The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 20, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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rtY* r B/rtr 4 THE lUCUSTI HEMIO * * ,Z I • £//£W HP 9mmm/m**mm*mmm r-mm*** * h»Pb •# p, >tn wurMTNiMMUI (•»*•«• *%*»•*#,»* •** tw ■*—»«*■ mm. Ho*m •** l^''^*rZT wtod* Herald Phie teners From American Summei Resorts. T%» Moral* •!»»* r*** * n ’ •*** •* * mm* «t *»w*# *•» the '***' btm> *«<(•• »*•<• *• A"®" ’ t*» S#towt*t Tmw w MV* »<•*• *• **.N»#>»s4 • worn 4* ***»•. #■*. • l *v **• nilfi *•» >!■— "* tto* *s>*■• •#* f-tm >lll U iiMIIM l» • «*<*' m«I aa-i nop**”*’ <<»*»•••'• ■MM Id ' The r*at nmm* *1 **• ■Mtff. •• *dl •• t»' l«" * •■lur mil **eb Idlel MHI *# lw y<WMIM« b-f th* *ar»*** •» l#entlfl<W ■ to*#. • , , Cdl'MUKit must «»*»• letter* to * re*a*to*W* lengtfc • CMIMtMMi e*a writ* •« m*»* totter* M tk»V with «•* lb# pr’B* but C©Hl##t*#* ***• win out! «i* of tP# ptimm ■ „ » Th# Herald wants »•**. lr. ton***- <"»* ,M ortaes »11l b* awarded fee IM Mat. moil MHaiaattMl •"<' ##**« readable leltar# us Rummer He aort H«i Contest Closes Oct. I. roe thk nwnr letter tn m roe THE SO BEST LETTER ... U M foil THE ID BEET LETTISH .. t.N ACOtjma BANKS August* I* unusually fortunate, both J n number and In the character •ml ra* * Hl rre* of IU varloiM financial tnrtltu tioas Her Ihr*** saving* bank* whars lo ttreat I# coayouDM and im»l«* to de positors. aKord aceurlly aad a fair rate of late mat even to Ik* amallaat hold er*. Thin feature of August* banking 1* ataadlty growing and the deposit* In the Augusta Saving* bank, the Plant ar* Loan and Saving* bank, and In the Irish-American Dime Saving* bank, three of Auguata'a aavlnga Inatltutlona. • mount to the modeat aum of $811,144- ,01. Thl* by no meana represents the total ouml>er unit atnovmt of bank de posits In the city. It simply represent* what aavlnga are being accumulated by tbe people and being placed In well recognised asVlugs inanition* for safe keeping. In addition to tbe savings ‘banks, all of whose aggregate rnpltal is only SIIOXOO In capital atock, there In the Commercial bank, the National Ex rhange, the National and the Georgia Ra'troad. Institutions whose separate deposits will run up over the million tnark. Augustn'* hanks and her banking methods are recognised ns (he safest und soundest In the country, and thn city's financial Institutions are a great 'actor in the progress of the town. While Georgia cotton has suffered from rain the same news comes from Texas. Good for Bibb county! Only ISS ne groes have reglatered in that county for the state election. Gov. Atkinson Is making the North eastern road pay a good dividend to the state. if the governor can’t sell the load, he Is making It pay for its keep. SMSISi • Hon. John D. Little will be elected Bpenker of thecext House without op position. This is a deserved and gra cious compliment to his fairness and ability, shown In hia past services in the Lagtslature. ¥%at BMPUPHE"! B MSaBBS B* #«» *» IS* IMBB S**t a* 'SMfMMIMa «wl m i » Hi* Hto*w**B Omm dm gwsrw-i