The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 23, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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FRIDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES »*,,,«* flu*** Waic taaa ♦ # i' # M9C flair Brush * • : ~*«..3Ttu. *«**•.*.•. :$ 4Airtnr# Of C<n)l«* *1 CIO VNMCI*. I t#sv# if* • ftw to «Hl* r**w fail nna, I can Kv* HW Is toftnpo# t**l ow mli Uia#*« ot U>«morMt» 111 Auurvidtdi LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jiKvirullt. UtMl*f IN» AHift*to« MouM __ ___ tOSSIP Of THE GRIDIRON ftaaatlttaia. Ilk •# Hinait A» frt'tKtaa Mtrt n< j »ah*t f«Hh* *fdar* ar* «**f* poop** *• doga#.* OM* «•* miM ** •"*• tdlad wb» *•* In mm-- m n*» tauddaii MM _ , A ward* »d» ***•• «*• gs WMT grid"■*» —*# d**4 do *■*•* **‘ fc |pt**»* **» a*oa* fmit At pxuwmo* on 'dat'd' 4prt*l« «# 1%444#9 A 4494 *49491 f Mod ibM Vftd peartlr* <4 Id* l— aa Frag***- M 4 OwMar ddd Bui a sr-rad tnuai ay ••*'•** *vL mm astt fdMdd!i» *»*w Id * 'MWoa wh Kwdll * •dd M«*> as Itawa'a WMild. Vadd. T%m mMM''" M *b» Yal* R»»l»ll gjywa I**4 Ibe if Ml fuartp-e Id K»» Md**t. «d Mandat Tduw •* turn! - |M«*di Captain HuiNwim bang rdS'fft as Id* word. Td** B»et* hd*» i#m aordad i»m» d a** fd* wnek Tdfrt, m** reported Cap! * a rtMatMTldla, Ml Nd* M**l | •ltd Tderr ••• *l*t> a lineup *6<l pr»lta**v»r> dbA off MHUfd* k > i ana mtrhfr. puata an* *>»* tdroogn pMkrtlf* of elgaalo Id* MB' vnrfc d*. taa fon' tbronfb la Ida mum** (ltd ■Kvm. ■ 'Ja . . flanged- A bo. 4 dfclrty raadldatw for Hal nHl Idol ball *!*»*• •4M»»«*I al tad gtpr* n»l«l yeotantay and neat tdrooad U«dl preliminary practice nn- C*r tha dt*> Uo* of Hrad Coach W Cameron For he* Braid* Coord For Urn td*r* art* pfdMßt Id Id* any of ptMMtH* Ijrwts, Id* (MWI’II rente*: Gaff Jklarrble Boav*. in* y*or'* guard and rtodl»r»*n, •**. ' "Tdar* dr* pl*Biy ot LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. HILLER WALKER THE HATTER. J3L :isro:x: HATS mm for the line, but nt** with much experience Of tbr new m-n Eaton. of the English High. and flv feint and Coea. of Hopklnaoo appear to he the moet pnynlsing For tackles, Villa «mt Swain are the beat men at preemt. a (though the latter will not be anla to play until well along In the Rf.'Hyui on account of hta broken leg. University of Georgia. ; The Unlrerelty of Georgia and the Georgia School of Technology wilt In pH probability meet in Macon on the gridiron on Saturday. October 15. The game will be well worth aeetng. Both tenma will be atronger this y"ar than ever before, whlrh will make the game more Interesting. Georgia and 4he Tech* have only met a few time* nnd there la a great deal of rivalry be ‘jtwgrn them. Jjnent the 'raralty team It may be i*<«td Utat K. Ltudpay. who wan on the kuh Hat last year I* making a splendid •dffort fhr right guard Mid ta backing up his work well with something like 190 pounds of avoirdupois. Clark, tnat year's end. will arrive on October 1. Hi eh tie I* doing phenomena! practice work as left guard. Bryan, of Chatta nooga. who knows the game and weighs 170 pounds. Is expected to ar rive thla week. The game with Vanderbilt, last year’s 00-champlon of the Sooth, win be played In Atlanta, October 29, and this, game will decide the championship of the association and of the South. The regular Thanksgiving game will be with Auburn. A trip will be taken Into Tennessee and two game* played there. Several smaller games will be piayed during the season. Say. you? with an ap petite ; we are after you. ELLIS RESTAURANT. Mr. J. H. Barr, of Savannah, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. M. A- Shelton. No. 120 McKintlo street. Later he wil( visit his sister. .Mrs. P. V. Mollhers, in Wllliston. 