The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 24, 1898, Image 7

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ftATUftOAV How To Clothe the Children! MoOv«ra who prtfflf lO dfflH IfMMr ( CMidfflfi ire g pgnahtflfy wMf ft*wf h#f* I •vtfything they trv*i |y 9**Sf* ilfoofl. ' dwfßlkßfl, cofffflict of cch#f*#» tfot j I low pflcxJ tfiii iff ih# Mtn* vflfftfy in j I which wo glwkyt Hava lha fio#f oocxfa.. Boys Suifs at SI SO, $2.00 53.00 Boys' Waists at 25c.. SOc. 75c Boys Caps at 25c., SOc. Boys' Pants at 50c.* 75c., SI 00 ivtrythlni for Boyfl’ waar at littlo lyrical and your money back If you wanP ‘it. Our Children's Department Is t^ Biggest Success In This Town. Prudent Mothers Know It C«PI. REHKI IS HERE lit, V|t| Llku MftlH Pitt at* Vllttlmt, Mata Arritrt Y«»l *• « **»•»*!' Aiwa* k—# Gut, h< okl II <■ IM rtl|. M«. ffliwt l»(qi trnrk— *«a #*♦*•» w lwteb*»-t gr* ff t , BI Ifvistoris I*^l* • t»|t ftrwkt •*>• «h*« to prowd «I |V f. { e)H DMly Hf hi* U)t)f4vT kol • ,19 (a d,e»* a(*«ri Mil *• In «M|l» f*- ||4 «*■». r*4toh#it Allmii TAM I* * I •('Ufa that fSB HOI b* Ms ■ I m -t and baa twaa nivli. if »*•». OMII4H?} 11) Sp wChftC *gA» Tw aaplais MM* UK Ul mrr» ir'iiMM atlli At MM* •* Hasiawllla •si that ill rtataewa *i AH (Iff AM «v<*yihiajr la tltoir power to make th* w.a **)<» «uy. Dwriag «h* march#* bucket* <*f fresh w»i*f h*pt as *v*cy hM’ far lha thirsty out* lan TV- lojrs were delighted wbfß they receiv'd tb* new* (hat they would pro bom# but **rr di*»ppolal*d to and out that they war* (a stay ta AUmm 1 be rltlwtos of thr capital «ar» then • |Dt|>wui rrraptlaa. IWrrManiU, Laatla. flower* and ererythlaff that could b* named war* girea them Tha bey* at* sow »tatl«<nc«l la thr Govern caret IwlMhl at lb* old **po a-r on gpnimds aad ar* rapidly Itiiltil In shape aa all that* equipment* were taken out raaterday. Tb* dal ay waa ratio <1 by tbe regiment tearing their bur*ea anil mule* at Hunurtll*. The Savannah rompsnta* ar* aUlloa etl la tb* Georgia building. Co. K Is left in rharge es Second U*m Saweketi while bla superior ofll rera ar* her*. Their leave extend* un-: 11) the 3®lh and all of chla ahort holl-| day will b* spent plenanotly. The raptakn ha* oa fliilte a pretty enameled raUhrop. the emblem of the Fourth army eorpa signifying defetiae j Tbe rotnpaay la. however, entitled to several of these emblems, »* they have been In the Third. Kourth nnd Seventh army corps. The rapt a!« eay* It aeema Iroooeslblej to yet the boys dowu here liefor* the) regularly appointed time. Bananas, Bananas, Cheap. Cheap, Cheaper at Vail s. HE THREW A I.AMP Steve Moody Attempted to Injure Ills Sister l.ast Night. If Sieve Moody's sister had not been j a good dodger, last night, she might to day be a burn offering. Steve is colored. hast night he went home, n lilt-the worse for certain reasons and got In a very heated argument with his sister. Suddenly he picked up a lamp and threw It at the woman. It missed her by a foot. She had him arrested. This morning, at court, he was ret icent about testifying against himself. However, he admitted the, whole affair and waa lined a "V.” Our goods bought right and we sell them light. Lamktn & Co. TOM BROWN Broke Edelstein’s Show Window l-ast Night. Tom Brown was last night arrested by the police for breaking the show j window of 1). Bldelsteln. The breakage was made with the attempt to steal, i Nothing was taken. Goto Vail’s early for Ba nanas as they have only 500 Bunches. Reckless Driving Some atop should be put to the