The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 16, 1898, Image 3

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r«*UA* tarn Mrrr» *rHt» wm». Vfk» !»»«■* NM t —ni«« at 6 tk*» M«P»MM’ TB* k»«M»k Raw twa* 0$ MM «• M § (MM| MM IMlt| f%W k» f- tsr *#eß*W WW Hii MMABS* If, « RMANtM# Afci#£ iHMi #*•* It it 9A£a «# t*. £»«*•«*• Ml M fr.n \“n •* it* i£ifi£A A# ft* ||Rli«« « -««# MNMI VtH A» i i##F4 «A It Mi «# *%*• #Ai# 4||l Vfe* jnr*il> t-ijMnrt mitr|iiiif» *4M «Hm Mai# Him i # <#m£ M 4 a* Im» • t%« tlifjjj t-i'ffftiM. f%m ANPtAMiMI t* #• 499A9M#1NA ttMl MM (Af'tfli AA# ***%• lit WM iNwp £AS§ Ah#* #A4AM£6 Mil HaMA tHtl A**##* tM fM*Tj m ii»iM timr mi flrt* it 4i Ammm «f Ml HAfrrtrdg «M It itiiii ■* *m iwttimvti m»i Mia t#w« f%* HeWPWi m< at tke »-nr || H*Ml MmAmmmM f*a « 1 1— Ml Mm* Ruukwawk, W i»WM •*** Mm Mint <M> >#«'—» M f* • *>*»•* ** VW* *wy 0$ #|iake*k*Mt, Bkkdl kMVwW 1 * law MM* T*m» *'##*» M J*t* t*k «> Mm* WMimil MtM • Vm* ml Misikß »M fwaaw tVM» tt Hum Kl«ww* m a* Ihmm fITT'TrIB *k »M*il ttißS M ***** *>»* JrT Mill,|p* MMW M«l Ml MIM TIP MM t«*M* M Up «"l MIM k#d NM*' ■* ikmaCMaM Up wWfifMkkd dap. T*e sow fees I* Ip ewkdWPlfd M lIM MM*, fM*u» Wffl *s ***T *M*P*W* ®*M ad Ik* 11 wikM *»# k* e*Masted M weag hiiMmm «t *k* Mrs t*#t Up mkm ** • M»»m* mm. A* lkM» M •• prsMM kk r*kM M UMM wf Up k ■*'■*** mM*« Hr kkM<w ad IMM OIM* MM* WIN tsaadwrt Ik* aerviepa mi iM* SSWtk ■Mk. Tkp MtkuHkg k*wd*Ml k*» k**k *»• pars* k» Mr* C tl fkpkik* tk* MM t P*l wr£nw|e* m 4 HMM |p* IM mMM'* »f»H* Orgp* ft*IMM .> ». » Rea MPMIk* (Vm* T* Mbp MM #»«*eie* CMil. TIP M.U* *1 On 4 . .« . k Hun Mr* t Ha**ker*er. Re roc* M*M Rncwrh Sfcetw TIP I*»rd I* r*Mkt«l OnlMMin M ffcr Mnko JlMlork IlkHi Mr* Urnkam M* Ckoru*. mini iProlioß H*Mk~ J*nMkl*M Up o<»l4mi* .... .. .. M „■ lalllrM (Ml. krtifrt*** R*k*M* Hvmn "H*m M* WV» NrW WkMMk" T*kß*3r rhofr. krrmpi "I Waliod p»tirn»!y” .. .. .. ..Mrirljr MiM K'lljr. Mr Ktt«Mll »m 1 Choruii M> Bx'n* Ih* Kr#*. Hr M <k<l KHtt«rr On TkM Mar. H « P#opl*‘t Btrm«ih Will H* Hi- Parkin* Choir * BrnKllrHon. Or**n Pi»<ln&r. Frp*h PickJpd Piar Feet at KEENAN Sl CO’S. tOt'CJMT OUT. Firm of Solomooß A /erbc Chang** Hand*. TTm *r!l hßown firm of Solomon* & Zrrho ha* rbanged band*. Thn firm have void out their ato U and the ngemr of Stull* A Bauer lo Mrser*. Thorns* A Barton. The two grntleiren we now in the etr.ploy of the firm. Mr. Zerbe la on the road nod Mr. Solomon* has rharge of the stor'i! In Hi old place of httalnea*. The tco gentlemen have man;- friend* In Augusta vho <ongiatulate Mesar*. Thomas A Barto" on securing their services. Mr. Zerbe ha* been a resident of Augusta fhr more than ten ymrr, staying In the employ of the firm he ia now with for eight year*. Mr Solomon* ha* been here for four years, also staying at Thomas & Bar ton'* quite awhile before entering bus iness on his own hook. He Is the di rector of St. Paul's choir and a r:ell kno" n authority in the musical line. ANOTHER CASE Of “All Colored Soldiers Look Alike," at Court. There was another' case of “all col orM soldiers look alike" at the recor der's court this morning. A certain young white man charged a colored soldier who passed him on the highway la t afternoon t* Itb etirsing him, and had Policeman Kel’y to arrest the sol dier. The soldier and three other soldiers testified that John Cha-e (that was the soldier's name) was not the offen der. The young .an