. requests all who are going to get Lyceum tickets and have not yet done so. to procure their tickets at once, as they are going very rapidly. 'THT® AUGUSTA HERALD "" l TTtt<EvsyTrTy i,li j| yx* a iT"" 0 m ftftt|ft® a imps pi Bap-»i on Vfhß «# vim smm iM'ftftOt | 'Hpn My M tftftt t«Mh# ||aftft l '4 fm iM go* ft ftT'«ft«ftfti *nf ifta AM** «gs TMji I*"* a ttao* ftMftft |i h#ftft tmt uift *m* fft-tftftft M ftpofttij | lift HftP, | ftMft ftMftV I* ; *■*# ftft ft | ' t'ftft ft i ftftKftßftf IftHftf ft# I M *^ r - ftp s |il«ft#«ft n» mm mm ttl.' ftsM i f*%# *! I ifthftft nit tftf (ft-f ft tm Mow Aft* tft j ihmt Mft ft*4 I Mmftfllft t ftftmaft VHlht j lit fftm mm in ftni nhl ft *ft *■■*# * «•»' , f Nfci hit ftp 'tft IM# tftft } Mr# itfWM ftftMti m wftfeft Mi ftp ■ [ ftoftUl f *tnM9 Tfto fjii'*ti tft oftory o-wft •%* | tyi Tfti i#a m |MOO *nf pa ftaftl to M*t j ilm Hoft.iofti Rnfitir’ift ftpft Omift 4 ,jh_ .in aw*tno I*. m* i» j ; th# moo* Mm -fit fwfcooM wIVTt - ' froNR tho ftftoftt fragroftt trmm- ' yftfptnft f ftftty wtih mu #*ollo •• j |ar MftPfto’in no I ftftto 4wo* tftM fir gom otkft fttMftO ftotl ofto** OFnt h#r ToHow aftoooftt* # ionft ft Wtltrt. fttiifthati. AUAINST UQUMI MRN. IIH Met Ar* Coaskkrlag MHrtflsj Them Out at the Urte } Dir awsiivft of th* Grand <’..un*o I Inf the 1 n,H»1,4,.i 'lrder of Red 54pi 't. m.nttng this week la tMllana|mHs. The aessina ta «hv «f Ha •*> »* *•»* • l|*,rtant (It th# Mg*nry *»f th* ntdev I Oh# of th# meat Imt- rtaui ttittir* Vo hr dlsruaaad ta ta prevent , Vii- , fllieff > ' ■ ley* or anyon# *9iM«l Itt th# aatc «•! It- , i'toor aa a hrveratr Ik any rapacity 1 hvcmulnc a mem I es of th# order. ! Th# great roan' ll nf this state, at It* ! annual aeaaton held 111 this etty lasi May, unanimously adoptsd a resolulion instructing th# represcniatlvc from (korfla tn vote tn favor as and use all honorabl* means for ih* ad'*pttoh of the abdv# amendment There ta noftald*rable feeling relattv# to th* wladom us this profUiaeJ taw. and a lively fight la anticipated. It will re- • |<iulre a iwo-thlrd* v«»te to adopt It. j The order of Red Urn la one of the , largeat fraternal organisation. In this ' country. There ape nvrr two thousand trilies. with a membership upwards of j two hundred thousand. In Georgia there are fifty tribes, with nearly four' t housand member*. The Great Incohonee, the supreme , head of the order. I# a Georgian Judge j Rohert T. Ibtnlrl. of Griffin. Ills term j of office, two year*, esplre# nest wrrfc. j and he will he suereeded by Mon. Geo j B Green, mayor of Rlnghamplon. N. ■ i T - Three representative# are at the meet- | 'lng from Georgia. They are A. N Ma- , nucy. of Savannah. Y. A. Wright, of j I Jackson, and J. O. Jefferson, of At- j lasts. Mr. James E. Ferrel. of Burnt House, W. Va.. has discarded all other. I dlarrhoe medicine* and now handles only Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and j Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used It In j his family and sold It to