The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 20, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TUf®OAV 2 NO WAR PRICES f e” I itnv* m m f*w #ay* ** i***f «#» tmft »*#*# I «*« ava yen* jft lo f«* • ftaM * *rtl <M* *8 »'Wf»h<Mta» UlfHl gtocli exf Ommium*#* mi aMRIM# LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jewtlLh Un<t»r (he Ailhfl* n McH*l QCMNKM* sh Up***#* ***** ** ******* ***** •g *4to**q r»*>»< tv—— <*m «* Mfe* «*•*** '<•*•**!* ** ****** **V J (* !*>*>■—» »*» »»«« M* »"■**■ # m ****** $ * *— **|i #4 m nwwjws I. i tmmmm**- •#• **| W rrr f ■«■' «m I« r atottafj —• —a* *%** !—**•** •****■*•' S —— ■ ftatae •* tota % *ta —*<— '»"*« Afto* **»* MvtawnJtta #**■*• ta *— r. »»■*•- kta*#"* *■» *•••*§ a— «#•«—m |Elm *—* -4 ■ESm *** ***** •**•(** *»** • **'’♦ VM l-rr gw*. • I*** ffto* *’• ‘ A •**** |*g • I—4 «4 «• »**' lip *»* ttata —*»fe# •—, * S ktawff* MMF *l*B i— >.M— 1 p-^ —. —# Am 4 <"''■■» a*vta—FK •*** toton ftoagg—• ——r r—*m f**— touta# »•* —i ***• •—*•**• **<#* g, w g~- *—* «# **tn *— ••*«* t]** —III* *—*—*» t* —* • *** *•* *• *w I • —Mi —4 *• ******* »** AtaAi •<* ****** • •*» ** !•*—* —*■ j —I |ta»B tart*** •** ******* I**—| •—i •*— t*. »•«»• ***• ** »*?*] **» ••#*#•» * **•*■ _ j to NM —ijr«to»* *• *** * Mtr* |M* •• I ******** tot* i—i aiHta* *•» **—»* tort '*•* * •* * himi l » to tta“* *l4**l* to*4 W* *• • MV tart *•*• •** *•*• ***** to wA» Irt# MP* *»*»** e« »to 0»«** *M**j to—to* ertato ••* *• *— *to*» *4*l* • I •toe* to totae to—> M—to* to* »to —< **» j***— to pkil itort to urtgto to *—**•«—•• M ttoM* <—i» to* •• <rtto* *»*«• | Apr •**«!» ffittiw* fIMII l>l *UMM« C—Ml'*’'"" to*4 M rtto *g • to— to** *lgfc'« *f • ••••■• •** j A tow- I ** I to <—to« tor rtt-| I—(in **** ••rttw-'l to *to n»rti» or j toil* ••* ito r** M to*. •** * to*** fey Aft**#. WPfV «N K '«l j —lna lto *• "to* «t ‘’4 j fnnl *. Wm* I* * to tototoj LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. IILLEB HiLKEIi THE HATTER. BZISTOX: HATS htn office «M eav»4ofw4 In flaw#*, wklrli quickly »pre»<l t*> tb* Horrt* hot'l 0* th# **t am) Ike Whit aker hrtefc tmlMlng on the eaat and re sulted In a complete inaa of three build Inca The lire, « ter (Teat difficulty, w«# (-hacked at the drug More, hltkdi cattgltt on dw aereral time# and wna ratln gutshed The Whitaker building »*# a targe two-story brick <at the north side of Court square and owned by three minor helm of P. H Whltakei Jr. It wu occupied by Ihe pnitafflr*. a ahoe chop, law office#. H. K Whitaker, mer chandise. and the New# and Banner printlna office. It I# estimated that the following pemona »u#talned the follow tnc luaaee H. P. Marrl*. houee and fuiniture. 11,0*10; Col. Prank M. IxrftlO. office and library, Whitaker heir*, building. $3,000. Col. I> H Whit aker. library. WOO. P. T. Mi'Cutibeod, library and printing office. $1,500; H B. Whitaker, merrhandlie. $100; W. A Ware, damage to drug# and bulbing, S3OO, C. K K#dy. damage to.building. SIOO. Tie- damage to pnelofflce and fl*- turea la unknown Thl# waa a total loan, a# none of the partle# were itarry pag any ln»ur*nee. It It thought to be the work of an Incendiary, and at nor time It waa though! that a large portion hf the town would be destroyed. Vertical Ink and Varttcal Pen# f, r Y#r tical Writing. Recommended b? Prof l>#lot Ote no other, told at klohardo & Sbavor’a Book Store