8, C. Mr. and Mrs. Henry- Perkins left to day for New York, where they will lie Joined by their soil. Mr. lloscn Perkins, who has Just returned from a European tour. W hen The Arllutk World Apprmw A»t«o4u Hwrti f#Hl tofYH <fo» l>F»t>l * ii—■ ' Tie ETereti Pjaso t» d*id* *d~**d *4 a* a "Idaw Mi*. •at*d»4 bmimmh dp id* i**dia# i—eadla •# id* iib# ti I* id* UI’AIMWTMti Fl*d UNLIMITED TIME A<ml Mr n Srm «r«ff n n»itiN»f»* Hmb»mh - >»*»♦,. fhto » tho M+m Hml* ICrMHi *HA oil IttMii imp* jf ti'ioHA i|<oai4 rtlm for ■m*m anaii'p m «***• *■ *d* HARVARD PIANO 'UrUUadl id t**«. Mini Id iddUiy. twaullfttl la Hand run's* u>w ,m«» sa«t ■ Art Idillod* ft** m ap|4kath>a. Ttanltii ad* naurdi If Mid*. Tbomas & fiarloo, W. N BAimrrT. nadir, na tr«**ir. *«iwii. oa A TWO-FIFTY SESSION. “ (Inal**** I* SIIM at Lor I.M) WHd (da Raundw. |)u*ld*M *»* dull *l Ida court ot td* r»cocd*r y*at*rday and ft ran«M b* Mid that H picked up much today Kalien WIlUadM and Wlm Uaipfetn otdcruriaa "Knuckum " bad ludulgrd in a arrap Knorktim told Ibe judge i long tale of won. concern lag bow be bad b*en rhaaed Into a barber shop by lluben the latter having n knife In hi* band. ttuben told a different version of the affair He had taken out hi* porketkalfe to Ct»t off a ptec* of tobacco and Knock urn bad taken fright. Both parties were dismissed. Mr. Henry Bodle waa charge! with cruelty to animals. Ha bad. to said aeveral wltneoaea. beat an a home he waa driving unmercifully bard. fie denied the charge. The Judge Iwled a fine of (3.60. Just before court cloeed. It was dls covered that there was another case against Ruben William*. In some way It had been overlooked on the docket and Ruben had not waited around the court to find out anything about the same. When the case waa called he was In other parts. Two or three more case* were called, the principals dtd not show up. war rants were Issued for them and court rinsed. The session had netted $2.50 to the .city treasury. ■ ' m 1 "■ 9 ' " """ Eat ’em up—3oo Dinners every day. ELLIS RESTAURANT. COTTON BOLLS Interior receipts are running freer. There was a heavy rain at Mobile on Monday night. SfeCtellansvltle', S. C.—One-third to one-half Sea Island crop Is expected in tht* sectionas compared with usual an nual production. Cohrnn, Oa—Receipts to Sept. 17 were only 1.151 hales, against 3.961 last year. More than two-thlr.ts cf the crop Is sllll In the fields unpicked on account cf heavy rains. Florence, Ata.—Cotton season promis e» to he much more satis.'actoev than for save!at years. Yield will be less in north Alabama owning ro Increased! acreage, hut decrease won't be suttl to be noticeable. Price. MacCormivk Co. reported <nit nc'vhes from the South, sent to them In lesponse to Inquir e*, imllente that planter* are marketing their crop finely, owing to the fart that- it» frist -. , a ' ; .ees tr ej- are fori .it to ir*et >.