is • **- % nmßf*"s*es# (MSMUs# It •"*"•#§ S*> ♦#*""*#*#**** ' S It SMM pMMI «•» MM* *M* ♦ S* SdM* IS* MS** #M IMI Cl*#to#** S"* | HgpH ♦ %#*■# IP# 4MM PH# HHPHKii##* iM**# lit *•"** *WB#ad pH*f | SISMM Mil *dSMI *>*"Ml f |*>MM : I M M"S #k IB Ml"* •MHHMI SSMSM* Ban IM SBMSIMI mmi «»i assn Is* »*****"» ««*S tSSSMSM* a* ****** •* ffeHß >MSS"**M» •»* MSB* •**■** *«* . ilS>~ rril B*» SSI SUB Ife* **e* *BS I mshH** #|m# mMnsls*’ eai**#**s is •BS IMBSMSSUMM* St BNpsMSM SSS *• pMSsasw Bsi m**» 'TS* •**♦* *• • *#% *4 Ifs $ <||hi|i"i' v 4 *#• •• H I iMI *lMt WHI *o^ *#• t'MMMi Hi HOM# HH MMMPSH | iliiHi* Him* lip* Wtt«i ifiHl •§#* * |» ft# RMM «f #Ni ijii<rrf'ii "' Nl pMMM-oi IMwi ffi mmm f>i> *i»*#i** wtis iM *■ KN n*m* hi ®m**» &*»■#* .mull Mi OmM (MH H>Mp* tito ##• HIMMp •HRshm msm life# I )- iimirtT —“ 0H MM *• ai|M* MnurnM «M (MM *• •* MM • MS" I *** «* nsßHil* "Bs It •Mm* Its* SS MSS* Is »■'■>«■* •“* tfeS S*S*» MM IS StSM Is 4**«** ■ Basse *** Tkt* m s iissrs** is *Ss ms»* *• *Bs mm mm i« is* sshMs ****** *t <s* MSB* || IS* SS*MMM "SIMM* M IB* MW* at IMsrtM ssS tSHMfBn*- <S* i Ln»i> *rBI*S •** (NMSMISM **» ...i.« tut* ' |*t*—rii*» sMHMMS ' ,* in> t mml *l*sr«~~ " S"4 SWISS *1 (MW* M| **|l*s" MsslM ** B*« tS* ***** **4 i**t M a ** *s as *S4*t «• SM IS* SMI* mms bsm is* m*mb <<*■*• in **iO* !S*tf o**s lt***l« *MS «*it «*4«* »»***>* U» IS* *T» *H*. ik*r* awM S* so ssrh *«••«*•* <■ «S* ttow*ril• sS» r*s'a**f • **S”» *"•* . MS mt Is* B » ss**«" |>< IB* "BU* I *m*. is srs*» «® •*«»• is* s«**iios •moss iSaasMi*** s* is »S<» la »S* ( mm lISMIS. m»M ssl Sa mrpO—* l Ssl snsslM* «»B **|m»SH*SM ass ss harm is iwslat a* *Sa M*»orr*i* tSair or*a anasua* *h*a«f*f *l>*t 1 sav* IS* assnrtaaitr T S ta i «liout«l S* a sStt* »»a * roasirf la fotluea. aa s*ll aa la ***rytSi»S ( ala*. a BIlil»t»BI*B Tbsei A! a Urn* ahts iSa d*llla*M arorld •a iSrUUat •*’* Sorror o*«r IS* B*a* , picaSl* aiardrr at IS* Kmjx*** of Au*- 1 irla fcf a ai*ial»*r of a a*t of a»* "So * tun **rom to rata* lS*lr hand* asatn*t tS* allirr* on Ihron** and lb* po*a*« •or* of waaliS ll la a pl*saor* lo turn to IS* d*tda of oa* of our own rooa irfsomen. aSo baa not atonr dlap*n»- , *s Mr aaaitS la aid of lb* alcS and »ufl*ritiß. but wbo baa. wlib bar o*a 1 sraWou* and hlndlt hand. «lnlM*r*d i to lb* comfort and w*ll bring of lb* I wounded, lb* gnun* nnd ta**r-»irlck*n , iD*mb*r* of tb* rrturalns arsiy H waa a comiuiraf'aa't tßlng so wrlla h*r nani* to a check, and for a goodly aa*ouoi. too. bul Mlaa Helen Ooutd baa son* farther. Not content wKh turning her own |ta utl*; home Into n temporary hoepitat. thla gentle lady, the poaaeaaor of a Rioulne Chrlaitan heart, haa Riven her whole lime to the amelioration of (ha condition of the atrlrken aoldler boya. Not alone baa ahe given order# for clean and com'ortable cota. for dallca clea for th* parched and hot Ibroata, for aultable rending mniier wherewith 40 pasa a»ay the reatleaa and toaalng hour# of convaleacence. hut ahe hna peraonally seen that her orcUr* wera folflllcd nnd carried out. A 1 pruiae to tbia Wealth) and gra cious