The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 17, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Saturday 4 THE »UCUSU HE MID !««•• *i «#»•*■• •*«*** •*•**» - __ ■ * * * ,■***•***••**' *» «•******• fiiwi •»*»?*** tmiw • *•*•*»* '' «* J M ### *******.__!. * * "*** |Mmr *■ ri "*" m ~ ■»«-**♦» ** Bar**** •*•****■ *** f..s»**"s •»•»«»•••***** J* - **#*' m *# !*■**> *** BBS# ____ h«rau> #•!•#■* nm i r-- mi $ *•'»••• jimm> mr wm m tm— * Mwi #f •»* **■ u, nm* two hb#ali» to *.**•• *< •***• ***«■* Ml imii - «*.*—»»*« *<•*•* **4 •> »-« flrstt MM §*<«( ll*W , ._ i a g|HMO|MMMk’" M 4MI *M»# **!_ ** •*• •—* it »• t«* en»-n **• Mt ■» l«t mM wi* **•••» •** «•*»** MM-* Herald Prize tellers From American Summer Resorts. . | $ . . , Tb* *•»•* «#* »** r *" T a ippftent #f pffP*m #*f tb# b#*l w ._ . la*■ ttVl't ft'il'M •*> IMrt fee ten fo.n»m»» NtMi TbM **' ■I |M> «»«*» be pafaUebed “°4»r ■ ' * «HMR «• **«•• •»! *•* (I « m h« ha. iKmI lb* ■ *»-4» •*' rtM, «ul l» fabluHted «« * COM ■V mmi and Impartial vommn •Mil* 1 * t* Ik* swsrdta* *f nut*ft TW real »•"»• •* **• tfittn, w »*« •• «k* "M« 4* • < ®|»fws, mast accompany *"*k V fetter Sent •« hr leUMWI**. * , for tk* purpos# *1 tAeatiflrw ((!<*». f „ (JgtlNttntl Mott confine IB*lf letter* la t rewnwabt* Ifittlk CnlrdMU CM writ* •• »*B» (Him u they wish (or th« tut Ol»# r«BtP»tit>< ***** min mm\y an# ©f tb# ■ • • TK# H*r*M went# tprlfM )y gitflpy letter*. «*a Ik* “* prises wltl h* swarded (of lb# ‘ beat. num Interesting and m«*»l reads hi* l»tl*r» at Bu»m at H«- otn N*w*. Contest Closes Oct. I. rc>R THB BWT LBTTISB »» •» SH<II THE JD IIUT JJBTTER ... U.SO rOR THE ID WEST = TSMrESITT AMD ADOVSTA. A* ao wldenc* at the rHura o( protp*rtt|r ltd thow* who put thßlr ftith to thadr work*, th* t.l* mnuufac turom And Inventor* of th* north and weal. *•< point to th* fotlowlni from (he proapectu* of th* We*tln*hou»* lAIr Brak* On. of Plttabunt. rntnrdlnK (he fAcllltle* of their recently romple «ed new plant ’ ’ThU company if now prepared to fill order* at an hour’* no de* for on* or more thousand *et* of ntr brake* for trelsht car*, havlnc at Ibelr new work* an annual capacity for turning: out air brake* for 250,000 freight car*; 6,000 pM*eng*r car*, and 30.000 locomotive*; beside* repair* for 800 freight and pa*»cn»er car*, and 83.600 locomotlvea. already equip ped.' 1 If the** far-elghted. keen manufac turera and men of blf affair*, men who have made their money by their tar-»lghtedne*», evince such confidence iu the good titties that are coming. Why should not Align*"* a«‘> ll, ' r mlll *- Augusta with her superb facilities and water power, the natural entre-pot of two states, lake advantage of the times and let the world know it? The Brunswick Times prints n cut pf Octi. Shatter picturing that, worthy IWlth glossy, luxuriant Burnsides and n phaggy head o£ hair parted in the mid- K \ Wasn't that a good, hard, horse-tsenae talk of Senator Til man’s up in New Hampshire the other day? All the Southern papers are commenting there on and applaud'ng. Sixly-seven freight oars filled with 489,600 pint bottles of beer have been shipped to Manila. Each ear was la beled with a huge canvas inscription— •• The Beer that made Milwaukee fa mous.” The Hon. Timothy Dry Dollar Sulli van gave his eighteenth annual outing mid chowder party this week In New York. Six thousand of the statesman's ncihercMits and heelers turned out to do iiim honor aud drink his health. MB IlfklS 41 ast) utoMiu »<—■». M » swam r» now" las wf thewt ffasp waat fine* Mar A a hMJwW M| sec*. WEB th* MOW pwd farwaed u> MAh* kla iiifM**- «l and on (awing tMdr rnwfMwkl* gaetf <• tap Nf* awd tb* Cwftaw e*t*a pata<* B* •*«** «4 tb* char** at U TT —n awd lh# part take* therela by th* Mlai* awd Tewtb cwvalry the n>ETn ln*i*i tel EaweeveJt wk a gtwwla® trtbwt* to (ho daefcv amt rkaea aaptw* (hat 