hi* customer* j for year*, and has no hesitation In I saying that It I* the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he has ever know n. It not only gives relief, hut effects a ' permanent cure. It Is also pleasant and , safe to take, making It an Ideal remedy I for bowel complaints. For sale by Al exander Drug & Seed Co., Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. A 810 IMPROVEMENT. The New Switches at the nonument a Neat Job. Everybody Is glad to ae that the put ting In of new switches by the Augus ta Railway and Electric company has about been completed. There is still a small place just In front of the Arling ton that Is being worked on, but near ly all of the large piles of rubbish have been removed. The citizens should compliment Col. Dyer oh the work around the monu ment. It Is as fine as skilled workmen can make It and will be of great con venience. allowing the company to keep reserve cars ready without block ing the track. With a little Inconvenience to the passeugers, the old system could have been worked. Gol, Dyer did not desire the passengers to go to this trouble, so has had the work done. It will prob ably be a surprise to many to know what a job it was. The foundation Is of concrete and crushed brick and the whole is covered with cement. The to tal cost will be over the SI,OOO mark. The Herald's new Standard War At las is a very timely publication, which seems to be well planned to answer the questions which people are gsk'ng i about countries in different parts of I the world. The maps are in sufficient detail to be entirely intellig.ble, and the low price at which the otitis i« pub lished. 30 cents, will make ignorance unpardonable. Realizing the value of such an atlas The Augusta Herald ar ranged with the publishers for a spec al edition. As this new atlas is not for sale at any of the stores, our readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore the edition i« exhausted. m H R - mm J ■ 4 Mft m m m a ■ & mm*. Hi|hM‘ of AM In L#*v«n inn Pc»#f. aiAi. i;)t mk. ;FOR RENT i SBft FT ft# itfot, i fioni a* •• •• m m I tuooa In ftntmMo Nattotc. **lo a. rft.f. Of f lirt M U I itnngo • •• •• •••• I ft i I TtS ftlyfiotdiTtnrt I SIM ftrimth ftPH a* *. •• .. a. It' H) til Mvftth itmt .. ** ft®! MIS Held V* M | Sit ttrrMlf It riot «• •• a« a* •• •• 1® It , ! (i n | mirrrt JM lift j ,704 Ur. ait (Ihf« *# •• sift BUto itrrrt. a. .* •« •• •• i® m i Part nf ftrftirikbt? iltuttMl Rr>*nft '•( ref t rt nr*. r«r«tally a'lathed for | dreeainaktn* MHat.llabmmt. The abov* llat wUI br rh«nr*d from j I day to da*. John. W. Dickey Keal Haul Axent. FOR RENT j. n. Vkltt'i new rraidencra oji upper Hi■ *ad atreet Sperlal prlcea. 317 Telfair atreef, * rooma 1* do 325 Telfair afreet. 7 rooms 22 00 329 Telfair street. 7 rooms 2! 00 333 Telfair street, 7 rooms. .. . 22.f0 522 Ellis street, 7 rooms, 19 00 242 Orcene. 9 rooms .. '. 30.00 344 Oreene. 11 rooms 40 00 411 Lincoln street, 5 rooms .. .. 