The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 19, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY iMd« —*s»«« »*»»» "> **•«“•* " m t « ••<*»*%*» »>» 4* ■*>»—. Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, GftOflOU r u tu ba*.*.’#©** t* •©•* ffAMj X 4Af*l #l* •••••• NAAA*#; »■ urns' tin > i J_uu T -r #aa* IffWMff # JR.lka**# TMI KIM i*»#t BUI im** *• C«M VMM k— RNa#4#a « # «*AA* fßff * * • A «#• s4**M*l few (AM* A N< S iirT ' Hi* 9*®* NNN Nn®® X l * f, f 9.**. | . j| fIMMI hff# »N©ff i* ’ ff*© VWM ®m>% 4si ®NI XX*® *® t*®* *** * ) v# » J I%t tw e-sal V»s* §M* W# ha v* bouffht 1 vyy lurya stock of School Book* and I hay nvjal *>• »okl at #om# prtco. Now l« your chanca. Richard* A Shavar’a Book Stora. HCNIO Wll-MU ff jf All* !lufati 9) I9r I'ipk»*l#i 4 • krfaiaif lAfNf. V|anr« H(*)BMP I •••» mi i*"* l *• 9n 1 Hill f iwrsNNi am orttri si tfe# Uatr Hn«r t*l Unix fa Ik a 4 |ua * ImX# la la Iran |fA( Afk<| a JkT*l 9tt r fil| sis fcax Itfti H Ilf taxs Hub*# ***** l »• Stl9 s is f|| ft imp fafffi H sh ctplfif ©n4 Hi a maid M •aa dfiMM *n • wmm** si InflHf nil Hi* rfffX Nmgkt tlx »-|W" If A(A hi* Aa«lAf AAf* BfcO fiffrfirit Is frrtf Irg ntl tl* Imk* Hnt *MVt hr fuff (gay Ix 4 gif f***i gtffi gum (|f vitft a? »ar bflfrtMf Aa ATM. 1 AA AuAklit lx AIAA Xtttfhf is tn«i Mkd inrfffi Is tlx lAMir Ha- Otm. .W. -a-MMas w. *»# «» relieve kh >1 f>r n|. Hr tiitrH 1 * I* fAilf MlUl 7 pVldfi »4X ntgnf Meath pm him «•»«#*»• lortar* Tha public school# open Thursday. A full stock of both new and second hand Books at lowest prices. at Pendleton’s Book Store. MIAS BHINDELL. At Her Mom* la *aw J#r*«V The nr wit of III* aerlou* din**# of Mia* Fhtrdell. lb* former matron of lb# elty hospital. will b* received wl«h alneer# * irrow by many friend* mad# daring bar #uy In Awgnat# Mias ftbla ilfll reetgned b#r position bar# to go •broad, but 111 hrwlth. caused by, lung ironble baa compelled b*r to rwttarm. •ad *he la new an Invalid at b#r bora# In Hngrralown. N. J. It good wUhe* could cure II would not b# long ere Mia# ffhlndeil would again be In tbe enjoyment of perfect health. genital Benin. lor It Strop*. r*aeil Fez**. Lite* Tab Uta, lie CmipoolMoa Boeka, Slat a*. F*na asd rtae la it Biebarda A Sbavtr’a Seek Store. Fata of Real Rotate A neat and attractive cottage. 34k Talfaii atreat, <vaa Saturday aflorntwin adld by Real Estate Agent .Jfto. W. Dlt key to Mr. Harrj* Tutt. Tb* prop erty brought s2,lW>. OUR FALL STOCK i Wa are now receiving; all the Latest Ideas in Jewelry, Watches, No velties and Silverware. WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF ROSARY BEADS We Mveiiert & C 0.,: Jewelers. , |\ r>f* IN jORbiVOS tw M Mt»w«S at »a*—a Aaff—aa AMf lhfkAb>t«Ml4AA»B f emsAs AAHMH| wtk s(ff -as Bif’fMAfl |K®N ' |X««XX % MAN* UfA 91 tts AMI4X4* t*« f |m4 fill i » aam *a4 AHMPXMvaS AM mm* Immanl 9x a Bhßmß t MAM iHB4 9IX | iig! m# «AmA 9mX SANAA l|X4 »AAsNA4 Iss IgA AfXf Ark i#M MgfAMH* A*4 I*aAa gas | gAff HgHf Hay XIX 4X4 a apay ftußl I Han x