'b* Swawtwtd* »ait#d i hem "(woti d 9awh#*4 hot he had towwd th*wi tw he w »wy etwtlwit , breed wf Tawhe*. A poMikwl *»rww, wr (MM* a l whole hay rack I* »**w tw srcwuwt of •bere t'sptaiu Cwrry. who eoam* from New Me*ico awd I* a twoo« owcom [ prom lung fHewd Wf Hryaw awd fn-e •liver, stepped forward awd y*Mad S "Three cheer* for the Best goverwot of New Vork ” "W *h w* could vwt# Ibr htai cawte a shout that waa altwoet drowned In emit her chorus of yell* that would eead ehtver* through peoceful .leulren. at the mut Col Koooevett advaweel •gain and there wan alienee "Floy* he said. Tm going to etawd here at.d I will esteem It a privilege f #w< b of you will com* up here. 1 want to shake your hand I want to *ay good - by* to e*eh owe of you in person ” Company rank* were formed and the mru pawed tip In single file * There vm a dim bandclwp, a few word* an ,l pot a tew wet eye*. Th* coloael know* h« name and deed* nearly eve ry man In the regiment, and to most of them be recalled something that was pleasing. Opening at Lucy Cobh. The I-ucy Cobh Institute ha* thrown open Its doors amt 125 young ladles answered the first roll call day before yesterday. Whit* all the member* of the faculty were on hand, many iror# pupils are espected to arrive shortly. Kveryth'ng point* to th# coming *#*- atou as the most prosperous In the history of the school. The new Fienrh teacher. Mile. Builel. has al ready produced a favorable Impres sion. While th* greater number of pupils are from Georgia, the south I* well represented In scholars from Igiuls.- ana, Tennessee. North and South Carolina and Florida. The course of study, or rather the standard, has been conalderably raised, the curriculum now ranking In certain studies quite as high as the University of Georgia. Mr M. O. Michael, who takes an Intense Interest In educational matters, has ottered another splendid prlie. a silver loving goblet, to the young lady taking the beet rank In history for the coming year. The outlook Is bright for Lucy Cobb and we trust that the class of '99 will graduate as many bright and winsome young women as have come from ihi* sterling institution In years past. A 10 Per Cent Dividend The annual meeting of the etockhold ers of the Clarke County Loan and Im provement company, of Athena, was held day before yesterday. A most prosperous year has been passed • through, the affairs of the company are in excellent shape and a dividend of 10 per cent was declared. Prof. L. H. Chartwmulf r tendered h'.a resignation, which was reluctantly ac cepted aud a graceful and hearty set of resolutions adopted on the severing of his connection with the company. Capt. ’V. A. McDowell was elected president. Mr. Meyer tSero flUs Prof. Charbonnier s place on the board of di rectors. Henry Grady’s Cotton Deal. The late H. W firady made but one speculation in his life and according to the New Yorg Sun, it turned out as follows: Mr. Grady went tm a fishing trip with a party of New York cotton bro kers and when they relumed from the frolic determined, to take a flyer. He accordingly bought 1,000 bales at 11.80 per pound—this was years ago—and had a ticker put in his office to watch I the fluctuations. w( , , ♦m IT A TrOTTF"* A **"*—'* *"■ T> %|m VN4RI ** » ‘ ifcMm WMi , nig AiMtfliMMi 4M& *£MM(IN§ MMk § i ' **-' %' <• f ** * *m* i 9 > iMam* t awwrws FACTS AM» FANCIES. ! W« 99* pmhmrh *-*** hNit N (up#* iHRIKK# f| rxj Ml fellWMl I Crtiift in tM# r*%'* «• fur I uUf «VR |||«t fvffpfint* M«« «• RArt •• Ibo mtM 11 114 H I** itw <if I*9*ll | Atm M«tl# •rt»*» power mmrrrtm* |*ll IM# I9r»«nr «f tM# ••h'ltip I Mam In *al«fmll|r <9* I tbs Moftn m*Mnmi h* •!