The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 16, 1898, Image 7

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COMEDIES •! OF ERROR (gup sap IM* It TtMfw Mi fill #fH» IHM 4ft mmm ♦f#* mmrm i ts in* # %»•#-»«» ■ •#**% **• ** •*** w «* ■WP |fc» 1 juTT Bf* ft** #4# 44 ♦♦ : •*• ftp*»4 IMP «f ***** *!•** Witri ' vjttz zsssrf :i WM M mm Mifu <4 <M WM« { bX IX X* Hi ?»X**XrX XMII »* tW *■**#» **• »»*« j In aap-a* *’**« to U* MW* I** j twl»«. <4 tbaa* «aw» ba* had M>*» | •Ml, M 'MMINM «Mth M» wftlwrtal 1 awwb to ***** mb** *t tb#** mr*ar% \ |M M« <**•• gnrtaa ** #•••"*’ ' • f ** «* #b«w M* rtdtowtom* mm ram mahe ( Imm' «a mP «r mmttmm am* km *!-•*-» ittm <aa MM bt* M ] «!*• _ __ A iurtnii as Itwiflr ***** h*tag j HIM aa to ****** »B M *il*rt*l*Ml •pd*****b lb* tank as ewrtHtoff *w* t Hw»«* ctotaaa M M •'*?• **• ********* *b* parr* m§ ta* egtowtag MrfKM "Pm »•»* IMI MW Mrt AM to* ««!« ikat *' *••* IV toaatbaa P**w to CbißMtof * TIM foltowlag *» aatd to *•** towa **»■<*•<** fn»* >IM pa*p« • numlj rhwrvb la Bar **4 "Tb*** wtu a* praarhiag la tat# baaga, Provides** prrm.iuog **«« a»»<*•*, aad tb*** Mill b* pv*s<btos wb*tb*T m a*t «a Honda. follow lac. «V" ik* ll* ta*i NMMvniA and la a*p’•#***• •hall a* anted. and b* ibat ballavMß mm nßall a* a*M* at n*v*i« k*if *•*• »hr** •Vkwb la il# alt**- am " K> fcat* heard »om v#ry laughable aiairm*n * I** miniate**, aa<l w do Mlua mnmeai doubt (bat thay are j BM* by o*b*r pa Mb’ »p-ak*T» Oa* of ilm* rl#rl*il hrethre* at lb* (liv of a #ol**nn aarvlr* aa 14 la a doleful »o|**, “Now Ml an proaiwis** *be tX*«- nioa< a*4 I will alnge *h# B**adl<- iiimi • H* bad aa tDiolllon that aomeihtng *u »ior* la bla aaaonar* •Mai and aa *i<irt lo "owd I* I* atilt*4 la lb* toUovtac: ' No. I n»#aa I will alaa tb# Beneditfioa, aad w* • 111 proanunra lb** Uoxology ‘ Aao lb»r f iara- man »bo bad b**f> dla rottrainc mol aloqiMßtlr oa Idolatry, aurprl***! bla audi*w» by aaytac ‘ Bow aot ibln* av* to a n**di«." mtm b* maant to aay "bow not iby hn*w to an Idol. ’ Another cauaed a *mti* tbroughoii! the mi Ire audtaurr by ia pratlnc the well known tnrae. ‘Be bold the ft* tree boar It wltbereth away," lo the followlnK manaer. "Be bold the wbl* tree how It flthereth a a ay " The allp# of tbe type *re, howeyer. more aumeroua and lau*hter-provok tn* than thoae of the tongue, cauam* many an editor and correspondent ■orrotr, because of the careleaanea# or obtutancaa of the atl-knnwln* compoa- Itor. The writer once had occasion to mention the fact that a certain emi nent lecturer had delivered hi* oration on 'Saul of Tarsus." Imagine bus eon atemallon. after the entire edition had been run off, on seeing the statement thht the roan had lectured on the "Sottl of I.azartis." So on another oc casion, In commending the boarding house of a brother minister at one of the summer reaorts. and especially the reasonable rates, he was horrified to read “his rats are reasonable." A clergyman once made the atatement in his pulpit. “What we want Is more fire In our meeting.” His remarks were re ported for the nest day’s paper, and Instead of fire be found that he bad expressed the desire for more fun In meeting. The editor of a southern paper, wishing to compliment an old general, e rode that he was a "battle-scarred warrior" The compositor omitted one “r" and made hint a "battle-scared warrior." He corrected it the next is sue. hut found to his chagrin that (he type? had again played havoc with what he bad written, for It read "a bottle-warred warrior," No further correction? were