The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 20, 1898, Image 5

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TWttOAV wm GUARANTEE Now And th#n a pa* of o«f SHo#» •tv# (hi |#.*vk# lIYAY *t* w#f• AmAO lO Ml VO* but OUf CUIIOOIAfA IWV#f lO## A cool whon »uch compHUnti or# mod# m no GUARANTEE " ** ** Ab#olut# AAtiafAction. And you cm g«i your money back for lh# Mklni. Our Cni»d rory'm 15#pArtm#nt i# full of #orvic##bi# School Shot#* Mm. Mulherln’s Sons& Co., 846 Broad Street * Fatso is The Teap-a Fatas Otm The Eye Falsi la Tha Bark of Th# Met i Qtf A f*9 IMM Ats «UMt IMMA i Aeelfaf A# A|tf A* I *k#ljf fte“«o#A AkMAMa# M M A# I* Mftft p**t *s** or Obet U*||"l wa DR. HENRY J. GODIN KYM*M*tVf AfMIAU#?. aAO lir roA M . I«ti ff# TlaalM* Wafa*. TWENTY t EARS IN THE MAH . 1 *ee*r aoaew# e« Art**# Mt. »• *ayy. Ibkicne in INS. A rmln IS , MnfM W On Mnnb f. ItTb. t'rwtdi (Iraban* of UMnrity wren# a NMar m Mr* Malta tlrmbaai wa* at that tlaaa mkW la Ciwaanliiv. Tawa Or M waa .uppuaed by My Orabsta that tk* i«*l<*< thnm but H has not* On* atop*# ihat Mr* Hrshe r left Oowavlim iw ik* taunt part of Ik* immf b at Fabrewry of ik* aaiwt* y**r ■ad ma< 10 Calm 111. Bb» mwiaiaed than waly a *h«rt Uj>» and went 'rod* t her. to Tbdhtaa. ladian T writ or* bar yrtathi abode. Oft August tltk last the letter wto cb htu been on Its route lor over twenty year*, tvnmd up and waa del!eared to the owner Mrs Graham laimed late iy uya Ik* wetp of tin- loag hwt mtnr wrote to Mr. (irabaa. of thta city and told of tk* ar rival of kla menage Ibai day whbh bad barn wrttlf* nearly t venty-afte year* before, and which had been mt long Ift Ra tr»n»Ujl**lon W"b re the letter haa Lena cemented all these wanra la a mystery which ha* ant liaan anlved ft la more than prolmbln, bo waver, tbai It wa* loat in aome pom office on It* route aod that It* dtacnvciv a few day* ainca led to H* final deatlnallon It la certainly one of the moat rr narV abl* occurrence* ia the hlatory of the mail aarvlca that haa ever been brought to light Record Panel iFunilßaied ecb'O booka rod at Rtcharda a Pbnvai'a Book S'ora Ifamp-BUby. Invitations have been received in Ibe city to the marriage of Mr Joseph Vincent Ramp lo Ml»s Magg> May Bixby. which will, occur In Charlotte, on Wedneaday evening. October the fifth. Mr Ramp was formerly a cltiten of Augusta and has many friend* among 11s He I* now the agent of the Au gusta Brewing company In Char lottle. Mias Hixhtr l* one of Charloltes most popular young ladle*. The cou ple ire receiving th* congratulation* of their friends. OUR FALL STOCK * Wa are now receiving all the Latest Ideas in Jewelry, Watches, No velties and Silverware, WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF ROSARY BEADS Win. Mieiprt & Co., Jewelers. I IN A I Ml’ AI #K At WAV. A IW AMofft lA* tllmllMM |M te *■•* W I jSoti yin 40 j *t£%t is* - M #*«• Sft * fc* mpmm InAP*. #M '*# #§r# li ##4 Is *##4 N Is #•!** [A'* N 4 IS* 000#P#fl0 #o# hS* **# •OSS*' ’"As ASssfdt«y "IS I.Hihs.* ** fltf*«S Mr Ifir 14 s #lav cs Sf* *rogrt* #|#rr #a# slid i#t ill# as ft* * fro# i t '4 iip sits tjn r I sst pro##as ius I Mrs tmtntm sr# r.n»Ht r—r* as 4 |flro*4t. s fSiU SiS# kiwNk-ifesl* si* tegvdiff orifitil. 1/llittU. fln»#li ltd ! LfftUatt. is fsAtsscirsi end ftaiehod mu Utr ns virils. Iters ss4 Rv*-r#an (t!