reck ’"ss driving on Broad Many cotlls- Tons have occurred and It Is only; through good luck that no one has been hurt. On a crowded thoroughfare the drivers should keep their eyes open. A GENIUS HAS A SCHEME B) llki llr ffldflfl Arrr»jjf VIII Br RHarH l w»ai ow Ih* Tkwry Thai AB fb* Ar* Imlwmt. Thee# a a ngio* au la Aagwga ! who ha* a gtaal . fcrta, cm fuel for I tb* rodwrtloo of lha red ton *- rswc* j ll* «ay* be latehda to push H to a grand and glorious curfew and wo | iknrh b* wilt If b* ran get tbe proper [« ii operation Tbar* m a agree of aarertalal* a boat hi* being aid* to do (bat bow . ever There have been a number of row■ ' vonftoa* of cotton planter*, la whtrh ihe* all positively pledge*! thewuMlva* ; to reduee tb* •mount of colloa tb«y would plant It *u a ran* of rwoiat# and fall bark. * Th*a wh.n tb* farmer* got bom*, e*. h on# would wink at himself; •*- cuuie tkat every body eia* wae going to decrease tb* arraag*. and b* would lake advantage of tb* opportunity to double hi* own arraag* la cortoa aad get tbe benefit of higher price*. They would mil play foay In tbe une way and tb* consequent* would be a crop of unprecedented alae. Now thto Au gu*ta genlu* ha* hit upon a whence which logically rawnot fall. He pro pose* to call a roaventloa of all Iba cotton planter* la tbla part of tb* •outh They will each and all b* pledged to double tbelr cotton acreage for the ne*t year. Bv*iy safeguard will be tbiown around them ao that according to gll th# law* of Ihe game the acreage will be doubled. And then one Icy one they will secretly deter mine that as there is to b* an over prodnrtlon of cotton, he will plant a minimum acreage, and let Ihe other fellow* reap th* proceed* of 3 rent eottert. As a coasequero* we would have the smallest crop of cotton planted In fif teen years and the fleecy staple will go up to 13 cent*. Thl* genius ha* not yet decided whe ther he will ask for the Cotton Ex change In which to hold the meeting, or hold It In the open air. but he experts a large attendance and larger return*. We have the finest selection of Tea* in the city. Price* are right, too. Lam kin A Co. DEATH OF HRS. D O. PETREE Funeral at a:.40 O'clock Tomorrow Afternoon Mrs. 1.-tiira Petred, wife of Mr. Dan iel Petrrd, died yesterday aftoraoon at six o'clock at the city hospital. Mrs. Petre.Vh death was particularly sad. tvs several little children are left mother leas. The funeral services will be held st ?:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the incidence, No. 1138® Bills street. HARVESTING HACHINE. Hr. W. M. Sharpe Is Here Showing the County Officials a Reeper. Mr. VV. H. Sharpe of McKenzie, Tenn,, arrived here last night. He is representing the Bearing harvester, reaper and binder. This morning he went out to the county home with sev eral of the county officials to show them how the machine works. The officials may purchase one of (hem to help in harvesting the crop out there. Fine Sermon. Rev. J. E. Duren preached another one of his fine sermons at Woodtawn Baptist church last night. The attend ance at the services was large. Several joined the church. There will be preaching al 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. to morrow at the above church. Baptism will be held at 7:30 p. m. Sixth Regiment Band. The Sixth regiment band will run an excursion to Atlanta on October Ist to visit Augusta soldier boys. The fare is only $1.95. Read their advertisement elsewhere in this is sue. . _ T . _ TBI AUOU6TA MEIiALD. SWEET TRIBUTES TO THE REID i tiltittih gs Ufl igcMfflNn Hum lit (MMnH ’i Uw«£ft *f I A Igtfl* fliil M to aii iwti Ma« I lIWHMI Ml AfHlK’WMli HNMI tIMH ( «hhp m# Hi«« ti'ifludbi* f%% flrmhHi I IBMfy Itf'Mß •*■•*"* #AiMNi (•»*#'* * H- * JHt* I «|t* M*«Hhimla! Aim »#*M«h fhb'Aifcf* * [«# fVmt# mwl f*i# I 00 WHa MpH AIPH V-IMI I m*4 HMMNPi laIMMK pi Mfl Ml IM* |Wh» I #t**» tl# Imm liogHpM mV% * pfMfM Ip [ pr f i lift II O IM* j>r»M»r» M f*i«#**^ A 90 IMi H 90 C’it f**4 •!