said he felt pretty certain that he was, bm added in a laughing way that ail coon soliders looked alike to him. Judge Baxter c as undecided in the matter of Chase heirg the soldier who cursed, so he dir,misted him rather than fine the wrong man. School Bcok*. Bock Straps, Oncil Boxes, Largo Tablets, Hr Composition Books, Slatsa, Pens and Pencils at Bicharis & Shaver’* Bok Store BEING REFITTED. The Arlington is Having Some Work Done. Th» Arlington hotel is Being refitted and improved. J. B. White & Co. have the contract to put down sevetal now carpets in different portions of the house. A contract for repapering several .room has just been given out. These improvements will add much to the looks and co refer*/’ r ‘ s *he betel. I Tk Flute il 1 Fall Season n Birslii! Op. Mauabt>***»■■ ** Tho (Iroduktee of Mfiy FaII bURifHIM if# •IWCHII Ikfffichid from htngiMl At tHi* »Mkiftty growing coneim. Th# flood of mAtchfcM CA»h bArgAm# * carrying All thing* ln>torp It At our will b« a groAt dAy. It will bo a d#y thAt you cAn com# And do onormou* buying with tmAll Amount, ot c#*h* Ltoton gAin Hood bolow. It will bo within your roACh hero tomorrow. READ ABOUT H*. LAA4k* a OapaMmaM [ HiWioioi 4dbi ** t l I Hw«« Oi |%*oo* »di dloAhl AmHi Mf| Nwoturw,.. I M t* t Wk j I fjltlr# mf'lAigMiWn. UfOiH# f ' iMkt BtegiiMii. i**«t »* Thy* 41 Aano ; . mm f|-f |tt f h A I lahHo* Pm IMmOaO. Upfothi H«o* 04M j j%t.oiy> fAp ft f IN» %\ m « Idbibni %*|of Hm| HpiNMMI Hood oo«i | , HaOMI. g iioowt foi »p»%»oi>«#» IfelbM* 1 \m»m II Im I H • **» t »|i»« Hwn# ■'*• oNfoty* ] [ 4hii wodHlMl ffcoMl #<••''l **• hooi# 4po-<i9. |Hf 9«otl m»w*lw •«** f I f Id I If H] am !**<** *•'•«*»• COME ONCE AND YOD'LL COME BACK-THEY ALL DO. Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. „T„ ™ ZZ ZZ .r.. Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. inr $ vMib m.aiNt TtpMee dVMMd ISM* M«M »«» large Hip*. Up rnrta a UMtod *p Ml Ik* »»•'! jtkeelUrai lrairm as Ilk* *• k* Biakl I Tk* A*m *k*a at**)* Araa* k **d ’ kaaae Tk* ik*Me* §**•• kad twt •* j fptiiae akstted *4l kg tk* bag fas* [af Ike Maaet aad tbef waated (o *k>- 'im aataker tkcatevwl rep*** 'Aug tkaated TkM aa* tk* Wit Tk*v* a*' »1 d*«l M lk» kof Bad PM *Uprs We -nia*t Bay tkat tk* *k»v aa* kad M waa IP 1 I* aa* *A* rrtlaed a* la *H# «4 apeealtlea saag'M. •* vci*g. ft*, aad tk* akoa aa* a? tkat It •*• ad verlkpd to Ip Tke k*o**» k**d l keif mrarr to Saagk and fwa tk* ftppt.a ed ta»rrißP*tt tkat fnated *”t tk* hotter Up akoa M«Pt kave f!*a»d tk* aadieaea tt akoa'd be mewtloaed tkat Maaager C<k*a Imp made eeveewl iMpeovetarat* •« tke opr it bouse Patted !»**»«• have br*a placed la placea avallaM* f«w theta aad add apti to tke Ic-oka of tfc'ngs Tt" loag-fell want of paikt ka# also been tiled. After reading tke criticism of the Atlanta papers op Boy Wasted ' thore attend lag tke opera laat eveaiog did not aspect a good emad or a r«d the a. They acre agreeably surprlaed m both caaea. Tk* balcony bad ataadlng room only, abile lb# "gallery god*'' were turned away la number* TV re aaa also a comfortable crowd la the pit. Whew the show opened aaotacr swr prler aaabed the audleurr From the first word* uttered to the cleae of th* last scene fair acting aad good c>m edians were seep Manager Cohen did well to open the season ao well and If tils other shuns Alt their contrac* a* creditably Au gustan* should Ip satlaAed. l adles Can Wear Shoes. (me slse smaller after using Allen's Foot-blase, a powder lo be shaken Into the shoe*. It mahe* light or new shoes feel eaay: give* Instant relief to com* and bunion*. