The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 19, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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RULE BT BUCKS SUITS WILKINSON 111 l#nr* ttlfci cm*4 i MmUH H mmuM ftto ******* 9 4 It* 1 oM«tt§ ®tt*®* , 4fc Jft g®N® ®®t’* *#*'- ®bft H #S**%*» I *4s» i|pk» ttbilMNN# m • ®P®Mtt| H*®* H# $ l| tt "Hhhiimp4l. tft® IN®** t I#®®® ff®tw4®4® ; '* —® * j.—®* *•'* IP* ••—»*%*• **4 ®Pi®®® *—tt **• 1 4Mm> 4 Is* 4 PIP tts— ♦®#ttß f i.®a *4—® Ip P* t *«• WttßttlttP® H# fit* p-ww-gurip •4MhS4 life*# 4® *#PStt mg t®» Uppwuptpi# m* wpml i* •tt* m ®#m®* r r *“ ** tt® fpgi l #* #*• pppg gipf pf MttttttPi® #•l# 4 * ®—i I®®# *p* •®wt#tt mnl !•* ft®® f»P •# T• simp®' P#t it# tip PpvPMPmN #P P*W” n»h* k«Pb tjf >nrii brbtttd P. »*• lit mi* -v *q# ittfii i|i» ip t»ri pip'll p d«ri Spratt# ffertur Ip polttiri |i amp of iMur npfttcpiptk tia—» »««W hpir tit |pHw» Mttrm la turn ttmatff w# * d#iu«® m k(»t|iffw hui \h+r+ 11 ppb to fr#r from tb# <kM*lM!ton of ttM* ||PPP PH® fltffifPl • tfifliifn< t orp tb# Hltrft|o conv*utloO |p tb# Plpw*?lop mwtpJbrtP ®®#R •##■ wrrtf. Gpnptrml C«tf Coppiiskr [bN pod Cot® H#nrf. ropfimWk •glutton* flop vocation Is dbiurbwg tb* good ofdtf p**o* sad prosp*; *’ y oi tb* wUa* if* prlo.e. D#u»- ormi* Tbl* U tb* (iiawfoii bt*- men! (is wtr eotmtr:’. thlb b thP iwf with that d*g*o*r*<e Altgald •• tt* )*»d*r that (off*tl tb* Chicago ron veotlnn to iTirratin ib* flaatrwtloa of our Mtlniial Judiciary and to coodstnn ||r dbvsland for auppr***i»« Dsb’* Chicago rtot la bl» wild dtwtruciloo of human Hfr and proparty. BatiatM Bator; kata. •*Tb* people of Uaorgla bav* loll* aitely more interest In th* loud ord *r and the business prosperity of th* na tion than they have In the color of th* man'* akin who bold* the office •As an aba' ract proposition we might prefer white men. but we can not afford to HUTillte our ancient in stltutlona and our flnanclal Interest aimply to gratify a aentlmenl or a prejudice, nor ran we stultify our aelvea by Indorsing a lot of vagailea we do not believe In or bave any respect for. We have already done 100 much of that kind of voting, but hereafter we are g ng to vote with the party that promise* the moat and the beat opportunities for the advancement of politician* in office and 5-cent cotton, our general lute rest. Which la the bet ter to the farmer, a Bryan admlnia tration. with the usual contingency of white politicians la the offices or a McKlnle* administration, wth some colored men Ift office and 7-ccnt cotton? Which 1* better for the lum berrrian. IS lumber under Bryan or $7 lumbar under McKlnleytsm? •These are the living questions that follow the farmer to the field, the lumberman to the mill and the mer chant to the store. The greatest panic that has passed over tills country In half a century was precipitated In 1893 by the Bryan element of the Demo cratic party. It shook th!* country from centre to circumference for four years like the quivering of an earth quake and the wreck and ruip would have been complete but for that brave and honest man, Grover Cleveland. During this administration cotton was lower than within Arty years, lumber cheaper than within the memory of, the living, and more financial and in dustrial bankruptcy than lit all the history of this country combined. How ever offensive the appointment of the colored man may be. when we contem plate the scenes of ruin and disaster that followed fast upon each other from 1893 to 1896 we can never agrea for that class of Democrats to embar rass ami harrass acotbe* Am-ricao ad ministration. You can’t make cotton or lumber on sentiment. You can't sell goods or borrow money on senti ment It takes the ‘stuff’ to develop, the country and feed the wife and ba- j bias. If Democrats do not want Re publicans in power and colored men bMM aaa* M *aM I lainXiller [twaaa *• a# •* **•• •* i •MNI ®»tf# i #® 1 f Mb#* jN>B® •«%*•• M# ®o* i® * 1*“. ..ww, ww 1 t * ••• fl #t %®9 • t —tt®*#* flip® b . sms ykg §*#*4- 4—®t I*®' 1 * th* loat .!