The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 18, 1898, Image 2

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PfeVBR AT NEW ORI.RANS Cm*€ us Ihe Urautnl OimntM? Thtff. DMHWH V*i til |*jf *«■>"> n**'* •*#• U •teMi-fMn** I W*s*o**m*. •*•* to *o*9*o9s* m*9 *s99 l ms*o**9*om tto» ***99*4 * **"*' Ml Nto A* so*+** o** 1 9 *s*•** to * mP®** *»«H#<WN Mli< 4 {*o*oo* $00999 o*9'9*m vmmw st>'t9 i t*m ** #-%f4W *• •uf* al toMMto*spto *to am* *•*«*••• < fr* i •*# ** to*#* • | * ii|l pi totoMto «fll M* ************* Pl)w» ■—im * AH Wtoto pA» Iw4 at MtoHM t»**'*» totopto 'Hm P ttoto H*t toM • MNM **** *iw*f*»» IpPPiiiMMP MUFF* to*# *o*oo*9*o999os *• toMRNMfct tit tHf4* PM* toto !•»*•••■ fNHH itoto*‘*«* **v .. tom ' *••* mmm «* him tot* to to** It •** h» totoitoto *•* pMKf lto|»* *«* • IttoffM tlfrflMf jimp f »400* 9 95* fAMMMHI#* f fhNNI’ •toto «HrMi **» #** ** ***** * <N pXWtl—»M»* fMHI Ho*!#* <mm to*M • r*tto* OHpMHMMM ttpßt* *•» ■ •* •Mai* aarere «• ♦*• ##**•«•.* «* te*** rv> #ft«#<Ma tk Ivlm W Tw„ •>« a# *#a ranre Akn) MM th# rfx' 1 ■*■ »*•*"••• **• m * , . TM hB"«W i»bimi> ••# re#re*ro |MkUr«i Itero D» <>••• ■ _3*»—«• (tea (Mil Ttwtw*. MM. Mil ffMMNMT MM* *•« •■ „ . firtr M OMM. «a#«*i Min •***. If.-fl» t*« ; pHptvtttl i •—• •*■* «*»•« It h»M#f 1,.| al (M« of iMm. MM* Ii»» J«» p«t Mis ffM frrea M« tV MM gUlfll m | lßtnfc IM #a#f#rt»n at »#!• jpa tere# Mtt •■*•• and go* 4**’* •• B#Uy M(MWM that (*M MM no g*n..» Mir. N*« IJrtMMM MriimM K*« OrWM. *•*!■ It. M*tMi |BMaa»<l HomMw «« IM Mtl* »“•«*» of hMJlti •»*■* ««l IM futtoarlM '■••»•*• "o*U* ■* H<*nl .<f HooJih. •»»«• aI IjhMmi Now DiMm U,, M**l It. IM .Vlkllll. r*4|r>« M« l« r»pwrin| la «m Mr of N»* ohmm* it hi (M *■«) i 4 IM rnrMra! of IM U*ul»l*b« Mat* Mr* of Mallh la arocMlm quo' oiium mmmi Ihai dir Mama* laroa- Ua*lK>n rtoick* *•* iralßr wnin Mil M rardrii oa aa*o riho nqnOa tioao of IM AOaala rwarraiwa ro«M* raa M nMalard hf apfrirM* <• <M at *ro of IM LaulohiDO alaio half us health." Th* Tala Iran TM fMloartn* trlocraaa wot oral to at Mr Mallh aatborldra' -Hr w oiirano. Mpt. IT Merdarr us iumn\ at Hoalib: oa* raa* of pool tiro fallow foror It rap<irt<Ml bar*. Pa llont MXBc well. All proper pMraullon* taken tftlmunrt Huurhon. M D.. Proo lAwl Stair Hoard of Haallh.” The rate referred to that of Mallory Weaned?, eon of Dr T, * Kennedy. (The poUent la announced today in be out of dancer, and on the inch road to recovery. IN CHAMPAQNE. That la Haw the llllnol. Will He Chriatenad. |Hy Aaaoclated Praea to Tlmea-Hereld.l Mprtitchrtit. nt.. Sept IT.—Oov. Tan p. r hav decided that the battleahtp ll lllioia ehall be chrtalened Ui uhampocne and today earn the fotlowlnc letter to hire Mathilda B. Came. Jeaale Brown ]niton and Helen L. W'ood, the eom h’ltlee of the Woman’* ChrUtlan Tem peratoe Union, who pmtealed acalnat OhrlatenlDC the iMttleahlp with wine: “Ladle*: I hare th* honor to acknowl edge the receipt of your loiter of the 10th !n»t. Reply Inc to which 1 will *ay that It la with pleaaure I pay my high •at raapecta to the noble women of your union and acknowledge with pro found appreciation the eceellent good you are laboring to eutahllwh. I would tonakler It a privilege to he able to a*«lat you. Thouaand* of home* are better for your gardlanihlp: thouaand* of heart* are grateful to you uml your Ohrwtlan aid and the world I* better for having known the Woman’* Ohrl*- tiam Temtu'ranee Union. In the malter, however, of followln* the time honored cuatom of ehrlateulng l>attle*hlpa.there le no de»eeratlon of the low* of tem perance. The ceremony 1* not one from which any evil could pmwlhly he act forth and the moat mtcred religion* or dinance. ‘the aacrament.' the world commemmoratea with deepeat aolemn lly and honor, 1* one In which wine I* used a* a eymbol. Therefore. I diamine the aubject aa one unworthy of *o much agitation. If left to me the hattleahlp llllnola will be christened according to the time honoreif cuatom. Very truly youre. JOHN R. TANNER.’ Shipping. {By Aaaoclated Tree* to Tlmea-Herald l Boaton. Sept. 17.—Sailed, Oneida, (fackaoiivllle. Huelva. Sept. 10—Sailed. Raisby, Charleston. Fecamp, Sept. 17—Arrived, Day break. Pensacola. lata Palmar. Sept. 17.—Sailed. Helen. bavannah. St .Vincent. Sept. 15.—Sailed. Olale vy Key Weat Hull. Sept. 17—Sailed. Urania Blight. Pensacola. Rotterdam Sept. If.—Arrived. HIID brook, Norfolk. New York, Sept. 17.—Arrived. Algon quin. Jacksonville. r~ v The Weather. Associated Press to Timea-Merald. | Wash'nglon. Sept. 17.—Forecast for Sutiday: South Carolina and Georgia: Threatening weather, with showers on the coast; light and variable winds, li creaclag on the coast. Nl *%« IWNUff I |M <M*m at Haafg M »*»»**«< M Mum MMMNM' { Bi# *» i INI f' Ag-I 1 j II 4# pi ##« iI ( •"AMI I HpM 1 ; A M||Miw|i •a# I # AMI tffP «i*i (rfA mMwt NM \ |buw# AMI #AfNiPM * |h# ’ mmA&miA* •* MM -m f%«M# I Ml* te dMMmnp# !• • IMNR iMMAAi 111 MM MM (MM lIM cammm imnmm f llr ,J- - tM tMacad MW ■■•■aka* ' VhMMNi ’ • t WNM M l * Ml <M VMMR #•• * *••' : ||M| MMI tttoto MMMIM*MaMk Mi • lafMoa aartfaaci at iMMM* THE HUM*. AM* ttorlfeir **** fl^ mm ******* ****** *m it L# Mm toifvto#** *** ********* mm*** i TlfT<rn tfiifniirft »iM—I HMMM *** M <M*M ' f»ltf ij—t t» fIMM (M •» •t l«4 Atott •*m***4 ************ 11*•f 9 N 1 tWMf • , . .M r ftto rT * >»•> tto# iltirtrtwi Ml Mfcjtof*to »»4 Ml Hto llto> ump Wmm Ia iw« mini «to •*»»' g. Ml* - HmM 'I OMMM'I —4 MWtii« UMMM |i fAtoMl to AIMHtoMHhP •*•■■ Uttoff Imus tor t# ***** i ?•«*■*«•» Mtol fIWMMIMIf • UUIIIM* fWMAfI* Tim mHmml #•**•! **l Hm (hitHHtot MX yui haaw MMMmI »» >M •«tvat< at IM r«MI wt w*M tht««a*B •at IM Maaf IONEM BHAPTBAW HoapHaia al tamp Mat# As» *«»*■ IIIMag tip. |oy Aapaeuied Praaa la Tlawa-Mwall ) t amp tfaada, Pk, Mpt It.-TMa gearra koapHal* are agasa illHig op with itpboid aad malarial t** r pa ItekU. TM Tfeiny-Akh feaieblgM ha# Maty taaaa a»d la tha tkrre MNf Turk raglnreot* which have Juat arrived p aa cmbp Ittart. there are ware thaa lot S»rg«m Gaaerei tMaraMrg ha* ordered tha o»oat aartmw raata -hipped to hoaptiala la Ha*rt#kac*. aud Uncaater aa aooa tha patwata are ahla to M moved Tha daalh rate ,o far ba* Mao email Chief dorgatm Girard aaya the general health a. the command outaide us thea# four regl areata la eirellaaA OIFHCU-TY near depot. Two Yowbi rwa light-Pollca llama of IM Night. There waa a dl«euliy Mr were Mr jo* rongbam and Mr Jo# Valla oat near th# Union depot loai night. Valla waa on hi# way home adieu he wa* -topped by Kougham and a dlapme waa raiaed ctmeernlng a bualneaa treaaaction betweao iham. The reautt waa that Kougham bit Vai’.a on the bred. Honey for Valor Rear Admiral Sampaon will receive aa price money and bounty about SIOO.- 000. Hear Admiral Sehiey’a ahare will be about t&.OOO lea* (ban that of aome of the captain# In the navy, who were raptiritig price* while Schley waa "bottled up” In Hampton Roe it* at the begiunlog of the war. The teamen. Including the "men be hind the gun*,” will get from fHO to fgOO or fSOO. Attack on an Officer Carrie Ward, a negro woman, fierce ly attacked Offleer Kelly last night when the latter wa* attempting to ar reat her. It waa neceaaary to club her severely. The offleer may be laid up a while aa a result of the unlooked for naaault by the Infuriated woman. Robert Kvane waa reported at the station laat night for violently beating a woman. Kvaua will tell hi* atory to Judge Baxter tomorrow morning. To Meet In Detroit. Milwaukee. Wla.. Sept. 17.