The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 17, 1898, Image 8

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*atu*oav CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. N»«»* tw(w« BUCtI t#W t>*>‘ •• Ntver twifcim BO m*ny ot|r**wi •» •*» «*» now r<N> fly 10 olfti* y«M Ml Boy'* School Suit* at $3.00, $3.50, 5.j.00 and s>so. Thtv «r« mud* of OrwHl *** woo* f*t»rtr* mwml with ilk *n Chtviou ood FINE# SUITS fOf atmm OCCiOOtCMIft Ifi MOltfy SwH». Vooloi Hud*. Bailor outl%. Nmfoilt *w«»*. Made of thft (Hotrtt! malort«l« by Amtrtoi , l mort oMbftlnd artitif OH 01 4 *• FREE!FREE! •’With ovary *uii a *»fT-Toy*. Mu. Cannon*. Drum*. Cun*. Ho*d*or *ot*. Mu**cal Inttrumanta. Camoa. Ac. Th*y'f* froo. QUITE A • BOLD THEFT Mr. Mm'i tilt* Tika Fr*o Trail Lao Mckk »H TOM | f rwmt *m* •• * Uomt *m Om of U* koMM o*4 Ottokawl rob- ImOM IMI 111 **'gf IM COOSMitt#*! I* I 1 )u* ■ftrtiua occurred lost »l|M Mr, H A. Odsm ilm *m: *••••_ «**•;- Itoft nimMiKitr at Miiur. Him At Company. *ina Into Augusta oo U>* fast min frnra Htr.ia At Grove lawn k* n»** 1 bin *»lto* la r»< MOM I* j pan tot It u 4 ike* pl*r*J W ra th* Ml ImMi U* H* remained I* th* mt mtII fc* r»«»*k«i Ann**'* when Mae* to ktn i*r*rta* tk* nI)N ka4 Hi car man r*tl rtf pO****i#*vs but i Bo on* kod hw tk* BlM«| arttrl*| pci away. Tkto morning Mr Frank Bran* wnal Arlvlna V tk* aaromt rrooaiug nod ' aam * valto* qb tk* ground. Pti*r« (rare Bc*tt*r*d nroand and tk* rails* i kid 1 long rat In tk* ntd*. ft »•* not locked and tk* rat show* that th* tkl*f nint kora been t* knit* to got i* It Mr Bran* brought tk* vnlt** in nod turn**) It o**r to tk* ww*. Th«| roster's mlaain* w*r# ralaohl*. l»rob- ■ iblr IIDOUUHU* to none Wir dollgr* lo value Th* tk*ft *r** tk* boldest kind nnd •how* t bat th* gang which wgs bro-. ktn up her* wm sot th* only on* to b* j feared In this Mellon A aharp look out (or suspicions *k*r*ftor» *kould b* kept aud such roargli raged Hoar the Kill »iieo*«d*d In **ci|rlng tha va-. ]lm nod opening It without the knowl edge of Mr Odum or other p«**en*rr« wilt probably nr»«r h* known. The Inrcest tablets and biggest sc. composition books at Richards & Sha ver’s Book store. HR. HARDEN HURT. Waa Hit By Flying Roller This Morning Thla morning while working with a lath*. Mr. W. A. Harder, who work* with the August a Novelty company at 1017 Jones street, was hurt by a piece of flying wood. A roller that Ue wa* working on broke and was thrown front the lathe, with groat force, sulking hint in the abdomen. Dr. Lyle was eummmted and found that although the Injuries were very painful, they weie not at all se rious. Vertioal ink nnd Vertical Peon for Vertical Writing. Recom mended by Prof. Ps ot, Use uo other. Bold at Richards & Bhe ver's Book Store. FOUND WHEEL. Was In Front of a Bar Room Door. Yesterday afternoon one of the Pos tal Telegraph boys was out on Camp bell street. He saw a wheel in front of a barroom door and recognized it as the one stolen from Mr. Frank Lowe. Jt was turned over to its owner. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols. Marring.on & Richardson Brajid new pistols. 32 50; Harrington * Richardson second hand pistols. $2.00. American double action pistol, 31.00. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. HALS HAI? FALL STYLE JUST RECEIVED. F. Q. TURPIN CO. 818 Broadway. rOUCF. STATION ITEMS. ’ Can** m Wmm4m'a Cow** aad tuber Imiwi at Handpaaalir*. I* Twaa 11 min. Clara Wrtifck last mm*4 h*sa*w ih* laat at pa* catt«f • wurt latif Taai lal rtlMt Ito aaa Clara yomiif aM vm *oaa*t ha# ~m*m# liAfi** aa lo ifial Hi# I t»ofT a»a va# hat of Ha aM a# aa* I vtaMy Ctmm wtu#a onat Itn [a V Clam la 4 a#t !####### ta#i vm I la vWHatkva of Ifertto# It ##4 aa# paid Hd* Mt»*b*H Hot i 1 HKt aad Halt aad araa*'d aSoat a flora. Half tad acraaod NtCi a If# of tikifti tli# itat pitra, A f‘#ht aad '~ hn " d * 1 Uttb I.roo*. t Bolt I .row*. Tkto to tk* *eq**l to tk* Mr MN*k | ell-Butt Igeai affair. It*" and kVa wlf* I .Ini* bad »»*#*! bAfsl latuPMC# j anatnat Pvt# MUrbril'i artf#. Tbw tfi bo mora roartrflaa «#td#ar# ia«<■ Jodg# Hast#r dimioal the rata Griffin Stoke* He bad bit a woman over tk* left Irjr* Tk* aaannlt wna madr on An* guat 3rd. Today Origin an«w*r*d to | lb* charge at court. Hto (In* waa Luke W a lion H* drove g vehicle (Mter In th* city limit* than tk* law allow*. H* to out !»! (la*. Fight la Mol Fad. William Tillman and Martin ttedd hava brum reported at the poltc* (ga llon (Or fighting. Th* agair occurred In W»»t End Till man appeared at court today. H*dd did not. Ttllman baa a very badly biuignl up (are Tk* cm* come* up Monday. Stoic Butcher Moot. Jim Henderaon, colored, haa been arreated by Detective Wl»e on a charge of ateallng meal from William Haw!*' butcher (hop on Walton Way. Henderson worked for Mr. Bawl* and ha* been taking meat for some time. He wa* apprehended and nrreatod to day He will be tried at city court A Macing Pace. Mr. Joe Murphy and Mr. Jack Over ton have been reported for disorderly driving. They were seeing what kind of speed a new horse they bad bought could make and got a bit too speedy for safe driving. Geo. Wise has been reported for blockading the street*. Case comes up Monday. Broad Street Store and Dwel'lng for Kent. We have for rent a very desirable Broad street store with dwelling over head, which we will lease to responsi ble party at exceedingly low price. Will make alterations to ault. WICKER & DAVIS. REUNION SEkVICLS In Honor of One Hundredth Year of Methodism at Asbury Church. In honor of this, the centennial year of Methodism In Augusta, reun ion (services will be held a tthe Asbury Methodist church on d'Antlgnae street, at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. The public are cordially Invited to be pres ent at the services. Rev. Dunbar, pastor of the church, and others have arranged an interesting program of services. The following is the order of ser vices: Post hide. Voluntary. Hymn Blest be the Tie that Binds. Prayer. Hymn —All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name. Address —J. Henry Best. Solo —M. L. Sturkey. Address—-Rev. William Dunbar. Hymn—The Church Without Spot. Address—-Rev. J. H. Mashburn. Hymn—Nearer, My God, to Thee. Prayer. Doxplogy. t Benediction. Vertical nk ml Vertical Pena fir Vertica Wrltlnsr. Reoom mended bv Prcf. Feiot. T7*a no other. So dat Kiobards & Sha ver's Book Store. THE AUOUBTA HEBAX#D. THE SWISH TEIR 5653 Ibdi it A Wftoal u«l ' Maretoo* Iksii « a» aatw»o» AA Magee* ggaeea Akaaatff ledto* Ttoa Aar* tom* a»at*e tk* *o**wt •ho paaMianal osoona. to** a I* waif [ll9# Edit# «##(#**•«# tf||#9 Mdd# I# I|n fddpiiHiHPii# #d it### Hrt#####* T*if # d#9 ### fv# #-*• #T '**4 eeaMaoo wvtfc tketo daily ponoita I All I# tMM#W#ANk «•# I|f ##l* * H## »»4 H !