The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 16, 1898, Image 8

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ffNOAV CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. iMtfdfW AWOM lilMk |i »>«•* N>viw tsvfaf# so ivmfiy RlyUNi •• wo •ft* now r**«tjr to off•# you mi Boy'* School Suit* At Si.oo v $1.50, Sj.oo and $3.50. Thoy >r* m*d* of •ir'Wff »H wool fßtwrtc* MWMI w*!h mutt tfl Ch«vtot« •Wl C*Wrp*f**. FINER SUITS for (ire— occMMort* in Mliittry Hu im. Suit*. Ve*t«< Suits, Suitor suit*. Nortoih *w«tb. M«Oo of ths rhuKSii maitrste. *,n Awhm*icmi*® iriost diMitiftslakl •^t® FREE!FREE! •’With svsry suit s gift**—**Toyt» ®o*t*. Csnocmt. Drum*. Guff*. So*tl*sr #•!*. UofiCSl Instrumsnts. Gsms*. Ac. They'rs Irwm. aususta.oa. REV. MR. GALES MAKES REPLY T* PmMr»i Ml«*‘ H»nt» Ttai H« b • ('min*. AI tout* Ml 19# M*l 9 •»#*- glam *—«1i»»- Of. Wn:<« R. O®R». *h» *♦ imi4it.tr4 * |ft*l>l#H#4*4l ft##4*#S *# A*- gua'a kM h##« •**•»>">• <** 1* ° Brough'*, la a wattlhg •* Atlanta and kaa »r#4M*d a *#qaali*»® He Jumped aa lb* Ca«rit*l OMf Club, anti ft (a |fti nlMil. Mas. itiio* l ® MMm Mi] M in* hi —ply to tb* critktia. railed Sr Oalra a lar* ” Dr, Gala* MlWtlf Ml Ob' Ilk# br ing wfrrwd to aa a "ar»aiafv. ui b# b»gaa bta atw« W«4a#aAa# aigbl by —plying in lb# p###ld#At of lb# Capital City Clak. Dr Obi#* mI4: “I ft*# #cMD#«rh»t atari!** tbla aftarnomi when I plrkrd ap tb# Journal and n# Ibat on* of your rtttwn* ha 4 rail#* m# a Treat ur*' j Now, I bar# h—rd pe—in* r#f#rr#J to aa vulgar er*ainr#a aai! I bar# baard •mm called beautiful rr—Lire*. an not exactly understanding tb# hill meaning of tb* word. I w«nt to Wrb atrra dictionary and found that a erea* tur# waa a bring rraated "You a## I will bare to pl#ad guilty to being a creature, and no will tbla man, uilm be la Ilk# Top*)’ #1 * iftcl# Tom'# Cabin.' and Just growed.' "I with, though, that tbl» man waa a n*w crraturr- A creature I* Cbrlrt. I don't **« why be took up my remark* ÜBleaa bta deed* are particularly dark, s A Printed Alluaioa. "Tb# Journal waa. 1 think, a tittle too hard on him, for it #ta!ed that tie , Indulged tn lome cbarn.terlattc re mnrka. and then asked that they be not printed. I ehould be humiliated If I Indulged In rharaeterlatle remark# that 1 would ont be willing for the world to | know of. “I will not ray much more of thla ( for I want ra to get our minds on bet- j ter tboughta. but I will say that the Capital City Club and all like organlan ttona and barroom# are agencies of hell and the aooner they are stamped out the better.” MR. J. fc. WOODDELL. Of Treasury Department, I* Hera In* apectlng U. s. Building Mr. J. K. Wooddell. electrical druaghtarrmn of the United Slates Treasury DeparUuent. Is in the elty today. He la here making an tnapec tlofc of the government building's electrical wiring that was put In by j Halt I more ftim a few weekly ago. Mr. Wooddell Is making an Inspection of] numerou.- government buildings In va rlous cities lift the south. He has been to Birmingham, Ala., Atlanta, Jacksonville and some other places, j He Is u young man ,of appearance 21 years of nge. of most pleasing ad dress. Second Hand School Books sold cheap at Pen dleton’s Book Store. Everybody Can tlo. The young ft'enple of the Baptist Vin ton of the Second Baptist church will he pleased to meet nil their friends to night at the rhurch at eight o'clock. The topic will be the "Power of Tem perance. The speakers will be