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age Cure* and pre vents swollen fyet. blisters, callous and aore spot*. Allen's Fo«it-Ka*e is a cer tain cure for sweating, hot. aching, nsr vnu* feet. At ail druggist* and shoe stores. IP'. Trial package KRKK Ad dress Allen 8. Olmsted. Ue Roy. N. Y. THE POLICE TRIBUNAL. Minutes of the Court Session This Morning The session of rrc rder's court to day may bo summed up a* follows: J'm Hill (plain drunk. 12 50. George Tolbert (hit a man with a brick). 11.50 John Bryson (ehr.rged with hitting a colored sc.ldlei on the head a few weeks ago, was found not guilty), dis missed. Will Taylor (he had Iricd to hit a negro soldier with n stick), $4.50. Cora 8011, Harriet Gardner. Mattie Adr-ms (breach of eighteenth section), $2.50 apiece. The larsrest tablets and bif?pest Kc. composition bocks at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. A New Drug Firm The Bell Tower drug store, one of the eld landmarks of Augusts, has recently changed mantis ment. Dr. (’has. K. Patterson and I>r. Arthur C. Wade, both graduates In pharmacy, having charge of the prescription department. , It goes without saying that physicians j can depend upon having their nrescrlp- | tions accurately compounded from pure, fresh drugs. As thev keep open ' all day Sunday, instead of part as tofore. their patrons can always be ac commodated. The Herald wishes the ne" firm a long life and much prosper ity. 1 Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to j SS.SO. Several good bicycles for sale, very cheap. Good watches from $1.26 to *50.00 at Lewis J. Sehaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. Vertical ink end Vertical Penn 'for Ver' lea 1 Writing. Reoom- I mended by Prof Pelot TJ»e no : other. So dat Richards & Sha j ver’s Book Store* THJI« AUUUIItA HJEJtAIrP Mp ««•§ «* this tat*'. «aa*» a Id a» * Mow* . « « [ f*as i rg-f-'T TV AM' V" * «h 4» as mm#*- ***4 —mw % #4M AXAflll OH*>» »t% 1 I'# «# I . H9* | Tt uriitl Ait'-* HNMMfcg «9l «ts% f- *• tftiif gmwi H , »«n -»« #« b b H » M»n*» D#|M»rtm#nl MMb'# 9NfH |.Ai#ki til aa iMlkkWMfei «£ tl Mi* Pm p* ££M> i%AA 41 VI W n»ini i omm * +** iw- * fcmv * ■■*>*■**»• :*»»««*• *at fhlAlA *|W>.. • IpAMlk INAAmMI •%. m . a iw t| mi VI H flW* if IV AMfe««£ <%19 tdbMh «#V C%wAg- Uesas hk-ea •* •**«• TVsa -m w*>d wor BRk.MW I eade* OI Ike I aka view Mkaasa* AM H I* rtNMPwd tkat aaa at aea an*kr> j IMNP aHI ke added la lake Vks Park k*i ■ a ■■* aasaag a kirk at I k* k | < wlamieg arksmA. M* j IVa sow tk* «*ait—a» park t a'sflst | a* pr*k >a*r ia ekarks tk* pfama- I t*rs as ikka aea teat ere as* t* h* coa gtatakpsd aa fc*><*« se» a>#d tke *er- I vtr** as Mr ttraaia akaaa i nsapetea |c t It aaanMae efcarg* of k aslatoetal leas* aa* very drary derntmi*fated I lap sfterkoaa Mr lleaana aka h a tat rlerer I ge«t Irtnmrn . uaderTvadr la ke o t«ae of tke take fhtkermea to ha a I ia aad ha I IkM im-Hp. after Haltfkg fcv *»«' | kook he fort ad ktotaelf *o aeat th* siMaikaaa* iakdtag tfcki ke 'Bought it uaaeesaaarv to eaett kins veil oy *»<«* his paddV. ke atm Id last faach oat j ard pall klamelf Ik Tkla ke M-, reeded la d<>ta« tarot literally, lor l*st •s mm as ke yr**<Pd hold of the boat house the balteaa calm