* 90099% MN ppni *9 Mrv K«f* CiMH rpff Pf*# ukm Qfifrti nt tM r f* r>„ «* nv*mi | Urhr 9o fi# *■# II # §*mr* ißii *rf»i wp *w* I*. * %90 *09 i iatoM rand kp iba Htnhff- Mm Mw !ru 0' Afti'icitfl* AUm rtmtrwm* 90 iM* | rntSPHlif Ml lilifllil A fMil m*Ml* I piif wml MM 99p*.*t* tmimmml ii Mi 1 00099000000 909900990 9900 if* JMli Mitliif Ii A «Wf MiiMIIAI P9*f «• IM* !if Ml** KmlpHA* Mi*ri mmm. ii Mi** 10. N Arm Ml** M*il *<o*t*mm . t*ii friti fWt% llfMlftH "fm99 mW9"olf Afkis TAfWCiI. *n«l Mr*, 2* lMM*f IMfloi r*i4 i tmrrfil Ml TA* nii4 of iii# r**Wff*rf tm «*• flttdlSl ittAifll M-liftlMl V** A A*Af tafia by Mr Jog Mulbarta Mr Alma FNdot. Mr fi*ttla and Mr Hwtfd Ha* i *aH Mm C A Rowland raad tb# rawv i lution* adopted by lb* Memorial A*- ■ortatlon aad lb* Itougater* of lha rfllM*MMHM|t; Dar wboia aoutblead to staadlng to da» Hi lha shadow of a great sorrow' A strong G* to broken owe that link ed our heart, with tha tender and ha!- lowed tnemorlea of tbe beloved Presi dent of tbe Mouthers Goafederary that great and noble man feffemon Dari, "Winnie ttovto, daughter of our hon ored president and tbe rberlahed Daughter of the Confederacy, baa pass ed out of our jives to the bom# be yond "Tbla *ad event recall* mane loving , aad sacred recollection* of tbe past, that hallowed past of I*6l to IMS All heart* beat u one In the lo#» of thl* { rbarlrbed daughter Horn to the Con fedemry In the day« that were ao full of sorrow and aadoeaa. It to no. .trange that there glow* In th* heart* of egrb Individual a feeling of kinship for tbl* daughter of our beloved Con federacy "She vat a woman of high Intellec tuality and refinement and attracted everyone to her by her cordiality and grarlouanene of manner; the embodi ment of all that wn* beautiful and good, leaving behind the Influence of a Ilf* of true womanhood. Peace and blessing to her memory! We are here to honor her memory with the follow ing resolutions "Resolved. That the ladles' Mrmor! g| Association and the Daughters of the Confederacy, of Augusta. Oa.. f**l that they have lost one to whom they were bound by the ties of love and who** memory will ever regt as a precious legacy In their hearts. "Resolved. That we give to the grief stricken mother the deepest, tendered sympathies or our hearts, as well, knowing how desolating and crushing Is her borrow We pray that the Com forter may abide with her. and that the thought of her , sainted daughter’s welcome In heaven may light, even now. the shallow of her sor row. "Oh, who could bear life's stormy doom Did not thy word of love Come brightly hearing through the gloom A peace-branch from above! Then sorrow, touched by Thee, grows bright. With more than rapture's ray. As darkness shows us worlds of light We never saw by day. "Mrs. C. A. Rowland. "Mrs. F. A. Tlmberlake. “Mrs. ELa M. Franklin. "Mrs. W. B. Young, “Mrs Randolph Ridgeley, Mrs. S. B. Carpenter. "Committee from the Ladies' Memo rial Association and Daughters of the Confederacy.” Mrs. Carroll read a few appropriate remarks, as follows: "The esleem in which we