Messrs. K. G. Kalbfleißch, T. J. Carter. W. A. Belding. J. O. Retdlng. Everybody should go and encourage the good cause. Card of Thanks. The officers of the Tenth regiment wish to express their thanks to CapL O'Connor for the elegant barbecue served tn their honor yesterday. Ev erything possible was done for their entertainment and all had an enjoya ble time. The officers of the regiment and several citizens of Augusta atten ded. Fresh arrival of Fancy Crackers at Keenan & Co’s a TRim m ! fw the MMAwry «f Ct*r»— I- • *»» • j kk'hw Fibaw* < Away be** ijtd ft*#7 ffkUftw* VA* ®***44t. tUt* #**•# W •*l4»e e s tlMf IHII «*f r»»f—f>- MMfc. VA*I ffcNW » irmft Ip Mr iiml Mr* * tartm Ijf t* » , . hfiilii #»f4 (ImM MlMNif Immm tn (M *ll 4MMPMI *•» - IIHi rfnv|rr»tfi IlMl V* (|MImC ||IN*4V |ftM> # hil l «h> ty| ** iN i**tt*« Ihrlr UitVMl %• * mmn I vrrttt Mfcrr* dial IM inftti Ml NtYFi rrwf* *l**fiMl **# <4 till*»!»«#•' n»« »br« •*«** Ij*” ,%ir **m All Mtwrt •»»* Mir# I **4 Hm *•*'* r*y* **ii***A*f' ft bngfil. bwrwue* «f «h# ep*«» ,h *» Iflad hi,—od the world with Ital day if wonder If bte (alewied iwotber tb*W knew what • tftMftt* W*##twg rt» h»4 t tweri etitr—led wtf 11* When be grew *fw he » mam, wtf b tbe Incr— of rw- , loo>4Millie# awd onward Mrfde for ane>e— bta chief aim-waa to do f»«l. 'mn« In !—•• a* an herfttage in Ihoa* Iw hind n gftnrftnua nam« unduem, by any net. of even unkln-inea. Wber hnnnrn Were ah >w,t*d him and I ho— who knew him when he waa lea# firtinperowe were queatft.OM-d aa to whether it waa proaperftty that made hta nature an eweet and pure, the an awer would always be' "Clarence wae I I he —me at aebool- kind, i ■ aafderal, 1 and —ff-aar-rtllclnd.*' Col. levy waa happy end wanted all around him hap py, nothing dt—grreeble would *• have people think or feel When he waa quite young, h# married ilia# Brady, »f *•" vannah. and thla unl.m waa nn, of l ho,.- that we call well High perfect ■no happily did both live for not only one anolher, hut all mankind Two chil dren wer* horn to cement wnd make happy thla already contented iwipl*. The year# that followed were like, but ,Htch year llved—and when the Death Angel knocked eteallhily at the door, ahe who had given to him "all her heat" could nut realise lhat for upward of twenty odd year# they had been togeth 'er. To one who reckon# not the age by the years one live*, hta waa a long life. "He lives lung who live# well." Ood waa merciful In this tteaceful taking away: the aumtnona thoae who were ' about hia bed could not hear. No at nig gle mailed the going out of that glo ! rloua lire, elac hta aplrtt would have | poised In Its tttght even then to com fort the stricken ones, gchtller, when ■ dying, exclaimed. "Things are being 'made clearer to me now." We, like he, ! may understand, then, why at the age nf 16. In the fluah of magnificent man bond. at the time he seemed most pre pared to "enjoy the frulta of hls labor," when hla ehlldien hud almost attained •that age that we look to thoae we trust for advice and abl—at aurh a time hls I asslng away seemed particularly sad. A year ago today, w hen we were wait ing for the sun to set, which marked the dose of the old year, we laid him to rest, with military honors, In the presence of a multitude. Irrespective of race or station. Yes. just as the last rays were dying out, with bruised hearts, we knew that In that Hand Re yond there was rejoicing—another foot step asas heard In that Eternal City, where partings arc unknown. God, In Ills infinite gooodness