The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 24, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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lATUROAY 2 NO WAR PRICES 1I M | ** | " fcl J *. • *1 • I*« •* jMMIjM Uflli |nu#rl • * * * #fifeJ4*. # 4rf CU» CI OO * feCt*- * I $•»« •vt a Nmw day* «*» tHfy fttm fmtt mm, I ra*' yfly y n if, , i ft+f («nl <em <ll purtfMM* •lOtll of D>MMtMWW*i ♦* Ampul* LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jkwuulm. U rotor V%» Artnflon Motf* _ PSOMOAV T0114M4 •pMM «* 4fe* rise* l * Hi,t jit ht t A c. mm ** *• 4k* mm» m «*• wmmmm »*•«* Mgpgj| jg |H j r |B»t ftfYwwMMf '•'«* ghyyt *•% i« H IW<—< Hftttt «* **» 5 C|flM»r«' IM •*# UN# *»•'•> 2JJJU MMAMMP »f# MMf • fH §iMgflw* * «# *i>* #*m*m , ft* 4 '*nm ’•* . mXJ5#Mm»* •>—*» «* * k * *"*’ **»» m*m*' ftft# fefff* fefeftoWfe *• '*• *■*» ffift* r-Yf •W*'* C«* ♦-m** W • «* m-m* m • ntrntmm mm <*m • < w ••4 44 fefelMWW* **t b'*a* "* • T%* <*4 MMHMMM* *4 »*• •* Prtswt. l» W«p4 ««*«• •*** •* feUWfe ai Jarh***»*fe# F** »•****'<*•» igi«»»a— m • m*mm «• >'•*"■ •»** •• • **•» flwwt *•*•*•■* ■* MeWMs *»W**#lV W W IW #%© fMMi#*M #ftMWrt •a^** fr*** ■»•* *m w* •m«m **• **** *• to felt i <miry > ft# MW# i* £Tmmi M mm •»• tUrcMfH IV I**l Hl* #*■»*•»* will V kftntlA* la HmM *M l*W*r*4 Is IV *uto Hj> hurylui grtrwnd hear Vr* ' *ht yffUQr l* Wpt K> Uk> t**ti**4* i V reafept *1 ♦* mmmrn l*»l*« XhH i(U««i t.<.t <v «<* ••* »«* ** ,k «1 f*ro*m»* 41* »•**•» TV trn»P*«4» <f «■» #»nr* ram■»»«■»l» I* n(«i'W ** ■V <k«4f *4 Hi* tVI *»» I* 'VIT 44* ' I (VK4 Of MM!*** I* I’Vl'llf Vfll* ■m* l*** i' r i'* V* 4* * V**r*l fc*« V<( Wfc ii 4fcv V* **M *» <4U io« • nlgHiif til* fANWn* MV ***** V*l*r. o«* of M«a*r* ■MWI |>*<tfntn*al *orl*(f fO**« «ro«B*l> )aH Vr* WVn<l«« for •* »«I*bV tr*i to **f*f*l pnl*t* ** O*orgl* ofi** Mi*| *p**»l **f*f*l 4*yo •* IV hot** of Vr hmlVr Mr H W Hfcakr Edwin rnlk RtrorVr K*q r*inn>«t to III* »flk« tV 4V of IV w**k. of- LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. NILLEB WALKER THE HATTER. Klisroix: HATS t*r •prnrtln* **»fT*l »r*k* In th* m<i*ni*lo« of North C«rotln*. H* ha* tiroi «k*iMrfully M||o|H by CV trip. Mr J. William MllcVll V* alao rr- Ittrnoil to natuburg aftrr having l*k*o an cxtCTidrtl trip to th* wninirr rr*ort* of Virginia and *ta*wher*. Ihirlng hi* «b**nr* hr rUllml W**hlngton. Haiti feori* and othrr promlnmt Northern rltlet. He war on a boalm-a* and plroaurr trip combined The Halrelmrg InatMnt* I* progre**- Ing finely, and hat an rnrollmrat of nearly aeveoiy-flve puplla. Only alert lined and burglar proof aafc* lined. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Internet. W»- Irrbury alarm clock*. 