•!•«• Tb* PM (Ml <a.l •#nt tkww'tt* *M IMotw • coiaf*4 Bm» with * * lew of Mwuflng ptac** ti*tf*r bin for P»Mmr*‘t- frteoda Is bnifflt tk»g IMI *or* HI obit* tOM ran ftft*f to tut* lb* BtyiltlkM tt* bet Mlllstl M* wtf-fw*|*<*t o*4 ••t**tn *od nnp»it of bt* o*tgbt«w« Mt ofcof* and If tst |IM . gar HUM IW go band b» band with *•< b other Do irorrai ' t* trow a deep I*l4 too •piracy ggalnM mptul. *wrpornt lotu and ■*- Hit UM UUm m 4 Pn»*p*rtt) othrr south Geoigta produru oa tb* tariff Mil. and a* a result we »r* faal tit tb* Infineon of better priest and batter lime?, Oae prominent Detuo cratlr papa* in Georgia aatd rtctatlf that It would aevar do to put tbeaa autclaa <*oot. rice, lumber. Mt-. 1, la the tariff bill, because (If tbay did I the people in *ouID Georgia would make money and then quit tha Demo cratic party. Fortunately, moat of ua quit before If th* I*>rd will keep ua | bumble tba Damocrata nay that they will do all In their power to keep ua poor. "Thanks, gentlemen, humble riding on (he Republican band wagon with I .yon*. Rucker and other good colored men I* better and more respectable than poor walking with Commander Del* General Ooxey and Coin Harvey. "J. M WII.KINSON. "Valdosta Oa . Auguttt 2. 1897.’* To Whom It flay Concern. I have been In the drug business for twelve years, and during that time bave gold nearly all the cough medicine* manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of auch remedies. I say that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other oa the market.-w. M. Terry, Rlkton, Ky. gold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., c. R I’arr of Bell Tower Drug Store. nilltla on the Wane. The military spirit—that Is, Of the mt lltla—has waned much In Augusta since the war. and It may not be putting It too strongly to say that the local mil itary is on Its last legs. When the boys come back from war things will revive n bit. There have not been enough mem bers left here In the Clinch Rifles nnd German Guards to get up a quorum, and the Irish Volunteers have not held a meeting, so far as can be learned. In dome time. A few enthusiastic men In the Ogle thorpes have and still do meet every Tuesday ntght at thetr armory, but they ate few. The glamor of war has thrown the •Tair weather’’ soldiers a bit out of Along this line. It may be mentioned that the lease of the armory expires on October Ist. ! There is a debt due on the lease. There ate not enough men of the local militia here to raise the necessary fund and so it is liable that the money will not be forthcoming. ’ The cutdown of the appropriation from the city council makes a great difference Ip the matter of paying and settling up. It is sal'! that there will be a big change made in com* of the ccmpa nes when the reorganisation takes place. Some purprlslfig changes will take place. It 1b learned. The fact that we have a vice presi dent of the United States should not I he overlooked. J THK AUCJUBTA GEQRSIAN FILL II SANTIAGO ||f% Mffgftfff UfHIH ft Niti |®®| 91®# I®® I® 9&0 PM PPP® i »#®t®«® ®f I* IP®"®* mmm IN® •#*• ■ ip#* p®® ®m«i ®i ip® p®i #® m® *#®4P® *® * #®P® *®l ®®#l *® 9m P®* ®*® | HffiitM NM IN®M® • I® . #«a®ip®®® ® ot®*® I 'HM® Pi®**® #®M f «i®ti H«M®® ®M®*®4 *® • I nil)* itMMI tiiin|i|®ii ••'*** mm #» j * P® H* ' MM® P® Mi t®* t Pi M®i *•• t-# ■■ >f4 iM® I®# ®®®pP®P®*V t®® ®®w“ mmm PMNmH r%MM® M®®!