The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 21, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WrDNKftDAY 4 THE tUCUSTI HERIIO gag*: gati***"* *•*•** flfc NI HpBpPH **•*#?>#♦«*■• f j lIP-.. >tfr Dm m * wmiiiiFii|Ttr"it ** fft Jkftftft tftft** IMpi* •*§*■"»••* ***** trr A M 4# ***** %•*% (ii <3^<j^Bß> HI ft*l 4l "ftlft** l ®*> ftftiftft *■ i tftftttft —.-- ftrntmt »gM*» ■•»r**ff M " - ® M JUHM* *1 H •« *”“•“* *rsr.—- *• *» **— N*"* Atood «; «L«» *« >"" ■»"*•• •** **•* »**~* *, ». nir — M Cl—*»«> » •** 1 Rot*! . (%illi j la rate nr* — At »!>• •*«••» ,# X.. T ak V*»y *,,#.»—«• pH* M« IWI *"••• H -- ■~- mm ft#*-* T%* iftfkttl *** W... '—■feMftp*Nß Wm 1 *■ *>P r ® ™ p*«* >«•<«• ' ._. w, m tuft tft p»>««r»t*§ **• *** ftfta* raid Pt'ze letters From American Summer Resorts. Tt< !Im»! 1 •!*• V*a» * m rlt " * Z~"t~ * I pit*#* *•» <’*• M *‘ ititt • •!»*<'• t,.m a« Assert •«P SMiHMt M—t Th—a «.r> must l*> |«.M»*—•« • •«<« 4* plum# a*ff. art— 'he t**»t»at mm ci«mni the «l®*t ••- , M «m v» nSti '<• d to a i«9' p rni anti MB—rttoi v**—"- «•>!««• »"* •>» •■•*<•"« ®* prttr. The real name !►• •trt'af, •» «><■ •• »*>* ** I— iy must MM»M B r aa* 1 Mti.r ' sent la tor p»IW«". fur Ifc* purpoo. of tdeatlfi**- . Ui<n t , , r* «*•** *•■••• ,h#,r |Kf»ri to ft r#ft*«ft»W# W»n*«t*- OtllrtlMlf rftft Writ* ft* IW n T tetters aa the) wt»b ** r ,h * prlta hoi "h* rowl—lan* '"•■ atn or,lf <W« «t >h* P r, «** a * > Th* H»ral4 waaia H** apn«h*- .at |p, |n»!|,y Irllata. ami* «•** priara will «>• aaardail for lha Mai moat lolaraalla* •■< •O'** rrada'-t# Irttara of lummat H«- • aon Ht»« Contest Closes Oct. I. FOB THE fBST 14CTTEB *» «• FOB THE TT> BEST I.ETTER ... IS * FOR THE SD BEST LETTER ... » * AUGUSTA’S POPULATION IS 56,745. THERE WILL BE 0,000 COPIES OF Sunday’s Times-Herald DO YOU GET ONE? TRAIN wrecker* in south carouna There have been weveral attempla re cently to wreck passenger trains In South Carolina. Not only the railroad but the pub lic authorities In the cltlea. In the counties autl the state ItaeU should ex pend every effort In order to bring the guilty parties to Justice A train wreck er la a murderer of the worst kind. Whether for the purpose of robbery or for spKe and In ma'lce, the persons guilty allow Bitch a wholesale disregard for Innocent human lives and suffer ing, that they are as dutigeroua as sav age wild beasta at large. They should be hunted down, caught, safely Incar cerated or otherwise put out of the way of doing further harm. Every wrecking of pataeuger trains should enlist the active support and cooperation of every citizen in the neighboring country, in order to help the authorities bring the guilty parties to speedy justice. It Is horrible to think of human lives slaughtered by the wholesale by dastardly train wreckers. Fortunately no lives have been lost In the recent attempts, hut they are becoming too frequent autl the next attempts may ha attended with frightful disaster. Many a stage struck person blames Jt all on the omnibus driver. Politeness pays as a rule, yet many n man has lost heavily through a civil getioo. ; #**«»** tt# 94t$Mf I jmbl; Kw ftMfcf • ftp’"* tftriw : ft, *4 «V **m m m fftftft mn**w fruftftm § trip in ft ft % *ftft ft' ftitrti tft#i m V***4 bmrn —fvft H ftftft I lift ftftMtfilft HI ftftCMl ftft tft# 11 ifti »<ftn>ifft t*ft« f'■ rtfll P|RtM • • L-«-« M 4 : » ftftftfft t fri>f‘~ mm wilwpf' ftft* (>lt , trr nft| fm #« tliif 4smm ftft ftftnlft niftftif ft##! f«ti« ftf Iputiftft ifti «ftHm§ ftftftf ftftft ftftnft# rvftfli ftlftlftftt