75 centa. Lewie J. 8c haul. He liable Pawnbroker. mss BROWN Wu an Up*to*Oate Plrat Ctaas Show. ~ Bvrrvbody who went to are Ml ax Brown luat night went expecting to sec a good ahow and no one wa* dis appointed. From the. time that Uie show began \q the end th* ftudtmoe enjoyed every moment. The plot of the play was good and wtth the exception of one character who took the part of a so licitor. all the members were first class artists. An old Augusta favor ite, McSwceney. played the part of Ma jor O’Oallaher to perfection. Mlsa Moore as Angela Bridewell,• the hero ine, held up ber part of the play as she usually does. Mr. Setdinun a* Herr Von Moxer. the music teacher. J. O. Tucker a* Miss Brown, Vernon as Private Docherfy, SUterwood as Bugler Bates. Burnham as Sergeant Tanner, Miss Baker as Mrs. O'Oallahrr. and Miss Newcomb as principal of the academy, all did good work. The minor characters also held their parts up to th* scratch. We recom mend the show to Inhabitants of other cities. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. .All druggist* refund the money if It rails to cure. 25e. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Whtn The ArfUtk World Approve* .A*M*tst vh «a4fe fewfb (V Aw**«*si ■MMBM Jl! Tie Eierell Piano 1 f« |Mlii A*lb »*f A# • "iMMN iMMiE■ h UNLIMITED TIME A*4 li • ftrm vfurlli nHitriM in—w» ] ks, i||| m 111* H*m wHh 1 •II l«f#4M *mi*m tmr ] «*feafNFf Ml glWi Ml VIM HARVARD PIANO flrttlMUlt Ml t«MMA MHlftf Ml fMlltf j taftfttitiftit li IflMi t-HH-rs UIW TBHM* IA*T | Art i%»•!**«»• fro* am ipplUeUo* ! TiftiiMl ail rv||lr(lf M Tbomas & Barton, W H HARRIETT, IR»»HW. It* feMfasy. Aagasta, Oa UNIVERSITY STATISTICS TV largest I‘ertrntag* from tV iw—.srsir” Athens Oa.. VpC M - TV following | statistic* wee* obtained from tV reg istrar of cV Uglveratty. TV parent* and guardian* of the students now at IV Dwtveraity are engaged la tV fol lowing occupation* la the glvra per reatag* • Occupation. Prr Oat. Farmer* .. 17 Marrhaau SI Lawyer* 14 Physician* .. .. .. .. .. 4 Preachers .. .. Th# remaining afevea and one-half per cent Inrltidgp dauVt. UarVrs. real aetate agentg. beaker*, drumgttw* bookkeepers, cotioa buyers, feciurer* edltora. Insurance men and mechanics. The student* am of the following denomination*: Denomination. Per Cent. Methodists S 3 t-3 Baptists ■ .1 ..10 1-3 Preabytertana 14 Rplaro pollans * rhrtstlaae.. 11-3 Catholics .. 11-3 Lutheran* 11-3 Hebrew The Football Schedule. The schedule of games which the T T ft!ver*!ty of Georgia will play wa* completed this morning. It la consid ered by all to be an excellent schedule and the game* will all be interesting and cloae. Oct. 3 At Athena, Clemson college Oct. 22—-At Athena. Georgia School of Technology. Oct. 29—At Atlanta, University of Vanderbilt. Nov. 14—At Macon. University of North Carolina. Thanksgiving Day—At Atlanta, Au burn. There are more men practicing for the eleven this year than ever before, end It arms that Georgia wilt have a fine team. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols. Harrington A Richardson Brand new pistols, 12.50; Harrington A Richardson aecond hand pistols, 12.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar. Man dolin and Banjo Strings. 