The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 17, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES dilvvr W*kh*» • • * • 99 *• Nn«t pt%#h • • # • B.#Ot ** ** ** Comp * » * • * .^O: ** ** (aim Bmh>»| • • • • of 0»m »* § I Utl #M#l> I kMiv# m • ffw clay* IO l»wjr rm«r t »M H#»a» I t*n MVt y«HJ JIR to AO *MM C*l" o*l *M t»uUh«MN Utf**l >vtH k of OmmoctcX if* A»*fw*ii LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. ymtor Iht Arlington Hot#! gyrg*m«L«% tMMJt a? #### «f fuff* as RW *W* *»•••» |aaii>a»f* As • •■#*» A •** IWf Mmm. Mafia* *aaa»»"» #* ,k# '*** •a* <4 *fea Aft* *»••#«** mm *» inn 11 at If iftMn •*** l—A '*• '*• gam* » to***"* M* ff*« '"*•* *** fata*"*. . r*» » a ima ©*****•*• ia> tw«a> awtnaaaf CptM> **- *f4 iw «►#** Oar * * Ttw® taaa mmm ml MM* Marfa lAmaa* a a n~, wn» n • ~ *a* *•••* a f ™ liar nf|a*ur* *°* a* l 09 *• * UifaaMawri *• naMff* Al* **•*•*•* "* g Mi Ms »f *f *»■■«••# *» •* - rv: ■**• gp*ttat» *«|< I, hal «*—ff> *n» «W» wO* **•' tm ***• M «» mm*%m w*m gnat Man** mmm t# l«i*a* «•* *Hf*M m*» f*fa «#* mm**** f*iaf aaaaff. s*» *a* *# *l* f*afc»» K’S fafl. •*• *»f »• •******" igt#4 awf ***** afrL liar* *k* ** eaaer *tjg**s*ied •<«* MM* aunf» fen** • fWM *‘ tt fr ** fc I ***** «l» iff* TAa If Maaaf r ,«*, frwata a»4 Nm Marfaa imm** l*at MW* F*rt*ff «*awM M* M» p**t** naaltf ****** tb* <*• j aaa< as Iff f*nf« •• I*** ***• #•* laa aa< a«»f »* '*»• ***** '* a* 4 ** •a-Aaftfem <* »A* at«M »A* ga4 a fcaafanai- »«lht* w»*4* a*a a* ft »»• M*b Rrf’lf lAau th* "•*, aram As Mia* Marta*. lAa latlar *aaa fcsc*m* Jaahfi as A« form** •»o (k«r mn*iv *ai»A* »A#* iAnr ■m WV> lA* eluaaaa of th* «t»t» pr* •*•s»# to Ik* r*iaf a L*g Ml** fVlaf •** lamalarf As U P»« Marr*. U Ik* 4**gM*r <«f »»• raft aaaat. Mia* Mark** Aataa afaei TAM ■ta4<> Mta* Mark** anart*' tAaa ***r SI f-taa that flat* on 'fc*»* M* <»!'**> r f tataaa Ikatit f'Ai |*t a It* I^ r ** I hi* arlf* Ift a fancf ta Mt*« far )r* itl A«H*4 bar to go «o Aaalrtoa ; aa t hair |*mi Tk* cfMli. hi* all* Major K*n- ( fon‘a aril* *»<! Ml** farlaf. war* amt • I ii 4 in | parlor car *itacb*4 u» th* laat •action of lA# Irala which look th*! r««in*at atrajr laal aftaranoa. amt LADIES TIES SOMETMINO NEW J. IILLEB WALKER THE HATTER. kitox hats Mias Marlon *nter*d. When ahe **w Mira farlrr »h* *r*w angry ami <l*- rlared ah* would not ro to Annlaton If i ah* had to rid* In the aama car with o«n*alev* Karl*y. She went to Col. Colaon with her •toa*. aa ah* had boon dulnx. and told hint that h* would har* to reanov* IdiM hfarley front th* car or ah* would *ot RO. Th* Colonel naked Cnpt. Tyre* liue ,on cmfwyp vltßkqJ xnIfUTIA tltltffB:;; Th* colonel naked Captain Tyree If he would not take hi* party Into an other car. *o that Mlu Marlon could j occupy that one, hut th# captain de-1 cllned to Rratlfy Mis* Marlon, and the colonel aakitd the captain to tell the young women that they could not ro "lit the train with the soldier* Mis* Marlon was furloutt at this order itad told her uncle. Captain Treadway, who was *o angry he declared he would resign He was finally perauaded to go on to .Anniston. Mlsa Farley was not se riously disappointed. Her father will send her to Anniston tomorrow pu a regular train In the regiment the has ten or a dosen kinsmen, who are furious at what they consider the Injustice done her. y.rtlo.l Ink in# Vertical Pen* f. r Var tlcal Writing. Kacoinnisndad by Prof Pelot. Pa# no other. Sold at Richards & Shaver's Book Store. A NEW GROCERY HOUSE. Starts Up