If glided from ukder him aad ke sakk attk egceedlat grace flfteea feet deep la the ptorid wa ter* o* the lake la a Jlffv he had bobbed up serenely, and with a few bold stroke* landed himself a trerli*bi*i dripping Neptune. Friendly hand* | took him In charge aad for a short [ttaile the park had the appearance of i ttoir.e laundry yard durtng which time Mr Itrnam masqueraded in borrowed overalls The largest tablets and biggest sc. composition books at Richards & Sha ver’s Book store. HELD UP. Negro "lan Tried to Roh Young Mao on Street. An nnknow negro man tried to rob John Whitehead, the fourteen-year-old aon of Mr. Andrew F. Whitehead, who lives ia tbe lower part of the city. last night. The young fellow was scut by bla fat iter to make a purchase at a store [not far from home and as he went out ; his front gate as negro man standing near by saw Young Whitehead place some money In his pocket. The negro "-ailed until the young man had pro ceeded a short distance, when he slip ped up behind Whitehead, and, grab- Hng him in the collar, demanded the money. The young fellow refused to give up the chauge and the big negro then at tempted to take it by force. A scream from the young man brought assistance and the negro escaped In [ the darkness. The r«Hce have been notified and, will apprehend the highwayman soon er or later. Mr. James K. Parrel, of Burnt House, W. V«.. has discarded all other dtarthoe medicines and now handles only Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and ! Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used It tn his family and sold It to his customers for years, and has no hesitation In saying that It is the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he has ever known, ft not only gives relief, hut effects a permanent cure. It Is also pleasant and safe to take, making It an Ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by Al exander Drug & Seed Co.. I'arr of Bell Tower Drug Store. Vortical iDk and Vortical Penn for Vertical Writ.tnsrtk Rcoom mended by Fros. Pe of |U|« no other. Bold at. R obardft Hflje Sha ver's Book Store. A PITIABLE SCENE. A Drunken Woman Attracts .General Attention A pitiable scene was presented on Ellis street, just above Washington this morning. A white woman, with a face that showed it once had signs of beau ty, was staggering from side to side — drunk. As passers-by would stop to look at the pitiable seen" she would look at them with a drunken sneer, address some remark and move en. There was not a person who saw her I that will soon forget this seene of de graded womanhood. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Sehaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. <ms V tVMMi #aVa V|H I# .. «. VI H ; tV*W • i*sd* tl** »■ mt y '%AAgf«IMMA fMk.i-tMk £R fW f Mi'iWA'f *«rA Hati» inj'itr Mi AA !%*• <MVt #1 PAM ttas « , , M » sag* ** m ip*** W«*> fMIwAMA s4o** * * s #**W. H IRR VW* pspssst tky aw* *t sa aape m that #tl* j r»v a paw kak h» ana «*M ' p—•*• Ms# Maw* ttsef eqgrt Iw laa- * esh **• psara a* ask gas ik**a the* as* ihswt < MpfVst* ad fksw fee* twee Bed . p|PS I** I* » • H« tkdy* * £ tBMNM- 1 tM| m TAW *Tp£mA* AMp *M «H>t»«wg| WNNM£ Pi *MAt4 Hll£p£. *P#4 #P PVV 4%«* PVR «i *«■* i •a* pNsa. j INASOCIALWAY * tyist&w ' Kies me. Will " mna Marguerite. Vn a (fetiy little tu«w* Molding up lu-r datwty Up*. I (tweet aa me#* b»r* In June Wit! was leu years otd that day. And be pull.