A gr««f nabaXt tsvv 4«a> find mat %m thorn tdMl lIMtl Sot • FVw be aka<l #*•* »* gbw? afar# Cra# mak earthly pataa as* B't aware* Ha reata aad waMa kirtsfi far few Ro.klw'i Arwka Mo*. Tff 1C J9IDNT I.MAI X tHA •«r*4 f*»t Off Sraxret. «Xr#A. I’lrAfA. Ha It Hkwma raver Sara*. Tmo#v. tSMyn-W tliMh. rsttMaiw*. rbtewa. awd aS ma ■mpllawa and aaat'leat* < tor** SOl#*, ar aa MV r—iatr»d It Iwawaraaiead la gtva perfort, ay oaaaay ra ftindetl m * ft olllt par b*m FOR BALK ST Howard * WltAJrr. Special prices made to teachers on School Books, etc., at Pendleton's Book Store. AN HOUH WITH HIS HONOR. Caoao That Cam* Of at Polka Court TIM* Moral tig } • Judge I have not got a cent and I iiofh my boy* hav* g»>*t# to war. Hava merry, fonr honor it row wilt (at me off f will *lgn a rontract to aever drink another drop of liquor Ton sea. I got with tbe boy* and they tad me aattar ” Aa old gentleman Mr Robert Holll ■tar Hood before tbe recorder • barged with baring been drunk A* he had made promt##* before to the (judge a toot ilgnlng temperame ron itra-fa and then romtng to court In rl i ulatlon of the drink aertlon l*fh, the ! judge lined blta 12 Mi. Kx-Rollre Officer Joe Sinalaum. for | lielng very dlaorderly dnlurday night, wsn fined |5 Uiaxle Conner*, a young white wo tnun. paid ten dollar* for a breach of the IStb. Anna Will ant and Phoebe Maya, two colored female*, paid t 2.50 for vi olating No. 18. Wljl Urgan aaya be did not "throw de boue*." but tha evidence wa* agalnat him. Hl* fine waa |2 50 Isaac Flynn paid a V. It wa* another 18th aection caae. Urn .lohnaott. $2.50: 18th. Ahcrmatr Atkin*. $2.50; JBth. Kranh McFeatey. $.50; IBtb, f’ Bill Karri*. $2.50; 18th. Tom Schley, $7.50. . Carrie Williams, $5. Joe flamer threatened trr cut hi* wife.: throat. He wa* fined *lO. Anna Ixrftln. a negro woman, wan ted a trolley ear conductor io give hep fare back, because he required her to ait. on one of the three roar seat*. She exhibited a badly torn waist to the recorder, claiming tho conductor lord thP garment asminder by putting her oiT the car. The evidence wa# agalnat Anna. #o she was fined $2. We have bought a very large stock of School Books and they must be sold at some price. Now is your chance. Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. Twenty-three barn* snd thirteen dwellings in a single county in Ver mont were struck by lightning in one week in August. Seoond band (Fumigated sohoo Books sold at Ricbarda w Shaver s Book Store. TH* .AT7CITJI*Y.A MJEJWJkXwO. THE SUNDRY ‘ TIMES-HERAID WHMMSM tli lU fmt Ifiiit (iin ■ flx TfM . *<if f”aNNaXya IraNX* NNa4a*4 Yf rwnMxl *Vav ptwfMstMMl H (SS AAk« (XY *XA • T sAw .. H# HWXN WINNfX’MS |H J P TSe saga* •»* • »*m «S •** ,jr Rscorid hand school books lakAh in part p%. new school books *t Rich ardw A Shaver’s book store. OwHHiNiBN MI HR. Tlw chalrmaa as llw I SNA Mb* cam* •attiaa lw Aagw*fa V#*i#yda* YltrN IT, Cl CitllYlAMt tXifP*# **t tlx IXwrvi'ir Rixilitt (XwiHtP | * .» _ .... MAa IN AoiXA SSS:r$4aV Uf