October ist at 848 Broad Street. Mr. J. D. Gunn, for a number of years salesman for the J. B.White com pany, and later of the Grin of Young blood & Gunn, lias again decided to niter teh grocery business. Mr Gunn has associated with him Re*. Titos. Walker, his father in law, as silent partner. Th’- entire management of the busl entcr the grocery business. Mr. Gunn pod he will see that the trade is prop erly served. CA.BT OniA. tiTt y,, jm The Kind You Haw Ala,its Bought 20-year filled gold watches In ladies' and gents’ sizes with Rlgln or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to 112.50. Guarantees with each watch at Irfwls J. Schaul’s. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. _ . . „ ~ _ VN Hen 1 He ArthMk World Approve# AMMKit Hm 1 - etAM* (NpYR ard The Evereii Piano *L*OZ UNLIMITED TIME I And hp • Arm lailtt «m Rrtfitw lr«mr ioß»y la ft»*n R tit HARVARD PIANO j BrfttUlßt (ft (OS*. IdMHfKd Ift giwtUy. i tiw a tit: fill tit RftirH I.A»W RART IAH (ktllflfllt frti PP JKpltiptSP Tdonias & Barton. W. H BARRKTT, R*r*l*w. 11* Hruad* ay. Augwat*. Ua. COBHAM HAPPENIMIS. O** M (A* Veteran* ha* K*tur*ad From Tamp*. Npectal to Th* Herald I t'obbltam. **pt. IT - Tltea* are gilgAtv I hard time* now. **4 I sue*, all part* I»f the country am feeling them. hut it ■ haa not killed th* pinch and energy nf tVbtiham a largest merchant, (hpt W W. I‘urwi Me haa enlarged hi* atore. aa welt aa hta atoch of goods H»n. Al rasmier Homer suggested la tit* cap tain that If be would anil up th* front plaaaa on his store and put a port Ice In front and n verdlgo brhlttd hta atore, he would pmaper much faater. The | captain haa not decided yet. Out. Cart Rtory left Cohbham a few week* ago. He went to Tampa with hi* hroihur, Mr. bum Rtory. While In Tampa the colonel waa employed by the government aa n farrier. The colonel got to monkeying with a pistol one day and It Is the same old atury—"didn’t know It wa* loaded." Well, the pow der exploded, and. of course the halt came out. It went through his "trouaa loona" and part of hta leg. He haa re turned to Oobbhain on a furlough, and I* telling lota of war "yarns.” Hob Perry, a colored man. liv ing near Cohbham, had quite a sad ex perience with a snake last week. Hoh found a very targe Highland moccasin In the grass near hta house. He sent for hta gun nnd shot the snake half In two. When the load struck the snake ft knocked him farther In the grass Boh ! secured a hoe and cut a place, then j stepped In It. and that part of the .snake’s body that head the head on It [struck Bob’s bare foot. The fang* went jln deep: but he baa recovered now from the fright and the wound alao. Co). Rosa, the mall rider, la feeling a little Indisposed this week, nothing se rious: he hs* been riding a very poor horse. t'apt. Dunn was In Augusta one day this week on business. Dr. Clem Blanchard, of Augusta.was in our neighborhood last Tuesday. Judge la catching lot* of ’poaaotna now with Buck and Jebb, Mr. Tom Blanchard, of Cluese, was up last Saturday. Miss Ola Sutherland, who hns been visiting friends and relatives In Cobh ham, has returned to her home In Mll ledgeville. Postmaster Boyd, of Kays vllle, was tn town last week, shaking hands with his friends. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 26c. Th* genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Beautiful and flood. Rather a rare combination, hut such Is the Everett Plano, sold by Thomas & Barton. The manaufacture of these Instru ments, by strict adherence to their de termination to use no material but the best; to employ no workmen but the most Skilful, have produced a result as near perfection os can be found In any piano in the world. In proof of this, the manufacturers who are eminently responsible, guar antee the Hyerett piano for unlimited time. Read Thomas & Barton’s ad. on page 2 of this issue. Get prices on both new and second-hand School Books at Pendieton’s Be fore you Buy your School Books. THJH Atfcl?* tn fttt? Hi •At t%» Mato* ■»*•#•»» **»* *»*>***• •**»■ 4MMHR * 1 **• Ltffc [ W" W fy-iJwngr* gSMMw vofw ww*> «***» •Mm# 4 !*# i #&* MRafcfYßlA •hUp « • Wpm wRI wv *vf * mKM 1 wNMNI RR iRBiA ♦»###• if As fINWR “% iwfA» MRA. T%p wf tH«f RM M AM' * |» .ißflßt Hi •• Imi m HI rutli Uiiirt in [■MRI nßpßf HP'- vvhwi KtHtUp “• twUM IfMMMNI (ißi* ! *4* ntYRR* hßyßNhil mRMi hrhmrr. • wppm I 99m —IRWHIA «•*!§ W*** •HmMlf flMflli* •••** -44 (KrM afl piM * * IR* §fW%*mw I Hi* AifcHl «IR vpm M« f*tt ! . * n tne amu ~ ttM»’ AII II din Sffi«a Jral# WH«At MiM Jhmiil* [| am Hh>m* Mi mi I* II VHittnA Mlamk \h VC rut— Htm H*tim Mr Mt J I- Mhm I«fvj|| in flit to AIM lA#t IM *|4 AiVOftiiMMl tAut A* Mill OfMR • iitwn il far tgp #* 'A* IK*A law Tfc* Mtowtof koy# A*v* Heft Alfcwa for t imugg *fH*w* Haadall Cruft ltd* « sa4Ak’e»aa P«-Afw4*». Mew# Unar. IrfsLl Ald*i»aa J«B«p HolWy. OtcNff* Pwirtitji I ButiA DMlftt# Dlktt| MUI Jam** Wyman sow nf Dr H M Wf. uwr, ha* go** to th* Patrick Military arhool at Aatf*r*un. aad Baaale tlaw deraogi I* attawdlg tk* Pawtog Arad*- ay. CAartottravill*. Vs. Atk<n will **nd d“H* *nti»b*r of girt* to tA* varfooa cotl*g*# of tAr stair. IVt C t. M*Gaha» who Is « Bar Hirlnr. M*. la attawdaa** upon Mr* :Wm C. WbiUiey. write# that h* witt re:urn to Aiken shout tb* 16th of Oc tober as Mr* Whlt»*y will b* well enough for him to l*»y* h*r by that ’«!»*. Special b«'■trains In school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book stora. Mrs, Amanda Pennell I* In Jail at At lanta charged with larceny from the hou*»- She Is aceuaed nf shoplifting by th* firm of Douglas A Davison. Mr*. Pennell says that she waa examining »ome pocketbonks and picked up one and started toward a clerk to aak the priea of th* artiel*. Th* firm allege* that *hs concealed th* pocket book about her. where It wa* found by a clerk, who *ummoned an officer. Her huatwnd run* a *tor* on Msrtett* *tr*et. She wa* bound over to th* eourt tn the sum of 1100. WINELJDF CARDUI x iESF A UTTLE DOES MUCH. Boonx. lowa., Dec. 14. No tongue can tell what I have endured in the peat ten years with mv monthly sickness. While suffering untold *Kony, * friend called and recommended Wine of Cardui. I eent for a bottle, and Oh! what relief. After the first dose I begau to feel better and have had no pain since. mjuf G4A ce lamphukb. Wftird'O Wine of Cardui not only cures but it act* AT ONCE. Here b a cate of ten yean' standing, and yet one single dote made the sufferer feel better, and stopped the pain. The Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs. Its action is not violent, and it does not force a result It simply gives Nature that little assist ance that the sufferer's system lacks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorden all over the body, and when the Wine cures the source. a|l the other ills vanish as a S L - matter of course. A woman i’ advisory oepartuent. Mn [, e own physician ulTlo* In oawa requiring »pe- .... *otion».»