The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 28, 1898, Image 5

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WCONCAOAV )1t w , nr , f - r -, rt - * **•««• * %mm» ■ * **<►* %»♦ w»»* ■» Georgia Railroad Bank , AUGUST A, (iCOHOIA (Oflkr*Ht U MfriNt** WkMIA *» Ai»- PAlgj |J® CAWf riJL •••*•* •• « MNKYBO® - % % ESmmtmTW IT-tnr- HM fe *■#*•*•* f %**** • •»•** ? \ \ ,y*“ Optician THE EYE DA. HENRY J. GODIN. WrttOf'D IN NEW yohk. HMHh Nh«w> V*»%»■< IK* yi{ ritjilin |« ' 9**r* ** +*** * um * 2JJ-M I l»iH 4U|oittWl l*» <■» f |f, l*>' I of *nal Bf Wrw4l friH-*»q®o? •*»•••*»»-* to !ho*# «lM»m EiH* ■MR*A >t r Vlbm kflMuo i*wU •» t® < ®tfe®r® Im* !* know® ®y fwm j ®*Ofjr®ntfy EBpftHftlly t® tfc® ftl ®'lW*lt. tO *®A AR«*r nn j mhkh A* Ha* much tin* *®<t , ®tt*®tio® HH»® rOOOtdwfwd O®* «f t|« tMtflßf §>o«aoJci®lAtA I® ifc# I n I'd •tofA* Mr Hwfcm®®* %•« 4IHI® gulahr.l himself for the " f •MrrltM h# bin MW »»« Wits' **> i • hl< h have bf« rrtlnred t<* U»fc form He Im alway* «*h*o • pr<, ' l “"** , band hi all Mthf* pertaining to hoc-» IP-ußnr* »• fhmnpj and M Is to him that th» peach gniwna amitoaa ow* null for lb* inAwtnatAon ha baa I l *™ on thr prenereatto* of trees. He own* a large nuraerv at Fruit land a Maait plan* •*«' Aurtista »hrr* b* and bta wits will reside. It ta hbrty . Mr and Mr. Berck-nana will com* from Now Yotk b» rtaataar and may b* the of Dr. L* Hardy a fawj day. Tbay will then proceed to tbalr. To Whom It ITay Concern. I havr b**n In lb* dro* business for twelve year*. and durtna that time ha*« ■old nearly all tha *ou*h medicine* maaufartuiMl. and from my personal j kimstedxe of such r*m*dl*». I aay that j Chamber lain'. C.-ugh Remedy Uvea j twttrr *all*f*< tl«n than any other on ttie market W. M. Terry. Klklon. Ky Hold by Alexander r>ru* and Heed Co.. C K- Parr of Bell Tower Drug Slot*. BISHOP NELSON’S FATHER DEAD —- —•’m ft *~*‘ - Was Burled Yeaterday In Alexandria, Virginia. The many warm friend, and admir era here of B'.ahop Cleland Kin lot It Nelson, of the Georgia Diocese. will regret to learn that the tiiahop'a father died on Sunday at Fredericksburg. Va aged 78 year*. The Interment took place at l»y Hill, Alexandria. Va. yeaterday. i IS IT WORTH j ANYTHING TO YOU J E'ljuar#, honest dealings j prompt service, strict al ii tention to your orders t and an earneet desire to J satisfy you, no matter at I wbat cost. ■ Add to title our very ■ large and complete rtock ( ! of Watchea, Diamonds, J fine and medium grades J Jewelry, Sterling Silver- j 3 wear, Rich Cut Clas*. en- J able* ua to offer you in ducements worthy of I your attention. | ft Sclieiprl & Co., j » Jewelers. f M IPtfNCt* aSO f 4%af'|uN the* a tN'w* iii txiii ha a***# •*» Swat (MH i <*-a f §*'• »*t* ll|B®lßi IN# 9® «M ’®®f RMft® ®®4 fIWB fpMoll<9® ®*« rtmlimm fM Mfcwft? at ’vm ®Hlt®f I%® rosltirii*® iUrf®** ; iMif IM®® 1 ® tluM |®# ®®tMNM> ftlltt® i®o fllifrtwiT ® t®iy % rM®rt- ff *M®I *M| i Af® ruffttik at ®itMMiMMP« Ifimktn ftr«tr«4 Ik# I t'ffa to l>k< ®l I%R watMl t®al ’ i* rtMrlnmve ni«nw> (hn< many Apna lardn and prieota alt l|(d|alM ••*•» • : far:tow of the *ntiv*w to (ament h* i i imai «a an that t m*rtewan frill be lli*-*# tbe whole popntnthai ta be life t ||a rgaeria tba: tbe Intrlgnff pay i m-itiqr nf |*rui I4t u&ilorvtt to ®fr§o®* j ln>twr» »a«r rebel trikera and an i ter me town, and nec-naen Kugane * Hlanr* with being tba tblef paid agent - of tbe hrtrlgnera In tbe roorae es nn Interview with the Atworlalrd Free* rorreapondaail. tgvtnaldo .aid that the Filipino Seel comprtMe