und wisdom, seemed to whisper to us to repair tn our Hynagegue and there offer prayers and find the comfort that He vouch safes to His chosen people. We are thankful he died as he lived, steadfast and firm, relying on the promises of the I God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When our Rabid today. In that solemn and sonorous voice, says the "Tn Me mortam,” prayers for Ihe departed, and when the name of our lamented pres ident is called, we will be thankful that 1,.. lived and died proud of the privi lege of having been born a Son In Is rael . CHORISTF-R BOYS. S everal New Additions to Be Hade at St. Paul’s. The choir of St. Paul's is being reorganised. Mr. Solomons, the well known director, has started making ad ditions and giving instructions that will decidedly improve the already excel lent music. Two or three of the chorister boys have suffered a change of their voices and have resigned. These will be re placed with new hoys. At least eighteen will he in the choir. Eight men will also lend their voices to the service* Four rehearsals weekly will soon have the new members well trained, and ex cellent music will be rendered. New Resident in North Augusta. Messrs. Wicker A- Davis today sold to Mr. William Bridweil the house and lot in North Augusta formerly occupied by Mr. John Wellington. Mr. Bridweil will take possession Immediately. rmm auoubta tM&njLXJr*. PURGING THE JURY LIST. Oh* HmM %••**. 4»*t * tlUMfi, tmpfMl ' T*» rrtiMrfrrrT *1 •** M# ak*mH* . Mpanmmmha* Mm *#**•#* I’iAlil fin *MMI "A. I*# Hi •.« j* | ffMAMM** Ml * bM 6 ** -c*® a* “*** “f A I*Mm it Awfltt. I mtw* mmlmHUi Mm *1 a , , „ at tb# veer bvqetatw w#*al *w Mr tHmwm, wrb—i »»** mlny by * *»- i **f *s# tb»t I bar# dt—bnrged nay I A#«, « —e—her <f lb# lair Hi ratling ] i Tb#r* I I bn— Nil eonMmc# It 1 i , Ii m ,11. awd We Ile V c t hat t ■ wilt give tb# mat*,r ns, iitsftsxi aa ■ j ... . ial«ai*e# done awd tlmt tb# | rig*** ot #»*ry *#r—• •## »«b#srv*d. j •■H On#. 'Vbv b— Anetbpr?" 1 ran but —peat what I —ld I# tb# Irrurt ta oye* bar Meet mg. and beyond jtbat I bar* m thing la —r. "l am not atlgehlgg tb* Jury r«M tnl—maera If on# llttgsnf can fn—tsb In lint of bn bept off tb* Jnry, why rnn- Inot ritry litigant furnlab nnrk a l!«r j Ike member, of lb# Jury eon»mt—*on I nr* )f**nr«. J. Raki# CcMpbett. C. I. i Brown Georfe McCarty. W l- Abbott. Henry Iwonard nod Dr. R D Spatd ! log I T»#— gentlsmeti r*f—• to talk. !l«g to tb# fact that ibiy arc bound by I law to #*er*ey. In hls etatement in Jndg# l.urorkln. iMr Walter Brown said that Mr Glsnn | had funlab*d a list to Mr Itulow | Campbell Mr. Glenn admit# that n it#! lof K same# was f» ml shed by him. hot I stale# that II waa digit at tbe request of i Mr. Cnmpbrlt. Mr t'ampbell staled to a reporter that he had a ronrermntten with Mr. i Glenn. stated by the Utter, and re qneated him to hiraUh the eommt—i<;« a Hat of aurh name# aa he thought ought to be stricken from the Jury tlst. Mr. Campbell sUted that nil of thoae names wer# not stricken, but declined Ito atale how many were adopted. Is This Significant. Investigation ahow# that of th« name* ret timed cn tbe poll Hat bf 1R97 up to this time 1,08. r « have failed tn pay their tax. It ta ttkely that thla Infor mation. contained In the tax hooka, was before th» Jury commissioners when they made up the Hat. Of tbe name# furnlhed by Mr T. K. Glenn, seven are aald lo have been dropped because they had not paid their taxes. In Justice to the