held Win nie Davis is eminently shown in the attendance here this afternoon. While we are gathered to pay our last trib ute of respect and love to our depar ted sister, wherever there is an organ ization of the Daughters of the Con federacy memorial services are being held im. which our dear old veterans take a part. They as well as we feel this a terrible bereavement and our grief is far mote poignant as we remember the mother of the Daughter of the Confederacy, Who could have thongbt when looking upon the two a short while ago. the one old and in poor health, the other robust, young, I*4 »♦ £> fig i\ tv ¥"V ; « *f *** *** PIM M»*»* * ' S' *+*■■* ** •>«#»* -• * *■*. #*■*’• fci# #•** *% mmi 99m 09% ONE OF TEDDY’S HEROES Tktt I* Ilf flag a llutobkt It Git lag! ihr Pvfc’k. van t*M to Ma»* Bee* R*c*tt*4 at j Soottago Ar* OM. WHb a hto.k shirt, rordur*, p..„ SMHMHMA aaA a ®m*K AfAAk mi. M*firf I ttkIAAM. oc mot* |irr**iAWy tA# H j •ruuad Iba Ml* tailing into* of aw .ad (tot*. «~ry»My _m_M * lla • btltoto to bar* been cm of Teddy • Rough Rider*. He aayi when mar was declared b* was la Vlrgtala bat •ana enlisted with ih* hero** aad proceeded to Caba He deoertbe* graphically the lutrdehipe aad flgbtlag j that hi* troop uaderareot. aad as a coat taring argument shows a woun ded band aad a stub of a amt. which] be say* ar* tbe re*ailu of Spanish mat k»c _.u»l)lp Now this story baa gone pretty veil Pre* lodgtag. giMtd dinner, plenty to wear and spare change for bt* dtlaka. have come hto way. and a* a ronae quence he haa boon oa a happy Jag ever sine* reaching here. HI Inner should certainly have tb* medicine ttaed on bl* arm patented, for nltkotigh he claim* to have been wmiad*d only a little over two month* ago. the wound* •#* petfeetly healed and Drat elaaa looking old scar* that look more like gin rut* than rlfl* wound* #- main We believe In helping wounded sol diers or maimed human being* when they go at it In tbe right way. but ihe public I* warned against a drink ing humbug. A! Field's Rale Going with a Rush. Augusta soldiers in At lanta will meet Sixth Regi ment Band on theirarrival there. Excursion leaves Oct- t at 1 I o’clock a. m. t $1.95. judge's a wethore. Father of Mrs. W. T Davidson Died Last Night In Warren, Penn The many friends of Mrs. W. T. Davidson of this city will deeply sym pathise with herein the bereavement she has just sustained in tbe death of her father, Judge S. A. Wet more who died last night at his home in War ren, Pa. Judge Wetmore was one of the most prominent legal gentlemen of the com munity In which he lived and had vis ited in Augusta, wbeie, by his pleasing manner* and genial ways, he made hosts of friends, who will be saddened to hear of his demise. Al Field's Sale Going with a Rush. and apparently a strong staff upon which that mother could lean and look for comfort in her declining years, that so soon the daughter would be taken and Ihe mother deprived of her bosom companion? While we all lament the untimely taking away of our beloved sister. Winnie Davis, the youngest daughter of our sainted pres ident. Jefferson Davis, our heartfelt sympathy goes out to and our prayers ascend to our heavenly mother, and we cry out as with one voice, the ways of Providence are inscrutfble. 1 move resolutions he adopted.” Mrs. J. W. White seconded Mrs. Carroll’s motion that the resolutions be adopted. -I Mrs. Eve paid "5. loving tribute to the bereaved mothei 1 . and the program concluded with a player by Rev. Mr. Collier, the veteran/Chaplain of Camp 1094 - i „ We only havefcOO bunches fine yelloufc Bananas to close Saturday. Vail. HE TOOK WATCH CASES ft* ir> aa runirt it I*oo9 ***** • A KM* MMI 9000* IMNt %99k0$ 9990 %0 0% 9*l ft fl : ft Mr AM A" *■A ».»