REVIVAL AT BAXLEY. A Successful Serle* of Meetings Man Juat Closed. Baxley. Oa.. Sept. 20. A aeries of meetings hare just closed at the Itap ttst church. In which the pastor. Kev. A. R. Richardson, waa assisted by Dr J. C. Boloroon of Dublin. Thin Is the third successive yesr that Dr. Sol omon has left his home to tell the peo ple of Baxley the truth as it is, and with wonderful power he has. on each occasion, pointed out the way. His last sermon was devoted to the young and never was a more powerful and beautiful, and at the same time simple, sermon delivered. Much good was done. From Inquiry, we find that cotton was not very greatly injured by the long continued rains of a few weeks ago. While the crop apparently was on the verge of ruin, ft was saved by the sunshine coming Just in time to do good. The race between the county com missioners is proceeding with some in terest. Especially is this true of the candidates for the legislature. They are both Johnsons, a family of consid erable influence in this county, and are very closely related. They both ex pect to be successful. NN hen The ArtUlk W odd Apfirm c* iMf|» •BMMI fluff to *%# A|f<**** i: ' fWil Tiie Efereil Fiaeo lit iMif «| #• • "AMtow Atow*%* BftoMNl IMArMMtot' tot ill* MtotoMhtol |vto#totoie to# ito* iton* It t» *to# jpeilf fAtoMto tototoAto IttoH t» m iIUKTWK) ft*H UNLIMITED TIME ■ topp. (ftMto Mi th# Mi e-ei M* tolto *1 ei it to Serito Ito'Aitot ItoMtotototoHMMltoi lto**BMl mMew (Nmt | v«w NtMtoiy mi jaw to Ml toto* HARVARD PIANO I tin;tt*to* Ito fiNML hMin# Ml fitlHf, I leteufiil Ml itoMM lrfKM*iMl l/»W . TfSHIM lUtf I Art IM# m •MtoMlMfl ! j Tufimtf tototo toy wUM* Timas & Barton, XT R lUUnrTT. tort—. n* IWMlvif, A**«*ia. O*. RECORDER'* RULINOS. •RMRHP P*rt*l*wa **Mt«4 By Mf* Ha«lrr TMa Morning. Tii* IntMto that Jinlg* Hnilrr ran am— oa ito path-* *nrh*i ito* nm - In* *M Itot of AMU*« William* tt'to* Uwt «*«r «aa —ll*4 a ato*U ralorn* toy app—r** at tto tar. T**— «**r*tfcr— rhar#** again*' 111* roungntrr- Jumping on and off —m aambllaa and tagraary H* plr»d guilty to tto flrat t*o rhar*— tot dreind ito third, aaytag that to «m an vagrant Imran— to "ataya* right tor* * Aft*r aum* mor* talk tto )ndg* d*- rld*d that Aadr*w ahoald ap—d altty daya on tto I*. W. It vat laat eight Julia Hronka. entprad. tr— quit* an gry at that tlmr T»r ghjrrt of tor wrath *raa M»mi* WtlHama Julia wrnl forth to pmrur* an at*. Mami* wt«t forth to pmrur* a policeman. It waa thin morning Julia and Mamie were at court. Julia, *8.60. Oliver Johnson. Press Bradley. Oliver (mint have a very stout cra nium. for a witness said Press broke a rock all to pieces on that no-mber and still Johnson did nol show a sign of • wound be appeared before the re corder today. Press waa fined $5. On August 6th Press had struck s woman $2.50. On yesterday Press had been disor derly in another esse—s2 50. Press —total fines, $lO. Bliss Stephana. Rosa Reed. Bliss got thirty days on the P. W. Rosa was dismissed. It was an eigh teenth section Tatter. Tom Schley. He cut a woman In the head. She went to the hospital, got her wound dressed and when she waa leaving (hat place, Tom again made an asaault on her. He received sixty days. To save money In Buy ing School Books get them from Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. HR. EDWARDS RETURNS. He Is Olven a Cordial