<>•*• ** F***®*. Wf (at* III# fclK ft b#r*»*r tb#f 1 *f# Mind, bm b#c*M*f *• iff MHMb | W# *r# §8 fuffirm I ib# ftPtotti pmilttal ItnpofH up »a fl* I btfStf. i W# •* rrofitlf a Ufty but ; tb# hank# bIMMi |it Iwtly b#yo*Hl 4#* j irrtptu*. j Th# Mack fr<i#t of f#*f Rip* bull#* I etimlnsiely * host of the blumom* of good and evil. ft matter* Itttt# whether we live here ■ or hereafter —the main point I* to be lieve nureelvc* immortal. Weak will* have terrible tasks Im posed upon them— thom, the strong cannot endure for tkemeelve*. | Man fat tb* blade of grass In tb.< de | eert—whipped of all minds, scorched fay all suns, yet Imperishable and etsr -1 nal. I The human soul Is passing through ! a period of eclipse, mortal evil paHlal ' ijr or totally obacurlng the divine light of reason. Natural oppositions are sweet—night after day. rest after toll, peace after war, freedom after bondage—most grateful of all and including all, death after Ilf*. HI OH LIGHTS. As a corn-dodger the careful dancer takes the cake. It’s surprising how easy It la to get aomethlng you don't want. The flrst settler In a new territory may be the last to settle hie bills. Minister* who rehearse their ser mons practice what they preach. The husband ceases to talk shop when his wife begins to talk shopping. A fly la no* very tall, yet It stands over six feet without shoes or stork- A laboring hee produces honey; a belaboring 1» often productive of a black eye. as a punishment for people who listen at keyholes would be the proper thing. It Is said that truth lies at the bot tom of a well. Perhaps that's why the lawyer pumps the witness. A fish diet may not strengthen the brain, but a little fishing trip often tends to tnvtgorate the Imagination. The look of intelligence assumed by the young lawyer as he tackles ids Hi si case Is apt to enuse the presiding ijudge to lose confidence In himself. lIiVIOBS DSFINHIONS. Essay—A paragraph padded with words. Centurion—A cyclist who makes a century run. Experience—The comb a man acqulr ‘ es after he loses his hair, i Heirloom - The trousers that are ! handed down from father to son. i Quiet About the hardest thing for ; a woman to keep In this world. Adversity—The only scale that gives ! ihe correct weight of our friends. Brave—The man who will stood with in twenty feet of anything a woman ! throws at. Baton- Said to be a union of Intellect and fashion. An additional “o,” how- I ever, knocks that definition silly. lilMb A Of lifts Itfbk % %%s» p* iwr nmrn tb# ffer*tfiMl* i nwnw 1 |t Ml ***# #* tb# »F*t*r* *4 «b# t»* in #v#r «M rwrrrn imm #f Ih* fn#mb#m. tb***!** vb# btw4i tm tb# t«bi# #*4 tb# pUinrr of lUtVt Abmf iUmom # b# of t* hii.vm f*m# I* ib# IVn<lrik»ii in) A roy#t*r#r #b»*t tow*, but •##*# bla i rjiirfiiff to tb# itaufkiff of Anirtti mt#tit b# hi# tvll brother, bnriubN tf>« ytnl m##itifr* k>tn#t| *>##r, it) at! *#rr t!rtt« k *)th Vb# ttb#* , B tb# NiVE* kfruff of th<* fwiuitiix’d tit}'*** h< iiikiM i y s \ ijit u-'sE n on Jac‘ s. n street, north of Broad. I* being done fat a shipshape and a thor- The surveyor earn* along a few day* ago', and *1 certain Interval* on the sidewalk drove small tacks which were iparkSd with red chalk. Then came the heavy team# distrib uting the eut and trimmed bowlder* at regular stations m» lh# street. Kariy each morning there follow* the laying gang, which work# with #y*r ; trmatlr and beautiful precision. The hole Is dug. the stone placsd , therein, straightened to the line, the | dirt tramped down, and when the eye j la equlnted along the white stone row. I It Is as true and straight at an ar row. George Gould, the son of hi* father. | In an Interview in London on Tuesday. 