ftiil«*« It stilt lift ft** fiftft! t© ftltftft tftflft ftftttftft ftftft ftftflft* #t*n4»tt»yi tft ftft I AftMPfHftft fMPpftftpftt m »b* asarkara «f tha wort* The way io gtp< trftft* ftftft fWtifi ftMif* ftfHft t# tft f , cftNpt»l ftftft htftp A ftft H Ift tftftt Jftftl ftrl ft UMftft ftttl ftftftpftl tft tW Aftwrtrftft p*oftt» ftftft* tft*iy rot to ftlkt ftft Uftlf •*•<*§ ftftft Irfttft Oft tft (ft (JHffltO# TOPHO BFHBEM 111 It la ail esploded Mss that young mail i sasot ha trwMad with the bast aaaa of lha wtM. At lha same lima It la aa Mm that ha* clung rather iMirkwdy to eertala port tows of tbe country and tapwc tally la Its South One of the saoet gtatlfylng signs of prugrvaa ttM activity la Augusts la the fact that young man hi all lines of bnetnees are steadily forging to the front This la the argument of merit, ability and of aucreaa. It doswa‘l mean that the young men are pushing as.da lha older general too. hot It does mean that the young men are sharing the honors with all comars In lb« busi ness world. It la Ibis sort of spirit that means ; prog, ess in a community. It means the recognition of merit wherever dis played. Where so many are concerned, . It wnnld tie In vidimus to mention names, but anyone who will take the trouble to look over the business world la Augusta will Snd much gratifying evidence of push and progress tn the aurrees that the young business men of the community are winning In all ; fields of commercial and financial ac- j tlvity. KIIF THE STEEETg CLEAN. The Civic League la making a vig orous campaign. In regard to the lit ter and scrap paper thrown and scat tered on the streeia. There Is nothing that detracts so much from a street's appearance aa un sightly and loose paper lying on the sidewalks or tanked up In the gut ters. The league's object of securing receptacles and endeavoring to corral trash paper is a laudable one, and should receive the co-operation of all cllixene; but it will do more effective work In seeking to enforce the '.aw that make* It an offense, punishable by tine, In scattering loose paper on the public streets. The darkey who distributes "dodg ers” broadcast throughout the city can keep the la-ague members, the city scavenger and several others busy ev ery day in the week gathering up the trash he has created. Why not gather I up and run in the darkey? It will save lots of time and trouble. The best work that th<f league can do Is to stop the habit of entering ihe city's streets with loose paper. If they wilt devote their attention to this, the city scavenger can easily do his share in removing the trash. Another l-sver Victim. Detroit Tribune. I met a pretty maiden, Whose eyas were wet and red: "And has some dear one fallen On the battlefield?” I said. "IViciiaime it Is your father Or your brother, or. alack! A nearer «ml a dearer One who never will come back.” ••No’ my father hasn't fallen And my brother is all right; I have no near or dear one Who has gone away to fight; It is Just the old hay fever That’s around again,” she said, And then she got to sneezing TUI I thought she lose her head- T*tß3 -A TJOTJBT-A mm m> >im*u z*m> i# «** owa»< «sftw it *** §*w* • % ** / pNftlftWft *M A Hi Ift ft* fr* £ Mb < ftft tat* «MftgN* #MKftlft(p|* ft (ms *ftft fftlftpftftft HI IfiftftAft'A ft** ftftft . fc»ft*ft ftftft t.ifftftir nattc. iHH*r liVUlWHlidl Hft | ftMft lift ftftft Hftlft# ftftft ftft ft** 1 ” i ftfft |ft I** Iftlftft'* Iftftft* ftftft ft® "**“* lIMMi fMftft iwpftftpftft ft® *ft* ♦ ftft fMP'ftftl tft •ft t ? WftlMl ft® t ft* * ftmMHI lift TtM#**!' lT|fc •***■******■* fiftjf ft* lM*l*ftftAftAfcl|t H* ftAlftftfttft m dftfttfti Pw*l *** »* ■ «|g trf -0 <• #ft|f |a < |M*#» It ftftl PPtftftftF- *“ • * l| ft It#* - Sfftt ftftft * •• ft*!