-• mill* ohllgSilons. Th-i -. *- "e th-v h- t fur „ free movement during the next few v. e. i;s. Onlv Steel lined and burglar proof ta tea used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks, 7-5 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. TBK AUGUBIA I=LBIRjA.XJ3 WAS ALMOST 1 LTNCHED I It fctAMM Anw «• Hr MMi »f Mm. MMSBOMSMS I *«c*y Sasyaan AMa* wta at tbw Ma»# l .aMdMtkS F Y 'TfHurf 4 | I fNNf MW t'rif 1 Imm§ #4 b# it*# • fMNNfI «ts A« iAi>*4 tfl MdMmrjpinit [ v* 44 stf *4 44l W 44 | 44# 4t4p 944 f4HW44 4tfi#4* 4f I fill 1414144 (N4M44 4*444 144 44j4n> • | t4fef |4» |Utf4 4* 14s T%|||pr|s I >'ft 0444 4NM9s I 4 4M44 44* *41*144 mr*% . *44 f***4 t 4 i td lb t Ik 14444 ***l *' Fi-s r***i -4 14* 4Sd [ 14# rniiKfT f 4*4Sf #44 A*f##4p|4i 14 I 4MM 4ii4 44HM1491,. 444»4## 44 4M 44 j I «4#4 4*4*4 4*44*4 4 s****** * 44444 I IW*4 4*4444# §****#« I# V4**# 4**R9MMI aat •«* ada* a) dp a wi» »« I da* <*M| Idi'M da 14*4*41 * »d<*»»* ar #| c*pw at ’•»< t ***4 «ta*49*d S *4d#**dP «* '»!»« I d* Ma* dal #d4 M***aa d#*d Swd'Mp d*'»*drNaa I fiaaatidt yin. aaya Td* At Naa'a Ota I aibMda and IddAat ap «M tdaap I. at adddS tfMd a aMaaaa dr «<*a | a rial! da*a frail ai*a*i, add awi* ) td* pinddSam ••• ***** •*» a* I «• at** da* a aa*t «tam Ifrl daatldd m td* *(*•*«* Td* d«ak*a tallat. milat tm fc*»p | aad dr td* paid* ■>*—»*!*» W*i«* , •»* *t«adtiMi aat daa p«r*k at N* MH frail ittaa mb id* aaaaan aad ' *d* ralMul Whl ait aataap oa d*» •allary •• rad dead aad «M td* par- I da* Taraaa daard aar add <**l**4 id da* pa<* add dam* «• «»»• da* a * anoac WHd a daadfal as rwd* d* haradard ad (da daaaa tanadUui <m* aaaaani paaaa as piaad Jaupdla*'* aM ar id* caata art aa 'da pared aa mo. wbal Baa id* BMit*r, aad ad* aa* struck and a toad, aad H aaa tkarngdi tm aadtt* tdai nd* aa* daad Td*s au ada aa* ataaptac np td# gallaay 1 aa* am aw*k*n*d uati a rard taa 14# 44 td* lop as kl* daad Aad aka |B# 4M naaka aad*r td* «r*M nf tkla [ ilrcußMKnce b* aaa tan badly dart so ante! id# anow-a Baaernl aota*a rata* oat oa id* ffnat ptanna *n adkataiag Imurrr aad Turner pelted atid tarn* •wry p*fwu| that turned up race atd*r women a*r* dprt and glaaaau Mttdea out as tdra* or four bana*a. A negro preacher the Her Milton Bonner an* pnMlng atid bl* «ated*t and bond* H* pnueml in twponß rat*! atid Turner and rre*tv*d * rned oa t%* aid* of bl* far* for bta kindly ta (•lt >O4l He did ant lura tb* other cheek, bat quickened hi. ailatntertal par* *» ■ potm of aafety When Tartm a ruck her old mother with tb* cork Jnarph lue Wateoa. thladiag Be had killed tb*. old woman ranked In Id* houa* and appeared aim a ptetol tide pulated at Turner and pulled id* Irlgger Hh* milled td* target, but It hnd tb* ef fect of causing Turner lo retreat By this time the affair bad groan Into a riot, and two hundred negro** aad several adit* people collected about td* place. Flv* or sli men rushad In on Turnar and threw him down. “Kill him. shoot him hang him.” cried out the angry crowd, and Turner was kicked and dragged around In a manner which showed the moh dtd not Intend to deal very gently with him. At this Juncture Patrolman Bobbins came up and h« took charge of Turner and made the crowd stand bark until the patrol wagon arrived Turner was still very defiant