woman, whoae thoughta and aa plraliuna are In aueb direct conlraat to those of her slater Anna and brother in-law. the,Count dc Cuatetlane, whose Role and only object, acdording to the recent uewapaper aolumna, la aoclal gaiety and the whirl of eelllHh pleaa ure. What a beautiful and aatlafactory . ill»poeltiou of wealth la the action of one alater, and » hat fooilah ephemeral reaulta are obtained by the frippery and more scattering of money In the | other! Helen Gould's name will be. loved ! and revered when that of the other i feminine member of the family ahall have been forgotten. BALDWIN COUNTY AND THK NKOBO VOTE The Herald a few dava ago made mention of the fact that Brunawick and Glynn county had a negro vote registered that was In excesß of the white vote. Now Baldwin county, which haa a spirited contest on for county Offices, haa the same thing to face a downright appeal under tne most debasing influences and rorrup- I lion to control the negro vote iu the ! coming election. Richmond can appreiate the situa | tlon. We've been through It. With | (he present temper and disposition In i local polltlcnt circles, Augusta ami TBS A UOUHTA. HKKALU - ismumm mbs ms aasr* as a aga *' I Ths* >*i*4*i <*> ias »#•••♦ <«a I* ss | *aß||M**M *w SBMR M*** "I am MSMSa* * m* »»**" *«a a* a* fMn*s#» i mm —m* *aa* aMMB a***# *a*a ad a**> 4hg|p HI 4iN|oi *m 40IM&* C9Nft IMBW |l|S "Mijj MM| O : * : -v AfMBSIiM M %t* : otm nin <r>iji Mt fir iiHlmmi INNI (ptfMHf iiHiK |i It % HH# *■§!#■* IMMNPI HI I •!» HI •» H •HMH» pHHMHHI MNiiHHHMI Wh (PMR|HI Hf tit f ftWfMl HPpMHr ■+/ -4k l|p AAHMIMtfIHI Wtl£ •HIM ffift HI hMHHI * rm Chwlhm »m h*hh« IIMHI |H HMNN4HM4 HI nwHMPMHi iIN» Hilf | HI # -:*■♦**# Hi *IOHIHHit iHHftMHMi Hlf Imi ***** tin nmhur hi hhhiH hi hh . #«#t# l ?H» € lIMiMPNMI I-*#* 9m MtMPjMBMNf HUM H4tHNI fHMH 4m fMH AhHi n mm ml tin !Hi hi ihhh s §*%m ml m* mn i mim• #tv mu imm cm cimHHm hi asm vh MM 9 dm mm amp m • n;m*H§ Awvi* l|f# ! % ■ 'i‘ , imrititir in pm m hhv' hi mrt *• Im* <fnn aiHMi n mHimvaim-lf m , mi hhh omkm| miimM M i»tm mi •phni mp «mhhi Pmn-'i ttmi nmf • Pm mamiM in m pmm i* <i ml in diamani ifftM im havih Hm am mpm m ; p aMB an • IHtmi ihphpi mi m pftmma in Omm*i *• ipmi in mi* m# <«««i m hi® W# itm tlmi «m pmpm pniHHPmi tbai sar paa»i# *HI Ba»* IB* *fS«o« nHp hi nmp'inp an •••**•• *■** nii trrmt «f liman mm it In tm | Mat ed la atfi**. htattiAßts mint tb «ntmn Thu pfea* dtapateba* Save awaowar-1 ad th* tor am i aattnatla* as flMtral a Wheutee tor fungi* ** tram lh* Eighth Alabama diarriet Thla wa* gup# |p n dagsaeratl* primary tmi most as the rapMbitraga IP tha dtatrtrt pprHetpatad to E Iwm *ktob as M, feu* alltar aad pnid daiaoerata. tre* (radar* aad pratartlaaMa. tarrltwrlsi etpanatowiais aad mMMrantoaiatt rich and poor Stork aad wklla. raemrdtoa* of prevent pnet aad togur* party a* tathm* Th* Eighth 41*1 riel of Ai*turn* baa a large republican and todupaadeat vat*. Nat at Be* tb* rlvll war Sava tba ! rupwbltraaa failed ta amalnai* a can | dtdate It waa a graat irtbot* la tba bare of ftoatlago. aad will doutul#** be rm* of