made. An eastern paper reported a political meeting, at which the "Bhouts of 10.000 democrats rent the air." The types read, “the snouts of 10 000 democrats.” So a "solemn service in church" i"as ren dered “a solemn circus." An orator v ho used the expression, “If the press gloats in licentiousness.” found that, he had arrayed the press in linen trou sers. An English paper in an obituary no tice said the body had been taken to Hull for burial. An "e” for a "u” in H»ll made some difference in the place of interment. “His heart swelled with pride," wrote an editor. The compositor knew better and made it, "his breath smelled.” The writer on one occasion wrote of a certain man that he never would want for anything as he had plenty of greenbacks. The greenbacks -were converted Into "green cakes." At another time be used the term, "an iron oxide." The compositor knew that the sk:n of an ox was very tough and so he made It what he thought was correct, “an iron oxhide." The “vast bequest” of a lib eral hearted man was transformed in to hie vest button. “No cross, no Nimmi mmi * ++* %mmsrn | - m i VUiP *HMMP 4Mflk H tup |NM . *«*». *p||p'Mp f •‘••pi "w& i -m% j 4t Npb«4 pl ft* ppp | I tMadkWb d P4P iPPP % P®*® **P® Ww* | F*• pp VHMMNI wPP P PP ••►••pp » [lliP Up ppp ppppiih«PN^» ***** *r*-**"* « i i m»ip ippp«» p* —■ "Ppif4pp»% m lailM iippppp No* #**• |(ipii#(**#pii nwfriHw PnPMP PP «#)«■• M» Pritf a«*4 Ml-'f- %m *%• [w# 4 f%P pi# 1 »H»» MP WMWWPIM : [ MPNh* P ViPPI pf PP I umimi J |Plp ftfip. fpi Hil# PPP %t$ 1 pfpjp «#*pH tip Ppp »t*P iPPPPPtPPP* j illmWttii tip !•#**« pwvi "Up#’* *j I ft I'pmpnj *ip tit tp*tt 4#i cp t(p ippp ■: I dn#rf |Kf Ijp* pttp* Ml ttf# fit iW-- mm if ittit pit mm-m *«* I *Tttb f *'p :«MpP#AP jtpftl ppm PVtPtfc Uppl M#r«» Nt p PPHP «M* Wbaa ii* mmmwmimw ***** b# *a* I owe* mh*< a* ia*Mßp. Tba« 1 »pr f *PMPtP PPt P® ®tpP* tit Ml MHtPfP •W-t#i#t#p#«iP pTMtit Mp i. Wft ppftpi fw t pptili : Yf'ppp Mt twrt Ini huPpP*®** pf r in 9pp» tw* ptt vifitpmt pf Hmm# 1 p«* mi, P<| m tit mils f? r®%4•# t* P ptt MpiPt *ipt >4W»tt tip pip* tjpPIPT tiPtf fWP # * To *•¥• money Jn Buy ing School Book* mmt th«m from Richards & Shavar « Book Sfor*. WHO Wit.l OOVBPN Cltu > Tbe bwtKMt. N la TWowgW. tb* *pr«<at Ora. Wade. W*a#hto#ioß t*t* lb.—lt **••* ibat f*ea Wad* to M ba to mat bi *»• .■vm* at lb* toewnr* of tbe war It M Mtd hr aoav of bla friend# tbai be ha. tem aelerted frr tb* foaJOoa of *9nr to* aeaeea- of Caba. Tb* aw. frl-ad# mid Ibn o*o Wad* aboal I bare •Or touMOdar of lb* *aa‘iac» r*p*» t..>a aad that be waa *atltl#4 to *b* post, and wa* better IHtied for M 'bat G*a. rbafut He la an atbl«l« *wdlcr and aa Bi f«r artlee daty la lb# M 4 an any trooper uader him Alten' ‘*t la rai <d lo lb# fart that ibe raatpana wo* fnuabt by lb* Boboedlaataa and that If Oaa Wade bad heea In row wand be would bare been lb# «rat to land tbe Brat In e*e*y feeoanotaaan*-'. at-d tb* Aral to team Jost where tb* Hpania'da *#re nod where tb*y aboat I be atrvrb. The claim la load* that Oea. Wad* baa Nen overtoobed at arery ata** of tbe was. The preaeol porpoa* I* •• Mid la to rompmaat* In pan for •!».» earlier ntglert. Army <»Br*r» are **- peclally fond of tha daablnc cavalry i*ad»r, and have loen oflfroded by tba -vay tc which they aay be baa been rtaled. If be had been put at tbe band , of «be expedition, they aay. be and the eornmatiding genernl would have work ed In i-rfeci harmony and there would have I ten none of tbe friction and th* rtu ruinations that have marked to# end <>f tbe