• fi# mill **f fA# wh+k kfmmmmt 4 *9 I# I# • rto##. lIMII IA# (lOA Hi III# #ian« | Th* wr#i«u 0# llH## Amt* 14m I •HA 11# dgillhttf* nt 1 1 h* ntM#rr>#r#< mk! f Iw# rMf Igr km* 1# th* r*hwtm*A mtt mlmar* as a#» *hmiw*t*r On III# llßAljiaU A*f AflfhlAl I# pAHII* 1 *n of #tife#r )I|«M «f to) 14. tor (tfiif* . fmr Hour# til# tmr*li*f*#rr# [tlHdf ANMI I# tit (t#|>tf« f«iC It# Mfrf i fiart of till# IN## Thom* with jordolm turttMtflflAi #ir#pt In tut of ' tit####, firttf tviff l|# #lr##A«T#l|# i ff«4# oAMldi»V# It* Mil)tip THE CHURCHES. at Paul * dntrrlt—Rev C. C. Wil liam*. D. P . r*rtar. [ It a. m.—Otohrotlna of tk* lt»lr Cnmmunlnn *a4 aenwoa. young men'* Bible Hoaa meet* at 14 n. m . no *r*n- I## Rrrvlrf; Wf#fc4#|r wrrkw# W#4#f*#- day moral##, td oVtc*<rli UtMi; FYiiIMT 1* mini. • oVlorfc prayer. I HrruAd Otortattan «T»urrh -Th** pm*t*r •of ihla rtiur* h la w#ry «mlou« 1# bav# a full »lirmlttn w of lh«» m#fnt**ra of hla rungregatl'** tum**rrow morning Hr tnetota that every member be pree j rnt. am he wtebes to preerat «nw lm ||x>rtant buslnee* to them fnr their ron ■idcratlon at Chat time. I Gndea Atreet Rapt let Phurrh —Theri will h* eeveral haptlaed at this church on Sunday, aeptemlter It. Th# baptism will take plaee at the old pool Deal Tur pin Hill. Itev. Mitchell Crawford to the ! pastor. I at. Matthew's Lutheran Chun h Sunday, »:tn a. m.. Sunday school; It a. mEnglish service M’edncaday, I p. m., aptH-lal mleal'mary service. *d dreaa by Rev. O. L. Brown, of Graham. Vo., mlmlonary elect to Jatm n Thurs day. 8 p. m.. Teachers' Meeting. Chrlat Presbyterian Church. —A. S. Clink pastor. Sunday school 10 a.: preaching II a. m.—ttmlc: "Faithful Obedience the Test inf Low." After preaching there will be ia celebration of the Lord's Supper. Christian Endeavor meets on Thursday evening, 7:30 p. m.—topic: "What la True Succees?" Matthew 18; J1:27. St. Luke's Methodist Church.—Rev. IF. C. Spencer, pastor. Crawford ave nue and St. Luke street. Prayer meeting 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. m. and * p. in.: Sunday school 3 p. m. Wednesday, 8 p. m., Prayer meeting. Friday 8 p. m., Epworth League. Christ Episcopal Church.—Rev. ,T. J. Lanier, priest In charge. Corner Greene and Milledge streeis. Sunday achool 9:30 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon Bp.m. Ttcrean Baptist Church.—Rev. C. M. Wilkinson, pastor. Corner Crawford av enue and Fenwick street. Divine service II n. m. nnd 3 p. m.. conducted by the pastor. Sunday school 3 p. m. St. John's Churrh.— Preaching by the pastor tomorrow, 11 a. nt., and 8:15 p. m. Strangers and visitors without church appointments cordially Invited. Hephzibah Church Record Record for Sept. 17, 18, and 19. Baptist Church—l7th— Breaching at 11:30 a. m. by Pastor Jenkins; Sept 18- Sabbath school 10 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Methodist Church.