tb* rarual maworlee of bta Ilia. Tb* saw ami ruvlaad adlttu* of Mr. Idiwtoa R Evans' Hlatory of Ueorgta. for uae la achonl*. I* rapidly winning pabllc toror. and If la belna more gan era Ily ad«pe<l througbouf the atat* than any other history. Tb# work ba* been practically re-written and many naw aad excel Iran features la traduced Tb# llluatratton* nre not only good but In many Inr tan re# ex ceedingly rare, and ronattlPt* a valu able record of the early bleirsry of the atate. Tba quotation* and blngraph leal akatchra raapacUve'.y At th# bagln nlna and end of each chapter ar# on* of th# beat feature# of th# booh. The I took will occupy a permanent place in th* curriculum of Ueorgla school* The special foreign letter* of H. Koaroe Perkin*, who irwlnatcd from the Vnlverally last ye»f *t>d wbo la now chilng the old world, which arc appearing In The Herald, ahow that Augusta boy* <'*» not cwly do and *e« thing# clearly, but they can aiao write about them in auch n lively and Is-1 cresting fashion aa to make the r ‘ttder see thkm elao. Atlnnta'a police court ha* handled 9,000 cases during the present year up to date. It la expected that tbe total number will reach IJ.OUO by the mid of December. Thla doe* not Inelude all arreata but almply case# docketed. THE BRIGHTEST AND BEST. "Has he been your cashier long?” asked the friend. "Well, yes,” said the bank preal- I dent, “that 1», he hae never been i ehort." Maud Did you say I painted? Marie—-I did not; I said you powder ed. Maud—Oh. well, that puts another complexion on It. I asked aweet Mabel to explain The gender of a kiss: “ 'Tis masculine." laughed she, "be cause It never can be a-mlss." "She sang one of the finest tropical songs I have ever heard." "You mean a topical song.” "I mean what I say—tropical; it was the wnrmest thing I ever heard.” To Sir Thomas Lipton: Come on. Sir Thomas, * T H Bring your yacht: We’re going to beat you f On the Bpßcht; And when we've done it * Good and epaeht. You'd rather have it 80 than nacht. TOWN TOPICS. NCAf. tNMI 4BA fI'CKBMMCm iHNijMM 9m»>- Bf pc imi *p|j. pm Hi «m pmHmMtiMi) limp mm iHMIHPI IBM*--"#’ i.*t# HNMjpKt iHHIiMai PPHi «i aim mmpmp «apim*p. Pm pi Ppp| HNb *mmm h| PHH I * -#4- '»«***..*lNHav %.«tv» i>s# % pyp mH PpHPNftm ' |p HHai |b«Mm mt itfmr t “ ; * |#miHki HNi : mm hH pp> mp pm m Mpm «mmp Im ipwm pm *m m pm p p mnrpi ti Mpp *p* m aaf § wp * iim #HMpMHpmmi pi pmnipi HP* ,•> JW i ,j | Hr-t I« ms * %«• *ll mp m* IpNi innp iufi c-f mi pa HUmiip ami HMHiwm * • ?■ *. * mim* *'HpiPtp| apt tampitn, tpm i ||/ % # 41 * * B*Mi fM ■: * *«i iH (Wf &t&t * tfpi mm iiNvi np ■■ Pb l♦npi mmi mtm •Pm «f TM rm«MPiPi Imp Mar tP «»r 4ft« fmi TP# B*r tta aMMse Ha tetegraaS a«tioe aad oaa «M as is* r«r>’»« • «•» Mr Oasts**# I*" a sar«a aad eta- I guest tribute ta tSuaa abi Sa** Saws at IBs Seiai daeMg St* aSaaate* >B Ou- I SB. WSea van ateet a ana* till a badge oa aSIeS at* tß* l*tt*ra "k C T daat tbtaS Bat h aie*a«. "N« tSaafc. < omrade ** to aa lavliMlo# ta ladalf* TS# Mler* oa lb* buttsa ***** "?to YVetMlng OaS.” aa order of receut : blrtS. Sat already außibeftag Ha *»*■ Sera by tb* tbouaaad TS* prealdeat of the elub aaya that tb* treatlug boalaeaa Sa* gal ta atop. It Sa* Imwom* aarb a autaaar* Mat a remedy had ta be fbuad. aad froaa IS* lasrair popularity of tb* aebtuae. f believe we bave atrm k tb* rlgSt tblag THE I.ATI-5T IN SW)»TS. Mr liVhaiaa. tb* Hagiteb coach nf tb* Harvard rrt*. toob a Yaabaa bf .de to timer!