# her gotdea curls TSHMUagty. and gnawer made j *Twi !««• «sld —t don't kins girls “ Ten years passed and Marguerite I Rallies a* Wilt kneel* at her f ■*!. rinsing fondly In her eye*. t*ra»ln«. - Won't you ktes roe. sweetT ’Rile tn nrvegteeg today. With her birthday ring she toy# For a moment, then replies I "I’m tun old—I don’t kiss boya.** Idiosyncrasies. fins anyowe ever noticed the habit peculiar to most people who wield a pencil, lhai of involuntarily marking Upon whatever I* before them when they hay* • few moment* leisure, or are discussing anything of special lut-rest? A* for etample. one of August*’* well known physician*, when being consult ed by pall.-nls In hi* oMce, invariably uses hi* pencil and draws all manner of designs, geometrical and fanciful on the blotting paper which covers his | .lo«k. Another of the writer's acqauln- I tances, a women, has this habit very strongly developed, but Is only # draughtsman when usmg ttie telephone, and near the telephone Is usually found several plature* In different stages of [development. The last seen was origi nally quite a stylish looking girl In an | uptodate bicycle costume. This has 1 l.een added to until It ha* been com • pietely transformed, anil very little of i the original character remains. The [short, clese-mtlng skirt has from time to time been lengthened by ruffles, nnd la now befrlHed from waist to feet. The bicycle boots are no longer visible, but ' instead can be seen a pair of dainty high-heeled shoes: the severely plain hat has been embellished with elabor ate trimmings; a parasol and fan add ed, the arrangement of the hair elabo rated upcin, ribbons placed at fhroif amr waist, a dotted veil covers the fea tures, and, as s last stroke of art. a poodle dog Is being led by a ribbon. A picture of this kind lasts lust njmut two days, then It has attained perfec tion (?) and l« relegated to the waste basket, and another commenced. Some times it Is a house that starts a cottage and end* a palace, and, again, It will be a small tree that will gradually de velop Into a magnificent avenue of ontes. er a fruitful orchard. At other tines a pulling brook Is commenced, and the finished picture labeled "Niagara Falls.” The wouldbe artist Is of a most mercurial temperament, end her mood for the time being tnay lie ascertained by the picture she works on. When feeling unusually bright and buoyant, the bubbling brook is.her choice; when frivolous, fashion's dame commands her attention; when a little out of gear, she has been known to erect monuments, and when feeling her best, the trees, green fields and pastures grow with startling rapidity, There is always a pic ture on the go as fast as one is pro duced another is commenced and all this done while waiting telephone eon ner.tlon. Engagement Announced. The engagement of Miss Mary Parry to Mr. William K. Mike!) has been announced. The marriage occurs In the spring. Many Augusta friends will regret to learn that Mis. V. it. Easterling, nee Miss Youngblood, is ill with, typhoid fever at her home in Barnwell, S. C. Mrs. J. B. Walker went down to Augusta Monday morning to enter her little daughter! in school. She has re turned. and itPagain the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. B. Jacks. Madison ian. tkhmrt Wvfhka Mtaspra srtd Chiklrwn’t VtMirT £aAmhm4 PlMiim ■ |V<wM£P fl|PIWRft Vtuctdph H Ip V 