** )t;rvlrf ssd 111* fssmuA fksf fai®- •Hv n nhed to drift? lehf 1 h-w#i ’it tiifflorsiflirf it # Ts# fit ASS |# AS SlstM mt* PSSIIOSMIB#. All* i hiwctt* es a siiit* run#is shirli It hath r#A as 4 full flf fetlsrit? Tit# n*»4 KT ° f tbs k,Bd kW ” “ “*j Tk*«lrlul 1 An. | N'<rlf all ik* nr.ftjf iknim la New York at* coining mopoy Mil tte «taUßUotti peifrraiar -w atiim are tegular sold mines (or I hair owner* i Taken altogether, things t’leairtral Mi ike r rropotla air beginning to took nf, end there wem* to ba every IndJ rgtlcn lU wr will have a proitablc wmoii all ovar the country tbia year. "The Torlla." at the Menliatun. New I York, la playing to big hourotjHthongh a numb r of the rrtllra havr Jumped oil ['he play hard It baa been railed one •if th* meet Immoral piny* that bn* ever !>•>« i a.' >n lb thla rountry, but the people, I nan-ad of ke»ping away from It, aimply flrrk to avery prrformanre The Manhattan theatre has, np to the preaept season, been rrnaldrred by tte •trlral ternagera as something or a hoodoo, and few manager* rould be found who would play It. but at nee Brady and B'.egfleld havr taken charge of the house they have tnaraged to make quite a com of money out of It. Rucklen** Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cute Bruise*. Korea, YTtcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bore*. Tetter, Chapped Hand*. Chilblain*, Corn*, and all Skin Eruption* and po»l"ve!y Cure* Ptlee, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect Mtlafartlon or money re funded Price 16 cent* per hnx FOR SALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. A QO JO JOKE. he Was Able to Semi a Letter on Train But Not Able to Catch It. A good Joke la going the round* on cut i f Augusta ’* young business men. Not long since he secured leave from the house for a two day*' visit to n neighboring town. Now It chanced that a certain yo«ng lady. who was qu |ta 11 friend to the young man, wan in the town al the same time. The time name for the ycutig fellow to return to his work, but In his place came a letter, stating that he hed been too late to cetch the train, but would ccme next day. He has had some difficulty in explain ing how he <va* eble to mail the let ter, and yet lie not able to catch the train. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Terrible Head aches... TJfJB Jk, TJQTJBTA WgRALP. FOOT HU «T ‘VARSITY M*aa* NI *f##Ai f §1 lltifMlJ if Lddif#, Napai it# Art 9*«t 9# Ml Mm#a*ai h###b • I Aftftj Mftf M $ 4AAA tl##o • ' ■■ 3ft##Mi «# *#» O<fA#BAMM fp# ******* wpmm | IkM igT w m <# 4AA ft# # ***** ft# *•* #HA# • ** ****** k €m**p*lA*Al VB# At dp# JNwmm# IMb lAm Mdf'dbM# r #*A A * # : #♦###“ # f%# vaMaa ii## *#an mm AA#4lr>ii» ##44* MIMA A*## A* *#» « M#l m m*mrn |«m| M#IK ##4 AAMII #MI MM ApwM Milt I# lA#HMM*4 *%ft# « :•: « ft ##A# AAAAM# tap #* t#* t §' I A*tl#4#l# #4 #A#M# AMWiMM Mm AM# •* ! f)«h###|# |##!#» «4M» t#NA* I# H#» AM In ||# AMM *#4*Al Pf Mm mm llhpvAl A|l#t (W» ~j##lAA# ********* MM | £oi AA#MMM 4 ANM 4iAMAIAt4iM if **■■■ #WA#Vf IfeAM IMMhM V'MnMAM Im m 4» g*«#f *#• ttfl IMM IMM »fifA Mt* 19t«4l«ftX9 Ana# Mm# lIM *A#*#aaMM# AAfro# 4> hiaa a i Nab a# l# t#l* f# * I n#A|| tn lIM 11## <4 ArfiMMA##- TWi I cil rwa w* MWM whMwvar b- btwd tha Ha# aad rwwaaqwawlly thw ■*••• •» , a ritaalai kkklif toame akttf brwlh, I akin, qu rkwew of though* *»d gcK-d m . -r brutal Weight . nwwSc of the moot rigid nature and ■ wh. T.vrr (here was dong-r of dirty wor% la the gawif ’be rules have beew Th" saw rul » have been adopted by * nineteen nllwo sg the South and ao L,.