* ll ftJHftftft* # i fgfftfti, ii* ft i ipMift Aft ift* &tomm t ** ii f «ft*9 Uftft* tlft "* • •** ••*■** imiftinrAf lit ftrf II ftft*S lift jpnaftiftr * jMftftffrtUl fftftft | 4tr Ift : flftfttjftl, ft tft It*** *'*.*•**■» •lift# ftftfti** ft* Mi ttM ftftft! ttftruffttft fftfft**. Ylm iHfti 1«r mf94*tr <hft|.trft Ift ftft M r ** I9M §*<>«! I* fttt'l Ur**# » v ’ * ft Ift* tiAitftft ffftY* Hft*l Hf-ftft •»« ftfftft* ._| gimr'%-1* < • n'lfp iNpifUft. M r ffttfaft [ I* niHt ft fftvtfMf ftftMtlft*' TVftr *** Iftitf Tftmt" lift 1 !fww ycMfrday tn H* m Yftftc <«r TH# dnft * »rt«lft lit ft lftr»* fiftft A rt * ff 1 (h# fftflftftl ftftlltlfftl, ft! *ft flfftt t** HUfyt **• tft* ftftfttftYttft Ifttaff ft *• | were The Psixl, tin I* tret TtM High M«um«. As Elisabeth. H i„ •»!*«• heegirr 1 lm-ame enraged yeMerday at wane Ittlle I twvyp who wifv liauirtni Him. *wl | iftfthp ft Hftitlft if fftrtmtft ft*”§4 ftftft l lt ftl tHft fir* <4 Itttft KJftftfi !»’*•*>* It ft f»ftr*4 IHftt tHft ft4'ft ftjrftft ft** 1 ! burned eat. Mrs. XV. D Nina a*, daughter »f W H. VaadelhtH. prop—r, t«» Jets Ibr two h»»uce oa FI fill avenue at Wad alr—l. and make oM magnlfli ent brow»»tone palare. It la mid Ihe plana are all draun and the change will coat one mlUkw dol lars. Majcr Ovficral Hr**uke la to ha mili tary governor of I'urto Rico aa boig a» military government ta neceaaa ry on Ihe laiard { It ta <—ly a matter of a few weeks before the Island wilt becomt the prop erty of tha Catted State# under the . terms of the peace protocol. According tn The Cleveland L—der. one of the raptured Hpantah officers •sy# ill»t when the Americana sent up their first balloon In front of Santiago, i It gave them, tbe Spaniards, a great shock. One of the officers, upon spying the j halbnut In the air, lumped to hi# feet, , and said. Blcsaed aatnt, there goes Sha/ier.” It ts rumored that Representative Hitt of Illinois ts to be selected to suc ceed Hay aa ambassador to England The eminent congressman is st present at Honolulu, a member of (he Commit tee on Hawaiian Affairs. Mr. Hitt haa had diplomatic experience, having been first secretary at Parts, assistant secretary of state, and ts, moreover, a wealthy man. The pastors of the prominent churches throughout the country on last Sunday discussed the war and Its effects. Among many texts were the follow ing: "God's Hand on Our Country.” "Nation Shall not Raise It* Hand Against Nation." One clergyman In referring m Ad miral Dewey, used this text, "Surely, the Worth of Man Shall rralse Thee." Homer Davenport. Tbe New York Journal's clever cartoonist, has been on hls first visit to Boston. Instead of seeing the policemen, as he had expec ted. standing on the street corners reading Latin grammars, he says they are the same burly cops they have in New York. Instead of meeting with quantities of he-spectaclcd old maids, with cotk screw curls, on the streets, lie says the gills are most lovely and pretty. Here are the allowances for the Par is peace commissioners: I’d each of the commissioners 3150 u day: to Secretary Moore, *7">; to Assist ant Secretrry Mae Arthur, jr>o; to Dis bursing Officer Rrannigan and Chief Translator Rodrigues, to each of the nine Interpreters, attaches, stenog raphers. etc., 310; and to t he two mes sengers. JO a day; or for the ninety days