—Ten pa per* were on In the Insurance commis sioner's program today, but owing to the large amount of business which had to be finished, only two were read. The convention at 3 o’clock adjourned to meet In Detroit. Mich., next year on the call of the executive committee. Rx-Offlcer In the Tolls. Joe Singleton, an ex-pollceman, was brought to the station last night. He acted very disorderly when arrested. Here’s to Hawaii. From the Cordele Journal. Here's n handshake to the territory of Hawaii, our new sister, and may she prove only a blessing to us In disguise. We did not favor her adoption, but Uncle Sum has said she Is to be a mem ber of the family, and we cannot with hold a clteerful word for the poor child, even If her comp.exlou Is a little dif ferent to our own. Hard to Get. From the Albany Herald. The war department will do well to keep us many of the voluuteers as nt*ty posr bly be needed In ease or emergen cy, for when those now in service ate turned loose it will be no easy ma'ter to get others. *n* jc jkXicMXJmnrjkr tjtwi *ji»**i vm* x#r>. REV. WHITE IS HONORED. High CfilltpilltMMtl tw him in Kahnw Cil), fVftilMM «f (MUM** tr*** AmMMIMHi fltoMNMl Ivt 0 m M* •*' ** ■■ M * to 1 ”* pmilttlLT' I A fhaoM# MHk i “ ,11it on *s**tii*Sßg hspaano wire Wu wb M a » bsG of *' ' * * * v# Tha •afasosM regireaaiap vi>a*f 4a>' igqirt iw Vh* mat* HMHHt oMNiua* not m ti> eat A* lovaaftgalMa as Ptk** I oofi M Aiflonfa to A* Hoi ' Atiaota <•# •••» H <>iaqp*s*«t» [ore MM T~t* «f Ha* Mai hnahl [presiwow** B« padre dreAqa*a»*e«o aoi aa ! tavw*tipa<k<a mao M moo* i |o iho Mai fa* wreda tM MMahn l*m*o i m 0* • «tr wmifWß**# I ||MM M fAlWtofcE'i ••• «*•’ *** t««i ttoi ****** ******** 4i to* [ Tlm» towtot to ***4 *• itoMto totoS •• 1 nHiif Mi i Htoto itol mmim# H itto iiMtott fto* ***** m*m*w [to toil 6*4 tfttoto TdreiaWo*. I -Tha *t raa** Aioretwreo of Mre | Rnn In N*w Torh" la IM mio of nor I Beat otic a* ure ot tha Opaoo Mreaa Tha play M a pad asm aoi M *oM jto %a pmf. Tha GOa arwoda a hM al eotiy alt as* i«o» u.a* Mrewa »HI ho la Aagomo Bait TrlUs v oicht Al n#a. floooa aoi !•«? oli Al who always irewe a fall hoaao, daapHo nf hi* bhi trips to aao town dill abort, ly M hare. Al coomoo# regular a# A*p tambar aai th* Kiha atwnyo glv* him a I royal ntitiahiaati H# aovar foil* lo giro ■ eon cart In front of th# Klk*’ dub aai that nrgonlcatloa turoa oul In fore* aai oecuptre front aoata la Iho I pi. A hit aaay M aaii an ant tha akoß Tha first pan I* aatltlai "Al 0. PI aid’s Minstrel* at tha Porta Kcpoal- Uod.'" Th# arena roaractlp portray# tha folloßlag Itareatlßg place* M Ih# gay Preach capital Garden of th# Tuillar la* t'kwrk of Noire Urea, the Truao daro. Arrh of Triumph, th* Madolln* churrh. Column of Polore Vendoma, Palace of Induatry the Hotgf da Villa, ally hall. Biffel lower and exposition j tNHlitng* Th# acre# I# #o arraat'd that |t ran ba lllum'nctei. Pkrta will i bo ahown by day or algbt. and the an ile will bo of a high order. A reap# from tho oo*r* of • rauat" dill ba larto. dared In <Mk Amt port, Vi ell Cared For. IVaMelne* la.. Mf>l 17 —'"Wa be lieve the aoliler* rtVeamp."