AuHiSAoh Ixa baiS aopx e##Af It# apor IkA X t)X XAt* f NX ! flftlfN SA xtl X 4lfNTtlNf tlx 4Nltl* ItXA <»f tIX pNftY X A ONXfNt NA.f Ha Iff «•» «| (|x pm| i lopiwNit a* O*or*j Uraicn nn4 Iti AEywux* X alvafi frX(4 with falhPMk Ha iaX* an #xvarß|iaf tXw of tlx fn^Hnal •fftf*At o* In tM AUito Ixt think* •hAt daworraia af* »» Thaf thtiyMl Muff «*f otw-rtiannrtif* Nf. (Iqßlidin *m tlx tiXNt of Mr C. H Cohea during bl* May la tbe city. Special beraains In ffchool books at Richards A Sha ver's book store. A NARROW ESCAPE. : A rtra la CMwnkk Cmnaa Bear fro%i«c t : NtN # # hin t isl to Th. It*• i ai*l. ColuoMa. H C., Ht !• Tlxyn was a *0x1! ftfp hot* * wtpniijf mom , tag abbui tnißriM* Th# fßtUf |wro|v >rrtv van de*troyp 4 and th** orrtipAiits Imral* evraprd with their llvaa. Tb# origin of the fire la unknown but aa there bad been no fire In Ihe bou.e In the paat eighteen bourn that preceded it* burning It I# regarded a » tbe act of an incendiary. i Tb# Flmt regiment ta exported here I tomorrow from Jackaonville. It will [occupy tba ground vacated by the Sec j ood. Mr Janie* K Ferret, of Burnt llouaa, W Va.. ha* dla<arded all other | dtarrbo* medicine* arid now hanilea !only Chamberlain'# Cotlc, Cholera and i Diarrhoea Heroedy. H# ha» u»ed It In hi* family and *uld It to hi* cu.tomera for year*, and haa no heal l.l lon tn saying that It I# the bent remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he haa ever known. I, not only give* relief, but effact* a permanent cure. It I* alao pleasant and ! M re to take, making it an Idea! remedy for bowel complaint*. For sale by Al exander Drug A Feed Co.. Parr of Bell Towar Drug Store. You know the best one Its Ellis Restaurant. The Pope and King. Special to The Herald. Rome. Sept. 19. The Italian gov ernment has notified the Russian gov ernment that if the pope i* represented at tbe disarmament conference Italy wilt not sand representative# The matter I# likely to cause further se rious friction between the Qulrlnal and Vatican. ||Get prices on both new and second-hand School Books at Pendleton’s Be fore you Buy your School Books. There are only ten vat-ancle* In the membership of the Columbus lyceum. Iturln* Ihe next year or so a Ctolum bu* man will Have » "territory" which Is somewhat larger than the scope of the average drummer of this city. Th" gentleman referred to la Mr. Adolph Amram, who I* to travel the oountrlea of fjermany and Austria In the Inter ests of a cycle house. CASTORIA. Bears the * Tin Kiwi V« Hire Always Bought Jeff Hogan, until a few weeks ago a memlwr of the Atlanta police force,was caught between two cats in the yards of the Southern railway near Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Tuesday night. His In juries may result fatally. Hogan was recently employed as a ear coupler. I ni’Kv urmttt* rwv : tm *mw A An* l —4 A— Aw— A—» 4n4Nx• H IlflMX. t**Nx*X4k IMMN I x*3tp# m i 4 tvx* 4 * < a—aMXN I fefft-A iißFSitg NA •*# l * A4N —r MXI 4NNX NX NN 4MMNR& fxl I X H'NN HaNMN Ha***'"* NisXPNNI*- IsNPN ! «,.