Welcome By His Friends. Mr. George Bdwards, who enlisted In Capt. Renkl’s company from Augusta min afterwards was dangerously 111 at Camp Thomas, has returned to Au gusta and is receiving a royal welcome from his many friends Mr. Edwards was for some time employed at Schnei der’s and was deservedly popular. It Is hoped that he will soon be entirely restored to health. Special bargains In school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. TTJTT. V\.T7OT7STA TTSTRAIX) COTTON GROWERSj MEET TONIGHT. | RpffNMßtit* * •MNm Hi Ml totAMAMto || I* || MMmmMm! TtowM 8 JMHfc*-* Mk Ml BfctoßHtoj [MI (AM peMtopr tAtoto toe Ito* fWttototo* 1 tof totoC ‘ #**r fto»rto««to liMto Mtoto Wwt tototo*#Ml | I dftoto In «?***• tto* toMMW ftoto.*itoS» | mmi HMiiuitoito toftMn $m mmmrn* MMI tto# prnrpmm «0 H» MfVMMMBM f IMM Mto MtontotortotMMM* vtoMtotto* tore -9m ? [totoVtotototo to* iMtoMM h to* r»* to* i i an 11 * r *tt toCMMhtototo ito itoMMNI Ml Ito# 1 totoft* *M tto to# iwfctofrttotf ItoaMto# «f j I tto d—aawn as tto (Untamad —aat# , IMr Mptoto ftototo ww p • j [Jato T MW a# Raw Tar* W taj ■ iair—d that fr—a ito toaty madia* of Rr Rartday • htm a— ***M, ~r k a»< gtr* tin>• an—i am to to • to* ! Tto— who tor* madlad M. kena**** . am «>f tto optatea tto* ttor* la c— j a«*rahl» aaartt la Ito prop— Itt— nod lif 11| flag apt. bapafklal roaalta to iku 'grow*** would ta**Hall* fallow Ito:' of roar— tto adoption of that or any i I"*tar p toll rartov ito att—t oa as j taa an* or tail— tafoc* ha ar—pt- I Tbara ha** to— navarat plan* from other parti— aal— It I*4 for roattdrra- - non aad —varai ettora will to at tto! ffirat atari lag Oa* atomtar has an* grated that If tto —lt growers would watt* la this matter aad *nrh harmo atonaly tor tto nrrofaplhhm—' as th* orgaalxa'ioo a purpn— th* farmer* c—Ml dl'Ut* lo th* world wkat th* prl— of ito fWary atapt* ah—ld to | la apraklag of tto n—tog coar—lion. aad tto attoattoa. a g*at:*traa r* marked uaM— deflalt* atnpa t onrsrd* | • tke red net loti of Ik* acragg* wag no— ■ tak—. th* yield would *o Inn— that | wlihtn g compare;irely short time tfc* •upply would reach th* enormous teal] of M.Poou* balm He thought the’! tto time waa oppnrtuae for artloa and! that action moat a—n to tah— An] In vita'lon waa *«end*d to the baal | nra* men end tan kern and It la, i bought that a number of them will allend mat partlelgete In tto proreed lags. Col. Jon## to R##ltn. Yogterday Ooverhor Kil«rhe received g telegram from on officer who I* in a position to know the exact itktua of (he situation, making application for appointment of Colonel of the Second regiment Hence It to presumed from this that Col Jones has resigned or to going to do so si once Governor Ellerbe. when asked If he had received Colonel Jones, resigna tion, raid that he had not. and the on ly Intimation he had of it was the tela gram he had reeelyed. nilerbe lav ited to Participate. The city of Philadelphia to preparing to hold a great Jubilee the latter part of October and various committees to t«ke charge of t|« arrangements have alrrady town appointed. The governor* of the orlglua) thir teen state* have been Invited to par ticipate in the proceedings. Governor Kllerbe has received the following in vitation from the secretary of the peace Jubilee: Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 16, 1898. Hon. W H. Eller lie. Governor, 'Colum bia. S. B.