! •« Camp Cuba Libre are cared' Mr aa wall aa « Is poaalbte for a largo body as man en -1 ramped anywhere IB th# Hailed Ktataa.” Thl* la Ih# coocluaton erf tb* report filed today 1>» Gov Shaw. Uof. |H. Egbert of Davenport and Dr. F. L W. Pareona of Rlenbai'k. They were the apeetsl eommlaaloner# [appointed to Invaotlgate into the rondl [tlon and needs of th* forty-ninth lowa 'now at Jarkaonvllle and the fiftieth !which has returned sine* their visit. Tha rotnmiaaton apent ale day* In the camp, and In their report they mention in detaU the qxrrllent hospital facili ties. but say there wa* a scarcity of trained nurses for the anticipated ep idemic. Not Halarlc. Jacksonville. Fin.. Sept. 17.—Dr. Ja*. Carrot, the bacteriological expert sent here by the government at WuahUur ton, to make an Investigation Into the disease prevailing In Camp Cuba LJbre, and particularly with regard to mala rial and typhoid fevera, ha* concluded hi* labor*, and announces moat posi tively that he has been unable to find a single case of malurlal Infection This speak* volume* for the, naturally heal thy condition of Jacksonville and the surrounding country. The continued fe ver eases ate said to be typhoid. Two New Roller Mills. Calhoun. O#.. Sept. 17.—Culhoun Is to have two new roller mills. Black A Co. will put a 50-lMirrel process In at the Oothealoga mills and Cook & Strain have bought ground in the rear of Hayes hotel on which they will com mence work at once erecting a steam mill with a capacity of 100 barrels of (lour n day. House Broken Open. Wadley, Ga., Sept. 17.—The store of the Wadley Hardware company was broken Into by unknown parties Thurs day. Nothing was missing yesterday, hut It Is feared that this Is the first of a series of such depredations,so Mar shal Smith has been ordered to preserve a careful vvntrh over the business sec tion of the town. Rev. Robert Havnie. Athens, Ga.. Sept. 17.—1 tis reported here that the populists of the twenty seventh senatorial district will run Rev. Robert Haynle .of Walton county, against the democratic nominee, Judge Thrasher, of WatklnsvlUe, Mr. Donnelly has o substantial griev ance against the populists this time. They refused to nominate Sydney M. Owen for anything, and Mr. Donnelly is Just one man short when he goes to knock an eye out of somebody. (irtcoiaf H»A tWA »a*o*»t*Bi rtowaAg**#*# AscMfififfli M fOafaCMOMB \f% im nt ii | |to4 gw H-irf # * aign|f r g tot toil toto* toiwi # «<*#■♦ to# j toMMtotototo 9*o **9oo ftoMP to fto* **m* tof ttoi tohato tia%^ y - torjntity i# t|*to» toto **4 mm &00*i*0 m itotoitotoftoM#* ••• fiFm Ajhfflit-H f-f ■£. *j Tto to** • 11* ik§ . . fjiia * ifcAlfMH |to* ’* o<V 1' * * ' toHE T *f% I ( * *-‘oo**o*99 *o*9 ** .* 4 mI jtog gt ii• \ m rJS Of rn firm • MtoM wMogaaf groreiwaire a4mw»4 *to MtoMtotßitoMM 9m •••* *9*o 90*9* *»* •o*9 m*9 mm tototoiMi o*o9oo *O9 *oo*o toMlto 10*9*00* 9 Itotow 4 WlMtol <MMI 0 ii* 999*40 999 M *OOOO toWUMI «f 00*9*9009 *m •• **oo* *ooooooo*o ■< WN* ‘ *o*** I **oooo9os 00* 0000*$*m 90 0094*09*4 *4*m% *OO9 **9oooo* MHMtoMp 9m 99009 900*4 QEV JOE VA 111 I I CU. H# «*• i BBBtaanmaly MwßtanMi M# Cawgraa* V »*t»rAa> (lly Anwiiki fowl* Ttmaia MareH 1 B:r«r. tfkin Ala.. fiafiA It -Oroerol : imrpli WltoNikf *9* utoititoMWHKiF s** 1 imtoitfNMMNl ftor t&ooo**9 K»gb*h ><mgre«*t»aat iMrtrt as Alabama In- * \ T 1 —— day. Tfcoujrti (Itara waa no npjxalMn* the vote »M hr ptlMlt, anil «raa largo Not a *ot« againat him »t» caat In tha on lira district. k : it, + p : * A - Annual .Taoti.ig of I’gssenger Agents In Atlanta on ijrf, Tha kaittomhar mrstlng of tha Smith enatarn Passenger aakooiatlon will ha hold In Atlanta on sag* ad. Inatoad of on the 3kth aa usual, 4, from Atlanta tha passenger man will go to SI. I/hi a to attend a Joint meet Inn of passenger men of the south - eaat and treat on Septmber I7th. at which the ticket agent commission question wilt be considered, fleet In Washington Indianapolis. Ind., Sept. If.