* . *a— H Tl- t -wa *mm MX NiXPY Xf afc . R. .. -m. - nil m’ r w.A Nm—hr *r*B , A—MM 1(BP XX * NN4 mm** t»4IN 4 fNtilNnxN +m§m : mmm mx4Mnn I *ni Ir.ixl4wiii Nx um | wm* n r TitfT iH ‘in urn t h*4 H,,.,, fft# | tHiwdi N** NMX XxXI A— —NN*HI Nix —a RaSwed w*ey twwnS *HR •* ••*4 waiwNtl. bad a had dmuhaeg* and •wa >es*MM »H 5— I wna a Mvt I waa advwed by mm m I at Ra weRRaRw etan. $ baav aea SwjaAedlbe awewbd kstb as Mra btamb Ti|i tabla Oamapwwwd. nwd nan Iwtßae ta aewry ww. I aa* §Wa la da nil my wwn wwrS —d ana tmlb aaaetv a mil* witbwa* SMtffw*. amaetbMaf I bad aad b»#a abt* la da he •**»» Haw .mm lame ■aedMUa* baa da— ma a— ga— dm aU tba da— ' THE UICST IN SWATH m .. r - <- M 111 l| f|ra| \ i§t fix ihvattfl Ifiel an 4 in mamm- I j. uiftrA lIX ft** AX fNN nf on ItNX ! icjijm Iril# fix iHNfll of tlx I - mihisßlAsis of fth 9 Himrli f Ymanl v (Ms • fhH ON w*4—mtmf hr 4rfo#«iNN «N*tr | « I® th* OMN* NNNIA IM , f|X •NXIONN fNMNNtOiiNfp Nf tIX I Nl* j . f ffaff ||f AtOP IN»*4knlallv tllipNNNr* » IN «th rr fOAfXTti NN Mil NN Njt fix tXlll. A rriNArtAhtr frvNt'fic •fair waa wtl i ! n .i-1 at Hddetoet NT. R ed n.aiay before in .ana .pertaMen. when two fnal* (die only tine aannth# and tb# other fonr month* old. were barn - 'raard tn—tbar a— aa a team-the at-1 a nipt mm made In trot them a quarter | mile Ha law* than a minute ! Tbe two preeaeiua ynuagateea turned ,rba Uieb ta Mil aeeonda. drawing «ild ro— wagon u*ad forty yearn ago I tqr W If. Vanderbilt. Tbl* la tbe B.*» [•rial oa reeo— made by tolta lea* tbau ja year old. ll Stuart la again in tbe Held with an offer |»r the Cawbetl McCoy bghi. [mi aea .be fatlare of tbe llawtborb* Albletie Club to Rl off tb# recent pro | isjaerl ron test between laivlgne and Krn* It la thought that (be big mill will have to tie held outside ot New , York mid Stuart euggeate Cara— City. lie aaye he will give a* large a purae aa anybody, while the Naltonal Athletic Club of Ban I'm aria— have ale—<ly iguaraoteed $15,000. for a twenty round i go. Dan aaya. too. that ha will waive tbe 1 kinetoacope prlvfMp', which he *et so much store by In Ibe Filaaimmona tight. To save money In Buy ing School Books get them from Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. Mr.rtin and Woodward, two of At lanta's candidates for mayor ar* going [ to have a public debate of municipal : question*. Atlanta has a white primary to decide its local municipal politic#. In thla case "talk la cheaper*’—a good deal cheaper than If It were necessary to boy and manipulate several thoija ad negro vote* In order to determine what policy U beat for the elty'i In terest*. A complete stock of School Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Ink, States School Bags, Book Straps, Com position and Exercise Books, Lunch Baskets, Pencil Boxes, etc., at Pen dleton’s Book Store. A bulletin Ju#t received from the Bureau of Statistic# gives these inter esting figure* on the subject of savings hanks: In 1897 the total number of people In the United States who bsd deposits In tbe savings banks was* 5,201,137, tbe amouts of whose deposit# was $1,928,376,035. The average of (be deposit# was $377.88. 