The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 23, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY 4 THE tUCUSTI HERUO lull utgaaaaa **-»a El •••••• «■*• **»» m **•»•#*» ** m% w#n#r: _ «•*.«(• **•■»▼»*• . mi >■***•» » ~ iMrti m* ••■*'»« *» ** *ss .<*» VMM MW»WW> ■»« ■ gdftM** a* ** l 11 ********ll** ** tel,,. iUMn r —“ - h*fi»M4* • fiMh- M W** ***• **** %•*«£#) ms*i i» r ,- r -- odM*"*** *** * *'•*•"* •# WM*<* '“*■ M»> CMf j##*"#® a* l * iwi ****• * ,f **** f *" tm will HW» ,Ht ••*** ** . .„ - _ « . ft a AjMtg ft» ##4 )• irnau a* ****** **"* &•*•*< • 11 r i u^— If ainMtk *' MM <M #M*W* ”*'* * .. - M • * A* *•» j*"* l * »*•** lIT-- »■ IM CM***"** In fiMMio •«' A. *a In km fM* CM» *• «• “* *»d N>> •**••• -,* i.iiidi da* TM W"* : * *• »«' • * * <•* 4# 999 * oK**f hf 9v|Mf > 1t | NI f*** Herald Prize Letters From Imerican Summer Resorts. TK* flmM iku r**> »W *•" * * * • (MT»«* M t«ia** < H tM KMI i. tears fttltieft f?va a ft Asa* rt ■ » Maw hMI **« lara uni U pebli<M sodr* • awn <l# (Mum. and. •»'** '•*» .f a®. ajsaedl th* u hoi# *#— r;aa> «U| |W I® • r " m ‘ wiWI anl Impartial HIM M tb* awarding -* kKh Tha rani n.m. »l IK* wrttrr. u arall •• »M “•"» *• t plum*, mftat •r'-ompM'T **™ Ulltr a#nt lu la* publication tor Ik* purpoa. at MaaOfku- IM _ ... G»<*atft»'a mu.t lk*l* * Inter. In a r*a*c>nabl* length CntMtMM can wrtl* a* manr tatlata aa lk*» »l*h N •** prta*. but «■>* cont*aiant at* naly aa* «♦ Ik* |t*la** • Ttt* Herald ••*<' ••*•• #l*ngM “ * l r ~«.ipv »aii**a. and lh * prtir* will ha *w*rt«M fw lb * Ini mnat lai*ia*«n« * n< * " I '* l rr*<l«M. IWter* of Pumni.r Re •or i Nawa Contest Closes Oct. 1. iron TH* BUST UETTBR •**■•• yoR TH* ID BEST LBtTIR ... 11.* fOR TH* ID BEST LETTER ... AUGUSTAS POPULATION IS 56.745. THERE WILL BE 6,000 COPIES OF Sunday’s Times-Herald DO YOU GET ONE ? WHAT'S THE MATTES WITH RICH MONDS DEMOCRACY 1 Some limp ago Uiero ws* a noonday man mafllng of I>»mo< ral» at the court house and a new county Democratic executive committee was elected. Also at the same time a resolution wa» passed declaring In favor of pri maries, if In the dlacretton of the ex ecutive committee such was deemed ad visable. Hut since this mass meeting and under the soporific effect of the re markable primary resolution, the Hem erratic orgsnitatlon iti Richmond (it ems to lutve gone to sleep. Has there been n meeting of the new executive committee since Its election? Has the committee elected a chairman or done anything to secure an expres sion of the Democratic voters In Rich mond county as to their choice for county officers and members of the Legislature to represent this comity? While there seems to be absolutely no contest on for any public office yet at the same time it does seem as if party politics and party management were at a pretty low ebb in Richmond when the county executive committee to whom are entrusted party afTalrs.doesn't take enough Interest In Democracy or :he Democratic voters to even seek an expression of the party as to their choice for candidates for public office. The Augusta Herald asks, seriously: •‘Can a church member handle dispen sary Hyuor?'’ They don't in Rome— they don't have to. —Rome Hustler, •MM *4MM »*»*» MMfWB jKifHiwii Wk * <** # ■-* *#**<!