—The great council of red men adjourned l-»t night The continental uniform waa adopted for the uniform rank, which will be known aa the Red Men's League. An oridian*' fund waa estab lished and coni in It tees named. The eounetl will meet next year in Wa*h ingtou. . • Too Much Rain Norwood. Oa.. Sept I?. The cotton crop in Warren ha* lent very much damaged by the protracted rain* alnce Aug. I. The yield will be fully one fourth off. The com crop la fairly good. I act Taps. Carry him ou) and pqt him away. Reveille no more wakes him now; We've sounded his last "Lights out" today. And the dust has fallen on llpf and brow; So leave him there. ! Icitve him there, testing still, n With heed no more for retreat or drill ) Lead hla horse hack to the camp again; Lead the beast kindly, for. don't you see. He frets at the guidance of other men— He misses the press of a familiar knee; So lend him hack over the glaring sand Kindly for sake of the other hand. I Three volleys over the trooper's grave. And he moved no eyelid at noise of the three, "Ave,” the llrst, to the soul of the brave. And the second. "Oodspecd” from the company. And the third said "Vale," and then we turned And left him awaiting what peace he had earned. 1 !■■ as- oat ... We shed no tesr and Vie make'no moan For the man who hiis left us to rest a while. We pity him, lying a'l alone, We recall old gesture and quiet smile; But why should we for him now when ho Wanted "Lights.out” iprough eternity? —THEODORE ROBt#fTS, Li The In ■ dependent. ,5 tbk ABOUT OOOD advertising Mnlav k*r Men Whu I’nSlt k) It Ylt Efi} Ml BfiNfi EtMto 1 * laA skm'* Ifi l*4 MO go- k* >i Tfitv Mwvat* ktavMMl ba ’ Ms* ilMfWUlllffl »* *o9* 009 *9**o*loooo i i wttti Ttontoi to mvNi • iymnn# •• *oo*s* Jfre fl-tfi k • w P#fiH to#* 99*09 * ' "’** ’ 1 11 ~i,,nnifit If 09m * ***oo <*#*> *i ■ * soos 909 00mm T4*9* mi to* toNtolss toto HM *4' **w9mmo mrnmm 9*0009 so*s 9*ooo trm** jly t«mn tMy mMrwm. taankfi It breo* m##k won » a Ibbb that I • ~*l4 otMrwla# *■• onl «# B It hfiat* »a»» la from • set read tan !* town* _ I, allowlntan ft »roa»* ta Miter atnrea ani MOta# |»«fs It mnks* tk# *#w*o*n*re Mt»#r sad lamni r prn«»«i~aa »Mh Mia* »* krtnn jp#>ifo# and nsCvf ta tk# lama, i j It k##*» m nrrtintbrti mfrk **«m#y |thn< BBBli reMrwta# M kanviai. aad IH- ard*d money MMW»it*i#ly '«“• <• lie- ntoorr as far oa tM eomfktaalty at I large la wmeerkai. I In aknrx, II doe* more la Mtp a l«»» grew Hi preen-Htv and p.»|wila«lo« than any other one thin# pawiMT roa. flirt# Onlnre Galnrevlll* O# kept IT —iW ##»• orol day* mk train h»a Mon krtagtng tn tk# rtly nan*here of girt*, wbo ram* from all over Georgia ani moat of tk# Southern tint**, to #*’#r (be Georgia Femnla fiammary aai Coaaar#»tory of klnale Tk# open tug of tkla fanu’ua In - at Hatton In the atoal auapleloua tn It* history. For year* tk# opening of «ork trrtn hn# tmrei marked by tn Increaa# in patronage And while the dormitory baa here mare than doubled. It la now fused to Ba utmost tajmrity In *«x>m modst# those wbo are here aoi thoao who are experttd wltbtfi «.♦ Befit few day*. Dr. Barn.-tt's Condition. Atlanta. On.. Sept 17.