rampnign of Santiago de Cuba It la also Mid that there la no thought of sending Oen. Kiubugh Lve or any great number of volunteers to Cut*. Ocn. Idre. it la said, will not be given any position of prominence from ihi* time on. the administration, a*- coiding to the report* thinking that | tbe Southern soldier and politician has got enough glory out of the war. Ih* adlnmlatratlon la alao consider ing Oen. Wilson for the post of go/- eraor general. Gena. Merritt. Brool.e, OH*, Shatter and others are considered aa having had their share. It uow J seems probable, however, that Oen. r Wade will be selected, and will have j under him Gens. Wilson. Graham and Lawton, or two of these. i These minor matter* are merely con jecture r.nd talk a* yet, a* no definite plan ha* been drawn up or even thought out. Nothing definite will be attempted until aftpr the peace com | missloe* have completed their work, and the government know* Just wtmt territory has been acquired, and what Is to be done wKh the remaining por tion? of Spanish soil that have fallen into its hands. It may be that only a small army v/111 be needed In Cuba, but thi* will depend upon the graver quretloo whether thjs oountry la to hold the Island for the revolutionary government or for Itself. If it is to send police to the Island or the !nrler o ndent government, not much of an army will be needrd, but quite a large force will be expedient if the Island Is to be held permanently under the American flag. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery haß been made end that, too, by a lady In this country. ‘Disease fastened Its clutches upon her, and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, hut her vita! "organ were undermined and death seemed ImmLnent. Kor three months sha coughed incessantly and could not Bleep, (the finally discovered a way to recov ly by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption. and was so much relieved on taking first pose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.” Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N'. C. Trial bottles J#c at Howard & Willet s drug store. Regular else “»<* tiM. Ev " ery bottle guaranteed. thb a ctotjbtjn SHmAT.r) PLANS FOR SOLDIERS HOME IlMi a’H®! Iglßff ifkA Iw ft% j pit, M lb IHttt. ft® Aa ®* And* tm MM V*l Up P®#* li ■» Uptippp: i' \ 4 iN> -pp# •I Up iiPPHM < . Pit ttaHi-ft mI tip VpAPNpP#. ’tp mtmtmm* • <*i *i® \ <H$ (MpP PPNftl #P»PNNPP pppga* tpIPtP j ; fTNpuPpMp «»' ■% «* #4 P'BPlijt PpM # t®Nl Mta® §p PPM wn PPPP' PNmMI ti# fPHpptp# fpptot : . fNPt IP# ppftpi (pf lift! |MtpMP* i 4 . ; Imp tip t%piip<»ppii ipPiIPW llpppp | 'iHirfrf tlMb : i#ftPp#lpP Ms fi® fPPfftP *t * [ Uppp Ip ftp Ip pipoft® li tip Pp4ft4»* pip ’pi pp «php tpp ppipPmp ppP pp Pw pp : |ifn;itif|ftr I pppiPptwi Pwt tip IppPMP » # ® fata bwweaw* «W hawM* mrmM » -ts *t*-g aaOMiaaMa' aa tbe vat***-*** w«4AMV* of* a® aamMaa M** w*4 that* A"* l •• *•* ® ri d"A r *’ H. am •••wMwa »W w*d HhaoiM >M ** Mi< A*l • wgAaf «)i Oaa la Mto** *w totof <h* t*«wa agwOfedk b*fi*'* fa* a*A>» •*< A*#w *b* *d# hw a wm** : * 1 umaftol ' a 'nfwlgn to .lb* vglaaataf* ■ .•a..*, K<aa* haw atAdeted a B*w**a • wwaMraw ad ftMMwet * a Meaa le»# an MHttua# nad baa ta»ai*d a eatl *• itww* mmtVwww tw m*w* la Attaa'e nmt Moadar to tarmwlat* aiaaa Cal. w I, ratfcwaa at Attaata *kanaaaa <4 tit* baatd at uaa —■ of <ba Bal '#!»** ttoxtoe V <ha to waa as tb* *«• Imttta* tb* ml*** Atlaattaa* aga* to ; twiam M»aara C. A •'Wit** T A. Mr* Hob# bat It k II I* bnaUtag that!