1 predicted that the country was on the j eve of a tremendous business Itoom. Besides being a young man of wealth. ( he has managed his huge affairs In a way that has elecited the admiration of all business men and financier* and. | consequently, hi* opinion is worth | something out of the ordinary. He has even bested Uncle Russell | Sage on one or two occasions, and that \ doughty millionaire, who haggles over the price or decayed apple* on the I street stands, has a good opinion of George's financial ability. Mr, declares that the boun teous harvests will have a gr at ef fect on railway stocks and shares. He has been on a vacation of a cou ple of months abroad and begged to lie excused from expressing any opinion on the Philippine question nnd the coming races for the American cup. The Herald’s new Standard War At las Is a very timely publication, which seems to bo well planned to answer the questions which people are asking about countries In different parts of the world. The raar» are In sufficient detail to be entirely Intelligible, and the low price at which the atlas Is pub lished, 30 cents, will make Ignorance unpardonable. Realising the value of such an atlas The Augusta Herald ar ranged with the publishers for a spec,al edition. As this new atlas is not for , B le at any of the stores, our readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore the edition is exhausted. A GOOD STOCK OF GOODS POORLY ADVERTISED IS A REFLECTION ON THE GOODS •‘THEY CAN’T IT, i BUT YOU CAN.” (iERAIiD PRIZE REITERS m 9BMMI ft# SUMMER RESORTS. M) tm At bet. 111 tm At SM iM MfdiltM Naeffasse *»* I Lag !«f'l tot I s 1 «« # t-iSWt* • fi:l Ifctt. f iumtOttl iril)» Mil## K*l# ~ m lYffi. J#b##» MMl## fb#)*D# , •y. |% ,n« of f % •*# Ml## VlrlW j M m « _ , r • ** A#* Maa VFf4«rr. *t Ab I fsiiiMi It? Wilt M#*«#«*. of Ampummt i wpmkrm Hr »M Hr# *»**• **4 * I (ill#) I# I**’ Tw**Uf #F#*lfHr. Ittif# • l*ntr l*«f» Mrti #*# •• l»b J#* * i|o##)r b*»m# *1 J#t»h*b- A Ur*# *#rtr ; ... fystm Marlin#*. If* r#|uti) I '* I #kyl# I. #** outi» »#Frn »•***■•*. ■, ; half flU#4 #rttb *b# rl### Ptrrn* « **##- :#4 #rltb riK* »*) #*#bln»# Altt«Ml tb mm I mow |mm fb# 4#*of mm* * H l r 1 rt#4 im4«MT Ib# iMprroiifr ** ■■r#* Chartei Beaton XI.~A lota and Alfa* > Oaidn* r Mlaa Alma Weet. Alla* fi«r (thinner Jifawe* levutee and We* ; die Verdeey Mr 4m* Mortoa. Mesars Walla.* *»d ttenja ,B,B 9»*ir». Mr. Paul Verdery. Mr. B>» Gardner. Mr. Walter Bast.m and Mr. Wines L a- , rn#r. We b»*r4 tb#lr mrrry rb#l)## •• tb#y tMill#4 patt, komtwtnl i*omui. In tb# w## Min btnir# ThU r#*ln* Mi KuifcltW «D. •• *** bAU#c« «r# iprift|lD| up here #n ! th#f# Hf»r# l# l(K*#t#cl tb# o*M*« farm , In <l#or*ta. *b#r# tb# ###«t u» #*»#* *&4 tb** #roi> matur#4 only two w##k# Utar than from lh# a#tta. Th# farm I# Irrl* kht#l by mralia of a huff #n*tn# *>9 the bsnka qf a pood The water Is f«*re cd through 2-lnch plpr« over sit the Held*, and at interval# hoee are attach ed slid the growing crop* wetted every day. tm a 2-acre Held of ordinary gar den soil a crop of three hundred buehels was made. Onion# are a wonderful crop, and 1 reqlly believe one acre of onions would pay better than 2t> fat cot ton. , _ The Georgia giant was baptised Sun day. He hessured « feet lIK tnche. In his stocking feet. The mfatlater with hat on barely reached hla cheat, yet he baptised him ss easily a* a tittle , child. M # { Th# tttpttfm tfjoti pine# 1» * valley or the Warren estate. A pretty, clear brook goes babbling through the woods | It was dammed and a pool dug, with step* leading down Into it—an Ideal place, with the tail, somhre pine* nod- , ding down oe’r head and the chirp of the bird*, as they flitted overhead In the treetops. Society I* on the qul vlve as to rer- j tsln Important events that will occur soon. Several charming Aqgustans are booked to visit us at an early date. Hit*# K#tc*H# Jon#M. * rharmln* young lady of Evans. <l».. Has return- | ed home after a delightful visit to Misa | lola tiardner at Pandtown. Miss Alice Gardner has returned, ar ter an extended visit to Anderson. 8. j c and all Sandtown now rejotces lhat this charming and vivacious lady has returned. Y - £ ' (las Stoves. Each year the use of the gas and oil stoves Is growing In public favor. For a long time the people seemed to !