* laat week. The eon tract for building tbe new , American cup Defender will be *t*n*d (hi* weak by tb* AarreaboMa. and Ibe owner* will be I. Pierepont Morgan aad C. Oliver leelin. The big rollege football team* are Im ginning to tel ibelr hslr grow. Yal* and the I'nlverafty of Peoneyl. van.* are aald to already have tbe *u rleua of vary atrona e.evBBE Work la to be commenced thla week <m a new bicycle race track In IMr | mlnghatn. It I* to be at the haaebal! . park, wltl be built on the moat ap ' proved plan* and night evrnta by elcc j trie light are contemplated. Tbe Imported atal’.lon Mhtdlar.bought i«t auction In England for 174,000. Is to be sold. Meddler.ran St. Qatlen a dead heat 1 for the Engllah *lcrby. while his dam. Husybody. won the Oak#, and was told i for itr. 000. The ring was mttlctsd to the eitent of 150.000 at Graveeemt on Saturday— two "good things" going through. Acusbla, after hdeg laat away from the post won the Wltkiw stakes at the average, comfortable price of 25 to 1 against her. An effort I* to be made, when Au gust Belmoiv) returns from abroad thla week, by the Jockey Club, to curtail two-yaar-old races. The hard racing for the youngsters Is knocking out the chance for matu rer honors, and the crop of three-year olds Is distinctly deteriorating. Doirr Don't forget to keep on eye on the man wtfo flatters you. Don’t forget that an honest man nev er has to proclaim the fact. Don't expei't a man with an alcohol tlniod none to deseit his color*. Don't forget that life Is full of ('keeks ami many of them are forgeries. Don't think Ihnt honesty would he such a valuable trait If it wasn't so seat ee. Don't think It’s what a man haa that makes him eonientetLj— It's what ho doesn't want. 1 Don't mention your misery because of Its so-called .aldltty to Comfort the mis ery of others, Don’t think because a rat looks the picture of innocence that it's wise to leave it alone with the canary. No girl wants a she can pair With the right voter. THU OHSIiMV lilt Allot T TOWN. A r h MMB MM* BgM i p Hmpmp w&m' 9991 *w*’®w mtk 4w-*-**r #-'w*iikv4| %%• fM l-J4t |» m huimHiHi ffni mm* iMHi #HHHpMRP HlpP mt 4HPPf#'-HH| iHHPpHPP# * IM PMHHH»HMi HPH HpH Ht H*m# | AhMhm ihHph mmmmrn **# f***P l#HHp HplMP**# mm/ H»*«pppp hmvhpH'HHl «p pHii# irnnp mm Hmnl m***m pm- HP P HBHpH* mt §O9 *>0991 HMVHHI Mpp# ' omm.m HHi #HHP mmmtm pin tmmm -mm* HPP mp *hh msmmrn hp# ini'fkHMH Hi tpP HP# mmtmm** | Wmmmm** f pHHHHMPfft HhPNH MPPPP ] If rm HM IP* mm pmm m hP«P ftm j <Hi IPhI 9m49ft*&m IP# IHH# UllH, ■■ TIHH IP# rlpPt lli|p>f. N't *§« HHP HHI hI Hh?m TB* raitovmda amaM aava a mtat «r i «RMH»#f If (P#f > HHHIP 09999 pm lIMH# Ms I himmkm MNft Ml wrnmmumm. If H%f. iPiHf