The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 19, 1898, Image 3

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WONOAV & m Terrible! ides.., turn mi Hm tmpm hum CNm tV if* ftsiM M TV I*<ml if TV Smft Wmm# #*m|9 Vt'viflWMfe 9M9d AP9to* H## »#*• fttojgi «««# ##«•*• It ***» * #** s*» 4MP 9mlM9>*l| (9* ■ |N94 t tunnr •*«#!» 9*» «fP» •fcsftft IMP# tiP ft9*"*Alft ggp* *>%•< i t|iv % rpft~ DR. HENRY J. CODIN H pnnHf M’fVfAMM* THE POM OF THE COUNTY V|r* TVs Ur* iM Hi* Tim Ait I'tfrt N. mm> *u»» sitwii r»M r*»i» torttoftM*., nf p|pv# (Imp IN V f^mAgftto** •n. I%t«' ftFftir*? Ml Ilf4 ip#t* £fftft pf 119 t h <4i%i rk*t • hr- v* *fi> J♦» n fi|{r* mqii . Hf* 4 ihttfl |id I •filW* in %}> it* nBQ I« commJ. In th# 1434th trotted ■ whlUt tnd 34 tngront Olttrlnt otrf thr fliniNi I* will tm ,mn that ther* are dtwldadly raor black* than white* who pt IhNf 11*- , All «rs the** ixrnooo alo not depend , in ,l. ifuißlv for their aid entirely on me .imno ~ neighbors often he'.p them. ■Hiete are othera who ran help thetn aelvra n part of the year, hot are de pendent at other timer Tart month 76* came to the board for aaelatanre. Thla waa given ai a coat of 3478.0*. There *rere railroad paaae* iMuad eoat jng $7106 and two load* of wood coat ing *2. Two were hurled at a coat of $55. The greatest expen»e for keeping up these pauper* waa In IKM. when sl3 .- 306.&2 wa* expended for their bene fit. Thn lightest year was when $7,024.96 war expended The»e fi* tire* show what a drain there I* on the treasury and many there arc who arc depeodent. Second hand School Books bought or taken in part payment for New Booksat Pendleton’s Book Store. TOOK THE TIME. Bob Sander* Robbed a .Tan of Mis Watch. Bob Sandet- is now In jail on ac count of taking up with a timepiece belongng to a party who put confi dence in him and who had arrived In the city Saturday and desired that he be directed to a wagon yard. San ders acted as guide and when the par ty had fa Ken asleep took his watch. The party, whose name could not be learned, reported the matter to the po lice. Bob was apprehended and the watch found on him. He will appear liefore Judge Eve shortly. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. call < n me. I can mv: you money. Lew is J. Schaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson Street, established 1890. Second Hand School Books sold cheap at Pen dleton’s Book Store. m P- s FALL STYLE JUST RECEIVED. F. G. TURPIN CO. 818 Broadway. if • Tit (Mills ll Ik Fill SIH ft Bril OR "rJr. • w.m.iahaw«a Th« firofignlo* of oorly FaII but*n#ftft *rm almost wrftnchad from lh*ir hingw At lhk * ~ iawiftly growing concarn. Tha onawa.pln* hood o« malchi.aa ca»h bargain. M carrying all *bi»g. before it al our two More. I*l b. a grea, Say U w.ii b. a day tbs, you .an .om. and do enoemou. buying with email amount, „« cab. Uoton lo lb. roar o. lb. bar aam flood below, It will b# within your roach horn tomorrow. IT. _ _—— —— IW* 1 ” . , . ■. ■■■ l— wrnmmmrmi—umr m. tort* t AM I ti LucfNNi* D#<Mirtm#nt ft •O' l *'# l WA mA*****‘4l AM*A ''Tf* -' *■* i I IHWWHa. HP I awft gflr m fft j f ftl > COME ONCE AND YOU'LL COME BACK -THEY ALL DO. Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. .r„ Z ZZ ZZ ZZ. Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. THE NORTH GEOR GIA COHFERENCE *l*l Mffi it ActtMa •• Ito S3rt •f Vitrßlff. TM* « M Mm Bo lb* t*a»raaW «f M MHi'a kkonk. I Met hod Ism la Augusta From Mate to (time have her children gone from un- \ Ider her aheltertng wing and provided ' lathe's. Broadway and Woodlawn nil! i have Aieeu nurtured by her and ail j I claim her aa their mother church. I’n* I , i,i■■ .ijt t. manifested in this! r ren -e and aa many aa four hun- j dred and fifty delegates will he In nt- I uoaatcd "to meet I»r. Kendall at thej pareooagr- at * 30 tonight, for the pur pose of disrupting the enlertg.nmcnt of delegates and arranging other bnal- Ineaa matter, of Importance J- H. 1 *a- j venport R. H. Brown. !