*» *orrn AA* A#f#A | Maall* I ttIAT? Ay At r '0999-99 A* waa IA AA Nliftl * - §r*t#* mi*|4Hkm «Al (mM am 9099 aa r \mtTOmrni 90 I¥• AMAft'f of (tililf tMo Cam R#(iM aHI (pM lA# ammAi 'AA4 fill k* All! Aot pfVAMOtA **# AMI ► II m iftki aah t<44 by A r«r*ii por tl# |A At uitlftfrr ti»>S Ififti A f#o |ljn #aft lo toll lAroi A of tlw»»# fin** *99o* from «b* unn of Copt Regk* OV toot, Mr* Nffikl dull AM kIM WfQtltiffrf t» aaHI to |n» a pffffilijr AiAA •‘ifti A# ti M*f. Aot A# Mi (A "BMiHHfill" aa4 tAt a It !*Ai Ilf HrAM tAft MM AMI At All AA*f ttpftA thiokh that A# vtwM AM lAisA »*f vtlffl AObftT No AAfrA 900*% wn 9t I*AM IftAlcfS Atofft Air pAClftft to Aft OX9O mftff lAkftA Cam Nftill 4ftfttfftft fhift fltitfd, ao tAat Ao oAft vho Haa Aft A Iktrrr tAftfft to Aft ft|»ir«4 Rod Aft Ftitn fiTTunt ißft'rsOoPi. fUuUtoK^r ivtt) Hu roAtiftd ffVAcMillpMWPt wA**f* Hft hcrDfiift Aobftf ltd aMHIak doRF to hlo) for taktAf tAft watfA rmm*. Mtoto * yoamt 90000- 9 90000 Al Flfld'i omb* doing with a Kunti. FUNERAL TOMORROW. Interment of the Remain* of Major I. P. Girard \. The remain* of Major I. P. Gtrardy a ill arrive ta August* tomcrrnw after noon a. 3:tfi o'clock. The funeral ser vice, will occur at Bt. Patrick'* church, lourmcr l la city cemetery. Mi tor Glrardy oa* formerly cop'a.n of the W'j hlngton artillery, which went from Augusta to the civil wrsr. The omy surviving member* of the ar tillery now In August* ar*: Hon. Get. T. Barnes, first lieutenant; H. Brandi, orderly *ergeaot; E. E. Pritchard, fourth rcegcaot; W T. Dortlc. *rc md corporal, and Private* 8. A. Ingalls and Willlrtr Poale. The Herald is requested by Captain Commander Butcher to **y to *ll ar tilery member* of Camp 435 that they will p'rase meet promptly at Ihe dep »t tomorrow in uniform to receive the ie malns. Capt. Dutcher also requeet* all other member* of the camp, who can make it convenient to do eo, to also be .present. Thepall bearers have cot yet been announced. The ramc of Oirardy Is very dear to all Confederates. There were a num ber of 1 rrher* In the family and they did v.Vlant pervtce under the Stars and Stripes. Victor Girardy, one of :h«? IrcthfF. was a brigadier general and was Video In 1*64 In the fighting uround Richmond. No medicine as strength* ening as fine Bananas, such as Vail sells. THE SUCCESS. fleeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. This Afternoon. What promises to be a very Interest ing meeting of the Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor of the' First Presbyterian church will be held in the Sunday school building at six o’clock this afternoon. The subject for discussion will be True Success. All members are requested to be pres ent this afternoon, and a cordial invitation is extended to all those In terested. Parr’s Pharmacy. Parr's Pharmacy at 512 Broad street has become quite popular already. They have everything in the drug line. Prescriptions are given the greatest care and attention. Their goods are fresh and therefore effective. If you need anything in their Une, be sure to call on them. On another page will he found the attractive- card of this popular house. Al Field's Sate Going with a Ruslb. ••r TKaa Ii |K# Ifffl tti mmi iKrir* fKoutoMlt «f rt«G aflo « IkMlg fcadJN<l#to f*f lk« pk*#> ■M* ol t fkpf Tnlrr «kr» tlift