<iar«M.»ivioc:«yß)i>. and cure herself at home. Lo- Imitif* Advitorp D*p*rirn*nt, , noo*“ edlel,le ® 0 * cal examinations arc largely ~—■' things of the past—the ob noxious custom is no longer necessary. Wine of Cardui is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable Wine made to-day for the cure of "female troubles". Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI awl HI #**• *hri>t •*#• * Paln'Killer. • •mVmmi •* m fn«r iMHpNib MNI >a "*> Mp# Am I A HMM MIM ftMfMMltvNi- RfiiiMi PI PMO %0 PPHf (PfMMHfth R’SPMT PAYMf A **|f AKE** Mndtb*p> Haw a *t -y-j Mm IA A* I twain P Ph A compkit* »tock of School T«b?At». P*ncllA. Pho*. Ink, Slatat School Bara. Book StrapA. Com* poAition and E x#rciAa Books, Lunch Ba»kotA. ( P«ncil Boxaa, Ate., At P«n d:oton*A Book Bto rm. j SENATOR HOAR TAY ACC HIT. (NtAM’y M«pa* Me will C«n..*t I* MKtaed Hay Wasbtngtcsi. P C., Aegt. 11. Th* I’mkbtt ha* sot gives op hep* of per »ua<tlng Senator Hoar, of Maaasetiaa . Its. to ace. pt the mission to Ragland ll* Is urging St ns tor Hoar to cuwseut to Iweom* Cot. Hoy’s aoceaasor, and there appear* to be greater hop* of »ue rea* now than awe week* ago when ! the place wa* lr>t tendered him The [only difference la the way of securing Senator Hoar * consent ia aatd to be th# e mdltlon of hla health It la gencraly conceded by the ofßrtala of tb* govern igient that If Senator Hoar gnea to th# Court of Bt. James Secretary of the Nary will be appointed senator from Maeaat busatta by Go lemur Wol cott. and Chart** V. Alien, aeeletant secretary of the navy, a lan a Maaaa chuaett* mau. will go into the cabinet aa Secretary lx>ng « aucccaaor. The better halt of the editor of the .Marietta Journal haa a linen towel, thick and welt preaerved, that Is alaiut 126 year# old Her great grandmother i*pun the flax and wove the towel. 7-^yi ft pht s fM f|g|f hrt ft MpaaMg Ai,a<vAa»« w* Mfdh* tawWtA Hm#HwA* I pm* mp -4 *pk %• # BMp| * [ I ?wHjjK)op <% 90mm l 9m piM -"*# mm 9> pp [ mpp 90tm 9 m *mom9% •%» 0p0&0> I dill fctf jMr Am jHt ; <M§’" ft Ip- p.-. ftHMl - %****• rn e *9O *0 990 t 9 9 HP* I *# 90* *%p pftwi frftPi *-%•* 9m SOO 90 jm .1 m - gift Mk .ftp# dft. I%g o'm It. mt** 900909, 0 Hut 9 <os I ■-.**' -“T- A 9000000 9"is* •#«'-% 4 *%• j m iii iftptDtli it? Mr Ilf* mrn4 Mtlvttf 111 mmmf mm dertir to iMifl, t*tUl fti4 IliyfiUfti i M m H»mm livillftif.. Ml <Wlif ; III# m9p900 mi 9**o*, 9ml IA ft ftfllldUH fMBBW» as ill |Mlf» rtMlft 90 til# flNMrtc difirt- INUt Bl lit j IWoud hftßd Book# ftßilM Ru hird* t BkftVftf'ft |of)k Wtofft ■■ aai■ 111 in. n ua ft THE CAROLINA NOMINEES Who I hey ail Arc aad M Aar* They Line I Governor—W* H. AUerbe, of Mbr i lop I.ieutcntnt-(lnventor — Mile# B Me , Swtcgey. of Hampton. Slate Treasurer— W. H. Tiaira rmaa. 'at Rdgeffeid Secretary of State--Marion H Coop er. of Co tie log Attorney Genergl—fJ. D. Bel linger, of i Barnwell. ! Superintendent of Education —Joha jJ. McMahon, of Rich land. Adjutant-Geeiera I—J. W. Floyd, of • Kershaw. I Compt rollar-Oeneral—J. P. Dertoam. • of Horry. * Railroad Commiaaloner— C. W. Qar j rla, of Cotteton. For Congrcav— ! First District—William Eliloft, of l Beaufort. Second DlitHet—W J. Talbert, of [ Edgefield. Third District—. A. C. Iptimer,, of j Anderson. Fourth District Stanyame Wllaon. cf , Hpartanhurg. Fifth District—D. R. Finley, of York, fllath District—James Norton, of Ma [ rlon (contested). i Seventh District—J. Wm. Stoke*., of | Orangeburg. WILL RETURN TO EI.LENTON. The Climate of Florida Did Not Agree With His Wife. j Special to The Herald. Ellenton. S. C., Sept. 17.