right atramera. whkh are new engaged in eenveyiag tr»opn for • grand campaign again** the Sgaalah garrtaoa la the another* Inland Thee* teaaela are prar:fcally nnarmed The span lab gunboat Bl *’aoo. tie aay*. r*- ceatly entered Maabate aad rattght Mid taak the Filipino troop ahlp Barlaan. which wee tying nt anchor there He admitted the recent purebaae of the Wearner Abbey, formerly the Paa alg, but dented that ahe had landed ! rlflca and ammimltloa at Katanga*. ’ tlioagb he admitted that ahe carried |t*9 Maxima and a ahlp toad of atona. The railed State* ate a race Hugh Mr ictrilogb captured the Abbey sixty mile, rrutb of Mnntla It I* bellevad that the Abbey bad landed 7,<MO rifle*. idli THE WRONG ONE. I*r*#cher Wfdi Bridesmaid to Groom. Instead of Bride. I The Charleaton Port tell* of an amu sing occurrence In Charleaton, In ! which a grocer was married to a Inidebtnaid Instead of tbe bride. Saya The Post: A very amusing mlntake occurred at a wedding in colored upper tendom.a few night* ago. An admiring audl | > nce assembled at tbe appointed time, i and the wedding party a wept down to j where the preacher awaited to per | form the ceremony. The bride glo ; Hud In a bridesmaid and the groom in ! the best man. The couple, desiring to j be strictly up (o date, the groom en lered first accompanied by tbe brides maid, and the best man followed with the blushing bride. Bhe did not blush hard enough to Impress the preacher that she was the bride, and being somewhat flustered at such an array of style, the preacher proceeded to marry the groom to the bridesmaid. I The ceremony was brief and the paral- I yzed bridal party had no time to re j cover before the knot was tied. As the | last words were pronounced a hysterl ; cal giggle betrayed that something was : wrong. » In a few whispered words the situ ation was explained to the preacher. Kor one moment, he was puzzled, but his Ingenuity came into play and re arranging the party the ceremony was repeated, and this time the right par ties were united. It Is not probable that any trouble will arise from the double ceremony, although in home circles the validity might be challeng ed. As the three parties most concern ed seem perfectly satisfied, the tragic side of the performance Is lost in the ludicrous. Only steel lined end burglar proof cases used. Money loaned on anything of value al a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. The present Archbishop of Canter bury began at tbe age of eleven to teach a Sunday shhool class in Eng land. _ «**«!» e.-onet- TJfJC JLTF&XJ&TJk. HEHALP, mm HORSEFLESH tilt ® ®MMSWi R tlri *!*<•§ f l|:| I t*oM*g f®a A-4MMW#* A# ®.Aw * * I® 9 *•# jkq»l %*mrn a® . Hr m #®#* I % * im flfy liw rr at® • aanil**# at ipM®®] ■ ** p*- p*a va 9 ■ ** j #f# 4 cm** nf |aai |® t®* KiiMiry j \\ tk* miflfi rlgpa a® tk# lal ®R#® # ! «t *®.*! ®Mfl at fjrli| ®Mit kv ft | |*tw« <r»a IWm |l« NOT IIARRf (» OiT. I'*.M*4 TMM tl—■» NMi M fit*'* Orris*. TV ®aaaHa® ®anai®*®4l k» (®a t**f* rtn® a#® ftnm ilia CNNNnt at HH Mo® [ «&?