>r Ci H **»«•-1 rick. A. F. Bendteton, A. H Merry. W J. Holllngawortb I>r lew Henry. W. I M. Dunbar. L. F. Fuller. Oeo H IMurphey. T. T. Hammond. H. C. I Hoard roan, U 8 Arlington. A. S. | Hatch. IT. W. C. Clerk ley. Thoma. Hopkins and Robert K L Martin. Vert lost ink nod Vertical Pena for VerMeal Writing. R«com mended bv Prof Pe ot ”•" »' other, foaat Rlobnrdn & bbe vnr'a Book Store. UYMNASIUM CLASSES At Y. n. C A. will Be Inaugurated Oct. t. The Y. M. C. A. gymnasium «ia*.«e» will mart up on October the Ist. By that time the new physical director will have been decided on for the as sociation and be In charge of the work. There are five applicants for the po sition. Secretary SlalAgs will decide on one of the five. All the parties are ex perts in the wftrk. having had much experience In Y. M. C. A. gymnasium cork. The Inrerest tablets and biffi?est sc. composition booksat Richards & Sha ver’s Book EXCURSION Arrived Here From Over C & W. C. This Afternoon An excursion arrived here at two o’clock today over the Charleston and Western Carolina railroad. The ex cursionists will leave here at 7 tomor row evening. Fresh arrival of Fancy Crackers at Keenan &Co’s i Runaway Horse. A runaway horse with only a bridle on created a good deal of excitement dashing around the streets today. It ran up Greene, out Washington to Broad, then back to Greene and out Greene again to Mclntosh. It .vas stopped here and er. OASTOHIA. Bean the _^ h 8 *' ntl Y ° U HaVe * ,W2VS "r c THK JfOOUMU'Jt HJOULD gt 1 m # | |,f , # *: f|l *1 M«n's D*psrtmtnl m g tm «| H H I flu* Ilf Pp «9*s-$P Ctyt* MpFf* MP4 * mW* I .....m, mff Y’MB# "Ait gk'*m*| ON THEIR SUM MER VACATIONS Mlrp (igf ||)iN*r* Hut IP* VNUac i M TM* AM OwM* I «*•« Taw* •nmmer for vac* (low* of varhma u.g. „( ifsr*r tuff f*lufß Krv, C. C Will urn**, m, P»«< •*• i rnV |n Vlffinit Mid will fi**l ivtvra (hr gnat f H OrtotwPf Hit j f uldii is hmm gi|(Hl tijr rtiiflgg fit* riv pjimitM |« now touring In North Hr Pl*n rrturtis stmut fit# fr«*. (Hiring lair nUnnac# R*v. Dr. . Ir of tin* Ihf ind prrst*> * tMtow iMiofon his vfHMHm and wilt In» Hi rrows madt qullr a t tbruugh New Jemal and the North. Amt h«a returned *nd la now oc cupy mg hla pulpit. Hcv C F W- l.ucr of tbr l.uthrr- L_ , hurrti. baa returned home from hla *rtu to New York and Brooklyn. Kathrr \f< Mahon took n (rip Sa ‘cdt and through North Carolina ll« baa returned and resumed charge of hla The t "uagogue ha* no rabbi, but at L - r|rnl | )r Srhrelber. of Mlaolaa ppl. la i'inducting the gervlceg. Rev. 8. B. Cartenlrr. of the Churrb of the Atonement, returned Snlurdgy from V/ayneaville and Hot Spring-. N. C. Dr. Kendall, of Bt. Jnme'g, spent hla [ vacation at Hillman. He returnrd tc hla charge on Friday. Rev. Hunter Davidson, of the Church of the Good Shepherd, la al present on a tour through the North and East and j win probably be gone for quite a white. Itov. S M. England, of the Broadway M. E. rhureh. took n trip over Into South Carolina. He has returned and is at work again. There are several other of the min isters who took short trips, but they are now at work again. These summer pilgrimages help the ministers a great deel and puts them in trim for their winter's work Vortical Ink and Vertical Pena f,r Var'loxl Writing. Reoom mentled by Prof. Polot TJao oo other. Pod at Richard* <St Shn var's Book Store. THE WEATHER- Augusta. Ga., Monday. Sept. 19. 