—The many friend# and acquaintance* of Rev. Frederick Jones will be pleased to ' know that he will return to hla home | In Ellenton about the 15th of Decem ! her next. He resigned the pastorate of the Ellenton Baptist church to accept a call from the First Baptist church In Peusacola. Fla., but as the climate of Flotilla does not agree with his good wife, he has dec elded to return to South Carolina. The Baptist denomina tion lost a very useful and a very able preacher when he left this state, es pecially the Savannah River Associa tion. Many regrets are expressed that he will not get home to Ellenton In time to attend the meeting of that body, which meets with the Beech Is land Baptist church In November. The nice weather now Is very en couraging to the planters and they are taking advantage of It. to hasten the gathering of their crops, which the heavy rains have damaged consider ably. "Storm cotton” Is very much In evidence In oil the markets, and It does not figure out much for the poor plant ers, but still farming cannot stop, "for the farmer must feed them all.’’ James M. Clinton of Dalton was choked and robbed by three men in At lanta Tuesday night as he was taking a stroll down Peters street. The rob bers succeeded In getting $22.25 in cash and his gold watch. Clinton was pass ing by a dark alley, and the three men bounced upon him so suddenly that he didn’t have time to resist or call for help. He claims that the two of the men were negroes and the other a whita man. V TWyAV.M A>\ ONECENTA WORD w 'Mm»- -.«**■ ■ -f • •* j BITUATION WANHD mI ft SI t ft.#* 0f%999Ww99m ™9 *>m a y . t| .» ft* ikC 99090' 09m* 000 fti 90BL* WANTftk* i 9 ‘ftfti FOR SALE CRKAM-rnBAM AT M JAtTKP'jM «T. : t'ltH | fi» nVR H S UMIjK hi«aii ft>n MLR-’LdT CAS ARY HIRI# | KHi« >Ui4|’*ni. tS 6# h J W. J%i»* •#a. 799 KIN# itmL N##t tt —-—== —rrr I koij.-t ip niea K a put hai.k I iWeen Dunbar A William*. Repl IT IkLAT-TGP PRRK. TTPgfW’ RITKIt Table# ard Chair* *ret OAr, Furwt tur*. Idm bar 4k William* *e*t. If. LtNAOOOD HACK FDR #AUt PRICE fit M. ]|t M Klnnle street. Rrpt If yog 1 OAR RANGE I Nt’fTEM | of furniture. Will Sell cheap. MM Reynold* street. R*pt II FOR RALB-A FINK FA MILT HtiRSK —five year* old—only reaaon for sell ing going out of business a big bar gain. Call or address R. L. Fog. *l* Hmftfft t*ept M **t moo wed * o 4 FV»R KALK—IM-ACRK FARM, ONE mite from rtty Ifintte. a Iwrgaln. Ap ply W. C. Johee. No. 124 Jack»>n St. j Oct t TO RENT FOR RENT HEAR 740 BROAD. fronting 2# feel on Elite, 175 feet deep. Suitable for Jobbing hu*lne**. Apply on premia** **Pt I* FOR RENT-1617 REYNOLDS RT., 6-room dwelling. Apply til Broad. Oct X TO RENT—RESIDENCE 1224 ELLIS, with *ll modern Improvement# and convenience*. Apply 1626 Broad street. Oct 1 TO RENT—THE DWELLING 642 Walker afreet—seven rooms, kitchen, two rooms, all wat#r convenience#. Ap ply to D. Graham. Ot 1 TO RENT-NO. 437 TELFA lit ST . contaliftng * room* with all modern conveniences. Apply to W. J. Ruth erford. Sept 17 TO RENT—THREE NICK FURNISH ED front room* with privilege of par lor and bath. Apply to C. H. Luhrs, 460 Broad street. Sept 20 TO RENT—THE TRICK DWELXJN'G No. 260 Greene street. Apply A. H Davidson. 330 Greene street. Oct l TO RENT-STORE NO. 714 BROAD street, next below Davenport & Phin- Ixy. running through to Ellis street. Price $1,360. Alexander A Johnson, 705 Broad street. Oct 1 FOR RENT—STORE 805 AND HALL WAY 807 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct 1 TO RENT—UPPER FLOOR OR room*, at 454 Bay street. Sept 17 TO RENT-DESIRABLE RESIDENCE No. *2l Center street. 