i will (VHptrt umm itfA TH#f H»f# Mine ll ft tirl aslarlßMi at tbe risk to" aigSt’ yartkslarly { Sard Iwrb pnMr "urlaa. "SB* tb# OB- i Mwvy t—| Hat *a tog tbae oC tSa Saga, Sml aut tg g util* ga">*. a aatoet owe gw (ire##* etre**. tSMurdag olgbt wb*e* tb* "bit* tblp* ver* worth ta. aad lb* rug oaea a qimrter He "us laatog. but would orcsatoaaSty rab* ta a put. aad dapaatt It la bta Duty tor eaw vaatoar* Tb* gam* broke up. aad b* eoul4a‘t talur* irnasti be wa* half a dollar shy aftar figuring bit kMiOCB When he boarded tbe ear oa bta tray to choreh ymterdav mora'ag bis bat felt gait* tight and knowing that It had be*a a dry «*«** th* Bight bator* oM ' am* .the Derby tor toapurtkwi ftangly tucked la IM band were IM two rnjt dtar* aad If tb* hanber la aa bnaeut man tb*jf wttl be i asked to day. Another travaiing man aanntered down th* Arlington stairs abort I y af ter, and composedly ptebtag bta tenth, (strolled aver to Howard Muridty aad , asked tor a postage stamp. Th* cotn tendered in payment lor tbe name wae a silver quarter, with the Inttlala II W.' stamped on it. The drummer looked nt ike dye- , j struck place and *Ald: "That quarter remind* me of an old practice nf mine. I uae to stamp every piece of hard money- -alckela, dime* atwl quarter#—with a little die I had : made, and kept It up fpr year*, mean while keeping a sharp lookout, In all change received, for a return of tbe wanderer* "Searching for my Initials became ! a habit with me. but nothing turned up .for nearly alx year*. "One day last winter, though. I near !ly fainted when I got thla allver dime”—and here the gentlemen held up j a ten cent allver piece attached to his ! watch chain—“at the Pack Place El evated Station In New York.” rtf ■IN AND WOMEN. Mm* Sarah Grand la at work upon a short dramatic sketch founded on the career of Clive In India. Louis Beck, the chronicler of the South aeas, ha* written a tiew novel which he calls "Ned Prince, the Su percargo." Morgan Robertson, the young Ameri can who la winning praise as a writer of eea sturtes, 1* a son of a skipper on the great lakes and went to sea at the age of 16. Mr. George Bernard Shaw, the fa mous critic, some time ago hart to un dergo a painful operation on his foot. Just recently. While trying lo go down stairs on crutches, hr fell and landed so heavily that ho broke his left arm. Princess Ellsalieth. daughter of George 111. of England and wife of the landgrave of Hesse-Hemburg. wrote v hen she was an old lady a quantity of homely and amusing letters to an En glishwoman, l»utsa Swinburne. These letters have been gathered Into a vol ume which will be published during the coming season. Husbands and wives should never lead a oat and dog life. The odds are nine to one in favor of the cat. There are just as many dervishes as ever along the Nile, but sopie of them are not working at the trade since the British army came along. THIS IS IT I M* •• Mas# tatow FOR EARLY PALL STIFFS IND IIPINES. ALL SHAORa $3.00 Juvt ArHvttf. DORRS Tiikxtig. Halt, f um»hmf*. f§ Y*iy Often Yaw raa to aapaitod mark m*r» satefsetcHly