—lßth—A series of meetings will begin at 11 a. m.. Pas tor Cantrell will be assisted by Rev F. IP. Spencer of Augusta. All are invited to all of these ser vices. There will be a splendid entertain m nt given at Red Men's Hall next Tuesday night for the benefit of the Second Christian church. It deserves a large attendance, as tnurh pains have been taken to make it an interesting af fair. Broken Axle. A wagon belonging to a countryman suffered a broken axle on Broad street, this morning. A pole dray was made and the wagon carried to a blacksmith for repairs. ASA TONIC 0 HW AM 9 jU'Tlirf *• #ir< «pl !»«#*"« it 4#» #*•*♦ aw# la ##Ab #*mo #.ii *■*#■— > b*-* m# *4 ♦«#!■#■## ■ #» *4 lm. it“~ wwmm ###»*• mi»»ii mam mm 4-#% THttH t**« kMf Blood B# (Mli WAi ©MM T#A #h* -Tui- it #%» fi-niar - ftitir f # # f|.tJ# «.* j yrt*##’•». ** N»a#aj | "»#»■# ***J"** : ~S***4r * V* *. 10 *‘m*m w* #«**"•# w*m a A # f* mamrnmm am (RwaH#### ll ### •# mu* ###l l*«M #4 A#N#aM9ra #•# #####&#• fan# 9f # A# A# A# f##ra4 €lb#ml at a la aa*# #####•• OMM#I O'lMto i A* mm If####. if, *Tk ( wM fcf arr |KMa 7 TTi lif H w«* iPUMMia ••#* a. #*•» If a#* # #•• J **,*** inariM (w »* a# a#M h# *={ ######* #* #• ••• ■**#* ImMMi. *t #t M#MNmi •»•*, * #»#*» MB **'£_*** BIOCO BAiM Cl., Muta. Bran*. frPEBSOHM. MENTION j John Jurman of Chicago to at ike Ae itogtow. A R McGill of R«»rheeler to at the Planters J. P. caeey. of Atlaat*. to at th* 1 J P Roark es Chartvai.m la a! the D I. Master* of Upartanhurg to at »ke Fla#!*## F T Thomas of AtlaOta to at the Planter*. F. D Hodge* *f Odumbla I* at the , Planters. j W. H. Ladd of New York to at Ik# Planter*. I It. F. Aft Of Rambcrw I* at the CVm -1 merclal. R. L. Ctancey of Ravannah to at the Planter*. J. L. H«wan of New York to at the j K It. Hooker of Richmond ts at the i Arlington. A C. IJougiaaa of Chicago la at the Arlington. Thomas Eggleston of Atlanta ts at the Arlington j George E, Youle of Atlanta la at the i Arlington. I Bernard Schtff of New York Is at the ‘ Arlington. J. F. Carothers of Danville la at the I Arlington. I W. B. Hull of Atlanta Is at the {Commercial. H, S. Tlnley of Spartanburg is at the I Commercial. I A. Sellack of Philadelphia Is at the I Commercial. I J. R. Putnam of Edgefield I* at the Commercial. I Dr. and Mr*. Kendall have returned !ftom Hillman. i A. H. Rrandhorst of Cincinnati 1* at the Arlington. j J. H. Olmes of Barnwell. S. C.. Is at the Commercial. XV. P Johnson of Spartanburg Is at the Commercial. E. R. Cooke of Columbus, Ohio. Is at the Arlington. Dr. B. S. Turner of Spartanburg Is at the Commercial. X,. D. Blunn and XV. M. Lyons of Atlanta are at the Planters. B. .C Forman of the National Cash Register company t* at the Planters. J B. Flege. representing a paper box factory tn New York, Is at the Planters. F. AV. Schuper ,a> prominent mer chant of Beaufort. Is nt the Planters. Joe Muth, representing a tin plate company of Savannah is at the Plan ters. Capt. James Lyons, representing Paine, Murphy & Co., has returned to tho city. P. L. MoPermot, Chas. Davis. Geo. E. Gouge. H. H. Best and E. Z. AVebb of New York arc at the Arlington. Tho many friends of Conductor James Newton of the Central road will be glad to know that be is fast recovering from a severe illness. Mr. S. B. Davidson, representing tho American China company of Louisville. Ky., is in the city. Mr. Davidson is one of the most popular commercial men on the