10.00 415 Llucoln street, 5 rooms .. .. New 15*7 Walton Way. « rooms 15.00 1913 Walton Way. 5 rooma 15 CiO 522 Broad street, store 20 00 J. B. White’s cottanes on upper Jones street—W OO and 9.00 each. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. M 2 Rroad. This Hat will be changed from day to day. Clarence E* Clark, Real Estate. 832 Broad St. TO RENT! From Oct. 1 st, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, Etc*. No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. FOR SALE bays for sale very drsirablc build ing Jot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. id sell tame very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence iokyour family. titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1327 QRLLNC STREET. The game laws cf South Carolina have been c'aangedoso that the dove season is now closed from April 1 to November I—the as the partridge season. , .3, *4l. WtAttk. FOR R|T Itm ftift ami ftfeyftift »« *« *•« |t* no L. F. VEHDERY. Th# Renting Agent. FOR RENT ALEXANDER* JOHNSON [ 4m M«4 IM vh - tft m mm Ml *• [ Ml'' t« <oft ft* t»' o ft fo**mo .>• •• S 3 ftft till •&-•'**# otrF#l, ft to mo •* ** •* ” “ Pamm-rvlIV. 7 rv«mM and « tg* Rroad street .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 •38 Broad **" 220 Mclntosh street *• . 301 Mclnp sh street <* doors) .. . St •22 -624 Reynolds JJJ OFFICER 7ft& Brood otroots oil or port. 712 Broad. Montgomery Building. *ln- ' 810 Brood. 1 room, tlft. 71* Brood - * ,in 03ft Brood *lroo» *. .. * *4d Broad Of#coo ond oloopftcur r**«»fna In Chrlo ' Gray s building, corner Sevenlh and Broad street*. Numerous i>mcca and sleeping rooms In all part* of rlly. List at offlcs. Alexanfler&Jolinsßn 705 Broad Streep FOR RENT. NO. 819 ELLIS STREET, BUILDING j three stories high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale j business. Price 550.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent. TO RENT 7 Room {louse, 202 Greene *l6 «6 6 Room House, 1005 Bread M- fl * l 5 Room House. 1004 Jones I*- 88 J. B .White Houses, Broad 22.50 to 25.00 J. B. White Houses. Jones.. 6.00 to 8.00 STORES. 303 Campbell *25.00, Corner Marbury and d Antignac.. 30,00 | 817 Broad 0 6 66 j FOR SALE—Two vacant 40-foot lots on Walker street, between Lincoln and Houston streets—*3oo each. P. F. McANALLY, Real Estate. 3 Library Building. Hotel S!e. Claire, Detroit, men. Absolutely Fireproof, Thoroughly Modem, Central Location. Headquarters For Southerners. Rates to $3-50 WM. P. BEYER, Proprietor. * * NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILIiETT DRUG CO. ktUkiiab rnamWMMm Chailtkion l W Caolina ftftoftwftft • #*«»#•*#♦#nwftnft ftftft# rll id o m yfmt **# 'fthftftM I Kft lipi *** «*** *4M4 » | ft t mm* j !2# ftftMMNMMflMooote#* •* - - |ft M. , j»*» * 4 *ll mum **4r * Ei%iotete .*.n 1 1 J*#s JfP® | * M*#*» *'«'•* eef ft •Mft *ft Mm® * p»ft %gMiMte* •*» * * fmmmmmm - - • «*»» | [ * MMffti. 