*eww.M.» nil#* (i# rfli frill b*||lA !###owtt rrt’iM- I fAtion lo #tf( V»#4*ryi* 1b Atliiri# i,o the 2Hh ff Otmlmt. to pUy frr the \ f'liWplotit hip of th# flmiiti, Kiwi th# i prof*!* of OlArflt will A## • «Wl#i? of I AltUI f»«irt A eoatAort MflU of ohj A litiSAbl# f#Atwr*A Th# o#w ru!«A pro#ld# for two off! |e‘AlA to su»rd agaJiiAi lßfr*rtion» of lh* rrl€A. ROriANCE IN BITKS' I.IFE. I A V owng l.adv at Brunswick Loat Her Heart to Him Itrunawlek. Oa Bent - WIUI«m j Batea lh* private In the Flret regiment. Whoec death wa* told Of In the pi **, [enllated from Hrunawlck some week* ago. He aerved *<im* month* here t»n I the typographical force of the Morning |Call, ami wa* liked by all the newspa per fraternity. Measr* l-cavy'*. hi* former ernployer*. apeak In highest lorn, of him and endeavored to keep him from enlisting It happened, however. Butt Private Bates »' as a magnificent speelm -n of manhood and wo* of splendid address. This led to one of the fair sex falling deeply in love with him Hate*, realis ing his Identity better than anyone else, knew he could not disclose hi* Identity, He »st* too honorable to with the woman's affection* ami enlisted in the army a* a means of moving himself away from any aooJnl connection*. The story of hi* life here i« creditable to him. and everything connected with Bate* is of the greatesl infer St here. The Central’s learnings. . The earning* of the Central »f (Jenr icla railroad dnrlng the Hist week In Beptcmber were *74.340 against *PJ#.3f>7 during the correspond* ng week last year. This was the first wselt during "the year that th' laming* showed a de< rense as compared with last year. The r >asen fur the falling off o busl n,-ss Is aerounted for by the fact that the mad was Hooded during the first week of September, and It was Impos sible to move freights The total earn ings of the road from Jan, 1 to the end « the first week In Herd ember were *3,3k2,6»* nail Inst *3.22*,310 during the corresponding period last. year. William Gordon Howard died Friday at Mllledgevllle, at the age or 50 yeats. John Adams, who lives on Uriel creel:, near Harlem, was shot by Hud 7, liars. It seems that. Mr. Adams In approaching the nouse ill the ilaik wan taken for art Intruder by Mr. V* liars and tired upon. His wound, ihough painful. Is not considered serious. Squire W. Is. Kvett, of Catoosa coun ty, who has been serving a thirty days' jail sentence at Calhoun, was released last week. His sentence was Imposed by .Judge Fite In the superior court at Ringgold on a charge of selling liquor to the soldiers at Chlekamauga. «■ ' 4mmA#9am# amM Mm*# Am *mMM*iam am# j i,»!*'«APM AM# Wi'MM MP*'" *4 AM*** AiMMM ** aeqMlk >'#»*-~4wA MMM M* ** * M*hM#||P#M *•••**•**‘''*l MMAAfIp fMpMMB# M* i i*» .nM*»>•»-»**»* * #4 “ w-wt^ •Am 4A#A#AA* AABB #AAp##™A®** amac#a4AA asMMM A*m M* »*»##« ■ ♦»*f**MMl M • §MMXM» m A#*#**#* ii» ##4 MM* am*## a - i M—fjjßf iron 3* tut »c ft. etewe* ;. w M-rrT* bgsvsw Ibtkbw-Jj ■•wee AwjSwLwasbf » 5 „e*.«• • *'• !