—Dear Sir:—-A peace jubi lee of national Importance will be held In Philadelphia during the last week of October One of thedaye will be set apart for an im portant military and navwl display at which the governor* of the thirteen original states, with their stafTe. will be invited. This day to yet to be fixed subject to the President’# approval. The celebration will Include the rc riedlcatton of Independence Hall, re stored to Its original condition, end the unveiling of the Grant moument. It to intended to make the demon stration thoroughly national in charac ter and to this end each of the thirteen original states will be asked to send a representative regiment or military or ganisation which volunteered for the service in the war with Spain. By direction of the mayor and the various committees appointed to take charge of the demonstration, this com munication is sent to you. with the earnest request that you take Into con sideration in advance of a formal in vitation, the matter of a visit to this city on the day the President is here. II NOIGKTIPN Lp * \ VMP jt*. ■ |^N%rj3f Tto (—r— tom* —II nt • v —it eppm pf u ..g*niUiiwi In * »• g-y— *- Tto——*— pfata 1 AM drngffWt* a»tl to r* an. Tto i a—mum* m toe an*—taia p. ad to haow the matditirme M— rtir and tto proowht* aamtor w m— tto pgggpt to— a*ar to** tto ptaeewr* as —te*tarata* Ttoa tto d** atove eil th— ywar i<*wU«w la — n* as aw —tty —ply ta the te regee—d Yew— very iraly. J Hem pi— Mon— Hreretary tao JaMI— O— Rll*rbr h— fuel ret— a let* 1 t*r from Mr 4 hen tom * In—re. edit— ef tto J'Wloh M—*a*rr of !Wew T*rk. ••king for tto goteraor a I'piaiup la ta> gar.i ta tto fl—y to re— The ft*ll«»wHW '• War >t*w T—k. Nrfl P. IP “• O** W H, KTSorb*. <‘olu—hi* S. C.— D—r air —W* a— —ivla* tto vletra of promt*eat America— op tto D—yf— r—e which he* boron— of to I ter—l late— Wr would ta glad to add year opinion to the number which [arpi a unique rot ter ti— of alia—ule in reference to an extraordinary —I We would #ppr*eta— a reply at your eerlteet r veal—r* Abmm S T—aca. Etaaday night Ben J— aad William Curry engaged la a little target prac tice down al the rcag> ,>r °f Wayne ard Standing gtrwetg The amount of money In ml red wan ninety rente and as tto debt wan not promptly paid William decided fb Ink# It otrt hi dhootlng Of rour—. all ehot* went wide of the mark, and on Injurlee were Metalned by the roetbatantg. To Whom It flay Concern. T have been la the drug hunlUr— fee twetv* j ear*, and during that time have gold nearly all tha cough medicine* manufactured, and from my personal knowledge of auch remedl—. I aay that Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy give# better *a»l«fa< lion than any other on the market - W M. Terry. Klfcton. Ky gold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co.. C. R Parr of Rell Tower Drug Story. 10M WATSON RETAINED As Couneel W. S. Burns. Indicted For Hurder at Brunswick. Brunswick. Ga. S«P' *0 Counaol has been secured to defend W. 8. Burn*, the slayetl of Engineer Heelep Hou, T. K. Watson of Thomson and Col. W. D. Kraus* of the Brunswick bar have been retained, and will de fend the prisoner wjien the trial com— off Mr. Geo. T. Bailey, who haa been very much Interested In the case, has received a letter from a former em ployer of Burns which spanks of him ns being "one of the klndeet men to bis tamily I ever saw," and otherwise testifies to his peaceable and inoffen sive disposition. The case will be presented to the Grand Jury in De cember. Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide uw ake and enterprising than Howard & WlUet, who spare no means to secure the best in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Cold. This Is the wonderful remedy that Is producing such n furor all over the country by Its many sturtling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchtle. Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat. Chest and Dungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10 cents or a regular sise for 50 cents and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. .. The public schools open Thursday. A] full stock of both new aVid second hand Books at lowest prices, at t Pendleton’s Book Store -1 ADMIRAL OEWET IN 10WN. Tl§i * |ftp Hgk— as • —id Fat •—eta— •!—• tg— Fwa a* Ti ta MM —art—ta* I—* lto - —at* M ■** —• “Th» «—a— as tto ta* t —a M bra* ; sad wriaei—ttr —•• a tonp as #•• I Tl# tfii> M#r |iw ■ | m<r - )nin| tM *m4 ta m f»a i —•.—a• tj— maMi* at the haaata a** Hi „ . I tN# r|MI l§4 At A® »t*U<p#at 9U* MMMa ibfm|i n < mm III* Mat twa< Mil I moa u# MM# mi ti# «Mt* Tfcart #m (# ru«t•*" la li# tubii ti# Lit ti# 4<ii* mm* rto## MOMM m#. li#f» ar rvmM th# »pta* I* frwai «f a# a* laa-aai -a«T frirtu— la!* with the —hole pack ta fall [ ! i # 'W# ••## tM# hmm 9 Uk <Mtmm * AH mi tM# hMMta, M»##*#r„ Mo »««t he** each aa ***•*« *•< a»*«r rfc#a## Mf# M#4, tM# MMMMI raaalai for artk# •###«•* t™ a Aumb#r m*rm MttloM !• tM# rlfff •vaMfi btlo# tM# rit|r. A com plat* *tock of School Tablat*. Pancll*. Pans, Ink, Stata* School Bars. Book Straps. Com position and Exarcisa Books. Lunch Baskets, Pencil Boxes, ate., at Pen dleton's Book Store. BROOKS IS IN JAIL. Tto Cnlumhu* Negro Murder— I* Safe Behind tto Ban. Columbus. Oa . H*P» W Seymour Brook*, th* negro who cut the throat of Koch Will tame on last Saturday night, at the eon—r of Third avenue and Fifth street was arrested at tto home of his mother yesierday on low er Third avenue by Officer John Rem ington of the Min force. The ener getic officer ha* been constantly on the lookout for Brooks and haa made some extraordinary efforts to find him Af ter a diligent aearch In which othera Joined, he had about decided that Brooks bad fled to parts un known. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. AH druggists refund the monay If It falls to cure. Uc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. CONCERNING A MULE. A Case Thought to Be an S P. C. A. Violation, But Proved Not So. la It a case of cruelty to an animal to tie a mpie. a vicious mule, by the legs, put ft strong leather band around its body, then throw It to the ground, and msh the ttnlmai securely In a recumbent position. When It I* neeessary to shoe the aforesaid mule? The question Is brought up by a case that came up In recorder's ccurt to day. Mr. J. P. Blaekstone. a horseshoer, was reported by Officer Jones for hav ing treated the mule In the above man ner described. At court several witnesses testified that the mule In the case was a very vicious one send could not be shod with out lashing it securely tr* the ground. If such had not been done the horse shoer would be liable to suffer