** hi a* W J. Aaltard. I*. Oath ' >«ow*a T H Meal i C. Ileadrta W. I* KB* ft I. Btaaaaa. W 4, Het»»» m.i K P fbaaMwrlla Prow tb* at at* 'at iarA* Oaaoeal R*a»» baa a*toHed jibe follnwina well baowa aw*, aad to it bolt*ved that all will *ai*r rntha alaat trolly lain lb* v«rh M*|m 0 M 1 Rvato at Bavaaaab, Joba Trt#Mi at | Thom***lU* Pblita noob of l*aoabar«. John W Murpay of CoOuwlmm C M Wis*> of Sdacoa I 4 Oegbrwa of Aammettiirf- W P Prtoa of IVMooo ga P H Tomer of AHaaa W. K Jenkta* at Baloaloa. M I Rraa> H at 'Hcnvlta W A Coletaaa of Cadartowa !Ai lb* meetlng which la to he held 'B*r* oa nMaday oral al lb* Kimball home twaMeo dlarmalag plana to **- care Ibe aiceplance of tbe home by the | lagtalatur*. th# term* »P»o whtrb th# ' iruatee# aolll offer it will aleo be drawn Bp. Aa yet no propoaldoa baa been for mulated. but It can he Mated that th* trustee* will b* willing to do almost, air thing to get the home off their ban A into the lap of tb* atAto. Fltimiff?NßD NEOPOES. Novel Idea to Keep th* SoldVra (Julct Tbe well known superatltlon and dread of tbe darkness of tbe average negro waa well Illustrated a night or ao ago. A young man of Augusta bad buaincs* out at tbe camp of the Tenth and when he waa ready to return be could not find his bark and so took passage in * large two hor»# wagon. In this wagon were some ten or twelve noldlera, tbe little tbe worse for whis key. They commenced loud talking and laughing and finally their language * became objectionable. To alop thle. the young man hit on a novel idea — Ito play on their fear*. In a voice juat i loud enough to be overheard he be gan to tell the driver of the vehicle 'about the rreaturc-s that Infested the I wood* in that section. The soldier* immediately bark of the driver slop ped talking to Helen and noon ati of the men were listening. Every ad venture with wild beast* that had ever happened in the world wa« traeed lo ! thle one spot. Men slain by hun dreds, children casrled off. etc., pour jed out In rapid file. The men began Ito talk then about what they bad heard and seen around the camp Some believed and some laughed at the sto ries. At the foot of the bank of earth piled up from the now waterworks basin a i splendid echo can be heard. In for-' I mer trips the young man had ascer- j tained this tact. The vehicle had now 'reached this point, the man told a story of bow be had hunted mountain lions or “catamounts" and told how they could be attracted by Imitating their cry. He raised hla bunds to his lips, gave a long, harsh screech similar lo the; call of the animal, and waited. Sud-- donly the echo answered. Never be- j fore had it come so clear or gathered j so much force. It sounded as If an ' animal was calling from every hill side. Every negro grabbed for a weapon of some kind and with the words, "For God’s sake, mister, don’t call (lat round again,” and a request to the dri ver to urge his steeds, the men lapsed into silence. Not another sound was uttered un til the team reached the regular high way and the young fellow was not an noyed by their language. OdLSTOHIA. inn toe _ / yltw Kind You Hate Always Bought THOSE VULGAR FACTS. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Secretary Alger’s request for an in vestigation comes as a shock to those who may he called upon lo recite those vulgar things best known as facta. , j FREgis-FREE Aa Extcnul Took • Applied lo Ibe Skin Beautifies il as by Magic. THE DISCOVERY AGE A wo**s WAP »wr iNbumo* w - -"> ' Tt a antr baa* totod h«wa ram too* * I WeVtod m gtoaovo* anaw Hbrorlwv* *e**ad| j Pw wwohtm sod artw* ♦**#* *#•** - ** a# : ih* m *»i h a#oi. bat Woaa had yvt *a» I r**d*t ..