_ j| 1,111 art!"TVt*' 1 - *. % rfUTHf!»STI»NfI IN DtrEAT.I _ A Urntf Latta* From th* probaaiw ttkia, ' f'niuFnNa # ft* ftbc f f II f* •" j V l#w #aft‘<*a>a anrtl *■* *kw f < rftma#if*A f### I I# I-lAf A#ta| ftfta • f " .<*»s *»• fro (VUKAAI j ! #kft ffttfikA# A# #%■## iM ***** f*9 IM# i * A 10# 1 A#4 IM# rof M##»A*wf fl >** ; I## UMIM «»# |#« #ro#«l I A|###rMH»| «##ftf At#4nriwi ##4 iftifkiH I Mm# «a --■ |ro am rrofkAii* * **9**Af t##l !#*•#«- * ' I *1 h»i# mAifr f#a k#fti fl##f iKaf I |,)g^ r |,| aiq|. * | trot is# r«pAl4# W#*'# j 1 riafirlrtt'-tli- lliAl lt»» • K haa# Aka Ms mawi#ft<T «R 4 A#trfA Ara | in (liro mm*at«i4 pi*t* I #r#A PufiM >‘it.«4tr«frii Wa Mi* mftAff a ' gaMMI Ugh? Wr h*\ t»U«hl U|MH» A ihlfh «r<MJA4 Ami tha **k' i 4 |»n#rl |.ta Wr havr nothin# l«» ha ««tuim#4 ~f |l 1 |v*r thing* An# ib it<Yfr f«»t t>A In th# fntnrv* KiyM mu# an 4 Mill IH uitii h l# tha rmi tiro lo • <»rh In arornorot •f„ r ,> 5 ,. «mim* Itiaf f*m l«rv<k. Ha m<*ra in * AviM*ai man rvrr. aad In ihr futurr g | rr-pul<» AT# AMT# l<» f *lh*A 111 tliro thlr4 I’htr, Irot m«* urff my frlromlA to la* frwro »A' K»>al to thro In* T .nun* admin tat rat In* By V'Wtr ewrncst o-nperau—a *ad aiwpin it »an i. made teller It I* your duty a* g-«id T Risen* to stand by the law. ao tong aa it r main. th. lau. n- matter h<»w bad It may te, W> have bad enough strife and liltteineva la ffuuih CarnMna We must atet |.welter and Isdater up our| [ 1 fllcia and assist item in the dla< bars* !.if ih Ir tlull.-s It I* a*.l Ite inn wt jg. ~t 1 Itlw-nshlfi to alms.* and vltltfy those In pone, on the inntrary. the I, Ittx. n even though he to lha minority, will, after he haa made hi* fight, rally to lh» support of tluwe iw hmn te hn* been broien. end asald them In Ite execution nf th* lawn j, therefore, urge my friend* t« throw aside I heir disappointment* amt pieju ill.-cs. and act *» true (‘aroilnlans ought lei get. “K. r those who have fought me upon inlnclple, w.ho have ten fair and have used no Improper m*an», I have noth ing hut the kindest feeling They have aimply dote what they had a right to do. Tli'-ae who have fought me from improper motives, and have used doubtful method*, will find punishment enough In the accusation* of their own conscience*. 1 "I have nothing of the anre head ale ut me. I shall not sutk In my tent ' I am ready and willing to do all In my power to benefit and he'p old South Carolina Very truly, •'.C C. Eeatheratone. OASTOItIA. Bs.ra the A 1(11 Kffid YOU Haw AlWg BoU£l* T Calhoun Is to have two new roller mills. Black A Co. will put a flfty- I arrr-l process In a! the Ooth. aloga mills, and Cook Htraßt liave bought ground in the rear of Hayes' Hotel. »n whb h they will commence work at once erecting a steam mill wllh a capacity of 100 barrels of Hour a day. Koyal tasks* the food pure. wholesome sad delicious. fIOYAi, bdKtgff POOER Absolutely Pur» it SOVAI WKINr r-OWDCH CO., NSW TOfMf. BOUT OUR DIRTY COLLARS A Sm/m I tin# l> tig immm A Aw*** A tiqg fMwgakiku k»*a*wl «• ti «r* o* g I## * * i tanNR? « g*. *»*a4 qgflk ka 14k## AM# ##A# ,: A j Nww wbwa tsww *wwd*se *M» I • Mk# A MAMINMAMiAMI# #An4 A* j 4 ..* gif ||M p#M wmm* IM#### I «#tHA •#• #'Of# MM# !M #wiAA*# *M I *•# M*C PAM A## #**# AAA## *4#A #f li# [rnflifi Um 4 *n mAH Mi M*t lIM I« *•#*44*o AM* *4 •#» A 4 AMMfefl MP4 •A • I »Y*P.