8 rootne with kitchen and bath. Apply T. P. Denis, Summotvlllw. O ’- I TO RENT— SUITE CONNECTED BY sliding doors. First floor. Centrally lo cated. Apply 932 Reynolds street. Thurs and sat Sept 18 TO RENT—A 7-ROOM COTTAGE NO. 16 dimming street, centrally located, good neighborhood, all modern conven iences. Apply Mrs. I. V- Franklin, 1019 Greene street. Sept 19 FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM. furnished- Apply 1631 Reynolds St. Sept 20 _ ; BEPTEMBCtI 17 ■ft» mm** **o9oooooo*o IlfHMi i ft *h ** *»’«*# •** iff *** mmm Ufa. 9 i»i | 9** 9909 m 4 1 ft# 1 | 'IMMIWgg-’ia’B; :Tf!MMI * { mmm* * §- *99 9*99 MISCILLANIOUI ll m*oom 4aml| ft* ft 1* ft - f#ft* Special Notices; WaAAe Lagge. No IM. F. * A. M. lUfulit Mmtkijf * &m. Vftt il, Iftt, . THK RI.uCI.AK MdATMI.T ■ fftft|Mlttßl#Btl4Ml t*T «kk* I A 1 ft® MH* Wilt k# h#LI *• W»# fftftt I, rh®. kiNBW Nftii mu MUftDAY ft\ lift • [ IftU, I'M ft #1 9 90 oeiort. | ftrtnWv# fttU uk# dat nitW. I VftiiAf bnUrio rov4iil>T ! IB# ociftr ft. nMK fttAtY. 9 M j iom S* i mrn. ##e. !ftotk«* tiib Ai*oi*ftTA rwrr cmioitt> j deft*** Hi «biiu#l n j M< »Nl'A V. mKPTKM BTTVt lITM. OlMi* I di lain for idnUnkifl iiMtld pr##®fit IhFfntFlvtf f«»r farollnml I>«t«r9#t I TSO ftftd lift p. m Til I# #• fto«>| I# ofMHt t® #ll boyi IBd f«UA| ir»t n oho do j lot ftftmd ftkNl la tb# 4tf. Steft | ofrtpbf im • p#r* mt Ih# f our## JOHN L. IRVIMB. rrlfirip#! 7 Per Cl $500,000 TPffCl 1 FOREIGN CAPITALIIITA WILL LOAN ItAI.F A MILLION DOLLAR* r>n realty tn Auguala, Ga. Terms 7 , jer cent For further Inf irm*llVl a*v ; their attorney at Mar. P. J. SulUvau. 13*., or Mr. P. O. Burum. Aturman’* Preparatory School. THE SIXTH ANNUAL SERr.ION OF this school will commence on MONDAY. OCTOBER Id at t a. m. S|i*ctal palne sod thorough Instruc tion given to each pupil. For full par ticular* call on or address at 1241 Ki ll. street. WM. H. BTURMAN, A M , Principal. Special Notice Academy of Richmond County, Augus ta. Ga. 11*TH ANNUAL SESSION BEGIN* MONDAY, OCTOBER Srd. Full corps of instructors. Course* in Ancient and Modern Languages. Mathematics and th«- physical Science*. Stenagra phy and Typewriting without extra charge. Instruction in Military Tac tic# hnd Athletic*. For Information. wddrcM Principal, Richmond Acad emy. , „ ■ Removal Notice. THE PUBLIC A ke RBSPBCTFULLY notified that tha undeitaklng eetab lishment of W. EDWARD PLATT has lieen removed frhm No. 312 Jacli soh street to th* more commodious quarter*. Nos. rib-1 Jackson street and Nos. 74T-2 Telfair street.being the large brick building on the northeast corner of Jackson and Telfair streets. V. EDWARD PLATT Agent. Owner Jackson and Telfair Streets. Both Telephones and Night Bell at Store. Installment Nofce. Office of Augusta Real Estate and Im provement Company, Augusta, Ga.. Sept. 17, IS2B. THE REGULAR .MONTHLY INSTAL MENT of this company Is due and payable at this office on MONDAY, Sept. 19- W. R. YOUNG, President. W. C. Jones, Secretary. On a Short Furlough. The Fall Goods I have Just received will not remain, but will at once be reduced to the bottom prices. 73p. Undershirts, at .. 50c. 75c Under Drawers 50c. 25c Gee’O Suspenders 15c. SI.OO White Dress Shirts 60c. 10c Club Ties 2 l-2e. Suit to order $20.00, upwards Pants to order $5.00, upwards F. G. MBRTINS, Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher, Opposite Planters Hotel.