► %*** fci * #•* iib MPM vwP®**’ 1 "••• w HIP mm* Wt Imn#4 IWM pt-f |P«filial fMlHiii il ■-**** a mi tttjctuv Tlmm farm** - tM **■ mtfivf WmAm ll* mmm I ml ftM fltmaiiAC *r« i« »l* fo| |||« twn imx| mm Ilf* mmmi •m mmm f i# I In* • fft t l ff i <Mn *' | t Inwt *t> VlN* *1 Hb*»* ftft#, til I i iUfflfff 1 Ik* OtftNMl IHR) at fWttff rrniiifßi MrKiatev baa amde a attee I we are of tM upißtoß tka* tM btataat I tttaacM will Iftcklv IM wrwwg Bin If he attempt* to ißleffisrv wttk tk# •!- reoualmt Alalaam ta a We p. Ik. *d i. M outntoß that bo rwqolatttowa will go uaMtded.” We furtMr opta* that i orders will M taaued aad they will be idmyed. cm Lb* reason why v*ry qolck lly haowa. The hundred pound-man : who thinned up the trw at Bl Cm*?. and who refuaed to Uateo to any pro posal other than to go on la the right : man la tb# right place. TM president ! bsa mad* a wl#a aeleettoß. owe that , will M heartt:? eadoraM tbroughout , the country, aad la no aaelßm more , iMi tft tM atMlh. The roftatliutloft is authority for tka •latemeftl that “the Augusta people are trying hard to gel Col. Candler to make an address there during the < am peign aud be la auxtou* to do m if time permit*." By a.I mean* lel'a hare ticorgla'a next governor .peali In Au gusta. The time is short and the Can dle' Club Must be up and doing or the campaign will close before Col. Cand ler can get here. The government, through Quarter master General Lee. sella *OO horaes and 200 at Camp Thomas, Ga., on Sept 24 K wilt be Intcreatlng to watch the prices at which the dealer* will buy back the animals they sold re cently lo the government. Richmond county'* Democratic ex ecutive committee, from the strenuous efforts that they arc making to get the party's nffulra In shape, will no doubt succeed in bringing out the "old time Democratic majority," Th# Young Men's Democratic League of Fulton haa held an enthusiastic meeting and reorganixed for the ap proaching (lection. They propose to roll up a big Democratic majority In Fulton. A farmer look Atlanta's enr shed for a country road, with Peachtree creek In the middle of It. drove In hie team and let down bis horses heads to water. The Joke seems to be on the depot. MEN AND WOMEN. Rev. H. A. Brawn, the chaplain of the Rough Riders, will at once resume bis duties as rector of the ICplscopal Church of the Advent, In Prescott. Arizona. Mayor Harrison rapped a recent meeting of the Chicago city council lo order with a Spanish machete, explain ing as he did so that the weapon hud been presented to him by a returned soldier who captured it from a Span iard In Cuba. A cousin of the assassinated Aus trian Empress i» a captain in the Sev enth United States Regiment of Ini munes. now at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He ts the real thing, too. and was known in the Austrian Court and in the Dutch Army. In which he hold a commission, as Baron William Anton Hubert Waldeck de Vlllenauve. N. Y. Times. When the late Professor Henry Drummond wn« giving n course of lec tures on “Evolution” In the Lowell In stitute. lie overheard two women, evt , deutly much opposed to his views, dis cussing them. One of them said: 1 "Mary, ir what he says is noi true, we j can stand-Jt, but it It is tru: wc must i TBB j\TJOTJSTj\ jFTKIi-AeLr) MMH IHI RH: AMi H WHtiVt' f| ffM f*o $ * * llu am 111# «•*!»• T 1 f f I { ]fy if) A *t»fßf fMMHfIf Hi* •» If fit trmm «•**•> «f»m mt f« * rtvfrft mrnu r»Hf *lt«# pm m.