and angry, and cried out: "liCt 'em come on, for I'm not afraid of a trip to hell.” In the police court yesterday Turner had cooled down and he mopped up and said: “Judge, do you wish to hear the truth about this?" “Everybody keep quiet,” called out the recorder, “while we hear the truth of this row ” Then Turner began to tell how he was walking quietly along the street, and Josephine Watson called out to him: "Eat 'em up. whiskey, he don't know how to don’t ” He sal! that he throw the rocks not until afler he had been ahot at and abused. "For once.” commented the recor der. "truth crushed to earth ahull Hsp no more. 1 Will fine you ISO 7B and bind you over to th* city court in a fIOO bond for asoafftt and battery ' To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxative Brmno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. CITY ENGINEER’S WHEEL. He Can Thank the Police For Keeping It Safe For Him. Ctty Engineer Davidson thought that, his wheel had been stolen last night. He left his steel steed standing in an alleyway near city headquarters, and when he arrived at htg office this morning he missed his wheel. He at once set out to see the police. The first thing he cast his eyes on when he reached the barracks was the tniss ipg wheel. Nobody had stole*: It. but -.ltftd not < luv,police bocu tt and. taken lb*into the station no doubt somebody would have taken up with ii before this morning. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1599. WANTS A NEW. I STATE PARTT | Hu* If.Ptdd *|t Mi rap tot • - "’U-HmT id* HUM'— - di I dad fa Apt* !«•>** ta* raapru, ; n r .- r m n * i r 111 a sm4 *fsw4* 4f *-44*s*As t ♦* ‘ tfgVNl 14 IfMfiff it n>i Sipfr«M**»44 | iiilftrt • 4 jpsy%sf ini s4M#i fi W 4 I# 4MN4 * ■ ****; !«h»# «4Nt lit «4454N«4 *m vmw** * f t j#4 *9P§4S’«4 * vis ?“ <« aad td* tt*pn*«-**r -4 Hr «MM ; ; Td* Httaartdd df *«J»* Hdarwt m «d •»***••* a **B l»*d**ir** f*ry ’* >«d* »t*«* Is fait H da* twit d*»af ioa* as d% dwuMa* Td* 4->»**a*»a V«a**a «da ttta VsltPdt *f M'ta part atw la dt'i*d**tr4|a*t Hr* .Itarlp SHv. d» **•* *da* » , »*f***»!* #**■'•) *bit§a| td* pagf fddi fla as *td»dp. ***#%# 'da* 14N •**•* 'tra ta dd'< ta ala tr**t idna ad.-»« as tda party ada dara <****4 di* ' mar wt ada aa* ■na tra'*' v iat td* afdMi as 4* Idpßdl'Saa party .ta tirt *ta»* *a* at* td* naffr da r amawl * . I « i It la tfeadptalna *4 Snaa at Ida tra, a**ty i*pt***»i#d ta Saiaa 1 **.**• aad naa* oad*r* id*' id* a*s*a *af* • it rvaaat* **tid td* S*pndi»aM pa«» •Hit* td* aSrae caa d* di*td*a *■*• *« td* BdttM Ta Htr *ad ida NyalH- SrpadCM* c'ltMH# ta kaiap p#*d*d ta •a* ptaartM f*a*p*iaa a#a aHartap ■ tMii* aa* a* a* d*M ant ** td* i,*m ta fda and td* Saaabltaaar | Td* if at w d*aa maattand la tda mail t ta *da H***aHd ttatrn Tb* Nyadia »r* «u.rp ta aaptara td* f*- p«M»c*a iaw»dita»a aad at aay fat* tlray u* art »« atnaana «aa*f >pa*d*a tb* fraancfai* Wd#tb*f aa f€«*ft arflt |*VffW* ÜBWW*«r""W mm ***** w ww <be Mad* to do id* anm* tbtng la idl* ••wrirt aMI b tel ;«• known bas 'tdttu la aa nadareurrrat at opUilrn ! tdai It la tda lataatloa to atak# tda as f«»rt la tart eoaaty liIXJEFIBI.U NEWS. Td# fad ary WHt V*>* ft* Aar rounded Hr a I tttt# v lltag*. Sped*l If Tt.» Herald Edge He Id, V. CL. Kept » - Mta* lart, I Bonn akn daa bar* away