(llitoktooUmaoar Im ; mi Pp®* «4p *1 i wimm | 4«w*h «f. Itrw |«l M-® £br> ttwif f .***|*i* %mm | Th* toai a m *«**•» •*—->! a* *»*k* Ato dtanovoiy Aha* to paata*horn*** 'tot ba«* Wd MM<4 th* ftgtot ottoHtad*. B***»» tr ia tim. I ■<! nw *ap . *• tee ba** * ***** Til itoa*** IVT* CuaifftovVa faato bm a oowt * tbtlMwliac *fto*t at* a lWr*t* '» atwoMdaff ami «**?.*• <df ail toopuftoo* | otwrfa tb* Ideod b; Ha and »IM i*: s imuilj hwvtag to th# »*fta* at tb* | dto. |i t* to th* *hia uhat a vttattdMg hW to to th* hhasd ao - I V.* l o. a klud at \ Srw bib that Itomadt altly »tliilaoio and atrmgthooa thnno applied It* took MM to toll ad atone (awoediaMy. and tt, •peerltly U»u«*t*e* Mv»w to** ttoa akin twito, ptatoto* btarkheod*. neah imPPi®®. wtinhW. Hf»f fip|hii®A | t<UlMto*. trtpPuMk P»4 Jiffn4ui»U«iP, «# pat ki»4 la ontor that all »»r l» hetwdvd V thMrOieat Itbrawty.the Mhoa* Hrll sill, during ib* pfoart vnnath. give t» all i-all- THE MISS®# BELL J* r*i* «... i— *«* «*»• For Sale in Augusta By James Daly A Co. Political Notes in the Press. CaOrange Reporter: Troup rounty has never failed to do her duty and re gardless of any combination which may I be formed will give democracy an ovor | whelming majority. She should make jit this yeur the largest In her history. iand we confidently believe she will. Eastman Ttmes-Journal: The Popy- Rep* should go out hear Mr. Brantley speak at the courthouse next Monday morning. He'll tell ’em how he's going jto "get there,” and he’ll get there Just ' like he says—the new found fusonlst 'nestling to the contrary notwithstand ing. BalnbrUhre Democrat: The democrat* of Decatur counts*! must mute this month— September—the hottest eam palgn month against radicalism, popu lism. nlggerlsm and all other isms an tagonistic to the great party of con j stitutional liberty in Decatur county. 'Smash the Rcp-l'i*p coalition. I Thomasviile Times-Enterprlse: Our populist friend* will learn, sooner or la ter, that there are but two great par ties iri the country, the democratic and republican party. And wo do not be lieve they will affiliate with the repub lican party. Tt stands for everything they are opposed to. Hlnesville Herald: Several populists have expressed themselves to us as I e ing highly displeased at the action of the 11th district populist committee in endorsing Wilson, the republican nominee for congress. They feel as though it was a distinct move back ward from the principles they possess. Dawrenceville News-Herald: In the eleventh congressional district of this state the populists have adopted a gold bug platform, endorsed a high tariff and pledged themselves-lo support tb re publican candidate for congress. This Infamous conduct ftps cooked the goose of - the great reform- movement” in all Wiregrass Georgia:* . Of the nearly twa million inhabitants of R rlin only have annual In come of over *750. |#w *if**to P* lew#o*t***lto*»to»*f that* «'«*>.( .< *> t *v » «*'i*ij l»» amd to | n*ito» lto*l thorn *b« ****** tod o* at# ) l.«« a*** tows Va fad oaf A ***** ; a ad they W I*d*4 mm ba*Si» t# any ad ■ln i 1! -* • —f- 1 *——* ** I Aa*ota ul**»t**rtol»ad toameg lot ad ! parbiaff * ‘-*t a*tto**wig Tb* p-tooav tbta , a, inift ■ lonir h pto p>* Watt*, god tbvMoral«dhe ih*ald to— Awdbvaß Th* Mow AH bam J**« to»h*dtoMl Unit am tod. -Aaamt* as bwady.