* » lit «n 4 fmr **»••»* i (Vi!fA*l rwif llfaff fftt MNI lUW* k**M HfNMi t» i«k«4 Mlm QmM in ff»* tlkf at tk* m*m» *t»**«i «|kmi •• mm % *iop* m ika f Im* mUlk* k*«* frteff* th* anrtfff «• •• ***** ***** Oottl* 4|* m Hfff* im tN«H ifc# Honor of Mr .uto«r»r*h *»** II UoaU" cm Ilk* *«**^ On# of th* imof* airftlwoi **kikl .. n # viiml.tF *hn* hint tvtr rum* •ur front mm prm* mt.o4 yrUfflir wtun a man wa* take* to the Pmaarl vaata hcwpttal la Philadelphia with I oft* broken rlh pawturtoi ala '*ng* •ad aaotber laceratfag Ik* Mart It araa •t »tr*t thought that h* was not •* 1 rtoaaly Injured letter It was dtwover *d that he was having Internal hem , orrhage. and about fir* hour* aft** , ht» injury »aa receiva.l he died, lltftral i ly drowned la kb own blood Th* northern pr*aa have paid tow i vary grarrful trtbut** to th* m#nH»ry of Mtaa Wlaal* Darla, and la ronjnar lion * Ith the rad event to the amith i Th* N*w York Hatald nays: "We can -1 not suffer our brethren aonth of the Mason and Dlxoa line to monopolise the sorrow that thn whole country faela at the death of Mtaa Darla, We would Join in the sweet and mournful sentiment* expressed In the south Ite rative of Mtaa Davis’ worth, and for the sake of the bereaved mother's loss bet ua be brothers In grief as we were only the other day at Santiago broth ers In arms.” Spanish control 1» now confined to within a line drawn from Humarao to Abonito and from there to Arectbo lets than one-thtrd of the Island of Porto Rico. In spite of the fact that some of them have become disillusionised, the Influx of American promoters contin ues. Moat of them are at Ponee and unable to reach San Juan, owing to the military regulation*. An agent of the sugar trust Is here and many others are seeking business opportu nities. franchise* and conceaslons. All of them are fretting over uttavo d able delays. Sweeping reforms are to he Inaugu rated, (ending to bring on the mlllen iam, In street car travel In New York city. It la proposed that signs Indicating the destination of each car shall he displayed conspicuoualy on the front, rear and shies of the exterior, and at night these signs shall be illumina ted: that annunciators must be placed within the reach of every passenger for signalling the conductor to stop; nnd that all cars must go through to their Indicated destination. In ease of a blockade or other obstacle. If the stoppage shall exceed five minutes, fares shall be refunded to the passen gers In the form of accident tltckets, which shall lie good for a continuous ride when presented. it Is honed that when the Augusta soldier hoys romo home, there will he nothing like the following, seen In a father's published letter: "Twice today I have heard It said that my boys must be stuck on their uniforms. Now. unfortunately, the clothes they wore ou leaving home were ruined in camp. One lost fiO pounds, one 35 pounds, and one 15 pounds. Their home clothes don’t fit, but as they IF YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING CHEERFUL KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT “THERE’S LOTS TO DO AND PLENTY iTO DO IT.” vlimit wi #tpt *4 §w hto% m H*®* t**- a**** m $* ***** #*4 it tit pit *" J %m* •***% Mli HIMi aAw-df ta M tm I *m\ 9009 «44M(r |fc|l hi jjij * 4h -M . | th* mmppmttmtt Am m 100$ ***** •♦* jMM««MiiMt fin mi it ilk* * ph'h&tm**** %• mmm 9% 999% 9h»9 P H ] mtm i imnim ik* •#* , ill# HI JIM |m» *ln ItW Hunt !