for a week < lor taa. da* reiurtsrd aad la aitb drr ' sinter Mr*. J. B Halttaaagar o*#r la i ftuacoaib* Mr* M r Rutter and daughter Mias j Mart*, ar* Ih* g***ts of Mfa. F. W. P. | Bailor Mr ladoll Jonas. of Rock HIU. Is •pending a white with Mrs. F. W. P. ! Butler, hit sheer. Amorist* J notice R H Geary and 'wife ar* visiting at Oaktoy Park, the horn* of Mr* Victoria Evans. We are delighted to report en Iro provement to (he conditio* of Mrs. A. I 8 Tompkins Mrs. Jamea H Ttlman I* again at home after a two months sojourn In Florida. Mr. Tillman did not return with her. Mle* Helen Sheppard took leave of her friends yesterday morning and has returned to Converse college for the winter. Miss Effle Sheppard left on Monday for Greenville college. Mr. T. B. 100 ham. so long nt the head of the E B. Hurt clothing store, has moved to Conway. 8. C. The gradual recovery of Mr*. D. T. Denny Is gladdening the hearts of her many friend*. Hon. J. C. Sheppard returned on WetVneeday from Columbia and Flor ence. where he was railed on business. Mrs. J. B. Haiti wanger ta greatly Im proved and will soon he out again. The beating of the drum, the ringing of the big hell and the constant agon izing sounds of the piano irora Its first tremLdetnl-semi-qusverfng to tts final execution enlivens Institute Hill and the surroundings no Utile. Mr. Gus Tompkins ts still quite sick at the home of hi* mother. Mrs. D. R. Durlsor. Our cotton fsetory will soon be sur rounded by a regular little village of pretty, pahited and trimmed houses, all of which will be made thoroughly comfortable for the operative*. In a State of Hind. I should like to write a ditty Of the country or the city— Something musical and witty. But the muse aeprna out o£ tune; For no matter how I ponder, My poor mind is prone to wander To the organ grinder yonder. Wearing out the afternoon. With his clanking hurdy-gurdy. There he slouches, hrown and sturdy. Grinding songs so often heard he Must acknowledge they are stale: But he doesn't seem to mind them. Standing stolidly to grind them. Till my reeling senses wind them Into one long tangled wail. With a Bowery-like abandon He reels out The Beils of Shandon Till I madly long to land on His unkempt, remorseless pate: Then The Wabash Banks come reeling With a cadence so appealing That a frantic, tired feeling Holds me like A horrid fate. '.' t»S And then The Girl, t left Behind Me— Oh that she miglp never find me— Chatters tiil the echoes blind me With a rage T tau't control; But the stolid orjftu grinder. Guilty villain, mugt be blinder. For a demon would he kinder To a lost tormented soul. ATHENS IS STIRRED OP. 'fit fwfwi It I*l is 4* Lallls •I • (Ilf IHS'ISiSi A t ar*a* traaaasid Id* Wntadf ta Mwalhms w»*, ##*■ if M f%4 it|s«l li4 4sf* n «► t%454 li 4M4# •-#* Ms I !#*'#- 44 4C4M4# 49##' 94# i r unijOT i #f 4itMi4 4 #M4||4ff ##IR4l 14 Ms# <Mf T 4» OHM *444*9* 44# —1 4 F445#4F144 i itt'dipafn# 4 9419 UMNMtef f'iSMfV 4944 : 41414 ill 4i#l4> 14 tin* S4W9MM #4#4l 4*4 44# 4A44441 *jpd*sst4f*s 4444 444*9# 441 H 44444. IMN4# 4fM If, w # i-raWdd* vp«.-s se.S*** - - 94# f»-«a %1|44 44 ifititi #t !%• | rmit r sty 44<li fplilcf 44|lA# 14 14# dM f #44*#4 i 4*444 ’W*»< •• Ml 94* rf4S*##l' fl# #4 4«HF'iv44# 4g 4## JVkKwMH t ,»• aads pat s *sa*i#4l » **s 44#'4|#<i.