1898. Office located in United States Govern ment iiullditlg; telephone No. 1672. Forcctst for thirty-six hours ending 8 p. -*n . Sept. 20. 1898. Washington forecasl for Souih Cart lies Fair tonight and Tuesday, light variable winds. Washington forecast for Georgia: Increasing cloudiness tonight; proba bly showerr Tuesday: light variable winds, becoming northeasterly. f Local forecast for Avgusta and vicn iity: Fair tonight; showers Tuesday. THE RIVER The river at 8 a. m. was 7.1 feet, a fall cf 0.8 feat !a past 24 hours. WEATHER CONDITIONS No tains of any consequence occur red in the cotton belt in the past 24 hours, except Iu Texas, where heavy at; l exretsive falls are reported along the entire coast, these rains being the result of a depression which is located In the west Gulf section; otherwise clear weather prevails over the South this morning; also over the re*; of the, country. 1 emperatures are moderately high today over the eastern and southern portions of the country, but are low In the states west of the upper lake rc g;on, the coolest weather occurring in North Dakota, which is in the forties. Fresh Pickled Pi* Feet at KEENAN & CO’S. a . * * >l | Mt 4 •* || f« al 44* <m • the** f$NM* fte*!** 4 ■<*!** ♦ MMMI Mi Pi#i» TiMH fwMP* 14' m It 1 1 , i|n #«ti% 14 4i IS » si s * -m—f* |n 4 |R M Htliifiti ftfcM *t**Mi MM M INASOCIALWAY \V<l sm!\ 1 1 s»crt Companion*hlp. I ••Ik Ik# b«*k% path hratdv Ike •»*. Alngr. jr#» MN ■•owe. fw »t *»»V fW pm* Ik* *l*4 flower* • Ilk ipaklM f»* #• >W#fJ„ To t«*|| tliftr and hlal»H* , a l<» tn+ All •*!•*» II m«w*J ift*c«»r*tinit to hr,, llan»h rrlM al gtilla, IH» km Mww* •ull«n l»ral. « | Th** Mind that trt«xi *ta volrW*f« In- Tha fog that mm«« In mill ro* **«»!•*»>', | i Xh** plvnpavtHpl. klalckd vlokta grow, Whisper* of fCbgllsh Maud; l»*M Wordsworth kkrw I Ton tall-splrvd fowrlove with It* l**lt* of blue j ThrlrsM romance Ihr bleedlfMl-hrartaj roofeaa— I Would that life'* friend* In mr might | always *ho«r | Such *wcet companionship. auch frlrndllnea*. —1,11.1,1 AN H. HHCBT. In Overland Monthly. Mr. Bayne's Lecture. I No lecture delivered In Aucunta ha* lever l**en Ifxdtl>d forward to HO eagerly i ;»* I* that which' I* |o lie delivered al Masonic Hall Wednesday evening liy Mr. <*hallea J. Hayne. the orntur. edi j lor and poet, Mr. Hayne moat oraerved* I ly rank* high among the lecturer* of the South. Since he was flrst heard, and moat enthusiastically received »-v --eral year* ago, In hi* lecture, "The Thing* We Might Have Said," he ha* ! made tremendous stride* In 111* prufea -1 hlon. and I* »t all times assured of a I most nattering greeting wherever he appear* With hi* "Drone* and ; Dreamer*." which he will deliver Wed ; ne*d«ty evening, he has made a signal ;success a* a popular lecturer, and j prove* himself to he in every leaped i deserving of the high praise liestowed upon him by John Temple Graves. him self one of the South'* most brilliant orator*. "Charles J. Hayne, editor, orator, poet Ih a charming ornament to the lecture platform," he write*. "He 1* a think er, a dreamer ami a man "f action. Combination so race ha« never yet fail ed to Inspire and delight. Hla silver Speech Is on a parity with his golden pen, and his noble heait will make both glares standard anywhere.” Mr. Bayne's lecture will be for Hie benefit "f the Catholic Übrary Asso ciation. The flacon Carnival Socially. A Macon correspondent writes: If Interest and enthusiasm and hard, good taste and liberal expenditure of money will succeed (and of course these combined forces always