11111 wm rtT*f #HlM—*** l 1 1 * Wmmimmm**** » «« «| ftfthhm «»■*#••• | * ftOftglHMftO« * I * gßMft-"**#** - k * ftftO|flftMMftggg| mm 11 :i 9 ftft fthMft MB * y### m I M foM I * MvoofttlW • * it, s •**'« ft* ’ * o ft ** f w * oftgMft#« * ••*> •■j-* - « j I#* *• "wo j g» OoyftMh ••» *s «•*#♦=»i ftMmU fftft i A # I<* 0-t. Wft »*• •* •.4 a Mmm * . . I£# fIMHMft •••«•«•**#* tft JhMft 'All w 1 * MptOftOMß mill HAITI • I I I (ftt ftmMhiv *.«•«»• >«*•*» - »-«*• : %®#no j I * fnitfthft __ 11 1 ••** u»«|N*t *’#• . - VftwnhM «-*••*. *«-•.. ftft #— *#o# ! % KbEmmull***•*•«•«ftft##—! i I *CWii—•**♦•<»..* !«...»#♦♦ #l—#j I r t Hko*w—o * *••• ,1- | ft mm# ■ * 4»«e««*. L t *«#4 ! t mom I *p4Mti«M*»*•••• •«! imym uh##l I •##•%« .*»••«»••••• 1 t * AMmn............. fwMw* tt Mom j ft 41 y#l *tt to i»* fe #Of oo*o n oft«• tfto* •O* Al|»%«00 Ito #t a# fOM# mfU.l* I hot mmptMhf# m #m»otmo4 me gn i+mm . o ft h« fc ot4 •. 4 # m4##p# omi Ftnfto* **> •» o#ft Nmtft to * * ft*f f MMt otfteMMO ft#4.oo t» Mo#*4 totoh mM#%'oo i ft*n# 1 . j 1 ft! 14# ftr* hg ft«t. I B )Vt|Hi4 1 #o#t* ittOf# Aof—n ft*o BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. If C. Vl*TTlftv Bmo*y«f ClOteO CToao B do to * loot M»a I # ; HV • Motion. Dty !»*/. fftet ft] h ft 3 Kc II K* ft AM KM f Arvtv# loot* KMJA ftl irM I ft# #... Art lor ton •' t til## 1% ;g • n 4 >### Donoor ....f 9<tll M ft H l.tfll . fYo Vefo# . O' t ftft l*’ll 1 e 3 10 It A 4 «M*o It# g f) «l« u 9’ ft 2ft' 1 ftft-Jt . -k Nf AC A ..ft I sft *2 2ft i v>M( » w#oti rmn# • 1 «•? AM ; KM [lLonoo Amro Pit PM 80.t3 MnJ Bel! No ft 1 "”ft ) Htfiihi #tn!toA. F. Fh| WltlflW All reytilor trot** f*«» Ao4*wn to WiihiUa htvt right to troch tr*f train* «4 IM oomo tn « v hr tram or (ft ro WUI ntoo o!op n« foßowhi# otntivno to toft# cm or let * If n r nrWMirf with R Jthrrn roll woy No. It ot Ait !#ro n raftwor N«#*. tl -«<* *« •* *• j . R. ANDERSON. •##rrtnto*4**t. ATLANTIC COAST LINET tAOI Tr*r ANl* iHI IKKT ROlUk IOIHB KdhT ANI* NORIH SHORTEST AND QUICK ICST ROUT* TO THE EAST AND NORTH, j 2, Lv..Augtt*U. U*..Ar i l.ttim }:<*|-m! Lv Alk.n Ar j 7.!*«m I 4.17 pm Lv.. ..Dcnm.rk.... Ar 1 « 17pm 4.sop(n> Lv.. ..Or«ng*>’g ...Ar I 5.40 am t oCpm| L»..aumt.r. R. C- -Ar | 4 29am l:“spni| L»....Florence., ..Ar | °.i »m lOrMpmj C*. r*y«tt*vlll. . Ar i lTlpm . I.2lam’ Ai. Petersburg.V*. Lv | «.l-pm 44am Ar....Richmond....Lt ! * 12pm 7:4lam, Ar..Wii*hington..J.v 2:4«p’n 3:o3am Ar... Baltimore ...Lv 2:25pm 11:25am Ar . Philadelphia Lv ;12:C9pm 2:oSpm| Ar... .New Turk....Lv | *:3eain | Pullman palace buffet sleepirg car* from Macon and Augusta to New York without -hanee. R. A. BIVAND, Gen Act.. 723 Broad St.. Aostiata, Ga. X. 11. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Paw*. Aat. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN railway Schedule la Effect, March #. IS9S. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augua'a, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Cheater. C. & N W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. SV. Uy 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage-. jf 06 P m - Arrive Oreen Park. Stage .... 