#»4> «# M4# ' #I94Mm 44*4 it Is t%ni4#4l 444444 94i# 99 9494 4|vrv f944f|4 M# 1,414#f414|' #1 fls##- |4 444# <4# ta#f D#i M(M9» Wls (Ink 4K 44 4 #4#Ni 99w| #4 I#'**## 14 4ill*## Ml Is am# 4**♦*•**» Hut lid# |4HI 4f«#4 f|*4 Is 4 |fi4l #44* A l #449Mt9l A #l*9 4HI 4t |#444494# 41 14# 4#4tf #449 #f 14# All i# 444*44444 41 94# #44l# |9#f4MH ArlNW# 41 Al4#4# T 44 #t«f It fews»4s# wf#«4 M#t«r* •> Mi prior 9# 4« »»isriti« ti AHst* a# t4# 4#4 4nt (4# ailVff«l(| tl 44*44 14# 444# of "C 044 OsVftlMt Mil###* 9)4494# W '•Hdd. AbrdS IW 4»t* Ml t* ««* and Hugh UaatM af* asaaa td* edaraetatf iptcadacaS. Td* pw-.. ***** alt! a* taaarda cMiittaf a It dear - tar td* Mat* Ronaal Vedas*, at Atdaa* Mr WeHhorn Dubose la In the free tins t»»t»*#w H* M «**h tkn Becker ruapfM Cm Mr* Gecog# D TIMM* *•! bar family have rc«#t»s4 t» At hen* a*r*r a vhk to Haymow* Mlpkni ffprtng* Mr. Arthur C. Jones of Mew York, now With Ik* Second Georgia rest meat arrived in Athens Tkttmlir Mr June* was fall back on tkn varsity the a*'verst!r he WIN make * valenki* addition to the football testa Mr* Arthur 8*111'»n of fLwne I* Ike ■asm of Mrs Joseph Snaurnl Mr*. Salllvnn bo* snared h*r daughter Miss May Beth In the Lucy Cobh In- Mr Cosmo Hardee of Savannah has re c-'lered the university The non tor cioas of the university met Thursday morning Mr A. »’• Adam* of Savannah was elected pres ident. and the class decided to contin ue the custom of last ynor's santor class, by wearing th* Oxford cap and * Mr P. ft Phillip* of InGrsag* tu tor In history and assistant librarian, has arrived. SANDERSVII.LE NEWS. A Delightful Entertainment Olven By By Ih* rtlsse# Tarbutton. Sprrial to flic Herald. Sanderevllle, Oa.. Bep*. 33- The Misses Tarbutton entertained a few of tbetr friends at a crokinol* party on Wednesday evening In honor of their guest, Misa Rosa Fulcher, of Waynes boroboro. Crokinol*. conversation, music and refrehment# contributed to the pleasure of the evening. -Those present were: Mis* Mamie Adams. Miss Mattie Jones. Mis* Anna Jones. Misa MatUe Tarbutton. Miss Sadye Tarbutton and Misa Rosa Fulcher; Mr. Dan C. Harris l Mr. Frank Smith. Mr. Charles Jones and Ed H. Sullivan. Rev. A. Chamhlec will return Mon day with bis bride. They will occupy rooms In the residence of Mr. Gideon Mathis. Mr. W. A. Bee! has opened a model grocery in the new Holt building. The plate gltuut front, marble tiling and Georgia pine fixtures, finished in hard oil and act off with mirrors, and the at tractive and complete stock all go to make this one of the prettiest st«jj-cs in the state. That the Rough Riders were “up to snuff” in more ways than one is evi denced by the way they acted to bid up prices at the auction sale of their horses in New York. it will be re membered that the bronchos were left hehlnd when they embarked for Cuba. They brought about $25 on the aver age, the government getting at least SIO,OOO for them. -'Hello, old sport.” exclaimed one of the lanky cavalrymen, as an attenua ted beast was led forth. "You kept them guessing at San Juan all right.” “Old Sport." who had nqver been nearer San Juan HIU than a Florida camp, pricked up hts cars. So did the bidders, metaphorically speaking “Never mind.” remarked the oihar, “somebody will stake hisself to a hur dle jumper. Cleared that