*•#* * ()•• 9tths* f* 99* nf Pp#* s*i , •t> - fHp m till MMNk "w* mmm hi—wi4 H+* fmh m*A*rn Pf li# rll’k mfPtp ii# pi am • #pMMM **• *t*^* ***** m ( kfai| rn j w Is % a*# I'tafll SSF O* fUW# yf—WrwißF. raam wodgwl th*i* <» * 14 poa <tnnw (krw kiadred pound, la Mr hbark*4 lb* r**u'a* delivery of pro . . B ~ handing After tor - >*«!• of water had hem dashed down tram abova to wash Mr out Bad aftar man* nounda of IfH aad attuls of ol ive and tdryrj# oil had been poured down th* side* of th* abaft tft hope, that ah* might gracefully* down th* then lubrlratad d!«anev to the ftoor the was flaalty hauled dowa by main force from he tow Celia would have b**u dat aooavr, but aM objected vtgotouaiy at first to any assistance 1 ej-ept that from above It was oaly whra aM had beea half drowned and i then wholly grcared that .be .oftaen tad In Ip u ingrnloua nseaewiger t»oy i a .at hi her leg «hd drag Mr earthward i Kvea then the opening was too amaH i and IM fat vntM:i bad to M rot out : Hh# had falntad. bu> revived long ' eftough to answer the propiletot. who | was threatening to »nnk# her pay for the damage, by saying. Mah lags been pulled enough already " Mrs Ann Fletcher Of Langton Spits (jti in |||fk proud upon***! of one hun dred babies She ha* Just carried Ike one hundredth to the ha pt lama I font, ('hlldlea* herself, she dearly lores oth er women’s children and, a* baby af ter baby appeared in the baralet. It haa been her delight to carry It up the churchyard path. In a hamlet of only one hundred and rtfty Inhabitants ba bies come slowly, 100. London Lead er. * The Red Cross Army Nurse The praises of the sdmirala are ringing everywhere. The plaudits of the generals are singing In the air: The men who sailed to sink their lives withto the Merrtinac; (So dauntles* they that even death was fearful to attack!) The hard marine whoa* tactics knew no signal for retreat, In the rain of Mauser bullets and the drench of tropic heat; The rough and ready ilders It) their res olute advance — All make our dally records a continual romance. We cry them In our stories, we chant them In our verse; But let us sing a stansa for the F.'hl Cross Army Nuiae. She Is In the foremost battle, she Is in the rearmost tents. She wears no weapon of attack, no ar mor of defense, She Is braver than the bravest, she is truer than the true. She asks not If he fell beneath the yel low and the red. She Is mother to the wounded, she l» sister to the dead. The victor's cheers ring in her ears.but these she does not heed; The victims' moans and dying groans are given as her meed. And many a suffering hero chokes his blind and sullen curse To smooth it to a blessing for the Red Cross army nurse. Work on. O, noble army, snd the crown of crowns lie yours, Not always shall destruction be the glory which endures, It is coming, it is coming; you ate helping on the day When we learn the nobler action is to succor, not to slay; It is coming, it is coming: you are aid ing It along. When we know the feeblest nation is us potent as the strong: It is coming. It is coming: you are bringing it to pass. When' the ships have shed their armor and Hie fortresses are glass: But lu the stormy waiting till the arm ament disperse. Our blessings on the flower; of war—the Ked Cross army tAnsel —Youth's Companion. •Did you enjoy the cathedrals abroad?” "No; they were n&ucb too big for my camera.” __ w , ... . 111 l ollSIk'I.K AIKHT town. * jBpMB— I f\f turn in. UnT $% MMI ** ' * "*•»#.*# v« * #.