® 8 ® ®®* IP® ®*#o * Mil®#t® ®a®H m P** ®* ** MM® ®®<® ®**« »# m® M® 9m ®** ®® t®® Hi CM® i hiwM P® •♦* 7 §®lt» ‘ «wfi® Ml t#-••* rffHg-||t>if #«Wt *# *#4 ®i |f® IMP® ®® f ®®* ®®M*M ®® itrtif® W# #w®» t® •• IM® * •®»M®AMi Ml I®® ®N*M IffraM* w I n® tvomm* ••• «®®* ••fMi I® CM® ®M t®®®# M®§M®* M®l t ir*fJtr 'mm «»# mmi ® *P® K#® wnf® MMBt I® ®®lr , F , f#i ®f f*® **®t*®*®t •a# lo tP® «ir l®t«i IP® iPillt Aft®t mwHb 4**P# m*4 mttm fiPm*lm ®M •#••# imrm ®P®l® m M I*®#* H®®P®f •MNI ®F®i Pl® f®l®tl®«® WW®i®®i • Wl®* Mfrhll #t|* *|o ffw® Iwt IPylilHM «wtna*l ad ib* fiaib tafaatry <aal.b lKf fP® IW®** S®4 (MUM Is® lP®t '»# FOtllUl (|bAQ I W|||)# •HI tP# tnfQl# «M •tail* r««®«tWtMMK PlCB* •®#f Hi • gallisl i®l tfiity km#** a* • Tb* With regltacnt was eagagaf At llan luaa aa July (M. 2d aad 3rd. sad on sack of tb* tbra* day* was aad** iwrifir fir* ('ompany R M heavily during Uus three days of this anffaa* •**•l uni ##mtf (i®ctr wlftp lit ttftn ftoQ of the wroni !lftlU®i(H *** lrinil o® tb«* Meld dead ** toundni and the rtaki wmr# litiMi mit l»v Swillh butldl | Th* rag'ment did gallMl w.irk at 8u Juan aad tb* M«*rs r*c*tv*d by Hug My's relative* state that Ib* men conducted them selves In a om»i praiaw worthy manner Hughey had a larg* nurotwr of frlwtda la Atlanta who will He grieved to learn of bla death. Try Allen’s Foot liaaa. A powder to be shaken Into the sheen At this sea. n your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot. and get tired easily. If you have smarting feel or tight shoes, try Allen’s fiwt-Ess*. It coot* the feet and make# walking easy Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters sod callous spots. Relieves corns and bun ions of all pain and gives res! and comfort. Try It today. Hold by all drug gists and nhos stores for 26 cents. Trial package FREK Address Allen H- Olm sted. La Roy, N. T. TO OO BEFORE THE COURT. The Christopher Gray Stock n«y Be .Sold In a Lump Savannah. Ga., Sept. 18,—It la tindei*- stood an offer ha» been made to Re ceiver Max L. Byck for the entire Block of Cbrtatopher Gray * Son. which I* now being Hold ai retail by the re ceiver. It I* probable that the quest ton of selling the stock in one lump will l>e brought before the superior court ! tomorrow, when Judge Falligunt re turns. In such a case bids would probably be called for. and the stock sold to the highest bidder. The store will, of course, be open as usual to-1 morrow, and the sale will go right on, | unless the court should Anally decide ! to accept a bid for the whole stock. — Only steel lined and burglar proof rafes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest.. Wa terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. Mustered Out. Written for The Herald. t’nder the canvas walls of while — No one to watch but the pitying night— Wasted with fever and uncared pain. The burning dream—his wand’ring brain— "We are to be mustered out." i Miles away there are arms to rest, Hands that are tender to soothe, caress, And hearts that will tie happy when There's the homeward tramp of men Who are to be mustered out. I But, oh, the canvas walls of white! Oh. the watch of the pitying night! For on the straw on the damp sod, Before the roll-call of his God At last he Is mustered out. —Susie Bingham. Fernande, the daughter of Ferdinand de I-esseps, who accompanied her fa ther on his visit to this country; hav ing secured a divorce about a year ago from Comte de Ob'ntaut Biron, is now about to merry the Comte de Mlra mont. CASTOHIA. Beam th» 11,8 Kind You Have Always Bought 1 