5- \ Aim* pk£mMi Mamma fPMIAHNI PVPVNI Np Hmmpp Happhlp fl|i It •» I H H H ti—'g || A P flu > iam HMI fVPAVMI tV*PI ptasst me- a£N9 t.jRT'T. I* *P t || •M*|l |i ffep£'f BMV Ip l#*A » |*P*t «t PI tWMI*" |£MIM Pp»*P£ It'**. IP*»P **P tf«R£# pMfYfl IP# pi 5 # **t HP :. rtTrtrr it in | „ ,* » h v f fAM« *♦##♦ lAAt PkiAwA PAk-’W VbP *T*W aa « ft ftp V p£»* tfP II H*. ; || . , )( rr| . - ~, # |aM «f Ota Ur* s*t> tTV rr--rg Meet (as FM*drs«A Lm«' «'d£| # aim MAIPP* RIP * A I #P£P£MAVP*£t **V WIAP It PIP 4t *• t« Hf Jmwwma f«|p<f dp Of A—P'PIPVU lh££ hf*« APpWPBhWp IV PiArtAAV» «»» !CWf A I If# (hP#t|P fMAf l <P Of f «#|wf. j Mr* AiAkAard t»a*a# left today fee Mis* tssw Ketty ha* tetarked trmm Atwata Mr II II Waite* ka* rwfurppP ftPAR I AdPtiH#! Mha Mai Jarksow returned this mar- I king fmm Atlanta. j Mirn K«oiss Maloee left **et»rrfay for ! tatanbetb i>.ttegr N. C. Ml*a Annie Brant h left today to re- , mime her et« at Vaeear. Mrs R TtK-miMum. as Anderaon. t# the guest at relative* In Ike rtty. Mrs. Alhert Hatch ha* returned from a summer spent In North Carotin* Mleer* Ladle and Annie Vnndertetth have relumed from a Wit to relative* In Atheß*. Mte* Ktiaatieth Tent, of Madleon. n* . I* the guest of Mr*. Al Matcher, at D* Bußre, da. Mr and Mr* H H. Hickman have returned from Hot Spring* and Ashe ville. N. C. Mrw C. p Perkins ha* returned from a delightful visit <>f several week* spent at (I. George. 8. O. MIS* Gertrud McGarlhy will leave In a few days for Washington, Ot., where Che goes to attend college. Mrs. C. O. Reeve*. M!«* Reeve* and j Miss Ora Perry have returned from a visit to relative* In Dublin, ria. Mrs, T. K (tcott and Mis* Helen Scott lefl today for New Y'rrk. where Miss Scott will pursue her mualcal stud ies. Mis* Vannerson. a charming young lady of Augusta, spent Tuesday In the Htv. on h*r return from a vlAlt to friend* In Montleello.—Madisonian. Noufchatel & Philadelphia Cream Cheese at KEENAN & CO’S. rm: weather. Augusta, Ga., Friday, Sept. 16, 1896. Office [acted in United States Govern ment building; telephone No. 1572. Forecast for 36 horns ending 8 p. m., Sept. 17. 1898. Washington forecast, for South Car olina: Showers are probable lonighl and Saturday; light northeasterly winds brisk on the-coast. Washington forecast for Georgln: Threatening weather tonight and Sat urday, except showers on the coast; light northeasterly winds. Ixjcal forecast for Augusta and vicin ity: Fair tonight and Saturday. THE RIVER. The river at 8 a. rn. wan 8.2 feet, u fall of 0,3 root In thepast 24 hours. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A stray shower or so prevailed over the cotton belt In the past 24 hours, except in Arkansas, where the rainfall was considerable; showers and thun derstorms were also prevalent over the great lakes and adjoining states, with rain now felling at Hatteraa and North Platte. Clear weather, for the most part, prevails this morning over the South. Temperatures are higher generally west of the Mississippi river and over the Atlantic states, with a marked rise having occurred In the upper Missouri valley, hut are lower In Ihe Mississip pi and Ohio valleys. ' The pressure is highest over eastern Tennessee 'with the depressions re mainln gin about the same position as noted in the chart of the previous Is sue, xiz: In Florida, upper Michigan, and thelower Rocky mountain region. Thepressure is also high over New England. lumen q . .. .. i... th At I iTm tftsA r kid fk***d Uses Ps-t-* |r«<s«* ftp Utah . . f | < 'A IMP PfMAtAp IVpP P dp|-PB. tv m» it mp ( r't •££tt-|> t I'm, Apt***# IfbttMt HffliiPl <tHAwP4 fV Alffa If .