«*»# a®®®|hNi Ml I®® mMo#r® ®aala* , a» r»«®a ®f» f«*t diiora No al l®a naan la® I rttf y®# cifaai C9mmmtll of th»i aot®Y at !t»4®i®ioHi al I®# la«l onaKlti®. T®a J »4V® of lom®® o®t l® tktaor | «at tafoalat Taa I tuifßitmiOt I® tka lao» |»m®lWll®a gftTnflr FUfritH Hi I®# flfetema btaalnaaa rtf Hi i®# a®® of I® tftf rap®* rtiy. a® a ktfi>ni#. Mr torooHi a ro* fatxrr of lhr ardor. ®R» drfoatad N j a dortailr® talr ll* 9® *• I aovrtidmoai ®NM ®do®#od. h»»wo\ rr. pararittl®* iho a«t> p#Ri mmmrtU to •®or« a law at t®*» rtormrfor If (®o|r j *n desired Making lb* Matter .me of | tor«l option The Had Men * league Composed of j uatformed t otupanle* at lb* order, was ' established ax tbe Military branch of tbe fraternity, aad tbe old continen tal uniform was adopted Tbe new ritual i* to be translated Into the Ger man and French language* for tbe us* i of those tribe* wbleb are working In tnena tongue*, but no new tribe* ran hereafter be Instituted except to us* the English ritual lilt CHRISTENED ••CAfIP ATKINSON.* Col. Brown Name* His Camp In honor ol tbe Governor. i Atlanta. Stepi W - Fol Oscar I Brown of tbe Hecond Georgia Reg! no nt issued au order naming tbe ramp ■t piedmont Park, which hU regiment now occupies. ’’Camp Atkinson. In honor of Oovernor Aik oson TTie tamp baa become a popular resort for WINE OF"CABDUI Women Vouch For It. y jf WueTora"’* The mo>t positive proof* of the great virtues of Wine of Cardui are furnished by women themselvet. It i» truly aston iahing how they go about telling other sufferer, of this great vegetable Wine. To be restored to perfect health after a long term of aches and pains is like being released from the grasp of death itself. It Is such a relief to be able to cure yourself at home. Not only do you escape the humiliation of submitting to local examinations by physicians, but you have no big doctor bills to pay. And. best of all. Wine of Cardui does what you want done—lT CURES. It is a specific for falling of the womb. leucorrhoea. ulceration and inflammation, backache, headache and all other forms of trouble y —— . LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. ) peculiar to women. It reaches for tayice , n CHM , requiring «pe- f , gil . ciildlrwWoßH, wWreM.glfln, iynp* ( the inner source of those ail- 1 ill L..-I. The €?htatfctaß««a»M«Ulcl®©Co. i ments and completely heals. omimnan, renu. j Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CAR PUT t®a PROP* al mm p#p tii"miaawi*ii MW* I an® • a* I ®** fy f* l ** ** **"* ** l * r J 4Mani«l I®®* ®a®a#®i t®®®®®®*®* #aa® f «RMaa Mfcavi aw#*®* aa® a®» | favap® ®*® ••Pf |*R>P* ** ***** ri*a j OffitiPi va 9®a RN®Mka-aR | k. M . 4 *#®Aa ri ® «Aia® kROAhNIi iqi Afkji ai Tt if iv» «rtr«r* ia | c«niN> HmmM* bm M CriNb m* ririn-n ■—« T®a o®l ®**R* wwmi *o® •lit* fsm mriam to tni* *Vsri hav* - loon Imnrt. bari M*t aro ngprirtlririj ihMb TIM HAN FIN M) THEM. Mb CiraMn* CibiH AH** Amay Nntri*. Jai Iwaifl: iba , IMS. St (Vd t, M TMMnaa. *f tbe Frri flnath Oudkn renimewt a* 5cM ••re* la® t®a ®af ®aa ®VM*a ova® taa tiMv tat i®a i«m*!®» mttrvmm*'** *®» mapw «*f t tlif* T®ie4 |i i nan® At Paaaiaa V ®a*; 1 OinitwM iMm ta *4 Ifrirvrr a##®'t* ®t «h* •wa! ta t®» aoNttwa. fHaahNHta, If®®®*] |«r«e I«»iaa. *wa. ®ai»- ht»f%vw. I ®rka vßontiA (ptttrtftv ®4tv aa® a t * iir 11 of vtatlUr ftftt* ®®vr tava r„«,„i wn<i .«*riacnled TV-ee were WS4 ®» tkv I > ri'p»tq of I®VN Nbithi ft® Fl cbdn** for m*to®*y tot «#Vf vuwMlw Ride uloorty lew pflrve were lln hat" bee* paid Thus fr given j for n new pair «ri Ibe hen* aboe* fur-. ' nlebed by tpe gseemmim aad Ibe same I for l rouse re lOri. Tillman e*len-l>-d hie mlda tn give* ta tbe vicinity of ibe rtmis of. tbe Third dletrton re* I mew I* ta emnel •of I bear be fowled !■««<■ qoanilllee of i-wnaal—rv good* of «Mch tbe origi nal imckage bad nol been broken A large mirk of Ibe bee! mdTee waa nought by on# negro for tar. and n*ber supplies were pur- based at tidimlourtr low raise These glaroveriea sugars! that some person nr persons havr been mlepproprialln# goods commuted to l heir rare They may a too account for tbe abort allowance of rations that baa caused rompiaint In aoms of the regiments. Tbe mailer will be Invea-1 tlgatsd. .