gmtlrmen whoae names are given In thla Hit, It la but fair to state that many of them have paid their taxes and the reason of drop ping tholr name* 1# not known. Brinsr your old School Book and help to pay for your n*»w one with it at Pendleton’s Book Store. A NARROW ESCAPE. Bicyclist Is Caught Between Two Wagons. A bicyclist had quite n narrow es cape this morning. Just aa he turned out Jackson and Ilroad In front of the Postal Telegraph company, he was hemmed lo by u wagon on outside and one tn front. The Wheel struck one of ihe wagons and the rider was thrown beneath It. Fortunately the horses were not frightened and were stopped before any serious Injury was done the rider. EXCURSIONISTS. Eight Coaches of Them Arrive From Georges, S. C. This Morning. An excursion train of eight coaches arrived here from' Georges, a station on the South Carolina and Georgia road early this morning. The excur sionists will leave for home at 9 o'clock tonight. Most of them are colored. They are thronging the streets today. TRAILERS Have Been Put on By the Electric Railroad Company. Yesterday afternoon the electric railway company had trailers on all the Summerville cars. Travel was good and the company decided to give each race a seperata ear for their use. This was a good idea and was sat:s factot;y to all parties. They will run until the Tenth regiment leaves the City- a; a . . ULCERS I—M my— glgaf —> #**by » V¥*« wb t Mll ** W ‘ f l ' • 4*** f ~ f W *'«M T** *2 ** F* * 4t*#«* 4*• *» 4 W*"' 9tf * “ A*#* •*#***! IK K 14 Ithftbll* cvMb 6M llinlll) r m- ■- mft- T,f4 ** •*o9**+ 99m JR#** I #*' f* 1111 *lj jf |ht* f nrr-t *l4 14 |gi, | mggi—« **<*«# ***•%. \ I df 9909- 1 M00909* ****** ,gfc*d A j fM , »■-«■* y* Ml *•* r -#■ . mg.; yya—MMM 99 1 llHill Ml ui) 1M ■* aa«, WM* '«4t # 99m | mmimm AMMRMM* 99 Amn **l ‘ n - r || mnrr- •*•** *•*» *■ •* *»—#, i rgr— A *t. * * *•• 9999009/0 f«HM. t m 999000909 —, a— I MAMM* P n*~ T —-O' Rawed—f ■— •* CURES! CURIK CUAIt! « w mate MM! iii _urr~ $' *** MMa •bL* Ifg-n-am ftwia •«* Mnrntwy PMC '999009 009 - |T a o|| <po Mp PHR* fll *4 *444*4 til 000 IALM CO. MPt». Owfh 5 PERSONAL MENTION^ I K. *t raw#* «f I’bl—i t# tn tb# #tty. 1 It |„. fTakcey of g#v*nnah I* nt lb# Plant#—. Jue Bowman of New York W al tbe g 11. ri*V#t# of invannah la at tb# Arlington Cb— P. McCurd of Naahvllle is al Ihe Arlington. _ . ' c'oebett. of Philadelphia. I* al • fc# Artngtoß- M. r. Nlrhrdaon of New York I* al IK* Arllfiitm j lot.a. Of N#W York la at the Ar- Hnittm tt*4ft* • ftp U.llKaftd A# \'|R T«*fk I* It the Arllngß*. 0 „ P D. Overat reel as Bummu. at th# Plante—, Mr Mike Vvughan ha* returned no il un taxi He- Ala. Jo* Reynold*. Jr., of W«yn—bor«. to at the Arlington. M . W. Carpenter «f Baltimore ta *to|»- plng at the Plant#—. ..... H. H. Brown and wife of Atlanta are at the Arlington. Mr. and Mr* J- A. Hugglna of Bam berg a— at ihe Pt,filer*. K, H. Walker, a merchant of Apple ton. B. C.. loot tbe Plantrrn. P Black, of th* A»uth Carolina and ' Georgia road, la at the Planter*. Mis* Salll* Mi-Graw. of McCormick. S. C.. la vlaltlng Mlaa Pwtai# Mill*. I B. F w. Carter, representing a to haroo house of Richmond. aV.. t# at the Plante—. Mr J. J. W'alker, Mr*. H. H. Can . then and Mr*. W. O. Wolker of Mid ! way, B. C.. are In tbe city today. Mr. John G. Blnplelon of Stellavllle arrived In the city today. He will be connected w'th the firm of Brigham A Co. Mr*. T. T. Hammond and Claude R. Hammond and Mra. Dr. Geo. A. Pat rick have