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. H. C. GOODRICH Hu Returned From Hl* Hospital Studies In New York. Dr. Harry C. Goodrich, of whom all Augusta people are proud, has return ed home to resume hls medical prac tice, after spending some time study ing in the hospitals of New York. Dr. Goodrich is the medical director of a large insurance company In New York, but he makes this work merely auxil iary to the continuance of his medical studies. He had excellent advantages during hls visit to New York and re turns to Augusta better equipped than ever for the practice of hls profes sion. Buck Creek Chill/and Fever Cure will prevent and cure fevers. Alexander Drug Store sells It. T Ttyr. Jk.XJC3 ttsta hsihald 4k Ab ktyfeijH bi Ah viMPMpVIMMINMIA fj dfiv» §**+§*** C* -Al 9 s - **' ‘ A ** * 0N • *#*'«•*» m *A» am «4 MMMi K. ts iT ■ aft , *0 H<— Hm»AR» s.jiA».| MR* *4 Aaannmmi * •vUlpMMfe tMM AMMM|p rn * ‘“•* c« a «P>4n<%EhMAAAAt • $ '•*••**• r *' n ww (•HRh AA AMPMI ME MkomAmM **• A HMM MaWM JNm Ham* lAp •vriA# Af m+* w Hmm. imPi 94m inmmi m# wi mini MiMM MMflNfc A 4 •mm .<*#■ IMP* —liMHAlti)* t At 4m «# TibwnPAA.t AAMMMMI It Mm pr'i#ti|« AMpmm Aißhu IttiM Ail-AMA tY-wiM * It* CYftH I -‘*4M f«MI. Hf A»t 44 Pmm maMI Hf w jmmmr Ha HmMem MamNA |» maMMI Arpfv*# Mmm m AmaMAB MNM AAMMUmA Ml mm**-** mm** __ I Ht !4% |M, fPMMMIMI AMMMii 4M‘, • AM*# •««• MPA* _ Wf gffei tf fe'iwwse v* •rn*>*m *v mm A M «*•**»» fewvwa #<W •»4P 11 "' ♦ *4 a** gfewaAMwe |MWM 4P**4i THe I *'• A |fefl>4 ** fe#We»*. J <* <’ wgt a wwat V«***v »*h ***• tv's* •• A ftCAPtlf ..ytWM# mammrmmm** mm s*•••■ AMNMt# AAMHMMt W*rA*l***"' *A# M "i||| fifjUMM %P#M AAtvAMI tM MHr #( tAt*lk*H»t « At MmAMM# UMANM# Mltll MMiAII fAMAMAT** •» • ftVAM tit* WN*A 9ft CYtfVtM 4 *** *AA •*»«* MtA MAiAA* MI#MIA MM4 M*«* rw •Aferw ClkAlt*# As IftMA AA**A Mtlf A msmmm vtMM (* (MtMAtli t# .** WltflMf C* JvtHfe* M-AA Ufe'dk# mi rnu^turiffy > RMItAAA t# AMMAMA# ftIAA Ml*# lAam4 H«fAl A# MttVAt*tlf yWAIU AIAMA. As A#A M>A. M It* #M*AA <af M •«!#« MfM. Jo rw*ft O# Hr # ft fd»#«M Maa r»<Arib#4 ffMt Ugrnr MMfAtNI Ca#| Wlt*>f t*»4Mf ••4 WWB pfewae* PADOUTT FURNIII Ri: co. TV HsafsHH IKaptay V a llwid same More. TV Pa4g*<k Fgrultur* Cogipwuy I* Installed at III* **d HU BruWd rtrswt TV More mom la of owe floor -large, cornmodunis. lighted sad Airy. There hi a new handsome and tmauUftll As sortment of the very fUi**t And >*IT tseat furultwre. Tbe stock aAd It# AT rasgrtneat la tV splendid place I* a dettght U» the *y* Tbe etore la brand new; the carpenter*, piaster*, painter* and ftirahiVr* bate )u*t put na IV (net touche* It wa* built Par lb* furniture btwtaem by a fnralturu man who knew what he wa* do’ag when V planned It. There tg,not a dark apot In tbe store There t* no etore In the aouth 'hat I* better ar ranged for display of furtlilure. aad having auch a maguificent Hue at goods to ahow. th* effect I* splendid. The goods are new. of sperta! order and the price* are placed within,the teach of all Tbe raah system and the credit system both prevail For ulgfft business the store I* lavishly Il luminated showing tbe stock off splen didly. The stock was bought for tblg store and everything In the furniture litre that one can augg<*t I* there. It is all of tbe latest styles and unique and up-to-date. In tha matter of utilising every Inch of apace on tbe floor. IHe store It wall planned In the matter of selecting a handsome and serviceable and beauti ful line of good*, there I* triumph. WINE OF CARQUI y x x r^vxrx LIKE PRODUCES LIKE.