^L fr« Do you Eat ? Try ELLIS RESTAURANT. Carrollton Free Press: T. R. Earn «M. now living up noar Mount Zion, has a garden which be saya he has tman using for forty-aavtvi years, and it |a a better garden no wtban ever. It la about oue-lhird of an acre and Mr Karnes! thinks It would make one bole of cotton. Glencoe, 111., Jan. 17. Please send Wine of Cardui books to the ladies whose names I enclose. Wine of Cardui and Black- Draught have given me great relief, and I will see these ladies personally and explain how they ! can be benefited. MRS. MARY RANKIN. THE FIRST ICE MACHINE t n Attva Im to* w m (<Boo* ft Ha iiiaai. m tasavtari wnri I tadririMtari m *>• a dhiMi §4. *i|j . ta * r&* *4 • *®® : tri 414 RUV'OO®# 1 |b* im * VMHI al ®®v Mb fkv ®atf® T®a ®*®f® TW mmsm ®l® *+ *i^ ■ . mmm ■)*«*• im# Am«NV If* faHaff RE® ® Nv M® Va W gaaaaa a ®*va#iaa R® lof A qqirtq a®4 vla»v l>* rt TV V’aai *a * ®«a®«a of «4**®f <®R* ®WR®®f®*#®#® •pa® ia®a •€ V® aaat® aa®. va* w I *bm m ll® s***+ ®f •* 1,1 i la® a i®ar® •aHVaI *VR®# ®®a a»a jmi ormM®® «® atMalala® irtik al hr* tmm ItUio rswlUe tbe vaiws of the i predwrt dattbg Iks irwgblnmi days u* IM.* The asms of Major Oirarda * how Id nevor be Rapt: ten by lbs mmibern (*mp|s for Inventing lb* Ira machine eve* though bl* many saber sallant and grand deed* did **ri «hla» I* re ' membrane* at 'hat worthy ana at tri* j south Robbed tba Ol*n. A startling inc-idewt. «# wbleb Mr ijoba triivsv. es Phlled-ipbia was Ibe j euhjert. I* narrated by bim a# fotlewa: [ I waa In a moat dreadful nmdttbm. My ehia was iJnvsl yellow, eyee suab le*. lOMUe eoated, futln eontlnunlt* I* t, a . k and Sides, wo api>etlte gradually (growing weaker day by day. Three I hvsb lane bad given blm up Fortun |ataty, a friend advtaed trying IBecirb j Hitters ’ and to my great Joy and sur urtse. Ibe tlrel Mile made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man I know they saved my life and robbed Ibe grave of another victim ** No one should tail to try them Italy ta rants per bottle at Howard a Wlllsi'a. DROWNED. Bad tragedy Occur* la tba Vicinity ri rincon. Maron, Os , slept t* —George Pale thorp, a 15-year-old lad. who lived with his nldowed mother here, and was her only child, waa dtown.-d while bathing In a pond near Gamp Price Hunday Hevt-ral soldier* were with hint, and in at tempting to rescue him. one of them narrowly escaped drowning. Tbe Imdy waa quickly recovered, but hla as sociate* did not understand resuscita tion. and Palethorp waa beyond re covery lieforr •nlutinie arrived. The water In ibe pond was not deep lluw tbe drowning occurred I* a mys tery to all who witnessed the young man's struggles. Excursion to Atlanta Saturday. Oct. 1, by Sixth I Georgia Regiment Band. Two days in Atlanta to see the soldiers. Fare $ 1.95. WEALTH FROM KLONDIKE. Two Columbus Men Have Struck It Rich. Columbus, Oa,. Sept. **.—M. M. lllrnch. president of the barrel factory, received a letter today, bringing the news that his nephews, Kdln nnd Otto Lewln. had struck It rich In th« Klon dike gold Welds. Kdwin has reached New York, bringing a large fortune In gold dust and nuggets, while hla broth er remain* working their claim In the Klondike. Kdwin has Just left New York to return to the Klondike. Both have already taken large fortunes from their claims. Smith & Wesson pistols from 15 to fg.r.O. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from 91. 25 to kMt.OO at Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. HEPHZIBAH NOTES. Hephztbah, Sept. 28. Mr. W. H. Briggs of Poverty Hill, 9. C., has ren ted a dwelling here and will soon move in the village. Mrs. R. E. Broadwater returned yesterday from her home In Rehobeth, S, C. Miss Annie Willie Flushes leaves for Savannah tomorrow, where she will spend some time with Mrs. J. E, Ben son. Mr. J. E. Hollingshead. represent ing The Chronicle, spent the night in the village. A daughter of Austin Dobson, the English poet, has been sent as a mis sionary to India by the United Social slonary to India by the United States Social Settlements tor Universi ty women. I ONE THEATRE TICKET AHD A HALF N h with elaven i §nt*» to ipare an ba bought witK th« money that buy OCR of tS Shoot Mve ovary tbna they |iurch*M> 4 pair of El woir* or Crotaolt‘i fma shoo* from ut. OUR PRICE »3.30 , Gentleman. •ao thorn Jo our window*. They aro booutioo. MULHERIN’S 840 Broad Street Tlwia ®t® Dp® t*®R« ®«»| loM I® ®®f®a • t«® tTniiin f *1 ®ffitiiglTT» «®o dot®. t cvdl ®f 111® Y oa®o®oo % w*®fea« a®4 la®ao«9®a? * * ®®a® ®o oa.fa m I® ®®f dais ao a ®al)a® ®o Adi®#® life® A®- I oioaoii®® |® «*'9*.* ®t ; '® #w®MSf®®ll®®. t® tfera at life® far# *®at ®®K *®o ®m®- , okklHß ®f <*«®a h nO®»oMI of ®MlAal ■ | ha®® ®f aa«9nr* ®®a gtaaiiy ®aa® l®« ' ta r*h® ta ®ia«i a®Hi®t on®® ®®fea®j I fkHr a*®® jm®|4® COOPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY COIPJNY H>w ItwwA'fWA itotr >■ astnsas •»4 «■! »• MKMkIW PluNAlil nUMM m*4 T T CUM Ml NO. u«4m Imm, wto •Ml lMmn»f «tl«l Ik* bulk*** in alt It* braarkee lIKITV Of UI'AUTT iM TOU WTO OUT iwl MKMM HK will to |k* Irsdlßg .ha I •<-<*« let Ira .4 IMI MIMMMM. Ttolf »«•! of Hard and IWI Cool u 4 oak aa4 11a* Wood la to* aar|W*»a< aajr •tore. Trial mAwi art larMed. FRASER & CUMMINQ, Lessees BELL TELEPHONE INI ETROWI.EK TELEPHONE uft OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIQIi'S CRYSTAL PALACE BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE £t£s—Bo9BroadStreet. liSTABLISHED ißg». J jASH AND BLINDS, S Rough and Dressed —*■*% / W PINE LUMBER < MILL WORK 0F ollcription. > equipped with latest improTsmant*, and organiza- f •partiuent. Full llna in stock, anti prampt ,lu P" f 'alaloguaa, atr., upon Application. ,% aciuring Company, AiinsU. Gaj ✓ ■ ""-a Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... pei Cord Good Dry Pine P er £ on ! Good Dry Pine, long, . • • $2.7$ per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Btrawger 'i’ll one 74a------ - BeU ’Fbo®a AU. o«rr«M®iN aa taw giriiigal <b*•*•** bass bstan . • s»«gaatari M IMlMtatav dartrifl Nrvj t >®ra Wi4 a nt riotrini ares*. H ta> ■an* Ml • •*.: tart tan of Iris •<*• of (is. aan * Adtabal Ibart tar *M «f *hs Hr** ] taen M (ta« MM* tri* MW. and lIM Mp are lhs< ha prapMi in ris [ Iri* tart tana In taa rat If J ArittaO Itarta* rmniri .*«rv«a4 Hi MnMtas ria rtMMri amp psetnu til* sata* Mi Iri* vtriflta. nod »♦«* M pin In |-»4* ' . la *aw man In*. Mm of aar frtaa koaull** ar* Ilk ram* and dlaaar im« Om n {k aa astl Bllorajil i* paaad It* rainbow, aa la toacrtto all IMI good quantise. The war (tor a** Bak ina ia a rout ion to ttoaa wto Irvaad purr base «toa (tor eaa to had tot -g»I In* *oma * ,«n»Uma " Mallar pur cbiaa wh»w (tor can to tod tar ruck law prices ta at ara offering (toat. Aa tor glass tv arr. nwtow, lampa Ar lima and Innguars faU na ta tad at tbs wonders that ws sail Deal fer al that aar aere prloaa will kaa* ram aaal. Rrmsmbrr lbs plaaa