tha; they ore expected to be away, a grand total of *»2.250. This Is for tbe personal expenses alone of the various fttemb'.TS and does not include any sala ries. It Is expected that Commissioners Day and Heed will each receive a fee of 32r>.00f1. the other members being in the government service and drawing thtdr salaries as if in Wasliington. THH MBBRV6R ABOUT TOWS. nv |n mi eat fiitftßlHft ftf lift eftnH ft! optriff *i •• Mm fiftftft"! H)r ft H*4 hl#4 aft 4«V bml I miwarf hM »v»t>f»rr u!. ft •m*H ran *4 «*fi (Hft aHrlf I* Hft ftft. |i,»« Itrforp w tilt t«» M, ft V«v*ft Nil ft I ftK4nftat in Ilf Ht Hft (ftftftOf 4ftH limp an 4 Iftftt M ft «aw 4ftv»«*4 of a*4 iHr yrnm* mm n *mm mmm m**#+p Aft«»t mMI lift tit H# a aft ftftSdftftly iftilwnH try ft racking hca4a*h© ftw4 tHa Mil fair mliMitftft trtfw lively atu! yainful cfiiaa t*y r*aa« «WT wafttlllllf al»4 ratcHlftf tn tn*- moat vlftaftt tnanftftr THia ! moffiinf tft tfttllnt ht* 4*®rt<*r <®f tft fair, ihe phv*t. taa gave aa lha pewtoa t»le cauae of the attack amwtc loth (Ste stem c erealed or gendered in Ihe can of the liquid The doetor. t<— congratulated the The Observer rag scree an old friend In the Arlington lobby last night Just 1 £# to) finished reading a letter from hls wife In Chicago. IV wife wrote. ' after reenuwtlng household affairs, of I the controversy going <>n IB the Windy City regarding [sibile music, of the ee | irctton* wanted try the people at the public concerts. In a teat vote between dasalcgl and popular selections, the latter wno. and the edict went forth to the German band master t» drop everything el—. He called hi# musicians together and t»ld them and then went nn, *{A# for Her Vagner und Mcyerbwrr. fbvgedt dem. Play tost—dt. Take Tour t^lothe# und Go,' und 'Glue, tllu. How | Dove My Ulu,' und '1 Have tkrt An other Maah that Halndt so Black aa You.* " The wife wrote that for next Sunday there was htllefi a pot prwirt of popular selections, Including "The Parson's Chicken Brigade," nttd that the profes sor had said, "1 shall lilsy dat Nigger 'Ki leasee If at drive me mad." The Man Who L Ready Now. (Cleveland leader.) I w ant to Join the army And wear a uniform; I wunt to he a soldier, since There arc no forts to storm; I want to have tiroes buttons, I d like some soldier straps, So that I might look doan upon All ordinary chaps, i 1 want to be a soldier, I want a sword to wear: I want to ride a horse and smash The hearts of maidens fair; I d like to Join the army At the present moment, for It'll b* a long, long tlrue before 1 We have another wag JUSI TOR FUN. Ethel—Do you meet many people ! while wheeling? Tom—Oh, yes, I run across a friend occasionally. "Mi. is there ajty pie left In this pan try?” "There is cure piece, but you can’t have It." M«, I've had it." 'Tis not the man who really tolls That makes the greatest row; 'Tis he with nothing else to do Who stands around the whole day through. To tell Ihe others how. A yearly meeting was held Sunday at Shiloh, a hard-shell Baptist church, in Ptstree county, nnd many people a (ten ded from Wnyeross. '/ho washing of feet, an Institution peculiar to the church, was indulged in by tbe mem bers present. A number of sermons were delivered and the services la-stcd alt‘day. Dr. Young of AthensMs no win a sc ries of sermons Atpisnotory ot the pe cultaritiqg ot the doctljbe of th*= Bap tists. LEO AL NOTICE! ffthft *ma+a *¥%a *l— ■&**.***- *. r wn~*p vy *4 1 *ft MHMft t*4 ift* *>ft»f*ft»** Nf EftNia Hp tftp f jaWhghPftS ftPMPMhaft* ft* *lft JV f amm li, m 1 aft ftif|i- ft # . # $ I %.