-^-v RuiiwoTow, Vk., Feb. j. My baby—the first living one I have had in five year*—is ten month* old, and I know we owe the great happiness she bring* to our home to Wine of Cardut and Black - Draught. We are very gratoful. MARY Dawson. WiteT©id«‘ If a woman will take proper care of herself during the pe riod of gestation, her babe will be strong and healthy. If she Is neglectful and permits herself to “rundown” and become weak and debilitated, the child will be stillborn, or sickly, weak, puny and cross. Its chances for life are meagre indeed. If it lives it is doomed to drag out a miserable existence. Expectant mothers may be strong and well if they so choose. It is within their power to control their health at this trying time. Wine of Cardui Is a tonic that puts their whole physical beings in perfect , , , .... order. It builds up and ladies’ advisory departkent. ! strengthens. It imparts en ror sAtic* id cum raqniring »p»- / durance and elasticity to the :■ organs concerned. It keeps SSSSKcBSr ;: the patient bright and cheer ful, and this disposition will be inherited by the child. It renders labor easy and free of unnecessary pain. It provides recuperative force after birth, and tlie mother emerges from her ordeal none the worse for it. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WIN E OF ICAR DU I CROCUS-MM OVtRfttP HOLE IgfeflHt tgat «f • Mt la# 4*4 Pf f i| f %i#MMA 404 4b- Ok Alt' Al - J MaaMa# HiiMf# I-Ah* #»l> m* <#»• f mMma f%» «#MA MmApAMAAMMI MM Mr J #«* IM# ### Alt ##M##pM aWI ami Am* am| MM-Wfffl AA* *l# MAMA MP' WAA - i #tfl Ml bkpbmm Am# H* UiAft II 4*4 #«M aAaa. At a Ms «4#M *4 I*4 Mi44vMAf tM* 4M4 •§ A iami J m*<**i*k to* *A#f AA * AM MM #4 f# j !»#••* A4B ft mmmM M» II A# (IMA #* *kM IaMM < l*mp4 IfMAi 4pAf* I'Mi m *a* 1 «Mf#4 <Af * Mill AMI MM**' I Am a* A*MMJm i'3«i#Att A4M *4 pMAf4<* | riMMAtty Ant MA fe#%lA# IAaM •**• 4®‘| I 9«a”4 I (A aA*A *••* A# l AMIMIAf •* AM4 Af*‘ M&fft A# AMMtfA*wAMI •** (•MMA M4a , , I aMmmIM Am AAEAAAM# y» A* j MNf MMftlf A-lAt I# lAMAfi *• ! I As# «f tA* §m*M A*4*. a#4 aaa* tiMlf i (HAf4Mf«rA *AM*A Aft t'LATI AAA A****|# | fIAAA MA—n Trmm* 4 Ca#m#i##- * ,r “ # (nf lA* Mi 4f« A|*fiUft *m#l roulA TVs iff mAMiC • 1 «ls ATAtt AS#!. Aft V*ti AA Nit I tt«4fAt« j a# IA oprTAffTt »• MMiAIAA m**rm** to tv puWfe that tstli V #we •« pteaaa. • |4|!fi(ii Ami AtM AvfeanA* amA ft***. Lmai* I AiA A O WRST END DIFFICULTY . Tessr*. Crsaih and Ridgeway Have Misunderstanding There waa a difficulty oa the bridge that mifrn tV canal la West Sind near Ur King MIU yeeterdav afrer | aooa. Just as the Jncnty had cloml ' for lA* dis TV part lea to tha affair wet* Mr Humptar Crouch *ud Mr. H. Ridge- A* Ridgeway came along IV street | he wa* railed to by Ctvmrh. who was ,oa the bridge. He told Crouch that |he did not haw itane to stop and I would see him after supper