returned from a summer [spent tn the mountain* of North Car olina. , Mr. Frank King, who was formerly connected with the 81 hiey mill of thla city In the capacity of overaeer of the spinning rooom, haa accepted a posi tion of like nature tn Charlotte, N. C. Mr. J. J. Ahern, conductor on the Macon branch of the Georgia road. Is In the city today. He Is on hls way to Macon, from Buffalo I.lthla Springs, where he has been spending a vaca tion. MR. R. E. ELLIOTT Be Urged By His Friends to Stand for Council in the sth Ward. Mr. R. K. Klllptj,. one of the most prominent citizen* and merchants in the Fifth ward, is being strongly urged by friends and citizens of the ward to allow the use of his name for council In the coming election. Mr. Elliott has served hls ward and his people already in council, during Muj. Alexander’s administration. He is acquainted with the duties and re sponsibilities of the office. Mr. Elliott's friends claim that he will represent the people of hls ward, without prejudice and partisanship and that, he will receive the support of all citizens who wish the whole people's interest and the interest of the entire ward represented. His friends say he will be no faction or party’s candidate, but will make the race solely on his own merits and hi deference to the wishes of thewarijj. The formal announcement of Mr. El liott's candidacy, his friends say, will be made shortly, tt The Legless | Wonder—Ain't you war kin’? The Living Sk<gjjion— No, too many soldiers in the business. New York Times. _ \ FIFTH WARD LEADS 'EM ALL (Tli t Pit V«f* hngßri Iw4ml K«* ISV fr|»nn , I tb# «. i—iwd BaßmaA* 4 Ml • t#a* |»«#wd V— gN— S A ' * Ap4 • 4P*Mp 149 9*o'**’* 9 MH| Hk»«p# p| (I* itlflfM H •* I I»a> &***• '99% !Mt “wP mg if *T- 9 t** l 4'd l 4 <>|i t PO4M 1 ' gx»9*P I* IP Is, *fl4 t A® r<*t| d •?!•■*<9 ftt Of!** MbMRb OH 44<S WM i j At»n<a •( ()»# a*lmpt wilnj TMftj j plan Ik## nmt two# tfl #»#i KtiAi i Tbe ftrwt tb# biter had h—rd nf It | va# when Tbe He—ld man naked him ihow! i m#tt#r. May CnR M#*«in*. IL; tbe fwngeeted .auditlun nf tbe, i eotureil arbauls and deride on • rente It In under**ood that nt lea# thr— 'hundred —lured rbi'.drea ar* unable to Thr robifd me bool* Arc rmvdrd ottry | t(#f, imt thit term It Mtn to Imp nor# so th#«» «Hf Mow. » AH nrhool prior ip#!# v!H tuotorro# m#kr i dftiiM italHiot lo • Jrrwrtrnt RviM nja rrikinf thr #rh«>L#r* lln F«rh cridf of thrir rraprcttrrj ~ A NOVEL FIND. ••All Sort# of Thing*” PM D“t of l*t|*#. Ttir ('lty of Aufuiti lr upffMtotr. ! 3btm> of H# roiployrr h*vr unobU Ito ##*l *»lf for i kumißAr v*r*t!li. tnrt for the tieneflt of thoae who love *p«»rt the city aewe— and »*#te ptp— » oßertng a few,- »utprk». Yeat.-rday City Plumber Chapman waa notified that the waate pip* of th# drinking fountnln at May park needed working on. Ri-*Ha had grown th—ugh the Joint* and we— stopping the water. The pipe, which ta four Inch— lfti di ameter. waa unearthed, and put up to draUi. It aeetned to Mr. Chaftmtan that he waa either going era ay or had ihe "D. T.'g." for all kind# of equtrmlng. wiggling creature* poured f«»rth. Water huga, electric bug*, cock roach * and. finally, two channel cata made their app— ranee: Mr. Chaftmtan finally recoverd from the shock, and found that these two fish, one ten Inches long and ihe other twelve, had evidently been the— for a long lime. The supposition I* that when quite small they got Into the pipe. An abun dance of food passed through, and alt they had