T” (ZsAtfUs&c | ,»*4I Pftdtfe I FBB BENI ALBXANDCH® jomNFON ®mi s m* *• H® P*M»* I. Man #® %® •Pi •PPM®®- ®®#M® * bint MMNFif •Mi F #'*##•»* * ***- m m m mm mmm # w®'®® ®®i %#* ■-9 k '*mh# 4 mmmmi «« +m\ am 1-tiT'* +*mmm • mm i®i M ** «* i® m Trjpi'tr- ' rnmmm ♦ ® l IP |#|pPiPP"lp®®HWP® ****#®Ml m m ** ** ! HP 100 m I®NN®F ** Pmmmrn % m 9k i®tf» ys»'ii»f® ® jim «®ii I* ki* •Hi ®MP# •®®<Mb*f*'- MFmMMF m tgc •# 9m lH g 1 1 v mrt 4 * +mmm m pff I * H mijfcgv »< nt»f 4 9mrnmm . *mi Pi ZZ m m ®jjmiii®iinutr f i mt *®d 4 pi m pMggptflpi g . m+ 99m t MMw . |1 tt® ttM ttliufid iHtfftfff# m* ** ** ** ** ** um m-m 4 Mi®* .. .. .. * SMftetifNil #44®44 «a •• •* •»* *• «tt Mtfw* il .. • **• - M,» a. |> - 4ft® ;u PM a. .... ..!!«• l a. n . infr« tfttl fftpfflM raomi I® Alexander & Join 705 Broad Str««t. HOMES AND STORES ROR RENT. DWELLING* only » of J B Whites Be* homes. I Broadway, beta era Fourteenth and FtHeenih etreet left We make ape i i tel offer to approved trnaats. Per mo. I tX2 Wsshlngt-ei street. 9 room* tb* M tot Greene street. 9 rooms » <* !|><t Broadway. • rooms 1* . ' »1J w<e*dla»a avenue. 6 ruums I«.M 374 Tuttle street. « roome .. .. .. tf.M i 622 Ktlls street, ( rooms ... .. .. I* "® kt 2 Fifteenth Mreel. I rooms .. 16 ‘SI lulu Heventh street. ( momi .. .. 12.0 a 70b Centra street. T room* •* ** lull Heventh street. 4 rooms .. 12.60 Hrvanteen new 3 and 4-room homes. I south side Jonaa Street, 'twlxt Four teenth nnd Klflsefith atreets. These are all new and thoroughly up to date prices lit to I* each, vto approved white tensnts only. Htore and Dwelling northeaat corner Center and Watklna aireeta. 136 on 21# Washington street. 10 rooms .126 00 1222 Marks street, t rooms .. .. .. A.OO I j |23 Fills street, 7 rooms 15.00 11202 Greene street. 10 room* .. . 30.00 1 54 Ctiafee Place, 7 room* 15.00 ! lay- Broadway, 5 rooms .. .. .• 13.00 1421 Wood law n avenue, 6 rooms . 13.00 1380 May avenue, 6 room* 112.00 421 Telfair street, * room* .. .. 20.0# ■ 217 King street. 8 room# .. •• •• 10.00 216 King street. 8 room# 10.00 207 King Street, 3 room# * j 722 Taylor street, 0 rooms 12 50 I 93t South Boundary. T room# .... 10.00 STORES. 224 Six street ~ ..25.00 per mo. I 218 Sixth street 15.00 per mo. 1207 Brnsdivsy 20.00 per mo. ■ 120» Broadway .... .. .. 20.00 per mo. 813 Ellis street 5.00 per mo. 840 Center street 25.00 per mo. 912 Fifteenth street 10.00 per mo. 909 Calhuun street *-0® P pr u l "' 1928 Broadway 12.50 per mo. Cornur Blown and Tuttle, Store and Dwelling. 110.00 per mo. 222 Sixth street 12 50 per mo. Wicker & Davis. FOR RENT LIST CHANGED DAILY. NO. / 1335 Joneß. 7 rooms 25.00 540 Reynolds, 6 room# 12.50 551 Ellis, 5 rooms 12.50 233 Ellis 12.50 456 Telfair, 7 rooms 15.00 515 Lincoln, 6 rooms 11-BO 441 Fenwick, 5 rooms 15.00 STORES. Cor. 9th and Barnes SIO.OO 804 Mflntosh 10.00 637 Bioad .. t»> 20.00 550 Broad 27.10 J. B. White houses, Broad street, j. B. White houses, Jones street Get prices at lofflce. L. F. VERDERY. The Renting Agent. MUI Ml At* 188 BENT | gy •rttif'®'* wM® %■’ rr4M! •pH • of*M* bm# t- --g-if mmm% 4 *m*mm • •• N® 4® f sflM i iu<4i«ua»c -mm J.-# t »* | 14# mm ****** • ****** rn m m Mtt# ®NN Ml®#®* • •mtm +* ** •«•••• j I m *m#*m ****** i ***** - ••••■■ mj mi * MMMMtt® b« m 44 #• m . .. M|t«BHHl 4 t -i.itr-r > v * M Pft 4® ] [4M +mm* m#m* 4 #mmm *• •••* 4® m |#• ‘••ltt®® 11 ii®« 4 ®«®®i® •« ** 14 *® A r»»j 4 ***** *f •• *#•••• gg up. - . •ttMb 4 f«wtttt *• •« •* I* 4® - M*uaa aa MH4 • mwM . ... *•», | Ntt f*Nr* tt® m*wm<% ®i»fi M * *' m •»• m* ». .