♦* **'ft 4 . i Hft It Ha ftftaMft * wpwlM'Aftl 1t (ft ftPtftft 4 ft *S# i"* ■,fi *f' - 9#mrm Tft aMfrftwftwf ft (ftanant an 4 v|i J—-|>U* n| f; r f«| n Hft * HP iHWWfftf - i*t tH* «4kfttnffw ft lift **»t# eta** fiaal •Ned’tn rose f- tw-nbew the fles— rai ft I “r at lha net - eat el—ttn* held n««i P’C >dtaa lha geaeml eMrtian Iff rauae shall ha fil ed by app. ml—t of ihe dsvwinr uNttt itv Nett day of 111 nan- after the yeaaeal elaettan held next after the rst—sttan ad Marty dava : fro— the time each vaetanrjr ;stsix. at 1 whlefi Me lloa a eanrs—e foe the anew - (dred term strait he etertad, provided. < that the so- * e—ora foe aU Incumbent# a hose term# aspire nn or before Ihe •rat day of January I>». shall he ele«- ! ted tn the lIM-bt Aa—My at ltd see ahm for IIM. for Uk. full term of f«ur her. t Be It further enacted by B*»- ' ihoetty store—ld. That whettevey the ! shove proposed amend—enls la the ('<— atltutn— at—n t» agreed to by tao third# of the mem terra elected tn each ,of Ihe iwa houa— of the dene—l As sembly. ihe Oovernoe shall, and be le hereby aulhoriaed nnd taatruetrd , attar —ld amendments tn I— pubttahed In at least t«o newspapers In —cb con gressional dtstrfct In this Nta'.e for the period of two months nest proedtng the time fur bolding the nasi general electt Of) , Her. I Re It further enacted by lha authority aforesaid. That the above pro amrndmraits shall be autMtltuted for ratlNcatlon or rejection of the elrc tora of this Mtair at the next genetal election to Ire held after publication, a* provided for In the foutth section of this Art, In tha several dtstrtrt# of the Plate, ot whli h election every perain! shall be nuattfied to vote wh« ta enu- : tied to vote for member# of the Oene ral Assembly All perron# voting at said election tn favor of adopting the proposed amendments, or cither of j them, to the ronstltuUon of this Note, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words ”F> r ratification of th» amendment of paragraph I <f sec tion t. article « of the Constitution” (for election of Judges of Hupertor Courts by the people!, "For ratification ] of smrrdment of paragraph 2 of aertton 3 of article * of the Constitution*' (for; election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people). "For ratification of amendment of paragraph 1 of aaetlon 11 of article ( of the Constitution” (for election of NolteKora General by the people). Arid all persons opposed to adoption of said amendments, or either of them, shall have written or printed on thetr ballot* *he word*: "Agataat the ratification of paragraph J of sec tion S of article « of tho Constitution ’ (agoitist eh-otlon of Judges of Superior Courts by the people), "Against ratifi cation of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section I of article 6 of the Cogatl tutlon” (against election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people) "Ag ainst ratification of amendment of par agraph l .of section U of article < of the C<—atftution" tagalnst the electUm of Solicitors General by the people). Sec. 6. Be It further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor be, and he la, hereby author ized and directed to provide for the submission of the foregoing proposed amendments to the Conatttutkxv of this State to a vote of the people as requir ed by the Constitution of this State In paragraph 1 of section 1 of article 13, and by this Aul; and If either be rat ified, the Governor shall, when h? as certains such ratification from the Sec retary of State, to whom the returns shall be referred in the same manner as in case of elections for member# of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result, isaue his proclama tion, for otie insertion. In one of the dally papers of this State, announcing such result and declaring the amed ment or amendments ratified. Sec. 7. Be It further enacted by the authority afore—M, Tbet alt lawa and parts of lows i») conflict with ihe Act be. and tlie same are. hereby repealed. Approved December 21.