** HA*4 «NM* #t lM* MMAAMAA) Up, pYp AM#M Ml M# AtiilM •# «# (M## M* tMAp TMf «A* •• |w»# pM#oi ri tipi W* •# lIM fMI CMMM MM#i I IW4# Ml aMam PMA •*•*' |t#t##k ll# Hr# mihji wmlwA I# »i#M MaAP# aw La «#»« MAMtt* fIIMNMi MN4 A* If •IM wm*m M #4#A4*"i HA# IM * aMtiwfw «f •»! a*d .saaf dwrt. m 4 ww Iwww4f* they were anarw wwf by acrub- IMMMI t tiki ft r«!Uif* MMA bTOAf r»lt A If### * -. f . | Blupri #m4 AlAroro iMAigl# j.bu rroaroro l*g’f**fro AAt *9** rnny wv 1 a tea I Mwpte# !mat lag ba an *m lusting jrwiiar* with wlngn i n.«llbl #lm#t '■rawn of nay bind and tank ntuand -yaa will srarrely Gad two paopl* (altk rallar* nltk* * ~n •''J [ »atn* smount of fflrt oa them Uttl# jaa it mar kav* •pgrolod la yaa. tk*t* Ila n find rate atady la ite poor Hit j mnorent MU of M«ro cal tad rollaro Iwklek of tha first three qarotlaaa alii 1,00 answer* Mr. James g Ferret. **f flurat H'-uae. W Va . baa discarded all other gtarrbao medicine* and now handle* -mly Cbomterlata'a Pttk. » and IHsrrhoea Retaady. Me ba* used It la hie family *»d It to bta < u.l.naera for year*, and ba* fto teattalbm la saying that It l» the heot remedy soy colic and diarrhoea, te ha* ever known [ll not only give# relief, but effects n permanent cure. II la ate' pleoaant and (safe to tabs, making It a" Ideal remedy {for bowel .umplslnts. For role by At . aabder Drug A teed Co.. Farr us Bell Tower Drug fftore. To save money in buy ing School Books get them from Richards tfc Shaver’s Book Store. narrtggr as Haoklnav llle. Hawkins' tile. Uft.. Hept, *>• l*‘ vilatiun* were tnnilod on ite 15th to the marriage of Mr. T. R. Wilcox and Ml,a Orlen Boyer, at the home of her mother. September Hk. at # p. m Mr. Wilcox la a member of the firm of l*ol hlll A Wilcox and one of our most en terprising and prosperous young mtm. aud la very popular. Mia* Boyer I* the eldest daughter of Mr*. Vivian B. Boyer, and I* universally loved here and in her old home at Sandera vllle. A mo*t pleasant entertainment wa* given la»t week In honor of Mleee* Ce lia and Alible Bowen It was a thoat enjoyable occasion and the crowd were rorry when the time came to sepa rate. Miss Lut la Way entertained several couples one evening last week com plimentary to the Mlaaes Bowen. Mis* Way entertains beautifully, and thla was an occasion of rare enjoyment. The Mlroeo Bowen lived here for a number of year* and are always wel com*. We have bought a very large stock of School Books and they must be sold at some price. Now is your chance. Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. revival services Being Held at Woodlawn Cnptlst Church This Week. A week of revival *ervlcee wa* be gun at the Woodlawn Baptist church Inst Btmdgy night. The services wilt continue *ll tbia week. Rev. J. E. Du ron is conducting the servlcp*. A good ly attendance ia the order of things at the meeting. Have You a Son, Brother, Husband or Lover In the Army or Na? vy? Mall him today a 25 cents package of Allen’s Foot-Ease, « powder for the feet. All who march, walk or stand need It- It cures aching, tiled, sore, swollen, sweating feel, and makes hot, tight or new shoes easy. Feet can’t blister, get sore or callous where Allen's Foot-Ease Is used. 10,000 testimonials. All druggists and shoe stores sell It. Kample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Itoy, N. Y. % V'ourPallSuit |f «| M «# I THr MM# MAM !