«' prejudiced against their use, but gradually this feeling Is dying out. Throughout the north and west there are an Immense numher of these stoves In use, especially during the summer season. They save fuel ex pense slid do away with a great deal of the objectionable summer heat. One reason that they have not been more generally adopted throughout the south Is that the colored help objects to their use and cannot handle them well. Several of the new houses in the city have been fitted with them, Isith for heating and cooking purposes. As the coal supply Is rapidly being consumed the progress of the small stoves is watched with interest. Second hand School Books bought or taken in part payment for New Books at Pendleton’s Book Store. THIS IS IT %sßgMsu4 #■#»% IRP MM •vaa* Is#k* POR EARLY FALL STIFFS ANO ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju»t Arrived. DORR’S Tailorinr, Hilt, Furtmhmf*. f The Ideal Diu£ Store fatla |hn| Pose where fait 4«« lot • * bIWIW • nfe out mm) 4**»*uii tkm tb# be# Until »ft n*4 ind • her* tb# t>ra|«lM«rf in •#l4 tor • h#i they #r# **4 #4 el a Ik r |*ne». Y»# *11) I*4 lh* *r# | t*e M»#Bi#r#4 it*# Ml mi turn #ll4l • Uwi StWt I* fb# e##|##t («#t(iie mmf H»s4 M jroQr f»f#- Paints, Enamels and Stains tv* hat r thssi ML Don't forget this aksa you an using ap Uxs (all French Furniture Polish Will Bisk* your furwitur* ss bright .a new Evtry horns should fast* It—29c bottle. Floor Wax and Brushes Th* kind most popular, gee a* for lhla end other bom* want*. ilfiaiier Drm Ciupaij ft* BROAD BT. HONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexanfler&JoliDson Agents Scottish Am'■re in Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St PORTNER’S HOFBRAUand VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers are the best ask for them. BCPTEMBffI IT COLOATH’S VtOk'lS SOAP tm*u a>f#n* (| t*fli( CAMKa L. 1 Garden#. Druggist y fUf# VA(*(IBB Foifll* Etoffl NntiOfKfti V«ccifM» Ccl. • 5 r eftia #nctt Mtd_l 1,60 lof I O po>nt«. Will ?•€*«¥• W. dnsattay AftBIBOBB. L i. Gardeile* Druggist Lee s Take Out Rink Makgt tN hair ilfAi|M, •off, ai hy AIMI piiabl#. SO <«nt* i«r. L K Gtrddk. Druggnt. Look to Tour Heartlts. ■•auti'ui Blicu Luittt u«*d by oimnal #v#ry fl» miiy in »h#cHy for hßifth* and ftr«p)ac#«. 25c bottl*. L A. Girdcllc. Druggist For Sale! Tb» ( %• %4 9 MS#*#* r*# m *# # *# * T#**S 4k Co Mom efft #f»d ft* f**»#4 §Cf##4, f#MR* t*e ir## 1 vfirp4k# f##t * m-< mm* nine mk k r 1 r##t fpttfhpfm h*rb t*»#*f4* ili«#t Wf ##l I kM|* AMm ##*tr#l hm Mm m**mt m <##t from mm 4 Hi f##t * tb# Vtltage 3 #in an ir MirvtfW ffrfl street. ts’M * BBlo* •? IK Mooea Easy rifsksu »*tt W "a all 4#orflb#4 p##(M#ff3y Aptpff t# Georgia Railroad Bank BANK PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. AorbsU. fit. rWEC EYX TfSTS foe all defects a sight, grind, tbe groper gtanei sad gAk- H A XT-, then. liras** eat into ynar irre* while you west FREE OF CKARuE, _oRD) R fOI K COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Cfnaniltv and Qns Illy Guarantied. F. W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bill Tbone IHt btruager 3* The VVhiteiy I , Exerciser. \ A prsctlcs l , rimplssnd efficient Home Kxerdser, ones ptcially adopted for ladle* and children, bu si the same time can ba profitably used by th* strongest athlete. PRICES: Toe., *I.OO, ll.Mi BICYCLES - CLEVE LANDS, (40 up; VIK- j INI,B. *35 up: GEN- I DROSS, *lB up: THOM AS. *SO up. Cali and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds stHTeleplioiie i Irivsle Leered Wires Diiect to New York Cbicsgo and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton. Stocks. Bonds. Grain and Pro. visions for re>*h or on margin*. Local securities bought snd sold. Referencsc —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. , .