** Ttot* Valoahto a mb to boa to *H deddag K. Th* tow* Mtot axtoaottively of th* importune* of * good (MopV«*«d; WOt | W>w a otowaa a *y aefuira Muj aad ■ t'.'Pto tofortal ihaptara am ttoo can* al I th* hotr . Wm to bom laiartaot «»«*»b. ■ tudvatowi oiettondi as taabtog tto* ba(r pee *»rv* tt# natural tommy aod wto. rt*a to ' adtao-*d age Atoo ladiwrttoag Wm to lontob . (prfffauo# hair Aoa lb* Aw*. n«vh ami am* wUWeal talary to IA akts Tblabaak oUI h» maUod to aay addtra. oa , *yj*yy Trial Ibuttoa as**fal ft*»- ptoikioTaatr too* at pad”**. • * emta (cod of packito •*« malliag I to tWwa at a itltolPVKV CVbfTftp wndoac* onbally soHHiad. Ad iM Doors, Sash and Blinds, ROUGH AND DRESSED YELLOW PINELDMBER AND MILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Factory and Saw mil Equipped with Thorough In Kvery Department. trrFull Line In Stock and Prompt Ship ment* Assured. Price,, Catalogue,, Etc., upon application. KbTAUUBHED IBM. Perkins Manufacturing Co., AUGUSTA, GA. The Happiest Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 Cents Pound. I DON’T ITBE 10c. Ih. Alum and Ammonia Bak ing Powder that kill your stom ach. iDON’T USE 50c. lb. Baking Powders, whose price, according to price of mate rials today, Is Just twice too high. 50c Powders kill your pocketbook. buy kaode- The Howard & WlHet Drag Company Make IT. . irTIZv inw PRICED Larg<* stock. Also ttri ind fitting*, kn filNK#, BOUsKH*. MIJ I-S ».»<1 KKPAIRS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., B. K. MITCH El.hi AI.EX. Mi DONALD, Kuperintendsnt Secretary and of Construction. General Manager Augusta Electric & Construction Company U l2 Mclntosh Street. Electric Supplier Annunciators, Tele phones, Speaking Tub*s, etc .etc. Repairs to all Electrical apparatus. Electric Eight Wiring a Specialty. Red’Phone hi Mrs. Goodrich of Harlem is in the city visiting friends. JHE |{ERALD JTANOARB yyAR fITLAS It Ip popular bpcaupp H to |upt what th® Rrppl nnw»p«p«r-rpAding public wAntw. Th, lap« Ar« larup and rlepr, «ml lulty douhlp thp •i/A of Any otn®m put>luh®d. Thpy ®rp bPAiiti fully prmtod In (iv« colon, on h®avy m,p pap®r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find the Atlas an *ndii» pen table aid. It will help you to obeerve the daily change* in the situation, and enable you to keep pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! V Ckt the Latcftt and Beat — Contents ot The Herald Standard War Allas: Cuba ... - 14x2 i Inches The World - 21*28 inch** Jtbowtoff loam* as afamat vwaaaA*. caOto wad tatograpto Mm*. West Indicts - - - 14*21 Inch#* North America - - 21 *2B inches South America - - - 14*21 inches Abawtag t*Mt Maa*. Philippine Islands - - I I*l4 inches Hawaiian Islands - - 11*14 Inches Europe - • 2l *2B Inches Spain and Portugal - - 14*21 Inches Asia * - - 14x21 inches 5 bow lag aew Trana-SfWrtaa Raftread. Africa - - - 14*21 inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 *2B inches China - 14*21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Sants Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. f , The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents jjUR |p f ALL JTYUS I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA iMMSIII in Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing show all the newest textures and weaves in handsome fabrics, that are made up and finished in the best style and handi work of tho tailor’s art, and are equal in finish, elegance, fit and style to the best custom made Clothing. A glance at our stock will show our lines to be more complete and of larger assortment to choose from than can be found in the city.