Crouch told him he must talk at oar# with i him He then went on IV bridge and ! some hot word* ensued between them ! Crouch drew a walking cane on Ridgeway and the latter pushed Crouch lo the ground The latter drew a pistol and at that Janrture oth er* rushed between the men Both men came to court this morning. The cause of th# row was that Ridgeway had caused a brother of Crouch’* It* be discharged from work. *o It was said. Crouch was fined »2 and Ridgeway dismissed. Vm JB A+E VgU » | fell 4 htViUfrC I *as, . AAMAM * ! C|e4sw< ggff ,‘Vuilfeg* kbsfekff 441 4* Wfe >***»># i‘l*ek i 44- 'Aft. Aft* 44 1 [iAft ft m* Ai ftiMHi imnm ; +*** . MfA MMABP i *-M( Atfei Me*-** ff *«§ «w *m m I * 4MMv tMM* II MMAA*» As AM* PMAAAMM #4kaSfs4K fr M * Im Wf ~ ApApAAA AM# - 4# ~ life# «A ‘ fMI AM# •4BAAAP# I* MW'MM j fe ttfep AA«e a Iftj -Hio# m trrft#4 *ana | Af* Aram# MW AJ§»AM» #* AM | ■I W •a 4 Ah -A* AHA'T AMfIN- *AA •**■•# , 9m am if ♦#* ammaa j - # wr* «b# • ffetfuMs ifehft WfiMClA# Ml IM*. rM# MfMt I TAv Y'MMHNaAM Mrlw—> A» fvf M# "41 [Wry -AArMftf' Mil A A fWlt# #mmA #ft*M* [ SMywf Al*w# AWMI «A Awllf fWiM f4»M»ii t+mm ft Ai im fit M rioarMiivY wffA >•»! MwirA il !>»«»• j passi:d r mom this life. "VAA cow«tAMct IWfAtiv 4 Mr. W. C. Mmm IM*# U»l EicaMi After an tilaeaa of several month*.! 1 caused from lung t roe feds, Mlae Oau vtaac* Janes, daughter of W. C. ; Jones passed year .fully awny at seven, o'clock tael eveaiag at hey home oa, lower Broad street The aanounce-1 meat of tV death of Mia* Jnars. while! not unexpected carries with H * weight of sadness to the heart* of Vr ( rooatle** friend* Juat.oa tV verge' of a glorious young womanhmxd the I ha*. Ilk* ants baauttful flower tool pure aad sweet tor thin world been * trantftiaaied to IV world above Up to a few brief months ago M’.*a Jones' wa* IV picture of Valth aad ooo* look tag oa bar blooming beauty then, dreamed that tVre wa* sown IV seed; of tV dread disease to which she fell I victim, and that era long she would be' numbered wit I hoes who have pawed i over.” Geatie. street and lovable, she waai a universal favorite, aad none met her but who were won by the Irresistible j Imagination of ber aweet grartou*o#sa In her religious life aha wa* a true, conscientious Christian, and her de voton to ber church waa a matter of frequent comment among man* To the bereaved father, aiater* and bro ther* 1* extended the tenders*! syrapt thy of many frlsnda la their aad hour of bsrsavemsnt The funeral occur* at five o’clock thl* afternoon from St. Paul* church. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Die Kind You Havo Always Bought WHEELLR NOT TO 00 Will Organize the Cavalry Division, But Remain in America. Washington. Sept. 24. lt wa* sta ted at the war deportment today that General Wheeler would organise and equip the cavalry division for Cuba, but it was hardly probable that he himself would accompany the expedi tion. The administration is anxious for the general to remain in command of the cavalry force* on the island, but will raise no objection if he Insists up on reslguing to resume bis seat in con gress. He has accepted the command at Huntsville with the understanding that he can relinquish It upon the re convening of cogress. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. SYMPATHETIC Tommy, aged 4, was TOMMY. very fond of climb ing into his mother's lap for the pur pose of being petted and caressed. One day his mother found him gazing at some goldfish In a globe, with a sympa thetic look on his face. “Why. Tommy.’’ she asked, “what makes you look so solemn? Cause I'm tarry for them baby Ashes." answered the little fellow And why are you sorry for them 7“ she asked. “Their mamma hasn't any lap for them to sit in.” was the reply. —Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. If you are moving, read the Alex ander Drug Co. advertisement and call on them for paints, stains, hearth paints, window glass and other wants. v j^Asy^y waawwwwwwwk yrm |Vtfe*»#tfeßraV»* few**#* I wr*e wtot l>r*4 CfetoJinv Wfeff 1 Umss MswydHHV mn Mfeatiti 1 NtVT XAflk UTK i Mny JBEfelfb- , ! j .■ a tmtm feu* ft f »f r fffe»i^fe ti. wi, Smm Jkrtsvwh lUfeL* ttotokAVwrt ftofelM Q wrto«vd Lois'* or SIXhJ' U •wi Mi *t (g+srfjUZ* I Ncw YORK. J| AJUMvY C|*Y M* WM MAMA At. WANT ADL A tel * M#Vf¥ <Ad* <-*# tA# * W|B % \ tegr Mf##t if* I *# rMM A*® AM# *w» f«ri|)li*M«i( If m Iw oilferm Wt 4*N»fc <Mf HMtftfN ft* f**t Ift# tttfef MfM #49! M * IflMll* IM# #•* # Yfi» ifYrfltAM TM ftlfertld •» k+*p**& ‘• lwr aftf #**s{»)'•> mi lAfonßtf of tl*ir Mi* t tlMf' **#MMt* - ** SITUATION WANTED^ WANTED BT ri<»«p POUiKED MAN itfatiL n •• nlfltt 4rßi< a tiiMit. jwrtrf |r*r hutltr. • »*«*d Af»f>!y fttl J«< kiMiti otrwt- **P* ift WfANTKIS KITt'ATfON A* H.KRK la retail gnsvry #k»rr Am witling I* work cheap (hi give beet of rstmtrs Addreae AnxbMM. car* Herald. Bept H WA 9TKP —A NEtTKIN A* NfeJHT oatchittAfl, by * Btmmdy. trllm bit rnati U. W. WHrriM uJPtuo* Hrf»t 2ft. HELP WANTED agent* wanted for dii. dri’m- MOND’B Lighmiog Iteinedla* for Rheumatism ; t&Ot for *n incur*Ul* rase: rvetors* stiff Joint*, drawn r<wd* and hardened muscle* If your dewier has not got these rrmedl**, «*• will send the full month * treatment of two targe bottle* ,n receipt of t*. DRUMMOND MEDICINE CO.. A 4 Namau Bt.. New York. Oct * BUTLER WANTED APPLY TO Lawton B. Evan*. S#Pt 24 FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT 24 JACRSON »T. FOR BALE—ONE MARBLE SLAB and counter, 18 feet lon*. 3 feet wide, and thtee inebe* thick. Spear* A Co.. 45k Broad. Oct 1 BEDROOM AND KITCHEN, FURNI TI'RE for *ale *t *arrlflre. gtrto Broad street. «<’pt 24 FOlt BALB —100-ACRE FARM. ONE mlfe from city limit*, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jones. No. 124 Jackson Bt. Oct 1 IF YOU WANT TO OWN A HIGH GRADE hammerles* shotgun, case and loading tools, at a triiUng cost call at Hematreet'a. Sept 39 Sun BARGAIN-BRAND NEW HIGH GRADE sewing machine, oak finish, 5 drawers, drop head, automatic ten sion and bobbin winder, latest model. Owner must sell. Address H. H., care Herald. Sept insert Sept 13 20 27 10 17 24 «t TO RENT LARGE ROOM