« «. iW H I • «A«4 V£pVRP Upm*. P-* i« ««*■*■ IthiPMtt 4 Tip tbt »« i- 5 . .«* » «p I AlPw £ IVP PIP Ap HammpP' PVm» |«M£ j APamma aa TlMf a#4 9Wp% . Ippp **'4 Iflapl'dAV At pA*MM» *IMM #PP''l Vp **£*#•**• fk.-c-f ♦ ||dMAf < '"AH# Pa-ArmnA PAma. A'***f*P I A«sd .t mAW,. PMTV IP >d£££pp fe* AAAATmA UP* I ,* v* va j ««£f 'flwMfl fTPM A <iw VKam If Am* APNVpNI »i tAP ffPP tNI «« 9v | fv AAAPPASP pA A 'PHAs • PAtr u j | _ art convinofKl that w* Arm Il II Yirl red S un<J*rk«mnH our cPfhp*dllPf| I IUIIUI VrU -nti prtc#t tiwi thM convincing Cordova Coff«o * • • • *9® 2 pound can Tomato#* • • • 0 2® 3 pound can Tomatoa*. I Oc.. 3 fOf e 25c I Scaka* “Ham*" Soap for * * 29c 8 cak#* Clrcu* Soap for • • 2^c Pure Fruit Jam*. p«r can B«h?S#cond patant Flour SOc hack. S 3 90 barr*l First patant Flour 65c sack, f 4 75 barrel. v Anything to Suit the Taste % I Wicker V Pilcher, Wreckers tis High Prices 954 BROAD STREET. Ml m §p §[[ HOT ROLLS FROM gEBRY’S QRANO QUKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grocers Keep It. To Rent Store and Residence at 1205 and 1207 Broad street. One of the best t stands in the city for a good Grocery Store, or in fact, any business. The House has six (0) good rootu», a good yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. OPERA HOUSE Has B j en Improved by Mr. S. H. Cohen. Manager Cohen should he complimen ted on the Interest he Is taking In the opera house- this year. The touch of the painter's brush here und there, the new stained floor and several other • e additions have added much to the at traction of the opera house. Last evening many pelm* placed at intervals about the building added to the appearance a great deal. Several other additions and Improve ments will be made this fall. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols, *2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Sehaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. AkrriMPt* »• rw* »»*h MMfW tRAIMA. tilWlil Ap'fWP Alt! PP £P£T two storoa. Tomorrow to thA roar of tho bar- MoM twwes daeu kw • MW * ha *M* TA% £ aAMV Rl w£* 'TVav PnPT*' iPMpk. APh mm* 9k# fhMpf (AAA f (A#A 41W AVMHP I «Mh iPA § |s# . . , ,* a« «« «a * * • TP# #-£ *A»pAiP (Hm# *PH A* mat A* 9 Ana 9A*NP#A, 9 pi V ®-4 ta a* £m|H TT# TpHAA# (faWNMi PkP9«#Ak HPpt PAK I JUT (PpMUt II P* I i,» 5 (* W fAgf- HAi T«MMf4AA : Pa *«P (%He • (PPld PfAMARp a(A<» PI t# $ aa aa a# « « T94NP yTigT ' Mt«|» llxptl'" PpAAPV Wwp (jgrg ppMSMA. * 4 #f 9MA9 iV##AA4MP AWA AVI ynMNfti £ pA It I I ,;f *« *> *« f Uilb vlwApi’ * !%#■» dPAPp *,.*»• Hess fid Rid, r**«W* TMh * to M td .. .. .. .... .. »*>!• CALL FOB Augusta Brewing Co’s EXPORT BEER :j j|j BELLE Q 3T &J OBGI A Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. AUGUSTA BEER. % i if Shirt you for... 10 cents Collar you for. 2 cents -’Cuff you for 4 cents Hulse’s Steam Laundry, 314 Jackson Street, opposite Opera House. Bell 'Phone 2222. Slrowger 447. FOE IEOH FEHCIHO CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 310 10th Street, Augusta, Ga. TOfc.Out of Town Work Solicited-^*® It. should also be understood that very little Hanna goes a long way in the present state of public feeling. BELLE OF GEOE Gr X -A-