trench in great shape, didn't you. Bill?" Up want the price of that at:enuat.ed beast. Somebody had mentioned the paltry sum of sl. The memory of Sail Juan rested upon the horse and enhanced bis value. A whip sent Bill's forefeet high in the air. The purchaser of Bill was John H. Schults, a Brooklyn baker. The purveyor, of loaves bought nine more steeds befote he withdrew from the lists. _ LPT ADS. *. StP| <094 o oliiin d m *#4 Jk MHilffe #,4, ON9 41# MMNf'taOi AptlOiH *4 RtTUATION WANTED I j 4i A ATIHi ' A MMuii 4f Y"t A Y Hi ci# j 4n#ivs» 9#4ml twe*l agr 4m*# o#s4 Ft 4 -Tlif flifirfttri ONMk. 94 f#4f4 d## «o#| 4 gTrr-nf ««#o4M#Nni ####444 H H J fl#4 9jfiii mmm* AOtNOOft *O4 f altar la •*•*# -a | unfit p s*-aid «s**4#4 M S'AJfffft* ttT #f“ 0 , >■ M 4 ' Atat'foAntt. n» >a«« Mot* PfT la . HELP WANTED AiiKnti wmtp F«»« tm imh m MfiitrV UH ! *4f 4##i#i I# IMiPsisaoiioMi $ 9M# for 44 torifAN# ! rmm* >44fo.f## 491# Fist* #94# 4 ' 44# 9#t##SMM9 4»4#»9#4 If fOt# #S4*#S j Imns 9# -I ##4 Mm## rsmotioo, ## ##•# < I Imp hill 4»o4lll4 tffOtlNwA* (#4# 94*4# ' #4HM# 44 rs##4#« «# H IWtritlf*Yftt> j mmmmm cm » m h*4*#« #9.* m#; ?<*4 Oil i | m*Tidkii WAHIim aiyti*t "t**' laOOItMI S ttT44# 9##f *9 FOR SALE (HUIM'kMH AT M JACKSoM IT. , mtt «A!.K «>NF. UAktLK 81. AM f nfftltf f |# *r r- 1 l»* M 9 fi v* 1 .£# t l4 fintft* fee# ifefefc 41 c*.. I tii t>?t, « »Vt \St> *n\ f fOM PAI.K FARM. tIMIS •a. « i* Jur* ft ft, 124 4#* fen, >n Hi. 1 TO RENT LARGE Rtg»N F»>R nTY'RINO ITK-i NITURB a* M theca# atreet. Be*w 34 DUI HUNT ttll HKTMOI.DB NT.. S-niura dwelling Apply Ml Broad. Oct t TO RKXT HiNIDENTt 1321 ELLIB. 1 wltk alt nrodern improvement* and I , Apply ISZS Brood street. ( Oc« t TO RENT—NT* IRE MO. TH "broAD ktreel. next below Dai i-npcrt A Chin- - lly, running tnrough to Kilt* atreet. ] Price 31.3 W Alexander 8 Johnson. IK Broad afreet. Del I FOR RENT—nTOHE *O6 AMD HA LI WAY 407 Broad. Apply Commercial ' lintel. Got 1 TO RENT—DESIRABLE RESIDENCE; No. 131 Censer street, 4 rooms with , kifchen and bath. App.y T. I*. Ih’ite, nunifiM'ivtlle. Or: t TO RENT—COM MoDIOCS STORE. No. 431 Broad street—iTS per month. W 9. Gardner. 115 Eighth street. Oct I TO RENT - UPPER FLOOR. OR rooms, at 151 Bay atreet. Sept 33 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING , only *5 00 per month st Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at cnee. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts I 1 *''••• c. v. WALKER WILL SELL SAT URDAY. 21th. at 537 Broad street, furniture, stoves, etc. All parties want ing to sell .good* will send them to above store Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Betd 23 WANTED—A large front room, fur nished or unfurnished. Apply L P., R 37 Broad street kept. 22. WANTED—A GOOD, SECOND-HAND blacksmith vise and anvil; not less than 150 pounds weight. Apply to Fon tana & Co., cor. Lincoln and Watkins streets. Sept. 22. WANTED— 2.050 or 3.005 SECOND HAND brick. Address M. P., care Herald. Sept 21 , WANTED—A YOUNG COUPLE DE SIRE to rent centrally located Hat of four rooms, or one-half house with congenial parties; reference* exchang ed. Address Flat, care Herald. Bept23 J AUCTION SALE—SI3 BROAD ST.,: 10:30 a. m., Monday, September 26. Entire stock Liquors. Jugs, Barrels. Fi xtures, Refrigerator. Sideboard. Shelves, Counters. Cash Drawers, Desk. Stove, Pictures, Tobacco, Cigars. Candy, Tools, etc., etc. Fri and sat The Bel! Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. I'ncer new management. A full line of Fresh Drhgs, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Etc. We make a specialty of Physicians’ Prescriptions. Bell Telephone 2225 PATTERSON & WADE SEPTEMBER 23 ‘ at AdrTprtvonfbf *'%P'< c * »»*»aat I * '■*" aMN »«»** aaap arr larwi*! taaVMtr f t < ala fa* * . **• PH*w aa* ft* Notices. Maad Ptaiiiapd |4 iiA'iiOAli HfflPi fit §# ***#l4# 44#f* ##4 v >om« *#)Hif« ♦#* 4# 44 o4»ffii**9 '%» Mlposii# 4s*#f*4s 4 | imm ii. jiiiiriv 4ij in | Ahi «'-'«##<.#|4oNMli4fc. *4l 4MH4# iPRHWBA #4tt4p 44o4##swp9 ai * f 4|#t#4oHf ffl- Or i * "V-aipt. «y4Vf»c*#* ( #44441104 of #O4O«O9Nf #4449tM# I4#4P HwjS l 4#4S 4» »S<— *» |4# tiMjwnv#* attf 410KM oifois in r» •>e* 01 a - f 04# k Art#lS AOf c* "OOliio*d#-o vlSAws 14# |MVO4#f I dN# Of A##f-«y*i HS#N#94h iA«a4 * # Oapii #t • i W r I tosito Til f^TflT - toir f" f#4lj TYossoi* MA 4 |:,v 4p#l fat « % vp--*PrAA* -f» < Ha##* ' 44# 94#04NNts Map*, fcaaaay aad ttayd nit bTaTp. iwntt a*r#» *wHa«»M. #4* I# 4.0# #4* AM j# ft'Kws *ol*4# 9## MtAOOft #o,f#*4i iam# 44 fw4M ta'ata. M« >«• fitrn * « « t* • a <• •ul a HMCf* a t*> ‘MAA.It TNa t'*. w. f . iptyVaaMd f*w.*af "”taa*»«# ad Paamtaf TWE t*F TH* Ifcal'fTAHMS Pat!pat aaA |*at A*a*utf* Sara l t . r* 1 -> Iraf Ti m M*> TPt Piaf My. r. ta N<**t* ntW Ova* fall a tapt tMfd fldr* aumrnt a haT»*m a* r***cp. t>a)ad*raa* lartl.n thb onpfHMcnm p-nvivnni tr«'ltß«. (Tnatp *•*. ®. C T. ata saa«n**d t* aaiaad Ida arsnatal **»• »K « ta a* a*M far Him Ws* laid by Cdapti* * *f td* laaab t«ra «f tb* CdMtaui ai Tbmna* A Baaton • llai!. *a frtdnr, tay H, l»*» at Its dps puryaaat t* Ini tntatra nwr-t by CbayHar A t* thta Car? Tb* ramp **W amt nt ta* r*«f*4' wat* Bamai pcwspt'y at t a* a. 4i. an# til MH4r ottim# »Hl *#if unto AAi.** Mnrium <’•»»!A (4 40# « Ilf.' w Mi t <444 Kiiv* AifStool. 7 For Cl 1500.000 7 Per Cl rmisi'iv CAFrr.ti.iaT* wii.l tOAN HALf A MIUMON OOU.AIt* „d realty la Au»u*‘». Cla tVrm# T per r. nt. F«d furtber lnf<.rmntl ». -m ttielt nttoraet *1 la*. P. 4. dalltfau. b„ or Mr. P. O Burns. ti. R. MITrItKI.L. A IPX Be DO* A LB, Unyt. a! <’un. Nh. A tiao Mp Augusta Electric & Construction Company Stl Mrlntcab Mfeel. EAeatnc fupp's >pMkiu* Tuba. *t*>. at* K'uatr. l« all *‘‘ectrtcal **_ V.iatric I.i*m W.nnaa *p*ri*ltr. P* I’l’hna* tad. > - - wnniuW. K^S^ a And Jlry LOW fRI4'WH I*rc* Mw-r \\*> rirrTvnt M •»« *V time*. aou.KK». «ii.tJ**t KypAit.a. Lombard Iron Works A Bnpply Co.| JC4P nr A. OA. ORAND OPERA HOUSE One Niebt Only. Friday. Sept 23. THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF MISS BROWN. ur.KAT COMJGDY HlT.^d 100 n'ltbM in New York. lUU ni*bt* io ituatan. KO ntyhts in I'hiUdelptiia. A *or.<t«Tfut laugh-ranker.—New You Herald. A laugh a minute for two hour*.—New York World. Supported by a atreng cast. Sal* of teats Wednesday. Qilder’s Pills Are so combined as to do four things: 1. THBY WORK THE LIVER. 2. THEY EMPTY THE STOM ACH. S. THEY EMPTY THE LOWER ' BOWELS. 1. SICKNESS AND GRIPING ARE PREVENTED. Some pills on the market dn >; of this; some ’4- GILDER'S does all four things. The Howard & Willet Drug Company Manufacturers of Gilder’s Pills.