road. General R. N. Rlchbourge of Colum bia passed through the city today. General Rlchbourge* a gallant Confed l prate veteran, who fc.thlnking of locat ing In Montgomery., p'.a.. and is on his way to that city. 9 ■ . Ag .... Second l-tend School Books sold rjieap at Pen dleton’s Book Store. Before purchasing's pistol or gun, rail on me. 1 can savjyou money. Lew is J. Schaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson 6treet, established IS9O. THE TENTH HIS GUNE tk fig Hit bIMAi \#| isM i A#» i#4 Itk# oat Tw ##»# - I tk **w mrnm 0** 6 ## iii# #«###» l##d 1 •* #d44#i wna * ###■# 4 HMPVM '#•#'• mm## *** # ! tt ■s» ntwA* [ Umn hrtmt* *ha *htt**aa Ml A####®# tk#4 ***** ha idlf III# t *#| wwahaaa | #### aa ****** Th* *a** m Whmtmrn ##4 Hl#w» «• \ 11#» Alt mat* r##Mfty Mid a#4 ##• ratth*** ***** i#t »Mt ******* A* I igm (|*g f*%j##fiaMa#i ##4 nt*w***a Cat*** ******* H» at#?# Hf 9#f a taw : *a ||(A# finis ifinr r* -fi *#f* I# #f#* i f . awaifk# by fbla f <"*©!# #ry #(#!##* ♦4 I# tk# ##rtMia a#d la## l«# *#«»4a Up. t bs maUw ##4 h*m** aa a * #*rrytlliac wna Hi ra#4l##aa aad #1 t o'tlofh ill# irafoi p#t)#4 ovt. Ont #i Camp mar a tm a worth #H* ##a#iaff #a« *am H#»dr#4a of hum* .. # 1.. f»fts# III' Men who had eeeorvd Ike lumber of the ramp Moors were busily engaged kanligg It away. Her* one hoy would Mod anme small coin dropped la the romp, halve*, fork* spurns, collar bu<-, and every roatwlvobto things wns 'The tent* and romp atreela had dlo appeared toe mHbrmM aolfker waa no more and when thla motley crowd de sert* th* camp old Murray Hill will matim* It* habitual quiet. Rumors of desert.ou* in numbers were cur resit, but none of theae could be verified. Many of the whit* rttUen*. who like the officers, snd msny of th* negro clt tsens who hsd friend* among the m.n. were sorry to a** them go. while many breathed a sigh of relief aa the last sounds of the train* were heard In the distance. THE WEATHER. Augusta. Ga.. Saturday. September 17, 1897. Office located in United [states Government Building, telephone 1573. Forccgat for 36 hours ending 8 p. m , September 18. 1898. Washington forecast: For Georgia and South Carolina Fair tonight and Sunday. Light north to northeast winds lx>cal rarecast for Augusta and vicinity—Fair tonight and Sunday. The river at 8 this morning was 8.0 feet, a fall of 0.2 feet in the past 24 hours. Dry weather continues over the cot ton twit except light scattered show er* in Memphis. Little Rock. Wilming ton and Galverton districts. Thun der showers also occurred during the past 24 hours in Missouri. Kansas In dian Territory. Wed and Northwest, and In portions of Texas. A maxi mum wind velocity of 40 miles per hour from the north occurred in the past 24'hours at Amarillo. Texas. Temperatures are lower this morning over the entire western country, the fall being marked at a number of lo calities. while generally east of the Mississippi river temperatures are higher. The barometer is highest over Eas tern Tennessee and lowest ove rthe upper Missouri valley. The pressure is also high over the central Rocky mountain region. OASTOnIA. Bear, the J 9 The Kintl * lv<3yS “rr CANAL WILL BE DRV. Water Will Be Draw n Off Tomorrow to Fix Sewer. The canal will be dry tomorrow. The water will be shut