• M#4 Mi «4 #Aa#A 4M# -jiwnr- ««MM MMI AH#A# Mwp# #pmMf fIMH t’A# (-in, in # tgM M AfHV IffiT-f *lit ««#A«|# «|M AM AM# if yw4w MAtkA tis #f AMHm4# KM# #A#n| p#M Ml ♦ I#4ASI AMa# 4f #MI Ml Fine Fauncs. Choice Patternt. Excellent Work manship. up-to-date Styles. FWwkswi «nti- rrrtng fk*» Me WM • •** Maw #* *** I * tl| iga waai gi nwg* SOwkW taa ny •• p w is pa g» m eta gw new tee aw wea* M* # Some Special Offerings ##M I# |mm AM#** <Ap#mAl r#»U IteiAMi ***** mm At# 14 IMb-M# #■ itj* ft i# i# »t# m ft Ml (M A# 04 A# AM# 04 AM. lAMMVMAA *#* 00 I Ml* #44 iMft# OMMM. IM# *#A#tA#4L. Ml o** #* 91 AA#»Mfck J. 8 WHITE t CO. Cllllilt liumtli — — W eun, Gin * y»i St M MfOkli PTUM.t. Th« last, but ooa of our *ami-annual ChaHanfl# Sate* will be» t fownwKl twtth an array of *‘ n *- * w f*' 4* any itorg may ba proud of. Soma r*f tna Apaciai vnlua* ara th# raaulta Of our own afforta carafuliy pinned for the* occasion many waaks •k©-/* I'*™ 1 '*™-*• ara frank to confasa. ara rathar '• ***•^•3 attributabla to our ability to taka quick advanta#a©f tha ana »part ad turns tha markata taka in all it Hi a wondarful coltaction of chcwca bhoaa that will ba told at our now stora this waak for v $1.99 < Fiftaan diffarant atylaa In Lad!#** Low and High 1 Shoa* and sight diffarant atylaa of Man •- u Thasa ara ganuina bargains purchasad by our Mr. Coulay whila In tha East. Aganta for Hanan A Son. Stacy Adam* & Co.. Edwin C. Burt and Zisgiar Bros o£jvi6n»£ieN\ If you sent lira thing*. (he highest satlelgctlon and a •«*'"« of money. Just miky yourself ia« of our rust orast s. We rsn furnish riders »ilh bicycle*, 100. aad (be Ml tn lira air Mal that. The recent S per rent reduction aas a qssrur hit. but here's a priMff «M 1 of hew ruh* IMmhat, model ht S&e OS, and your lasi « hance to set Ihls popular nudrl al any price We have ihre r shop worn louly) model M, ladles', are all let go al H* M. One ladles’ Hartford at HI.M aad ladlee' Vedette at I3L •». ladles' Jill at W and far buys and men there Is nulhins on the markei to compare with the Krtdet Special al »». BO and the Jack ai $*««•. second hand lie eels nds, Itamhlers, rreseentS. Si earns Victors. Kldredas and Ba< yrles, from Ill.W up. all At londitlnn, and ** let them SO at any old prloe--they did not cost ns efiy thln*. were slven to us by people ar ho wanted to ride the STANDARD vvilKKI. OK TilK WOHI.D and only sold In Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed ...» |>MO per Cord Good Dry Pine g-<» per 9? a Good Dry Pine, long, • • , #2.7? per Coid Special prices on three Cords or more. , Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Htrowger 'Phone 740 ------ - Bell 'Phone 2161. READ HERALD WANT ADS. AffTIMIA* 90 r~ JJicycLes *» jt PICTCLS 'W- Is now running. Soma of our prise beauties sre Bah game and dinner eetw One might as wall attampt ta paaat tbe rainbow, sa to describe all (bear good qualities. Tba wgy they are eeft lns la a caution to thoaa who Irtrad purchase when they can ha bad fee -get lng some sometltßS." Better pur chase when they can be had for «ucb low prlcee t> wo ere offerlDg thaas. As for glssawsre. crocbary, lam pa Ac., time and language faU us to tell of the wonders thet we sell. Don't for et that our sero prlcee wUI keep yep cool. Remember the plaoa _ ,