- Dr Barnett # cutulUioß waa thought so b# unim proved yesterday, and tfce symptoot* In hi* raa* were aurh aa to causa bin phy sicians aertoua vxmeora. Tb* frtreda of th# beloved pastor continue to call at h.a horn# to inquire Into hi* condition, but few arorda of #orour*g#m#nt can l># filvan them by th# pfayoletana. It la hoped that Dr. Barnett will #oon pea* through th# cri sta of bit disrate and ’.a lime pull through hi* long illnea*. • Road on River Frutat. Savannah. Ga- Pept- IT —The city council had a meeting ye#t#rday after noon and reconsidered It# action grant ing a ftanchlae to the Central railroad on Hlvcr street along the entire aherf front. Till# aellon wa# had at the In atance of the Savannah freight bureau, which claims that the resolution of council did not give sufficient protec tion to the t/uslne«a Interest# In the matter of transfer*. The council will, therefore, reopon the matter for a hear ing, In which the buatnese interest of the city will be trailed to any What they desire fit the matter. The Central ha* been looking Into the matter of making the extension, but had not yet accepted the term* nf the franchise. A Total Idiot I.aGrartge. Go.. Sept. I*.—One of the tnopt pitiable creature* to be found anywhere is now In Troup county'* Jail. Nut that he has committed any crime, but that it 1# humanity to Incarcerate him. He Is a total idiot, does not know where he came from nor where he lives. He made his appearance at the Dixie mills Sunday night, and no one there knows where he came from. Monday morning the authorities had him placed In Jail, that he might be properly attended to. as Troup county has no other place for *ueh creatures. Sold Booxe to Soldiers. Calhoun, Ga.. Sept. 17.—Squire W. L. Evett, of Catoosa county, who has been serving a thirty days’ sentence here, was released -st week. His sen tence was imposed by Judge Fite in the superior court at Ringgold on a charge of selling liquor to tue soldiers at Chlckamauga. Shot a Burglar Htirlem, Ga.. Sept. 17.—Mr. John Adams, who lives on Brier Creek, was shot by Mr. Bud Zellars. It seems that Mr. Adams while approaching the house in the dark was taken for an intruder by Mr. Zellars and fired up on. His wound though palnjul is not considered dangerous. . ION fW#fifilf*A»Jh I too k#t§#* *k«o#* f*aoA#4 Ik»• tkao* 1 st* *m%am #«** MfiL I A ta in. Tin t jt 4 ***• ***** •** •' I WMpii f%it |g| ‘ |NI s*oo*o*oo MMM 9*0*090 til I I SOO §OOOO 009**$ ttotow 04 1 I »i- *- ii * < •*# %l§ ■*&** 4MmC ItoM MNfi' •" I I 9*oo 9900 ft 9*o l 4* to 90*09009909 [ r%m iq«o»i*i im • **•* *“•#» *«i I Afiaitol to» o**o*o* fto tot* 94* *-»l la** M<a* iokfif *• ’ fltoai ftoTtoMtoto to ME «•**• Wo*'* 909 vtoto* 4 a mgAf t i -m • | Ak ( A AND fifikUKfi i 1%,, 40mm 0099*0 009* ME *9*9* fto* MMto | 00*009 000** *099 ffitotoWl fMlto *omm **m > •• * Mtof * #l* r * * ftoNfi : to# to '""4 I* * | [ AM * ui ik«rijiMu mm*oo*t f **,%*»***>* fto | • o*oo*9 •#®** l *f m » , o** - *o* y*mm to • to torttoi *» 0*09*4 f|"M *M Mtoltol ItoHM ** MtoM 00m09 ■* * : 00%*-** 099* o*o*9s it tototoptotoMtof totoi tt YMffT It WMlMtoi Ml M 90909 fto MI f If o*9o9*tm 0*0990 9*909 *0 tour Oto'EwfM ftEto *'o*o to Wptoto 1 mm* Itotoitok to 0*099 09*00 *10000090*• j ■”»t|fiMHtof fN» to to'i# 0990 tto toM#B "* j ; MvftM «ai«ir to mhm •* m 1 09mmm toss *** mm*** Wj {gtolt tv ftoftoto 0* Wftito fto «*fto **o9 • I fHi»»'i *0 Mil **09900009 IV m*m**o Mtotoll* ; |f ||t §•#fto* o**o* 0 I‘H toto to . tot* 0 9*099, If fto Vlfl *9t*o** Mto totoV* j A •MtoM to tow# 9***o ito Mvi v*to • w to «vMva to fto itoi# *m 0 mvwi## . IMHtoMMto* Tto nun wto t«ilv SOO9 Ito I Mil to*# '-.090 *n**l ftollF into to «• • m ! 