to tfe* way *f totM wtoto at adrag ***** *•** »M«wn W# carry every eras ■lato ba* a# may*, Ta**# breaks*. («•***. Prwtbaa, ate. i K»ir*#«, beap. TsUal *tat sag Powdar, Window 01am Aad be pnttiag toam |g. Winter to C*"M*» Do Ton Want Pretty Wall*? If yea d*. ns* Ala tost me. W# •urg#»t * f"*«* to pot K on. IH»'I M*o much. AKiaider Dm Cup! W BROAD ft. MONET TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight ,3 and 5 years time, or on 10 yearn time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexanderUolN Agents Scottish Amerie*n Mortgage Company. 705 Broad St. PORTNER’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. Growers charge 1 cent a pound for salt; druggists call it chloride of sodium and tax you 50 cents per ounte, yet We are told there is nothing in a came. I pirmmt r 20 COLOAI'irS \ IOKIS SOAP Small MM«k S CdkAtt CAICS* L. i Catdille. Druggist triAlt VatcMto Po bll TfOM AlgNtAl Vat* ha Cdk-. I » i anti itC> »hd f 1.00 tMf Id jpo#HNk. WHi ytpcdMv# Watofr wwdW y AtlMfbOtMt. L A. Garden*. Druggist Lh i Tale Out Kink MiMfcwa lh« K*tr aim «M. i fIHPL t*Hy Aivti piißbia SO (ffll a IMP* L, A Gif tic tic. DruggiM. Look Ki Tour Hearths. •dMlullfui Bidra Lu*t>« u»*d by IWKMI *Ytfy fk* muy <n ir>«e*ty tor b#«rthM •no fir*pmcM>B. 28c L A. Gtrdcile. DrugftM For Salel Tkw MbS'NV pe W■' * *Mi t" *a*d Hawk b»- 4Mk« N> «M USW* OB * *B .irral. I MHatonto tw* sluiw* and 4**to I*4" ■n wkrraif. L" IB t<*' I* IMMA fV* Mat 1 * J§ PftN f%t#Hf % t% fMf'H hitip |S# tip P mm m**94 mm il 9o* $ VHHHMNIf HHcH IH li##BHH in f t# | 9»-*m ommmmmrn Ml J* t'* f %#a p CH» p«iti #it 9mm mm Pntbmnl •§ mm. mmm . j. - M m tl .jtn fttof n## 4 M'Mtt *« # * 1 y-i-c- * * *.,*4 ia f##t a CHclmHu ihh* I 1 Mum 1 1 iYt I|,« gttar * 81 f»l g Hhv H»| re wf*«> eurw.-a sura twuurgu Beuad atewur lii tout I *#»*«• Alsu u«**ral Bau tut* atom. l« to-« reewx nad to* tom tor m tbu v.tintpa us imiMT "- IftoUtog «w Jiraa's ttrwrt. MM • MM* u t tlw Muur* puymaata b* *i»«w "w an tbu ibw «»si lit!** prupurty. Aya»v to Georgia Railroad Bank PROF. P. M. WHITMAN. 3f19 7lk St.. AbrmU. fit. aivft FMf |YI TEiTS Pie all detocw a sight, grt»d* Ik. geop*e glas— aad WAH *ATTW IW» Umm cm into tour toi*» while you wart. FREE OF CHARUE, IIKVFK tOt’R COAL and WOOD FROM TMR North August* Co*l ft Supply Co yuaality and Qa«!Uy <»u«r*nie«d. F. w. SCOFIELD. PRESIDENT Ml f turns Sl'g Btrowgar M The Whltely Exerciser. \ l A practical, slmplaand ethci *n» Horn# Kxeroiaer, p*cully adapted for ladies and children, bn »Mh« same lime can be profitably used by the •tronge*! athlete. PRICKS: 79c., »i.OO, *l.Ml BICYCLER - CLEVF- I.A.NDsi. S4O up. YIK- j INhR. $36 np: GKN DKOXS. sl* up. THOM AS, S6O ah. Call and *se them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIfcBION MERCHANTB. 803 Reynolds st=Teleptione i 1 rival* Leased Wire# liiiect to New Volk Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cosh or on margins. Local securities bought snd aold. Heferencec —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agenciea. _ _ _ _ it! Y xfa • .T\ V I \*\ I 1 \ JJJL •