to do wa* to open their mouths and allow It to go in. This suited them exactly, and. an they remained until the roots grew through the crevices and prevented their getting out. WILL NOT HOVE. The Bell Telephone Exchange Stays in Same Building. The rumor that the Bell Telephone company intended to move Its office and exchange to Broad street is an error. The exchange will remain in the same building. The office, however, will be moved one door to the cor ner. Here an ideal office will be fitted up. Brass railings, new desks, tables and other necessary office fixtures, have been ordered and will be out shortly. A neat idea of Mr. Adkins, the gene ral manager, is to have a table in the office on which will be kept all the current magazines and papers. These will be for the use of the patrons of the 'phone who may chance to have to wait in the office. tv icker & Davis. Wicker & Davis offer to the public a desirable rent list in today's Herald. In looking over the renting lists, re member that the season will close shortly, and make your choice ear ly. Amendment Filed. Mr. H. I. Solomons filed yesterday through his attorneys, an amendment to the divorce suit Instituted against his wife, Mrs. Josephine Solomons, In which he denies the the charge of cruel treatment brought by the defendant. SIMPLE. 11l «Mp|g MM Om fm 09 wt pAri 90 p Mm 4m 9t Uma. WmA. Ki**t4k. LaMM Ilf UiMlpya. Md— *M**9fN RAfftw'gfg. A# TlP^RMftSfiU CUM P OtUt V Harass# TMtiSnEmn’m TMI RIMI th I ¥''-■**' *.« •* ' ft# 4 AC *M9«i ? i*i* i* i IPP 9099/00009$ ** •• »• * “•% I fiNblTl# I K9OSOW 4323 t!49 i [ - —————i <m I IffYr*K AN 1 * ftK**l*Ff"T** I i#T 104 ] Mi, h b in AttfftMrt* ~ •• * • »•-»* - lw q CftTTTiN IJyTTKR Auguaia. '!• . b*pt l* -TH*— l# lav j iking be* «» r*-rd In »b# «#»«• ! k*t Tb* Hint —«>•— tnm Livnr-—j we— tr—gut*# it b * poWft* **’ vjj poftbt up Up*** H>### il 1 T-tl-i with aal*, cf l*.### •>#•«• Tb* N#w York mwtk*t <xp*n*d •• •#"* nlxht * *k>alM «#“'"•■ #bow#d who* al-nglh January r»IIW * our _f°**‘* *" 6M. mil **d off on i*!**» «~d a*Uin*. both fo# liquidation J!! coum. ib# quotation* #t I oriovb tw in* around I aal nlgbt'a l#v*t n fj**—ool'a - liiahig wnn #t » d*> l«n* „f H tot point compared with y##t«- Tb# crop movement promt*— tn t® c-aac abortly The receipt* for tomor row at New oriean* *#* tlumtad at t',oo u, 4#an hat— agalnat *** J y en#. nu t at IB.uaion IGO# t« •««'"« 13MTMW y—r PAINK. Mt'KBHT A CO. The following quotation*, the rloalng price, taken at t o'clock, at. over the .peril! wit- Of Pwtne. Murf h/ *Co . NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Clone. January J'J* f;" ru * rsr j M 6.56 April **l ‘Il May *■? « i ■“ \ '* November 5 • ,<, December 5-45 6.64 Ton# —Steady. LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.0 J 3.03 February and March .. 8.04 S.OJ 04 March and April 3.04 3.04 06 April and May 3 .05 S O;. May and June *-W June and July *.07 3.07 July and Aug 8 ° H Aug. and Sei’t ;1 3.0, OS Sept, and Oct 3.06 3.05 06 Oct. and Nov 3 04 3.04 Nov. and Dec. .. .. .. 3.0.1 3.03 Dec. and Jan 3.03 3.03 PORT RECEIPTS. 