FOR STORING FUR NITURE at 256 Greene street. Sept 24 FOR RENT-1017 REYNOLDS ST., 6-room dwelling. Apply 911 Broad. Oct 1 TO RENT—RESIDENCE 1221 ELLIS, with all modern Improvements and conveniences. Apply 1026 Broad street. Oct 1 TO RENT—STORE NO. 711 BROAD street, next below Davenport & Phln :zy. running through to Ellis street. Pr*e *1,350. Alexander dr Johnson, 705 Broad street. Oct 1 TO RENT-DESIRABLE RESIDENCE No. 121 Center stre-t. 8 rooms with kitchen and bath. App.y T. I*. Doris, SummtM vllle. Oct 1 SEPTEMBER 24 r ;•- ; The Kind You Have Always Bought Beard the / * Signature /jLw tv J?‘ The (\p Kind V You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA I f>an KE.XT fTnHK IK AKH MALI*. I WAT Wt Ml <«4 A|>|> t (VoumiiMl : HMel OM 1 T*» lUtMT-oJItl tVfnUBWn fnMt n— mi Nth Amt. Apt*p *0 H» ganoid* MiW **pt W :W Mr JIT 4r>>MM<JTHOW ITOItK | \t» til llrMI Miftl-llt l»> trstxh. W I <)*N»W U* ttghtk #tr«*t. <VI I I LOIT AND FOUND. i*a«'Ka«*is ur i»*.kiwt with ' MIR' rtf (*. J flip*'ll*iff «•!) t*» % rtf #flir»i««f»e fliArf will hr rm«KMI hf ppiwr wttli i. T, RitfiMPf St I pucifti tV!egrrmf»i* CVmmMmy flrf»t J 1 MISCELLANEOUS mhontmakd ani > typkwrittno j uMiy M M per month at Ortottfi i mug Mlbit. Monday. Wednesday aal Friday, at night Com* or eall at !««•. Unit demand hr »i»« ■grsg'ier* June IT ts WASTim-J.IM nr law SECOND MA.NI> brick. AMma M P. tarn I Herald. Hep* 14 Al'mON SALE &41 UltuAD FT . ! 10 JO a. m . Monilt). lleple.ttber 34. Kn:A> «t<<k Uttori. Jut*. B»riH>.ru lurr*. flrfrlimtie. Sh»lv«, VAiiiltM. iMA [)r»«n> IVafc, Mtove, Pl< tare*. ToMcra Candy. Toole, etr., etc.. tti and aat LANCING UCHnOtr-MUW BSItLK j Mmifh'a dancing < !a»a a 111 be fe *am*d at tier « northweat corner lof Kidti rk and Telfair. Tuesday. Orfn bM> 11. I Sh. ’ Moll thua Mt Sept M MISS IBLU6A BETH WHITT.. RE CENTLY of New York, will open a dam in* school tn Library ball October J. rhlldrer.'«»cl»»e, I*o p. m evenln* rlaaa I p. m, Oct 2S MISS TIIOiCtH WILL HBOPBN HEH kindergarten school Monday. October Sd at 12<*f> Woodlawn avenue. Sept *< CALIFORNIA FRUIT AT OIOVAN NI'B. Bartlett Peara. Fine Peachea, Oroea Prune*. *S6 Broadway, wed and aat Oct 1 - ... a - THE WAY HE How dljl Mia* Rock- WON HER. Ingham ever come to cbrAiee that tneaaljr little chap for her hue band, when ahe might have had the Manjui* de Montmorency V The measly little chap could understand her French —or at least he made her believe he could—and the Mar<|Uis couldn't."— Cleveland Leader. A MEMORY OF COLTTMBtJB- Quoth Spain: With every new report A club I'd like to teat On that young man who came to court And told ua to go Weal." Washington Star. NOT NECESSARILY " There's a A TACTICIAN. young woman Who make* little things count.” "How does she do It?" "Teaches arithmetic in a primary school."—Boston Globe. QUEER First Guest (at grand ball)— NOISES. Hark! Isn't that the cham pagne popping In the supper room? Second Guest—No; I guess It s the young couples In the conservatory.— New York Weekly. DRUGS WctTs Pifiß's : PHARMACY £l2 BROAD STREEP. TQII.FT fIRUCLFS STATIONERY