from an attack of the mule's hind feet. Mr. Blaekstone testified that the mule in question had a habit of biting and he had suffered from the same mule's teeth. Judge Baxter decided that under the circumstances the mule had not been badly treated, so dismisse Mr. Black stone, OASTORIA. Bwmi th« A It* Kind You Haw Always Bought rr Only steel li«ned And burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks, 76 cents. Lewis J. Schaulg Reliable Pawnbroker. ONE CENT * WORD •iTVAftPk WANT CO ■ m MMM •# M** % * l l# # HBLP WANTBO FOR HALS fM> AH • rs AU It M 4 tt. ! i|nwh 9ilm a fiifLf mtmml '■ ■### y—Fa «## v##a#M fm c#(H* j 'tN M''»MNI mm mi **#**#*## J, M •## •##• i aal# ClMl a# adMle### II I# W* I j Mytm<l #%###(« A####*#.* €•#> Hv#Pt •#• MMI mo "i • • i i f*rrfi fflAiJr fiiui, ©P*, ' miM* fitt (iastt#, a A|e I wA% Ms c*. J *rmml 91#, UC JarMata# As i TO RENT IN ill IIKMT f|HAH 7ft MftoAf* j frofifl*# 9$ f#**t <m Kill# lift f#et l>ap.. I MttttaNf# p&mmum bmtmmmm. A§*s»ip mm ) rr*m t **m t If i frm A«#iti#c app*9 Hi Mr##i j ItT MCNT RBHDICBce UM 800.1*. ' vltl all moAefVi Impendm#Mf# and ift«vfMf«ir<i. A|»i ly tm Bead atr##t. , h 1 | jto BHIfT—THK PWBJ.IW'I Ml I Welker ettoet--seven tMM*. kt—tan,, [two rooms. .11 water ivmv*ttacM Ap> Igty ta D. Ora tom. Of t [to RKNT-TBRRK MICK Pt*RMl*H gp froat CKSM wltk privilege of par tar and talk. Apply ta C. H Lukra, t* Bmad street. tapt $6 TO ItFVT— THE BRICK DWICLUNG Ne See Green* street. Apply A. H. Davidson, tut Greene street. Oct I TO REST —ffTtlßg HO. TH BROAD .tree! next below Davtaport A Ptila- Isy. running through to Kltle atraet. Price 1t.550 Alexander A Johnson, TM Broad street. Oct I rOH IUSNT--STN >RB M AND HALL WAY WT Broad Apply Commercial Hotel. Oa« 1 TO RENT—t'P PER FLOOR OR room*, at *M Hay street. dept IT TO RENT-DESIRABLE RBSIDENCB No. I!t Canter str*et. I room* wltk kit, ben and bath. App.y T. P. Dolls, gummei vllle O-. 1 POR FRONT ROOM. furnished. Apply IMI Reynold* St. Sept 20 TO RENT-COMMODIOUS STORE. No. »21 Rroad street »T 5 per month. W. 8. Gardner, 115 Eighth etreet. Oct l LOST AND FOUND."" lost-twenty dollars. FOPR Ave-dollar bills. Finder will b* lib erally rewarded by leaving at this of fice. 2# MISCELLANEOUS shorthand and typewriting only $5.00 per month at Osborne's Business college- Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts WANTED—TWO UNFURNISHED rooms; centrally located; first floor preferred. Address J. t. C., 310 Jack son street. Tubs and Fri CATARRH Ask Your DRUGGIST for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely’s Cream Balm contains no eoealne. mercury nor sny other injurious drug It is quickly Ab sorbed. Gives Relief at COLD'n HEAD once. It Opens and cleanses the Nasal Pas sages. Allavs Inflammation. Heals and Protects the membrane. Reslor.s tbe Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50c; Trial Size 10c; at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 50 Warren St., New York srPTOwwrA so % t C* ; 8 < ** *»*, • #l - A t- ta K* *-• -t$ • mmTwm4- S #NM# 4M## #»i il < nfci mMMmP |##*#| iNpill ■ gsKrtoM «ta#: %is4Mtai# JS pf - m&m mm** mm ts t# #i ft * «s speclal Notices^ .-•i *•• < -* AMm • §RhFfß##MMi#y MvUMM#i« #fNM t#l HmUk# I iii>t ##M mmi *# # mnHmm ## (tm JPtfCl tmtOO 7 Per Ct I ynaglGN CAPITALISTS WII T. I LliaN HALF A Ml LI-Pin DOLLAR* .