20-year tilled goldViatcbe* In ladles' and gents’ sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. fluarantees with each watch at J. flchaul's, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. A book Ju#t out I# "One Hundred Years of American Commerce,” edited by Chauncey M. Depew, and widely commented on throughout the whole country. Both authenticity and au thority have bedtl secured In the writ ers acid the result Is a history true, complete and gi/eat. Nuntially'# candies and the best cream# and sodawaler at Alexander's drug store. /. ROMANCE OF IN MUST Iff* 0# Is |jit §t fIN IKK j 111 (I fjljjti# f%4 HNI #mx t ■•**«« j NsNNXNN |tINWi*NNNY NNJ N 4 N NftNX NNMi I® j Mitu .*4 NAd* Nm—h.N NNX NkNXANNNWv *N tnm* | H m* mm* Ixn «n Ixa fnr®44 nnJ •—Mag gwwtff M* h— as eaai. «w Ra SA 4 *m4 NffN A Hl®# NHsN% —■* .. mm* NX i mmmmmim* X N 9X9114X4® |pn®nn nnx NtHX 9m n iHtX mmm 9m mm • i Opt ItfiffM NNIINN IX an 4 Xa fmm 4 (Xwy* mmm 9m n Uftt* INN IX* *9mw* tfvr NM 9m from hrn j tmrnm Hmm UXf xil l® HlNft N®4 nn mxUnni H4t mm 9m *IM IT# NX An Nn anl Ni NX x • • x**f X4f ritfy* *mm Hnn *t® «*Ai *Nx *4 i m . uf< | ff |fif r*Mn if f Ixf NP®I j A ttxf« lllXfl MNI TNI* *® Nil | j flUBt «f«m4 9 m Nl hum* j mu** NNfil tlx mmUm mm* mm mm* f «4* tXNNA fnt llffi «aali« 9 NfXNt N IffffiW* I BNHNmN J% rs f ifcf f* lx ®*N4 Nn IbuNgM of aoibl— but tbe fare b# b— jse— la bia dr—ms be *a* tha fbea iwrtb It* la—nHli nit ay— w—r blaa. Iff ■ bit waking boara be Ibowghi —ls as i lx*. At Nxf lx rnl4 nlnn4 If x> IckNJNf jaad reag—ed to Ibe pia— b# bad a—a jtb# ) nag tadi Aa IMrodwrtt— ••• aerwred ad be wae Nt perfert Ml— A a—rwlag al—ll tb# k#*t day. with I • dll— •* sbe afterwema e uopleted !i lunn* A fslifftn (o roifUNhiN brought all as bl* balongiug* tba ! towg A not bar tn Baltimore aeverad hi* I rowneettam with tb* paper at tbal jfaiat. A room waa aaetired at the Hntei. Ilatya of de’dgbt followed —<h day lb* irmple wa* *#— togrtbrr and tha old lean* began to —eel— tbetr walking paper* and drop off One by one. A month ha# I>#*#ed. Cupid ha* doe# jhta work well. Tomorrow errnlng la tha rburcb which now wear* Ita load* jof daroratloaa and other things lo he [area at tbe uniting of a popular ron j pie will orrur tbe marriage of Mr B-, •if Baltimore lo Ml— K. of B A# the glad ton— of tbe wedding bella peal forth; a* thr awerl strain* of the wedding march a— Bounded, tb# final net In tbe little romanre will eloae and another in*t*uce of love al Brat *,ini wII be repdy for the unbeliever. To save money In buy ! Ing School Books get them from Richard# «t Shaver’s Book Store. MILL OAM BROKEN. Hr*. McCormick Suffer* all the Ureat Loss. Newa baa Just raw-bed the city that tbe dam at lb# mill pond of Mrs. Mc- Cormick about two lull— from Berae -11, waa broken Friday ulghi. Mrs. McCormick ha# a—w mill at this point and tbe pond waa used to run tbe mill. The loa# !