oft to allow Con tractor Adams to finish work for ihe big sewer that crosses the canal. The job of laying the sewer is one of the most difficult kind. The sewer will be completed in a few weeks. Mrs. T. S. Jones and her son. Mas ter Lewis, return this evening from an extended visit among the mountains of North Carolina. an invincible record. ft ti* Air Draft t«m*« t#l b# ft (tan Mm Draft U#ftrar, *7 4*® •**' 7 tin tTftMMft Inmate. I, •*4* 4*oi |ft ut% caMoatotftg tatffl . ,«»»»■, f7s.fM 4**) Dtort'i Hw mwffiMhF ft bfßftMf I tttimft Ml • ««# ft#* Dm eriUTwfth «nft aanm ictiwif » «|N t#mf 188 oohftyf | {ftM **Ht» #MI W* fill ft ia* «ftk«t. a i*ww! So tw#r I <ftM |N )«• a* UH M wrvw< |b tw h#ft Miftk vm fton i n#n Uw rtMtriß * The Btf Unlwr Y«rft #nft th* #ft> onto jin ttm ptt Htr* lo* *xh» CttAS. r. DtOlV KftMjitr. * jftofqSw. THE MUR*I TS. acicpta markrt t Il’ul ffl • LAPOIIFtCATIoM ttNCKIPT*. j y#>ii#Mk#49## fßkfc | *ft |##t tamfr tra* AAteKfi. HFIHNtTftJ*. UHIfMRXII | Pm*mm ##4*##t# I AKUfdaf M ..Tit Ml !*M Tnfit .. 71# HI W) OROMI mCTKirTA. itt; iw j Sat racotptm traky •• •• IST* ] Tbr**«|ti t#tt#i» inAmf .# .. 1 BTOCK AND RKOEim |#7 |«M fttoci I# Auruafa •.... H® *«9t i H#c«4p<a itiirf *apt 1 •. HUS \im . CH »TTON* LJCTTBH Aurusta. Ga.. Krp? 17. —Th- r• I* no- | thin# naw In th* cotton ft'uitwxi, tit)* ] kaa It can b# aatd that alt nation mead* lower prlea*. Foreign#'» ! are all leerlek and t«#lt>v# in a rerord ; hr. ak ag Am#rlcan crop. lrr»*p#etlv# <-f <-rei> dafPkg# news Manchester yarns I •bow m Improvement. The feeling in : New Tork is In ful Isympethv. and the j racent buyer* "O the government re timate have been liquidating all th# week, rinsl pries# aho" a deellne of from It to 3A iwtnta for the week, with | the lart (Mile* the lowest.—Paine. Mur- ] rhy *Co. j NEW TORK COTTON. ! The following quotation* are over the special wire* of Paine, Murphy *Cn.:j Open. Clot#. January ** .. Mt 6.42 41 j February ** I March .. &-&4 4 » *1 April B.®* ‘ i May •• * *1 5 57 ■ June •• 5 s 83 July 8.87 j September •• .. .... .. 5.28 29 October r '?i* 5.29 30 November 5.37 5.34 75 i December .. 5.4! 5.38 39 Tone—Steady. Middling 58*. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Open. Close. January and Fehruary 3 93 3.01 0! j February and March - .. .8.63 3.02 03 March nnd April . '.. .. 3.04 8.03 April and May 3.05 3.04 May and June 3.06 3.05 June lind July 8.06 3.05 July *nd Aug Aug and Pept 3.07 3.06 Sept, and Oct 3.05 3.‘04 05 Oct. and Nov 3.04 3.02 03 Nov. and Dec 3.03 3.01 02 Dec. and Jan 3.02 3.01 02 PORT RECEIPT*. 1897 1898 Galveston 13085 7185 New Orleana 3*57 Mobile 1886 1349 Savannah 7950 425» Charleston 3918 Norfolk 1721 407 Wilmington 49:>0 f Philadelphia 29 ' Total at all ports 37654 20000 PROVISIONS. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 17.—Wheat ca bles were unchanged and northwest re receipts were liberal. 1,288 cars with es timates for next week exceedingly lib eral Nevertheless there was a disposi tion on the part of the bears to use extreme caution and watch th* cash markets West, which at? firmer. This Resulted in a narrow but steady mar ket with net gains of about half a cent lover yesterday. Corn is still narrow, but 1 firmer, while provisions are simply neglected.