j» MHMwmiMi ft Hw wfttw m hinManfl fMtnwwnlh flMf tad tnndrfti cttrtfltflMlMM tvwwv*U as Ihfl ouiftfitii bvit Hi fg|wift| poAnaod Ry • pmpi* Im| mmr pM ft iMr IglSgri A (hunk. mftMi mMmI Rmml imR ar »ftft t# mmM |kgr ggfMKftfll ft till It ftl*|l to* tkd pvtgtodt M F *R allhilifll ih« ftnft al Turf ft yim t*4 yun if R H hfti «»l Am* pud Lmftr Ct. mftFrtih ... . ftntg mt fed prwga If ymt w«r| to ftuM *u«K MMtfy IT IS I ] DEAR LAW Tft fftt R#t|«if«* ONlmh'i Mirl N All Me»v«re* pTlfUAttf tin \0%09 • MTtfflkfd |A r hAfitT I, fMMl'ftft M* AA4 M 9 999- j t ioaa IMR. MB# aa4 1<39 90 tAft fMfift ol <ir jt| a tAftfft lA A laa «A*t Ia AM AA* I fofffd •a 4 >• MAfttlCAitir diftd TAftflft AAftitOAA At* t* «AAt A ftftftfT * ftNot9 lift LfdiMff RtMlil Aft »A*M>ft4 «itA tfiflafK 9*9*o%'* aaR AHPAAurftfl As tAft 0900* AA* IAaI ft! IptfßQtl ftftll j IAA 00900 IA ftAHI ftOAAtf aAaA Hft ftAAl pt|)ftd IQ tAfcft VAftlf fttifAil fttid AKA*- ■■ tsfftA 9# l Aft f rdhiifT aa#) Ikifft fHftAi tffttAd aa4 Hist ftftM fHM am* Rm If fttrMr Am lih« ftftll laa imod» (Hat AftVAAM ftflltftd br tHrftft AAI- Bftfl Mid A f ApItMM AAA IVMMtft fA#f to«ld lift MftAfAtrß to tAft grift* Jury lor violation of tAft laa Tb* law also gne* on to *tat* that >f • Mil ta atari# again* a gersoa for good* bought which werw a<>4 m#a*- urwri with th* ordinary * mark tbe per »nA to fOApftlrd to pft y otly thrftft fmtrthft of thft kill and hftforft *’M** kft waa aot roau*lleri to pay aay of the . 1411 Our ordinary h*» only • fear old ' standard weight* that *r* never use*! nod bob# of themervhant* have the or dinary » mark ! €>rd>n*ry Walton wrote to the gov ' enter *o9* years ago ashing ahowt th* law Mid requesting that the trianriard* ] be finished him. The jwreenor replied that the *t»t* never voted any money ta defray the exprner* as these wight* and that he had mme on hand to fumlah him. Only on* case I* on record In this county of * person trying to drdge a debt by thla taw aod the ease was de cided against the plaintiff. Several parties hare asked about the law. staling that they were getting 1 short weight* from unfair dealers. The law la on the book*. Let It eith er be enforced or stricken from the Hat. Excursion to Atlanta Saturday. Oct. I. by Sixth Georgia Regiment Band. Two davs in Atlanta to «ee the soldiers. Fare $195. The Weather. Augusta. Ga.. Saturday, Sept. 24. 1898. I Office located in I'nlted State* Govern ment building; telephone No. 1572. | Forecast for 36 hour* ending 8p m . September 25. 1898. Washington forecast for Georgia and /South Carolina; Fair tonight and Sunday: cooler Sunday mcralng In the southeastern portion; light, variable j w.nd*. Local forecast for Augusta and vicin ity: Fair to night and Sunday. THE RIVER. The river at 8 a. m. was 13.0 feet, a rise of 5.1 feet In past 24 hours. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Except along the Immediate Atlan tic coast no rain occurred over the cot ton belt in the past 24 hours, while showers fell general! over the great lakes, thence eastward to the Atlantic coast with thunderstorms reported at St. Paul and Chicago. Cleveland reports a maximum wind velocity in the past 12 hours of 38 : miles from the northwest. Marked falls In temperature have oc curred. since Friday morning, In South Dakota, western Nebraska, the lower lake region and New England, with a light frost this morning at North Platte. Filed in the clerk’s office today was a deed from Chaa. B. Mattox to Joseph H. Mattox and Martha Mattox, of twenty acres of