1 l|# (Rdf« Ml. | *i+* Mito tom’t Vtojto rtoim tto rrtoit of IM# ttot l»lH| tows o*oo «\*o Mtofior I Tto rtovto MM <Mito tor* nu* * tofiteh •Ml# iff# •* ****** *MM «to Amill tli Mff | H#rM«f aa4 ItoW i°l H • gwod Stan that Grey wtH M too tired It# atop la WO*. i An *< ctntrtr man I# no# who haa m«B#f enough t<* ke#p treopl# from rall toc him a rrenk. | if prepl# wouti Maiiir admit tMir gßnraa-e lut# «i u#»l#*a arguaieat might M *vold#d There 1* * regular rush at Atnertcua patnat* t« k##n all of tk# war invsafl gatlog cotßtetl*## Cnar Hred la al#o thinking about U aulng a *•*- e note, to tM refractory Sir Ball#yo<te«** If you want to borrow trouts# you I will atway* find wllliag to lead It with'M' aofrotity ! At anv ra»«. no republican paper can pick a daw In H«h Bryan’s military re. nri-what tMre t* of W. Whan k man I# kts##rf by • Boaton Ctrl b# hardly kn"«> whaih#r h# ‘‘** Iren saluted or asssultsd. Dlplaniscy I* tb# art of putting off 'until umOrrcw Mist which should hav# tren done * year ago laat foil. By th# way woan’t there a #ort of fe aiab' peraon called !#*##«• 13 hat has , n*c*<»* of her la ih# aquanbl* ? A Wlltlc b<jy trying to stroke hi* ’ muats-be t# like nothing so much as a kitten trying to catch up with It* tall, i Trapeae performer*, liquor dealer* ! »od lawyer# mu#t he admitted to th* bar In order to practice their prolea ; #l»ns Alt lowa well digger tapped * vein of compressed sir. and th# fre* #llv*r cause Is bring revived In that •ac- Wharton Barker Is the Don Carlo# of America. He Is only a pretender to the populist throne. Bryan I# the real Al* fonao. . . | Porto Rico make# molaaaea and Ja i males takes th# molaaaea and makes | into rum. Clearly we took the wrong island. populism ha* shout dfsMppearad rmm l Arkanaaw. and there Is a corresponding corpulent appem’imi'e at the democratic I wvlsttond. If thh* democratic party n*cra rcaiiv wise It would take advantage of the j bankruptcy law and liegln getting ,r ady for tW' n - I There 1* no longer a doubt that Gen. i.MHea Is In command of tic army. Aud Gen. Mile* should remomlwr that he ta part of the army. If wives were as nice to their hus bands as female dorks are to thdr male customers but tew matrimonial failure* would be recorded. Camp Wlckoff was such “an ideal camp " that Gen. Miles ordered *ll the soldiers moved away from It as soon as they were able to crawl out. Newport itoclety has a fad of Intro ducing n donkey on the ball room floor. There ta nothing new In that, however. I except in the number of leg# worn by the donkey of the new fad. Out In Colorado where the tough nuts cotne from, they have been Inaugurat ing a movoment for the wider circula tion of lead as an agency for the con version of Irregular silver men. The German papers want to know what Get many gained by the American war. Well, for one thing. Germany gained the Information that tt Is dan gerous business to monkey with the buxi-saw. Good Trade on Coast. Brunswick, Oa., Sept. 17.—The fall season in the export trude has already begun to show signs of being Immense. There will be more cotton, naval Stores and phosphate shipped this year than ever before In the history of the port, while the lumber exports, both roast wise and foreign, are going away be yond any figures recorded in the days of Brunswick's palmiest trade. FOX KILLED i UY A TRAIN (JctirgNl Putin wid Muni lH»*n lln». kc> nuitl 'fh fiHfit Flit AEw Imp Fto* -J| s9* Am* **s* *Mm(*• 9s*9 0 *ss9os p -tfttoMl to (MMi Vfittirit *t* '*ss9os* HMNtol ’ o*9* *# >■* iHMMpto M#4 Vfll 900** [ftoiito to# tofto MtoM Ms l *# tol *%V iwwiMl ton w99*o $m to'*MMi W4m,o*\ 109*m «*v *■%s#*** to tto *■** *o* **#«toi i toMt fto **m* *«.-.* 9 itfifnj I Im* so* 990*9 [to* *9m4 to to*i **m*m%o*9* *999*0 l t tv#** I%* • *4s*9*** .|« ••• MM Mfto jIMMI tMI *o**94*o** f^tm***** mm*#*** to *fHI YuMtti •V W **» *• % UVIMI UN MOiliV nEAT. M rolls tn fobfsben A roar* an *« I t>*v**o m )*•«>'.