* .. .. t la. lt ,M »•»••••* 4 tt a - ># *1 ~ ~ , IM »I® S 4 I4M® ttvtttt *• ** *• x . #a 9M P«tt I t* iHgHbMHL. - •••• w - * * #AfTYftfE® I p H M*. fi • §»• ®j foM ttwnnfl® «tt®®# • aa 94 aa t* •aaatti® fli 4® trit! ftfrlMK 4 •affNNI M #♦ •• ba M •tt tif*fit4 •t#®#® m m ** m 9* ** 4®# )**•# Mt®# *a #b *4 m *• HM " »• *» 44 44 j M® 44 j f®| ®m4 M®*# h M b* «♦•••••*•■ 444 tt®P tt#® ll ®- •* 9* —»♦ **_**^***__* mm#9 #4*®®. 9#m****** * list*• ill h. .hangs* »WMI John. W. Dickey Itgal I'etata Agaat. FOR RENT " w 1 IJf n dhi UW»W !1r«*1 Ktr«H #p»ct»l prim. - «• iltitl. I rouMi •• •• •• 31-99 fSS TVlfalr fft f** i. " iu***m* •••••© ( TfKlir HtTP+j, ? fnAfllt •• I |U »tre#t. * rwmi* •• « • H •• Mft Kl»l« 9tf«**. • "»**■»• *• •• 1 Ktlto rntr+v*. ? >« ! || flfu'tif. 11 • •« .* •• .* * | U , >t |n ftrwt. 1 rmtm* •• •• 1 \fAl Walton W«r. 9 mom* •• J j ]t|S Wtl!<>n W#y, I rnotfi# •• •••• W-W I tw* lir*NMl iiirrrt, 19 •• •• —*■ JI2 Walker atrawt. 9 1* &9 I nt Broad street. Swf* .. WM 1 j ft White's colls*e» on upper Joneo 1 ’ street K M sad • each. PHOTOGRAPH OAIAJWT. I MJ HP art 1 This list will be rhsnged from d»y t* i day. Clarence E. Clark, He.lß.tals. ‘ MS Broad Bt. TO RENT! From Oct. I st, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, Etc-, No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. T o Rent Store and Residence at 1285 and 1287 Broad street. One Of the best stands In the city for a good Grocery Store, or In fact, any business. The Hones liea aix (8) good rooms, a good yard, and la very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE 1 have for aale very desirable build ing Jot Jocated in the centra of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell tame very cheap. Juet the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1337 CJREENE STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 849 KM.IB BTREBT, BUILDING three stories high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale business. Price $50.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent, JHE ||ERALD §TAHPABP WAR j\TUS It it popular bacauM 11 It jutt what tha ijfrijtt fiffwipdpor"fffding gHiiii l want«. Tba Mtpt am itfM* and claar. and fully doublt th# m/bb of any olliPtt publlthad. THny art baMiuti* fully prinlad In (ivt cotort on hoavy map paper IF YDU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find tba AUat an inditpantabla aid. It will help you lo obtarva tha dally changaa In lha, and enabla you to kaap pica with hiatory. You Need An ATLAS! v ~ Qat the Latest and Bast— N Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas t Cuba a* • ai 14x21 inchat Tht World - 21x28 Inthat Wttt Inditts • 14x21 Inc®— North America - 21 *2B Inches 3lf iff i«Mt IMmb. South America - - - 14x21 Inch— Philippine Itlande - - 11x14 Inches Hawailtn Islands - - 11x14 Inch— Europe - 21x28 Inch— Spain and Portugal - ** 14x21 inch— m m a* 14x21 inch#i show in C «®W TfttfSMfftt tfailr <*®4a Africa - - - 14x21 Inch- Ocean ia and Caroline Islands 21 x2B Inch- China - - - - 14x2! Inch- Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. * . . . The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may, order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents QUR MEW snkis "Tw U <*•> A £ ijfl {4 |ttßP 3#: p™ ■ /; u \, yLf 3*^ Tb ~ I' Ji«erE7v..<- «>*»" "• I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA in Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing show all the newest textures and weaves in handsome fabrics, that are made up and finished in the best style and handi work of the tailor's art, and are equal in finish, elegance, fit and style to the best custom made Clothing. A glance at our stock will show our lines to be more complete and of larger assortment to choose from than can be found in the city. 7