« *'4 W#*# 4NMI *w99% 99>% w* t# > Um* rm |m *• srn*9 AR## ♦#*♦ ] %o%> t%Pf sott •<* —MVVp 0% ll# A— IN# #•«#• #•# w 9999 l#ll(IAj| A***'* 9999 9t ss% 00ht0 990*49 $9 W »•)#!#•■*■- yiMWIX MMI mtm* $9t9t9% I* 9% ■ jfe# VatU9 IC#< h**o* *909*0 i«i t l fm ill# iMif hmt Ivt.iNllM • 4np*wi> I ff • Bwt h* *i#4. rn#«N»l#4 #9 th* 9tK9t09%9 99$ m m th* ********* h*9% -I rrmrmhrr wh*m I l>*4 t® pm* UM 9 mm*4 09 IJi#rp**4 9904 h* (A#F fur—Mß <4llll *%4 th* pTU* 0900 *•! Ill# rfUl# 0094 *Hh • ##'*4 HplWPf *<4# I «#t«f wni mi vrtti 9 *Ht#r 99 #ll ' A 9t" i ***** WktMMI MMM *»»' •I ** 9t *lMl *r im _ -•TamerMftg,*' M aaM. I tlift*4 «Mj trlrk Im* tm fwa la a Hl.pauk ra guirMtg bb Mmrnmr, I mmi ftrowid '« the Postal rimer ajwlf, saw ll*: rnewrag* IB aftd M wa. B#ark*d •* I: n'rtovk At elvvea Bllaalas PMK elrvea IM Mp brmsgb! tk* opt) ftroftftd tftj my rfkv oa RvyaoMa Bwvt TM rvrvwl tUamal p«x>tftoM leal loft of Mrs Ward# relative to IM aaaaa».aa ttoa of Pnmtdvßt McKinley, and nhirfc ■ >rl gift ally appvftmd in TM H*raM * | few weeks ago. I* going tk* levs* o> ike press, arltk morv or hw* ffktv ( natftivrt. _ TM OMrrvvr Ms Mard rs aotr* re markable prwdlrtiooa of lira Ward* that hav* beea fulfilled aftd anted a I ,-urlowa ctrruajatanc* yesterday la owv V tk* papers. In a protutoval place there wa* pnb* i baked an extract from Tk# Herald'* ankle while ta IM adjoining i-olumn ! was IM account of theautclde of "filr | pblllp Oteac In England, the prifti-e [of fake aatrolovera and clairvoyant*. who recently mulcted the American ! public of large hum in gorgeously fit, i ied up apartment* In New York. In still another pert of the paper wa. aa rc-ount of th* "Oraat While Prophet” ■ being sent to Jail for a year In Phila | delpbta. The Observer, chatting with a friend !of bit ycatcidaj, In the Arlington- a i hat drummer —saw a couple of his j friends go down Broad afreet with new j fall derbies on and the quest ion aug -1 scried Itself, where do all the old straw bats got to? The traveling man told of the special trick of hi* trade. Said he: "U'a quite «n Industry, tbla collecting, refurbishing and sell-: log old straw hat* to the Cheap John people of Baxter street. A man throw, his atravr hat up on a ahelf and his wife someday wipes the dust off and sells It to tb* collectors, oleclo man in the big cities, for little or nothing. It is scoured with chemical*, a new cheap handput on and in turn aold cheap to the dealer. The great draw back, though, la the change In atyle, but a hat like this—and here he took off his own dicer and showed It to the Observer, a straw of medium brim and crown, both straight—"are always more or less In vogue.” XVt were comparing the different pictures of Miss Winnie Davis last nloght—that is, the difference In feat ures. atyle of coiffure, etc., in the elec trotypes of the dead Daughter of the Confederacy, which have appeared In the different daily papers within the past few days. For those of us who have not had the pleasure of seeing her in the flesh and now impossible lt Is diffi cult to make a satisfactory mental pic ture, after looking at the papers. One electrotype would show her as very dark featured, with a Jewish nose. Another pictured a blonde with a retrousse nose. The style of dressing the hair in most of the outs was the familiar pro file picture, showing the knot behind just covering lhe nape of the neck. The best one of all, in a Western