do succeed) then the Macon carnival Is an assured success, for It is the only subject thought of and planned for here. The floral queen. Miss Birdie Cole man, and her mnid of honor, have al ready been mention 111 the Atlanta Con stitution. Miss Martha Johnston, who is to be queen of the carnival, will have as her tnaidsPof honor Miss Castleman, of Louigvliy? Ky.: Miss Helen Shaw, of Baltimore; Miss Lucy Doughty, of Au gusta; Miss Annie C.arrard, of Colum bus; Miss Isabel Tirana*, of Athens, and Miss Callie Jackson, of Atlanta. Miss Castleman and Miss Shaw will vis it Mrs. J. Marshall Johnston. Miss Doughty will be the guest of MrF. Mtnter Wimberly; Miss Garrard will be with Mrs. John Van Syckle; Miss Isabel ThMnas will visit Mrs. Me ; Ewen Johnston: Miss Callie Jackson v-ill be the guest of Mrs. Benjamin Cleveland Smith, who is chairman of the ladies’ auxiliary of the Carnival Association. Mr. Prentice Huff, who has been elected king of'the carnival by popuiar vote, will fill the position with grace and universal satisfaction, as he is not only a prominent member of Ma- BfhOO* HNma MiMtot' anti OiiMfon'i 41 in- ■* 4feg 4*MMI PVMiMh' 1 * 11 - t"w M ♦** s •* it ir - !#.« Ift mi | HWt §1 IP . lit t ft to I 89 *4 IR t® 1 1 Hr !«#•« rtf Mr* rtttrtf* l*Nnlil Mi* Mm ftefih»M* h mm wmnw-4 Mlm A44to W*llirr H«* rnurtN tn M4f«b, 4ifl«f n vIMI l«* ffteMjp oft to* Mini Amn* ilovftll h«* »**ft (or mi ftf* ' f.-n-1-tl trip In N*»w York ifti ! Mm. <*h*rl**fi HowftH *«<• Hlimi Ls*»ti jii* HovaH have Lriin** ifin an 4 Atlanta. Mr. ami Mr* Ht»rk»* Hhoftmakr r*- humrd homo* laat niaht. aftor a vlait to I l.fthia Hprlotn* an<l Atlanta. [ Mr*. W. W. Fry** anil r hlldrrn tftv* n-turnril rrom llailem. where they have lieen spending the summer. Mra. C. B. Richard*, of Mem*bla. is the gueat of her slater. Mr*. C. A. Doolittle, on Reynolds street. Mra. Charles Mell and children, who have lieen vialtlng Mia* Brown on the Mill, have returned to Birmingham. Mrs. J. N. Tarver ha* returned from a visit to relatives In Rtlllmore. and la at the home of her daughter. Mra. C. A. Doolittle. It I* welcome new* to the many friend* of the Mhmes Rurdell of Bath that thi y will make their home In Au gusta thla winter. Mias Jegni* Benson I* receiving a number of romollmeni* on her charm ing rendition of a violin ofTertory *e laction at St. Patrick’s yesterday. Miss Annie Laylor. a popular young lady of Charleston, who bus lieen visit big Miss Kutie Collins in this city, for 1 (lie past week, returned home yester ’ day. mw* -aua*' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Douglass Re man and family have moved Into the city from Mill-View, and are at the home of Mi. and Mrs. T. H. Stafford on Elbert and Kills streets. j The departure of Mr. Percy Olive for I Savannah Is one deeply regretted by his many friends here. Mr. Olive will spend I several months in Savannah, but. It Is I hoped, will return to Augusta before I the end of th» winter. Elegant broiled Chicken 25c; breakfast or supper. Ellis Restaurant. Improvements at St. Patricks. ( “ The step* to St. Patrick's church will be extended from ten feet, to twenty-five, with three landings, mak ing a gradual approach. The elderly members of the church will find It particularly convenient, while :t will add very much to the appearance of the church. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new pistols. *2.60; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $2.00. American double action pistol, *I.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Rtrlngs. 2 for 6 cents, at 1,. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. By Dimple* Ensnared. "By Dimples Ensnared,” a short sto ry that appeared in Sunday's Times- I-ierald, was from the graceful pen of Mrs. Mary Belle Ingraham. The sto ry is true to life, and is dedicated to one of Augusta’s lovely girls who will on the 26th be transformed into a blushing bride. L t - r MM *9* m £6 M M9l • {«**«*.••• ft** tv*** MM f f‘%ii4ii >qr» *»*• *4p#toMi ti—* Hnm l * * 4 * ft ft* If 9 *« B KM dwHtofti • %'ft»4 W** l lYllMi rftl ft «i*4 fttofttMtol MH"»* MtolWtoft w # 9<mU H4M* gut Utlni-mr fNftw ItftWHMft §1 (Mi ! tftito Yto-sfttoi ' A *• *4 **•"•*• Afto I Ato#to»** Aft* • Mii REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Georgia Railroad Bank Located at Augusta. Ceorgia, on the 15th Day of September. 1898. I AMot'XT j if iad ytig ,t| >( -mini f “4 f l ill H 9 11 j * nrHI gg H AIM 71) . g, . u . r o HUMMI.APj Iftwr fM*m bmnh* HonA \ m Iln ,I,lft rte’r II Ms. |ntni hiftftt olid bank * «tv« (in ntlirf ftlfttftt) .1 •• • If* i CAFH ON IIANIX brr.:."r..RmS ImMOH InT'llre* j ||M . .. .4tM*»«»«,**»A> O IrtoftAterted lAOPfcl •std rooll Itsms ... 2,39 k3* I l*u* hy rteartng feLutMt 3»,1»3.1t ItljM.lll L urr / ** 2«i4.T2j IMWgPII-M t1.4t9.4W97 , , ASB.FK-ATION or NOT** AND BILLS DISCOUNTED AND OTHWI 1 dkbta. Vong'DoulidFM i. „ .. •• .. •• Non# j„ >***-' 1 N«n. No" U |n ault ..’ 11.M1.M9.13 41.M1.949.M 31.M1.M9.1$ STATU or OBOROIA—RICHMOND COUNTT-Before me came Ch.rlW ir r 'urn made In the Htalc Ba^nk Kxa^™ ’ f h ’ , f Mllk , (hrnugh Ita of „es> of * V”’:, 1 "'!*; ’d.d any nbllgatll “V"*ed by las uni,.. In fleers, has nm ‘", "i.houl m all . a-* having technical coll»t --lh,. matter «f ex< calve lo«n* w r (J *HI<UI. <’ashlar, eral Sworn t*» and autaw tinea Rl?Ft!» || t BROWN. Notary Public. Richmond County. Georgia. Its, 1 Will" 1 Shirt you (0r... 10 cents Collar you for. 2 cents —> Cuff you for 4 cents Hulse’s Steam Laundry, ,114 Jackson Ptreet. opposite Opera Hrai>». Bell ’ Phone 2222. Strowger 447. FOB IBON FEHCING CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 810 10th Street, Augusta, Ga. n,„ of Town Work Soliciu,d-«» B R MITCHELL. AI.K.X McDONALD, "buparlntandant Secretary arid of Construction. Genfral Manager Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Supp Uri —Annunciators, Tele phones, Speaking Ttm-a, eio , etc. Repairs to nil P'ectrical apparatuc. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Pell 'Phone US. M p;s!BS^ m I FITTINGS* KN luNr.S.r.OI r.KKS. MILLSland KF-PAIKS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., Mr. Edwin Latimer spent yesterday at his old home in Warrcaton. ftirrftMMft to Hgga |w«M ifci* tm • >m» ■ «i I Ml W * * fy, , m mm ’ss«« •*» lake* in is ftftmftr nAM MtoMMßp' t „ m | M tit ,7;, , ,„ „ *« tv. -%%«** *4l sssagggg Mmsk. **44 • la* «***• Ms 111 ~ M D » tW- V ’m~ w. it- r ■ -—, IwglSNßk W**l (M 4 i*.. tm — It w> I tM i gg twwtlaa Bgttti rtal 9 •*** 01 M „ in -1 IIHI « OM M»»»* •«*<• *FH M«4 «'•*# oeMI (Tim ♦ xi Hiift* ftMft totftiMi Hmft %*|pft MIA tNMrtM YYto A *• It !#*.,- « AA A AM I i,t am it. tn in. \ xiorjrr. Capilal *t.-Hi up $ 19*H 49* » l \l»|\ll»F(» (*»U»FIT9 MOT t\AHWIICt» TO > l*tpnifnni .. , a 3*997,99 R««i» 4,3*9-99 , f*|,,(|| «N |«>M .a a- 11.311.9| *9*11.99 f D*»«* an 4 On i till* Pt«t»> . 1A.331 j itftnh* m*4 Nmk*r« (ftoi j in itom fttntftl .. .. ..*.»*.# 29.994. I DI E VI* - t to rlrnrh 74 I lVm«0<1 riTtlA- Cttol I#;.It; 39 I M I Xfltftf «nd Milft tfUßt#4 10n.999.9t | li.ll- fmynbte 2^9.999.99 IB 115 HII! HOT BOLLS FROM gERRYJ 6MHS DU HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grocers Keep It. Malignant men pass not by the vir tuous man without imputing to bln what l* infamous. ~ _ ,