* madly ta A*faa*a. tta Tertaa T I|>*r «r«t Few twrtto) tntanaaGm •** I their attorney at lew. P J Sniuvait, IBs «r Mr F. tl Burma. On S Start I ur’owgh Tto Fail tke<4a I have Itot tevtvrd Kill remain tan will at eacu to TV t *a4et eklrta. at .. .. .. .. .. tar. Tic Under Drawere I*r. |lto Hwli duepeado* .. •« .. .. tic. • t 4* White law* Shirt* to . tar Ctak Tto* o 8 l-sc. I Suit I— ordar .. e.- If ta. uirward, [ Pant* ta wrder » ta. upwards y O MKRTINS, Tailor and itoata j Furnisher, tiypuiu Ptaater# Hotel. 50iTM CAROLINA. Ttore ar* rumors of a knitting mill Gietag erreted at Rock Hill, but nothing Id’ dalle has t>e#* gr. lded upon . CntirrO t* 1 <pcntng v*ry rapidly arwund I Aiken. Tto crop, from all refwwte, wilt be *h«r* -inlured in great measure by tto rataa Tto river swamp farmer* have lo*t heavily by the over boa i, fthe rtavsn r*h river TTioueatvd# «>f toiehrl* of buohvls of corn and hundreds of tuna u* bay w •re destroyed An effort ta bring made to Irnlld a telephone line *rbm Anderroti to Al>- bevllle. Th we who are In charge of the matter will n»ake It a aucresu. President J. C. Wilburn, of the State Cotton Growers' Aeaoclatloa. cordially invites banker* and merchant* to at* tend the convention In Columbia next Tuesday. The large amount of tobacco that la being shipped from Dillon this year a ill be an Inducement to some artlvo tobacco man tu open a tobacco market there next fall. Mr* M. L. Dullman died at her homo on Howard street In Rpartanbuig on Tuesday, about 11 o’clock a. m.. In tha seventy-first year of her age. Khe wsa appart nty In good health and had Just a nlked oat on the plasxa when she dripped dead. J. B. Smith, of Rock Hill, has secured the cm tract for superintending the erection of the Monetta mills at Fish ing Creek, the matn hulldtng of with h vs* destroy'd by ffre In the spring. Arrangements are being perfected now for the commcDi ernent of work. rapt. Claude B. Sawyer ft 111 be »n applicant for the sollcitorshlp of the Second circuit after Mr Bellinger goes Into the attorney general's office. Th« solicitor will be appointed by the gov ernor. Capt. Sawyer preferr<-d to sUV In the army, but as hlsp regiment will be mustered out his friends will see to It that he gets the office. Spartanburg Headlight; Ed Char* bonnier, with hia family, have moved to Spartanburg and will locate In our city. Mr. Charbonnier la from Athens, Go., and haa gone Into the fire Insur ance bualneaa with A. I. White. Ha belongs to one of the leading and mostt honored families In Georgia, and w« are glad to welcome him as a citizen. He is an experienced and highly auc* cessful Insurance man. The Cokeabury conference school will open on Wednesday next, the lilat Inst. This is one of the oldest and best known institutions in South Caiolnla, having been chartered l.n 1831. Many prominent men have gone rum its walls, whose influence has been felt both In church and state. The new rector, tha Rev. Peter Stokes, of the South Ca’O- Jjna conference, has arrived. He wilt occupy the handsome cottage near .the school building recenty erected by Prof. J. G. Game, his predecessor. Prof. R. D. Epps will continue as first assist ant. Miss Mary Walker Newton, a bright young lady from Bennettsville has arrived at Cokesbury and will lie in charge of the music department What the Czar can't get he is will ing that others shouldn’t have.