««v #t9*m * *******wm I| n j omt*ti ** **o*99oooo9*o■■ fiNMglMF'f •«»... f« fi lit i* *»•*» ttoNEFtMMwikV •Vt* iSa'stvaaasrsa 1 Mania Hoy#* and •* M 4 ifcro* #•»- * raM I*Aon Bilk g —As W# peroosat-rei oh iMi tire tvmm oni *f»nreff m# ««# t«rok • ilk on ImAm* at Tvhaani»k*i . git* | bat# bo lesfßai fkof in tka 'dtexirt no io Ton*mis iMre wo* (***- 'ty »t g , i oe uwor Kml»Wu» Mi .i ih’-mak ik-i* Bilk elgkt ikws *•o*4 «#Hnro. <M H M had m**m4 o*t lot certste point Bwßrewlrere la iM re* lgf<>* as fion l*obM in <aaao* a We ls* r od Ik* noli #»«*• IM a«rente tar slaty nltea aoi nnrhri oater o# Hon Mia**L TT# wore very hungry by thl# tlnre. Me ta* inn #k«r« at prerefoteoa ani gteng arroa# IM iarsaia*~ are fafi (Ml *• •k»ui4 M careful. ** koailiti »#r* ao 'm#r<*la* Ho"B aft## IB# msb ro#t u# *”1 far grow Haa Mi*i*#i arel iMy Mtk Ml rlMto . M | TMy ord#red na tn halt hut I pußei « revotvrr and t«tk IMfr guns a*ay from them aad taareMd tltete on in freat irf bo. WMO w» arrived al Haa Miguel on# us tire eater#d a eompfalat before tM )#f* pollfte*. charging ua Btlh holding Iherr. up. Out IM J*f# k«#B IM R»B ion well to Helen to tMIr »t«ry. uni tM rrouH I# on# of them I* >at til in JOB at that plar#- | When Be left H«B Miguel ore aecur *4 a more f*» guide u# to where th# RnithMiua referred t« found hta gold, but when we gut there th# wm would nm aioy. aa if »*■ knoun the Kngttsh man had relumed and died there. W# found h»» afceleton. with Ih# lege • n *l arms eaten off and nu *°- fearful he would are the ghoat nt th# dead, left ua to ourrelve*. We went acroea th# river and camped ln ’«• •"* tarent wood# Along th# #lr#»m we pnwperted for gold. #nd in (wo week# we found gold which went about t» eent# to the pan. We remained tMre about *l* month# and all that time we Uv#d on monkey meat and gre#t> b#naß##. and both. too. without •*». i . J--t think of It! Nothing but mon keys, and occasionally a fowl or t«o. and not a tortilla or common hot cake. Welt. atr. my partn' r - M#rt' B Hayre. of lemdon. England, died four month# af ter from the privations Buffered during 'that time, and I don’t auppoee hi* wife or family ever hjartl of It. But w» got •nine gold. #ll right, end monkey meet would h«ve been #ll right for me. if w# only h#d sumo ##lt." USED"BRASS' KNUCKS. Dan Heygood the Victim of an Attack Last Afternoon. Dan Heygood, a colored man. waa the victim of an attack by John Smith last afternoon on Centre street. Smith used a pair of brass knucks wish tell | ing effect on Heygood. Injuring the lat ter’se head to an extent that neceact tated the calling of the ambulance »nd 'conveying the wounded man to the ' Lamar hoss>ital. He wm getting along as well as could be expected when last heard from. airTrakes broke. S. C. & O# . Train. Due Here at 10:40 Last Night. Delayed. The Bnuth Carolina and Georgia train due here at 10. IS laat night wa* one hour tats In arriving. The delay was caused by the air brake# falling to work at a point down the road, necessitating thp use of the handbrakes, which caused much delay in stopping. CAUGHT A WOODCOCK. Oaz Walter* Secured One With His Hand Yesterday. It is pretty difficult for a marksman tn bring down a woodcock. Oaz Waiters, though, nabbed on# dead to rights yesterday. He was driv ing tn a wagon tin the Hill when on# of the birds flew recklessly near him. In an Instant Gaz seized the prize. Gal Is very proud of his catch. 1 _>j , Crushed By Paper Atlanta, Eept. 17— Mr. Gus Norwood, an employe of the Atlanta Journal, was badly crushed in the preaa room this morning by a large and heavy roll of paper which he was handling. He was carried to the hospital. , .