land in Richmond county for the consideration of $5, love and affection. A judgment to constitute a lien from the time of rendition is held, in Calla han vs. Votruba (Iowa) 40 L. R. A. 375, to be rendered only when entered on the record of the court and not When merely signed and indorsed "Filed." Ql/l f. Q&GIS. N#M<(f, REPORTED DEAL UNFODNDED Xirnfl (igH IlflM if few Iwafi* mil# I«wmv Tbe L#h Not After Hto ». C. * Ov. Rad Rood. klf pltlt tAftfft AA* A AftftfftAA of tAft ' w&4 Wont Nit nlifttf. aAMA rut* | ffwmgm a* in nit a to Vkmimnm* r» . At aAI<*A j n || I ||j,* lo J HIT Ad ftAflUOt IVO 'j- fn'it i uOftftfl~t Hma art IA it)** (ifufftß rftii* At |ni a' tb* itwHto of lb* ('antral I aed otAftf fwftdi ftroftV lift 9*90 H hftO i his Aftlt I tAft of 'AAAftTtkMI ft ftfttftAoi j < Aft frftlcAt ff* Aft IftAdM twffMK ! fAft too rotdi ArttA lA* ftA*Aft ftoftft aa4 I fit tilt’* Rft If «A*r OftTA OOft RyftHWA. ! rbe Atlas I a aad West Point to owned | * part by the Georgia rat.rood and I he Georgia to loot rolled by tkb L» A I N oy*tft«A • TAft fftrt Ibfti tktft fooAftrtk>A *M I to Hft mo4ft |Rtft rlftft to a rtpoti tAftt Haa Wn ftftftly # irrulAtrd. to tAft i tAat it a Aft but A pm rt of a plan on tAft j part of the AM. to get r«0..-»l of the 6. C. A 0.. and thua make through . lla* of Its owa lo t'hsrtwrtoa and I ih.are to New York Maroa has giv es ear to tha rumor aad was la glee. twcaoM »he saw tauter freight rate* la 1 Right (Wnrrml Manager Hrott #Ajr* thftfft tA no truth wbatftVftr lo thr report, thAt ! tb# direct roaaertion with the Atlanta and Weat Point road hay been needed I tor forty year*, aad will bow be rushed to rompleti<(W Tlier* to nwbing mere than' that In i tb* aeport. M i — —| —— Al Field * . a sle Going with a Kuril. WANTED THE REWARD. A Small N*gro Get* a Dead Cat From Under House. * Quite a crowd collected at th* stable of Mr. Oatt a tbl* morning, watching a small negro boy. A eat had died under the bouse and a reward offered to the one who got It out. The boy squirmed through- small hole*, under beams and everywhere, until hi* prlve was found. Then with tbe cat in one hand and the money in tbe otber, he departed for part* unknown. Mule Fall*. A mule belonging to Mr. Huger fell on the asphalt this morning. The shafts of the wagon were broken and the animal badly skinned and bruised, though not seriously so. Picture Taken. Captain Cohen, with his lieutenants, Stubb and Carter, of Co. 8., Junior Battalion, had quite ao attractive pic ture taken today. In their company suit* Mr. Thomas Pei-kham, of St. Louis, will arrive In the city tomorrow. Mr. and Mr*. James Thomas, of Co lumbia. are expected tomorrow as the guests of Mrs. A. H. DeVaughnn. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION LOST—ONE PAIR GOLD RIMMED spectacles, between Fifteenth street and Marbury, on Sllcox. Cooper. Bar rett or d’Antignac street. Mrs. R. H. Slties. 942 Wood lawn. Sept 24 FOR RENT—FROM THE IST OCTO BER, store No. 532 Broad street, at J2O per month. Thads. Oakman, No. Sll Broad street. Oct 1 SPEARS & CO. HAVE MOVED their meat market to 452 Broad street —where they will be glad to see their friends and customers. Bell 'Phone 435. Sept 24 BOARDERS WANTED— LARGE. handsomely furnished front room. A few table boarders can be accommoda ted with first class meals. 837 Broad way. Sept 24 TO RENT—TWO OR THREE SPLEN DID rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Most central location in city. Posses sion now. J. E. Deas, 918 1-2 Broad. Sept 23 & 24 ' . J