■ quite a heavy one. Harvest Time. How still earth lie#! behind the tree* Mink slowly down the summer clouds; Now aun*et glimmer# on the height, Urowa dimmer In the mystic light: Tears und »un*hlne seem to meet, Each other, evanescing, greet: A fond embrace, and quick depart, Dike lover#, leave a broken heart; And darkaeaa now the carlh en shrouds. • a a a a a a a* Refreshed and glad the meadows laugh, Bird* sing from out the waving tree#; The Infant sun,with trembling rays, Penetrate# the mystic hare, Unfurls his grandeur to the breeze. But on the hillside leaning near The farmer bind# his golden grain; A* If to mock the verdant vales. The breast-high corn in gladness pales And. ripening, falls, and lies as slain. The harvest time for some Is near. Blnk slowly down their erstwhile cares, And sunset glimmers on the height, Grow* dimmer in the ebbing light, And soon shall shade their hoary hairs. But youth is lost in hazy dreams, The world i# theirs —and, in a breath, Uke thrifty bees, life’s sweets they sip, Pass the honey from lip to lip— Ah! what care they for age—and death, —J no. T. Pugh. w D»*l GUARANTEE | mpnuibiliUffK NOW And th«n a p4)f of our Shot## will to give (hi AA**viCA they Ar* w«ff*ntffd to givA. but our cuAtomort r»«svor Ior« a c#ot when tuch coroplAlnt* Ar# ttv*Q* to u*. WE n? GUARANTEE “ ** Absolute •Aticfaction, and youi can aat vour monay bAck for th© a*k n«. Our Chlkl r©n*a D«partm©nt It full or *Arvlc©abl© School Shot*. Mm. Mulherin’s Sons& Co., 840 Broad Street —. w_ .r * ** |%®N rWUNtf mm ■-fc 4 i*t«i m*** mm* nkk lAiirflirt fiffff m Mi W NX f®f4 4—MNN N N#>W a • n <4 tff«T ffffqpffN I** B I j J COAL& WOOD! THE BEST COAL & WOOD I AMUCK ci.M'l t IVAL- A!*o best grid— ANTHRACITE, KUO and Hl'T. wood FINE. BLACKJACK. OAK AND HICKORT —WOOD fVPrict* •• Lew u lb* I xtwtW. Lu—wAbaadii: R. J- RUSSELL, H 26 Walker Street, j HARRIS UTHIA WATER J --FOR-- Dyspepsia and Kidney Trouble. I have a New Piano for sale on easy terms. If you want a Piano call and see me. i R. JLm. pox, 816 Broad St. SHEWMAKES. Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed • jj**® per £ or j Good Dry Pine **.oo per Cord Good Dry Pine, long, • • • per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. h. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Blrowger -Phone 740 Bell Pll0 " e 2161 ' READ HERALD WANT M •Vf"T«M«ftft 10 In Um ®|n4» I‘mN Mai® tlx®* ®* lift TIT ItonViX® mm* ifU NN nn* ÜBNfVtXt NNNNNNa WlM«< I* laawwa. Pal m *mff M» •fwaa. De iP«s at at—<■# anaff Ml—w 4R UtRM a #RM*4 *atr—4 •*I iH mi Hilar •! axxmMMn tm® ****** Doors, Sasb and Blinds, ROUGH AND DRESSED YELLOWrmE LDIBER AND MILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Factory mA Siw rilll *M I «tr*l lawntflHMli, M 4 OriMriiHlN Ik*rw|k In livwry nr WMil Um In Mock >M Pmmft Ski# ■will A»*«ired. PrtoM. C*ulc#u»- Be, *pcm nnMMnUo*. ErrAIIUKhKI) UM Perkins Manufacturing Co., AUGUSTA, GA.