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blotting Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER, 1 President. U. V. A. BILLIARDS OLD AND NEW. By JOH* A Th ATCfUPL Owfton Carom ( ’bampioo of ( >W •**-'«&, maw of A* tonw Uw»dicap W. th* loDgr#* tniiniAß.ent on record, end th» ‘ ,n V r ia ?" mhoever Wat ttakM#r, Slomon and 1»« to »W *a*a® tonmaaonV vork mltbll - -V diagram* illnatrating Tl woro than 100 ihm -3 Jr\ AN ctwhion ehoi«.f«*bat- I S' I V \\ fw’aatraight-rnil It / j A \\ cu.ta. creiy ■tyla of \\ t/\ \\ balk-lin® gem*, all ! :\ '/ v \ r ty#X\ numogpowiionKtha ; \ Kreoch oonwr gaiuo, \/;2™****'*?M*£s »to<7 of Cham pi-ri- kbip gam#., and In /fJfckA-pi-sblp-wua y ternaSomal Conterta, / A«-F. 310 w«./ : 0, et c.. also a list .{/ / JulTaJte22??y i »«f tW Chamiiiona of ■/ Jt 1 Aioerica, anftoarna 'K n»wnt m-'fJ* from \ JUL' I*ltt /\ lfti) to IW. Hl4#t of \ ** ,v \ i which have never W ,j V // \ j f..r« bean published. ; \ // \ , Tbt» anthor givra !j \ / / V many Tah-itbl* mg :{ >/ / \ | j to iM'vicca ;i /\J W.. \ which pen t* to rondcr / y\ H \j • dfaribcDitS'todapnt ij / /\ ' ■ \ I j'ltyyed C 7 tLo work. • \\ / / \ \, tx-'-rf* ; / f \ \ / , 11 "-I f-LOT VO'.l ir ® \/. iicw t© ■ _ :J p y % acv vxs* ~ CIo'.S, 75 teal:. FR.LMS leather, Sf.CD 241 ?ac«: Sbo, 5x2Y Bent, prem/ - *-*- '•n of nrice THE AUGUST*HERALD AUQUSTA, GA. SEPTEMBER t 6 *au t»OAt» aii*»W.'lte s. c i c. miiwat co ft## ***onft ** * **"• ft ftMBMKKIJI imm tom **»»# Bm— fftpot #44# htii # #m hftot ll# ft »y ##i a 'Pun* f * fhmmfb-- f—— li* lift—l# •*#—Mo ftf— | #f «#•»*#• t| OftF ft* ft *#ft#ftO .hMft# #,»*o $ >.*** * # m Imho ft’ i HT i J'tUwo T l'lMft"W ft'lotfCnT— ft. nygft tft left—l*# ft» tft o» k»*k * -4g% 4% *i ft oo#**o ftfty#t i iii no*4ft* t M l# |p— iM —Me**, <#—4# * At -s-gs j -t $| ooo» ft* ln#vov# *£* | ft* I •Qi.'iiim—o#> .40AMMO, ft# ft ift #.# ftit ufelftK't' A TM& «IN— v to# #n#f) ’ Ift ft*g4PftO- .Jt 4#ft4# tsft A#M -, . ft MVW# ft* ft**#m**» ft* ft * f .mmo ft'#* pj# S M #iM ft# I* ftftlft IIT lift **##Bft® i tt rr xyl. 9«*tw tn o*4 Mfto >#• t «o# C-ft ft 00*«ie0 #pP#4M»| * We*l Tte*ft*ip##l ; ft* ftiftfto*.... 4M•#4# v * #fti# ® ##4# o t ji* Rom, n.| ##■'•*' I * |*MM»n*ft ft l#H# : ftt #trMr m i—#*M #——*#.*? j—B ft * # **ft' *4o* .yftPMOc ft • ft t#*n »* *»I— --ft* #*• \«*tl ##te A* A fnOO« • * ftft— :>♦ f 11 m* M o# Oof ri rTTr* " -' l * “ TOms L#s— r » Tte*» [ | « oooft. f* t lo> • • I .-JR##* - taJifton ’ I JM# >'*%• l.t***** l.tN# •FT— t ftftyftO fare#* - -- _ _ ,• • a 4ftftßH# ; Bft4F# y..i Itei- * % t*n** fttftH— i. M* lo»A«#.s*«s(. • • 4 >*«*lO ft.##— I L#*oe #Mft*fft##%•*-•••• ftJß#g# I #BBB ilt H Aacwo t**to ' #wi t *»*d*»i It t%«th«l* fHk Ml Tel Ito wl .*••»«• Hr Je< k»<**i • l'a oauiuas'te'-s. *mww ata it* ■ «sia wad ***** tr*m aupaht. J,f,M M» I. A. 5* MM I W ilit M mars 7rstk «e *»a» r. *. teaa««T/aa Ar / . »—«*.