1597 IS9S Galveston *133 —— New Orleans S l S *> 6 '^® Mobile 2 M3 •“ Savannah 5 °3 4 Charleston 3303 Norfolk Wilmington Boston —- Baltimor.i 41 Philadelphia 224 Estimate total at all ports CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT — Open. Close. September tjj 1 * December 6 " 62 V* May % 64 % 64% CORN— September - s '2 December 23 bi -Oka May 31% 31% OATS— September - ■■ 2 ®^4 May 22 22 PORK— December 3 -37 *-37 LARD— December 4 32 4 - 3 ft SIDES— October 3 - 2 “ 52 “ nr McDade Better. Mr. Sill MeDade, of Grace wood, who was operated on at the hospital for appendicitis, is getting along very nice ly, and everything is in favor of his re covery. -AAppiAlbp a - •CPriMtVM 1* THEY ARE BREAKING CAMP. Tli Tf*«4 Uiih Ft T»A»niR Unni«: tb • t # My 19# llrarf awd MM C * W. C. worb -9 ft— a w 90*9*1*1 w— a ##■ d ib—• grnm>d and nit an—tag —#• arn N il i.i f«ir Railroad* Randy The ftvnrgln has already n-aced t# il—a rrmehew and man * freight earn ><* loaded. A great deal of tb# t segae#. It rata. #6#.. goes by this muicaadoetlMa Tb* Cbarlc—Oß and h"*«n Cara llaa haa placed aom# iwcaty <-nar9#d I h£(S flr*r?»J < rum it fkp- Ale* | fill* I* ib* itiUoa w%*r* *!) |No| bf k*h**iU* HU tmtmrh *nd lo*d. I The Georgia d.rlaioa go— la thr— ! eerilona (b# Chari—too and W-at«ra IcaroHna tn two. If rveryhlng worka oat la th# ,hapa tb*l I* tb# 1 rr|iß4Bt !«•»#• jp*r)f Ui tb# morning News H(Kh« Camp. Whan the H«i li ramp teat tmilic a wiW ***** **• pcraMHed II rn rbeared. parties •lanced. ba'a Ik* In the air and every dfmoaatraUnn of Jot was preaented. The Adfinti company la *he only on* that doca not u*m to ror* to *<>. Alt of the other* object to the diatanr* from tb# city and are glad of a change. The officer* generally exprcaa regret at leaving a* *hey aay tali day they have remained they like *he city and eltlieoa better. The officer* are perfect gentlemen and those who know them are aorry to glee them tip. The unlveraal opinion I* expressed •ha! Lexington la only a flopping place for a short while end that the dual destination of the regiment la the Phil ippines. This Idea Is relished by the majority, as they tlrat thought they would be sent to Cuba and did not dr ain: to go there. The ladies of the regiment will ba taken to Wbeieaa tonight and will stay on the (leaping car* until the time for the departure. Interesting Scene. To thoae who have never seen a camp moved this acene wil" be a novel on* and well worth the trip out. Squads under Ih# direction of petty officers go at the work In a business-like way which show* tbediaclpllne of the army. Tenta are struck, ropes brought tn, poles atacked together and In a re markably short time the home of the soldier la ready for transportation. The contents of the tents ore easily disposed of. They are only a few In number, clothe#, equipments, eating vesels and a few odds and end* consti tuting the soldier's all. These are done up In bundles and transported by the men themselves. The main trouble of moving camp is the officers and hospital headquarters and commissary department, but these’ are also transported in business-like manner. * mrTfred herritt Wl.l Oo With the Tenth to Lexington, Kentucky. Mr. Fred Merritt, who has had charge of the canteen at the camp of the Tenth regiment, will leave with, theregiment for Lexington tomorrow morning. Hp will conduct a canteen at the Lexington camp. Many Au gustans will regret to see him leave, and hope he will come back to 4 Au gusta in the near future. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED—POSITION BY COMPE TENT young man as salesman or office work. Good business qualifica tions. Tn business notv, but h-ish to change. “Competent,” care Herald. Sept 17 ONE GOOD HACK FOR SAX»E. TRICE $12.00. 120 McKinnie street. Sept 17 FOR SALE-1 GAS RANGE. 2 SUITES of furniture. Will sell cheap. 1008 Reynolds street. Sept 17