—Paine, Murphy & Co. j WHEAT— Open. Close. September 657 » ; December May « 64 *: CORN — September 397* December 39-14 2®“-* May ttrrtMiK* it MR. ELLIOTT INNOUNCES 111 l« t rtMUilr F«f fostril Fra# the Fifll «arl H* Is * loaftHM* Fo* ComkM Frest Ik* I «uk to or#. I Mr R. K SUiolt, mt Ik* Pink oar*, aotkorfaea dm otoirasrai Hum k* will ; n&ttli# th*- taaa hot t# %&* ##4i* ; !#A #*#rt,c %. | Mr Klllftti’ft fritfi# a#4 t*»# r tlaam t *4 tfcf «#rd ft'AifiUv ham mkmt #»#• if,* <nmka tfe# rnr» #ji4 tw* t# do ia He <#4U mmk* iW tatw, ha aay#* lo# t ha ftUif if Aof III# tftr4 a » hat* tm* |it rtat# ##4 not aa tfe? ra#4 iAn** mt any i m (fttlios Mr. ClfUi4t i# # »#r« t a##rt t)4D! a#4 hma IIt«4 t# tA# t iftlk aa.d |#i)Yt >#ar» T#ar# la do 4(.iN of b s Aftkiftft A #p!'*4!4 DHlft* r laift ac 4 of tb# aataif of bit «ir4 I iotrriMi If A# I# •'# pil Mr W K Mat amt ftaa ml*% in ,rv Ala rMif!d»ry a#4 th rmr# (^* | ttffft th'*## two popular aittaana vltl t«# # flow aad apirft#d no#. NrufchatplA PhUndftlphia Cream Cheese at KEENAN A CO*S. POPI'UST COMMITTEE. third Forty Executive Committer JVt st Court House at Noon | The Richmond conoty Popullet ex c- I utive commi ta* met at noon at the court house. Several matter* of bits'- [neaa were transaeted. but nothing of Imprrtenee to the public at large waa Idone. *o R was learned. The meeting i was purely a businrea one and cf a prl -1 vat* nature. Mrs. W W .Jonee. es l«6 Exp sttlr.n I avenue, has returned from a visit to I her old home at Granitevll! . Her niece. Miss Mattie Howard, and Miss Adeline Rushtnn. two of Gianitevllle's fast Inat tlng young ladles, are spending »im, itlme with her. Froqh Pirklt*d Pie Feet at KEENAN & CO'S. ! OATS— September .. 2074 2*44 May 22 2254 i PORK— September 8.38 | December 8.35 8.37 LARD- Septcmber 4.73 December .. .. .. „ .. .. 4.80 4.80 SIDES-- September .. .. 5.25 5 70 October .. :. «.« 8.2 T STOCKS. There was considerable uneasiness re garding the bank statement during tha morning trading, and tli rNe v York bears made all the capital posible out of it. This had the effect of giving us an erratic, fev rish market for tha greater part of the short day's session. The announcement of the actual flgut >» was not as had as anticipated, the re serve only showing a decrease of a little over 82.000,C00. It Is believed that the governmetn disbursements will relieve the money stress nnd that loans will become easier next week. This alone Is a bull f-ature. Besides this w'e must not ignore the fact that the Grange* roads are showing continued good earn ings with prospects of a continuation for the year. Analyzing the situation, we are conservatively bullish, and be lieve the maibet a purchase. Sentiment is changing and views are again becoming optimistic. While th« lists all look good, our particular spec ialties are the Grangers. Klondlkes. Chicago Gas and Tobacco. Manhattan, Sugar and Brooklyn Rapid are good things to leave alone.—Paine, Murphy & Co. Open. Close. Sugar 123% 122 H Tobacco 130 M» 1-’»IH B. r. T •• 53% r,S4 i 0. b. Q 11584 H 544 Missouri Pacific 34% 34% ; Louisville and Nashville . 57 57%, Manhattan i People's Gas 194% 105% Union Pacific 33% 33% ‘Rook Island 193% 105% ; St. Paul tt"** llor * Southern Railway pfd.. .. 34% 34% 1 Western Union 93%