<ea SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ck.twri »«*• SHta.lh^tatdb" 1 MMlta. t— iwsMtsrhMo' tjjtete N*ftftOt»«no •• iHMty toitf. iTTT^r; hy. *s* Ar JvaSS: • «”* Embt-* Jw: 1 ig a- «aar*. tv ■* jj#’ 1 og| •if **' ! ;; 7**! & tlp tiß 2tir )d U « JM"»q • • * •••■ M(g pi « £!* » ?! #:4pi ?W» „ L M 1 ?MO I * Ift »• ft u- o Ar It.eo 9Bp: Bit» 4S. ■■’•' i iaß * ****~D»aetil» ■ • »*•», •*» ITlbS g .,ad «»P T, w-.,',17e1a« 4 <’s Hl* As M K ; total tl »a » i»v.> V. k. . ■ ■ *»■ N... I) Xa. M •Mibb-aad. parly. Pally. Lv New Vcrk PITK U. 1*;, 121501 - l*ldJ. ' : ( !U; >.II a » laJiiiiove. I aJSp *SI % Le «’..h So. Ry. 10 «J II 111 Lv It! : ~ 1 12lOnt 12 1 11» Lv Uaartil. ... |520 a * lip i.r'snrtuk ” 1»»?| Ar. Ottacibare Srjs . Lv (iraiubort ... T 705 . 7«p - l9:vrln!te 9»» IC’Alp - Reek Kill ... |lO M l II Wlp " Ctie.tar I lo *5 » II » * ‘ sMnn»boro. 1141 a 12 39a Ar (Vrl’bla Bisnd'g at ....... :12 47n'lj 197* Lv. Conrabml'n dept. 1 15.*| 4UU % ** Jo) on* i 3M|> ** Ti«*to!i . 8 tnj! ft “ Umolevili* —i UMt T ti?» Ar Angvnrto _ * Is| t#• Lv. Ashen!)• h .tia it (ftp Lv. S)'sr ouoarg 11 4U*« ft 1*"»P LvT C’oJ’hin, S.C Mi Ry... .1 3 00p) 7 (JO % Ar Charleston ft 4U>»| 11 i*>» Lv. ('oEMaP.C.nP By! 11 ift t. 13 47* ** ! 447 p 8 0 s » SI EKHyo CAIt -KKVICja Excellent »':s4ly i«Rt*ng*r tßrvkfi bot«r*eo f iorida and NtW York. yus. 37su» ngton nnd Southwestern limited. Eoiid Vestibuied trsin with dining cars nnd fikt elm*#ookOmn**rth of t^harlott*. Puliinnn drawing ro«/in sleeping cars between Tamnn. Jacksonville, i>avanuah. \Na*hington and Now York. _ ... Pullman £ eeping Cor* between Charlott* ond Kiehmaad. Pullman drawing room feeepUur oar* r* tween (4reenHbt»ro and Cm** connoe* tion a* Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there in time for bu akfaat. Solid train, with Parlor core, between Charleston and Asheville. Nob. Ift and M-C. N. Fast Mail. Throngh Pullman drawing room buffet klecping cars ba* tween Jacksonville and New Y»>rk *nd Pull man Sleeping car* between Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman alcatping cars lietween Jack* aonvllle and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, \ia Aaheville. FRANKH. CANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V P. & (ten. Mgr. J-M.. Washing— w a. TITRK, 8. H.HARDWICK, Q. p. A.. Washington. G. P. A.. Atlonk# GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189*. Pullman Sleepers between Macon acl New York. Through Puilman Sleepers between Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ~| 7:ooum| 3:2opm|lo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm! B:2opmi b:00a«ffl Ar Macon ....lU:lsam| j 6:45am Ar Athens ....jl2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar GaineEVllle!*3'.4Gpm| I | vr W hite pt 3.*l:oopm| I - ' Ar MSH’gale .10:10am| | 4:3oam Ar Wash’tun ..|10:19«ml 7:iopm| I picayune train leaves Augusta dally ■except Sunday at-6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:15 a. m. 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m., and 8:15 p. re. A. G. JACKSON, Q. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.