pa per, thrown by some one on the Elks’ Club centre table, was a full front face reproduction of Miss Winnie, the eyes gazing straight into yours, the corsage of black lace wherein a rose was tuck, ed, and showing a face that, If not beautiful, bore the Impress of sineerity, gentleness and. goodness, George Meredith's new volume of poems entitled "Odes In Contribution to the Song of French History." of which it has been said of one ode that has been published that it is more Mcre dithian than most, will be published ia the fall. THIS IS IT '•MIfiMMI «k#4» A» , i aw fmwmfi wa* i-dfimy •> POR EARLY FALL STIFFS INO ALPINES. ALL 6HADES $3.00 Just Afrivfid. DORRS Tailoring. Hat», humahinfi. fife T*r Very OfUo You <aa b* aiyrM stock morr aaibfartnrtly In tk* wax al loilat irt tift at a drag ilw* lean atoewhara. W*r«n* i«?r t' B pMa lisa at *"•!*, T«rfu».a, Tooth Brush*!, ( catLa, Brush'.-, m* Roger and Gallet i Violetta Kxtrset, Boap, Toilet Water and l*o«4ar. Window Git** And Putty fur putting thaa in. Wf inter dooming. Do YOU Want Pretty Wa11«? If vou do. uh Ala bast lu*. Wc suege-t a good man to put It on. Don’t coat much. Alnaoier Dim Cmpaa? we broad er. HONE! TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight ! 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexaMerUoln Agents Scottish Amer cvn Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St £ PORTNER’S < C HOKBRAU and ) ( VIENNA CABINET f l BRANDS OF ( j Export \ ) Beers | ? ARE THE BEST l S a*K for them. / - — The publishers report that “Quo Va dis” has reached a sale of more than j»0v*000 aiPie-s* __ . . —. _- - SEPTEMBER 23 PEARL ONION SETTS )«#•< ******9, ***** wW Hiiva mptiMHilß tam—ly anti! Nay, Im of Ok— Pftgrl Ofiitui §oH( M*fbt*t rtlwrv<rfi will qu fitgil to pine • Umir ftftfgt at one*. L. I. Gardelle. Druggist AntkephalalKinc! 1 4 9> <M %to# % Im* 4|4M %% * mLZZm* Cure* SttL* MBADACHE In AH lit VAVIOUS FORMS 9*4900% %* 0 * f%m i inijilrßl ir I **>#—* »*— w9***9^9t M l tirnf %m |1 1 9m ft# *ftbfc*4### ##4 *4* ,«• 9*4 9% 4 999 09 9**f *9oo9*** Who#M# md Retail by L. A. Oar—!#. DfUM«l«t. AukUMt. o*. T&b Anpsts Herald Linot. Brlfktnt aid tit B::t Ifiijajff PilliiW ii /. . TkuSKiiiL ijnrKFKT TSLSORAPn rtwaj tut xnrs OF TIIF. WOELU WHILE IT IS NEWS. ts TO 111 noi BN AHEAD o * OTHER fjK'*R«;lA AND SOUTH r AK' H.INA PAPERS 0-1 TOIL (ILL CONVINCE TOtf BANK. UKVIU. «»•••*• ' PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. Angasti, G*. 6! V EB FREE EYE TESTS <•» .11 ««*«*» * fight. |H«4i thr projMM ftMMM MM WiiK* WLAWtn them I.emef cut wto yout whilt you w*><* FREE OF CHARLIE, J! 4 gtfg UHDtK tUI'K COAL and WOOD fUOM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity end tjualtty flwmtwi F- W SCOFIELD. PRESIDENT Ball TboDe 2K4 Btrowgar *» she Whltely i Exerciser. A practical, timplaand effici «nt Home Exerciser, ones pc daily adapted for ladiea aud children, bo al the same time can ba profitably uaed by the strongest athlet*. TRICES: 75c., BICYCLES - CLEVE LANDS. MO up; VIK INGS, 135 up; GEN DROSS, 41H up; THOM-1 AS, 150 up. Call and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st-TeleiiiioßelSi&.;! 3 1 nvule leased Wires Eiiect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stock*, Bond*, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local I securities bought and sold. Refer emcee National Exchange Bank of Augusta. or Mercantile Agenclea. _ . _ n