-IM7. Now. therefore. I. William Y. Alfthv sou. Governor of said State, do issue this my proclamation declaring that the foregoing prnpqsed amendment to the. Constitution is Jjereby submitted ratification of rejection to the legal vb- I ters of the State at the general elec- THIS IS IT '.T- ZZ? mm* Lftftt • FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS TtUotitif. Hat*, humnhmfv 7SI ijfPvi s -*-4 ) V«y Gfton ) # Tax raa ha —pptlag zvl f f —nrv —iwf—tartly tbs way as r / totws art c—' »l a 4—g sta— than J / «m»x.» *• tarrr a wry at—- / C Mato Km of N—M NfiMwa, l J Tooth Bruahea t o— to, Frw.hw, f v **** V ( Rgmr and c 1 Gailet i VioUtte 1 f Kurast. heap TaUM Water ( 1 and Fowdet. J i Window GUm S \ And Putty for patbag tha— ) f la. Wintar lx coatlaig. \ / Do Ton ) i Want Pretty Walls? S J If vmi do. um Alahaatina. f f W* luvgvd a good man to put It X j oa. Don't oust much. f > Altiaider Dru Cnjim > S K» BROAD NT. ( MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleiaDder&JoliQsoo AgxntxScottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St PORTNER’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. tion to be held Wednesday, October 5, ISOS. W. Y. ATKINSON, Governor. By the Governor; F. E. Callaway, Private Secretory. srpTf m®cr at PEARL ONION fteTTS Jum l r««»iFvd. end «rM Nlve *H»>rmm* dftlll NOfir, tM at Oo*c« QfMwt g«n>»ftsf« wW 40 w»H t«> fNtOCNK »h#if Dftfff *1 0009. L A Cardelle. Druggist Anticephalalginc i list) c urcA^Tily Sr hbaoachis In AU IU VAVKJUS FORMS Hft* ~ if* mm§ Hi Nft /4Httn I Yfts ’*mm*4mm m*4 mtmmm ftNftrtß ssft mtff ft H* RH4 ft ftftft* HRH ft Hft# *4 ftf ftftft mi «> WhotoMto and Rotail by L. A OarOelte. Druggist. Augusta. Gs. Tbe Augusta Herald llfiot Bnjllot uA rt« B:st H‘i!jap*r PrtliiW it !Ib Suuil “ v QrirlßtT TIfY.Er.II A Ml NEWS* tue lows nr the world WHILE IT IS XEWft is Tn IN HOCK* AKKAD or OTHER GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA „ eaters. 7 —I TSISL 111 CONVINCE TODj S \ I f ss| PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 Tib St, AorbsU. Ga. •t v cs rme ere tmt* h *n <««**> m uhi, tnuiii uu «!«■— wml Will- K t M - ll»» _ Uam art mto your whIU jro» watt. FREE OF CKARuE, __Ol( Utu VOl'K COAL and WOOD THK> North Augtuta Coal & Supply Co Quantity *pd Quality Oaaraotr*<i F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball I‘tom tl'A fct ru*g*r :*J> The Whltely Exerciser. \ A practical, simple and eftici eat Homs Kxsrciaar, ones psclaliy sdapted tor ladies and children, bu at the same time can be profitably nsed by ths i at.-urgent sthleta. PBIGKK: 75c., »1.00, 11.6 a BICYCLES - CI.EVE LANDS. MO up; VIK-i I NUB, 185 up; GEN’- DKON’B, 118 up; THOM AS. JfiO up. tilt and ses j them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1803 Reynolds st^TelciilioaelSi&.ir J rival* Leased h ires Tiled to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cosh or on margins. Local 1 securities bought snd sold. Referencsg —National Exchange Bank of August* or Mercantile Agencies. • „ * Isl